• Published 14th Oct 2015
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Kingdom Hearts: Harmonic Connections - Mr Curious Writer

Master Yen Sid sends Sora to a world he's never been to to help an old friend of his and have him train there for a year to unlock abilities he never knew he had. However the darkness will hold many mysteries he & his new friends will have to solve.

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Chapter 39: Duel Under the Fleeting Sun

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So last off we see Sora and the girls racing towards an unknown individual that Discord labeled as his client. However, let's take a moment to turn back the clock to an issue that had been left unanswered.

When we last saw the Cutie Mark Crusaders, a strange customer had arrived wanting to do business with the moogle shop. Seeing as Mogson was busy at the moment they decided to take care of the customer as swiftly as possible. The fellow ordered a few ethers, a small stock of Hi-Potions and a tent, all the while striking up a conversation with the girls. “Pretty noisy over there.” He turned toward Sora’s house. “Is someone having a fight?”

Odd, they could barely hear anything from where they were but they did know Spike was still training with Merlin. “Oh uh, yeah, there’s a training room in there. Our friends are using it right now.” Scootaloo said as she helped Applebloom collect the potions. “They should be in there for awhile, Spike seemed really into it today.”

“You don’t say…. that’s good.”

“Hm?” Sweetie Belle turned to the man curiously.

“O-oh, it’s nothing, just admiring another’s dedication to training is all.” The customer replied.

“Do you train as well?” Sweetie asked while she pulled out the bundle for the tent he ordered.

“Sort of… Not as much as I did back in my younger days. Ah, is this everything then?” Before him sat the potions he ordered as Applebloom placed the exact number of Ethers he asked for next to them. The man began to grab the items with a scaly clawed hand. The girls could only assume it was a dragon’s claw. The two then watched as each item he pulled back into the cloak vanished within and his claw came back out empty, ready to grab the next one. “So, how much do I owe you?”

That seemed to snap them out of it as they all seemed to be staring at his claw. Applebloom spoke first. “O-oh! Uh, that’ll be-”

“Whoa! What the heck is going on?!” Scootaloo shouted causing. This caused the others to turn and see that Ponyville was no longer the town they once knew. And it was still morphing in the weirdest ways.

“Well, he certainly has no patience.” Came the customer’s voice.

“Huh?” The three girls turned to see his claw reaching out toward them, a magical aura already surrounding them. Almost before they could register the situation, they suddenly felt completely exhausted and their eyelids grew heavy. Without so much as managing to say a single word. The Crusaders blacked out.

“Apologies, I had hoped to make this as clean as possible, but I’ll need you all in one place-” The being then changed the direction of his palm towards Sora’s house. “-and the less interference, the better.” The aura seemed to change colors before from outside the whole house suddenly gave off the same aura, then vanished. This apparently included the moogle shop as well. So just like that, Merlin, Spike, The Crusaders and Mogson seemingly vanished from reality. The being then buckled over, nearly losing his footing and gasping for air. “That wizard... he caught on too quick.” He looked at his claw, magical sparks were surging through it. “I guess time is of the essence now… should have until sundown.” When he retracted his hand a puff of smoke manifested in front of him. Once it dissipated Discord was standing before him wearing a smug grin.

“So, what do you think? I know it’s a bit modest, but it’s the best I can do with what I have to work with after all.” Discord asked while he tapped his torso as if to emphasize something.

“My apologies, but I really can’t have you running off.” The cloaked figure straightened up and started walking toward the road. “I’m afraid there was a slight hiccup with the plan. I’ll need you to shorten those “trials” of yours.”

“You know, if you want I can just send them directly to you. and what's this about a hiccup? Did you by chance get bested by that Merlin fellow?” He snickered.

“A Little Humility goes a long way Discord. Also, this Merlin… he’s pretty sharp for an old wizard. If he was able to catch on a half a second sooner, he would have canceled out my spell completely.”

