• Published 14th Oct 2015
  • 11,611 Views, 1,478 Comments

Kingdom Hearts: Harmonic Connections - Mr Curious Writer

Master Yen Sid sends Sora to a world he's never been to to help an old friend of his and have him train there for a year to unlock abilities he never knew he had. However the darkness will hold many mysteries he & his new friends will have to solve.

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Super Late Christmas Special: Let it Snow

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Greetings reader, In light of the holiday spirit, we have decided to take this particular chapter out of chronological order and bring you it now. You might get an early sneak peek at some things yet to be mentioned in the story. Though, don’t expect I’d ruin all the fun that easily and give you too much of a look at them.

Happy Holidays from yours truly,

Mr. Curious Writer

Sora’s House, Ponyville

“You know, a moogle has to wonder, with all these pony holidays, the coincidences and similarities with ours is getting a little uncanny.” Sora and Mogson were at it again decorating their home for another Equestrian Holiday, Hearths Warming. Sora was obviously in his human form to make things easier. It was a few days before the event so it seemed like the perfect time for them to assimilate their home with the rest of the town for the event.

“Yeah, I see what you mean… But hey, they got some of their own. Like that running of the leaves thing. Last time I checked, no one races a dirt path to make leaves fall out there.” Sora pointed to the sky. He then returned to his work decorating their tree.

Mogson just shrugged. “I guess, but if Santa Claus shows up in the middle of the night on that day, I’m officially calling it Pony Christmas.” Mogson stated as he placed presents he made under the tree. Sora couldn’t help but take a look at it.

“Wow, got a gift for everyone?” Sora picked up one of them and looked at the label. “Even the Crusaders?”

“It’s my way of saying thanks to the little squirts. Oddly enough, they actually helped my business. So it’s only fair to show some appreciation about it.” The moogle replied as he expertly managed to get every last one of those gifts under the tree.

“Wow, that’s pretty thoughtful Mogson.” Sora smiled at him as he picked up another, that one had his name on it and he couldn’t help but put his ear against the box and shake it. However Mogson put an end to that real quick by flying by and taking it out of his hands and returning it to it’s proper spot.

“Yeah, well I am a very thoughtful person. I’m also a PATIENT one.” He gave Sora a look that made the boy glance away and chuckle sheepishly. “Besides, shouldn’t you be out getting presents for the others as well? We may be holding a party here for them, but that doesn’t mean you can skip out on giving them something as well.”

“Hey, I got all the gifts too. I just need to wrap them up is all.” Sora’s eyes shifted to the side.

“Mhmm… you got 3 days to “wrap” them and they better be meaningful. I know the saying “It’s the thought that counts” is a load of croc if all you got to show for them is air and a crudely made Holiday Card.” Mogson shook his head and put the star on top of the tree. “I’m gonna go check on the decorations outside… why don’t you go “wrap” your gifts” He laughed as he flew his way out.

“Hah, totally, yeah! Definitely….” Once he saw Mogson leave, he dashed to the stairs and practically flew up them. He got to his room and opened up his storage chest. “Come on! Where is it? Where is it?!” Things were being flung around the room until finally he gave a cheer and lifted something out of the chest and high above his head. “AHA!” In his hands looked like some sort of communication device, in fact it was the very same one Goofy and Donald gave them the last time they visited him in Equestria. He activated it and held it to the side of his face, the receiver by his mouth and the speaker by his ear. “Chip? Dale? You there? Pleeeease be there.”

He waited. And waited, and waited. Slowly but surely he was losing hope. Just when he was about to pull the thing away from his face he perked up when finally heard another voice.

“Hehe, H-heeeeyyyy, Chip. How’s things in the garage?”

……… The sounds of squeaky chatter could be heard from the device.

“Oh really? Well that’s just perfect cuz-”


“How’d you know?!” Sora seemed to be in shock.


Sora then dawned a sheepish look, rubbing the back of his head and chuckling nervously. “Yeah… When you put it that way, it does sound weird for me to call now, during the Christmas Season.”


“No! It’s just, lately things were a little hectic here in Equestria, and then there is Maleficent and Chrysalis and-”


Sora sighed. “R-right, no excuse. I get it, but can you please just help me out? I got like 3 days to get something for my friends here. Please, I just need a quick ride to some places out on the other worlds… Can you get Donald and Goofy to pop over real quick?”


“Merlin already left to who knows where once Twilight and Fluttershy completed their training. He said he’d visit now and then but it’s not like I can get a hold of him. So you just GOTTA Help me! PLEASE!” Sora begged.


Sora perked up beaming. “Yes! Thank you so much! I’ll get my things together now! You guys are the best, Chip. Say hi to Dale for me!” Sora immediately hung up and had a flair of determination on his face. He ran downstairs to grab some paper, quills and an inkwell. “Note to self, buy some pens before my trip ends.” He said as he stared at the feather, remembering those “inky accidents” whenever he would need to write something. “Ok, gotta make a list.” He started with writing down the names and creating a checklist. Then started making notes next to some of the names for those that he had a good idea on what to give them as a gift. Some others were either blank for him to come back to later, or it was obvious without taking notes for.

Either way it was the perfect time killer as after a long while of focusing on that list, he heard the familiar sounds of the Gummi Ship making a landing. He bolted out of his seat, grabbed the paper and stowed it away before nearly busting out the front gate. The first thing he noticed was Goofy cringing for half a second before he started smiling. “Sora! We came as soon as we could! It’s great to see ya again!” He then continued with a “A-hyuck” before going into his own unique, yet well known, Goofy laughter.

“Goofy! You guys made it!” He then stopped himself and looked around. “Wait… Where’s Donald?”

Goofy responded by simply looking at the door Sora previously flung open. When Sora decided to follow his gaze, he watched the door slowly creak back to it’s previous position in the doorway. On the wall the door was slammed against was a comically flat white duck in a blue half sailor-half wizard like outfit, one leg twitching and a dazed look in his eyes as he gave a groan of pain.

“Oooh, sorry Donald, hehe. I was kind of excited when I heard the ship and, well… Sorry… again.

“It’s great to see you to Sora….” Donald said in a sort of sarcastic way. Then again he was just hit by a door... Again. So he was having a moment of Deja Vu. “Let’s just get on the ship…”



Ahem, hello Dear Reader! Before we continue it is imperative that I explain what you will soon read after this. The time placement of this chapter leaves it to be past the area of “Just Friendship” and far beyond the borders into “Something more” So it seems that I will now have to show you how I will be tackling the Six love interests in this story. Now I’m sure you remember there were parts in the previous chapters that displayed this every now and then, and those will still continue. However, in order to go even further with the romance into more…. Well… Romantic things, I have created what will be known as “Love Paths”.

To explain, it will go something like this: Whenever there is a moment in the story where Sora’s “Love interest” can become a bit closer than just “one of the girls”. That point in the story will open up alternate paths to how the story will work for each “interest”. However once it ends, the the path will lead back to the story in a way where it ends up the same way as the other paths. This might not make much sense now so perhaps it would be easier to just demonstrate it. I shall do so with this chapter.

Things you need to know at the moment is that for Each path, their text will have their own color and at the start of each path, the Bearer’s Element will be displayed first so for those that didn’t want to read that particular Love path they can just Scroll down past it to the one they do want to see, or to get back to the story when they are done reading their pick(s).

(Picture owned by Evilbob0 of Deviantart)

Fluttershy was in her home at this time, wrapping up the gifts she had gotten for all her friends with Angel. This included all of her animal friends as well. There was A LOT of presents because of this, but the majority of them were filled with things specific animals would like. The basket of various assorted nuts was for Mr. Squirrel, and the special Carrot Cake she had hidden from Angel and wrapped up before said bunny could notice it. Of course she had gifts for her non animal friends as well. It was agreed between the girls, Sora, Mogson, Spike, and the Crusaders that they would give their gifts to one another at the party. It was perfect since she would be busy at the beginning of Hearths Warming Day, what with waking her animals and giving them their gifts along with the morning duties. She had a gift for everyone, even Mogson, whose gift was basket of berries. Mogson always seemed to like the berries she managed to pick up. However, it was difficult for her to decide on what to give Sora for awhile. What could she give such a stallion like Sora after all he’s done?

