• Published 21st Feb 2019
  • 2,726 Views, 72 Comments

Hard Landing - Flash_Game

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15 A Quest Appears

Chapter 15
A Quest Appears

After a certain bitch woke me up, I went back to sleep but sadly I didn’t return to the dream. After waking up in the morning this time, Doctor Sound did his routine test and was completely baffled at the results. Apparently I got back 110% of my hearing, which made him question his knowledge as a doctor, that is until I reminded him I became a werewolf. Noctis came by, surprisingly without her armour this time and she looked really good.

Anyways, we headed to the throne room, just wanted to ask Celestia a few things, but she was in court and the guards told me it might take a while, and that is a reoccurring couple wanting a bigger house for the fifth time this month, the answer always being ‘no’ of course. We decided to take a walk instead and Red insisted on going to the barracks to get some day training which she almost never gets, I agreed because I remembered I didn’t do too well on my first run, and now that I’m a werewolf I want to test my new limi-

I need to tell you something

I’m in the middle of the recap, you bitch

It’s really important, I mean, it affects your future important

What is it? Is it about ‘them’?


If you’re not running away it must be really important, shit

I can’t tell you much, so just look under the second bullseye

Ok, will do. As I was saying before being interrupted, I want to test my new werewolf limits, so we went to the training grounds and I headed to the bullseye

As we enter the training grounds, Noctis stops but I continue walking to the bullseye

"Where are you going?" she says questioningly, I stop

I turn around to look at Red, but keep walking to the bullseye. "I need to see something." I turn back to the bullseye and almost crash into it

"GET OUT OF THE WAY!!" One of the guards is yelling behind me. Without looking, I extend my arm and give him a 'in a moment' gesture

Under the bullseye sits another smoke grenade, I pick it up

I am really sorry about this, I have no choice if I want to- ... nevermind, just sorry

I scan the area for an open spot, finding one I arm the grenade and throw it. Watching the crate fall I start to get uneasy, What is he being forced to give me that he feels sorry? All this time he's been a bitch and an asshole. But now... I don't know...



My name. My name is Aleksandrs

My feeling of unease just increased ten fold. The crate lands, I slowly approach it. I place my hands on the locks and click them open. I carefully lift the top revealing a scroll and a two holotapes, then a sudden shake snaps me from my trance

"Luis, are you ok? You look pale." I let go of the breath I didn't know I was holding, I turn my head to Red who has the most concerned look I've ever seen, but soon return my gaze to the crate

"I... I-I'm not sure..." I take the scroll and open it
I am going to hate what is says, aren't I?


I am really sorry I have to give you this 'Survivalist Module', as they call it, but I can't afford to go back. I CAN'T GO BACK. They thought I was giving you too much slack, now everything, evey power and everything must come with a drawback. Thankfully they can't overwrite everything I've given you, but it's enough. This module will overwrite your 'sleep-to-heal-all' from TES and FO, but due to their own rules, it also increases your health, and your life is no longer dependant on the health points, you can sruvive 0 HP. Don't let it go to 0. EVER!! Specially on combat, you'll be slowed down to a near halt because of the pain, and if you ever get to 0 then heal as fast as you can. Also now you can bleed, this includes a new thing on you HUD to tell you your approximate blood level. Your pip-boy has a more accurate reading, which can go to you HUD if you get a hi-tech helmet, like the Ranger Veteran helmet that you love so much.

I also decided to add a thing too, it's the other holotape, this is the healing module from FarCry. With this one you can heal from injury without the need of medical attention with the drawback being pain. Every time you move a bone back into place, or take a branch out of your arm, you will feel it. In the other hand, if you have a medpack there will be no pain, but with a stimpack there will be pain and side effects but it heals the most. At least you can now heal crippled limbs without a doctor's bag or a stimpack, but at the cost of pain.

Your friend,

I thought it was going to be worse. I begin to chuckle which breaks into full laughter

"Are you ok? You don't seem to be ... stable?" I finish laughing and turn to the guard who said that

"I'm more than ok. The way-" I point to the sky "-HE was describing this, I though something bad was going to happen," I laugh a bit more.