This made Discord fall silent and managed to arouse his curiosity. “I may not know much about this outside world you speak of, but for someone to almost matching the speed of your casting… just who are we dealing with here? I’m not just talking about the wizard. That key boy you spoke of as well.”

“Hopefully after observing him in the trials, we’ll find out…” The figure replied.

Discord simply sighed. “If you’re gonna be all stingy with the details then fine, see if I care… So you're saying there’s a time limit now. What are we looking at here?”

“...He needs to be here by Sundown…”



Sora had been making a mad dash for the destination. The majority of the trip he was relying on the girls to keep him moving at top speed by pushing back any hostile opposition that would throw itself at them. Eventually, however, the time limit on his previous bead ran out and he was now literally “hoofing” it down the path. Despite all the obstacles and enemies, the group finally reached their destination, the Library.

There, standing on the road between them and the building was the cloaked figure they had fought against in the Everfree. At the sight of him, Sora skidded to a halt. “You!”

“Hey, kid... I see you’ve grown in experience since last I saw you.” The being replied. However, before Sora had time to respond he charged at him with phenomenal speed. Sora quickly stepped off to the side and reached into his bag, pulling out another bead. “Oh? Already going all out I see. Still no faith in that pony form of yours?”

Sora paused, reminded of how their last fight went.

“Oh no, please take it. Regrettably, we are short on time and I wanted to know-” The figure grabbed his cloak and ripped it off, revealing his true self. A black dragon about the size of an adult man, with a jagged white streak down the middle of it,’s head from the crown to the snout and a deep scar across his chest. His Irises seemed to be an amber color and almost looked like they were glowing. From the looks of his posture and how he moved his arms, this dragon seemed to have a similar range of motion to that of a human’s as well. This just made Sora even more wary of him. “-what’s so great about you?” He charged in again without a moment’s delay. Sora barely had enough time take the bead, biting down on it with a flash of light. When the dragon went to grab at him, a hand caught it and pushed back. The light dissipated and revealed Sora in his true form, a determined look on his face. “Good, I like that fire in your eyes.” The Drake immediately jumped back when he saw Sora’s free hand summon the keyblade and swipe at him. “It’d be a disappointment if I took your heart that easily.”

Sora glared back as he felt some scurrying around in his hood then up his neck. “Don’t worry Sora! We got your back!” Pinkie climbed up to the top of Sora’s head to summon her element.

“Just throw me at ’em, pardner!” Applejack hopped onto his shoulder summoning hers as well. “Even if’n he moves I can curve the shot.”

Fluttershy had shifted the effects of her butterfly buff on Sora to that of a strength boost. “This should help, I hope.”

“Never fear, your backside is under my protection, darling.” Rarity remained in the hood to continue her role as the rear guard.

“Ugh, this is so frustrating!” Groaned Rainbow Dash as she and Twilight had to sit this fight out.

“I know, but there’s nothing we can do right now…” Twilight replied.

“Well, your little team sure can adapt to the situation.” The dragon replied he held his claws out and summoned a greatsword with an engraving of a dragon along the broad side of the blade. “Sadly, this fight is between you and me right now. Discord!” Then suddenly the Lord of all chaos appeared beside Sora in a puff of smoke.

“You don’t have to be so bossy.” With a snap of his fingers, the girls suddenly vanished, leaving Sora on his own.

“What? Where did you-”

“Relax, they’re still here” He pointed toward the Library “I decided to do a little redecorating in there while we were waiting for you. Call it, a final trial.” Discord then flew over to the tree. “Either they manage to come out this door, or you defeat my client then you all win. However, if either you or those mares fail to complete these simple tasks. You lose.”

“Lose? Lose what?” He narrowly brought his keyblade up to block a swift overhand strike from the dragon’s massive sword. So Fast, with that sword? Sora thought.

