• Published 14th Oct 2015
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Kingdom Hearts: Harmonic Connections - Mr Curious Writer

Master Yen Sid sends Sora to a world he's never been to to help an old friend of his and have him train there for a year to unlock abilities he never knew he had. However the darkness will hold many mysteries he & his new friends will have to solve.

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Chapter 8: Storytime

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Canterlot Castle Throne Room

Sora and the girls, along with Princess Celestia and Luna were now back in the throne room. Once, the guard reported not finding the Queen, and seeing things calm down finally in the castle, the royal sisters found it the right time to meet with the heroes again to swap stories, exchanging information.

On there way there earlier, Applejack came to the discovery that the gauntlets she had would disappear or reappear whenever she needed them to. Just like how Sora would summon or dismiss his. “Do it again, AJ!” Rainbow said excitedly as she stared at her friend with wonder.

Applejack sighed, this was the 10th time already she her friends would ask this. “Fine, but this is the last time. Ah’m sure they’re meant fer more then showin’ off” she shook her head before looking at the girls huddle around her again. Sora, Celestia and Luna just watched from far off smiling at this innocent little moment. When Applejack summoned the gauntlets, in an small slight orange flash of light around her for legs, they appeared again, already wearing them and ready to go. Once she heard her friends “Ooo”ing and “Awe”ing, for a few seconds she dismissed them just as quickly in the same flash of light. This giving her a “Whoa” from her friends.

“That is so awesome! What do you think it can do?! I bet you bash heartless, like a million times harder or something!” Rainbow said as she was shadow boxing in mid air.

“This is utterly amazing, Sora is one thing, but Applejack, your clearly using some kidn of summoning magic.” Twilight said with astonishment… Then she sat back and held her head with a look of distraught on her face. “How is this even possible?! Sora explain!” She darted her head towards the Keyblade wielder who was now shrugging.

“Like I said, this all new to me. I’ve never seen the Keyblade react that way before. I can say that from the looks of it. Applejack is using the same method as me when I call out to my Keyblade. You just call out to it with your heart don’t you, AJ?”

Applejack had to think for a moment on that before finally nodding. “Ah’ think so, there’s really not that much else to it really.”

“My point exactly. Now, do you want us to pick up where we left off, or should we wait for another heartless attack” Sora joked gaining the girls attention.

“Oh, y-yes, of course!” Twilight nearly fumbled to get her note book and quill ready. How could she get so distracted when there was something to be learned. “I’m ready” she then had a determined look on her face.

“Yes I suppose they have waited long enough, don’t you two think?” Celestia said to Luna and Sora who simply smiled and nodded “Very well then, I believe your part of the explanation, was first” She then turned to Sora nodded again.

Once the girls were sitting in front of him he gave a smile. “Right, well to start things off. As you can already tell. I’m not a pony”

“You got that right?! Your like some kind weird biped creature, only not creepy like that Maleficent thing from earlier.” Rainbow added in, but was quickly reprimanded by Rarity.

“Rainbow, don’t be so rude to our friend.”

“What?! I said he wasn’t creepy?”

Rarity shook her head and decided it was best to drop it for now. “Another time, Rainbow Dash. Please do continue, Sora”

“Uuh, right.” Sora blinked nto really sure what to say at that point, but decided to continue. “Well, what I am actually, is a human, from another world”

“So you’re an alien” Pinkie looked excited to hear this new information.

“I uh… guess… technically” Sora rubbed the back of his head after hearing that. He had to admit that sounded pretty accurate. “Can’t say I feel like one.”

“Lyra’s gonna have a field day about this” Rainbow mumbled to herself

“I heard of those actually. But I thought they were just a myth” Twilight said, her quill scribbling away on the levitating notebook.

Sora looked to the side and spoke softly “Feelings mutual from where I come from.” Though he had flash backs of a certain Pegasus at the Coliseum.


“Nothing” Sora decided to continue to change the subject. “Well basically, to get straight to the point. Your world is but one of many worlds that are scattered above us, in the stars. Some people are aware of this and can even travel to other worlds. Like me for example” he pointed to himself.