You pointed the wrong way


...I'm currently a demon working my way up to- ... Nevermind

Anyways... I got some shit to install, I take the holotapes and start loading them to the pip-boy

Survivalist Module - (Now I can't just sleep to heal any wound, it has to heal the old fashioned way. On the upside, I have a lot more health)
First Aid Module - (I can heal any crippled limbs at any time to a certain point. On the downdside, I can't fully heal a limb without medical care (or medpack) and when I do heal a crippled limb, there will be a huge spike of pain)

It looks like I might have a few hospital visits in my future thanks to this, but it looks like I can survive more before that happens. And if it does happen I can at least heal enough to take myself there, how thoughtful. I lift the foam and see a folder with blueprints hanging out, I guess that's how I get the blueprints, I take it and they immediately adds itself to the blueprint module, I'll look at it later. With the crate done, I turn to Noctis

"Hey, Red, wanna race?" She just blankly satres at me

"You can really change mood fast," I smirk back at her

"It comes with experience. So do you want to or not?"

We had a few races, which I almost won at, then I had Shinning time me again, and I did two runs, one just normally and the second one using my enhanced ability. I'm pretty sure if I fully transform into a werewolf I would be even faster, but I just barely discovered how to use my ability. So I made mental note: learn how to transform, specifically, learn how to use the power's full potential.

After my little running experiment and Noctis resting from sparing with the guards, we headed to the research lab to say hi to Rick and look at the progress on the translator. On the way I found Lightning and Thunder, or they found me actually, they were out of their armour and no longer had white fur. Both Thunder Guard and Lightning Hooves are earth ponies, Thunder is a navy blue with a smokey grey mane and tail, Lightning is a pale yellow with a similarly coloured mane and tail to his his brother. Both are wearing black dress pants with bottoned shirts matching their fur colour.

"The High Horse is a good bar here in Canterlot, just down the street from the castle," I look at Thunder a bit quizzically

"High Horse, really? It sounds more like a stoner house than a bar," I sigh

"What's a stoner?" Lightning looks at me a bit confused. I refuse to taint this world

"Nevermind," I say with a dismissive wave

"Whatever..." Lightning looks around a bit "The entrance is the other way," I look at the clock on the pip-boy, it read 4:23 PM

"It's too early to drink," And I don't drink, so the longer I keep not feeling sick the better "And I need to check on something first"

"Does this have to do with the research lab?" Thunder points at the door at the end of the hallway

"As a matter of fact, yes, yes it does" I look at Noctis "You've been quiet for a while, are you ok?" she looks at me with a small smirk

"Yeah, I just didn't want to interrupt your stallion talk" I get a nudge on the ribs, I turn to the source

"What?" I ask Lightning as he gives me a wink, I then look at Thunder and give him the 'what is he on about' look, to which he signals with his head to Noctis and then winks at me. I just facepalm

We get to the doors and I open them revealing Rick chasing Thinker around the room with Quick in the corner trying not to laugh, "What the hell..." What happened? I walk to intrecept Rick and grab him by the back of his shirt "What do you think you're doing?" He turns around

"He said he was gonna fuck me!" Ok, what?? I raise an eyebrow

"I guess you guys finished the translator?" Rick nods, I then turn to Thinker who stopped running "What exactly did you tell him?"

"I asked him out for a drink and then to swing by my place"

"You asked for a date then for me to sleep with you, don't lie!" I look at Rick

"Calm yourself you flamboyant donut" Rick grumbles in response then I turn my attention to Thinker "What did I tell you about making feel uncofortable? That you shouldn't do it" I turn back to Rick "You always acted a bit gay, so it's not entirely his fault for thinking you swing that way"

"That's not true" I give him my best unamused face

"My parents thought you were gay from the day they met you, as well as my cousins. Oh, and Augusto's family too, so quit your whining" Rick sighs in defeat, "I'm supposed to be the childish one, go apologize" I push him towards Thinker

"Sorry, I shouldn't have reacted that way. It's just, it has been a really stressful week" Rick extends his hand to Thinker "So, friends?" That was fast