It was a bit worrisome for her at first and she had to really think about it. Then she would find it silly that she was thinking so hard about it. Sora was her friend. Surely whatever she gave him, he would appreciate it no matter what… And yet, she wanted to really try. She really wanted to to give him something meaningful. Something just for him. Finally she decided on a gift that would be perfect for him, and it would be something that she would love for him to have. Of course it required a little help from Mogson for it to work and it took awhile for the two fo them to get it just right. Now the gift laid in the box Mogson placed it in for her, ready to be wrapped.

When it came time to wrap the gifts up, she had decided to leave it for last. For some reason she felt a little giddy about it. She was also a little nervous about giving it to him. Even after all her self reassurance, she would still worry if he would actually want it, or if it would be a total waste. It was her self doubt rearing it’s ugly head again. However, nowadays It was lot more subdued than before. Another reason to give this gift to him, as thanks for helping her change for the better. With tender care and patience as she would have for any of her friends, be they pony or animal, she wrapped the gift in green wrapping paper along with a red ribbon and bow. Lifting it up to give it one final look, she couldn’t stop the tiny smile on her face or the warmth growing on her cheeks before she carefully placed it with the others. Now it seemed like three days of waiting for Hearth’s Warming would take too long for her, she needed a way to distract herself for now… Lunch! Yes It was almost time to make lunch for her animal friends. She trotted off to the kitchen with some bounce to her step. Everything just seemed so wonderful now for her.

(Picture owned by Evilbob0 of Deviantart)

Applejack has been keeping herself busy as always, even for Hearth’s Warming. Decoration set up, snow plowing, her usual farm duties that persist even during the winter months… And keeping herself in tip top form with her Gauntlets. She wasn’t gonna be caught off guard if those Heartless, Chrysalis, Maleficent, or the Beasts of Tartarus decided to wreck the holidays.

However, she wasn’t gonna be all work and no play either. She had every intention to enjoy the festivities like everypony else. And she had gifts to share with her family and friends. She was especially proud of the one she had set aside for Sora. Every other gift was easy for her to decide on. Sure some required a bit more legwork in the shopping district or for her to make them with her own two hooves, but she was at least confident in what the gifts themselves should be. However, she was compelled to give Sora something that he could really use, and practicality seemed like the way to go. The question was what? Couldn’t be a weapon, she was no blacksmith and that keyblade of his was all he really needed anyway. Buying Potions and Ethers for him was practical, but that seemed like a cheap way out and didn’t seem like it meant much with the appreciation she wanted to convey to the Keyblade wielder.

It had to be something that could last and wasn’t just some useless waste of space in his pockets. With this in mind, the only one she could turn to for help was Mogson himself. He was a merchant from the other worlds, no doubt he would have something, or at least an idea for her to go on. And not only did he have just that, but she could be there to aid in making it just how she would want it. This was a gift she could be proud of. It was made by her, with aid from a professional of course, but still made by her. From his approval of it, she knew that it would do it’s job well, and it wouldn’t be in the way.... She would every now and then catch herself feeling excited about giving it to him. Whenever this would happen she would clear her throat and try to hide the blush on her cheeks by pulling her hat down and focusing on whatever she was working on.

That feeling never went away though, it only grew stronger the closer the time got to the holiday. And she couldn’t help trying to imagine the look on his face when she would finally give it to him.

(Picture owned by Evilbob0 of Deviantart)

Pinkie Pie… If it’s fun or a celebration, this mare was all over it. In a sense you could say she was more prepared than Twilight, sans using a checklist of course. In terms of gifts she had it all taken care of long before anyone else. The perfect gifts for her family, the Cakes, her friends, heck even random strangers she had just met. The real question was where she hid them all. In Sora’s case she seemed to have already decided on what to give him months ago and had already recruited the help of Mogson to make it, as well as had him promise to pretend it never happened until Hearth’s Warming Day. And yes, it was a Pinkie Promise.

Whether or not Mogson knew the consequences of breaking the promise, this one wouldn’t be difficult for him to keep. However, when he had Pinkie explain it to him due to his confusion over how he was supposed to make a Pinkie Promise with her when she had no pinkies, the consequences did give him an eerie chill. It’s not like she actually explained what would happen other than “it’s the fastest way to lose a friend” but for some reason it made him feel there was something hidden between the lines of that explanation.

Now with the special Holiday just a few days away, the Party Pony just seemed to have trouble containing her excitement for it. It would seem that patience would truly test her endurance on this one. As she went around town spreading the holiday cheer in her own way, she would try to imagine the joy on all her friends’ and family’s faces when the day finally arrived. Maybe Applejack would bring Cider and she could watch Dashie be all silly about it like she does whenever that happens. Twilight would probably lecture about how the holiday started or something which was perfect since it would give her the best excuse to drop in a surprise to catch her off guard, and maybe she can watch that old timer Mogson do that silly thing he does when she or other mares are around. Spike would no doubt indulge himself on the tasty food if Twilight lets him.

Oh and Sora.... for a moment she stopped her bouncing, but immediately it picked back up in a more energetic way. She caught herself feeling VERY excited about celebrating the Holiday with Sora. She hoped her gift would be just perfect. ...Oh who was she kidding of course it was! She helped make it herself. Because of her usual daily behavior, it was hard for bystanders to notice that she seemed more giddy and bubbly then usual at the moment. This was gonna be a good Hearth’s Warming, she could just tell.

(Picture owned by Evilbob0 of Deviantart)

Rarity was humming a tune to herself. She was hard at work making the costumes for the Hearth’s Warming Eve Pageant. Well, she was sort of almost done, but she was still paying close attention to every stitch. This was a big event coming up and and she absolutely refused to be the designer that ruins it because she overlooked a cross stitch or unfinished seam.

She then chuckled to herself. “Well, I’m glad I had the foresight to take care of everything else beforehoof. This may take one more night.” She lifted the Clover the Clever Costume from the sewing machine to get a look at it as a whole. Everything looked on point, but she still had a bit more to go before it was finished. Fortunately she took care of all her Holiday needs before she was confronted with this challenge of an order. She was also surprised to see that it was thanks to her, her friends, Spike and Sora. They were like walking advertisements for her Adventure Chic Selection. Lately sales for the line had been only rising more and more, and even coming from clients outside of town, mostly from the places that they had visited in their “hero work”. Because of this, she expected some last minute sales to appear before the eve of the Holiday, so she had thought ahead and gone to purchase and/or make gifts for her friends and family the week before.

It would be no surprise that the majority of these gifts had fashion in mind given Rarity’s mentality. Sora’s she was the most proud of. Once again taking what she learned from the very ensemble Sora wears, his gift would be simple, yet absolutely divine at the same time. This was at first a challenge for her. How do you make such a simple thing into something amazing without complicating it? With the aid of Mogson, she was able to work on discovering that goal. When she found her answer and saw the fruition of her work she felt so proud of it. It gave her a bit of insight on her past fashion works. Sure, it can be good to make an outfit stunning and amazing with many decorations and additions to the fabric. However, there are times when the most striking and fabulous design is one with the least amount of gimmicks and visuals to it.

This gift to Sora represented that, and she could think of no one better to give her first creation involving this thought than the very stallion that started it all for her… Plus her heart seemed to guide her into this decision. It isn’t everyday for Rarity to meet such a dashing gentlestallion as Sora, and that outfit he wore in Canterlot made him look so- “Oh!” She stopped her work, holding a hoof to her mouth and giggling to herself with a blush on her cheeks. “Can’t let my mind wander right now.” She focused back to her work. She will just have to wait til the party to continue her thoughts.

