• Published 21st Feb 2019
  • 2,726 Views, 72 Comments

Hard Landing - Flash_Game

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25 The Major Quest Pt.2

Chapter 25
The Major Quest Pt.2

"I am so dead..."

"You finally notice?" Asmodeus grabs my hand and throws me across the room, "You are hardly a challenge!"

I stand on one knee, "Just let me warm up and you'll see!" I am so dead... I get up on a full sprint, my fighty senses tingle and I slide on my knees just barely avoiding a round house kick, That was closer than the other times

"Good move. But it's not enough!"

I sense another attack coming and jump out of the way, rolling into a standing position. I turn around and see the demon standing in a crater just where I had been a second before, Oh... fuck...

"I applaud you as you are lasting longer than I expected. Still..."

Suddenly, his fist is on my face, me flying to the wall in which I become embedded in, Well... he jumps ready to bash my face in, SHIT! I manage to dislodge my arm from the wall and punch his punch sending the force through my arm. I fall from the wall in pain, the arm of the power armour cracks off. Holding my now crippled arm, I stand up

"I am impressed" he says behind me

OH! FUCK! I turn around and receive a foot on the chest sending me crashing through the racks in the room

"Still, he starts to walk towards me, "I can not believe you are the 'hero' of this world. Too weak," he grabs me by the head and lifts me with one arm

I am near pissing myself, What... the... fuck... the helmet on the HUD starts flashing red as he applies pressure, FUCK FUCK FUCK!! WHERE IS THE RELEASE??!!! I quickly put my hands under the helmet trying to find the release

"Fighting is futile. You sealed your fate the moment you challenged me"

The HUD turns off as the visor cracks, NO NO NO NO!!! It can't end like this... with a hiss from the helmet, I fall to the ground. I look up to see him look at me and toss the helmet aside

"Why do you insist on fighting? You can not win"

"Because-" A letter materializes in front of me and falls to the ground, revealing 'Found you' written on it, Wha...?

"GET AWAY FROM HIM!!" a bright beam of energy hits Asmodeus and send him flying to the other side of the room. Celestia gets in between him and me, "Are you alright?" she asks giving me a side glance

"Barely..." I look at the armour's durability, everything is red with the helmet and arm missing, "My arm is crippled, the armour's broken... at least I'm not bleeding"

Luna kneels next to me and helps me up, "You do not have to worry as we have arrived"

"Thanks," She walks me to the side of the room and creates a shield around us, "Are you sure it can hold?"

"I am certain," her expression turn to anger, "What were you thinking coming to a place like this alone?! You should have told us of what was happening!"

"Sorry, I just... I wasn't thinking straight. They took Red and- and- I just... couldn't stand to... lose her..." I bury my face on the cold metal of my hands, I don't want to be alone anymore...

Luna puts a hand on my shoulder, "I understand..." I look up to see her smiling, "I know the feeling of not wanting to lose the company you have longed for so long"

I stand up, get out of the armour and give her a hug, "Thank you... Thank you so much, aunt Luna," I start sobbing in her arms as she pets me

"Shhhh, it is alright... emotions are a difficult thing..." she consoles me, "Let it all ou-"

The ground shakes, both Luna and I turn to see Celestia standing over Asmodeus as he backs to the stage where Noctis is

"Wait! You are the Goddess of this realm, I can be your servant!" he pleads

"I am not a goddess, just a concerned mother looking out for her son"

"Don't kill me! I can be of use"

"Your fate is not for me to decide..." Celestia looks our way, I point at myself, and she nods

I have the blacklight, right?

Yes... What are you thinking?

I could absorb him...

True. That would definitely give you a lot of EXP

I look at Luna, "Could you lower the shield?"

"Yes, but I must ask, what are you planning?"

"You'll see," she lowers the shield and I start walking to the demon, Now... How do I control the virus?

Like you would control every other muscle. To absorb him you have to- let me see here... Just think of the tendrils grabbing him and breaking down his body, kinda like the stomach. You need to grab him first though

I think I get it, I stop in front of Asmodeus, "I must first ask you a few questions, then I'll decide what to do with you. First, why did you kidnap Noctis?"

"The vampire? To get you to come to me"

"Why? Do you have something against me?"

"Because you have been marked as the hero of this world"

"Did you hit Noctis?"

"Why do you care for something you can't prove?"

"Answer the question!" Celestia demands


"I see... Why do you hate heroes?"

"Because every time they come to the world I try to control, they defeat me"

I extend my hand to help him up, "Then I'll have to make sure you don't lose again," he takes my hand and stands up

Then it clicks on him, "What?!" Tendrils shoot from my back and dig themselves into his body, "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!!!" a few more shoot out and start wrapping around him

"Making sure you can't hurt anyone else"


"Good for you," I sarcastically say, "I might have forgiven you, but you hit her," he goes pale as the tendrils finish enveloping him and the cocoon gets dragged into my body, That was disgusting... "Oh god! I can taste it!!!" I start to scrub my tongue with my hands and spitting, "EW!!! Disgusting!" NOCTIS!! I run up the stairs to the chained batpony, "Noctis?" I shake her a little, "Noctis, wake up," she is still unresponsive, "Red, come on..." nothing, "Red...?" Her HP is still on my HUD... I grab the shackles and channel all of my strength to break them, "Come on... break already," I grunt out

Celestia puts a hand on my shoulder, "The chains are enchanted to prevent any amount of strength to break them"

I stop trying to break the chains, "So I almost gave myself a hernia for nothing?"