"As much as it pains me, I mean you're a good looking stallion, yeah, -" He takes Rick's hand "-friends" They finish the hand shake "Hug?" Rick shoots daggers at him "Guess not"

Quick couldn't hold it anymore and just burts out laughing. Meanwhile I decide to look at the blueprints I got from the crate. Let's see here, 'inv' then 'misc', I think that's where the- oh! There they are 'blueprints'. Ok, 'LS Hilt', wonder what it is, there is also the armour workbench, clothing, weapons and shields, ranged... I turn my attention to the 'LS Hilt' and read the description. 'Light Saber Hilt'- Wait! That's a thing?!. I read the rest of the info on the blueprint. This is going to be difficult to make, but it's costumizable. I walk to the desk where everyone is at

Remember the force unleashed? It's a game. And by the way, that was your luckiest find yet


"....but the interdimensional 'barrier' is the problem" Quick is explaining interdimanesional travel isn't she?


"What is causing the problem?" I ask while joining the conversation.

"We don't have enough power." She looks at her hands and then back to me, "At the very least we you need Pricess Celestia's magical prowess"

"Is there a way to not need her?" I then look up into nothing, "Because I doubt she wants to mess with inter-dimesional stuff for a good while" I return my gaze to Quick

"Well, there is one thing..." She starts biting her thumb, "But- nevermind, it's too dangerous" I look at her unamused

"Just tell me" I raise an eyebrow, "I'll decide if it's too dangerous" Quick just looks at me skeptically

"I'm going to need a lot of copper and a consentration crystal" She get's a smug face "The copper would have to come form the star-spiders in the Everfree forest, and nopony knows where to get a consentration crystal, sooooo..." She's probably thinking I'm goin to give up, but I can't, I have to take Rick home

"I'm going to need a weapon..." I say as I put my hand under my chin, Rick speaks up

"What happened to your gun?"

"I ... I had to get rid of it" I don't know if I should tell them what's going on behind the scenes "In a canyon on the Everfree, yeah. I can't get it back" Rick looks at me with a raise eyebrow

"You dropped it didn't you" My escapegoat! I try to look guilty

"Yeah..." Rick just faceplams "I'll just get a sword from the armoury" Everyone looks at me in disbelief, Thinker being the first one to speak up

"The Everfree is the most dangerous place in Equestria, a mere sword is not enough"

"You're right, I should go to the library and learn some spell too" Or maybe I'll be able to come up with some on the fly

"Sorry to burst your bubble, but you don't even have a horn-" He points at his own horn then crosses his arms "- so how are you going to use magic?"

In skyrim you always start knowing a fire spell. I'll give it a try. I lift my hand infront of my face, close my eyes and begin to concentrate, First, send energy to my hand, then imagine my hand producing heat, making fire. I open my eyes and see a small flame infront of my palm, no bigger than a lighter's flame. I look at Thinker with a shit eating grin and lower my hand so everyone can see

"You can't do anything with that" Thinker scoffs out. I close my hand and dispel the flame then point at him

"But I have it" I put on my smug face "Which is more than you can do without a horn" I turn my attention to Quick who has a huge smile, as a do so her smile gets bigger and squees

"I'm going to teach you so many spells" Oh god... Rick looks at me and mouths 'run'

"Sorry, gotta go!!" I take Noctis's hand and run out of the lab

Five Minutes Later Infront of Luis's Room

"Why did we run?" I look at Noctis in a serious face

"Because Rick said it'd be bad for us to stay when she gets that excited" I think that's what he meant anyways

"When did he say that?" She raises an eyebrow. I open the door and let her through

"Well, he didn't say that per se, he just told me to run when Quick got extremely excited" Noctis sighs "And besides, the sooner we get ready for this the sooner I can make this right" Can send him home, he doesn't belong here. Neither do I, but I can fit in with a lot more ease. I start heading to the bathroom

"Then why didn't we go to the Barracks for my armour and a weapon for you? Why to your room?" She says condescendingly, I stop and turn

"I'm going to cut it" I pass a hand through my hair

"Why would you want to cut your mane? And why aren't you going to a styli-" her expression goes to unamused "It's an ability you have isn't it?" She says a bit a deadpan tone. I nod

"As for why, well, I don't want any spiders crawling into it, so I'll shorten it a bit" I continue into the bathroom

In the bathroom, I stop infront of the mirror. Now how do I do this? Do I just think of the hair style? ... A menu?. Suddenly I see a menu on the mirror. Holy shit that's cool

After looking at some of the short hairstyles available, I settle on a short mohawk, which doesn't look half bad clean shaven

I walk out the bathroom and spot Noctis standing on the balcony. "Hey Red!" She turns to look at me "What do you think?"