(Picture owned by Evilbob0 of Deviantart)

Rainbow was chilling at the library. Now she wasn’t there for reading or anything, she basically just crashed at her house to enjoy the nice warm open fire in the chimney after she finished her weather job. She figured her egghead friend wouldn’t mind. She felt that she deserved a nice warm nap after all her hard work with the weather and getting gifts for her friends. Knowing what to get her friends was a cinch so she assumed she had plenty of time to get them, thus she sort of procrastinated… Just a little. This proved to not be the BEST decision since she wasn’t the only “last minute shopper” running round the Ponyville Market. However, her speed that she always boasted about did give her enough of an edge get through it all and grab them all... Despite the fact that some items were down to the last one or two in stock by the time she got to them. With that out of the way, she had more time to think over Sora’s gift.

It was still in the works with Mogson, she just needed one more ingredient to finish it. Unfortunately, she was out of Munny… She really should’ve listened to Twilight and Sora about picking up Munny whenever she came across it while fighting Heartless. That left her with few options but to go out and hunt for heartless until they either dropped the specific material needed, or she collected the Munny needed to purchase the material from Mogson himself.

Half of her was thinking it be much better if she just stayed in front of this open fire and rested some more. However the other half of her quickly shot down that suggestion. There was no way she was gonna go to that party, go to Sora, empty hooved or with some half baked unfinished gift. Besides, once it’s completed it will really help him out in the future, she definitely wanted to aid her favorite spiky haired partner as much as she could. Of course she meant partner as in, battle buddy. That’s what she was thinking... Really, she was! Ok, she decided she was thinking too much. She must be warmed up enough by now. Back to hunting, she thought as she shot back up to her hooves.

“Hey Rainbow, are you leaving alrea-”

“Shut up Spike! I’m not thinking about him!” Rainbow shot back immediately.


Rainbow had never felt so much heat growing on her face and she knew it wasn’t from the fire.

Spike blinked a few times. “...Wait wha-”

“NOTHING!” Rainbow yelled. The next sound Spike heard after that was the front door slamming shut and Rainbow was suddenly nowhere to be seen.

“....Ok?” Spike was at a loss to what just happened.

(Picture owned by Sterlingsilver on Deviantart)

Twilight was fully prepared for the holiday this year. She had everything planned out for a wonderful time with her friends during both Hearth’s Warming Eve and Day. “Restock the kitchen with groceries, check. Put up decorations around and inside the library, check. Obtain gifts for all my friends and family, check. Send off the gifts for family in the mail…” Twilight stopped to look back and see that she had successfully left the post office, and noticing Derpy making a landing. The grey mare along with her coworkers seemed more than prepared for the countless gifts and letters that the residents of the Ponyville left for them to deliver. As a safety precaution, the Royal Guard Station in town decided to send some of their guards to aid in the delivery, as well as to provide extra defense for the trips between destinations.

With this, Twilight smiled and nodded. “Check.” She then returned her attention to her checklist. All that was left now was to check up on that gift she had Mogson working on for her. It was actually pretty smart of her to make a gift for Sora that proved to be functional in his efforts as a keyblade wielder. Also… she imagined that he’d like it even if it wasn’t. From what she saw the last time she checked on its progress, it looked really cute. Wait, she wasn’t giving him a gift that only she would like was she? She stopped in her tracks. Now that she thought about it, what made her assume that Sora would even like cute things? What if he was that type who thought cute things were boring and he was actually looking for something more tough looking or something?

Or, maybe she’s just overthinking things and Sora would like the gift no matter what it looked like. Twilight shook her head, she was getting WAY too worried about this. It’s just a gift for a friend, nothing more… right? Well, for a gift that was meant for a friend, her heart seemed to skip a beat when she thought about him thanking her with a hug… or even… NO! She shook her head rapidly. “No, no no, none of that. He’s just a friend. JUST. A. FRIEND!”

“Ma’am, are you ok?” A voice to her left drew her attention to a passerby with a look of concern on their face. “You’ve been standing there for awhile and shaking your head a lot, not to mention how red your face has gotten. Are you feeling sick?” To her surprise she noticed she was kind of making a scene, and a reflective window from building nearby showed a very red faced Twilight. “Do you need to go to the hospital?”

“N-no! I’m fine! Really! I was, uh, just heading home actually.” She immediately started trotting off. “Thank you for your concern. Have a wonderful Hearth’s Warming!” She didn’t care how silly she looked or sounded right now, she just wanted to get out of that really awkward situation.



What happened during the two days Sora left to get gifts.

Sora, Donald and Goofy were practically flying all over the place among the stars, the latter helping Sora to find the right gift for each of his friends. This would lead them to crazy hunts, merchants and markets they probably wouldn’t have set foot in before.


“So you’re looking for a gift to give a fashion designer?” Sora was speaking with Aladdin in the Bazaar as Donald and Goofy were looking over the shops in other areas of the place. Aladdin scratched his head. “Wow, you’re really asking the wrong guy about fashion tips.”

Sora nodded. “I know, I know. It’s just she also seems to be really into jewelry or something and I thought maybe you might know of a place.” He shrugged.

Aladdin folded his arms and thought about it. “Well I know a few stands around here, but why don’t you try making one from the moogle shop? I’ve seen you use it before and those moogle guys make some real quality stuff. If they accepted other payments instead of just Munny they’d really give some of these jewelers a run for their money.

Sora facepalmed. “Duuuh, why didn’t I think of that sooner? And I know just the thing too!” He was about to dash off before he stopped himself after realizing something. “Wait! I need a Frost Gem for it, right?” He pulled out a pad like device that Mogson had given him and tapped on the screen here and there. It was connected to his storage chest so he could look up what he had in it and transfer items there or to him via the mognet. After staring at the list of materials he collected he groaned. “Aw man, I knew it. I don’t have any.” He slumped before putting the device away.

Aladdin laughed. “Those Frost Gems, didn’t you get some here before from those Ice Heartless, and that Fortune Teller one too?”

This immediately perked the boy up as he recalled exactly where best to find them.


Sora, Donald, Goofy and Aladdin were now fighting heartless on a single platform that mysteriously suspended itself in a dark abyss. They were in the Cave of Wonders taking on that trial in the Bottomless Hall. It was the 14th run of that trial and Donald was happy to voice his complaints about it.

“This is ridiculous!” He groaned before an icy cube rammed into him “WAK!” He immediately turned and let said Heartless know of his “Displeasure” by blasting a fireball at it. It incinerated the offending creature and left behind a gem. “Huh?” Donald went and picked it up.

“Nice one, Donald!” Goofy cheered. “Sora! Aladdin! Donald managed to get a Frost Gem!”

Sora batted a fortuneteller away and turned to Donald with a fist pump. “Alright Donald!”

Donald took a moment to bask in the praise, holding the gem in front of him while grinning at his luck.

“Great job Donald, but you may want to hold onto that gem tightly. Time’s up.” Aladdin called out and seemed to be preparing himself.

“Huh?” Donald said before the floor flashed with light and vanished beneath his feet. “Oh, right...” That was when gravity finally took hold of him and he fumbled in the air with the gem before finally grabbing it and yelling all the way down.

Destiny Islands

The trio were now on the mainland. They were joined by Tidus and Wakka as they ran around the place collecting wild Paopu Fruits from the trees. The orchard was off limits and Sora wanted to get the freshest kind, so as he climbed some trees Tidus was smacking others with his staff or shaking the trunk, and Wakka was knocking fruits down from others with his ball. Donald and Goofy were on catching duty, both of them holding up a large basket and surprisingly never letting one fruit hit the dirt, despite the fact that each boy was working on a different tree. There was even a point where two fruits from both Sora’s and Wakka’s trees fell at practically the same time. The two of them nodded, dropped their baskets before they both charged and dove for one. Tidus saw the whole thing and when they caught them he couldn’t help but fan out his arms to either side of him like an umpire and yell out. “SAFE!”

Radiant Garden

Now the trio were all over the place here hitting up the market and stores.

