• Published 8th Nov 2019
  • 2,355 Views, 68 Comments

The Joker Tapes - DanishDash

A crazy pony calling himself Joker brought about time of terror a year ago. Now that Twilight is a Princess she wants to find out why! Recording each interview.

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Tape 4: Report 1


"Tuesday, 5th of May, 3412 AU. 07:02 PM."

Clears throat.

"Today was.. Trying.. Joker seems intend on playing games with me, I know he is trying to get into my head, but what he said.. Pinkie.."


"To make sure I get the story straight I've decided to go over the facts as we know them. Joker came into our lives about a year ago, he arrived with train, and like any other pony, he met Pinkie Pie. She, as Pinkie Pie always do, bid him welcome, and of course, promised to make a welcome party if he was moving in."

Moving some papers around.

"I first heard of this about an hour later, I think it was about an hour? Uhm.. Yes, I believe so. Ahem.. At any rate, Pinkie Pie send me an invitation and I of course attended. That is where we all met, Joker, for the first time, like the rest of Ponyville."

Takes a sip of water.

"He was a little strange, but he was very kind. Joking around, got a long swimmingly with Pinkie, even made a small prank on Rainbow Dash which got us all laughing. It was then he told us he was moving to Ponyville to get some peace and quiet. He also told us about his job as a party clown, which was an odd profession in my opinion, but Pinkie Pie seemed to love it."

"I think Pinkie liked the fact that somepony seemed as happy as she was, always willing to laugh and have fun. At any rate, he got a small apartment, worked as a clown. Performed magic tricks on the streets, was hired at birthday parties or at one of Pinkie's many parties."

"As he was friends with Pinkie he slowly started to come into our lives, even performing at Apple Bloom's birthday.. He was.. Is.. Quite an intelligent pony, even to the point where I doubt he is even insane at all, but how can that even be possible? Only a sick and insane pony could do what he did, right? I just don't know.. Yet."

Papers being moved yet again.

"At any rate, he became a member of our town, ponies liked him, he behaved like a kind and generous pony, nopony suspected his intentions back then. As far as we know, Pinkie won't talk much about it, he convinced Pinkie to help him wrap up some, presents, for some very important ponies. These were of course his first victims, which included my brother, Shining Armor.."

"He.. He was the lucky one, the only survivor.. I didn't even have any idea that Shining was staying in Canterlot at the time. I simply received a letter from Princess Celestia that the barracks of the palace had been bombed, and it seemed it had been intended for my brother."

"Soon enough we learned of other bombings, all of them in Canterlot, all the victims either ministers, guard officers or nobles. It is this that has made me suspect Joker might have a grudge against the Canterlot elite. I will elaborate later on."

"I'm not sure, but I think Pinkie Pie might have known Joker was the bomber much earlier on than the rest of us.. Her whole being changed after the news officially hit Ponyville. Her whole personality changed, she seemed jumpy, nervous.. The reason I think she knows is because she might have seen who he was sending the presents to. I cannot confirm it however, it remains, just a theory.. All of this was of course just the beginning.. When me and my friends were called to Canterlo-"



"There ya are, what in Celestia's mane are ya doing hidin' in here fer?"

"Applejack! W-what are you doing here????"

"Uhm, well, Spike said you have been acting mighty strange lately, so we decided to come over and have a look ourselfs."

"What? But I-"

Sounds of multiple hooves coming into the room.

"Oh darling, you can't spend all your days in here, it's not good for you."

"Yea! What's the deal Twilight, you've been acting strange, what's wrong? Forgot to pay the brain bill?"

"No, but I really need to-"

"Oooooh, what's this, are you making a secret diary? A secret song???!"


"Pinkie! Not so close!"

"Whoops, sorry Twilight!"

"We are not bothering you, are we?"

"N-no, of course not, Fluttershy.."

"You suuuuuuure~?"







"Sorry, i'm sorry.. I just, have a lot on my mind..."

"It's okay sugarcube, if ya want we can come back another time?"

"No, i'm sorry. I think you might be right, some time out of this room might do me good.."

"Great! Then let us go and get some air!"

"Sure, just let me turn thi-"