“How many worlds?” Fluttershy asked to which Sora simply smiled and shrugged

“Who knows? It’s a big place out there. I’m sure there are countless worlds I never even seen before. Like this one for example. I had no idea such a place existed until Master Yen Sid sent me here.”

Twilight at this point, absorbing every world like a sponge, all of this was fascinating to her and even sounded impossible. Other worlds? In the stars? Soon she was started to believe it. I mean, if there’s life here, there had to be life out there as well, right? Her mind kept shooting out constant possibilities of what could be out there. There as an excited scholarly look in her eyes. “Who is this master Yen Sid you keep mentioning? I know you’ve told us before, but not much.”

“Oh right! Well like I said, he’s human like me, but he’s like a REALLY old wizard guy with a long beard.” Sora made a gesture with both his hooves, running them up and down from his chin to his lower chest to emphasize the length of the beard. The Princesses were doing all they can from trying not to laugh at Sora’s… blunt description of Celestia’s friend.

“Well, that was quite descriptive, Sora. However, I do believe there is more to him then his beard.” Celestia held a hoof to her mouth to barely stop her from losing her composure in giggles.

“Oh right, well he definitely knows his magic, that’s for sure. He even trained a King I’m friends with to be a Keyblade Master, and he is like super strong!” Sora continued.

“So do all humans use magic then?” Rarity asked, quite curious to learn more.

Sora had to stop, fold his fore limbs in front of him, and think about that question. “Um… Well they all don’t use it… but I guess they all have potential… I mean, not all of them strive to actually study magic… I guess its just a matter of, who would want to use magic. However there are a lot more people out there then just humans as well you know. Like the King I mentioned. He‘s actually a mouse”

Fluttershy was instantly intrigued “Aww, a mouse king? How cute!” she had a sort of sparkle in her eye, as if imagining a tiny little mouse with a crown on it’s head holding a tiny Keyblade.

Sora couldn’t help but chuckle. “I wonder what he would say if you called him cute.”

“Wow, can just anyone be a Keyblade wielder then?” Rainbow raised an eyebrow, somewhat finding it skeptical to see a mouse have one of those as well.

Sora simply shrugged “I guess so, but it’s not like everyone can do it. I guess there are some requirements needed to be met, or maybe it’s just random. I’m not sure how it happens, but it definitely appeared out of nowhere when I first got it.”

“I guess this is a perfect time to ask about your story Sora. Why you’re here and how you got here. You said you’d tell us everything, right?” Twilight was right to being that up since Sora looked like he had no problem with that request.

“Well, sure if you all are really that interested. It’s kind of a long story” Sora chuckled.

“Sora, we got more then enough time now that everythin’ has calmed down, an’ we don’t know where Maleficent or Chrysalis are hiding right now. Seems like as good a time as any ta’ know more ‘bout our friend.” Applejack gave Sora a light punch to his shoulder giving smile of her own. “Sides, after that whole, fusin’ thing ah’ got a whole mountain of questions ta’ ask, and if ah’ got a mountain” She then pointed to the rather eager looking Twilight. “She’s probably got ten of them waiting for answers.”

“Yeah, better get it over with now, or you’ll never hear the end of it” Rainbow was on the other side elbowing him and laughing away.

“Yeah! Story time! I brought the snacks!” Pinkie somehow had managed to already have a big tub of popcorn, drinks, and of course cupcakes, from who knows where when she was out of everyone’s eyesight.

Rarity had to take a step back form the sudden display of food, before regaining her sense of reality and spoke “Uh, yes, well I have to agree Sora, no time like the present to tell us, wouldn’t you agree” She made sure she was completely comfortable as she politely grabbed a drink for herself.

Fluttershy had picked up a cup cake and sat with Pinkie and Rarity “Um, I hope you don’t mind, but I would like to hear it as well.” she gave a rather warm smile to him. Making even harder to refuse if he even wanted to.

After hearing all that, how could he refuse telling them now. “Alright… I guess we’ll just start out where my friends and I were building a raft at our home world.” Sora’s long tale of his adventures, then began. As all of the girls, even the Princesses all listened intently to the boy turned Stallion.



A familiar dark meeting room is once again visited by it’s owner and her otherworldly partner when a corridor of darkness appeared in the middle of the room, allowing the two to appear once it vanishes. Maleficent had already had the book, Crysalis stolen from the royal Library, opened in one hand and was looking intently at the pages.