“SIR!” Sora was in front of the clerk in a bookstore slamming both his palms on the counter, scaring the living daylights out of the guy from his nap. “I would like to purchase one of your informative books for a scholarly friend of mind! Do you have what I require?!” Donald and Goofy were standing right behind him, looking at one another and wondering why he was speaking in such a way.

“Uh… Sure.” Was all the man could say as he waited for his heart to calm down and merely stared at the boy wide eyed.

With that successful purchase the trio was off again scouring the market. They hit stall after stall, store after store. Sometimes dashing away with a successful purchase while other times walking away in defeat. At one point the 3 of them hit a bump in their shopping spree that extended for a while. Sora and Donald were sitting at the steps leading up to the local Moogle shop and Scrooge’s parlor, resting their heads in their hands while they thought.

“Don’t you think she’d be fine with anything?” Donald sighed.

“Of course she would, she’s my friend and she knows it’s the thought that counts, but that’s exactly why I need to find the right gift! I’ve done so for everyone else, she should be no different.” Sora gave his rebuttal.

Donald shrugged. “I guess, but it’s not like you have a direction to go on. She seems to like just about anything.”

The two of them sighed as Goofy made his way back to them from the Parlor. “Hey Fellas! I’m back!” He made his way down the steps and sat between them passing out Sea Salt ice cream to the both of them. “One for you, and one for you. Ahyuck, and one for me!”

“Thanks Goofy.” The two of them said in monotone voices (Well, monotone enough for Donald’s voice anyway) as the three of them started licking in unison…

“…” Then Sora stopped licking, and looked at his ice cream… “Hey Donald? Does your uncle have a way of delivering cold storage?” The boy started grinning.


“You want to give a gift to a competitive friend of yours?” Phil scratched his beard as he contemplated Sora’s request. “Well you’re in the right place for competition but that’s a broad question. I’d suggest a trophy but it’s not like I’ve seen this friend of your’s compete here.”

Sora shook his head. “No, nothing like that. I don’t want to inflate her ego too much after all.” He chuckled.

Phil kept scratching his chin and turned to the side in thought… “And you said you told her all about your adventures? Including your time here?”

Sora nodded. “Yeah, why do you ask?”

“I may have something in mind, but your gonna have to take a moment to explain more about her to me, and don’t skip on the details for combat stories.”

Sora blinked before finally catching on to what he meant and smiled. “Alright! I’ll start from the beginning.”

Space, Inside the Gummi Ship

Zzzzz...... Zzzzz…..” The three of them had decided to land their ship on an asteroid in the middle of nowhere and take a moment to recharge before they continued on. The otherwise silent atmosphere was broken by Donald and Goofy snoring away in a strange harmony. Despite this, Sora was so used to their snoring that he was able to join them for some much needed rest.

Twilight Town

The three were now hitting up the market in this expansive town as well. This time accompanied by Hayner, Pence and Olette. After explaining the situation, Hayner seemed to have the perfect idea for a gift. “So you’re saying he’s a little purple dragon that wants to fight like you do?” Pence asked as they ran down the street. “Wow, there are certainly some strange places out there.”

“It’s a big sky up there.” Sora replied.

“I’m so jealous, I wish I could fly to all those places.” Olette commented.

“If you guys are all done with your little chat, we’re here. If you want to get a gift for that little guy, then this is just the place.” They all looked around, seeing they were no longer in the market but rather-

“Hey! This just the sandlot! You had us circle all the way around to get to a place that was just down the other path from your hideout?!” Donald complained.

Hayner seemed to look around for a moment then scratched his head seeing the path leading to their hideout on the far side. “Heh… Yeah, guess I was so excited about my great idea that I kinda forgot about that.”

“Not only that, but what can we get out of the sandlot that we can’t from the actual stores back there?” Sora looked around hoping to see where Hayner’s “idea” could be.

Hayner’s smirk seemed to return when Sora asked that. “Well you said he liked it when you showed him and his friends a Struggle match right?” He then made his way over to a storage gate nearby and lifted it up. “Behold!” When they all got a look inside it his “idea” immediately clicked in all their minds.

“Uuuuh, isn’t this stealing, Hayner?” Olette asked with a bit of worry.

“Normally yes! But once I have a chat with the old man he’ll be fine with it. He’s such a fan I’m sure that he would be more than happy to spread the love around. Besides, it’s all replaceable.”

Pence just gave his confident friend a deadpanned look. “You’re pretty positive when we haven’t even got an answer yet. He could just easily say no.”

“Oh don’t drag down this hype train. It’ll be fine, trust me.” Hayner folded his arms. He wasn’t budging on this one.

Meanwhile Sora looked around. “I don’t wanna take too much, so I’ll just grab what I can put in a box then.”

After a moment they all agreed that was the best idea and let Sora decide on what to get.

Mysterious Tower

The trio decided to make a stop here, but not on a gift hunt. “Hello?! Master Yen Sid?” Donald was the first to peek through the crack in the door they opened.

“Ah, greetings Donald, I have been expecting you three.” The old wizard was sitting behind his desk conversing with four familiar individuals. “Or rather, we have.”

Sora then came through, pushing the door wide open. “Really?” He stopped to look and just as he said there was Riku, Kairi, and Lea. “Hey! You’re all here at the same time?” He smiled.

Riku spoke first. “Master Yen Sid called for us to meet him here. Though we aren’t sure as to why yet.”

“I was given word that you would arrive here during your “shopping trip” as it were.” Yen Sid smiled.

Sora blinked then looked back at Donald and Goofy who both smiled. Goofy then spoke. “Well we figured you might want to give these to them in person.” He pointed to the sack he was carrying.

Sora could only smile. “Thanks guys” He ran up and took the bag before opening it up and pulling out gifts. “I figured I’d just drop these off with Yen Sid since we’ve all been busy with our own missions lately, but it’s even better now that you’re all here instead!” He then started handing everyone a gift.

Riku looked at his gift with a slightly surprised expression. “Wow, thanks. Isn’t it a bit early to exchange Christmas gifts though?”

Sora laughed whilst scratching the back of his head. “It’s a long story. But enough chatter, It’s Present Time!” He gestured a hand toward them.

Lea decided to take him up on the offer first. “Well, who am I to turn down free stuff?” He started opening the box. “Has been a while since I’ve had a good Christmas anyway, what with the whole “being a Nobody” thing and all.” The others soon followed suit. “Whoa.” When he pulled his box out of the bag and opened it it turned out to be a jar of some rainbow colored substance. “Check this thing out.”

Sora grinned and held his hands behind his head. “I left a spoon in the box, go ahead try it out.”

Lea switched from looking at Sora then to the spoon he just now discovered in the box. “For real? Is this stuff even edible?”

“Oh just try it you big baby.” Sora taunted.

“Fine, fine, just give a second here.”

Meanwhile Riku seemed to be looking at his gift curiously. It was a book. “Daring Do?”

Sora was already upon Riku smiling. “It’s like an adventure story. A friend of mine recommended it.

“From that pony world, right?” Riku flipped open the book skimming the pages with a bit of interest.

“Just give it a shot, It’s pretty good.” Sora encouraged.

Riku smirked and elbowed Sora. “Wow, so you CAN read after all.” He laughed.

Sora smirked and pushed back. “Oh Ha ha, very funny.”

“Oh man! What is this stuff? It’s amazing!” Both boys looked back to Lea who was scooping another helping of the rainbow contents of the jar.

Sora beamed. “A gift from Sweet Apple Acres. Zap Apple Jam. Though it’s a lot better on bread.”

Lea turned to Sora with a spoonful of jam in his mouth, then to Yen Sid. “Yo teach, you have a loaf of bread anywhere?”

Donald glared at Lea and was about to tell him off for speaking to Yen Sid in such a manner but the grand wizard himself managed to speak first. “I believe the sisters can guide you to the kitchen.” He gestured to the doorway leading to where Sora first encountered them.

