• Published 27th Feb 2013
  • 3,926 Views, 151 Comments

Macintosh of Arabia - Crisis_Vyper

Big Macintosh......a simple pony managing a fairly simple family business. But when this order of business brought him to the dunes of Saddle Arabia where the laws of the land are utterly foreign to him. As things gets from bad to worse, who could he

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A Sight For Sore Eyes

Although the sandstorm had forced them to take shelter in the cavern for three days, but it proved to be a blessing in disguise to the caravan. They are able to conserve their energy a lot more and prevent dehydration as a result of the shade. Also , since they are in the cavern while the storm is raging on, there will be no raiders nor Sand Jackals coming for them. For the first time in a while the caravan is taking their much needed rest. Big Macintosh is just glad that he could rest his body, but he is still worried that the group as a whole did not have much water left.

During this moment of fitful bliss, Big Macintosh could not help but to observe the Saddle Arabians. Quite a number of them are now looking around the cavern as if there is some prize to be won. Some of them are knocking their hooves on the walls of the caverns, while others are digging around the ground to find something. Soon enough one of the started cheering, and said something. Immediately a number of the caravan members are already on the scene where the cheer originated. Big Macintosh could not help but to pass through the crowd, curious about this particular commotion.

Once he had gone through the crowd, he noticed that a small filly is smiling as the other adults are nuzzling the filly's mane with their hooves. As he turned to look to the source of the excitement, he could now see several plant-like vines protruding from the walls with many leaves sprouting out of it. The leaves are unlike anything he had ever seen before, for they looked more like large and fat blue bells. Soon enough the other Saddle Arabians are now cutting down the bells and the caravan members in the scene started to carry the bells and started distributing them among the rest.

Big Macintosh is not getting it at all. What is with this plant? Why are they so happy to see the plant? However his question is answered when one of the stallions turned the bell-like plant and started to use a small dagger to punch a hole in it. One of the mares came up and opens up her large water flask, and the stallion poured the contents into the flask. To Big Macintosh's surprise, there is a lot of liquid coming out from the bell and the drinking pouch is slowly filling up the flask with the live-sustaining liquid. Another mare started to line up behind the first mare, and soon enough there is already a line of five Saddle Arabians to each bell. It was then that Big Macintosh begins to walk back to his flask to get his fill of the liquid.

As he reached his baggage he could feel a pull down his robes again. Turning down, he comes face to face with the little filly, Fatimah.

"Hello there, Fatimah."
"Would you like to come with me to get water from the Maa-Aini?"
"The what now?"Once again, the language caught Big Macintosh offguard. As he raised one of his eyebrows, the little filly realized that Big Macintosh do not speak the language of the Saddle Arabians. The little filly gives a small cough before she speaks.
"The Water Flower. It's that large blue bell plant thing." Big Macintosh do not know what expression that all the females are showing under their veil, and this is a rather odd situation for him.
"Oh sure thing. Lead the way." Big Macintosh gives his best sincere smile, and the little filly is now jumping for joy. Soon enough the little filly is dragging him with her after he took his flask. As he is led to his destination, he could see that many of them are now taking a large gulp from their flask. It was not long before the red stallion could hear the sultry and regal accented voice of the Sheikh calling his name.

"My friend Big Macintosh! So glad of you to join us!" The Sheikh gives Big Macintosh a hug.
"Pleasure's all mine." Big Macintosh said.
"You are in luck, you are the last one for the water-giving of the Maa-Aini." The significance of the subtle rituals of the Saddle Arabians are lost on Big Macintosh, and this time Big Macintosh decided against asking the Sheikh about it.

As he slowly walks up to a white stallion holding the weird plant thing, Big Macintosh opens up his flask, and allow the stallion to pour the liquid into the flask. Big Macintosh could see that the liquid is utterly clear, which surprises him as he was expecting some kind of juice coming out from the plant. As the flask starts to fill up, Big Macintosh wonders if this plant could be cultivated or it is one of those weird 'Everfree' plants like the Zap Apples where you can only wait for it to come and then harvest it. Before long, the flask is filled up, and without any hesitation Big Macintosh decided to take a large gulp from the flask. Immediately, the farmpony's eyes are wide with surprise and he takes the flask away from his mouth and turns to the Sheikh.