"I prefer the long mane" I pretend to be emotionally hurt, with an 'ouch' for emphasis "B-but you look good"

There is a knock at the door

"I'll get it" I go to the door and open it. Lightning, Thunder and a royal guard are standing on the other side

"Prince, your presence is needed in the throne room immediately. I am to scort you and your personal guard at once" I nod and signal Noctis to come. I then look at Thunder and Lightning

"Don't worry I haven't forgotten, just tell me where the place is" They look at eachother and Thunder speaks up

"Like I said, it's just down the main road, the one leading to the castle. Just look for the sign that says 'High Horse', with a space, see ya there" I give them a thumbs up

"Got it" I turn to the guard "Let's not keep the Princesses waiting"

A Little Later At The Throne Room Entrance

You know, now that we talk to eachother it's getting kind of weird when you just go like 'one hour later', it comes from out of nowhere The doors open and we step through

Well, you know ... reasons

Sure, why not? I do a quick scan of the room spoting a camera-mare, and both Luna and Celestia in a more... royal attire? Still with their regalia and stuff, but... Is Luna taller or is it just me? Her fur also seems darker and her mane... I mentally facepalm at my realization Of course, she's getting her full power back. DUH! I also spot a royal looking outfit in the middle of the room on a mannequin. I like the cape... WAIT!! Is it for me?

"Hello son, you are here to have our picture taken for tomorrow's issue of every newspaper in Equestria" Why exactly? I just stare a bit confused "Remember, you are now part of the royal family and Equestria needs to know"

"Thaaaat might have slipped my mind, hehe," I click my tounge "So, do I have to wear that?" I point at the clothes, Celestia nods "Cool, cool" I walk up to the clothes and 'take' them. Now I just re-equip them. I do so and now I'm wearing the medieval clothes, Nice- wait a minute... "When did you get my measurements?" Celestia just taps her nose in response. I throw my arms into the air "OK then!! Keep your secrets!" I turn to Noctis, whose mouth is hanging, and pass my hands over my clothes with my palms out. "How do I look?" Noctis blinks a couple of times and shakes her head, blushing a little

"You look really hansome- I mean now- I mean you look good- I mean you already look good-" She blushes harder and hides her face on her hands, I should say something, but then it'll be awkward for me, but if I don't then she might take it the wrong way, but if I do then that could go wrong, but-

Just do it you moron

But it could make this moment a lot more awk-


I step up to her and put on the most confident look I can. I place my finger on her chin and lift her head

"You look good too." Shit I'm going to loose my composure- panicking- do something- shit shit shit. I hug her and relax a little, Interesting the top of her head barely gets to my chin. I then whisper with my best confident tone into her ear "Better without the armour" ... ... ... the fuck did I say...?Fuck me. I let go, turn around and facepalm lowering my head "I'm sorry. I just..." I sigh, I fucked up

"Nopony has ever told me that before." Noctis turns me around and lifts my face to face her's "Thank you" Then she kisses my cheek.

I... she... she kissed me... but... I don't...


...then ... like ... soft...


... happy..... nice..... feel...


"YES! I'm here I'm here!" I snap out of it and look around and see Noctis a little worried with Luna behind her with a smirk and Celestia trying her hardest not to laugh. The realization hits me like a train as my face gets extremely hot "... oh ..." Noctis relaxes and smiles

"Maybe I should call you Red instead" she smirks, I nervously chuckle. I try to think of something to say, but all I can't get my mind off of how soft her fur is and how silky her mane feels, I want to hug her... I look at Celestia, who is now calm, and try my best to hide my embarrassment

"Let get this over with" I can't take this for much longer "Please?" she nods

"That would be best" Celestia smiles at me, Now she's mocking me isn't she?