“Do you really think you have the time to be thinking about that?” The dragon growled out. “I’m not here to lose.” They both backed off from each other. Sora could sense the ferocity in his tone and stance. For some reason, this dragon clearly had a bone to pick with him. For now, Sora can only focus on what was in front of them, because they sure weren’t going to let him think of anything else. “Let’s go, Hero.” And with that, he charged in once again. Sora did the same until they met halfway and their blades clashed.



Twilight was disoriented. One second she was hiding out in frustration in Sora’s hood, the next she found herself falling face first onto a familiar looking wood floor. “Ooowww…..” When she righted herself and had a look around, she was even more confused. “What is this place?” The place was twisted in many ways with floating books and bookshelves here and there. It was then that she noticed the other girls were there as well. Except the five of them of them seemed to be trapped within a Hamster cage. “Girls!” She scurried over to them only to see they were walled off by hard transparent plastic as they banged at the walls screaming to her, however only muffled voices could be heard from them. “What? I-I can’t understand you? Are you all alright?!”

Within the container, the girls were all screaming the same thing. “Twilight! Run! Behind You!”

“I’m trying but I don’t understand what you’re-” It was then that she felt a warm breeze on her back. “...There’s something behind me isn’t there?” The girls inside couldn’t hear her question but could read her mouth and expression well enough to nod in unison. “Oh…” She slowly turned around to see a big purple striped cat with sharp teeth and familiar yellow eyes, staring down at her with a big toothy grin. Twilight immediately faced it and backed up until her plot bumped against the cage. “D-discord?”

“The one and only.” The cat replied with a smug grin before he pounced on her like a panther. Twilight squeaked before narrowly dodging the attack and crawling under him. Meanwhile, the initial momentum from Discord’s attack had him collide with the hamster cage and knock it over, tossing the other girls around inside as it rolled away a couple feet.

“Girls!” Twilight looked back in shock but had to start running again. Discord recovered faster than she would have wanted and run after her, laughing all the while.

“Oh, I do love a good cat and mouse chase. Run little Twilight, run! Without your precious magic, you're nothing but a burden to them. Hahahaha!” Whenever she would climb up a book or object, he’d swipe and knock it over, and her along with it. Whenever she would try to hide under something, she would be reminded how “flexible” a cat’s body was, since anything she could hide under at its smallest could still fit his head. “Come now, Twilight? Where’s that wit of yours? Surely you can think of something other than running away.” He pounced toward her only to miss as she moved hard to the right and behind a book that was floating by. “Hiding again? At least try a little harder in finding a spot, Twilight.” He casually strolled up to the book and was about to grab it when it suddenly shot right at his face “Grk!” Bouncing off his head and momentarily disorienting him.

Twilight still remembered what she learned when they were chased by the real cats, her actual strength remained what it was before being transformed. So she was confident enough that she could at least buck the book in in his face. However she didn’t stick around to see how effective it was, she bolted when he was distracted and hid. She needed time to think.

Meanwhile, back in the cage the girls had recovered from their impromptu “ride” and were now planning something of their own. “Alright Pinkie. Let’em have it!” Applejack pointed toward the lid of the cage. The cage was on its side and they figured all they needed to do now was bust the top off.

Pinkie pulled down her goggles and grinned. “Cover your ears everypony!” She fired a barrage of rockets toward the green lid. It popped off, causing the girls to cheer, but then it swiftly and magically snapped back on, causing them all to stare in silence. Eventually, Rainbow groaned and kicked the water dish away. “HORSEAPPLES!”

While they were busy with that new problem, Discord was now out on the prowl looking for his lavender prey. “Clever clever Twilight, but if this is all you can do, then it’s only a matter of time before I find you again.” He said as he looked under a clothed table then continued his search.

