• Published 21st Feb 2019
  • 2,727 Views, 72 Comments

Hard Landing - Flash_Game

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6 Contact

Chapter 6

While walking, I continue messing around with the pip-boy, I discover how to change the tabs within the different sections, That definitely says 'spells' and-ooohh 'shouts', but still can't figure out how to get stuff out of my inventory, Although... I only seem to have a 10mm and what I'm wearing, the select button only displays more information about the items

So far I seem to have Assassin's Creed, Skyrim and Fallout as powers, I bump into someone, snapping me out of my thoughts

In front of me stands a mint green unicorn mare with a mane and tail a few tones lighter than her coat, both with a white stripe. She's wearing a pink t-shirt and khakis shorts, Great... it's Lyra, hopefully she doesn't have a human obsession like some of the fanfics I've read, she's just staring at me

"Oh I'm sorry, I wasn't paying attention to where I was going miss"

"Y-y-you're..." her voice trails off, *sigh* Here we go... "You're the creature of the Everfree Forest!" She's terrified not obsessed, that's normal, YAY!

"Actually, I was sent here by the Princess to investigate that"

"You what?!! You can't go into the Everfree Forest! It's a bad place..." Now she's worried about my well-being instead of hers? Well then, "The animals take care of themselves, plants grow without help, and the weather... it changes on its own"

"Let me guess, the seasons change alone too?" she nods, "Doesn't sound too bad, just an average forest if you ask me"

"It might be so, but it's still one of the most dangerous places in Equestria," She's really scared of that place

"Cool, now, could you point me to the fastest route to the Everfree please?" She then points to the same way I was going

With a 'thanks' I continue my walk, Was I trying to sound badass? After a few minutes I find myself in front of the Everfree Forest

The Forest itself looks quite normal, except for the fact that it seems to absorb the sunlight as it's much darker within the forest than it should be. Now I wish I could at least get a freaking 10mm pistol, I feel my hand grip something. I raise it to my face and see a 10mm pistol, which seems to be loaded; So that's how it works... I need to wish for it, but there might be other restrictions. Why am I so paranoid? With gun in hand, I begin my journey into the forest

I've been wondering the Everfree for about an hour now, and I haven't found shit. Maybe he's not too close to the path, maybe if I... I point the gun up and let out three shots

"Is anyone there?! I'm trying to save you!" I shout "There are monsters in this forest that are now coming at us, so come on out!" Nothing... he's not to close then, but just in case "I'm leaving now! If you want to be protected you better follow me!" I turn back and start walking

"THAT WAS A BITCH MOVE YOU KNOW?!!!" Gotcha, I turn to where the voice came and spot Rick mouth hanging open looking at me, slowly approaching the path

"Hi Rick, fancy meeting you here," he exits the underbrush and continues staring

"Luis? Is that... Is that really you?"

"No, I'm a figment of your imagination that created a sound loud enough to scare the birds," my words dripping with sarcasm, he seems pleased, "Now lets go before something gets here, we'll greet properly later," and so, we start walking back to town

I can't shake the feeling we've been followed for the past forty minutes, I've been glancing back every once in a while since the feeling started, but so far I haven't seen anything, Could be just me being paranoid again


I look back, A timberwolf is right there, and if it's anything like a wolf...; glancing around a see no other, and without turning I tell Rick, "When I tell you, run as fast as you can and don't leave the trail," with an 'mhm' from Rick I aim the pistol to the wolf's head, Hope this works, "GO!!" I yell as I take the shot

The timberwolf recoils in pain as the bullet penetrates its shoulder, Damn! Out of the sides of the trail two more wolves appear, "There you are..." I start running in the direction Rick went; Shit shit shitshitshit, I hear them running behind me

I slightly look back and aim the gun behind me, still running for my life, and let out two shots and by pure luck I hit the already injured wolf right between the eyes. Then turn back to give my full attention to running, just managing to see the remaining wolves tripping over their dismantled comrade

I turn back around to continue shooting, but one of the wolves is less than two meters away, FUCK! My first shot missed entirely, the second one took out the twig making up its ear, making it tumble a bit letting me gain some distance, the third shot hit it on the right eye. As the second wolf falls apart, I see the last wolf already in the air pouncing on me. Shit... I stop then shoot three more bullets as it passes over me, only one connects on the beast's underbelly. It collapses, but doesn't fall apart, as it hits the ground, Any minute now... You gotta fall apart...! I take two steps back, gun raised ready to shoot

The wolf then shifts as it begins to stand up and turns to me. I pull the trigger *click* Fuck me... I just realized the slide is all the way back, meaning: no bullets. I snap out of my anxiety attack by the sound of running. The wolf is charging at me, maws ready to snap shut. With barely enough time, I manage to shield my face with my arm as I fall on the ground, my arm being crushed by its jaws, blood dripping on my face

"AAARRGGGHH!! FUCK!" I'm about to be eaten alive by a GODDAMN magical shi- ... MAGIC!! I have spells and ... "FUS..." Force "...RO..." Balance "...DAH!!!" Push, my voice turns thunderous as the wolf flies off leaving its jaw on my bloody arm. "That was... too close" Now let's go back to town, hopefully no more interruptions I now begin my jog out of the Evefree

Author's Note:

EDIT (24/08/2020)