• Published 14th Oct 2015
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Kingdom Hearts: Harmonic Connections - Mr Curious Writer

Master Yen Sid sends Sora to a world he's never been to to help an old friend of his and have him train there for a year to unlock abilities he never knew he had. However the darkness will hold many mysteries he & his new friends will have to solve.

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Chapter 6: A Little Trust

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Canterlot Train Station

“That’s impossible!” The train had finally reached Canterlot, the passengers more then happy to put this whole ideal behind them as they quickly made their way out of the train. Though their gratitude to the 7 young heroes did not go unheard whenever they would pass by one of them. Meanwhile though, Twilight was listening to Applejack and Rainbow’s explanation on how Sora defeated the Heartless. However, hearing that he used magic spells they never heard of was beyond unbelievable.

“Believe me, sugarcube. I’m still having trouble understanding it myself” Applejack shook her head “But how else can you explain, it. We saw Sora literally, shoot out a ball of fire from his Keyblade.”

“Yeah, then after that, he got up close to the thing, and shot a blast of ice on it’s face” Rainbow dash added in. “And you and Rarity said you saw that lightning crash down too right?”

All of this wasn’t making sense to Twilight at all. How is this possible? Earth ponies can’t cast spells. There has to be a reasonable explanation for this” Her mind was racing with theories and ideas of why this should be.

Meanwhile Sora had been talking with Fluttershy, Pinkie, and Rarity, they had been all swapping stories on what they were during that battle. Fluttershy held a hoof to her mouth in astonishment. “Y-you did all that?”

Sora nodded “Yeah, I couldn’t let it hurt Rarity or Twilight with that whistle attack. That thing really hurts your ears and if you get to close your completely stunned and can’t move.

“And we greatly appreciate what you did, dear. However, what your are saying that happened is completely impossible.” Rarity stated as she looked over at Twilight who was now muttering to her self and strands of her hair were going out of place. “Oh dear, This might eventually break twilight if nothing is explained, properly.”

The others looked at the stressed out purple mare. Sora then nodded. “You… have a point…” That was when realization struck him. “How about we just head over to this Princess Celestia pony you’ve all been talking about. Once we get there all will be explained.

“I like that, plan! I got a feeling that something amazing will happen too!” Pinkie was getting excited again as she trotted in place.

“An excellent idea, Sora” Twilight said as this new bit of knowledge seemed to have somewhat calmed her down “Y-you said you‘d tell us everything once we get there, Right, and the Princesses must know what’s going on as well, right? Good, good, good, let‘s get going then. Don‘t want to keep the princess waiting.”

“Uuh… Right…” Sora just watched as Twilight just started trotting right past him out of the station. Although she calmed down. The Strands of out of place hair and somewhat manic stare didn’t seem to go away, and most likely wouldn’t for awhile. He then turned to the others “Um, shall we then?”

As soon as everyone started walking, Applejack had walked up next to Sora. “Ya know, I have ta ask? What exactly are you doing this fer?”

“Huh?” Sora looked at her, confused at the question.

“I mean, why even come here, or even help us? Is it just cuz the Princess asked you to?” Applejack asked as he watched him

Sora, just raised an eyebrow, before shaking it head laughing. “Well I know the Princess wanted me to help, but even if she didn’t ask, if I knew what was going on, I’d definitely come here anyway.

“Ya would?” Applejack stared intently “Why?” that’s when Sora looked back at her.

“If there’s anyway that I can help, I help. Wouldn’t you” he smiled at her before trotting ahead. “Besides, you guys are my friends. I always help my friends”

As she watched Sora move ahead to catch up with the others. She had to admit, everything he said… She didn’t sense any lying. This brought a small smile to her lips.


Meanwhile not too far from the Castle itself

Maleficent and Chrysalis step out from the corridors of darkness as they gazed upon the castle ahead. “It would appear that these Princesses have set up contingencies. A barrier that prevents using the corridors to enter surrounds the entire building. How rare to see such magic. Reminds me of the Cornerstone of light, I suppose” Maleficent said as she was busy contemplating in her head.

“So what do we do? We can’t just waltz right up there.” the Queen announced begrudgingly as she glared at the castle. She wasn’t even going to bother asking about that Cornerstone Maleficent was talking about.

“On the Contrary, I believe that is exactly what we should do” Maleficent said before looking at Chrysalis. “as I said before, all we need is a distraction, and I do believe your kind are most skilled with the art of disguise.” a dark smile grew on her lips, before one started growing on the Queen’s face as well.

