• Published 20th Mar 2023
  • 3,286 Views, 119 Comments

The Daily Life Of Anonymous - Zarah

A Month after being transported to Equestia, Anon tries to get used to his new life and new powers.

  • ...

A Meeting with a Sun God

"This is such a new low for me" Anon said sighing as he finished buttoning up his dress shirt.

"What? getting changed in a train bathroom?" Alex questioned, sitting on the side of the sink, giving Anon space to change.

"While it's not ideal, that's not the issue. The issue is twilight made me walk to the train station in my pyjamas. I'm almost certain half the town saw me." Anon stated, crouching to see himself in the pony height mirror.

After a couple of minutes, checking himself over and adjusting little things here and there. Anon stood up. "Right, I think that will do. How do I look?" he held his arms out slightly giving Alex a better view.

Alex shrugged "Meh."

Anon drops his arms, allowing them to hit his sides. "Really?"

Alex snickers before waving his hand dismissively "Kidding, kidding. You look good... I think, I have only really existed for a month and a bit. Don't really have a grasp on beauty yet, but nothing seems bad, so you have that going for you."

Anon rolls his eyes and gathers his pyjamas "I'll take it."

Walking out of the bathroom, Anon holds the door open longer to let Alex out also, as he closes the door he sees Starlight standing behind the door.

"Jesus Christ, where the fuck did you come from?" Anon said rising his voice in alarm

"Oh sorry, I didn't mean to scare you. Twilight just asked me to check up on you, you were apparently taking a while." Starlight said, rubbing her forehooves together looking at the ground.

Anon sighed, "Nah it's cool. Just wasn't expecting company." Anon said walking past her. Starlight followed behind as the human took up the middle walkway.

Anon and starlight walk through a few carriages to get back to theirs. The other ponies on the train having mixed reactions when he walks past. Some surprised, some confused and some a little scared. While expected the latter doesn't feel great.

Eventually, they both make it back to their carriage. Twilight seems to be deep into a book, Anon takes this opportunity to get some revenge.

Walking beside her, Anon raises his hand and flicks the back of twilights ear, "Ow, hey!" she flinches and turns to the culprit only for her muzzle to be flicked also. "Ugh, damn it!"

Anon lets Starlight sit at the window seat opposite Twilight, he then shoves his pyjamas in the overhead container, then sits opposite Twilight himself.

Rubbing her ear then her muzzle, Twilight glares at the human. "What in Tartarus was that for?" she asked, her voice slightly muffled with her forehoof.

"The first one was for making me walk through town in my pyjamas. The second one was for thinking I needed an escort from the damn bathroom." Anon said, frustration raising in his voice.

"We are late, I'm not going to be even more late because you slept in." Twilight quickly stated.

Anon laid back slightly in his chair, his feet touching Twilights side. He crosses his arms before speaking.

"Look I'm already not a morning person. I can deal with being rushed AFTER I have at least walked out of my room. But getting shouted awake then immediately shoved out of my own home is where I draw the line. Consider the flick a warning. Do it again though and I will give Pinkie espresso and lock her in your library with scissors and the list of your favourite books." Anon warned, a devilish grin making its way onto his face.

Twilights pupils instantly became the size of dinner plates as she hastily replied. "Ok ok, no more wake up calls. You have my word." She quickly blurted out, a nervous smile plastering her muzzle.

"Would you actually do that though? Seems too mean to justify." Alex questioned, in the seat behind anon. His arms resting on the backrest of Anons row.

"Probably, even I don't fuck with tired me. Dudes scary." Anon stated, chuckling slightly.

After a few moments of silence, Starlight looks to the empty seat behind her before looking at Anon. "So, who do you keep talking to. At first I thought you were just mumbling but now I'm not sure." Starlight mentioned, her eyebrow raised in curiosity.

Before Anon could answer, Twilight spoke up.

"Oh, of course. I completely forgot. So, after arriving in Equestria, Anon appears to have gained an imaginary friend or something like a conscious called Alex. For obvious reasons only Anon can see him but he can completely interact in conversation and the like. Alex seems to share Anon's senses, even going as far to have a separate memory from his. From one image they both might remember similar or completely different things. I believe that this is a side effect from the spell that unicorn used to summon Anon here." Twilight said, sharing a warm smile from sharing information.

"Being called a side effect kinda hurts, not gonna lie." Alex stated, slumping in seat behind anon.

Alex looks up from the seat, seeing Starlight now leaning against the backrest of her seat, almost touching noses with Alex.

"JESUS CHRIST!" Alex recoiled back, slipping of his seat, falling to the floor panting heavily.

