• Published 21st Feb 2019
  • 2,727 Views, 72 Comments

Hard Landing - Flash_Game

  • ...

5 Arrival

Chapter 5

What did I miss?” Twilight stands in place, baffled

Celestia stands up to address Twilight, “You missed a wonderful conversation of how you became my student

“Did you really turn your parents into plants?” Twilight blushes, Mission accomplished, she’s so easy to fluster

You told him about that?!

“Don’t worry, Twi, your secret is safe with me,” I wink at her very playfully

Twilight walks up to me grabs my arm begins dragging me to the carriage

Celestia makes a scroll appear next to her and levitates it towards us, “Don’t read it until you are close to Ponyville, Twilight

Twilight stops just to grab the scroll and continues pulling me along

As we exit into the balcony I say my goodbyes, “Bye mom! I’ll write to you when get there! Love you!” while waving goodbye

Twilight steps into the carriage with me in tow, then she finally registers what I said but Celestia speaks up first, “Goodbye, son, see you soon. And Twilight I’ll be expecting the preparation to be done perfectly

Wait wait! Wha- What? MOM??!!! SON??!!!” Twilight starts to hyperventilate

I place my hand on her back, “Jeez Twilight, relax, relax!” She starts to calm down “There, better?” she nods and then I take my hand back

Yes, but you have a lot of explaining to do!” She just gave me the meanest look she could muster, How cute.

“How about I tell you now?” She nods, “I asked if I could call her mom, and she said yes, that’s it,” Minus a mental breakdown and PTSD panic attack, but close enough

Seriously? That’s it?” She shoots me with a confused glare

“More or less, why?” Probably because she’s the ruler of the land and the freaking Goddess of the sun. My mom is so awesome!

Never mind,” she then turns to the pegasi pulling the carriage, “Let’s go now, thank you,” and we start flying towards Ponyville

The ride was mostly uneventful, I played around with my pip-boy, Twilight asking a few things here and there. As it turns out there are no radio stations in Equestria, Who would’ve thunk it? At least I have music holotapes in my inventory. Now if I knew how to get things out of my inventory that be great

“We are five minutes to Ponyville,” the guard surprised me, I was in my own world right there, Right, now the scroll

“Twilight, now it would be a good time read the scroll mom gave us,” I never called my stepmother mom, ever, and I’ve lived with her for close to a decade, now not even a day in and Celestia is now ‘mom’, I like it

Right,” she wakes up Spike, “Spike wake up, we’re almost there

Right *yawn* I’m awake, what you need, Twilight?

Could you read this letter for us?” She hands him the scroll

Yaddy yaddy yadda, summer sun celebration, blah blah blah....make some friends’” Spike finishes the letter and Twilight groans, "Look on bright side Twilight, the Princess arranged for you to stay in a library, didn't that make you happy?"

Twilight gives it a bit of thought and shoots up, "Yes! Yes it does, you know why? Because I'm right. I'll check on the preparations as fast as I can, then get to the library to find some proof of nightmare Moon's return," She seems confident in her plan

"Then when will you make friends like the princess said?"

"Believe me she will make friends, in this town it'd be impossible not to," I cut into the conversation

"And how would you know that, Luis?" Twilight is convinced to not make friends, isn't she?

"You didn't think my talk with mom was just about you, did you? She told me about this town too"

"And how can you be sure I'll make friends in Ponyville?" she says with a doubt full glance

"If I told you that would ruin the surprise, now would it?"

"I'm sticking to my plan, and that's final"

Then Spike burps out a scroll, "Luis, this is for you," I take the scroll and open it

Dearest son of mine,

I need you to check the rumours as soon as possible as if what you told me about tonight is true, then it would be too dangerous for your friend.

Once you find him bring him into town and keep him safe. Your friend knows little about our world's inner workings, it would be best if you find him before nightfall

Yours truly,

This mission is up to you, do not worry Twilight or Spike about it

That was interesting, why can't I tell them? Whatever, "Spike, do you have a scroll and quill I could borrow?" A Spike then pulls my requested items from his back

"I could just write the letter you know?"

"I know, but this is... Personal. Between me and mom," he hands me the quill and scroll

"Sure," we land in Ponyville and get off the carriage, "And if you ask me, it's weird you calling Princess Celestia 'mom'," then he goes to Twilight as I begin to write the letter

Dear mom,

We got the Ponyville perfectly fine, just Twilight is still being a bit hard-headed about friends and friendship.

Anyways, about the other human who could or could not be my friend, I am on it like wood on a timberwolf. Although, I'll have to separate my self from Twilight and Spike.

Sorry if the letter looks or reads weird, it's my first time writing a letter.

Luis, your son

I roll the scroll and direct my self to Spike who's walking my way behind Twilight

"The ponies here seem to be a bit... Off" Twilight says to me

"You don't say," Not really interested, "Spike, can you send it to my mom"

"Still weird, dude, but sure," he grabs the scroll and burns it to mom

I turn to Twilight, "I'm going to explore Ponyville a little bit, see you at the library"

"Are you sure this is a good idea, you wandering on your own?"

"Probably not, but if I don't go out there, then no one will want to be near, you know?"

"Alright, but don't get lost, I'll be at the library as soon as I can, OK? We have a job to do"

"Ok see you then," with that we go our separate ways, me heading directly towards the Everfree

Author's Note:

EDIT (01/07/2020):
-Colour x2
-Sentence structure