• Published 20th Mar 2023
  • 3,213 Views, 116 Comments

The Daily Life Of Anonymous - Zarah

A Month after being transported to Equestia, Anon tries to get used to his new life and new powers.

  • ...

Food for thought.

After taking a few minutes to get ready, Anon and Azrael began walking into town.

Azrael walked with a pep in her step. Never really getting to explore Equus, she made sure to take in her surroundings. The warm sun shining on her coat as the smell of wet earth filled her nose was reason enough to stay.

She thought that with all this nature and tranquillity, Anon must love it here. But when she turned to him, she saw was a borderline scowl.

"Sir, is something wrong? You look upset by something." Azrael enquired, learning that walking quickly to catch up, and looking upwards in a quadruped form is harder than it looks.

"Nah, I'm good. I just don't like crowds. Freaks me out." Anon stated.

"May I ask how so?" Azrael asked hopefully.

"Nothing special, just a habit from work. Staying out of crowds was a must for me. Still adjusting."

"I see."

"On another note." Anon begins. " I should be getting the next food delivery from Twilight tomorrow. Which is good because I am currently skint. Speaking of food. What do you eat?"

"As far as I know, all food here we can consume. Although my kind really only need to eat enough to sustain our mass. Which is not a lot." Azrael answered.

"In that case. I'll probably make a curry."

"I don't know what that is, but I'm sure I will enjoy it." Azrael replied, smiling.

The duo entered the main square of the town. Like before, the main square was lined with stalls selling various items like food and firewood. While Anon surveyed the stalls with his height advantage over everypony. Azrael just enjoyed watching the ponies moving from one stall to the other, exchanging money for goods and just chatting with each other. She had stopped walking when she spotted a group of foals watching a puppet show, their happy expressions seemed to be contagious as she also smiled. She quickly trotted after Anon when he got too far away.

She reached him as he was talking to an earth pony stallion who sold what looked like various seeds.

"Hey, how much for these?" Anon asked, pointing at the Chickpeas.

"One bit per two fifty Grams. Or three bits per Kilo." The stallion said with a gruff voice.

"I'll just take the two fifty." Anon confirmed, as he grabbed a bit from his wallet.

The stallion nodded as he grabbed a paper bag from behind the stall and placing it on some scales. He then measured out the correct amount and tied the bag with some string.

After receiving the bit, the stallion pushed the bag towards Anon. "Thank you kindly Mr hooman."

As they walked away, Azrael could hear Anon mumble to himself. "Good to know they use Kilos and Grams here too."

Azrael looked at the bag he was holding for a few seconds before speaking up. "Sir, what is a chickpea?"

Anon looked over the ponies until he found the stall he was looking before and began walking towards it before replying.

"It’s a kind of bean I think. It goes well with a lot of different dishes. You have beans in Tartarus?" Anon asked.

"We do but, they are more alive, and parasitic. Nasty little things."

"I don't know what I expected to be honest. Anyway, there are a few key ingredients I need. Then if we have enough money , we can get some more stuff to add flavour."

Anon and Azrael shopped around for a good thirty minutes. Spending seven bits in total which included an ice-cream when Anon saw the demon staring at the cold treat vendor. They now sat just out the town square, on a bench as Anon waited for Azrael to finish her cold treat.

"Oh, my lord, this is delicious. I never would have thought frozen cow milk would be so wonderful." Azrael exclaimed.

"They're as much as I expected. Can probably get them whenever we go out. No promises though." Anon said.

"Understood." Azrael confirmed as she dove back into her ice-cream.

Anon waited for Azrael to finish before heading back. So, he took to the time to watch the town square transition from afternoon into evening. He did not have to wait long.

"Right, I have finished. Do you want to head back Sir?"

"Yeah. Probably best, I am getting kinda hungry and this will take a bit to make." Anon replied, checking the contents of his backpack to make sure he had everything he needed.

Anon finished checking his backpack before standing up.

The duo walked back home without trouble. Anon placed the backpack onto the kitchen counter before sorting out the ingredients.

Azrael walked up behind Anon. "Sir permission to change into my human form." Azrael asked.

Anon glanced at her before returning to the preparations. "Huh, yeah. Do whatever, just wear the clothes I gave you."

Azrael replied with a nod, grabbed the clothes she had left on the sofa and went into the bathroom.

Anon was alone for a minute or so while Azrael changed. Measuring out the ingredients, he started to cook the dish he had envisioned.

Anon zoned out as he cooked, which means he did not notice Azrael re-enter the room and walked up behind him again.

"So, what are you making by the way" Azrael asked, peaking over his shoulder.

Anon flinched, almost slamming the knife he was chopping parsnips with into his finger. Luckily he moved his hand in time.

Azrael saw the human flinch and wore an apologetic smile.

"It's gonna be a Chickpea and roasted parsnip curry. Not great but it will do."

"I'm sure it will be fine. By the way, how come this knife looks different than the one you had when we first met?" Azrael asked with intrigue.

"This one is a kitchen knife, used for cutting food. The one I carry, is usually for tasks that requires a sharp blade like cutting rope. Some people use it as self-defence weapons, but I don't do either."

Azrael nodded a few times before she remembered something. "Wait, didn't you have that out when I got here?"

"Yeah, but I never use it. It's just to scare people. I have more control over my hands anyway."

"Fair enough. Do you require any help in cooking?" Azrael asked.

"Do you know how to cook?" Anon responded.

"I do not."

"Then I am fine. I'll let you help when I'm not as hungry."

Azrael nodded again, as she began twiddling her thumbs and looking round the room. At this point she had come round the side of Anon, so he could see her fidgeting.

Sighing. Anon stopped and turned to Azrael. "Right. What's up?

"Nothing Sir. I just have nothing to do." She replied.

"Then just go and relax for a bit." Anon suggested as he went to pick up the knife again.

"Is there anything that needs doing?" Azrael asked quickly.

"Nope, just go relax." Anon responded.

"Please?" Azrael asked.

Anon stopped for a second before turning back to the demon. "You don't have to do that stuff anymore. You do know that right?" The human asked, with a hint of concern.

"I do. I just find it comforting sometimes. It's nice to be helpful, especially to the ones that treat me well." Azrael explained with a small smile.

"Alright. I noticed that the coffee table by the door is still full of random shit. Could you sort that out while I cook?" Anon asked.

Azrael gave a sincere smile before speaking. "Of course, Sir."

Anon watched her walk over to said coffee table to before turning back. He sighed then chuckled lightly.

"I agree. The past makes it hard to let go." He mumbled under his breath.

Author's Note:

Thank you for reading as always.

I wrote the last 500 words sleep deprived as all hell. So please let me know if there are any weird pacing issues.

As usual yell at me for any misspelling or sucky grammar. Word can only help so much.