Twilight could hear him and agreed that her time was short. She needed to figure out something before she was discovered. But what? Without her magic, she could only rely on her physical strength, and even if she was as athletic as Rainbow or as strong as Applejack, that wouldn’t matter much with discord. The best should come up with was to throw a book at his face and hide. It can’t end like this she thought. After all that training with Merlin? After that promise, I made to get stronger… her memories flashed back to that moment when she shot Sora while he was used as a meat shield by that cloaked guy, then another image of when she was about to be taken by him only to be narrowly rescued by Sora. I can’t…. I can’t be useless… This magic I learned from Merlin, It CAN’T be for nothing… I just need a wand, a staff, a stick even! Anything to channel magic through without my horn……… Huh? And then a thought crossed her mind. Well, more like a memory.



Twilight, Fluttershy, Spike and Merlin were outside under the shade of the library’s branches, taking a break from their training. Spike and Fluttershy had whipped up some tea and snacks as they sat around on a picnic blanket and enjoyed their time talking to one another. “I must say, you all are coming along quite nicely in your training,” Merlin stated as he sipped some tea then looked at Fluttershy. “Fluttershy, seeing as you are only training for pacifistic spells, I believe you should be finished with your lessons very soon.”

“Really? Thank you.” The yellow mare smiled at that.

“I do have to wonder though, with your diligence and attitude to your studies, you’re second only to Twilight in learning magic. I understand your stance on no violence, but are you sure with how everything is these days, that you do not wish to learn at least one offensive spell?” Merlin asked as he stroked his beard in thought.

“I… I understand your reasoning, Mr. Merlin. Truly I do. I am also aware that heartless aren’t creatures with thoughts or feelings like that of ponies or animals…” Fluttershy placed a hoof to her chest. “But something inside me feels as if it’s saying that Healing and defensive spells are all I need and should want… it’s hard to explain.”

Merlin just chuckled. “Not as complicated as you may think, dear. The phrase you are looking for is “Following your heart” is it not?”

“Oh! Like Sora?” Spike asked as he was munching away.

“Precisely. The lad may not always have the most effective solution to a problem, but you can always trust that he will listen to what his heart says. For better or for worse, he’ll go where he feels is right.”

Fluttershy smiled again. “This is what I feel as well, Mr. Merlin. I’m fine with what you're teaching me now.”

Merlin simply smiled and nodded. “Then I won’t pry any longer.”

At this moment Twilight decided to speak. “While we’re on the topic of following our hearts… if you don’t mind, a question has been on my mind lately. I get the feeling that there are more ways to channel magic,” Twilight then touched her horn. “besides my horn and Fluttershy’s wand. Is there another way to cast these spells, Mr. Merlin?”

“Of course,” Merlin said flatly as he took another sip.

“Guh-” That took the anticipation out of her. He answered just like that. “L-like what?”

“Well, I suppose a common option would be one’s own hands.” He replied.

“H-hands?” She asked, looking at her hooves. The only time she had hands was back in Pooh’s book.

“Yes, though a hoof might be a bit harder.” He set his cup down. “You see for humans, hands can be seen as nature’s greatest tool.” In an instant be poofed into his regular human self and extended his hand out toward them to observe. “We humans see our hands as a part of our bodies, yes, but also the most useful mechanism we own. They grab, they hold, They touch, they poke, they point, they punch, they write, they slap, they push, they pull, give gestures to when we speak or try to convey something, they even make great shadow puppets.” He chuckled.

Twilight and Fluttershy stared at the appendage with amazement. Twilight could agree that with her brief time with using hands, they were indescribable for her to put into words.

“Because of this, it’s a lot easier for a veteran magician to cast a spell with their hands since they see them as tools as well. Tools that they use to channel magic.” Twilight nodded and absorbed every word. “Even Spike here as the same potential with the way he uses his claws.”

“R-really?!” Spike asked with some crumbs on his face.

Merlin nodded. “Indeed, however, you must first get into the proper mindset for it. Managing that however is a bit more challenging.” He then pointed to his head. “You must convince your mind that your claw is just as capable as a wand.

Spike looked back at his claws and started flexing them. More than likely he was trying to do just that.