"Mah word! This is pure cold iced water! How?!?" The Sheikh started laughing while Fatimah started giggling.
"The Maa-Aini is a very magical plant. Would that be a sufficient explanation for you my friend?"
"Why don't we just take a few of this and just carry it with us?" Big Macintosh asked, aware of the plant's value in this environment.
"The coldness only last for thirty minutes after you cut it off of the plant, and the water will all disappear within the plant unless we pour it out to a container. Besides, we should keep some for some other caravans that may get stuck in here." Big Macintosh could only be amazed by the generosity and kindness of the Sheikh to the other caravans. Soon enough, another cheer could be heard, and the Sheikh smiled.

"Well, the sandstorm have stopped. It is time to leave."

It has been twelve days since they left the caverns into the wilderness of Saddle Arabia, and now Big Macintosh could see that every Saddle Arabian is even more stoic than before. Big Macintosh is now down to his last few droplets of water, and if this goes on anymore he might pass out from the exhaustion like that time where Applejack was forced to buck every apple by herself or worse....

As the sun slowly falls, one of the Saddle Arabians started shouting out loud, and Big Macintosh realized that the stoic nature of the Saddle Arabians is replaced with an atmosphere of relief and unbridled excitement. The stallions are now smiling, while the mares now started to chatter among themselves and the foals started to giggle and laugh. What is going on, the red farmpony asked himself. Before long, the group is now moving faster than they were before, and the walk becomes a trot, and the trot becomes a gallop. Before long, Big Macintosh is forced to gallop with the rest of the Saddle Arabians, and soon he found out the source of their excitement.

He could see several palm trees in the middle of the desert, and Big Macintosh wonders what on earth are those trees doing out here in the middle of nowhere. As he gets closer, he could see even more trees, and soon enough his eyes catches the presence of bushes as well. Suddenly it clicked in the farmpony's head; if there are trees that means that there is water. A sense of euphoria now envelops the red stallion, and now he finds himself galloping towards this apparent miracle with a big smile on his face. Before long he could not believe his own eyes, thinking that they are deceiving him.

A large lake as pristine and clear as sapphire sparkled with the reddish colors of the setting sun, further enhancing the beauty of the lake. Lush vegetation could be seen everywhere, from the mighty palm trees to the humble bushes like a laurel around the lake. Last but not least, Big Macintosh could also see a variety of animals and birds around the lake, peacefully existing in this paradise in the middle of the dune. But then, the crowd's enthusiasm slowly died down, and Big Macintosh could see why; there are a large encampment already there in this area. Big Macintosh is feeling the anxiety in the air that immediately replaced the excitement and optimism from before. As the mood becomes darker, Big Macintosh could not help but to wonder if they will have to fight for this pristine paradise.

It was then that one of the Saddle Arabians started blowing what sounded like a horn, and the silence after that was nerve-wrecking. As the murmurs of the Saddle Arabians resonated in the air, the stallions are now brandishing their scimitars. The feeling of fear and anxiety builds up, and soon enough it becomes so unbearable that some of the foals are now crying. Big Macintosh, tries to swallow his anxiety, but his throat is too dry for him to even do so and the anxiety that is within his throat is now stuck, making him almost breathless

It was then that another horn could be heard from within the oasis. The Saddle Arabians are now talking with each other, relieved and but yet worried about the current encampment within the oasis. At least that is what Big Macintosh would like to think to himself. Soon enough as one, the caravan enters the oasis and it was then that The Sheikh appears by his side again.

"My friend, would you like to accompany me to meet this other caravan?"
"Come again, Abu Hamza?"
"It would be more prudent if we were to bring you with us, and at least let the other caravan know that we truly mean no harm." Big Macintosh now remembers that that means there could be a leader in the other caravan, and now Big Macintosh is to participate in this meeting for the safety of all the members of Abu Hamza's caravan. Not like he got a choice when the Sheikh is asking him nicely. The red stallion sighed.
"Alright, lead the way." As Big Macintosh follows the Sheikh, another has also joined them. Big Macintosh recognized as the black camel from the battle and the time where the Sand Jackals stalked them. It seems that the recognition is mutual. The Sheikh, aware of the recognition that both have of each other, decided to speak up.
"Ah it seems that you have met Amanar, the leader of my Janissary. Amanar, this is Big Macintosh of Equestria." The black camel gives an approving nod to the red stallion.
"Amanar thank Big Macintosh for look out my back, Big Macintosh of Equestria. Amanar now watch Big Macintosh back." The black camel said to Big Macintosh in broken Equestrian, and with a curt nod Big Macintosh reciprocated.
"No problem, Amanar and thanks pard'ner for looking out for mine with the Sand Jackals."