We walk to the stairs and Celestia stands on the first step and signals me to stand infront of her on the ground, That's what I get for being tall. I look at the fotographer and see Luna standing behind her, I signal her to come

"We mustn't. This is a family portrait for you and Celestia alone" She sighs

"Well if it's a family foto, I don't see why my aunt coulndn't be in it" I extend my hand "And by the way, you two rule together if I remember correctly" I feel Celestia place her hand on my shoulder

"Let us take this as a family, sister" She extends her hand to Luna as well. Luna starts to smile and walks up to us and hugs us

"We thank thee both" I hug her back as Celestia hugs us both. We get in position again, this time with Luna next to Celestia, both with a hand on my shoulders. Now I can't stop smiling

I don't know what's going to happen now, but before I get ahead of myself, let me explain. Our photo was taken and everything went fine, after the family picture, I was then asked for a normal photo of me standing royaly, apparently that's a thing. A few 'newspaper quiestions' were asked about myself. After taking a few more notes, the photographer left. After that is when things got weird. Celestia asked everyone, Noctis and her guards, out of the room, I have no idea why.

"Just wait for me outside, it'll be a second" Noctis nods and walks out with the others. The doors close and after a second or two I hear sobbing behind me, I immediately turn anround and see Celestia on her hands and knees crying. I'm not the only one to take notices as both Luna and I walk next to her and crouch down

"Why are thou crying, dear sister?" Celestia looks at Luna

"Yeah, what happened? Why are you crying?" Celestia looks at me, her expression is that of someone who's competely destoyed, it's heart wrenching. She lowers her head again


"Why what?" I don't get it, what's going on? Celestia looks up again

"What have I done to deserve your love?" She turns her gaze between me and Luna "I ruined both of your lives... so why?" Not this again...

"Because you didn't destroy my live. What I did before coming here was to survive in my world, but now, thanks to you, I get to live. No longer are my choices done by society, I don't have to be yelled at by my parents for doing life my way instead of theirs. And most important of all, you, and I mean you Celestia, my new mom, saved me from my own hand. You deserve all the love I can give you, because ... I get to live" In more ways than one, so thank you. I am really grateful. I lift her so she's now sitting on her legs instead and hug her "I love you, mom"

"But... I-"

"Dear sister of mine, thou stopped me from destroying not only the lives of our subjects but that of our beautiful world. Nightmare- no, I was bringing forth night time eternal and thy actions saved our fair nation. I have nothing but praise for thee" Luna joins in on the hug. After a few seconds Celestia gives in and hugs us both back

"Thank you... Thank you so much"

"What is family for, right?"

It's not like you would know...

I'm good at guessing

We let go


"Yes, thanks to you both" She looks at me a bit concerned "Although, you will have to tell me what you meant when you told me I saved you from your own hand" I am screwed... I give a nervous chuckle

"Well, you see.... gosh this is hard.... I was- you know how I was on the plane right? I was going on a trip with my friend to aaaaa.... congregation of sorts- actually that's a really bad word to use, it's not a religious gathering ... it was it meet up of people who like a show..." How do I explain this.... fuck

"I am going to guess it is the show we talked about the other day" I nod, Now she's going for the throat. She continues "You still haven't explained, so go on," There it is

"Well, I was treating the trip like my last one. I was done with the world too ... angry at everyone, specifically everyone around me. Except Rick, he always helped me deal with shhhhhstuff" I'm getting riled up just thinking about it "Anyways, it mostly has to do with my parents. I... I hate them, borderline despise them, all because they wouldn't let me be myself." I sigh, I need to relax a liitle

"In what way would thy parents not allow thee to be thy self?" Fuck me, here we go