“Sweet.” Lea wasted no time making his way over to the door. Meanwhile Donald just glared at him the whole time and made a mental note to teach that red head some manners towards his superiors.

“Oh wow!” Kairi finally spoke as she pulled out the gift within her wrapped box. It was a bag… a very stylish looking bad. From the look of it, definitely a bag that girl would wear around her hips. There little gems in the design and a flowery pattern as it’s exterior design with a flower shaped button set-up to keep the flap closed “It looks so cute!” She gave it a once over.

For once this was a gift that he had already prepared beforehand… sort of… actually the “Designer” of the bag. Gave it to him for other reasons… but just from looking at it, he could tell it had “Kairi’s” name written all over it. “Hehe, glad you like it. It’s actually enchanted like my pockets to hold a lot more than it looks.”

“It’s Great Sora! Where did you get this?” she asked as she started to put it on.

Sora placed his hands on his hips and stood proudly “From one of my friends in Equestria. Just like everyone else’s gifts here. Even though previously they were meant for him, but he had enough Zap Apple Jam, two copies of the same Daring Do Book, and the bag just didn’t suit his look… But they didn’t need to know that.

“Sounds like you’re enjoying yourself in that Equestria place, pal” Lea was back with a Loaf of Sliced bread. His words slightly muffled with a rainbow jam covered slice of bread sticking out of his mouth.

Yen Sid seem to smile hearing all this as he looked at the gift in his box. Apparently, it was a jar of Jam for himself as well. Wise, since Lea might be keeping that jar to himself mostly. It seemed Mickey’s gift was set aside due to his absence… He peeked, it was jam too… Sora must’ve had had a lot of Extra Jam.

Sora scratched the back of his head. “Well I have been busy too. There’s just a holiday going on lately…”

“Mhmm” Riku said as he was skimming through some pages of his book. “Meet any girls there?”

This made Sora stumble as Kairi jerked her head up too look at Sora for a response as well.

“Man, will you let up about that? I told you before it’s nothing that.” Sora straightened up, then noticed everyone else remaining silent, some even looking away…. “Hey… What’s with those looks?” and why did it make him feel nervous right now.”

What worried him the most was when everyone just said “Nothing” at the same time… They knew something he didn’t and he didn’t like it...


Sora’s House

Hearth’s Warming Day

Finally, the day had come. The town was deep in the holiday cheer as ponies were either in their homes sharing the love with friends and family, out spreading the cheer to others all over the place, or just generally having some fun in the winter snow. For Sora and friends, that fun and cheer was all at Sora’s house as the feast, gifts and music were all indicative of a party to celebrate the holiday. Pinkie was ecstatic about it as expected.

Mogson was drinking and stuffing himself to no end. After all, he cooked most of the food while their other friends each brought a bowl or platter of something to add to the dinner table. Even Rainbow brought something... sure it was a big platter of store bought cookies, but it was still something.

The rest of the gang joined in as well, but eventually only Pinkie Pie and Spike seemed to have enough of an appetite to stay in the “eating contest” with the moogle for a bit longer as the others simply conversed with one another about this and that. That is, until two simple words were uttered in the first sentence Mogson said after filling his tiny yet voracious stomach. “Alright everyone, PRESENT TIME!” And like that a spark of energy struck everyone as they made their way out of the kitchen and toward the decorated tree in the living room. Never had Sora seen so many presents under one tree before. It made him have a slightly selfish moment of pretending they were all meant for him. It was brief however and surely he isn’t the only one to have that little thought in their head come this time of year.

“Alright everyone, a moment please.” Twilight called out grabbing everyone’s attention. “Mogson and I have agreed that how this would work is that everyone grabs a gift with their name on it then open it at the same time as everyone else, then we repeat that method until we run out of gifts!” With no sound of objections, they began the annual ritual consisting of the systematic slaughter of wrapping paper.

And what were the gifts that Sora worked so hard to get for his friends? Well starting off with the Crusaders, he decided to get them a game they could play with each other if they ever needed something fun to do. It was a card game… oddly enough the cards were designed strangely, the top parts of the cards had a row of three spikes on top as if the Cards were wearing a crown or something. And even more intriguing was that most of the cards had images of Keyblades, as well as some of Sora’s friends on them like Donald and Goofy. Sora wasn’t sure who made these cards or why, nor what compelled him to purchase them, but something within him felt nostalgic about them. The clerk was more than happy to explain how the game worked and even gave him a copy of the rules to review whenever.

For Spike, it was a gift that he and Sora could enjoy together later since the young dragon really took a liking to Sora’s explanation and demonstration of the sport, Struggle. He was given two containers of orbs, one group reddish, the other bluish, two hundred of each. The containers looked like they could be worn as well. The moment he saw them he was confused, until his memory picked up on their ACTUAL use, and then he was super pumped. The only reason he didn’t burst out asking Sora for a match then and there was that there were still more gifts for him to open.

Sora’s gift to Twilight was a couple of books. Not just any books either. These books were about the other worlds and their history and culture. They were really thick, and that’s what excited her most about them. SO MUCH KNOWLEDGE OF WHAT’S OUT THERE! It was perfect! For Rarity it was a lovely set of Fencer’s Earrings. She adored them both for their design and their functionality. Since they were synthesized accessories made by Mogson’s synthesizers they came with the power to enhance her strength and magic, as well as give her more room to grow her abilities. (+2 STR, +1 MAG, +5 AP). Pinkie’s Gift was a big container of the ever so illustrious, and crowd favorite among the stars, Sea Salt Ice Cream! The moment she saw it she immediately started chowing down, even AFTER that big feast not too long ago. She wanted to recreate the recipe, but Sora knew that asking Scrooge for it would be pointless as that business man wants to keep it a secret. That wouldn’t deter Pinkie as she would try to recreate it based on what she could taste from it. This could be her big chance.

Fluttershy’s gift was actually a plushy, Sora had to admit that it was the best he could do as he couldn’t just get an exotic animal for her to raise, since who knows what they would need or want. However the shy mare was more then happy for it and praised Sora for thinking of the feelings of animals. The plushy just made her even more determined to one day see the animals out there up in the stars. With a bit of explanation, Sora told her the plushy was of a creature called a chocobo, but he admitted that even he had never seen such a creature before, leaving the both of them wanting to actually look for one some day. Applejack’s was actually seeds and some of the very fruit that was well known in Sora’s homeworld, Paopu Fruits. The star shaped fruit drew her attention immediately, she just had to give it a taste… and it gave her a tropical flavor that her apples didn’t have. Of course nothing could beat her family’s apples… but with these seeds, she could see if she could infuse the same quality into these star shaped tropical produce. Rainbow’s gift was something that she wouldn’t believe if she wasn’t holding the document in her bare hooves. Straight from another world, made to raise great heroes, was a certificate with her name on it indicating her as a Junior Hero! Sora told her everything about it and what would happen when she graduated to full fledged hero. Already she was imagining a constellation in her image up in the sky. Oh, she was ecstatic, and determined to reach that lofty goal.

Of course Sora received his fair share of gifts as well from his friends, and he was just as giddy to have them as anyone else. Still, there was one last person, or mare to be specific, that seemed to have been the only one not to give him anything... Yet.

(Pick a Path(s) and Play this song with it if you want. Or don’t, your call really :3 )

Sora felt a tap on his shoulder. Looking back it was just the girl he was thinking of. “Hey Fluttershy! Enjoying the party?” He turned to face her as she seemed to be blushing, already stumbling with her words.

“Uh, well, yes… Yes I am, It’s a wonderful party and I’m, um, very thankful you invited us and, um…” Apparently whatever she was planning to do, it was harder than she thought. Fortunately Sora manage to pick up on her distress.

“Well I’m glad to hear that, but you seem to want to say something. Is something wrong?” He tilted his head to the side as he gazed at her.