"Nice to meet you Alex," Starlight said, smiling while glancing around the Seats behind Anon. "He is still here, right?" Starlight asked, turning to Anon.

"Yeah, he's just on the floor currently." Anon stated, chuckling as he begins reading one of the books he brought with him.

"Why would he be on the floor, you were looking here." Starlight said waving her forehoof in Alex's previous position.

"Oh he was, until you basically tried to kiss him" Anon glancing at the now bright red Starlight. Both Anon and Twilight share a chuckle.

"Can, can we please put a bell on her. I don't want to find out if I can get heart attacks" Alex said in laboured breaths, not moved from the floor.

After a couple hours, the train arrives in Canterlot. As the doors open, Starlight and Twilight put on their respective saddle bags while Anon wears a relatively small backpack considering his size.

The ponies on the platforms let's everypony out. Most of them give a wide berth for Anon as they quickly bow to Twilight before getting on the train. After walking through the streets of Canterlot, Anon can feel all eyes on him as they make their way to the castle. While Ponieville did the same thing, this felt different. He didn't get the sense that they were as scared or confused but disgusted, his suspicions were only confirmed when he could hear hushed conversations. "What is that?" a few ponies said pointing, "It has no fur or scales, repulsive." An old stallion stated, "So many clothes, do you think it's hiding something?" a few mares said huddled together.

Anon looked at the ground as he walks, trying to avoid eye contact with the crowds, his chest feeling tighter as he began to sweat slightly.

Alex walked ahead slightly of Anon to catch his attention, looking up he saw the concerned look on Alex's face. "You just have to ignore them. I know their words are hurtful, they are just a bunch of stuck up Poncy Ponies" Alex reassured, walking backwards to give Anon his full attention. Anon smiled thankfully at Alex before he saw movement behind Alex.

"Ugh, it's looking at me, what pit did it crawl out of" A smartly dressed mare said holding a parasol, walking away from the human

Anons eyes immediately hit the ground, the tightness in his chest getting worse and his breaths becoming staggered.

Both Starlight and Twilight saw the display of the Ponies and Anon's reaction, sharing a concerned glance Starlight trotted up next to Anon. "Don't worry, we're almost there. We will probably stay a day or two so we will have to get those pyjamas washed." Starlight said, attempting to make conversation.

Starlight talked to Anon the rest of the way there, the weather, sports, hobbies, weather again.

The group eventually made it to the castle, a guard escorted them to their respective rooms. Letting them know that Celestia has finished with day court and will wait for them in the dining hall for lunch.

As soon as Anon closed his door, he threw his backpack down and slid down the footboard of the large ornate bed, curling up into a sitting fetal position staring at the floor in front of him.

Alex walked into his vision and sat down in front of him, crossing his legs and sighing. "Are, are you ok?" Alex asked cautiously.

Keeping his vision on the same spot Anon replied. "You know. In a land full of colourful magical ponies with monsters and gods, I mistakenly thought I wouldn't be treated as a freak." Anon expressed, his expression not wavering.

Alex could only sit in silence, struggling to find the words to help before he had an idea.

"Do you remember when you gave pinkie coffee?" Anon turned his head to look up at Alex.

Alex chuckles before continuing "She went from a hyper happy go lucky mare, to a cracked-out party planner. Trying to give ponies 'early birthday parties' and random dated anniversaries. It took the rest of the elements and Starlight to catch her." Alex said, giving Anon a warm smile.

Anon returned the smile. "Yeah, I also remember the meeting Twilight made me and the Elements sit though about prevention methods and even coming up with an acronym. C.P.P meaning Caffeinated Pinkie Pie.

Anon and Alex talk for a few minutes before Anon stands up. "Thanks I needed that, I'm ready to meet the princess." Anon said before tiding himself up.

Opening the door, Anon walks into the wide hallway. The afternoon sun shining through the arched window. Closing the door, he sees a pony on either side with golden Armor.

"Excuse me sir. Are you ready to be escorted to the dining hall?" A Pegasus guard said, looking straight ahead.

Anon simply replies with a "yeah.”

A few minutes later Anon stands before a large wooden door guarded by two unicorn guards. His escort salutes to one of them before leaving. Both unicorns grab the metal handle with their magic and open it inwards.

Anon sees a large rectangular table with dozens of chairs around it, sat at the table was Starlight, Twilight, Luna and Celestia. Before walking in he looks around him for Alex but seems to be alone.

