• Published 21st Feb 2019
  • 2,728 Views, 72 Comments

Hard Landing - Flash_Game

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23 Silk and Magic: Quest Complete

Chapter 23
Silk and Magic: Quest Complete

Here we are. The Everfree Forest, Noctis and I are standing in front of the path leading to the castle, just outside the forest, Sure it has monsters, but other than that, I don't see why the ponies fear it so much, I look at Noctis, who seems to be having trouble hiding her angst

"Is this the Everfree Forest?"

"Yeah," I look at the quest for the silk, So I need 25 units of star-spider silk? I can do that, I go to my inventory, Do I even have the space?... Yes I do, okay. Before I forget, I favourite the sword and change into my armour, "Are you ready?"

"As ready as I can be for a place I don't remember knowing, I guess," She looks at me, "Since when do you have that helmet?"

"Since it was given to me," I wonder how Cutting Edge would react to Noctis's condition... I mean, he did tell me not to try any 'manky' business with her. He might know her in a more personal level... I wonder what level that is... "Anyways, let's go. Adventure awaits!" We head into the forest

"Is there anything dangerous in the forest?"

"Like what? Monsters? Because there are plenty of those here," Noctis tenses up, "Don't worry, we can deal with them together," ... I'm alone... with Noctis... Oh. God.

"You're right," She gets a bit of confidence back on her posture

"Yeah..." This is going to get awkward for me... ever since the glass of water...


"Yes! I mean. Yeah, what's up?"

"About earlier..."

"The water?"

"Aye, my... response..."

"It's ... It was very, uhh... something..."


"Yeah... I know..."

"I just wanted to say-" we hear some rustling in the underbrush, "Heads up," she whispers

I follow suit, "I heard. Get ready," we take out our swords and take a defensive position back to back, Why didn't I ask for a shield? Or to keep the assassin's sword?

"Let's keep moving," Noctis takes the lead as we continue through the forest, "And keep your voice down"

"Let me lead, I know the way," she nods, and we switch places

"There hasn't been anything else apart from the rustle," I put my sword away, "And the birds are singing now. I think we're good, so let's try to get to the castle before nightfall"

Noctis sheaths her swords, "I guess..."

Silence. Nothing but our boot crunching on the fallen leafs and the occasional stick as we walked

Very awkward...


"Soooo... How are you doing?" ...ughhhh...

"I'm good..."

Just keep walki-

"Before. What I was trying to say was... ... ...sorry, nevermind"

"It was awkward?"

"Aye, but I- ... what I want to say is... I- would you mind if... could we...? I mean... nevermind"

"When we go back, how about I take you for lunch?"

"That'd... be nice, thank you," she says with relieve

I don't know if that was the right move...

Do you like her?

I... don't know

OH! You're finally listening to me?!!

You haven't said anything in a while...

I freaking have! You've just been ignoring me!

I guess I can tune you out if I want to then


Stop sulking

"Stop," Noctis puts her arm in front of me

"What is-?"

"Shh," she scans the area, "Do you hear that?"

"That there are no-" Oh... "The forest went quiet again," I start to whisper, we slowly take out our swords

"Let's keep moving"

"Agreed," we get on the same formation as before, then a timberwolf jumps onto the path ahead, "Contact!"

"Same here, one wood monster"

I grab my sword with both hands and get in a defensive stance, I examine the timberwolf, It couldn't be... the wolf has a hole on it's shoulder and in between the eyes, Oh shit, "Noctis. I know this bunch..." Noctis gets next to me as the other wolf joins with mine, One of his eyes isn't glowing... definitely the same bunch

"No time for talking," No gun this time... "How did you beat them before?"

"With a gun. Which I seem to have lost after the tutorial," I had to shout the... third one... apart- WHERE IS THE OTHER ONE??!! I frantically look around, Where is it? Where is it?!!

"Relax, don't let them intimidate you"

"There were three last time"

"Oh... That might be a problem"

"I'll distract them, you run for the castle. Down the path, should be close now"

"I can't leave you behind!" The wolves' snarling gets louder

"I'll be right behind you," What was the ice form shout? Iiz... something something... One word should be enough, "Okay, Noctis. When I give you the signal run past them, I'll be behind you"

"What's the signal?"