"I was overshadowed by my brother, but I didn't care about that, what bugged me and completely drove me insane though was my parents reminding me every ffffffunky day that he had his life planned out, that he knew what he was good at, that he already had A FUCKING CAREER AND THAT I DIDN'T!!" I clench my fists as I feel the anger flooding my mind, "I FUCKING TOLD THEM MY DREAMS AND THEY JUST SHUNNED ME AND MADE IT IMPOSSIBLE FOR ME TO FOLLOW UP ON MY GODDAMNED DREAMS. TELLING ME I WOULDN'T MAKE IT, THAT I SHOULD DO SOMETHING THAT'S USEFUL, SOMETHING I'M GOOD AT!!!" I wiped my tears, Fuck! I got angry, relax. I take a deep breath

"All I wanted to do was to help others." My voice starts cracking "I wanted to do what helped me when I was depressed so I could help them not feel empty." I snifle, "I even built my own computer, with the money that took me years to get" I look down at my hands "And they just took it away the moment they found out" I wipe my face "I wanted to be me... but they wanted a success story like- no, they wanted a better kid than my brother" I look up at them, both with shock and concern on their faces, Luna having a bit of understanding splashed in

"I was past my breaking point when I got here. The trip was supposed to be my goodbye to the world. I was going to go the con, enjoy myself and, when I got back to my city, I was just going to jump off a bridge. They were driving me up the wall, I just couldn't take it...anymore" I wipe my nose and then my tears and start to act cheerful "Well, enough feeling sorry for myself, I got a 'night with the boys' to have" I start to get up but get stopped by a hug, Why so many hugs here? Not that I mind, but still

"I am really sorry you had to go through that"

"Indeed, nopony should have to go through such experiences at thy tender age" Tears escape my eyes again

"Thank you. It feels nice to have emotional support for once" I let go of the hug and clear my tears, Again..."By the way I have to go to Ponyville for a little bit" I flash an innocent smile "I might need a few things" We all stand up

"What might you need? More bits? I can arrange that" Now that she mentions it, I don't know how much she gave me the other day, hmmm

"I was thinking more like a map of Equestria-" Might help with fast-travel "-and maybe some armour and a sword" I give another smile "I kind of have to go into the Everfree again..." I rub my nape and give a nervous 'hehe'

"Thou mustn't jest in such a manner" Luna looks at me, I'm guessing she's trying to see If I'm joking. "Thou are just jesting are you not?" I slowly shake my head

"Does this have something to do with the developments Quick Study told us about a little while ago" Wait a minute! She already told them?!

"If it's about an interdimensional teleporting spell, then yes. I need the copper found in start-spider silk" Because apparently it doesn't exist here outside star-spider silk

"Ah yes, the copper found in their silk is quite rare" My eyes widen a little, I was right! "It gives their webs that greenish tint that looks oh so beatiful under the moonlight" Celestia closes her eyes, seemingly remembering how they look

"I also need a..." I remember the conversation with Quick "... Concentration crystal, whatever that is" Celestia's eyes snap open and looks at me

"I'm sorry, but did you say you need a 'concentation crystal'?" I nod "Oh... I cannot allow you to go look for it"

"Why not?" I smirk thinking of a stupid scenario, "Is it in a hidden cave under Canterlot that also acts like a labyrinth to contain extremely dangerous creatures?" Celestia looks at me wide-eyed and nods, "WHAT?!" My eyelids hurt from how wide the went "I was joking!" This is like Pinkie in the EG movie but worse, fuck me. "I guess now I need to find the secret entrance th-"

"I FORBID IT!" I rub my ears, That was borderline royal voice levels of loudness, Jesus Christ

"What if I were to get a really good set of armour and weapons hmmm?" I smirk, If somehow I get power armour, I might be able to convince her. Celestia gets pensative, Aleksandrs!! Any help with this?

Well... If I follow the rules, then I might be able to get you the frame and maybe the workstation but as a blueprint. No more than that tho. You will have to get the pieces of the armour by pure luck by the way

When can I expect it?

