• Published 8th Nov 2019
  • 2,361 Views, 68 Comments

The Joker Tapes - DanishDash

A crazy pony calling himself Joker brought about time of terror a year ago. Now that Twilight is a Princess she wants to find out why! Recording each interview.

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Unknown Tape


Small humming.

"Okaaaaay, that should do it. Testing."

Tap Tap, Tap Tap.

"Heh! Alright, greetings Twilight! Sorry if I sound a little weird, but I have been rather busy of late. By now I'm sure you noticed a certain pony missing, I am also sure that by now, you also know it was me who killed those ponies, planted those bombs and created all of this chaos."


"You see, I have your brave little friend, yes indeed! She followed me, just like I knew she would, and just like I predicted she sprung my trap and got herself captured! I won't bore you with the details, but I have her here knocked out, a little tied up at the moment, but for now, unharmed. Hehehe."


"Shhhh, be quiet back there I'm trying to send a ransom tape. Sorry, where was I? OH YES! I have your friend, and if you want her back, I suggest you and the rest of your friends meet me at the castle of the two sisters. By the time you get this tape we should already be there, waiting."

Microphone moving.

"Oh, and I guess it goes without saying that you should come alone, heh. No guards, no Celestia or Luna, no one but you and the rest of your friends. And Twilight, don't try and be cute and bring the whole village, saying something cheesy like, 'I brought, ALL my friends, just like you asked.'If you do, then I'm afraid Rainbow will pay the price. Oh and just to show you i'm serious, let's do a demo tape, so stay tuned, the show is about to begin..."

Mic is moved and sat down.

"Oh Rainbow? Rainbow darling? Oh she looks so peaceful all knocked out like that, better be gentle.."



"Sorry, did I wake you?"

"Hmfh!? Mmmmfmhp! Mmmfmghrrmmmph!??"

"Oh right, sorry, the gag."

"Mmmmfh-phah! Joker! What the hell!? Are you insane!!"

"Most ponies will probably think so, now, please state your name."

"Fuck you!"


"Rainbow.. I said... State, your, name."


"ARGHHH-AHHHHRGMMMMH!!!!! Ahhh...!!! FfFFF-fuckk....!!"

"Ah ah ah. No blacking out on me. Now please, state your pretty little name."

Painful panting.


"See? That wasn't so hard, was it? Good girl."

"....argh...w-why..? Why are you doing this...?"

"Why? Because I want to prove a point my dear, I want you to experience fear and the pain of REAL life."


"Oh? Ohohoho, still feisty I see, Rainbow... Mmmmh, kinky. Spit is not the worst thing I've been hit with. And trust me, it won't be the worst thing that will hit you. Ehehehehe.."

"Go fuck yourself you... You murderer..."

"Now.. Let us see what we have to work with.. Oh yes.."

"What are you..? No.. NO! DON'T! DON-MFFFPPHMMM!!"

"Shhhhhh, Rainbow, shhhhh."

Whimpers, heavy breathing.

"I'm not an expert Dashie, I admit that, this is the first time I've done this, i'm a bit scared I'll mess it up.. Though, as you always say, if you fail, try and try again and someday you will fly!"

Small whimpers, breathing becomes more frantic and small sobs enter the mix of sounds.

"Unfortunately.. I don't think you will fly for quite a while."