"You'll know," I put my sword away and take a step forward, the main wolf gets into an even more aggressive stance

"What are you doing?!" Noctis whisper-shouts. The wolves seem to sense her distress and leap at us

"IIZ!" Ice..., the frozen wolves fly past us "NOW!" Noctis sheaths her swords, and we book it. I hear the ice break, I look back and see the wolves getting up. We see the castle up ahead, "Almost there!" Come on come on come on...!, we stop in front of the bridge, "GO!" Noctis flies over the chasm, "Right..." I start going across the bridge as fast as I can. I stop as I feel the bridge move and turn back to them, FUCK OFF! one of the wolves is already on the bridge, but as it takes another step, the planks break under its weight and falls into the ravine, Thank you! I continue going to the other side, a bit relaxed, thinking the last one can't get me


I look back to the last wolf mid jump, quickly closing in on me, Shit!! I leap out of the way as the wolf's body snaps the bridge. Somehow I manage to hold on to one of the planks as I slam on the cliff side


"I'm good! I'm good," I look up to see most of the boards above me broken, "Although, I might need your help getting out of this one," Noctis flies to my level and put her hands on her hip, "Hi," I wave at her

She sighs and pinches the bridge of her nose, "What shall I ever do with you?"

"Wait, let me get ready," I equip my normal clothes, "I should be lighter now"

"Aren't you still carrying that armour?"

"Yes, but not physically," Noctis huffs and lifts me out, "Thank you, I appreciate you not dropping me," I put the armour back on

"You wouldn't want to tempt me now, would you?" she smirks, "Come on. That was probably the worst part," we start walking to the entrance

"As an individual who likes stories, I would not recommend ever saying that"

Noctis turns back and shrugs, "What's the worse that could happen?" she continues walking backwards

"Or that"

Noctis rolls her eyes and turns around, "You're such a crybaby sometimes"

I catch up to her, "No, I just know more about this sort of thing than you"

"Now you're just making fun of my amnesia"

"NO! I-I-I- Th-tha-that wasn't what I- What I said was-!!"

"Just pulling your tail," she chuckles, "Let's go"

"You little- Okay, let's go," Let's see, on the episode with the spiders... "Let's look for the library of the castle, there should be more spiders around that area," I take out the PKE as we enter the dark foyer of the castle

"Will that even help?" she points at the PKE

"That's what I'm trying to find out," I do a quick scan of the room, noting the stairs at the and of the room, Nothing here, "Let's move... that way," I head to a doorway before the stairs

Noctis takes a sword out, "Right behind you"

We enter a hallway lined with armour sets, "Stay close," the PKE goes red, "Wait," I move the meter around, Someone on the left, I sign for Noctis to stay quiet and point to the direction of the peak. Getting my sword ready we approach the armour giving out the readings. Noctis and I look at each other and nod, I put the PKE away, keeping it on, and we swing at the armour. It collapses as soon as our swords make contact, "I guess... hmmm," I feel watched... "Something's off"

"What's wrong?"

"I feel-" the PKE starts beeping repeatedly, I look down the hallway and every armour set starts to emit a sickly sea green glow from with in, "That can't be good," I grab Noctis and run down the hall. We dodge as the armours start reaching for us, WHAT THE FUCK?!! the armours at the end of the hallway clumsily get off their pedestal and block our path, SERIOUSLY?!!! I look at Noctis, nod, let go of her, and sprint as fast as I can at the haunted armours. We each impale a set of armour, and stumble out the doorway. I immediately get up and close the door, pushing it close as hard as I can. The thumping of their attempts pushing the door ajar repeatedly, "A little help?"

Noctis grabs the swords of the fallen foes and somehow manages to pierce the stone with them, effectively making a doorstop with the swords, "There," I slide down the door, and we both sigh, "What were those?"

"Enemies," Ghosts? Sure, why not? "Where are we?"

"It seems we ended up in barracks"

I look around the dimly lit room, Barely any sunlight now... oh well... "Let's find another way to the library," I stand up and dust myself, "But first..." I loot the armours, Two star-spider silks, nice!

"Ummm, Luis?"

"Yes?" I turn to Noctis standing by a different doorway

"I think that's the only way out..." She points at the way we came

I go up to Noctis and look down the hal- collapsed hallway, "I think you may be right," How do we get past the... what should I call them?

You're worrying about that? Really?

Yes. Since they could be in any armour... stalkers?, "Hey, Red?" I start to move to the first door


"What should we call the haunted armour?"

"Why does it matter?"

"So it's easier to say, and faster, than 'haunted armour', you know?" I grab one of the swords in the stone

"I guess... Do you have something in mind?"

