• Published 27th Feb 2013
  • 3,926 Views, 151 Comments

Macintosh of Arabia - Crisis_Vyper

Big Macintosh......a simple pony managing a fairly simple family business. But when this order of business brought him to the dunes of Saddle Arabia where the laws of the land are utterly foreign to him. As things gets from bad to worse, who could he

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The First Night At The Palace

The minarets with its flower bud-like domes and the intricate carvings of vines and upon the columned bases of the palace could be seen, and Big Macintosh's earlier curiosity about the subtler details on the vines are answered when his eyes could see the minute carvings of the swirly designs of Saddle Arabian writings, blooming flowers and carvings of many different kinds of exotic birds perching on the vines gives it a much more complicated and beautiful image in the red stallion's head. The walls that he had seen earlier on are also carved with the prevalent plant motifs, fruit motifs and animal motives that he could see throughout the capital.

As they speed past the hall into the palace courtyard, they could see many lush gardens of trees and flowering plants interlacing the many waterfalls and small ponds within, giving it a rather paradisaical view. However, Big Macintosh could see that there are armed guards upon the wall with a rather large conical barrel upon the wall that they just flew past, with what appears to be metal balls beside the barrel-like object. Nurse Redheart's attention is elsewhere, for she could see a bright gaping hole in the otherwise perfect structure, and as the carpet gets closer she realized that the hole is actually an arched gateway, an entrance into the otherwise solid structure.

As they entered into the gateway, Nurse Redheart's eyes were greeted by the splendid interior that would put even the Canterlot castle into shame. As with the external decorations, there are many plant-like motifs carved into the structure, but instead each of the flower petals are a lapidary of precious and semiprecious gemstones. It was then that Nurse Redheart realized that the white stone of the structure is actually marble of the finest quality,structure and the mortared areas of the marble buildings have been stained or painted in a contrasting colour, creating geometric patterns of considerable complexity. The floors and walkways are inlaid with contrasting tiles or blocks in tessellation patterns, creating a very complex but pleasing view. The white mare could only marvel at how much marble is used to create this impossible.

"Presenting Sheikh Abu Hamza bin Mohammad Hishamudin, The Custodian of Al-Barna of the Remal al-Sahra Al-Khayl clan and Sheikh Fahd bin Mohammed, The Custodian of Latis from the Remal al-Sahra Al-Khayl clan. Also in this entourage are Big Macintosh, Son of Apple, Nurse Redheart, Daughter of Tenderheart, and Vinyl Scratch, Daughter of Disco from Equestria." The Equestrians turn to the source of the voice speaking in Equestrian, and they see a petite terracotta stallion with white robes that reach the group with bell sleeves, wearing a tall conical headress.

As the carpet descends upon the main acceptance chamber of the palace, Vinyl notices an entourage of armed equines escorting a very tall but thin Saddle Arabian in white robes that reach the ground overtop a blue-teal garment with bell sleeves. Underneath this second garment, the equine wears yet another shirt, this one white with very close-fitting sleeves that reach his wrists. The shoulders of his outer robe are pointed and connect to a long, billowing white cape with a icy blue interior. A turquoise sash is tied around his waist. He also wears an odd, light-colored garment that covers his neck, the back of his head, and his chest. He sports a distinctive white headdress, with a thin, yellow pattern wrapping around the middle, what seems to be a ruby set in the front, and a bright blue feather placed just above it. More turquoise cloth hangs from the headress. The facial features of this particular bony and tall stallion are long and narrow, his eyes heavily lidded. His thin beard and mustache gives the stallion a certain edge to the stallion, a distrustful edge to be exact. It does not help when the stallion started to speak to the entourage, as his voice is slippery and cold causing the Equestrians to look at him with distrust.

"Welcome Lords of the South and esteemed guests to the Palace of the Blossoming Lotus" The thin stallion bows and greets the entourage in Equestrian. The armed equines soon spread out to form two lines, forming a path.
"Thank you for receiving us, Grand Vizier." Sheikh Fahd bows in return.
" We shall arrange for a Grand Council of the Elders in which your proposals shall be considered. The council shall be held tomorrow. You will be led to your accommodations and shall be treated with the best of care." The thin stallion the proceed to walk away from the entourage down the hallway along with his bodyguards. Soon enough the entourage is led to their quarters, flanked by the armed equines.

"Our reception is highly unusual."