She shook her head furiously. “No! No, nothing like that. It’s… It’s well… um…” She couldn’t figure out why this was so hard to do. She had decided to do this in person. She was the first friend Sora made in Equestria, so it shouldn’t be difficult to give it to him… She took a deep breath to calm herself. “Here.” tucked under her wing was a small gift box tied neatly with a pretty bow. She held it out to him and couldn’t stop feeling so nervous now that it was out. “Happy Hearth’s Warming, Sora.”

Sora looked at the box. For some reason deep within him, this gift felt a lot more meaningful to him. The other gifts he was given were just as well, but this one was more so for the sole fact that it came from Fluttershy. He was unsure why that was though as he graciously accepted the gift. “Oh, uh, Thank you.” He smiled Why was he feeling so nervous about it? He set those thoughts aside for now and focused on opening the box. Inside was a charm, it was one that looked floral, with animals added to it’s design. Yet with one look at it, he could tell it was more than that. It was synthesized. A bit of Mogson’s handiwork could be seen since the moogle always liked adding his initials in tiny font onto every accessory he made. “Wow.” He looked up to see her smiling. “This is for me? Thank you. I can sense it has some enhancing powers to it.”

Fluttershy sighed with relief happy upon seeing that he liked the gift, and more than happy to focus on explaining it so that she could ignore the butterflies in her stomach. “It does, I asked Mogson to help me make it so that it would improve your health and safety.” She tapped her forehooves together and looked away shyly, her mane hiding part of her face. “I know that we still have many things to do to… to keep Equestria safe, but… I don’t want you to forget to look after yourself too.” She took another deep breath while placing a hoof to her chest. Calming herself once more before returning to meet him eye to eye. “I promise, no matter what I’ll be right by your side and will patch you up whenever you’re hurt. But please… try to keep yourself well too… for my sake?” She was surprised with herself that she would be so bold to actually ask without backing out with a “If that’s okay with you” at the end of it. “I don’t like it when I see my friends hurt… Especially you...” The last part she seemed to whisper to herself, however Sora managed to hear it.

Sora was speechless for a moment, surprised to see her act so bold. Sure she was more than comfortable to talk to him, but this was a whole new side of her he hardly ever got to see. It made him smile. He was glad to have met her, and happy that she was the first friend he made since he came to this world. He looked at the charm in his hoof, and gave a nod. “Alright, I promise to do my best to stay safe.” He decided to wear it. He felt this was something he couldn’t just put in his pocket. “So long as you promise to be there if I do mess up.” He chuckled and scratched his head. “I’m not perfect after all.”

Fluttershy giggled as well. “True, but that’s how you should be. I wouldn’t want it any other way.”

The two of them decided to chat a bit more together before their friends eventually decided to join in on the conversation.

“Uh, heya.” A familiar voice from behind caused the stallion to turn around and see Applejack standing behind him.

“Oh, hey AJ! Enjoying the party?” Sora turned to face her. He seemed to pick up that something was on her mind when he saw the distressed look on her face. She was blushing and seemed to be having trouble trying to find the right thing to say.

“It’s a great a party, sugarcube. Ah’d like to thank ya and Mogson fer’ invitin’ all of us to it.” She smiled a little “It’s been… It’s been a real hoot.” She mentally reprimanded herself for that line. It sounded so dumb the moment it came out of her mouth in her opinion. Sora couldn’t understand why she seemed so upset after thanking him, so he went ahead and asked.

“Well I’m glad to hear that, but you seem to want to say something. Is something wrong?” He tilted his head to the side as he gazed at her.

“Well uh…” She couldn’t back out now, and Sora had even caught on that something was up. She just couldn’t for the life of her figure out why she was so nervous about this. She was the first to connect her heart with him. Surely by now she would’ve had enough of an understanding after so long with the connection. She shook her head and really focused this time. She sat on her haunches, lifted her stetson off her head and pulled out a tiny gift box. It looked like whoever picked the box and ribbon that tied it up didn’t really care about making it look flashy or anything. “Here Sora, Happy Hearth’s Warming. Ah’ wanted ta’ give this to ya myself.”

Sora looked at the box. For some reason deep within him, this gift felt a lot more meaningful to him. The other gifts he was given were just as well, but this one was more so for the sole fact that it came from Applejack. He was unsure why that was though as he graciously accepted the gift. “Oh, uh, Thank you.” He smiled. Why was he feeling so nervous about it? He set those thoughts aside for now and focused on opening the box. Inside was a charm, it was of an apple and a small tree, though from how it looked, it appeared to look like the tree was small because it was far away. Beneath said tree was a basket set under it like it was waiting for more apples to fall from it. Yet with one look at it, he could tell it was more than that. It was synthesized. A bit of Mogson’s handiwork could be seen since the moogle always liked adding his initials in tiny font onto every accessory he made. “Wow.” He looked up to see her smiling. “This is for me? Thank you. I can sense it has some enhancing powers to it.”

Seeing that he liked the gift, Applejack felt utter relief as she put her hat back on. “That’s good ta’ hear. Ah’ was worried it wouldn’t be to yer likin’.” She shook her head. “Ah’ know, That’s just silly talk.” She decided to change the subject. “That charm there, with Mogson’s help I was able to have it made so it would boost your strength and help you take a lickin and keep on kickin.” She smiled and kicked her hind leg into the air to emphasize her meaning. “Yer a special case but when yer an Earth Pony, just know that we’re sturdy folk that know the meaning of hard work.” She then laughed. “Not that you haven’t busted yer hind end already with what ya do. It’s really… Admirable, when ah’ see ya doing all you can fer our world.” She was blushing again.

Sora never usually got to see this side of her. She looked very cute when she was like this. Of course he’d never say it to her. He had a feeling she wasn’t the type to be called cute and show hidden part of herself to others. He smiled. “Thanks, AJ.” He decided to wear it instead of pocketing the gift. “You know, I’m more than happy to team up with you anytime when duty calls. You’re always reliable.”

At this Applejack just kicked at the carpet as a smile grew on her face. “Aw shucks, Sora. Don’t get all sentimental on me now. Ah’m more than happy to back you up whenever ya need it.”

The two of them decided to chat a bit more together before their friends eventually decided to join in on the conversation.

“Sora!” He was immediately thrown out of his thoughts when a familiar pink blur tackled him to the ground.

“Oomph!” Sora recoiled but immediately started laughing. He was used to this by now and knew exactly who the culprit was. “Haha, hey there Pinkie, I guess it’s safe to assume you’re having fun today?”

She started bouncing with joy. “Totally! This is bestest Hearth’s Warming Party Ever! The Food’s super yummy, the presents are all amazing, even the ones that aren’t mine! Everyone is SUPER Happy and uh… uh.” She then seemed to cut back on her excitement then tap her forehead as if reprimanding herself about being so cheery. At least that’s what Sora saw. In actuality, Pinkie was telling her silly brain to stop changing the subject and get to the point of why she wanted to talk to him. This allowed Sora to get back on his hooves again.

“Well I’m glad to hear that, but you seem to want to say something. Is something wrong?” He tilted his head to the side as he gazed at her.

Pinkie rapidly shook her head, getting her mind to think straight. “Sorry, sorry! I got carried away.” Despite her pink fur, there was a darker shade of pink on her cheeks as she immediately started digging into her mane. She was definitely going to do this, and she was super sure he would like it. Pinkie liked making ponies happy, but making Sora happy made her feel extra awesome inside. So it was only natural that from out of her mane, she would pull out a tiny gift box. It was designed and tied up with a ribbon that made it look like it was more of a birthday gift then a Hearth’s Warming gift. “HAPPY HEARTH’S WARMING SORA!” She held it out to him with cheer absolutely radiating off of her.