"I've thought of 'stalkers' since, you know, they could be in any one armour set," I pull on the sword but it doesn't budge, "Son of a... Red, quick question. How did you get the sword this stuck??"

"I was in a bit of a rush... I guess I just went all or nothing"

"I can tell... Any ideas yet?" I grab the other sword

"For what?"

"The guys outside," I try and fail to pull it out, Christ! How...? It's really in ther- The blade of an axe come through the door, I take a few steps back, "You know what? I think I want to take my time now..."

Noctis unsheathes her swords and gets in a defensive stance as her ears pull back, "Get ready," The axe repeats the process of breaking down the door

I take out my sword, Wait, what am I doing?? I walk up to the door and wait for the door to break

"What are you doing?? Get back here!"

The door breaks, "FUS RO DAH!!" the hallway gets flushed out in an instant, "There," I bow and point out the door, "Ladies first"

"You're such a showoff"

Ouch, "I prefer the term 'efficient' a little better," we walk back to the main foyer, me looting everything as we pass. Found a few more of the silk and a few bits too, Nice

"This time, I'm choosing the way," Noctis looks at all the other possible ways



Okay, then...

"This way," she goes up the stairs and to the right

"Wait for m-! *cough* Ow that hurt..." I look and Noctis is waiting for me, "I'm coming!" Maybe I shouldn't be shouting so much..., and up the stairs I go. As I get close to Noctis, I see another amour moving behind her. I leap into action and take out my sword, barely block its sword, "Bastard..."

Noctis kicks it in the leg, and drives her sword in through the visor, "There. See? Simple"

I shake my pained wrist, "I cought his sword all wrong..." a star-spider crawls out of the armour and it stops glowing, "Interesting..."

"Let's keep moving. The sooner we get out of here, the better"

I look out the hole in the ceiling, "Well... I can see the stars now. So, we might have to pass the night in the castle"

"I guess," she sits on the stairs, "Could you pass me my bottle?"

"Sure," I take out our waters and sit next to her, giving her hers


"I've been thinking..."

"Oh oh"

"Very creative... Anyways, do you think the spiders might be using their own silk as a magic conduit to animate the armour?"


"Is it possible the spiders are moving the armour?"

"Why would they need to do that?"

"To protect themsleves, or to protect something..." A queen perhaps?

Noctis puts her bottle aside and leans back on her arms, "Whatever it might be... I don't think we need to venture that far"

Hopefully. I'd hate to see the queen... if there is one, I take our bottles and lay down, "The stars look beautiful tonight"

"Aye, I could lay here with you all- I mean!! I could look at them all night! Yeah!"



I sit up and look down at my hands unsure of what my next move might do, "Mind if we... we-uhmm... would you like to change our lunch after this... into... i-into a-a date??" even my ears feel on fire... She shoots up and looks directly into my eyes, examining me, That's a no, isn't it? *mental sigh* of course... why would anyon-, Noctis throws her arms around me

"I'd love to..." she whispers into my ear

She'd... she'd love to! I hug her back as hard as I can, feeling tears fall down my face, "Thank you. Thank you so much..." my voice almost fails, Someone... likes me...

"Can't... breathe..."

I ease up, "Sorry..."

She gets concerned as she gets a look at my face, "Are you okay?"

I sniffle a bit, "I feel a lot better than I look," I look at her with the most sincere smile I can manage, "The best I've ever felt in years," I wipe the tears off my face, "Thank you"

"You're the one that invited me, I should be thanking you!"

I love that giggle of hers... "Wanna stay here for a bit?"

She leans on my shoulder, "I wouldn't mind," her wing hugs me, "You know what? I don't care if I don't get my memories back," I flinch, "It's okay..."

"It's just... I wanted to make it up to for ... you know, your amnesia," she looks at me, Those red eyes... seriously...

"It wasn't your fault"

"Still feels like it... ... I just- I don't know... feels like I could have prevented it," I told her not to worry about them... "I made it happen," I squeeze her shoulder, "Sorry, Red. It was my fault..."

"Whatever you might think, my point still stands, you didn't cause it on porpu-" her wing retracts, and holds her head groaning

"Are you okay?!?"

"Yeah, yeah, it's fine"

"Well, it didn't look fine. After this we are going to take you to the doctor, then we go for lunch"

"I'm fine, it was nothing"

"No excuses," she goes to interject, "What did I just say?"