"Basically, yes"

"Oh, great. But how do I get them off her then?" Celestia's horn starts to glow, I turn to Noctis and see the shackles open causing her to fall on my arms, "Oh... Like that..." she starts moving in my arms, "Noctis?"

"...Hmmm... Luis?" she opens her eyes, "I'm glad you're okay," she sounds a bit dazed still. She starts to get comfortable on my lap, "Hi, Princess Celestia..." her eyes slowly close, only to snap open, she shoots up, "Princess Celestia!! Hi..." she blushes really hard, then sees Luna, "Ummm... Princess Luna... Hello to you too... I uhhh... I mean..."

I kiss her on the mouth for a brief second and turn to the princesses, "I kind of like Noctis..."

"Me too, like a lo- Wait! I mean Luis. I like Luis!! Not me! I mean I do like me but-"

I cover her mouth with a finger, "Relax, they know what you mean"

"I told you, sister. They were made for each other," Celestia tells Luna rather smugly

"Stop blowing your own horn, sister. The moment you introduced me to your niece, Princess Cadence, I presumed you might have learned something from her. She is the Princess of love after all"

"I knew it!" I yell triumphantly, She planned this out! Me and Noctis? Planned, "I can't even be mad," I kiss Noctis on the nose, "I love you"

"Love you too," She giggles, then stands up, "Now let's go home"

"Of course," I stand up myself, "But first..." I head towards the power armour helmet, "I can't leave the armour behind," I grab the helmet and put it back on the power armour, then hop into it, "Okay... I can't see," The HUD in the helmet is still inactive, so I'm blind at the moment... great... I put the helmet away, "Now I'm ready," they look questioningly at me, "The helmet broke; I couldn't see out of it"

"I still say you looked better with the long mane"

"I have to agree"


Of course... Let's see if this works... I take out the mirror the doctor gave me and think for the menu, nothing happens, I guess I need a wall mirror, or bathroom, I start to examine my hair on the mirror, "Maybe you're right... How about I get a beard too?"

"Mmm... No, I don't think that would look that great"

"Honestly..." I start walking towards the entrance, "It depends on the hairstyle"

"Not that way, Luis"

"What?" I turn around to see Celestia and Luna heading up the stairs on the stage, and Noctis just looking at me like 'don't ask me', "Okay..." I start to follow them, with Noctis next to me, But there is literally only a wall there... as I get to the top, I see Celestia with her hand in a crack on the wall

"Found you..." she pulls something and the wall begins splitting down the crack, revealing a very Canterlot-like doorway on the other side, we go trhough into the catacombs under Canterlot

"Wait a minute!" Is this the cave that I wasn't allowed to visit? "Is the concentration crystal here??"

Luna reaches into a small pouch and takes out a rough-looking crystal, "Yes it was, but we have it now"

Looks like a kyber crystal, weird

How would you know?

I have a colleague who's working on with a guy send to a Star Wars universe. He showed me pictures

"Luis? You keep zoning out"

"Huh? Oh, that? Well, you remeber Aleksandrs?"

"Incorporial guy who sends you powers? Yes, why?" she stops for a brief second and then catches up, "Can you talk to him?!"

Hey! I do have a body!

"He does have a body. It's just not here"

"In that case, we would love to meet this 'Aleksandrs' friend of yours"

Well, I do have permission for this now...


A spiral of fire rises up in front of me, but disipates almost instantly leaving a guy in a suit and tie where it was, he looks directly at me, "Hello, Luis" says a very familiar voice

"Wait a minute! Wait a minute! Wait a gosh darn minute! Since when can YOU come here?!"

"Since the trial of the one who release Asmodeus into this realm. Or about ten minutes ago, why?" the nonchalantlyness of his voice is palpable

"Are you even allowed to talk about this infront of them?" I signal to the Princesses and Noctis

"That's what I came here to say..." he says as his voice takes a small downwards turn, "I'm getting reassigned and was allowed to mention this in front of the leaders and anyone who knows about me. Basically everyone here"

"What do you mean 'getting reassigned'?" Celestia inquires

"To put it simply, every time anyone, anywhere, arrives at a world they don't belong, demons and angels alike are assigned to keep an eye on them. Thing is, it's one per insident and since Luis here was the first one to appear here and not Rick... he got me"

"That did not answer the question"

"During the trial, I was told that a demon Luis was supposed to defeate had already been assigned to this world, Asmodeus was not it, and placing another one might rip this reality appart, doesn't matter how weak that next demon might be. So now, there is no point in keeping an eye on this world. Not this closely anyways"

"I see... We should probaly still keep watch of anything that does not belong here"

"Of course. And ,Luis, I have a gift for you", he takes out a yellow holotape, "Actually-" he fans out a second one, "-it's two, they have only two houndred and fifty five Megabytes of memory, can you believe that?"