Sheikh Abu Hamza said quietly, even though they are in the relative safety of their quarters. The quarters is grand and comfortable, putting to shame many of the highest-rated penthouses in Equestria. The Equestrians and the Sheikhs are sitting in a circle around the warm, bright gem that lights up the room.Nurse Redheart is now looking at the light brown stallion quizzically at the light stallion's comment. There is nothing wrong with the reception in her opinion, but then the light brown Sheikh contiinued on, for the sake of the white nurse mare.

"It is the role of the Emir to personally greet anyone that enters the palace, but this time we have the Grand Vizier greeting us. There is something going on here that we do not know of....." The light brown Sheikh frowns, before the other Sheikh started speaking.
"Personally I do not even trust that long-faced stallion, as you can see that he is a Al-Dhannam clanspony from a single glance." Sheikh Fahd said in a hushed voice
"How the buck did you even know what clan is he from?" Vinyl asked the burly Sheikh, with her eyebrow raised. The burly Sheikh could only look at the blue-maned mare with a great amount of disbelief.
"Didn't you notice the complexion of the Stallion? His arrogant posture? His sharp speech?" The blue Sheikh is almost yelling as he points out what he thinks are perhaps the most obvious things in the world in detecting an al-Dhannam equine. Vinyl could only squint her eyes in equal disbelief at the burly stallion.
"You ponies are crazy! You all look the same to me! " However, Big Macintosh is taciturn, watching everything around him. He could see that the Janissary bodyguards are still looking around alertly, and he wonders if there is some trap in the room. It was then that Big Macintosh decided to ask the question that is bugging him a little during their entire time in the capital.

"Ya know, Ah wanted to ask somethin' about them Yenny-Serry and those armed ponies.....what's up with that? They hate each other or somethin'?"
"Do you want theatrics with that, my friends?" Abu Hamza said with a smile.
"Sure, I want to see how metal your stories can get Sheikhseph...." Vinyl challenges the Sheikh. It was then that Vinyl gets the first-hand experience of the great storytelling skills of the light brown Sheikh......

"So it seems that those two have brought some Equestrians with them, " The Grand Vizier said to himself as he walks along the dark hallways, looking rather displeased with his bodyguards of Eternals, "This is an inconvenience......the Grand Council of Elders will not be happy about this at all. No, no, they will not be at all." It was then that the Grand Vizier's bodyguards stopped, and this causes alarm in the equine. Before long, the Eternals are now aiming their spears at the darkness, and the Vizier could only wonder who could be so foolish to try and attack a Grand Vizier with his bodyguards of Eternals by his side. However, to the Vizier's horror he could see a figure coming out from the darkness.

The figure is almost ghost-like, the figure covered by black robes and a hood obscuring its features. The figure walks closer to them in an almost feline-like grace and silence for the Vizier could hear no hoofsteps at all. It was then that the figure raised one of his forehooves and points it at the group. The Vizier could only wonder what is going on until he realized that the Eternals are now pointing their spears at him. Each one of the Eternals are trying their hardest to resist the compelling force of the figure, their body shivering and twitching as they struggled. Realizing that he is effectively without anyone to help him, the Grand Vizier could only feel a sense of dread throughout his whole body.

As the figure comes closer to the Grand Vizier, he could see that this figure is truly a giant for the figure is truly three heads above the equine and the Grand Vizier knows that he is much taller than any average stallion by a head. As the figure finally pulls back his hood, the Grand Vizier could only see a white, almost faceless mask looking back at him, the mask painted with two soulless eyes that are now staring into his soul. The Grand Vizier could only whimper as he realized that he is about to be killed by this apparition. But then the figure starts talking to him in a very sinister voice, that sounds like both a mare and stallion talking at the same time, as serene and dark as the deepest abyss. It was with abject horrific realization that the voice is actually in his mind, further sealing the otherwordly fear of the Vizier towards the figure.

Good evening Grand Vizier, how are you doing this fine evening?, the figure asked in a rather polite manner, which instead of easing the stallion, it only caused him to be even more threatened by the figure.
"I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I....." The stallion could only stutter as the figure looks at him, tilting its head as it tries to figure out what troubles the stallion so.
What's the matter......cat caught your tongue?
"I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-Ieeeeeeeeeee....."The Vizier is now squealing from the overwhelming fear that he have for the figure with tears in his eyes, and this is not lost on the figure as well. The figure could only sigh and puts his arm on the figure. The Vizier dared not open his eyes as he could feel the hooves.....unfortunately for the stallion, he could not feel a hoof on his shoulder but instead he could feel what feels like a paw with hooves at the end of the paw.The unnatural feeling is entirely breaking the mind of the Vizier. It was then that the figure speaks to the figure, this time the voice no longer in his mind.