“Oh indeed, and I assume you shall handle the, distraction.” As she said this the Queen already started transforming in front of the woman.

Maleficent walked on before saying. “With pleasure, Your Majesty.” a small laugh was heard from her before the two of them separated.


Castle Throne Room

Some time later

The door slowly swung open revealing Sora and the girls all standing in the hallway. Sora got a good look at the place on their way there. The castle was indeed huge. He felt like he would get lost if he wasn’t careful. He had been to Castles before, but this one was the grandest one he’s been to. In front of them were two Alicorns wearing tiaras. So those are the Princesses That’s when the guard next to him spoke

“Announcing, Twilight Sparkle, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Applejack and um” He looked over toward Sora, to which the key blader replied.

“Sora” he said loud enough so everyone could hear as well.

“Thank you” the guard nodded to him before bowing his head to the royal sisters and went back to his post. Sora and the girls then made their way to the Princesses, who smiled at their arrival. Though he couldn’t help but notice the shorter sister, seemed to replace that smile with a puzzled look on her face when she finally got a good look at Sora. Huh? What‘s with her? She immediately picked that up and then gave a smile that seemed alittle forced as if, to hide her staring form earlier.

The taller of the two, Celestia was the first to speak. “Greetings my little ponies, I’m glad to see you’ve all arrived here safely.”

“Sora!” Sora heard the a sort of whispered yelling behind him. He turned back to see the others were now bowing to the princess, and Twilight glaring at him hoping he got the picture. To which he did. But mostly on how Twilight at that moment reminded him of how Donald would constantly tell him to show respect to Yen Sid whenever they had to go speak with him.

“Huh? Oh, Right!” he turned back to face the Princesses and mimicked his friends in bowing.

Twilight rolled her eyes, as the Princesses gave a small laugh before calming down. “Please rise, everypony. We have much to discuss” As soon as they did Twilight walked past Sora and went to nuzzle Celestia.

“It’s great to see you again, Princess” Twilight said then looked to the darker Alicorns with the same big smile. “And you to as well, Princess Luna” To which the younger princess simply returned the smile and dip of her head.

“We are glad to see you again as well, Twilight Sparkle” Luna replied. Sora picked up the difference in how she spoke compared to her sister. She seemed to give more effort in making her self sound as what royalty should sound, Well that was what Sora thought anyway. “And to all as well” she then gestured Sora and the other girls.

“Yes, especially you, Sora. It relieves to see that your… unexpected crash has not injured you.” Celestia replied as Twilight went back to her friends. “I would like to apologize for that, your original destination was to be here. However, something unexpected occurred, and threw you off course.” Rainbow Dash could’ve sworn the Princess threw a short glance at her. This left the Pegasus with a confused look.

“Oh it’s fine your majesty. I’ve dealt with worse, and I got to meet these guys” Sora turned to the girls who all smiled as well at the acknowledgement.

“Yes, it turns out that event became more of a benefit then I had imagined.” Celestia smiled and gave a nod.

“Not to be rude Princess, but I was hoping that you and Sora could explain what is going on and why he is here?” Twilight looked over to the Stallion. “And why he is able to do things an Earth pony like himself shouldn't be able to do.”

Celestia nodded. “Yes, you are very correct, Twilight.” she turned to Sora “As you have already come to know, I have requested Young Sora’s assistance for the dangers you have no doubt experienced before coming here.

“Ya mean the heartless” Applejack pointed out.

“Indeed, we’ve also been told that not only in the forest, but you’ve dealt with them on the train as well.” at their nod the Princess had a grim look on her face. “It’s as I’ve feared.”

“What do you mean, Princess?” Twilight asked

Both sisters looked at each other sharing the same concerned look before looking back at the others. “We believe that somepony is behind all this, and controlling the heartless. Your battle on the train confirmed this.”

“Somepony is controlling them? Rainbow raised an eyebrow and thought back. “Those guys seemed pretty mindless, they would actually have a leader?”

“That makes sense” Sora was sitting on his haunches and crossed his fore legs as he closed his eyes and contemplated.

“But didn’t you say that Heartless only care about taking pony’s hearts, darling?” Rarity chimed in “Why listen to somepony and not just take their heart?”