“Well Well, it would appear, this happy go lucky Kingdom, has more then it’s share of dark pasts.” She flipped the page to continue reading.

“It better be worth it, those annoying Princesses caught me in the act before I could escape. They’ll know we’re up to something, and once they find out what book we’ve taken. I can assure you, they’ll hunt us down to the ends of the world.” Chrysalis griped as she had made her way to the round table before them.

“Let those fools search, it will be too late, when the time comes.” She stopped on a certain page. “And what do we have here?” she read the words very carefully. Then a devious looking smile appeared across her lips. “Well, this might prove to be most useful in our endeavors.” She approached the table next to the Queen and lowered for her to read.

“… The Beasts of Tartarus…” she had never heard of such creatures before and continued to read.

“The name appears to be more of a nickname then what they actually are. However nicknames are given for a reason.”

The Queen continued to read. “Criminals of Equestria of the worst kind…. Black Arts, unstoppable strength, Highly skilled at what they do. All immortal beings earning their immortality through illegitimate means, sentence to live out the rest of their days in the deepest and darkest hole that the kingdom could find.

Maleficent spoke up“Imagine, the grudge they must be having… the hate and disdain for the royal sisters. They all must dream of freedom, to escape that wretched hole-”

“And to exact their vengeance” The Queen continued, as smile on her face for a brief moment.

“And you want to set them free?” Chrysalis was abit skeptical that freeing these criminals would make them side with them so easily.

“No…” Maleficent turned and walked off to stare at the crude…. Architecture of the room. “I do not need such a liability. I want their hearts instead.”

“Their hearts?” The Queen was utterly confused “Why would you want to eliminate them when you said you wanted their powers?” She saw no point in going out of their way for this.

The Witch simply laughed the Queen’s ignorance before continuing. “Your Highness, to relieve them of their hearts is exactly how I will control them.” She then turned to the Queen who apparently didn’t take to kindly to the laughter, but was interested to know more anyway. “In order to have a stronger heartless to do our bidding, a heart is needed. She used her magic to make an image of a heart and a Shadow appear on the table. “Any normal heart would give us the appropriate heartless in exchange.”

The Queen watch the shadow claim the heart, and disappear, only for a Soldier to appear. She put a hoof to her chin “So, then you want their hearts because they are strong?”

“Precisely, Your Majesty. The stronger the heart…” An image of a larger looking heart and a shadow appeared. Once the shadow claimed the large heart. It vanished and what appeared was the very same armored equine Heartless Sora and his friends fought. “The more powerful the heartless. And the stronger our army of darkness grows.”

This brought a an evil smirk across the queen’s face as well as Maleficent’s, before speaking again. “That’s a sound plan and all, Maleficent, however these criminals are in a forsaken pit for a reason. No doubt they will be no pushovers. Should I have people aid in this fight?” to this the witch simply raised her hand.

“On the contrary, I want them to fight. To give it everything they have. Without a Keyblade a heartless isn’t truly defeated and can just comeback to the fight after reforming. Time will be the deciding factor, and as Immortal as they may be, they’re bodies and stamina cannot last forever. I’m sure you want to preserve as much of your kind as possible for your goals, after all. Think of the heartless as tools to reach that goal. They‘re an endless supply for me.”

The queen liked this suggestion, she wanted to be ready for what they had originally had planned at the very beginning. She gave a nod, “I guess all that leaves is finding this pit these “beasts” reside in” She looked at the book reading more of the page.

Maleficent started walking back to her. “The question is: where would they hide such a place. It’s obvious such knowledge isn’t even known to public, or at best, the beasts of Tartarus became nothing more then a legend. Perhaps your people can go search for information on this.”

The Queen gave a nod “My thoughts exactly, I’ll have them scatter throughout the far the kingdom, to find out more.” With that the Queen had made her way out of the room, no doubt assembling her best soldiers for the job.

Maleficent watched her leave before turning toward the book and picking it up, looking at the page they were on. “The Beasts of Tartarus…. It appears, for the good of this happy Kingdom, your existences have been erased and seen only as myths… Well, surely no one will miss you when you become heartlesses” She gave a small sinister chuckle as she continued to read from the book.