I said I could get it to you, not give it to you. Just find another grenade since I can't give them away anymore

I guess that'll have to do

"How strong of armour are we talking about?" Celestia gives me a doubtful look, Depends, in the game it's pretty fucking weak, but in canon it's supposed to withstand a fucking missile.... I guess... the latter would be best. "Well?" I'll go with the canon

"It can survive a high explosive force that could level a town, plus it has a protective cover that helps dealing with energy and radiation damage. It's also very heavy making it nearly impossible to lift, so only an extremely powerfull creature could make it budge" Celestia goes pensative again, Come on, buy it

"That sounds impressive" I turn to the source of the voice and see Luna walking next to Noctis towards us

"It is. It also protects the user from falling damage" Even though it doesn't exist in my world I'll be able to use it soon enough here. This is so exciting!. I rub my hands together with a smile, I then look at Luna, "Why did you let her in? Not that I mind, she's good company. Just- I- nevermind" I'm not going to embarrass myself again

"We decided that we no longer needed secracy after the situation was dealt with." She then smirks, "We also thought you could use thy-" She clears her throat"-guard's company" I feel my face heat up a little, Luna here is a lot more teasing than in the show... I guess I've had a bigger impact than I thought. I look at Noctis and give her an innocent smile, which she gives her own back at me

"How would you get this set of armour?" Celestia raises an eyebrow at me, Is 'by sheer luck' a good answer?

Nope, but it's the only one you have

"Well... that's the thing... you see... uhmm... remember the smoke grenade you found? Well, I would have to find more and hope I get it in one of the crates.... so.... yeah, I would have to get lucky" I give her an innocent smirk, I am in sooo much shit...

"I see." Celestia pauses for a few seconds, I start to hold my breath "Until you aquire this armour, I cannot allow you into the labyrinth" I breath out, At least I can now get the fucking thing... just. Need. The armour. "But I will personally test the armour before deciding to let you into the caverns"

"Well, it's either that or you can help Quick open the interdimesional portal" I closely look at Celestia's reaction which is a troubled face while biting her lip

"Make sure you get that armour, I would prefer not to make a similar mistake" Celestia seems to get a little depressed, Maybe I shouldn't have said anything. I give her a quick hug

"Don't beat yourself over it, it could have happened to anyone" I give her a smile, "Or in your case anypony, right?" I chuckle and Celestia shoots me a smile, There, all better, "Now I just have to get a bunch of smoke grenades"

"Are thou not able to create more of this 'smoke grenades'?" Luna looks a bit curiously at me, Aleksandrs? Would you-

Add that to the list of things you need to find yourself

Fine, be that way. I sigh, "Not without the ingredients for them" I put a smile on my face, "But that can't stop me, I'm going to get Rick back home." Even if it's the last thing I do

"Just don't do anything drastic"

Noctis places her hand on my shoulder, "Please"

I put my hand on her's and run my thumb along it but immediately stop, Why ... did I do that..? "I'll try," I turn Noctis as she takes her hand away, "Let's go before they think we ditched." Actually for tomorrow, when we go to Ponyville. I need to tell Twilight... I turn to Celestia waving a finger in the air, "Actually, I need a-"

A cloud of smoke comes through the window and materializes into a scroll

"-favour. Oh, would you look at the timing!" Celestia takes the scroll form the air and looks at it

"Luis, it's for you" She hands me the scroll, "It's from Twilight"

"What a coincidence! It's almost is if someone wanted this to happen" I grab the scroll

Wasn't me

I open the scroll and begin to read

"Hello Luis,

How are you today? Everypony wants to know if you got out of the hospital yet, because the way you wrote yesterday suggested you were healing quite fast. Also, Pinkie has been asking when you are going to come to Ponyville to give you a 'Late Birthday and Welcome to Equestria' party.

Rainbow Dash here. What do you mean you're not sure to call us your friends, with how awesome I am you'd be crazy not to call me your friend. It also helps that your world sounds awesome too. Twilight has thrown some of her eggheadedness around saying you might be shy, but with the way you act I doubt it.

Hi it's me, Pinkie!! I will make you call me your friend, and that's a Pinkie Promise. You can't and will not escape my friendship because we met and I make friends of everypony I know. I have you in my sights mister.

With much joy,
Your friends of Ponyville"

A 'hmm' escapes my mouth, I think I doomed myself to have Pinkie follow me for a while, although...