Sora looked over to Rarity “Normally that would be the case, however if you have a strong heart, the heartless will do your bidding.” This new bit of information came as a surprise to them. “However, you can’t show any signs of weakness to them or you WILL be just another heart for them to claim.” there was a collective gulp with Twilight and her friends “This makes sense though. On the train, we had to deal with a large group of heartless, and a very large one. Princess, is someone after us?”

Celestia nodded “Sadly, we believe so. Although, I don’t think they expected your appearance Sora. From what I have gathered, they appear to be after Twilight and her friends.” said ponies all sharing worried glances. Some more then others.

“W-w-who would want t-to do that?” Fluttershy quietly asked, though the Princess managed to pick up.

“It is… unclear at this moment, but we assume that they wish to get you out of the way with whatever it is they plan to do.” Luna answered

“Why would someone want to take them out?” Sora asked confused on why someone would just want to go after random ponies.

“Ah, yes. I suppose they haven’t explained” Celestia looked back at Twilight and her friends who all seemed to be looking at other places or had an embarrassed look on their face.

“It may have slipped our minds to talk about that, ahehe” Twilight answered

Sora watched Celestia smile and shake her head. “I see, well. I suppose now is as good a time as ever.” she looked over to Sora “You see Sora, Your new friends are more important to Equestria then you might think. They are the bearers of the Elements of Harmony.”

“Elements of Harmony?” Sora looked back at the others. From how she let on about the name. she made them sound like living national treasures.

“Yes, they are the embodiment of the Magic of Friendship” Celestia pointed out. At this Sora hammered one hoof on top of the other after realizing something.

“So that’s what Yen Sid meant on Magic of Friendship” Sora was starting to see their importance now.

“Ah so Master Yen Sid did explain to you about this.” the sun princess smiled

“A little, your Majesty. He was kind of cryptic about it.” Sora sighed shaking his head.

Celestia had to cover her mouth as she tried to stifle her giggling. “Yes, he does seem to enjoy that sort of thing. However, he does prefer to let those he teach to experience things on their own as much as he can.”

“Well, that would make sense.” Sora sighed before shaking his head. The two of them noticed the others watching them expectantly bringing them back to reality.

“Ah yes, perhaps will discuss about him later and we’ll focus on the task at hand.” she gestured a hoof toward the girls. “As I’ve said before they are the embodiment of Friendship.” she started with the excitable Pink Pony, Pinkie Pie

“Laughter” At the mention of her element Pinkie Pie waved wildly and giggled

“Kindness” When Celestia gestured to Fluttershy, the shy mare gave a small smile and looked rather embarrassed to get the short moment of attention.

“Loyalty” Rainbow was the complete opposite when her element was called out and made a rather confident and proud Pose as she stood there.

“Generosity” Rarity simply took a bow towards Sora and the Princesses before lifting her herself back up eyes closed as she head her head held high.

“Honesty” Applejack tipped her hat toward them before giving and affirmative nod to her element being mentioned.

“And Magic” Twilight stepped forward smiling as she dipped her head in front of them in bowing. “You can say that they’re our own heroes here.”

“Wow, that would explain why they are being targeted” Sora said as Twilight lifted herself up to speak.

“That reminds me Princess, You nor Sora has fully explained on who he is or why he is here”

“Ah yes, you are correct my faithful student.” Celestia turned to Sora. “Sora, I would like to make it known that these 6 brave ponies are allowed the knowledge that the World Order protects. So you are free to tell them everything.”

This time Sora gave a sigh of relief. “Thank you Princess” he turned to his friends “To be honest, I’ve been wanting to tell you guys once I got to know you” He flashed a big grin as the others gathered around. Twilight of course front and center, notes out quill on paper ready at any moment.

“Tell. Us. Everything.” She stated in a way that made Sora think about backing up from her a bit before continuing. She wanted to know how this pony could do such amazing and impossible feats.

“Ahem, alright. Well, will start with what seems to be bothering you all the most. How I can use Magic” If the girls were sitting on something, they would be at the edge of it right now. “Well, that’s because I’m-” the Throne room doors swung open

“Your Highnesses!” A guard bursts into the room sprinting at full speed before skidding to a halt in front of them and quickly bowing in front of the Royal Sisters. “I’m sorry for the intrusion, but it’s an emergency”

Twilight for a moment was absolutely livid that the explanation was interrupted before it could even start, but seeing the worried look on the guard’s face urged her to calm down for now and listen.