Her arms cross with a playful huff, "Fine!"

I sigh, "Look, I'm just worried it might be more than just a simple headache. What if that potion is causing more than just amnesia?"

"I guess..."

I stand up, "Now let's go before it gets worse," I offer her my hand which she gladly takes. I give her the painkillers, "If you feel like a headache is coming, take one"

"Just one?" she puts the meds in her pouch

"For now," we continue our journey

I used my ilumination spell for the first time, and, well, I was expecting it to work more like a lantern but, I guess since it came from my hand and no a horn, it funtioned like a flashlight. Anyways, we made our way deeper in to the castle with minimal resistance, a few stalkers here and there, but they are as weak as they come. We searched and search and finally found the library

"Here we are," I turn to Noctis, "The library"

"It only took two hours"

"Don't sas me. Remember, you were guiding us"

"Except the times we ended in a dead end"

I hear clicking, "Shhh," I slowly take out my sword and the PKE, turning it on, It's red... I look all around but can't find the peak

"Where is it?" she unsheaths her own swords

"I can't get a rea- OW!" A rock just fell... on me... Oh shit... I slowly look up, That's a big spider... I manage to roll out of the way as the queen lands, "I don't think I have to worry about this one getting in my hair..."

"What?? Consentrate!!"

I swing at the legs and my sword just bounces off, "Well shi-" with a powerful kick I get sent flying to the bookshelves


"Don't worry," I crack my back, "I'm fine," the queen hisses, The sword didn't help much, I take my flames out on my free hand, Just don't hit the books, I look at all the books lining the walls, Piece of cake... I run shooting a stream of fire, managing to hit it in one of its legs, Now... as I get close I wind up and swing, the sword damaging the weakened exoskeleton, "AIM FOR THE WEAK SPOTS I MAKE!!!"

This went on for a small bit, I would burn the spider somewhere and then either Noctis or me would hit that spot... untill I ran out of magic. The regeneration was a lot slower than I would have hoped, and I'm not sure what would happen if I shout again, my throat has been sore since the first hallway. Anyways, the queen spider's attacks consist of kicking, shooting silk, and calling spiders to attack us with armour. Nothing too epic, sadly

"I think I can cut that leg off now," Noctis says with confidence and rushes the queen

"I'll cover you," I start to follow, but the spider silks up my legs making me trip. I look in horror as Noctis gets sent flying to the end of the room, hitting the stone hard, "NOCTIS!!" I cut the web off my legs and turn my anger to the spider, letting it spill, "AAAHHHGGGGGG!!!" I sprint full force at the spider swinging the sword like a maniac, I DON"T CARE WHERE I HIT YOU, YOU BITCH!!! "I'LL KILL YOU!!!"

==[POV - NOCTIS]==

I wake up, hearing the clanking of a sword, The spider!! I sit up grabbing my swords and turning to the battle. Luis is hitting the spider wildly and getting thrown back only to get back to attacking, "Oh Luis..." He's so... so angry... I take one of the painkillers as my head starts pouding

"STOP KICKING ME AND LET ME KILL YOU!!!" Luis says, his voice sounding deeper than normal

I try to get up but severe pain on my leg makes me fall, I-I think my leg is broken Luis's stance begins changing, slowly becoming more savage. His body starts to grow very slowly and the armour somehow desappearing from him, What is going on? Is- is that... fur?? his skin getting covered by a dark coat, head becoming canine and a tail slowly getting longer

"I'LL RIP YOU APPART!!" he growls out and rushes at the spider once again

He crashes on the wall next to me, "Luis?" he acts as if I wasn't there, his glare fixated on the spider. Luis stands up and let's out a gruesome roar, and sprints on all fours at the spider, I have to stop this, I start trying to stand up, He's going to get himself killed... finally getting on my hooves, I limp closer to the battle, using my sword as a walking stick, "Luis, listen to me! You need to calm down you aren't thinking staight," my words seem to have no effect, "You'll only get hurt," still nothing, "Please..." I plead. Luis gets kicked and webbed to a wall, "LUIS!!" limping quickly making my way to Luis, I need to get him out... the swords flies out of my hand, Oh no... I turn around to be face to face with the spider, "Please, let us go... we promise to never come back"

"Whhy sssshould we belieeeeve yyou?" the spider hisses out

IT CAN TALK??! "B-be-because we don't want to die..."

"How do we knnow that yyou won't ccome bak wwith more?"