Being at the very end of the table Celestia is the first to notice Anon, she looks away from her student and smiles warmly at the human. "Greetings Anonymous. I'm so glad you could join us, please take a seat and order anything you like." Celestia says gesturing to the chairs with a wing.

The human simply nods before sitting in between Starlight and Twilight. Anon clears his throat before speaking, "It's a pleasure to meet you, Princess Celestia." He looks towards Luna. "It's nice to see you again also Princess Luna." Anon says with a nod. When he finishes a maid approaches him. "What would you like to order sir?" the maid says with a professional smile.

Anon was about to answer when he felt a tightness in his chest again and the word 'meat' kept popping up in his head over and over. Shaking his head and blinking a few times he looks to the mare. "Um. C-can... can I have medium rare s-steak?" Anon muttered, fear in his voice.

The room falls silent. Everything becomes slow motion as Anon could hear his heart beating faster and harder, his breaths become shallow and quick. He is about to look towards the others before the maid cleared her throat snapping his attention to her. "Ok, medium rare steak, what would you like to drink sir?." The maid said, scribbling down his order.

"W-water is fine, thank you." Anon quickly stated before looking back to the others.

"Oh I didn't know you were an omnivore. you should have said before, Applejack sells fresh chicken and eggs for pretty cheap." Starlight commented as she now notices his tense look. "You don't look to great Anon, are you ok?." She adds with concern.

Anon fidgets with the napkin in front of him before responding. "Yeah. I'm fine, I'm just not good with crowds. Especially ones that hate me." He grips the napkin tighter at the last part.

Twilight could only look at him with concern. "I'm so sorry Anon. I didn't realize it affected you that much." Twilight said, placing her hoof on his hand, he flinches at the touch but doesn't move away.

"Oh dear, I knew the ponies of canterlot could be rude. But I had hoped they would know better." Celestia says, looking down at her half eaten plate of salad with sadness. Luna on the other hand looked, for better words pissed.

"How dare they act with such malice towards another species they know nothing about. From what we can tell, Anon has done nothing to warrant such behaviour. They must be punished at once sister!" Luna exclaims.

Celestia is quick to meet Luna's gaze with a caring smile while placing a hoof on her shoulder. "I understand and agree with your frustration Luna, but we must treat this delicately. I believe a simple warning should suffice." Celestia looks towards the human again with the same caring smile. "Anon, you have my word that when you leave for Ponieville. You will be treated better." Celestia says as she resumes eating.

Anon simply nodded. "Thank you, princess."

The maid returned with a medium rare steak with vegies lining the rim of the plate with gravy drizzled on top. Anons mouth practically watered as he felt his appetite return now that an issue on his mind had been sorted.

Tensions died down in the dining hall as everyone began to enjoy each other’s company even after everyone had finished their meals.

After a few moments of silence Celestia spoke up. "So Anon, Twilight has been sending me weekly reports about your progress adapting to pony society. In those reports and some very detailed documents, she mentioned about your ability to use magic." Celestia inquires, her warm smile turning to one of curiosity.

"Yeah I can, I'm assuming twilight has already bored you with all the details so it's probably more fun to demonstrate." Anon said placing the back of his hands on the table.

After a few seconds, a few spots on Anon's palm begin to glow green, from the glow, threads of green magic begin to flow into the air, seeming to ignore gravity as they twirl and float. Anon appears to concentrate as the green threads begin to pulse from his hand to the tip. "If I don't have an imagine in mind and tense certain parts of my body, I create these threads. Once I have an image which could include, weight, density, flexibility and other properties." Anon stated as the thread began to wrap around a few of the utensils, lifting them up.

Anon stops concentrating and watches as the threads begin to dissipate, dropping the cutlery onto the table. He then holds out his hands as he creates a cylinder which dips in the middle, he attaches thread to the middle of the cylinder and wraps it around, after a few moments he lets go and basically creates a yo-yo. "As long as it's not complicated or has moving parts I create stuff like this. He smiles before putting it on the table, letting it disappear.

Celestia is about to speak before a guard enters the room. "Your highness." the guard salutes. "I'm afraid it is time to resume day court." the guard says standing at attention.

Celestia looks at the large clock above the doors. "My goodness time really does fly when you’re having fun." Celestia says chuckling slightly. "Please feel free to explore to your hearts content. I'm sure we will be able to do something in the evening, right sister?" She says looking at Luna which simply nods and smiles in reply.

As she leaves she turns to the group "It was a pleasure meeting you Anonymous, and it's always good to see you two again Starlight and Twilight." The latter simply nods while the former bows which Anon copies.

Now with a newfound confidence and some meat in his body, Anon felt like taking Celestia up on her offer.