“Speak, what worries you, my guard” Celestia was starting to have an idea of what, and hoping it wasn’t the case. The look on her and her sister’s face betraying their feelings of concern for their people.

“An army of monsters, creatures we’ve never seen before, somehow appeared inside the castle, from out of nowhere!” This caused a collective gasp to be heard. “We are engaging them as we speak, but it’s like whatever we slay only comes back again.”

“That’s the heartless, alright” Sora jumped over his friends “On it!” without a second thought he summoned his Keyblade to his mouth before dashing off. Out of the room and down the hall.

“Sora wait for us!” Twilight said as her friends were getting up along with her to go after the Key bearer when they heard Celestia speak

“A moment, Twilight and friends. I wish to give you this before you join him” they all turned to see Celestia with her magic pull a box from behind her throne. “I went ahead to take these out of their vault to give you them.” when the box opened, 5 necklaces and a tiara with individual gems as their centerpiece were seen neatly placed within it.”

“The Elements of Harmony!” Twilight exclaimed as they all grabbed their specific accessory. Pinkie with the necklace with the blue balloon shaped gem, Fluttershy wore the one that had the pink butterfly gem, Rainbow Dash’s being the red lightning bolt, Rarity’s had the purple diamond, Applejack’s gem was in the shape of an orange apple, and Finally Twilight, who was the only one wearing a tiara Hers was shaped somewhat like a magenta star.

I had wish to explain the reason I have brought them out, but time is of the essence, both his Keyblade and your elements of harmony are believed to be connected in some way.”

“Connected?” Twilight asked as she watched the two sisters rise from their thrones and make their way down to them

“Yes, however, an explanation will have to wait. My apologies Twilight”

“Don’t worry, Princess, this is more important, and we can’t just let Sora take care of all our problems by himself.”

“Yeah, this our home, we should be protecting it!” Rainbow Dash was already shadow boxing.

“I agree, even though he’s more then capable of handling these ruffians, it just wouldn’t do if we sat idly by. Quite rude if you ask me” Rarity added.

“Yeah! I wanna do cool limit breaks and team attacks with him!” Pinkie said as she left everyone confused on what she said. “Then we can teach those big jerks a lesson!”

“I um, I don’t know how helpful I can be, but I want to help our friend too” Fluttershy timidly raised her hoof.

“I’m with ya’ll on this one. It don’t sit right with me letting a friend of mine do all the work.” Applejack being the last to answer.

Celestia and Luna looked on at the group seeing all of their determined faces and smiled “Very well, when this is all over I promise we will resume where we left off. Now there is one last thing I would like to give you. I was hoping to give it to Sora, but as you can see. He has already left.” She pulled out a small bag. And gave it to Twilight

“What is it, Princess?” she opened it up and it looked like a bag full of glowing orbs of light.

“Something that we and Sora’s Master devised to unlock his true self, for a limited time.”

“True self?” Applejack asked looking at the bead like things in the bag.

“Yes, although those are prototypes. The finished Project we are still working on should be able to be an accessory he can wear for convenience. Until then, he will have to use those. All he would need to do is take one of those and bite down on the casing that locks the magic inside it. However, also inform him to not use it while my guards or the public is around to see him.”

Unclear on what she meant by that, but determined to help their friend. They all eventually agreed as Twilight held onto the bag with her magic. “Ok Princess, we’ll tell him when we give him the bag.” with nothing else said they all turned and made their way out of the throne room.

“Be safe my little ponies” Celestia said before looking at the guard. “I trust them to take care of things on their end. Please take us any other places that require attention”

“Yes, Your majesty!” the Guard then started leading the way for them.


The Courtyard

a few minutes later

Sora had been mowing down the heartless in the hallways aiding any guard he came across along the way. He was glad to see they were putting up a fight, but he had to exterminate the heartless before the guards got exhausted and start making fatal errors. He was starting to wish his friends Riku, Kairi, Lea, Mickey, Donald, and Goofy were here. There would be more keyblades with first 4 in the mix. He shook his head. No point worrying about it now. He had to make do with what he got. He observed the enemy, Soldiers mostly, a few large Bodies, and then there were some that would be new to his friends that were around as well.

Darkballs, as the name implied they were basically scary looking round floating maws for the most part.

Hook Bats, another self explanatory name. They basically were bats with hooks for tails. He noticed that Pegasi guards would handle those guys.