"Mom can I-" a scroll and quill are handed to me by Celestia, I smile at her "Thanks" I begin writing:

Hello friends,

Rainbow, I never said I was skeptical of being friends with guys, I said I was surprised you would call me your friend after just having a small chat, and Pinkie, we ARE already friends. As for when I'll pass by Ponyville again, well, that might actually be tomorrow. Sadly it's for a small fetch quest I have and won't be in town for too long, I will tell you what it is when I get there.

I stop writing and turn to Celestia, "Mom, what is the schedule and cost for the Ponyville train route?"

"You could just use a chariot." Celestia states a bit condescendingly

"As much as I like flying, I've never had a train ride like this. The only times I've used a trian was the metro in my city, wich is pretty much a taxi on rails, nothing going outside the city." I try my best puppy eyes, "Please?" I really want to see the scenery for myself. Celestia sighs

"As you wish." I'm starting to appreciate the catoonish look of this world, "The train tickes to Ponyville are 150 bits each, as for the schedules, the earliest train departs an hour after midnight reason being the lenght of the trip"

I lift my pip-boy and look at how many bits I have, I have 184, not nearly enough for both of us, "It appears I only have enough for one ticket" I sigh, "I guess I am going to need some bits" I say a bit disapointed, I don't like taking from others, but... I sigh again

"I will give you the same allowance as I do Twilight" She gets a little teasing smile on her face, "To lessen your feeling of guilt of course," I forcefully exhale from my nose, Of course I get pitty... aaghh!!

"And how much would that be?" Don't be too much, don't be too much, don't be........

"500 bits per month," I was making more on my job back on Earth- wait, what's the exchange rate? Still feels like too much though... I guess I'll take it?

"Sure, still feels like too much, but, I guess..." Noctis iterrupts my train of thought

"I could just pay for myself" I look at her in disapproval

"You are-" I point at myself "-MY guard, accompanying-" I move my hand closer, still pointing "-ME to do stuff, which means-" I point at her "-YOU are under-" I point back at myslef "-MY care. Just so you know, that means I'll pay for your stuff like-" I use my hands to count "-food, transport, and other necesities, but if you want any souvenirs, well,-" I raise both my hands, palms out, "-that's on you." Noctis sighs a bit skeptically, which I take as a 'fine', "Good. Now if you'll excuse me, I have a letter to finish"

Where was I? I give the letter a quick read and continue:

As for when I'll get there, we might be taking the first train there. If anything changes, then I'll tell you.

Yours truly,

I seal the scroll and pass it to Celestia, who quickly sends it away

"You'll have to teach me that spell sometime" Celestia shows a bit of shock in her expression and looks at Noctis who, I assume, nods back which causes Celestia to look back at me, "Yes, I can do magic." I then summon the fire again, this time it was a lot bigger, almost the size of a baseball, That's cool! I'm getting better. Celestia regains her calm expression

"This development will make communication with you much easier. Yes, I will teach it to you once you get back." She give me a loving smile, "And before I forget." A satchel full of bits appears infront of me, "Your allowance" As I take it the pip-boy plays the sound effect of picking up caps, That's new... I look at the pip-boy a bit surprised

"Did your thing just make a jangling noice?" I turn to Noctis, If she heard it, then I better not loot during stealth

"I guess it did. Anyways, lets not keep them waiting anymore" We start to leave, but I turn to Celestia and Luna and wave, "Au revoir" We exit the throne room and make our way out heading for the bar, I still can't believe it's called 'high horse', what? Is it like an attic bar or smoething? I maybe, because then you would have to get down from the 'High Horse'. I look at Noctis, "So, do you know anything about this bar?"

Author's Note:

Will Luis ever use his new musical powers?

Will he get the components needed to amplify the spell?

Will I continue asking random questions with an obvious answers?

Will this one be the last?

I had some fun writing this chapter, but it was difficult to get that-one-emotional-sceneTM to feel right and I don't know if I achieved it.

Two weeks, wow, that's a lot, and it shows at over 7,000 words, that's insane. I also got some feed back from a friend so hopefully my sentence structure is 'cleaner' and better in general.

EDIT: I messed up and forgot Luis already has the blueprint for smoke grenades
Change: Luis now says he need the ingredients instead of the blueprint