• Published 20th Mar 2023
  • 3,213 Views, 116 Comments

The Daily Life Of Anonymous - Zarah

A Month after being transported to Equestia, Anon tries to get used to his new life and new powers.

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Anon stirs awake. Opening his eyes, Anons blurred vision slowly focuses enough to see the white ceiling of his bungalow. Debating whether he should just go back to sleep or get his lazy ass up, the human squints at the Wonderbolt styled clock 'thanks rainbow dash' hanging on the wall. Before he can find out the time the decision has been made for nature calls.

"Morning to you too bladder" Anon slightly slurs in annoyance before rolling out of bed. The pony sized slats and springs of both mattress and bedframe noisily squeak, as they attempt to reform themselves before giving up and leaving a human sized dent in the mattress.

The human lazily makes his bed before stretching, which gets a few audible pops from his back thankful to finally be off the disproportionately sized bed. Anon begins his morning routine which starts with a shower, brushing his teeth and getting dressed. Luckily the latter is one of the only things not disproportionate. Getting dressed in a simple t-shirt and shorts, the human heads to the kitchen for breakfast.

Walking into the living room stroke kitchen, Anon begins to boil water for his coffee, which is on top of the cupboards to keep out of reach for Pinkie. The pink pony caffeinated is quite a sight, but the long lecture twilight would give is reason enough for its placement.

"You're up early" a voice surprisingly stated behind Anon

Anon recognises the voice and turns to face it. Sat on one of the sofa chairs is a Caucasian human male with dark brown hair worn in a low ponytail down to its shoulders, wearing a light grey tank top and similar shorts, the sitting human cocks his eyebrow as Anon stares at him.

"What?" he says in a surprised/confused tone

"It's too early for this shit" Anon gestures to the opposing Human. "I like to spend my mornings in peace, it's the only time I don't feel like I'm getting a headache."

Rolling his eyes, the human slouched in the sofa chair raising his hand as if to speak before being interrupted by a knocking at the door.

In response Anon cupped his face with his hands and slowly dragged them down, letting out a long groan before walking towards the door.

"Remember, be nice. They are just trying to help" the slouched human said before turning on the chair, resting his arms on the backrest as he kneeled in the chair.

Anon could only give a quick glare before returning his attention towards the door. Opening it Anon heavily squinted his eyes at the bright morning light before looking down at the smiling purple pony.

"Good morning Anonymous! How are you today. I thought I would check on you on my way to Sugar Cube Corner, you can join me if you like." The purple pony finished continuing her smile.

Anon narrowed his eyes at the pony, swearing he could see cue cards poking out of her mane slightly. "Twilight, I live on the edge of town and so do you. Sugar Cube Corner is literally in the middle of town, also-" Anon reached towards twilights muzzle, the pony still smiling but her eyes dart between him and his hand, until he pulls a piece of cookie of her "You apparently have already been." Anon now crouched in front of the pony smugly smiling at his detective work, saw how quickly twilight went from confident to nervous. Accompanied by a bead of sweat running down her forehead.

Before Anon could stand up to close the door, he heard "Don't be an ass, let her in already"

Sighing, the crouched human stood up and stepped aside gesturing inwards. The nervousness on twilights face immediately disappeared, replaced once again with a content smile as she trotted inside. Closing the door Anon walks over to the now boiled kettle. "I'm making coffee, do you want any" He says not looking up from the counter. "If you wouldn't mind" Twilight hastily replies.

After a minute or two, Anon makes three cups of coffee and puts them down on the coffee table in front of each creature before sitting down in one of the sofa chairs. Anon glances at the human which Gives a smug smile in return. Anon raises an eyebrow at him for a few seconds before realization hit him light a freight train. He snaps his gaze to Twilight who is just beaming at Anon. Before he could say anything, Twilight stood on the couch, her eyes darting around the room.

"Does that mean he's here? In this room with us? Your imaginary fr-"

"Finish that sentence and you’re out the window" Anon hastily said with frustration in his voice.

Twilight's ears pressed against her skull in the sudden outburst, she slumps slightly in the chair "I-I'm sorry, I forgot you don't like that term. It's just-" Twilight perks up slightly "I have never heard of somepony having such a realistic hallucination without some sort of diagnosis."

Anon sighed and looked up at Twilight "Look. He just randomly appears; I don't know why or how he's here. I just assumed it's a side effect of whatever spell brought me here and gave me this." Anon holds out his hand as a translucent thread of light green magic, slowly extended from him. After a few moments he shakes his hand slightly, breaking the connection which causes the magical thread to float for a few seconds before dissipating.

"Oh right. That reminds me of the actu- I mean another reason why I'm here" Twilight said hastily correcting herself.

"While you do not have any actual aptitude for spells, which is expected seeming you don't have a horn or similar appendage. You still have the ability to manipulate magic and create objects. Would you mind reminding me of your capabilities if you have found them?" Twilight professionally conversed.

She had summoned a quill and parchment just before speaking and held them in magic. While talking, the quill seemed to franticly scribble onto the parchment.

Anon glanced between the human and Twilight a few times, confused on easily distracted she had gotten after almost bursting with excitement. Deciding to roll with it, Anon sighed once again before slouching into his chair.

"Fine. As you said I literally cannot cast spells or use magic the same way unicorns do it, not even levitation." Anon gestures to the still writing quill and parchment. "I can produce this weird magic thread from my body, whenever I tense parts of my body in certain way. If I try to picture an object like a spoon, I can create that object."