Finally there were even a few Bookmasters drifting around casting spells. Just floating about with their massive books either using them to cast spells, or bluntly hitting ponies with them. Unicorn guards were mostly attacking them with magic in kind.

Sora ran into the courtyard seeing only a large horde of Heartless scattered all over it. As a line of guards were backing up trying their best to keep them from getting into the castle. He jumped over the line “I got it from here guys! You go help your buddies inside!”

“Who are you?! Get back! It’s dangerous!” one of the guards called out to Sora and was about to go after him until after what he saw next.

Sora Sprinted forward toward a Soldier then swung his Keyblade vertically upward at it, knocking in the air. He jumped up after then batted it mid flight straight in a Darkball that was giving chase to him dispersing the both of them. Then taking the Keyblade from his mouth he hurled his Keyblade out in a straight path at the head of a Large Body, disorienting once he landed he ran, got behind it, and full force swatted it into a group of heartless, that sent out a shockwave dispersing any of them that weren’t already flattened by the Large Body… well body. “Firaga!” Before the creature could even get up a large ball of fire slammed into it, knocking it out of existence.

The Soldiers watched as this unknown pony was now engaging a group meant for a platoon by himself, and winning. “Who is this pony?” One asked, “Wait I seen him before, he’s that pony the princess wanted to meet right? Said another. “Did he just use magic?” Said the one furthest to the end of the line.

Amidst their conversation they barely had time to register the arrival Twilight and friends, however the Rainbow streak that flew above them and joined Sora‘s aid, brought them back to reality.

“You guys ok?” when they turned to the nearby voice and saw Twilight along with her friends, they immediately had the same question to ask

“Ms. Twilight Sparkle, Who is that?” they looked back at the stallion threw his Keyblade in a curve to knock out all the heartless that Rainbow Dash knocked into the air.

“Don’t worry about him, he’s actually a Professional at what’s going on here.” Twilight replied, then remembered about the bag. “Say, why don’t you guys go help the other guards inside. We’ll take it from here.” The guards all looked at each other and already seeing the other elements of harmony rush into battle. Seeing no other reason to refuse, they all did as she asked.

“Alright, Everyone, Move out! On the double!” They all headed inside leaving Sora and the Elements to handle the courtyard.

“Ok, no that they’re out of the way” She gave the bag to Fluttershy who opted out from fighting. “Can you give that to Sora, Fluttershy?”

“Oh of course, Twilight” Fluttershy nodded before flying off toward Sora, who was now teaming up with Applejack. Twilight meanwhile used this moment to help in battle, however her mind still was trying to figure out what the Princess meant that their elements were connected to Sora’s Keyblade. Why would they be? What happens then?

Sora had used his Keyblade to give Applejack a boost by letting her step on it and he flung her in the air where she rammed her fore hooves into an unsuspecting Bookmaster that was trying to cast spells on Pinkie Pie. Who in turn seemed to have no problem dodging the attacks, and in fact looked like she was dancing away from them. when the heartless was destroyed she gave a wave and a “Thanks guys!” whipping around and pulling out a frying pan smacking a Darkball away with it without missing a beat.

“Someone’s having fun” Sora chuckled watching the Pink pony go all over the place.

“I think she just likes havin’ adventures with us” Applejack stated as she landed right next to Sora. That’s when they noticed they were now surrounded. “Say, Sora” Applejack asked as she bucked a Soldier away.

“What’s up AJ?” Sora was on his hind legs swatting away two hook bats, before latching his Keyblade one of them and using the creature to swing around in mid air knocking heartless around him in mid air only to receive an onslaught Key and hook bat to the face dispersing all of them even the Hook bat, before Sora landed back on the ground.

“Be honest…. Yer not really pony are ya?” Applejack raised a hoof and defiantly slammed down on a Darkball trying to rush her, only to be erased from existence.

It a moment before Sora finally shook his head and replied. “Nope” he flashed her a grin “Not at all.”

Looking at his face, for a moment, she finally nodded. “Yeah, I figured as much” she smiled as well. Unknowingly to the both of them. The gem on Applejack’s necklace started to faintly glow.