Golden Oaks Library

It was a slow day at the library today…. Spike was bored out of his mind. He took care of all his duties, and hardly anypony came by other then the those that would want to return a book. He was laid out on the couch, thinking what he could possibly do now. His thoughts drifted off to his friends, and that new pony Sora… He had to admit, he was pretty cool. He was nice, and genuinely was interested when ponys would strike a conversation with him. He even helped carry Spike when he couldn’t move from all those cupcakes in his stomach.

He groaned at the memory, he was definitely going to avoid cupcakes for a few days. He then started to remember the first time they all met Sora. He had never seen pony pull off such amazing moves like that. In fact, a lot of his attacks seemed focused standing upright and using his hoof to swing his “Keyblade” more then it being in his mouth… Spike sat up… then looked at his claws. He walked on two legs, and always used his claws to hold onto things and the like. He picked up a scroll on the nearby table and started imagining it as Sora’s Keyblade.

With a smile he started to swing the “Keyblade” around, the way he remembered Sora doing it. He would even try to do those aerial attacks, but could only manage to jump high enough to flail his weapon for a half a second before falling back onto the floor. However, that didn’t seem to deter him as he got right back up and was now taking a horde invisible Heartless “Your no match for SIR SPIKE, fiends!” he charged at his non existent enemies slashing through them like it was nothing. He was all over the Library, swinging away, that it was a surprised he didn’t knock anything over.

Then his imaginations started adding in a goal. There, off in the distance, Lady Rarity, was trapped in a ring of heartless “You shall not harm a single hair on milady!” and he pulled back the “Keyblade” and threw it out just like how he saw Sora throw his. The scroll was rolled up enough to have just enough weight to be thrown a long distance, where as Spike’s imagination made it look like that weapon was cutting and tracing the circle of heartless, before returning Spike’s hand like a boomerang. Spike would then rush over, picking up the scroll turned weapon then over to where “Rarity was, However this Rarity was just a big purple pillow. “You are safe, milady!” he bowed politely.

“Why of course, milady! I would take on an army for you.” Spike seemed to be striking up a conversation with the pillow now.

“It gives me great joy to see that smile on your face, my dear” He was now holding the pillow as if he was holding a lady. “And I would do it all again, for you.” And soon his drew ever closer to the top of it, lips puckered just inches away form touching it.

“What are ya’ doin‘?” And just like that Spike’s fantasy world crashed hard into reality by the sound of Appleblooms voice. Looking to his right side, he noticed 3 fillies at the entrance of the library looking at him. Applebloom with her head tilted with a confused look on her face, while her two friends Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo were doing everything they could from laughing straight out loud. However, the snickers were anything but quiet

This prompted Sir Spike to instantly cast the scroll and Pillow to Celestia knows where when he threw them over and behind him. “Nothing!” It was then that the wave of withheld laughter practically filled the room, giving the purple dragon a rather red face.

When the laughter and Spike’s embarrasment subsided

“So can I help you 3 with something?” Spike didn’t even bother to mask his annoyance when Scootaloo have a mocking grin at him the whole time.

“Well, yeah, we were wondering if we can ask ya’ about that Sora feller” Applebloom decided to get to the point.

“What about him?” Spike raised an eyebrow wondering where this was going

“Well, we wanna know more about him. He seems awfully important if the princesses wanted to see him, also Rainbow said he’s cool” Scootaloo answered.

Spike scratched the back of his head. “Well, I guess so. He’s certainly a strange a pony to be sure, but he seems to value his friends a lot from what I’ve seen. And he can definitely hold his own in a fight! I never seen anything like it!” His attitude quickly changed when he remembered the battle in the forest. “He’s an Earth Pony with some kind of.. Magic key sword thing that he can make disappear or reappear, and summon it back whenever he throws it at bad guys….” He coughed when he realized how he kind of went on for abit.

“Wow, he certainly sounds like an interesting pony” Sweetie Belle smiled hearing Spike’s explanation.

“Yeah, maybe almost as cool as Rainbow Dash” Scootaloo had to add in

“He’s comin’ back, right?” Applebloom looked over to the purple dragon who thought for a moment.

