• Published 21st Feb 2019
  • 2,727 Views, 72 Comments

Hard Landing - Flash_Game

  • ...

11 Groundwork

Chapter 11

"...but one thing we should have addressed hours ago. Why the hell do we look like freaking cartoon characters? The big eyes, smaller mouths; it's like we're an anime, but western" I look at Rick

"That's simple once you think about it" I wait for Rick to get it; Is he really that dense? "We're in a different universe, you know? We look like humans would look like in this world. Just look at them-" I point at the Princesses"-and then at us, the differences are minimal, the major ones being the fact that they're not human and the faces being similar to that of a pony's"

"I guess..." He then looks at his symbol on the back of his hand

"What art thou speaking of to thy friend?" I turn to Luna "And wherefore art thee speaking to him in equestrian at which hour he clearly doest not speaketh?" I need to teach her modern english, or equestrian, whatever

"Well, my power-" I raise my hand to show my symbol "-allows me to understand any language I know" I lower my hand Maybe it extends to those I don't understand too, who knows?

"We think we understand"

The trip was mostly unventful, although I found something I really don't like. My inventory basically reseted itself, no pistol, no ammo, even the VOM Scanner. Both Celestia and Luna kept glancing at me, not sure what for.

As we landed, I spotted a group of guards waiting for us. When we disembarked, one of the guards approached me and apologized for the 'warm welcome' he gave me, I told him not to worry and that I had forgotten that happened.

"No, really I forgot! So don't worry seriously" I have him by the shoulders shaking him a little

"Ok ok, I get it. Relax!" I let go of him; I like him...

"what's your name? I'm Luis by the way" I extend my hand for a hand shake

He takes my hand and gives it a solid shake; He has a really strong grip, sheez "My name is Lightning Hooves" We take our hands back

"We should hang when you're off-duty" This place has seriously done something to me

"That sounds good" And he accepted, great! Now I have to commit

"If I'm not occupied come find me. I'm pretty sure I won't leave the castle for a while" There is probably going to be a lot of questions

"See you later, Luis" With a smile and a wave he leaves; Probably to his post

"I'm sure you will get along just fine. Now, let's take you to the infirmary" Just why?

"Umm, why do I need to go to the infirmary?" Do I look sick or something?

"To have that injury-" She points at my bloodied arm; Right... "-checked out, you wouldn't want and infection" ...the timberwolf... I begin to roll my sleeve to see the wound, and Nothing... cool

I raise my arm to show Celestia "There is nothing to worry about, see?" My game powers are awesome

That didn't quite convinced her and we ended up in the infirmary anyways. It was all 'the blood must have come from something' and 'you don't know what type of damage could have happend', I say she worries too much... it feels nice.

While on our way to the infirmary I checked my status on the pip-boy, I have no infections, injuries or addictions, but I did notice a buff, 'Friend of the Night' it gives me +2 intelligence at night and night vision at low light. How that works, I don't know; I don't feel any smarter. I guess my insomnia is paying off? Anyway, Rick just idly followed.

The doctor, Tender Care, has been asking a lot of where the blood came from "But you have no bit marks or scaring"

Tender Care, apart from having a funny and fitting name, is a grey unicorn mare and has a brown mane and tail, both a bit on the long side by normal standards but not as long as Fluttershy's, with light brown mixed in. She's wearing a white lab coat and underneath a light blue buttoned shirt and black dress pants.

"Believe me, it's my blood and it happened because a timberwolf bit me"

"Ok, I'll believe you. But it would be easier if you had something to show for it" She then looks at my hoodie "Can you take your coat off?" Ha! Coat

"It's called a hoodie, and sure" I unzip it and take it off throwing it aside. Suddenly everyone stares at me "What!?" I look down to see I have my hoodie on again "What?? Umm, ok then" I try again to take my hoodie off only to have it reappear on me; Maybe it needs to be in physical contact with me to not do this; I take it off once more but don't put it aside, keeping it in my hand "Guess that worked. Now I just need to figure out how to remove it"

"Part of thy powers we presume?" I guess..

"Yeah, I think" Tender Care approaches me with a stethoscope

"I'm just going to do a normal check up on you, then I'll compare it with the average pony and see what differs, ok?" Hopefully nothing weird; I nod and she puts the head of the stethoscope under my shirt on my back "Now take a deep breath" I do so "Now out" I exhale

The average procedure that one would expect was what happened, plus blood (and other fluids) samples and physical test to build a complete medical profile. Apparently I'm under average to pony standards, fun. Then we went to the archives and got registered, both Rick and me, as Equestrian citizens, and me as Celestia's adoptive son, that's awesome. Rick and I got taken to the room we'll be sharing for the time being, even though the room is more of an apartment without a kitchen.

"That is all for now. Tomorrow we'll begin to help your friend" I look at the clock on my pip-boy; It's past 10 already "It's getting late. If you need anything, you know where my room is, don't fret to call me" With that she leaps and flies to the tallest tower, that being the royal quarters; I need to fly I turn my head, still looking out the door

"Rick, do you think we'll be able to fly?"

"Bud, we don't have wings" I turn to him we a 'not amused' face

"True, but what if we can create some sort of mechanical wings that run on magic?"

"Do they even have the technology for that?" If sombra wins, Rainbow gets one... so yeah

"Surprisingly, the answer is 'yes' believe it or not" Rick is now shocked


"Yep, now let's go to sleep" I look at the pip-boy clock 10:23, earlier than when I usually go to sleep "We'll think about it later, night"

"Good night, buddy" our beds are in the same room, but on opposite walls, with two nightstands in between. I move the covers and sit down on my bed, and then I look at Rick and wave to him to get his attention

"Just imagine it's a sleepover at your house"

"Sure, why not?"

About an Hour Later




I open my eyes


I look at Rick's bed to not see him there


"What is that idiot doing now?" I sit up


I get off the bed and begin walking to the main room


As I enter the main room, I see Rick facing a wall. Then he moves his head towards it


Why the hell is he doing that; I begin to slowly move towards him


As I reach him, I place my hand on his shoulder and with a stern voice say "What do you think you're doing?"

He looks at me and I notice a small amount of blood on his forehead; What an imbecile; "I don't want to talk about it"

"Crybaby, I can assure sure everything will be fine. Even if they don't think they can find a way, there is always one" He looks at me doubtfully, I respond by raising my hand to show the symbol "With our powers, we can send you home, ok? You just need to create a program to pinpoint our universe, and I need to create a teleporter that can go across dimessions" Just like Fallout 4, but ten million times more complicated

"How can we even begin to do that? Have you thought about that? HUH?" As a matter of fact...

"Idoit, we're in a world literally full of magic. If without magic we can teleport photons hundreds of kilometers, with magic we might be able to create interdimensional travel" He seems a bit more hopeful now "Now let's rest before you pass out"

"That would be a good idea" we both head to bed, but Rick goes to clean up first

That night I had my first lucid dream in years. I was in a room full of doors, but there was no floor, walls or ceiling, yet there was a presence that felt like it was watching my every move. It felt like it owned the place, giving me the feeling that I shouldn't be there, that I should hide

Author's Note:

It seems like my average words is 1,500 per chapter, with four under 1,000

I'll try to do Author's notes more often, have some interaction with you guys, I guess

Not like I won't be responding to comments, but just write my most immediate thoughts after a chapter, sound good?

This chapter was going to be a lot different that what it ended up being all so I could have a bit more charater developement. Next chapter is going to be what I wanted this chapter to be, I promise

I'm running out of one-word titles