• Published 14th Oct 2015
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Kingdom Hearts: Harmonic Connections - Mr Curious Writer

Master Yen Sid sends Sora to a world he's never been to to help an old friend of his and have him train there for a year to unlock abilities he never knew he had. However the darkness will hold many mysteries he & his new friends will have to solve.

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Chapter 50: Hero's Reprieve

Hero’s Reprieve

Sora’s House

Two Days After the Forest Battle

Two days prior, after all, was said and done, Sora had a pretty exhausting day after fighting the minotaur heartless and his clone. He even fused multiple times, one of those times fusing, happened to be brand new with its own set of complications. And he took more than his fair share of beatings from both foes.

Needless to say, it was a miracle he didn’t collapse on the spot when it was all over, but the fatigue was clearly visible to the other girls as they decided to take him home to rest. They would talk about matters while he slept and would fill him in when he woke up. And then nearly a day went by and Sora still did not leave the house. Sure he got up when he smelled Mogson’s cooking, but he seemed half asleep. As Mogson claimed it, he would shove his face with grub before barely saying thank you and slinking back off to bed.

The fact of the matter was, after all that fighting and fusions in such a relatively short amount of time, his body and mind were out of commission for a whole day… He slept through the second Morning cuz he’s Sora after all, and oversleeping tends to be his shtick, but eventually, the scent of a warm cooked meal traveled to his nose causing him to finally wake up and look around. Remembering where he was and why he slowly managed to get out of bed and stumble a bit toward the door as his body was still trying to wake up with him. Fortunately, it caught up before he took the stairs down and could see Mogson once again cooking breakfast. “Smells great…” he said with a slight yawn.

“Well, if it isn’t the lad we’ve all been waiting for, kupo. Back from the dead are ya?” Mogson teased as he flew over to the table to drop down another plate.

“Good morning to you too” Sora gave a weak smile with a sleepy-eyed stair as he approached. Apparently, it was an omelet this time for breakfast along with some toast. He took his seat, thanked the Moogle for his meal before grabbing the pitcher on the dining table and pouring Apple Juice from it to his glass.

“Juice is from your farmer friend. Well, the apples for it were. I juiced myself,kupo. She figured it perk you up whenever you decided to get your flank outta bed, hehe”

Sora nodded, mentally reminding himself to thank Applejack later. Also remembering all that happened the last time he was conscious. “I guess I’ll have to say hi to the girls so we can figure out what to do next.”

“Oh, there will plenty time for that, kupo,” Mogson replied. “I don’t open my shop until later and I’ve been dying to know what you’ve been up to. You and you’re little harem seem to have gotten the rest of this world into a bit of a tizzy,kupo.

“Harem?” Sora cocked his head to the side, but Mogson waved it off.

“Something you don’t need to know, trust me.” he cleared his throat. “Along with that, I figured I pull out the catalog,kupo. Been awhile since you peeked into it and figured you’d want to see what's new.” Mogson then flew off to coffee table picking up the catalog books from both Equestrian furniture, and one for moogle shop related goods and brought it over to Sora. “You’ve accumulated a lot of bits and Munny, you should really treat yourself after all the things you’ve done here, kupo.”

The idea did sound pretty good. They had been pretty busy as of late. No telling how much munny they collected after it all. And he had collected quite a lot of bits as well. He flipped through the pages of one before looking at the other, then returning to the other book and so on. Halfway through eating his meal, he seemed to come to a decision. But before he could say it to Mogson, there was a knock at the door.

“Huh? Now, who could that be,kupo?” Mogson turned to it.

“I’ll get it” Sora hopped off his seat and made his way to the door. When he opened it he was surprised to see Spike, with his dream sword in his hand. “Spike?”

“Sora? You’re finally awake!” Spike beamed “I hope you don’t mind if I use your training room.”

“Uuuh, sure, I guess not but-” before he knew it, the little drake ran right past him.

“Awesome, Thanks!” he was almost a blur as he made his way to the room.

“Well he certainly looks eager” Sora blinked

“Yeah, the kid practically treats that place as his second home lately. Making quite the racket mind you, kupo”

“Well, of course, he’d be so eager after hearing all the stories Ms. Dash has been going on and on about that fight, the other day.” Said Merlin, entering with his usual quiet way “Ah, good Morning, my boy. Glad to see you’re up and about.”

Sora blinked before smiling “Morning Merlin. Yeah sorry about that, I was pretty drained I guess.