Anon holds out his arm again and positions his hand as if her were holding a spoon. A dim green light emanates from his hand before forming into a translucent green spoon.

"If I just focus on what it looks like, the result is very brittle." He holds the spoon by the end of the handle, flicking the bowl it snaps off, flying down the hallway and shattering after landing.

"But after creating the object, if I focus on the density of it-" Anon stares at the spoon in concentration. The bowl regrows from the handle, the spoon begins to darken, and its transparency begins to fade. Almost seeming solid.

"Try and break it." Anon said casually. Twilight takes the spoon in her magical aura, bring it closer to her. A small thread of magic connection Anon to the spoon.

Twilight lays both quill and parchment down on the coffee table, devoting her full attention to the spoon. Her magical aura gripping both ends of the spoon, and they flair with intensity as the spoon shakes in the struggle. She does this a few times, each one stronger than the last. The last time her eyes are closed in concentration as sweat flows down her face before a *CRACK* echoes through the house.

Opening her eyes, Twilight sees the spoon in half and smiles gleefully. Anon breaks the connection, leaving the spoon to dissipate in Twilights magic.

"Phew! That took quite some effort." Twilight said taking a deep breath whilst wiping her brow with her forehoof.

"I'm glad to hear it. I could make it a lot stronger but that would take at least a few minutes, and it can be pretty draining. I mainly just use it to conjure cutlery or tools, sometimes I give the threads adhesive properties so I can stick it to out of reach objects." Anon explained calmly.

"Understood, that will be enough info to go off now. I am interested in having somepony help you explore and expand on your magical abilities." Twilight stated, rolling up the parchment before teleporting it away "Perhaps Starlight could help" She muttered to herself

"Anyway, about this friend of yours" Twilight said, sitting up straight.

"Damn it" Anon breathed out. His gaze fixed to the floor for a few moments, before taking a deep breath and sitting up straight. "Let's get this over with. What do you want to know?"

Twilight thought for a few moments before summoning another piece of parchment. this gets an eye roll from Anon.

"What does he look like?" Twilight asked cautiously, her quill standing at the ready.

"Like a headache." Anon exclaimed, sounding almost bored. This gets a dead pan look from the alicorn mare.

"I'm getting the impression you don't like me" The human said with a fake pout.

"Shut it" Anon said. Getting a quick glance of confusion to the empty seat next to her.

"He, he looks a white human which we call Caucasian. His hair is a dark brown worn in a ponytail, about shoulders length. He has a slight stubble with a soul patch. Green eyes and wears similar clothing to me." Anon listed, with no enthusiasm about the ordeal in his tone.

Twilight nodded a few times before turning to the empty seat beside her.

"Ok, ok. Do you have a name?"

"Ooh, that's a weird feeling. It's almost like she can see me." The human stated, chuckling slightly.

Before Anon could answer the human looked up in thought. "I personally like the name Alex, just feels right. You know?"

Anon deadpanned towards 'Alex' "I am not calling you that" Stating with less meaning than perceived.

"Is that a yes then?" Twilight said quizzically, her ears perked up at the one-sided altercation.

Anon sighs heavily before answering. "He wants to be-" "He wants to be called Alex”.

If Anon had any enthusiasm, it's probably dead.

Twilight cheerfully smiled. "It's a pleasure to meet you Alex" Smiling towards the empty chair again, she turned her attention towards Anon once more.

"She is very nice. Why can't you be that nice to me?" Alex said curiously

"Because you live in my head and you don't pay rent" Anon stated, if anyone had a microscope. They would see the tiniest hint of a small.

"I literally stop you from doing dumb shit. Because of my intervention, Twilight has more information on your magic and has offered to have you taught. I understand you don't like me, I'm not even sure what I even am. I just want what's best for you, which in turn is what's best for me." Alex stated, at first retaliating but ending on expressing his genuine feelings.

Alex stared at the ground, his posture collapsing on himself as he slouched even further into the chair.

"I'm, I'm sorry. I just feel like I'm always on the side lines, and I don't get to choose when to exist." Alex vented, his gaze not leaving the floor.

During this Twilight could see the surprise look from Anon's face turn to one of guilt and empathy. She had a lot more questions now but sensing that this is probably not a good time. She waited in silence.

"Look, I don't understand this much myself, and I'm still getting used to being surrounded by tiny hors- ponies. I just thought that if I kept to myself and moped around, things would somehow go back to what they were. But they won't and I need to learn how to live again." Anon turns to twilight. "If you would help me that is." Anon gave a shallow smile but his genuine intentions were clear as day.

Twilight beamed before calming herself down. "Of course. I'm not gonna pretend like I understand revelation you two went through, and perhaps you can fill me in later. But for now, I'm just happy to help." Twilight stated, glancing at the empty seat next to her. Clearly trying to include Alex in her speech.

Anon and Alex smiled at the purple pony. Anon breathed out before downing the last remnants of his coffee. "Well, I don't know about you, but I haven't had my breakfast yet and all this talking has made me hungry." Anon stood up, depositing the three coffee cups into the sink. "Does that offer with Sugar Cube corner still stand?" Anon asked, walking beside Twilights chair.

Twilight could only smile and nod.

Author's Note:

Thank you for reading the first chapter of what will hopefully be a decent series. Literally never done anything like this before so please feel free to correct spelling/grammar mistakes.