As they walked through the caravan, it appears that all the members of the Sheikh's caravan are now watching the trio. The trio now navigated themselves out from the crowd and right in front of them, they could see that there is another trio have also emerged from the other caravan's encampment. The leading figure is a rather bulky blue stallion with a long beard and a black turban decorated with a feather from a peacock. Like the Sheikh, he is clad in a pure white robe with a black cloak over his frame. To the bulky stallion's right is a brown camel with red eyes dressed in the exact fashion as that of Amanar. It was when he looked to the left of the other Sheikh that caused much surprise to Big Macintosh's surprise.

Standing to the left of the leader of the other caravan, Big Macintosh sees a light amaranthish gray-maned pony with brilliant blue eyes like those of the lake beside them, and her white coat gave her a radiant presence among the trio of representatives from the other encampment. She is dressed in a white dress with the same design as the other Saddle Arabian mares, but instead she did not cover her face with a veil like the others. Instead, the pony is displaying her nurse's hat emblazoned with a red medical cross with hearts in each corner and her pink mane is tied up in a bun. She is definitely not harsh to the eyes, in fact she is elegantly gorgeous but what surprises Big Macintosh more than anything is not that the mare is allowed to participate in this meeting, but that he knows this mare. Big Macintosh wants to greet this familiar pony by name but then his lips decided to cut her name short and made plans of its own.

"HELLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO NURSE!" BIg Macintosh could not control his mouth when he uttered an almost lustful catcall to the mare, catching everyone by surprise. Turning even redder than usual, Big Macintosh covered his mouth with his hooves. The mare giggled before she speaks in a calm and collected manner, smiling at the red stallion.
"Hello there Big Macintosh, it is definitely nice to meet you here."
"Eeyup." Big Macintosh said sheepishly. Soon enough the leaders of both the caravans turned to their Equestrian counterparts and both Equestrians are ready to answer some questions.

"You know that Equestrian?!?" Both the Equestrians answered their hosts in a similar fashion, albeit with a slight variation.
"Yes, Big Macintosh used to be a patient of mine back in Ponyville."
"Eeyup, Nurse Redheart used to be mah nurse back in Ponyville."

Both of the leaders of the caravans, satisfied with the answer of their Equestrian charge now stared at each other, the gray eyes of Sheikh Abu Hamza meeting the dark magenta of the other Sheikh's eyes. Before long, both of the Sheikhs took a step forward and stared at each other a little more. They then took out the pendant with the swirly symbols from their robes, whom Big Macintosh recognized as the symbol of Abu Hamza's clan. Although they looked the same to the red stallion, the two Sheikhs would know what to look out for in those weird swirly symbols. There was an awkward silence for a moment before both Sheikhs smiled and decided to hug each other, The two leaders of the caravan soon begin to talk to each other in their own tongue in a jovial manner. The two Sheikhs beckons both their Equestrian charges and their head Janissary to meet them. Both Nurse Redheart and Big Macintosh looked at each other, being utterly puzzled by these series of events. Once they are both beside the Sheikhs, the two leaders decided to open up with the introductions.

"Nurse Redheart, Latif, I would like for you to meet Sheikh Abu Hamza bin Mohammad Hishamudin! It is good to see another clanspony!" Sheikh Abu Hamza smiled before he continue on with the introductions.
" Big Macintosh, Amanar, this is Sheikh Fahd bin Mohammed. He is from the same clan as I am ."
"Mighty nice to meet ya, Sheikh Fahd."
"Oh no, the pleasure is all mine! Any friend of a clanspony is a friend of mine!" The burly stallion started giving a hearty laughter. The two Janissary continued to stare at each other before they knocked their heads together and then started smiling at each other. Big Macintosh and Nurse Redheart were caught off-guard with this gesture, but the Sheikhs looked upon them with a smile.
"Ah, the Janissary Salam! it seems that both our Janissary knew one another. This is a surprise."
"Indeed, this is truly a joyous occasion! Let's celebrate this with a feast!" The burly stallion said with joy in his voice. He then called out something in their tongue and soon enough the rest of Fahd's caravan emerges from their tents and a flurry of activity and greetings are exchanged between the two caravan. As the chatter continue on, both Nurse Redheart and Big Macintosh looked at each other with a smile on their face.

"So Nurse Redheart, this is where yer at all this time. Was wonderin' about it for a time."
"Well my job brings me to where I am needed the most. Shall we catch up as they get ready?" Nurse Redheart gives a tender smile to Big Macintosh, instantly lighting up his heart.
"Ah would appreciate that." Perhaps this journey is not that bad after all, Big Macintosh thought.