“It's only natural,” Merlin replied before giving a nod to Mogson. “When your changing form, it's different with those girls then with Donald and Goofy?”

Sora followed from behind. “Well that's true, it's hard to understand why.”

Merlin turned back and chuckled. “Well, if you have the time and don’t mind making a cup of tea and joining me in Spike's training, I might be able to enlighten you on that.”


Golden Oaks Library

Twilight didn’t get much sleep last night, nor the night before either. Her mind had been other matters, Their last fight, Sora’s doppelganger, Maleficent’s words, and most of all her failed fusion with Sora and her sudden inability to use the magic of the other world. Of course, at the first chance she got, she went straight to Merlin to discuss the thing.



Merlin examined her closely, he listened to her story and nodded “That’s it, Ms. Sparkle, just like that.”

As instructed, Twilight was balancing herself on one hind leg, and start hopping in place repeating “E Pluribus Arcanum” over and over. She was really concentrating and doing her best to remain in balance. Merlin had her keep this up for several minutes before finally tapping her on the shoulder.

“And that should do it, go ahead and try a spell.”

She nodded and thought for a moment. “Firaga!” She raised her wand to the sky and immediately a giant ball of fire appeared, flying from her wand far into the sky above the clouds until it was out of sight. “Ah! It's back, Oh thank you, Merlin, I was really worried I was locked out of the new way of magic.”

“Not a problem, Ms. Sparkle. The solution is simple, but sometimes it can be too difficult to attempt without help.” Merlin gave a nod and smile.

“You can say that again, I’ll have to jot down that method in case it ever happens again.”

“Oh, that won’t be necessary.” Merlin shook his head.

Twilight was confused now, “Wait, but it clearly worked. It's best to record it, for future generations that use this magic.”

“On the contrary, Ms. Sparkle, I just made that method up. It does absolutely nothing.” Merlin smiled.

“But... Wha-I… But my magic-”

Merlin interrupted her. “Has been with you all this time.” Merlin then started walking past her. “You never lost it, you only just assumed you did. That, you should record.” And having said that, Merlin stepped out of the library. “Now then I believe I’ll have a stroll in town. Do remember to keep practicing. Ms. Sparkle. You’re making exceptional progress.”



Twilight couldn’t understand it, one moment she couldn’t cast any spell other than equestrian, the next moment she cast a fireball, and just to be sure she tried all her other spells… just as Merlin predicted. They were all back… How did Merlin know they would come back?
As he said, that magic never left her… so that meant. Something stopped it, he made her do a useless chant and balancing and yet it worked… She kept beating around the bush in her mind, but eventually, she had to accept that the lesson Merlin was trying to give her was that, the only thing stopping her from casting outer world magic, was her belief on that magic.

It was so simple, yet so difficult if she had to figure it out on her own… She trusted Merlin’s word since he was the teacher in this field, the expert. He knew no matter what he’d say. She’d believe it as the answer to her problem. She wouldn’t be so deep in thought about this if it didn’t remind her of her failure fusing with Sora... She was getting straight down to the point, out of everything she learned in life. Deep down, she couldn’t admit, that part of her, couldn’t see how such a feat was actually possible, physical, magical, biological. All she had to go on was that it all involved the elements, Sora’s keyblade, and the heart.

“What is a heart?” Now that was the question she really wanted an answer to. And so in order for her to never hinder her friends again, she decided to start a new project, to learn more about the heart.


Sora’s House: Training Room

Merlin took a deep sip of his tea before lowering it and sighing with satisfaction. “Ah, Equestrian tea certainly has a more floral, yet fruity taste to their blend. Not usually, my choice, but it’s a nice change of pace from my more robust choices.”

“Uuuh, I guess” Sora shrugged as he looked at his cup before looking out at Spike, he was already going at it with his dream sword. Attacking a training dummy with a repeated combo he seemed comfortable with as a basic attack. Seemed to adopt a faster pace like Sora’s but at the same time, he used his smaller height and weight to make more bouncy style. Not quite aerial, but it did seem close to it since he would bounce the same height as the dummy’s head. “He seems to be getting better.”

“When a child sets a goal for themselves, its remarkable at what lengths they would reach to get to it,” Merlin said as he observed the little Drake go at it.

“What’s his goal?” Sora asked.

Merlin then stroked his beard. “Well, he never did say, but it's not so hard to figure out that answer.”

