• Published 8th Nov 2019
  • 2,352 Views, 68 Comments

The Joker Tapes - DanishDash

A crazy pony calling himself Joker brought about time of terror a year ago. Now that Twilight is a Princess she wants to find out why! Recording each interview.

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Tape 7


"Thursday, 7th of May, 3412 AU. 06:00 AM."

"So... I take it your friends found out..?"

"How do you...?"

"Please, you always get that wild mane whenever something is bothering you, Twi.. I've seen it so many times by now back in Ponyville."

"It was your home.."

"What's with the soft tone, Twilight? Are you so defeated you've chosen to give up on these conversations? Hhehe!"

"No... But I am done.."


"I don't think I will ever understand you, understand what you did, understand why you did it, but I think I have a theory.."

"Oh do you now? This should be good, tell me princess, what is your theory then?"

"First off, you didn't hurt Pinkie Pie, at least not like we first believed.. She found out yesterday that I was seeing you, she asked how you were.."


"The Pinkie I know would never care about anypony who were mean to her, somepony who were totally beyond.."

"Redemption? Heh, I am beyond it. You would be a fool if you tried."

"That being said, you did horrible things, you will face your punishment, but what Pinkie said intrigued me. She said you tried to protect her, she called it your bad side.. Now, what happened when she came to see you that day?"


"So you won't tell? That's fine, I think I am starting to get the picture, so let me make an educated guess.. Her injuries, they did not come from you, Joker, they came from who you once was."


"The real you, the former you, the one who did not wish to do these things, the one who did the only thing he could to protect Pinkie, hurt her, hide her away. You did that because she saw you, the real you, and that scared you. If she saw you like the pony you were and not the monster you've become, then she would be in danger.. You wanted to save her, from him."


"That's what I thou-"

Clap, clap, clap.

"Very entertaining, Twilight. You should have become an author and not a librarian. Very good, very good indeed, but I'm afraid you're wrong.. There is NO other me, there is only what you see before you, what I was before is dead, YOU, killed him, you and the whole rotten system you represent."

"Then tell me what happened! Tell me so we can fix it, tell me so we can make REAL change!"

"You think it's that simple? Some smiles, some hugs, some heartfelt speech and then suddenly everything is fixed? No, villains goes to prison, the heroes get to live their life in light of the princesses and the glory of the ponies.. I am happy now, truly happy, because I hurt you, and no matter how much you wish it otherwise, those scars will stay with you forever.."


"....Unlike you Twilight, I had no friends to pick me up, no one to care..."

"Pinkie is, she lov- AHHH!!"

Table turned, crashes, mic drops to the floor!


"Don't you dare princess, don't you dare lecture me.."


"Yea, you feel that? That burning sensation in your lungs? Your lungs wanting to breath? You feel that gasping sensation, your brain trying to figure a way out of this but your fear keeps you from reaching any conclusion?"


"It would be so simple, Twilight.. I could kill you right here and now, I would be sent to the darkest pits of tartarus or be hung, turned into stone, sealed away forever, but the pain will remain, I will remain with you all, forever."

GASP! Heavy breathing and panting.

"But I won't..."

Panting slowly dies down.

"It's to late, princess.. Here is the truth, I'm a damaged pony, there is NO redemption for me, no peace.. When I get out, our game will continue, and the whole circle will repeat itself, right until the day you have no other choice but to kill me.."


"You know what's funny? My time in Ponyville, with you guys, it was the only moment I've ever felt-"

Door is opened with a slam! Several hoofsteps enter!

"On the floor prisoner! Get down, now!"

"No wait, I was just-!"

"Hehehe-hhihihihi, see? Good guys win, bad guys loose, I'll be seeing you around, princess, one da-ARGHhhhh! Hehehe, what a punch officer! Hhihih-hahahahahaha!!"

"Get the princess out of here, NOW!"

"NO! Wait-"

Several hits, punches, kicks.

"HehERTGH! Ahhaha-Oufhg! Hihi-hahaha! AGrah! Ahaha...heh-hehe....ha..."