“Well, I don’t know if he went to Canterlot to stay there or not, but I think he’s coming back.” At this the girls looked at each other and smiled. “He doesn’t seem like the type to forget his friends.”

“It’s settled then” Sweetie Belle said

“Huh?” Spike looked at her raising an eyebrow

“As my big brother would say, Eeeyup” Applebloom gave a nod

“What?” now spike was looking at Applebloom with the same face.

“The plan is a go!” Scootaloo stomped a hoof to the ground to emphasize her point.

“Uh, what plan?” he asked Scootaloo, but now the girls were turning around and running out the door.

“Thanks Spike!” the thre of them said one after another as they rushed out the door.

…………. Spike looked at their retreating bodies as they left the library and was out on the road…… “What just happened?


Canterlot Castle Throne Room

After Sora‘s Story

And that brings us to… well, me being here” Sora had finished his tale of his adventures with great detail much to Twilight’s request. However, some certain parts involving Xehanort intervening in the Keyblade Exam was left out, he didn’t think it would be important for them to learn that much of his struggles, however it was inevitable to speak about the nobodies since a good portion of his travels involved them, so they learned of Xehanort one way or another.

The look Twilight was giving him was one full of wonder and excitement that he swear he could’ve seen stars in her eyes. He was also surprised how everypony else were still listening to his story. He was pretty sure at least Rainbow Dash would be asleep by now from listening for so long. But she definitely looked like she hung on to every word. The same could be said about the rest of them.

“That was… Amazing! Did that all really happen to you?” Twilight was almost as excited and bouncy as Pinkie Pie, and that was saying something. “All those worlds you been to, all the po-er-people you’ve met, All the things you’ve seen. All of it really happened.” to his nod Twilight immediately looked at Applejack, She believed him but it was best to get confirmation.

Applejack simply nodded “He ain’t lying, Twilight. Seems like it’s a much bigger place out there.” The purple Unicorn was utterly ecstatic now.

“Wow, you went through all that?” Rainbow flew up to him “That’s awesome! You fought all sorts monsters out there” She could hardly believe the part where he said he fought a Hydra and won. The part where he said he met a Pegasus, got all the girls interested, thinking one of their kind somehow knew how to get to other worlds, but when he explained this Pegasus was much to different and born on a different world, only a little of the enthusiasm deflated. “Your like some kind of Super Hero”

Sora gave big grin “So I guess you believe me now when I said I was a made an official a hero, now”

“I have to believe it since your given a star constellation.”

“That was the best story ever!” Pinkie cheered pouncing on top of Rainbow bringing them both down to the ground. “That Halloween Town sounded like the perfect place to have a spooky party!” She seemed excited when Sora talked about that world and the number one Halloween planner Jack Skellington. In a sense they both planned for festivities, so once could say the two of them had that similarity.

“I personally enjoyed the part where talked about the Beast’s castle.” It was true, whenever Sora went over his time at that castle, being the romantic type Rarity was all over that story, hanging onto every word. “Oh, a tale of a prince turned monster, released of his curse by true love” she held a hoof to her chest. “Oh how absolutely romantic”

Rainbow rolled her eyes. “I just like the parts where he roared and smashed stuff”

“Oh, and the talking furniture and dishes too!” Pinkie raised a hoof to draw attention to her words.

Fluttershy seemed to be busy imagining Sora as little lion. Her imagination was pretty on the mark, and caused her to smile and wish she could see that, but she would also remember all the sacrifices Sora would make for his friends as well, searching through so many worlds to find them, only to find that his best friend betray and fight him when confronted each other in Hollow Bastion for the first time, and being told that Sora’s heart held his other friend, Kairi’s heart. She nearly cried at the part where he unlocked his heart and became a heartless just to free her heart, and thankful when she managed to return the favor and bring him back. Though, if she was completely honest, she kind of wondered what Sora and Kairi’s relationship was. However that thought was quickly pushed away, when she realized what she was thinking, a small blush was barely seen on her face.