This was when they both saw Fluttershy coming towards them. Only she was running away from two Large Bodies and a group of Book masters and Darkball “Fluttershy!” They called out in unison as they rushed toward her. At that moment, nothing else mattered to them then to make sure their friend was safe. This was in both their minds, and they knew the other was thinking it as well. The gem was glowing even brighter now. Once they did reach Fluttershy, Sora shot a powerful Blizzaga in front of the offending enemies blasting them back covered in ice, only to receive other Applejack‘s swift buck hurling them back a few feet. With the forces pushed away at a much safer distance, only then did he look back to see if Fluttershy was unharmed and finally notice the glowing. It was radiating now, Orange light flowing out of it.

“Whoa! AJ What’s going on with your-” the gem shoots out of Applejack’s necklace surprising the three of them, even more so when the gem floated in front of Sora “What the…” he looked at it, before looking back at Fluttershy and Applejack. “This happen often?” he pointed at the gem. Seeing both their surprised looks and shake of their heads confirmed that it wasn’t. He looked back at the gem again, this time feeling his Keyblade start to pull his arm toward it….. He then spoke. “Applejack… I think, I might know what to do.” he kept his eyes fixed on it. It was a nagging, suggestion in his mind.

Applejack was utterly confused as she looked at her floating gem, then to Sora “What, do you-” That’s when the heartless started to make there move. With no time to lose Sora grabbed the gem standing on his hind legs as he held the Keyblade in front of him with his other hoof. He just went on instinct on what he had to do at this point. He held the gem over his Keyblade and focused really hard them merging. For a second it seemed like nothing worked, until finally a bright light surrounded him, and then the same for Applejack. Soon the world around them became nothing but white light.


Whereabouts Unknown

Sora and Applejack were met with blackness all around them when they looked below them, they noticed they are standing individual stained glass flooring. What Sora stood on, was a blank one.

(Image created by shadow4897 of Deviantart )

However, Applejack’s floor was an image of herself and many other images of her friends and family.

Sora was the first to speak. “Empty?” He gazed at the floor, what did that mean.

“Sora?” He heard Applejack’s voice and turned to face her. He was about to call back to her, when he noticed she had a look of utter confusion and shock.

He took a moment to look around him to find whatever would cause this reaction from her… nothing seemed out of the ordinary, then it dawned on him…. He looked at himself. He was his real self again. Lifting up his hands and clenching them a few times, before looking up at the shocked Orange Mare. He had something, to break this silent tension, something to help calm her… The only thing he could think of saying was “Hehe…. Hey AJ” he gave a nervous smile. “Um…. Ta-daaaaa”… Nailed it He sarcastically thought to himself

After another awkward moment of silence, Applejack decided to speak “Is that, really you, Sora…” At his nod, she took moment before speaking again “So…. This is what ya really look like?” she asked, to which he again gave another nod. He was ready to explain before she spoke up again. “Sora… It’s fine. Ah’ already know you were gonna tell us, and ya told me the truth when ah’ asked if you were a pony. As much as ah’ would like ask more about all of this, now isn’t the time.” He was surprised how quickly she got back to the task at hand. He expected her to drill him with as much questions as Twilight did when they first met. “Right now, what IS important is where we are, and how do we get back.” she looked around

“Well” Sora looked around as well “I can probably answer that first part.” seeing Applejack turned to him he continued “I’ve been here before, at first I thought it was a dream, but now, I know that isn’t the case at all.” he folded his arms and started thinking. “I guess… you could say, we’re inside our hearts… maybe?”

“Maybe?” Applejack was not losing confidence in his knowledge of this place.

“Well, it’s not like I stick around long enough to find out. What I do know is that… something is suppose to happen.” he looked at his floor “something… something…” he looked at Applejack’s floor, now that the thought about it, why were they separated from each other on their own little “islands” in the darkness. He walked up to the edge, and gauged the distance, two far to jump, but they were still able to talk to each other without raising their voices….. Then something occurred to him. “I think… what we are standing on, are our hearts.”

“Our hearts?” Applejack looked at her floor. Now that she thought about it, all the things she saw on the stained glass would be considered dear to her heart. “So, what would that mean?”

Sora was back in his thinking position. “I guess, well not literally on our hearts. More like um, whats the word, something that symbolizes it or something like that…” He was kind of pulling that out of nowhere hoping it would make sense for him as well. “That would mean… we need to do something, with our hearts…. Maybe that’s how we get out.”

It was then that they both heard a third voice form seemingly no where. What connects you together, when only honesty if given? Least to say Applejack nearly jumped and was constantly scanning everything around her.

“Who said that?!” meanwhile, Sora was used to that voice now, and focused more on what the voice said.