“You mean, get a keyblade? Or protect his friends?” Sora took a sip finally form his cup.

Merlin seemed to chuckle lightly before smiling. “Well, I’m sure such things are on his mind, but I feel like those things are merely driving his goal..”

“Really?” Sora took another sip as he watched Spike. “What else could his goal be?”

“I’m afraid that's not my business to tell, and I could still be wrong.” Merlin smiled as he levitated a book in front of him and had it open to a certain page. “It is best if you ask him yourself”

“You have a point there” Sora kept watching. It kinda reminded him of how he and Riku used to train as kids.

“Ah, but enough of that, I do believe I have a promise to keep” Merlin stated refilling his cup.

“Oh, right, It has been bugging me.” Sora turned to Merlin. “Recall that day I first went into Valor form the first time with Applejack and Pinkie… It was strong, but I was really exhausted afterward… sure it didn't help the fact that I fought for all Canterlot before that, but this was like…”

“As if it took your entire being and once you no longer needed, you crashed. Am I correct?” Merlin asked.

“Uuuh, pretty much, yeah!” Sora pointed at Merlin. “This time it wasn’t as bad as I didn't get into valor form or anything, but I fused back to back, and then that weird clone of me showing didn’t help matters… It just made the exhaustion more noticeable when Rainbow and I finally separated, I guess.”

Merlin nodded. “Yes, I can see that happening” he took a sip. “To be honest with you, my boy, this is an unprecedented field. What you and the Element Bearers are doing, is essentially something completely unheard of… but at the same time, it seems destiny has a plan for it.”

“Huh?” Sora raised an eyebrow.

“Allow me to explain, just keep in mind this is basically speculation and going on theory The Princesses, Yen Sid, and I have been pondering.” He finished his cup. “We believe, that the elements of Harmony, which the bearers have seemed to somehow resonate with the keyblade due to the connections you all have with the heart.”

“The heart?” Sora nodded that was something he was confident in believing after all that fusing with the girls. It only made sense after all.

“Right, I recall how you and the others described what it’s like fusing the very first time, Yen Sid and I agree it is but another means two or more hearts can reach out in a time of need.” Merlin continued “The keyblade and the elements seem to act as the tether to give it a more tangible shape and effect… if that explanation makes sense.”

“I think so?” Sora had his pondering look before giving a nod. “So how does that affect me getting tired when I fuse.”

Merlin turned to Spike watching his progress. “Well, when you fight or train, you exert energy to do so, correct? To this Sora nodded. “When you think about it, just about doing anything requires energy, especially something as active as combat,” Merlin noticed Spike panting a bit before he moved in for a low attack, that entered into a rising slash. “Same with magic. It doesn’t just come from nowhere… well, you know what I mean from that. You need ether if you run out of mana and that's basically Magic’s energy needed for casting spells. When you went into Drive forms, you had to consume whatever energy it was that fueled them as well. Drive orbs, I believe”

Sora nodded it was a different source remembered, but then begged the question when he fused with the girls he could tell it never used that energy source., Why was that?

Merlin seemed to answer that. “If one were to go by that logic, then when you fuse, you should be able to use that same energy to fuel it. And yet you get exhausted, not only that, you can immediately go from one fusion to another at any time if I’m correct… the only source of energy resilient enough to cover something like that without needing so much as an outside source to replenish it, at least in such a short time, is your own body’s energy… Hm… In a way, I suppose it was only natural.” he stroked his beard. “The heart is a part of you, so your body serves to follow your heart and mind after all.” he then gave Sora a smile and laugh. “And Your more heart than Brain, lad”


“Just a bit of fun lad, but with some truth. You always follow your heart and so I can assume your body is just accustomed to exerting its energy for that very purpose.” He tapped Sora’s chest. “And fusing friends that represent the very elements of friendship. You can only imagine how much energy is needed to handle all that power.” He then returned his watch on Spike as he blasted a green fireball at the dummy. Thankfully, it was fireproof. “It's remarkable how much your body can handle, young man. Then again I have seen many of your feats so I suppose it shouldn’t be all that surprising after all.”

It was something he never really thought about, but he has been through A LOT in his travels, it would make sense that his body would have grown accustomed to it by now. “So, I guess I understand. “Fusing with the girls eats up my stamina so that just means I should pack a snack when I go into battle form now on!”