“Then what about Ponies, Merlin? We have hooves after all. Would they work as well?” Twilight asked holding out her hoof.

Merlin stroked his beard and hummed to himself as he gave it some thought. “Well, to be perfectly honest, that’s hard to say. Sure you ponies use them to grab things, as astonishing as that sounds.” Fluttershy and Twilight were unclear on why he said that last part. “But more often than using them in that way, you mostly use them as a method of locomotion. You walk with them more then you hold things with them.” He then looked at Twilight. “It’s not impossible, but it might just prove to be more difficult to convince your mind to treat them as an arcane focus.”

Hearing this Twilight felt a little bummed at the disadvantage of being a quadruped. “Oh…”

“Like I said, it’s not impossible. And it’s never been attempted before to my knowledge, so nothing is telling you that you can’t.”

At this, she perked up. “R-right.” She decided to make a personal project out of it later for herself.

“Ah, I see the tea and snacks are all gone,” Merlin stated looking at the empty plates and lifting the lid to the teapot. “I suppose that means we should get back to work.”

“Right!” The three students replied to their teacher and helped pack up the dishes and blanket.



Twilight was struck with an epiphany. She looked at her paws, they weren’t her hooves nor the hands she once had for a short while, but they were still hers. Perhaps, maybe…

Meanwhile back in the cage, it seemed the girls had another plan. “Alright! Ready?!” Pinkie called out.

“Ready!” Both Rainbow and Applejack said as each of them had one of Fluttershy’s butterflies circling over them, sprinkling some reddish sparkling dust over them as Fluttershy stood between them so she could better administer it to them.

Rarity was on top the hamster house. Her rapiers converged into one large needle once more, she needed an elevated position for what they were planning. “As am I!” she stated.

“OK! three-two-one-GO!” Pinkie unleashed yet another rocket barrage toward the lid, giving it all she’s got. Once again, the lid popped off. “GET IT!”

“RAAAAAAAAH!” Rainbow and Applejack yelled out as they charged ahead, Applejack with her gauntlets summoned as well, they slammed their paws against the lid to prevent it from moving. “Got it!” They called out.

“Rarity!” Fluttershy turned to the final one in the group to signal her.

“Right!” Rarity’s targeting gem was already down and it located the perfect spot as the weapon above her charged then fired. “This shall end it!” The light attack pierced through the lower center of the lid and into the floorboards beneath it. The lid was pinned. “Done!”

“Let’s Bolt!” Rainbow yelled. Pinkie, Rarity, and Applejack dispelled their weapons and scurried with Rainbow and Fluttershy out of the box. Once they had all escaped they grouped together “Ok, thank Celestia that’s over. Now we just gotta find Twilight and get out of… Whatever this place is.” Rainbow said.

“Yeah, but where is she?” Applejack asked. “This place seems pretty big.” She watched half a fridge drift by. “And not ta mention it’s all topsy turvy.”

“Why don’t we follow that big cat?” Pinkie pointed off toward the distance where a feline Discord was snooping around.

“Discord! Twilight has to be there somewhere, Come on!” Rainbow stated and charged ahead, followed closely by the others.

Back to Twilight, the whole time she had been trying to focus in her hiding spot. “Ok, just change my thinking…” She thrust her paws out. “These are my focus…. these ARE My focus… Fire!” She thrust her paws out once more and quietly called out the most basic fire spell…. nothing. “Come on…. just work, please….” She tried again and again. She had an understanding of what Merlin meant, but to apply it, especially in an unfamiliar form, was proving to be difficult.

“Come out, come out, wherever you are….” And Discord was definitely not helping the situation putting added pressure on her.

She tried and tried and tried all she could, but nothing was happening. She tried other spells, other methods, body positions, she was even contemplating hitting herself over the head to see if that would do something. Obviously, she was starting to grow desperate. “Why won’t this work…. the pieces are all there, but why can’t I use it?”