“What connects us together…. When only…” he looked over at the distraught farmer “What would that mean?…” He sighed “I’m sorry about all of this Applejack, we wouldn’t be stuck here if I just left your gem thing alone.” He hung his head

Applejack shook her head “Don’t be Sora, Ah’ know what ya tried to do was fer our best interest.” When Sora looked at her she continued. “Ya, fought with us two times so far, when ya could’ve easily just left us to fight these Heartless guys alone. You even go out of yer way to tell us as much of the truth as you were allowed to. Ah’m the Element of Honesty so Ah look out fer that sort of thing, and not once did you even try to lie to us.” Hearing all that praise Sora could only smile as she finished. “You’re my friend, Sora, and if ya thought that using mah element would’ve helped us… Then I trust you.

With honesty… Trust is earned… Your hearts are connected. A new power is unlocked within you.

After hearing that voice their heads were on a swivel, even more so when light started to fill the area around them. Sora looked down at the floor below him. Then he saw it. In one of the smaller circles that were grouped together. Applejack’s element of Honesty appeared. He smiled and summoned his Keyblade. “I don’t know whats going to happen.” he said to Applejack as she just made if over to his side, noticing her element appearing on the floor as well. “But what I do know, is that it’s gonna be very useful. So I‘m just gonna wing it and follow my heart on this one.” he smiled at her. After shaking her head listening to how clueless he was she couldn’t help but smile as well.

“Alright, lead the way, Mr. Keyblade wielder” She replied, then watched as Sora held his Keyblade in both hands and pointed it at the floor where the group of circles were., only the one with the element of Honesty glowed, before once again they could only see white light.


The Courtyard

It was safe to say that the light show was seen by everyone in the courtyard. all eyes turning attention on the source.

When Fluttershy opened her eyes after closing them from the brightness, the light was now gone, and so was Applejack, she looked around frantically then looked toward Sora “Sora, I can’t find-” she paused as she instantly saw some things different about the Stallion, He was on his hind legs again, though this time he seemed to be much more balanced, the back of his jacket had Applejack’s element on it as his mane and tail showed streaks of blonde.

In his right hoof wasn’t his Keyblade, in fact, it looked like a Keyblade, but totally different. It seemed themed on…. Apples really.

(Owned by Aniamalman of Deviantart http://aniamalman.deviantart.com/ )

When Sora finally turned his head to look back at her, she noticed that his ocean blue eyes, were now green. He then flashed her that same goofy smile like always, then finally spoke.


Author's Note:

Finally! I was a little worried I might be late. Failure on my part. Apparently, After I finished it and sent it out for proof reading, later that very day I did was like. "NOPE SOMETHING WRONG... EDIT 2nd HALF ENTIRELY" the previous draft I had, when I read through it again, felt rushed when I didn't want it to be. This Chapter was basically my way of breaking in one of the things you'll be seeing in this story.

Now, for those that are curious as to why Sora and Applejack Transformed the way that he did, is relatively simple. First off, Yes Sora will have his Drive forms in this story in the future, But I wanted to make it where as whenever, Sora links with one of the Mane 6, he would receive some of their appearance along with special abilities and that would be unique to them.

I'll explain more about it when Chapter 7 is posted. I feel like if I told more I'd spoil the next Chapter alittle haha.

Next topic to bring up: I can't believe I forgot to mention this the last time, so I'll just add it in now. ONce again, I have another decision I wanted to leave up to you guys. This one would come sooner compared to the first Holiday so best to know now. Since Sora is gonna be in Equestria for a year, he would have to make his own money, and get a job. So what do you guys think?

The most obvious choice would be working on AJ's farm. Its a safe choice after all.

The next Option would be to work with or under one of the other Mane 6's jobs. It be an interesting thought when devising it all up.

The last Option would be Sora getting is own personal job separated from the Mane 6's. Perhaps maybe even working with or under some other well known characters, it'll all depend later after the decision would be made.

So which option would you prefer? Option 1, 2, or 3?

Some good news! I've ended up writing the majority of the next Chapter all ready, and if I don't end up re editing things on it. I think I should be able to finish sent to be in reviewed in 3 days from now. SO over all, The chapter would be posted in 4 to 6 days from now. However, I won't make promises, Because you never know what life would do down the road.

Next Chapter: Things get a little wild.

As Always, I hope you enjoyed this chapter and look forward to future ones.

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