I take a few pained steps back, "Y-y-you h-have my word..."

It raises one of it's legs, "That isss not enoughhhh!"


I get pushed out of the way and fall on the floor, as I turn around I see wolfefied Luis, impaled by the spider's leg, with a bloody smile looking at me, "LUIS!! NO!!" the spider flicks him off to the side, leaving a trail of blood

"We wantet to make thissss one sssuffer more"

I stand up and limp to his body, "Luis..?" it shrinks back to his normal size keeping the wolf appearence and regaining the armour. Kneeling next to him, I start sobbing, "...Luis..." I lay on his bloodied body, "Why...?"

"It almossst makesss ussss ssad..."

"I'm so sorry... I shouldn't have tried... I'm sorry Princess Celestia, I lost him..." the spider turns me around to face it

"Did yyou sssay Prinsssscessss Csssselesssstia?"

"Why does it matter to you?!"

"Do yyou knnow Luna?"

"Why would you care?!!"

"Sssshe wasss our ffriend..."

"Thahth'sh unexshpecthed..." says a whispering and somewhat raspy voice

I turn around and Luis puts his hand on my face which I gladly grasp, "You-you're not dead?? I'm happy! But how?!!"

"It's going to thake more than that to kill me," he whispers, then turns to the spider, "You must be the pet aunt Luna told me about... Sorry about the fight, wasn't expecting you to be alive after a thousand years or to be this bi- *cough* *cough* Sorry, I lost my voice a little bit"

"Auntt Luna? Yyou are... family?"

"Long story... Would you like to see... her... again...?" he passes out

"We do indeed find yyour offer acccceptable"

The spider made a cast for me using it's silk and took us out of the Everfree forest. I had to guide it to the tree library without getting too close to town, we were there before dawn. Luis in the other hand, kept passing out and regaining consciousness only to pass out again. Twilight had a difficult time believing me that Luis had become the wolf creature she saw, but finally accepted it and sent a letter to the Princesses, and taking us to the hospital. They gave us the same room we had last time, which I found kinda funny

The doctor enters the room, "How are his results, Doctor?"

"Well... fascinating, to say the least," he goes through through some notes on his clipboard, "Even though he looks nothing like before, his genetic makeup is exactly the same. Somehow, it's just a physical change that didn't affect him at all. Very intriguing for sure. Although, he lost quite a bit of blood, he'll be out of it for a few hours. His recovery will be quick though, and will probably be released as soon as he wakes up"

"That's good to hear," How could I let this happen?

"You, Ms Umbra, just have a minor bone bruise, it will hurt for about a week so just take the painkillers once every twelve hours. Other than that, you are ready to leave, but are allowed to keep the prince company"

"Thank you"

"I'll check in on him in a bit," he leaves

"I guess I'll sleep for the time being," laying down on my bed I say to myself, "It was a crazy night," I turn to Luis, "Sleep well"

A little later ==[POV - Luis]==

"Ugghh... My head..." Lightheaded with a headache... awesome... I open my eyes to get greeted by a familiar ceiling. Sitting up, I feel the effects of my bloodloss, then look around, seeing Noctis on the bed next to me, How cute, I sit on the edge of the bed feeling my whole body a bit numb, "Great..." I even took the sheets with me... brilliant...

"Knock knock. Good to see you awake, Prince"

I turn to the door to see the doctor, "Hello, Doc. What's my status?"

"Apart from the bloodloss, well..." He takes out a mirror from his coat, "It might be best you see for yourself," I grab the mirror, "You can keep it"

"Thanks..." I slowly bring it up to my face, a wolf stares back at me, "Interesting..." I notice my hand covered in a dark gray coat of fur, and begin examining my reflection, "Interesting indeed..." When did this happen? When did I turn into a black wolf?

"Do you know what this might be? It's certainly a condition I have no experience with. I haven't seen anything like it"

"Yeah, me neither. I mean turning half wolf-" My legs! I hastily get the covers of my legs, Paws... I have paws... "This is going to be interesting... at least my boots morphed with my feet- paws. I guess..." How am I going to walk properly now? "I might need a walking stick..."

"I might have to get back to you on that one as I do not believe we have a cane your size, Prince"

"Eh, crutches will do. What about Noctis?"