"Let's make this easier shall we? My dear Grand Vizier, I have an offer you can not refuse......." The figure said sinisterly, knowing full well that he had the Vizier within his grasp......

"Whoa.......that's hardcore. How'd you do that?" Vinyl said to the light brown Sheikh after he finished his tale, as little Fatimah is already sleeping peacefully by his side, snoring quietly. The tale of valor, courage, and selflessness of the Sheikh's predecessors in stopping an waging war between a mad Emir and the camel tribes that caused the desert to flow with a continuous river of blood for a few days is definitely Vinyl's cup of tea and even more amazingly the story actually flahes in her mind like a television set.
"Every Sheikh wants a Janissary as a bodyguard for their are stronger and more loyal than any equine, but alas they will have to settle for second-rate soldiers in the form of the Emir! Our clan are the only ones with Janissary and they can eat it!" The burly sheikh started laughing, with a smile on his face. Nurse Redheart could only raise an eyebrow over this particular tale, though even she admits that she really enjoyed the story.The father of the little filly soon carries his daughter to her sleeping quarters to tuck her in bed, taking his leave gracefully and satisfied that he had once again enthralled his audience.

However, no one in the room realizes Big Macintosh's mind working overtime to ask the question that plagued his mind all this time. But instead of answering his own question, he now have more of his own questions to answer for. This will result in one heck of a sleepless night for the farmpony to his great annoyance. It is sad indeed to say that Big Macintosh had the pieces, but not in the right order.

Big Macintosh's question is a very simple but yet difficult one; Is there more than meets the eye?

Within the chambers of the Emir....

An old figure could be seen the large balcony extending itself from the royal chambers, an almost whitish grey stallion standing under the moonlight. His heavily lined face with a long mustache that is white as the moonlight is looking upon the city with glazed pale greyish eyes. The stallion's physique suggest that he was once a very strong and powerful stallion, though his body had wasted away to such an extent that his body could have buckled under his own weight if he were not careful enough. Emir Shaddam Khalifah the Fourth of the Al-Shikal clan is utterly devoid of life as he stood there looking at Aqqabasta. Suddenly a deep and serene serpentine voice asked the Emir from the darkness within the chambers.

What troubles you my liege?

"Who are you? Are you here to take my life?" His voice reedy and frail as his body and is filled with great sadness. The stallion asked the shadow in a very confident manner, not even afraid of the presence of a potential assassin in the room. The Emir did not even bother to move from where he is to meet this disembodied voice.
No my liege, I am not here to take your life......I am here to help you...., The Voice speaks back, as calm as the rivers surrouding the capital.
"Help me? I do not need help."
If you do not need help, then why are you miserable my liege?, The Voice asked the Emir, in a sweetly calming voice, but with hints of malice in his voice. The stallion did not move from where he stands, and there was a great silence between the two for a moment. The silence was broken with a very heart-wrenching voice coming from the Emir.

"Why had my joy left me to suffer this pain all alone?" Although his face is taciturn and stoic, but a glimmer of a tear running down from the Emir's cheeks is all that is needed in conveying this emotion within. The Emir could only remember his pride and joy from the time he was born to the moment where the Emir had heard the terrible news of the fate of his son along with his daughter-in-law and their child. More tears start to trickle down his cheeks, before it becomes a continuous stream.
You know the answer to that question yourself my liege....., the voice said with certainty, though it is also filled with manipulative, lying tones. This is lost upon
" It is the fault of my subjects.....they left them to die in the deserts." The lachrymose mood of the frail reedy voice answered, his voice almost breaking from the sadness within his heart. The Voice soon begins to comfort the old man, sounding very caring and soothing, but at the same time as venomous and cold as a snake's venom.

There, there now my liege, do not cry......... I will be there for you, soothing your pain, you do not need to do anything else......I will never leave you behind, I promise you this.......The Voice is insidious, beguiling and most importantly; sinister. However this is lost upon the stoic old stallion, as he begins to trust the voice in his room in his grief. The old stallion's voice brightens up as he speaks. The Voice is now chuckling a little, enjoying this moment like a fine sip of wine.

"Yes....yes... My family is my food and water.....and since they are gone, I have no one else. Do you promise that you will stay with me?" The old stallion utters, with a brief tint of happiness and bliss in his voice before the old stallion is silent again.
Fear not, for you need to do nothing else but to be with me, and I will always be with you my liege......., The Voice chuckled reassuringly. The Emir could only have a smile on his face as he heard the sweet comforts of the voice in his room. Soon the voice is gone, leaving the old stallion alone to stare at the city under the moonlight. It was then that a glow of a red eye could be seen upon the neck of the old stallion briefly before it disappears.......