“Well, it seems we all have enjoyed Sora’s story” Celestia smiled at the girls before looking at Luna, who‘s mind seemed to be in it‘s own thoughts. Apparently the story about how he had to fight his best friend Riku when he walked the path of Darkness, and yet easily forgave him after all that, kind of hit close to home for her case. “You have certainly face adversity and traveled great lengths to be where you are now.”

Sora nodded “Yeah, which reminds me, The reason I’m here… Yen Sid, training wasn’t the only reason I’m here. I know one of the tasks for me is to find this world’s key hole, but he said there were other issues that your having?”

Twilight remembered Sora talking about that, and it worried her. Somewhere in Equestria was a keyhole that they needed to find before the heartless do. A keyhole to the heart of the world. If they didn’t lock it. And the Heartless find it. Her world will be no more. That sent shivers down her back, but now hearing that there would be more problems, Well they already know about Chrysalis and Maleficent collaborating, but judging by the Princesses reaction at the time, this was new to them as well, meaning there was something else.

Celestia nodded. “Yes, well, you see, at this point in time, we decided to tell you at another time. We already have two problems that need immediate attention compared to what we really called you for.” Sora was about to say something before Luna interrupted him.

“Fear not, Key Wielder, what we asked your assistance for is not a pressing issue at this time and we would like to try to gather more information on it as well, as to not send you out there in the dark.”

Sora thought for a moment, if it wasn’t that big of an issue right now, then he shouldn’t press about it for now. “Alright then, well, I have question to ask as well.”

“Ofcourse, Sora, what is it that you wish to know?” Celestia asked.

“Well, does this world have magic or something that effects an outsider when they enter it?”

Both Princesses, looked at each other before looking back at Sora “What do you mean?”

Well for example” he then proceeded to take his jacket and saddle bag off and then stood there. Looking at them. When he noticed everyone’s confused faces he then explained. “My clothes actually have a magical ability to transform me to like the denizens of whatever world I’m in.”

The girls nodded and Twilight tilted her head “Yeeeeaaah, so?”

“So… I just took off my magic clothes” That’s when it clicked in everyone’s head.

“Oh so you revert back to normal when your not wearing them?” Twilight asked, to which the stallion nodded. That’s when the girl’s memories of the time where he wasn’t wearing it appeared in their minds.

At this Princess Celestia held a hoof to her chin “Oh dear… I did not know about that.” Sora looked at her.

“Know of what, your highness?”

Celestia had a nervous smile on her face “Well, I wasn’t aware that your had garments that could change you to something that would fit this world, so as you were falling, to our world, I used my magic to… alter your body, in a way.”

“Alter it?” Sora was unsure of where this was going.

Luna stepped in and cleared her throat “What my sister is trying to say is… well she changed your body completely so that you technically are a pony, and at the same time your not. A being that is, in between, really.”

…………………….. The silence felt long and agonizing before Sora finally spoke again.


Author's Note:

Yo, sorry for the long wait, but at least I still made it under the two week deadline. I'm hoping the story was worth the wait. Alright, lets get to it:

I wanted this chapter to be a way to get some information settled and to catch up on some other characters in the story. The Beasts of Tartarus.... what can I say... that won't be spoiling.... Well it's pretty obvious I created them, so there's that.... I suppose I could give a hint for you guys one what my intention is with them: when it comes to MLP crossovers, unless the game or show involves a character that is whatever you made, I don't really like to use OCs. Nothing wrong with it mind you, its just something I avoid doing as much as possible, but I know some future crossover I have planned will involve them, so those crossovers are an exception. That's my hint on what is in store for these guys. Whether it sounds vague, or your able to take a pretty accurate guess on what their future will be is up to you. I obviously can't say if your correct or not, or if your even close or not, but sometimes, but what I can say, is that whenever I read do read comments, sometimes you guys effect the story based on what you post. :3 Other then the polls, those are obvious you guys are involved, I was speaking of whenever you guys make theories on things. :raritywink:

Anyway, good news, I got a pretty good head start on the next chapter, so if all goes well, you'll get to see it sooner. I make no promises since knowing my self well enough, I might re look at something and just gag and redo it completely lol. Sorry in advance if that happens, but I really want to make sure what you read doesn't suck. :twilightsheepish:

Next Chapter: A little R&R does a body good.

As Always, I hope you enjoyed this chapter and look forward to future ones.

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