"She just has a minor bone bruise, it will hurt for a while, but she'll be able to walk with the cast she has"

The intercom goes off, "Doctor Stable please report to ER. Doctor Stable to ER"

"I'll have somepony bring you crutches"

"Thanks Doc," he leaves, I then turn to Noctis and my tail wags, "What the..." I get a hold of it, "No, stop it!" It's actually a little long... at least a meter, Jesus... I play around with controlling my new extremity for a bit

"Hello there, Prince," a new voice says, this voice belonging to a white mare, "My name is Nurse Redheart. I was told you needed crutches?"

"A yes, thank you," she walks up to me and gives me the crutches she's holding

"How are you feeling, Prince?"

"I'm not used to having a tail, other than that i'm just a little numb," I get up on my fee-, Paws! I have paws now...

"That's better than we were expecting. You were not supposed to wake up until the afternoon"

I look out the window to see the sky still a dark blue, "What time is it at the moment?"

"Six in the morning"

"How long have I been out?"

"At least four hours. Sorry, Prince, but I must get going"

"No problem"

"Thank you," she does a little bow and goes out the door

"Why 'thank you' though? Anyways," I sit on Noctis's bed and caress her cheek, I can thank you, though

She grabs my hand and sits up, "I missed you too," I chuckle nervously in response, "Good morning," she sits next to me and streches

"G-good morning..." Got caught red handed...

"Maybe I should call you 'Red' instead"

"Funny thing is... this isn't the first time you've said that..."

"Maybe that means it holds water?"

"Ehhh-no," I put my arm around her, "I really enjoy your company"

She leans on me, "As I do yours," I kiss her forehead, a gesture she returns on my cheek with a giggle

I stand up, "Let's see if we can get checked out so we can go get breakfast," I start heading for the door, when suddenly Luna and Celestia are infront of the door way, WOAH!!

"Twilight Sparkle was not pulling our tail when she mention you had turned a bit... lupine"

Celestia notices the crutches, "Are you supposed to be walking around yet?"

"If I'm not, the doctors haven't said so yet"

"Ouch!" I turn to see Noctis sitting back down

I go back to her, "Are you ok?"

"My leg is still a bit tender"

I resize one of the crutches and hand it to Noctis, "Here, take it"

"Won't you need it?"

"Nah, besides you need it more at the moment," I help her up, "And I was supposed to get a walking stick, or cane, I guess. Can you believe they don't have one my size?" I pet her, immediately blushing as I remember Luna and Celestia behind me

"I do think it holds water"

"What does hold water"

"Please, do tell"

"Oh! Would you look at the time? And you have a country to run-!"

"Apparently I've said I should call him 'Red' before," Noctis eagarly tells the sisters

I facepalm, Ow! I hit my muzzle. Note to self: aim for forehead when faceplaming from now on...

"I remember, that was the day before the 'insident'," she looks at Noctis with regret, "I am sorry, Noctis Umbra. I didn't mean..."

"It's okay"

"Anyways..." I take out all the silk I gathered, Came out in a bag. Neat!, "Would you be able to deliver this to Quick and Thinker for me? It's the silk they needed," Celestia takes the bag

"You don't remember, do you?"

"About what?"

Noctis goes to the window and opens it, "Come here!" she yells at someone on the roof, the face of the spider pops in through the window

"Well then... I remember less than I though if that-"


"...If she is a friend..."

"Luna! It'ssss been a long thousssand yearsss..."

"Faunia?" Luna starts walking towards the window, "Is that truly you? You- you are so big..."

"That's... quite the name..." I get smacked

"Luis, don't be rude!"

"Sorry, but you shouldn't hit an injured man"

"It's your fault"

"I take it you have gotten used to eachother?" Celestia interrupts, making us jump

"You could say that..." says Noctis a bit... nervous

"I guess my judgement was not mistaken," Celestia adds cheerfully

What...? "Judgement on what exactly?"

Celestia giggles and walks next to Luna, "Shall we get going, Luna?"

"No, no! Judgement on what?"

They mischieviously smile at eachother, "I think we shall," they chuckle and poof out of the room, taking the spider, Faunia, with them

"Well... that just happened. Red, what do you think her judgement was about?"

"Does it matter?"

"I guess not... I just would like to know..." I straighten up, "About that breakfast I owe you..."

"You might want to look more... you? Before going out"

"Good point," How do I even begin? Meditation?

Author's Note:

I honestly don't like the title of this chapter, but I could only come up with something a lot worse.

Anyways, I hope you like this chapter, a bit of character building, and the new look Luis has at his disposal, don't worry it's not permanent, just a phase... unless...