• Published 20th Mar 2023
  • 3,213 Views, 116 Comments

The Daily Life Of Anonymous - Zarah

A Month after being transported to Equestia, Anon tries to get used to his new life and new powers.

  • ...

Scars of the past

Author's Note:

Hey all, just thought I would put this warning here. This chapter is decently graphic compared to what I have written so far. I personally like writing these kinds of topics more but if people prefer a tamer story, I can probably find a workaround.

But thank you for reading, or at least beginning to read. Please let me know of any spelling or grammar mistakes.

And yes, Anon is English. I never found a good time or had any real reason to designate it.

Three years ago.


The Wandering Rogue (Pub)

The moonlight shined down upon a familiar city, the cold night air battering walls and windows alike. Searching for the next thing to cling to. The pub Anon was sheltered in was a familiar one he used as a middle point between the different areas of the city. It was old but sturdy. Heavy wooden support beams lined the ceiling, the white stone walls contrasting with the warm interior nicely.

Anon leant his side against the bar as he sat on one of the wooden stools, his left foot pressed against the top of another barstool as he rocked it back and forth.

"A Hundred and ten, twenty, thirty, forty and fifty." Anon counted. Flicking through ten pound notes, he placed the stack upon the counter as he stuffed the rest into his wallet before stowing it.

The man opposite the counter placed a full glass of black fizzing liquid in front of Anon before picking up the aforementioned money. "I thought we agreed on three hundred?"

Anon took a sip of his drink before speaking. "It was three hundred if it turned out to be true. Since it wasn't, you're only getting half."

The man pocketed the money, accepting the outcome. "Well, sorry it couldn't be more use to you. I know you're not in a great situation at the moment." He said sympathetically.

"Don't even get me started!" Anon exclaimed. "It's already hard enough to track down someone who changed their name and life. But with fuck all information and a cold rumour, just becomes impossible. Doesn't help that the asshole won't share any information unless I do some sort of errand. Dragging this crap on way too much."

"Probably enjoys watching you squirm. Being on the shortest leash and all." The man adds.

As the two share opinions on the matter. The door to the establishment swings open as the wind quickly sweeps in, carrying leaves and a few pieces of rubbish in with it. The door closes again after three men enter, rattling against the frame as it fights against the wind. Anon takes another sip of his drink, the liquid sloshing about in the half empty glass. Taking a glance at the new visitors as he clocked the bigger one of the three. Easily a head taller, more muscle defined and better dressed than his companions.

"You must be Anonymous. Word is, you've been snooping around in our territory. And I don't appreciate that much. To fix this clear issue of disrespect. I thought to come personally to clear up any issues." The large set man spoke, his voice not as deep as his appearance would suggest, he still spoke with purpose and confidence.

Anon swivels around on the bar stool, now facing his greeters, his back resting against the bar. "And who might you be?".

The man gives an evil grin before speaking. "I-" Is all he could get out before Anon interrupted him. "Actually, never mind. I could not fucking care less."

"Fuck you." The larger man said loudly as he stepped forward, throwing a punch. Anon pushed against the bar, kicking his legs up as they made contact and pushed the larger man back, sending him reeling. The other two took a few moments to process what happened before also attempting to attack Anon as one attempted to scrag him and the other trying to kick. Able to stand up in time, Anon was able to grab and manoeuvre the first man into the way of the second as the kick collided with his companion's back. Then pushing the meat shield, he stumbled and crashed into him. Sending both the men to the floor.

Anon threw the stool he was sitting on at the large man who had since recovered from the initial strike and had since began making his way back towards his target. He was able to throw his hands up in defence before the stool crashed into him, falling to the floor as he took the stools' momentum. Anon used this time frame to get closer as he ran, jumping at the last moment into a drop-kick as his heels dug into the larger man's chest before catapulting him backwards, crashing into a table as anon fell on his side with a thud.

With his mind focusing on delivering that drop-kick, Anon had forgotten about the other two for a few moments, which seemed long enough, as when he began getting up, one of them quickly kicked anon in the face as the force rolled him onto his back. Using the opportunity, one of the men place their knee on Anon's chest as they try to punch his face. Throwing up his hands, Anon was able to block most of the impact, but the repeated punches quickly gave concern as they began to break through his defences. The man reeled as his fist came all the way back for a strong punch, Anon saw an opportune moment to strike, knocking the attacker off balance and gripping his shirt to pull him closer, Anon met his momentum as he shoved the edge of his forehead into the attacker's face. The man clutched his face as blood began to spew from his nose, throwing him off. Anon got up to see one of the other men by the bartender, keeping him out of the fight.

Before he was able to turn around, he felt an agonizing sharp pain in his back. Letting out a grunted scream, the pain intensified as it travelled down to the base of his back. Anon stumbled forward turning around to see the bigger man holding the end of a broken bottle drenched in blood. The height of the pain subdued slightly as the adrenaline pumped overtime throughout his body.

Even with his body full of adrenaline, every breath felt closer to death. This did not waver Anon's resolve, however. Gritting his teeth, Anon charged the large man.

The man was clearly thrown off by this action, as he left himself wide open. If it was any other opponent, the large man would have won there and then. But Anon was not a normal man, no matter the situation, Anon was able to keep his cool. No amount of pain or development could throw off his thought process. Which lead Anon to his current analysis of his main attacker. The man had no idea how to actually fight, no strategy, no training and certainly no experience. He had size and influence, that was it.

As Anon charged, the man attempted to strike at him with the bottle once more. Anon easily side stepped it as he grabbed the man's arm and threw him over his shoulder. With a loud thud, the man landed on his back, but Anon still gripped his arm which was now twisted in his grip.

"Who told you about me?" Anon questioned, the adrenaline beginning to fade.

"Agh, fuck you." The large man replied, attempting to free himself.

Anon twisted his arm a bit more as the man loudly grunted in pain.

"I ain't telling you shit. I will fucking find you and-" The man was cut off as Anon twisted his arm even more, now borderline screaming.

"Damn, your arm is pretty flexible, wonder how many twists before it separates." Anon coldly said, his face expressionless.

The man continued to grunt and fidget as his arm was being brought to its limit.

"I remember as a child, we used to play a game. You twist the apple stem in line with the alphabet. You twist until it breaks and say the first name that comes to mind with that letter. I think we're on C."


"Die, you piece of shit."


"Fuck you!"


The man gave in, punching the floor a few times before speaking. "Ok, ok, ok. I'll talk." Anon loosed the tension on his arm slightly.

"Well fucking go on then." Anon demanded.

"Derrick. It was fucking Derrick alright! He gave me money to teach you a lesson." The man confessed. The other two men just watched in horror as the bartender felt sick.

"I see, I'll probably be able to go of this."

"Oh, thank god."

"I wouldn't." Anon commented with a small grin. CRACK