Sora looked at the box. For some reason deep within him, this gift felt a lot more meaningful to him. The other gifts he was given were just as well, but this one was more so for the sole fact that it came from Pinkie. He was unsure why that was though as he graciously accepted the gift. “Oh, uh, Thank you.” He smiled. Why was he feeling so nervous about it? He set those thoughts aside for now and focused on opening the box. Inside was a charm, it was shaped like a trio of party poppers already in the middle of popping out confetti and streamers, while at the front of them was what looked like a gift with a bow on top as well. Yet with one look at it, he could tell it was more than that. It was synthesized. A bit of Mogson’s handiwork could be seen since the moogle always liked adding his initials in tiny font onto every accessory he made. “Wow.” He looked up to see her smiling. “This is for me? Thank you. I can sense it has some enhancing powers to it.”

Yay! He loves it! She just knew he would! She was more than happy to explain now. “Yup Yup! Mogson and I worked super hard on it too! I wanted it make you super happy and make you smile in the future. So I decided to give you something that’ll make super rare stuff and awesome items appear more when you beat up heartless and bad guys!” She immediately gave him a very strong hug. “I like it when you smile Sora! It makes everyone else feel better… Even when things get really scary…”

Sora wasn’t sure, but that last part sounded a little more serious than her usual bubbly tone. He never knew she felt that way. He guessed even the perky party pony had serious thoughts as well. Personally he liked it much better when she was her happy bubbly self. She’s random, but that’s what makes her Pinkie, and he wouldn’t want her any other way. He hugged her back. “Well, of course I smile. With all of you with me how could be not be happy? Besides, I know a certain pink mare that would always find a way to put a smile on my face.” As he said this he decided to wear the charm instead of just pocketing it.

Pinkie felt ecstatic when she heard him say that, the blush appeared again on her cheeks but she was too excited to care. “Definitely!”

The two of them decided to chat a bit more together before their friends eventually decided to join in on the conversation.

“A lovely party, Sora. You and Mogson really are splendid hosts.” Knowing that posh voice anywhere Sora smiled and turned to see Rarity walking up to him.

Sora nodded. “Thank you, Mogson and I really wanted to make you guys feel at home here. Although, you’ll have to thank Mogson for the food. I’m not much of a cook.” He laughed.

Rarity held a hoof to her lips as she softly giggled with him. “Yes, I suppose I shall have to remind myself to give him my thanks as well.”

There was an awkward silence now, Sora wasn’t sure why but Rarity seemed to have something on her mind. As if she was deciding something. He decided to wait for her to say it herself, but after awhile he thought it would be better to just ask outright.

“Well I’m glad to hear you're enjoying yourself, but you seem to want to say something. Is something wrong?” He tilted his head to the side as he gazed at her.

Oh, now she’s done it. She can feel the awkwardness from the previous silence looming over them. She was being too pessimistic, arguing with herself in wondering if what she was going to give him would be perfect. No, she can’t stop now. Just like how she went forward with that new line of fashion her dear friend Sora inspired in her, she had to move forward and give him this. She could feel that nervous sensation within her subside. “Ah! My apologies, dear. I just wanted to give you this.” She felt her heart beating faster as she used her magic to pull out a tiny gift box from the saddle bag on her outfit. She had taken such a liking to her adventure chic outfit that she would wear it more often than she would just going bare lately. “I would like to wish you a Happy Hearth’s Warming, Sora.”

Sora looked at the box. For some reason deep within him, this gift felt a lot more meaningful to him. The other gifts he was given were just as well, but this one was more so for the sole fact that it came from Rarity. He was unsure why that was though as he graciously accepted the gift. “Oh, uh, Thank you.” He smiled. Why was he feeling so nervous about it? He set those thoughts aside for now and focused on opening the box. Inside was a charm, it seemed to depict a sewing needle and a ribbon acting as the thread attached to it, the ribbon looked like it wrapped around the needle a few times before trailing off behind what looked like a pair of rather fashionable glasses. Yet with one look at it, he could tell it was more than that. It was synthesized. A bit of Mogson’s handiwork could be seen since the moogle always liked adding his initials in tiny font onto every accessory he made. “Wow.” He looked up to see her smiling. “This is for me? Thank you. I can sense it has some enhancing powers to it.”

Hearing his praise was a relief to her as she felt 10 times lighter now. “Oh I’m so glad you like it, dear. You are correct as well. Mogson and I toiled away to make sure that it both looks amazing and helps you when you are out doing your duties as the keyblade wielder.” She seemed be more than eager to talk about the gift. “So long as you have it, it should improve your focus and concentration. It should also aid in making sure you’re always stylish in combat.” She clapped her hooves together at the memory of how Sora moved so gracefully while thwarting heartless and foe alike. “You always look so dashing out there. You are so kind and considerate as well, and you never turn away a call for help.” She blushed. “Even when I ask for your aid in my projects you never complain and always supported me.” She was starting to feel nervous again. “You may not be a knight, but you certainly have the qualities of one, Sir Sora.”

Hearing her praise him in such a way had gotten him blushing now as well. She always seemed to know what to say to make him feel so flustered. Yet, he didn’t mind it, when it’s coming from her. He knew she genuinely meant it, and really appreciated him and what he does. He knew that he would gladly help her anytime. “Wow, Rarity… I don’t know what else to say.” He decided to wear the charm instead of pocketing it. He then surprised her as he pulled her into a hug. The poor mare was not prepared.

“A-ah!” Now her face was starting to turn visibly red.

“Thanks for the gift. Whenever you need my help just ask.”

…She then started smiling again and hugged him in return. “That’s wonderful to hear, but the same goes for you too, dear. The best way to appreciate someone’s help is to give help in return after all.”

The two of them decided to chat a bit more together before their friends eventually decided to join in on the conversation.

“Hey, Spiky.” He felt someone’s hoof tap him on the top of his head. Only one girl would call him that. He turned and looked up to see Rainbow hovering over him with a smirk on her face.

“Hey, Dash. Like the party so far?” Sora asked as he rubbed the part of his head she tapped at.

Rainbow then flipped upside down so it looked like she was lying on an invisible hammock, however Sora caught a glimpse of her moving something from her back to her stomach when she flipped over. “It’s pretty cool... Nice food, great gifts...“ She tried to play it off, but being with her long enough gave Sora the sense to know that there was something on her mind that she wanted to say.

“Well I’m glad to hear the party is to your liking, but you seem to want to say something. Is something wrong?” He tilted his head to the side as he gazed at her.

She cringed a bit after hearing him say that, she did sound a little arrogant just then. She sighed. She wasn’t sure why she kept trying to act so cool around him. They’d been through enough to understand one another by now. “Yeah, sorry, let me try that again.” Her hooves fidgeted on whatever it was she was hiding from Sora as if working up the nerve to show it to him. Soon enough she did as she flipped around to face him again and held out a crudely put together gift box that was sloppily tied up with string. “Uh, here… Happy Hearth’s Warming, Sora.” She looked away, her cheeks a slight shade of pink.

Sora looked at the box. For some reason deep within him, this gift felt a lot more meaningful to him. The other gifts he was given were just as well, but this one was more so for the sole fact that it came from Rainbow Dash. He was unsure why that was though as he graciously accepted the gift. “Oh, uh, Thank you.” He smiled. Why was he feeling so nervous about it? He set those thoughts aside for now and focused on opening the box. Inside was a charm, It was of a pegasus in mid flight, it looked like the pegasus was flying very fast as clouds seemed to be rushing past her. Yet with one look at it, he could tell it was more than that. It was synthesized. A bit of Mogson’s handiwork could be seen since the moogle always liked adding his initials in tiny font onto every accessory he made. “Wow.” He looked up to see her smiling. “This is for me? Thank you. I can sense it has some enhancing powers to it.”

Rainbow smirked once again after hearing his approval, thankful that her gift to him wasn’t rejected. “Heh, yeah, exactly. Came up with the idea myself. Of course, I needed some help from that Mogson guy to actually make the darn thing.” She then landed on the ground and stood in front of him. “I wanted it to help you move faster in a fight and make more super cool moves.” She looked away blushing once again. “You’re like, super amazing when you beat up bad guys and stuff... You know…” She rubbed her neck feeling his gaze as she was somewhat speaking from the heart. “Seeing you fight… Always makes me want to do better too… so I can stand beside you when things get rough.” Her eyes darted to him and away a few times before she cleared her throat. “Of course, naturally I have to be there to save your flank when you’re in over your head, keyboy.”