Merlin was silent as he looked at Sora, he wasn’t expecting that response, but after thinking on it for a moment Sora generally wasn’t wrong, it just wouldn’t have the same immediate effect like when one would use a potion. “True words, my boy. Simple but effective.” he decided to refill his cup. “That being said, it's all the more important that you scrutinize more when you need to use fusion. At Least if you run out of mana or drive, you can still fight. When your body runs out of energy… your dead weight.”

At that Sora nodded. It didn’t need to be said but it was important that Merlin brought it up… He has fused a lot, he knew how it felt when he separated from fusing with the girls. Once the adrenalin and he was no longer caught up in the moment. Along with that were thoughts about Twilight, and the time he connected with Applejack and Pinkie.

Then after a brief pause, Merlin continued

“there are also two other facts that further complicate the matter”

"Uh ..." Sora gave Merlin a confused look and asked "what?"

After a long sigh, Merlin answered

"Well, first of all, I think the very way in which the keyblade reacts to the magic of this world is rather anomalous"

In hearing this, Sora gave Merlin an even more confused expression "what does it mean?"

“Well ,see Sora, the magic we commonly use is of a different nature from what instead use the inhabitants of this world, our magic is based on the mana and is directly generated from our essence, so when we exhaust our mana it after a while 'it regenerates on its own, but the magic of this world is directly generated by this same world, and its inhabitants limit themselves to absorbing and releasing it, but if their world no longer generates magic, even its inhabitants would lose every magic power "

"So to put it briefly, the magic we commonly use and that of this world have different origins and therefore properties, but when you use a fusion you seem to be able to mix these two forms of magic into a new and unknown one"

"Then your condition is still rather enigmatic, of course the medallion allows you to easily manage the transition from human to pony and vice versa, but don't forget that however the medallion is a temporary solution and currently you are still a creature halfway between a human being and a pony and we still do not fully know what that involves "

Sora remained to reflect, it was true he had never considered with particular attention what it meant to be a “being in between” nor what were the differences between his form of magic and that of girls.

After a moment of thinking, he got up. “I got nothing”


“Yeah, I tried to think on it like how you and Twilight, would… but I got nothing on why that is. Its as you say. I listen to my heart, but now that I have a better understanding of what’s going on with fusion… My hearts telling me to take in what I know, and move forward…” he smiled as he walked to the side of the building...

Spike took a short breather before he got back into a fighting stance again. Just as he was about to charge. He saw something jump over him. “Huh?” and it landed on all fours. It was Sora. by the time he turned around he had flipped his medallion and in a brief flash turned into his true self standing on all his two legs and tossing something at him.

“Nice moves,” Sora said as Spike caught a struggle bat. Sora seemed to be holding one as well. “Mind if we go a few rounds?” he took a fighting stance.

Merlin simply shook his head but laughed softly to himself “Lad doesn’t know he just made his day.

Spike’s eyes seemed to sparkle at Sora’s question before a look of determination replaced them and he took his own fighting stance. “Anytime, Sora!”

Sora brushed his thumb under his nose before giving a big grin. “Alright!” Merlin?

“Way ahead of you lad” Merlin had already gotten the struggle orbs ready to go. Once that was all taken care of Merlin raised his hand. “Alright, the rules are simple, combat one another to knock orbs from out of your opponent, the one with the most before time runs out, is the victor. You’ll have one minute this round. Ready?”

Spike gripped his bat, as did Sora.


Author's Note:

Hey guys! I'm still here if you were wondering lol. It bugs me this took so long, but as I mentioned last time, its been a bit more difficult to do so with what's going on irl. Again, nothing bad, and if there was its already been resolved before I can even mention it.

I figured as a way to make it up, I'd make the next chapter a focus on a mentor/apprentice sort of chapter with Sora and Spike. sure Merlin is the one teaching giving the lessons, but Sora has his own way of aiding in Spike's growth, whether he knows or not.

I want to keep this author comment short so you guys can get to read this chapter sooner. Plus I want to get a move on with the next Chapter of my other story so I can finish it sooner than work on this story's next chapter. Also, my mind is preoccupied at the moment with writing.

Also many thanks to Alpha for subbing in checking the Chapter beforehand since Stephen is indisposed right now.

To Stephen: Wishing you well buddy and looking forward to things going back to normal again.


Next Chapter: An opportunity Spike can't pass up.

As Always, I hope you Enjoyed this Chapter and look forward to future ones.

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