Just admit it…. you think it’s impossible…

She gasped and looked around, only to find a mirror image of herself smiling carelessly toward her. Her eyes seemed empty, and a dark aura seemed to surround her. “What the-”

Come on, it makes sense doesn’t it? No horn, no wand, no magic. Simple, right?

“N-no, Merlin said it could be done.” Twilight rebutted.

“Yeah, for HUMANS with their HUMAN hands. What do we even know about humans for that matter? Hey, for all we know, perhaps their hands are the equivalent of a unicorn’s horn. The other Twilight shrugged casually with a look on her face as if she didn’t have a care in the world. If that were the case then all of this is for nothing. Better to just give up.

“It can’t be! Merlin said it was even possible to use hooves!”

“You know very well he was just speculating, he’s never seen a pony do it. You can theorize all you want, but without proof, that’s all it is. A theory. Or I suppose since we’ve already tested, we can safely rule it false.

Twilight shook her head. “I can’t give up on it that easily, I’m just missing something.”

You said it yourself, didn’t you? The other Twilight pointed to her. All the pieces are there. Nothing is missing from what I can tell.

Twilight was stumped. “But…. but-”

Hey… don’t you think you should stop beating around the bush and admit it? You don’t really believe all this, do you?

Twilight took a step back

Oh don’t get me wrong, this magic from the outside worlds, that's pretty real. I mean you and Fluttershy have been using it left and right. It’s proven so it must be true. However, some of the other teachings the old man has given you seem… unscientific, don’t you think?

Twilight was about to make another rebuttal to put this other self down… but nothing came out.

Judging by your silence you know exactly what I’m talking about… All this follow your heart nonsense.

Twilight clenched her teeth.

Of course you can’t say it. HE believes in it after all, and you wouldn’t want to burst all his fairytale thoughts that his heart actually AFFECTS anything in reality.

“SHUT UP!” Twilight yelled, tired of listening to this fake any longer. She then immediately covered her mouth remembering her current situation.

“Ah, there you are.” And just like that, her cover was knocked away. She had been hiding under a tipped over the wooden box which had just flown towards a shelf and shattered, leaving her exposed to Discord as he stared down at her with a mischievous look in his eye. “I’ll admit the game was fun, but it’s about time we brought it to an end.” He reached for her. And at that moment, Twilight was again reminded of that scene in the past. Where she stood helpless as that dragon guy reached to grab her in a similar manner.

N-no.... not again… I’ve changed, I’m stronger now, I CAN’T BE USELESS! Her body wouldn’t move, locked up in a memory. She was hyperventilating and shivering on the spot.

She was stuck in her own despair...

Author's Note:

Hey, everyone! Sorry for giving you guys yet another cliffhanger. Though I suppose some of you might have a good idea what happens next. If this guess is what I think it is, then your probably right, haha. And we finally see what's been hiding under that mysterious cloak? A dragon huh? I wonder why? What's his deal?

Anyway, I decided to end the chapter there as another thought came into my head that would involve what happens in the next chapter and I took the remaining 4 days before today sit think about it. I have to make sure it fits up fine with the path I have for the story in general. Also, I have to decide is it even worth doing, or not. The idea sounds great, but if it just makes things confusing or just becomes a one off then there is no reason to use it. Now, what is this thought I have? hahaha, As if I'd spoil the surprise for you. You all will just have to wait another three weeks to find out.

Now then, with that aside, Summer is around the corner.... I really want a pool... swimming would be nice. way better than baking under the hot sun. Ironically I was born in the Summer, but my body is more used to the winter since I live up north. So I say to you, don't get hit by a heatwave or anything, also Humidity is far worse than being under the hot sun when you are outside. The difference? At least you can avoid the heat of the sun by standing under something. Humidity is freaking EVERYWHERE. Of course, now I'm just complaining about something that probably only concerns me so I'll just wrap this up.

Next Chapter, "Can't we talk just about this?"

As Always, I hope you enjoyed this chapter and look forward to future ones.

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