"Excuse me, but how much?"

"Two fifty five Megabytes"

"If you think that's a lot, let me tell you that the computer I had back on Earth had five terabytes of storage and sixteen Gigabytes of RAM," I'm pretty sure that if Celestia had been drinking tea, it would've been sprayed everywhere. Luna in the other hand, doesn't seem to understand the terminology

"Anyways, here," he hands me the holotapes, "They are powers- OH! Right!" he takes out a green holotape as well, "They wanted to give you this too, as a goodbye and reward for getting rid of Asmodeus. Anyway, I'll be around for a day or two, depends on when my next assignment come around"

"It'll be nice to have my thoughts only to myself again"

"Remeber how annoying you were when I first started talking back?"

"Remember how much of a bitch you were when you didn't want to play 'eye of the tiger'?"

"Oh shut up! I'll miss you. Somehow you grew on me"

"I'll remember you," one bro-hug later Aleks is gone

One last thing...

A another holotape appears infront of me, What is it?

Invite me to the wedding *chuckle* You score quite a nice bod with her

Oh... my... god...

Just like Aku likes 'em, hehe...!


Maybe not 'extra', but... Nevermind. Your almost out of the catacombs, by the way

"We have arrived," Celestia says as she pulls on a chain

Then, the ceiling starts to slide down creating a staircase in the process, "Holy... wow..." we go up the stairs, we come out into the main foyer of the castle, "Huh... here? Cool!" I turn to Celestia, "By the way, what was the monster that was supposedly trapped in there? I doubt it was the demon"

"It is an entity that makes you see your wrost nightmares"

"Really? Because I didn't see anything for the four hours or so I was lost there," Luna and Celestia give each other concerned, but shocked, glances at my comment, "Huh... Oh, well," I just shrug

We went to the throne room where everyone was waiting, the mane six, Spike, and a couple of guards with the pony that gave us the poisoned food and the two that attacked me on the train and even the few from the cave. I got an earful from the girls about how I should do things, not to run away from hospitals ect...

By the end of the day, all I wanted to do was sleep, but a question came to mind

"Noctis, don't take this the wrong way, but... What are you doing in my room?" I sit up on the bed

"Since I quit the royal guards, I don't have a place to stay, and the Princesses let me use your room while you were in a coma"

"What about your family?"

"I... don't have any..." her sombre tone crushing my feelings

"Oh... Sorry... I didn't mean to-"

"It's okay, you didn't know"

"What about Cutting Edge?"

"He's just my mentor..." an awkward silence comes for a very awkward time, like, not so long that the awkwardness goes away, but not so short that any comment would make it more awkard than it already was, "I didn't see you use the holo-whatevers that Aleksandrs gave you"

"Right," I take them out, I don't know which one's which, except for the green one. I guess I'll start there, "Let's see... 'Unlockables Module' so... hmmmm... Okay, so doing specific things can unlock things for me without using points, nice"

"Sounds useful," says Noctis, who's now sitting next to me

"Next is 'Force Affinity Module'- wow, thuis from them? Cool! I can use the force. Lastly a power armour workstation blueprint... that's a lot of metal... That's all from this one, next is..." ... A 'Call Aleksandrs' power... "I can call Aleksandrs with this one. Next... 'Collectables Module' ... red power bricks, cursed items... okay... and an 'Ataru Fighting Module' ... form of lightsaber fighting style... used by Yoda, Qui-Gon, Plo Koon... nice. Last one..."

"So now you have a new way of fighting? Figures..."

"This style requires the force, so if the council hadn't given it to me, then I wouldn't be able to use it properly. Anyways... 'Build Module' ... like Medieval Engineers but without the hammer or like Fallout 4... weird, but sure, and 'TV References Module'... let's see... I can buy TV stuff from the store... such as a 'Wraith Stunner'..." Wait! Can I buy a stargate then?!

Pretty much

OH SHIT! I thought you already left...

Not until tomorrow, just got a new assignment

Why did you give me a fighting style if I'm probably not going to need it?

Show Shinny how impressively unicorns could fight if they add magic to the mix

I'll do it for you, buddy

By the way- Oh? What? ... I actually have to go now... by the way, you never leveled up. See you some day...

Good bye... ... ... Are you still there?


You will be missed. At least my thoughts are only for me now...


"Aleksandrs had to go... He's got a new world to see"

"At least I got to meet him"

I lay down, pulling Noctis with me, "This story might be over," I hug her, "But ours is only starting"

"Let's make the best of it," we give each other a good night kiss and fall asleep in each other's arms

Author's Note:

This is near the end of the story, and as much as I want to say I planned everything from the start, well... I didn't (you can probably tell). A lot changed from my original draft, but you know what? I actually like where the story ended up