Sora smirked, he figured that was the best he was gonna get from her for now. As confident as she is, Sora appreciated when Rainbow would take the moment to admit what’s been on her mind to him. It makes him feel like he earned her trust and acceptance. She could get just as stubborn as him when she wanted to after all. He decided to wear the charm instead of pocketing it. “Well thanks Rainbow. It means a lot when you say that. And this gift is wonderful as well.” He looked back at her. “I guess I can count on you the next time I’m in a tough fight.”

Rainbow returned the cocky look and crossed her forehooves as she took to hovering once more. “I like the way you think, Spiky.”

The two of them decided to chat a bit more together before their friends eventually decided to join in on the conversation.

“Um, hello Sora.” Just the mare he was thinking of. Sora turned around to see Twilight making her way over to him.

“Hey Twi, enjoying the party, I hope?” He asked with a smile on his face.

Twilight nodded. “The party is great, Spike and others are really enjoying themselves. Thank you for having us on your very first Hearth’s Warming day in Equestria.” She rubbed her foreleg with her other hoof. “Honestly it should have been the natives hosting such a party for our own holidays. You and Mogson have really shown us up this year.”

Sora laughed shaking his head. “Ah, I just helped with decorations and moving stuff around. Mogson’s the one that did all the cooking and other stuff. Besides, this holiday is a lot like Christmas so it just feels natural, I guess.”

Twilight perked up at the mention of the holiday. “Oh, I do recall you talking about this “Christmas” before. I would love to know more about it since you claim it has similarities to-Oh!” Twilight covered her mouth. Sora picked up on this. She seemed to have forced herself to clam up from going all… well, Twilight, about new information. Now he was curious.

“Well, I’m glad to hear you’re enjoying the party and want to know more about Christmas, but you seem to want to say something. Is something wrong?” He tilted his head to the side as he gazed at her.

She felt her face heat up again, now she’s gone and looked all silly, making Sora worry about her again. She could never understand why she would get all flustered and tense whenever he was around. He was just another one of her friends, right? And besides, she spoke to him for another reason and her mind was purposely trying to change the subject because she felt so nervous about the thought of giving it to him. Fearing he would reject it. She knew full well he wasn’t the kind of Stalli-er guy. “Oh no, nothing’s wrong, I promise. It’s just… well…” She breathed deeply to calm herself. “Here. Happy Hearth’s Warming, Sora. I hope you like it.” With her magic she levitated a tiny gift box out of her saddlebag toward him. The package was all neatly wrapped and tied up perfectly with a purple ribbon.

Sora looked at the box. For some reason deep within him, this gift felt a lot more meaningful to him. The other gifts he was given were just as well, but this one was more so for the sole fact that it came from Twilight. He was unsure why that was though as he graciously accepted the gift. “Oh, uh, Thank you.” He smiled. Why was he feeling so nervous about it? He set those thoughts aside for now and focused on opening the box. Inside was a charm, It depicted a wizard’s hat with sparkles and stars here and there, almost like a stylized version of Yen Sid’s hat when he thought about it. Furthermore, he could tell that it was synthesized. A bit of Mogson’s handiwork could be seen since the moogle always liked adding his initials in tiny font onto every accessory he made. “Wow.” He looked up to see her smiling. “This is for me? Thank you. I can sense it has some enhancing powers to it.”

Twilight was beaming. Even though she knew he would like it, actually seeing him appreciate it made her feel so much better and made her heart skip a beat. “Oh, uh, yes! You have a good eye there as usual, Sora. With Mogson’s help, I was able to design a charm that I believe would aid you the most for our future fights and adventures to come.” She pointed toward said charm. “I wanted it to enhance your magical capabilities, since you are very skilled at using spells in a versatile way while you’re in combat. Not only that, but it should help you contain even more magical energy and potential within yourself.”

Sora blinked. “So it makes me my magic stronger and I hold more magic?”

…Twilight cleared her throat “Uh, yes… To put it bluntly that’s exactly what it does.” She smiled. “Sorry, I guess I was getting all technical again. I’m glad that you always seem to catch on to what I’m talking about. I know I tend to go off on a tangent when I do get going… I really appreciate everything you’ve done for us Sora.” She started to speak from the heart now. “Moreover I appreciate how patient you were with me the whole time whenever I wanted to know more about things. You didn’t have too, but you did. And not even a single complaint about it. So I figured I’d give you something useful as thanks…” She was having hard time trying to think of what else to say to him, and it just made her even more flustered about it. Fortunately, Sora seemed to catch on for the most part.

“Hey, I appreciate you too Twilight! You and everyone else here. Everything we’ve done, we’ve done together, and you’re fine just as you are Twilight. Always curious and wanting to know more about everything. Be it good or bad, you keep trying to learn and understand things more, and try your hardest to find the solution all our problems.” He scratched his cheek while looking away. “I find that admirable of you.”

Twilight was taken aback by his words. It honestly made her blush, just from being praised by him. “Oh, well.. Thank you, but enough about me… All this is just making me feel awkward now. How about we talk about something else, please?” With Sora’s nod he decided to discuss with her about the outer worlds.

The two of them decided to chat a bit more together before their friends eventually decided to join in on the conversation.


The night continued on as the party finally started to die down. Everyone eventually said their goodbyes, collected their gifts, and made their way to their homes, each of them never forgetting the wonderful times they experienced that day. After helping Mogson clean up the house, then a quick wash in the shower, Sora made his way up to his bedroom. Before taking his Jacket and saddlebags off, he took a look at the charm now hanging on the front of his jacket… He gave it a tap and watched it sway back and forth before finally putting his clothes to the side and hopping into bed. He was sad to see the day end, but just as eager to start the next one as well. As he lay in bed waited for sleep to take him, his mind wandered. When the sandman finally arrived, the last thing on his mind was the joy and cheer on all of his friends’ faces, and the girl that gave him that wonderful charm.

One could understand why he loved the holidays, given his situation.

( P.S. Big decision in Author's Notes for readers that like the romance. )

Author's Note:

YEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAH *falls over and rolls away* It's done......... Writing Holiday specials is harder then actually writing chapters, and Christmas like Holidays are the most demanding... And I'm WILLING TO BET, there's gonna be those readers that reader two that will read the part where Sora would call Chip and Dale and get the wrong idea as if he doesn't talk to his friends in the outer worlds. Heck, that's what what one of my proof readers assumed when he read it. Which reminds me:

So another thing he and I discussed during the making of this chapter was that back then I mentioned something about herding in the story. Honestly that part was up in the air, but it had my mind thinking. Would you folks rather have 6 separate love interests, or that they all love Sora, know they each love him and herd with him. I'm asking this cuz I can't do both at the same time. It's either one or the other. When I think about it, if I did go with herding, it probably make things easier for me in future writing, but you are the ones reading this so I'm letting you choose. (Atleast the ones that actually care for the romance part of this story. If you don't, don't worry about it.) Should Sora only have one Mare to love or all 6?

Alright, in other News, (other then me being super pumped about the Nintendo Switch) I believe the story is ready to unlock another fusion, don't you think? So, get ready for another Dive to the Heart Folks! And I'm sure we can take moment to see what our two resident villains, and Pete, are up to as well. Oh and that other guy always wearing a cloak. He's been awfully quiet. What's he doing right I wonder haha.

Welp, seeing as my mind has nothing else to say since it's 8:15am for me here and my brain don't work good when I just wake up from sleep. I'm gonna close out like I usually do and let all you wonderful readers have a fun with this chapter. See you all in 3 weeks!

Next Chapter: A little catching up with events, and FUSION TIME!

As Always, I hope you enjoyed this chapter and look forward to future ones.

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