• Published 8th Nov 2019
  • 2,352 Views, 68 Comments

The Joker Tapes - DanishDash

A crazy pony calling himself Joker brought about time of terror a year ago. Now that Twilight is a Princess she wants to find out why! Recording each interview.

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Tape 3


"Tuesday, 5th of May, 3412 AU. Time is 10:02 AM."

"It's so good to see you again Twilight, I was worried I might have offended you~."

"Let's stick to my questions, first off, what happened to your eye? You didn't look like that yesterday."

"Some of the guards did not take kindly to me after you left in tears, we simply sat down, talked about our feelings and then hugged. Then I threw myself down some stairs, clumsy me."

"You're lying, you-."

"Oh how could you tell? Is it the chains?"

"You injured two guards, one of them had to go to the hospital... They assaulted you?"

"What if they did? Will they face punishment? Do you suddenly feel bad for me? No, you don't, you hate me with every fiber of your body. I can tell, Twilight, I can tell."


"What did you do to Discord? He told us he could not help us, but he never said why. You must have done something."

"Heh.. Wouldn't you like to know?"

"I'm serious, you did something to him, didn't you? Maybe blackmailed him into not helping us."

"Come now princess, you really think Discord, the lord of chaos could be blackmailed or bribed?"

"Then how?"

"Oh.. Nothing really, I just made a bet with him, that's all. If I won, he could never interfere with me, ever"

"What? How is that even possible, he could simply had gone back on his word."

"That's the thing about making deals with the likes of him. They tend to be, binding.. Heh heh.."


Sounds of the chair being leaned back a little, chains rattling just slightly.

"Tell me."

"Oh, so assertive. Very well.. I simply made a bet with him. I told him in a few hours I could make more chaos than he had done over an entire day. If I won, he would never interfere with me, if he won, well it doesn't matter, because I knew I was gonna win."


"The bombs, you did it the day of the bombings..."

"Ding ding ding! Right you are, princess! After getting Pinkie Pie's help wrapping the presents up and sending them off, I contacted Discord near your shy friend's place and made the bet. You should have seen the expression when he found out what I had done. Haha! He was blown away! Just like those ponies I blew up, hah!"

"You tricked Discord, you lied to Pinkie Pie, she had no idea what she helped you with."

"Hehhehehe, I am sure if you say it sternly enough you even start believing that."

"What do you mean?"

"Are you absolutely sure she had no idea? Are you sure she did not have some idea, but simply did not care, because it was, fun?"

"That's not.. That's not possible, Pinkie would never.."

"You sure? Are you sure you completely trust that? Trust her?"

"Yes! She would never help you if she knew what you were doing, I trust her."

"And Rainbow Dash? Does she still trust her? Completely I mean."



"That's what I thought.. So much for friendship is magic, hm?"


Bells ringing in the distance.

"Seems like our time is up for today, princess. I hope to see you again."

Heavy metal door opening and the sound of two ponies walking in. Chair being moved away, shuffling of hooves, then a heavy sound of hoof steps and chains.

"It was fun, Twily."

