• Published 20th Mar 2023
  • 3,286 Views, 119 Comments

The Daily Life Of Anonymous - Zarah

A Month after being transported to Equestia, Anon tries to get used to his new life and new powers.

  • ...

A Dug Up Past

Hey, just a quick warning. This chapter talks about subjects which may not be suitable for all, such as Death and Death threats. There are no descriptions of such.

Also. Possibility of mentioned subjects added to later chapters although not confirmed. Similar warning will be provided. IF needed, relevant tags will be added.

Anon was laid on the hospital bed. Lost in thought as his eyes focused on a singular point, the ceiling held. His left hand was mindlessly fiddling with the magic dampening ring he had not long since removed.

When Redheart left to get the princess and possibly others. Anon just sat on the edge of the bed, waiting for them. When five minutes turned into ten, he opted to lay back down with his hands behind his head. When ten minutes turned into twenty. Anon changed to his current position. Now thirty minutes have passed, the human's already limited patience was being stretched to its limit. But, just as Anon was about to act on this thought, the door opened.

First to enter was princess Celestia, having to duck slightly as she passed the door frame. After her was princess Twilight, then Redheart, then Azrael and then someone he has heard of but never met. Zecora.

They all filed in, Zecora was the last one who entered, so she closed the door behind her. Anon had not moved from his position, his eyes were still fixed on the ceiling, only using his peripheral vision.

By the time Celestia began to speak, Azrael had already hopped onto the bed beside Anon and sat next to him, the human in return, glanced at Azrael before returning his gaze to the ceiling.

"Anon. How are you feeling?" The white alicorn asked, her voice dripping with professionalism and authority.

"All things considered, not too bad. Apart from the fact that best case, I get thrown into prison, or I guess a dungeon. Worst case I get the noose, lethal injection or magical firing squad but the former sounds more likely." Anon replied, his voice monotone.

That's when Azrael tapped his shoulder. "That's the best part sir, they aren't going to charge you!" Azrael added in a happy voice.

Celestia quickly added on to that. "While that is indeed correct. It does have one condition attached."

Anon moved his eyes from the ceiling to Celestia for a few moments before slipping the ring onto his index finger and sitting up. Twilight noticed this little action and raised an eyebrow.

"Go on then, what's my soul worth." Anon replied in mock interest.

Twilight noticed a difference in Anon's posture and mannerisms. When he had met Celestia before, he seemed cautious and nervous. Now it seemed he was more relaxed and carefree.

"I will ask you a series of questions. Answer them truthfully and simply, I will determine how to move forward with the answers you provide."

"How do you know what we are saying is the tru-" Anon stopped himself as he remembered the mortar and pestle in the corner of the room. "I see, you drugged me. So what, I can't lie or something will happen?"

"No real harm will fall upon you, it's just so we know when you speak lie or speak true. You will lose your voice when a lie is said, this stops us from being misled." Zecora informs.

Anon looks up at the ceiling in thought for a few moments before returning his attention to the group. "I hate the film, Pacific ri-" Anon attempted to say. Before he could finish, the human felt his throat seize up. He began coughing as his airways stopped responding to his attempted speech. "Wow..." Anon spoke quietly and with a heavy rasp. "That's really annoying." He commented as each word sounded more clear.

After a few more moments of coughing, with Azrael patting his back. Anon faced the group once more. "Before we continue, I wanna add something to this little deal."

Celestia gave the human a scrutinising look before speaking. "As long as this 'addition' is reasonable. I will have no objections." The alicorn replied simply.

"Let me see Alex." Anon demanded boldly.

"Will you hurt Mr.Lexicon in any way, shape or form. Or put other ponies in danger?"

"No." Anon replied without issue.

Celestia waited a moment then looked at Zecora who simply nodded in response. "Very well. But only under supervision."

"Alright then. Before we begin, I know I've already dropped the formality thing. But can we just talk simply. Trying to decode your long ass replies is annoying."

Celestia glanced at the door for a few moments before her gaze returned. "I suppose It can be arranged just this once."

"Redheart and Zecora. I believe to be at the end of your needed guidance. If you need or would like to leave and return to your prior work. Please feel free to do so.

Redheart simply bowed to both princesses and left. Zecora took a minute to gather her things. She placed a filled bottle on Anon's bedside before leaving, the drawing on the bottle resembled a canine made of smoke with a cross through it.

Once Zecora left. Celestia cleared her throat.

"Let's begin. What is your name?" Celestia started as she sat on her haunches.

"Anonymous?" The human replied sarcastically.

"Just Anonymous. No surname or family name?"

"I do, I just don't see the point in sharing it."

"I was kinda hoping to know it as well." Azrael added

"Eh, maybe one day." Anon speculated.

"What was your profession back on your world?" Celestia asked, bringing the topic back.

*Sigh* "It depended on what was needed. Muscle, bodyguard/bouncer, Contractor, Clean-up. Whatever was needed." Anon listed.

Twilight wore a confused look, trying to piece together what profession needed these types of jobs. Celestia however looked more concerned with each job listed.

The alicorn seemed to take a deep breath before her next question. "I apologise in advance. Have you ever caused death to anyone or anypony?" Celestia asked. Her tone becoming serious.

Twilight knew the questions being asked but still flinched all the same, while Azrael had not budged.

Anon sighed again before speaking. "Ryan Bulwik aged 29. Tyler Perkins aged 38. Rishi Long aged 32. Thomas Harris aged 27 and John lowe aged 41."

The entire room went silent. Celestia looked saddened, Twilight looked shocked and Azrael's expression did not change.

"These..." Anon began, only to stop as he winced at his own thoughts. His teeth clenched, and his hands gripped onto nothing yet shook with force. The human's gaze met the inside of his own eyelids as he too clenched them shut. After a few moments he took a deep breath.

"These are the people. I killed. Either by accident or pure negligence, I robbed them of their future and broke their families. I should know how that feels, I robbed my family of their future as well." Anon explained sadly.

Celestia took a deep breath of her own before asking the last question. "Just one more, please give me a brief history of you." She asked apologetically.

Anon took a few minutes before he answered her.

"When I was young, I got into the wrong crowd and made the biggest mistake of my life. It cost me freedom, and my family the ability to live a normal life. If I ever tried to run or fight back. They would be slaughtered. But, now. I am here." Anon explains, his voice becoming shaky

Celestia and Twilight's eyes widened in realising while Azrael just hugged Anon from behind.

"If they are not already dead, then they are running for their lives. I can only hope he got to them first."

The room fell into silence once more. The only noise present was the daily traffic of the hospital halls just outside. Although muffled and quiet it seemed deafening at that very moment.

"I'm going to take a walk, if you're done with your questions that is." Anon hinted, no emotions were present in his voice, Azrael just hugged him tighter.

"I am indeed. We will be gone when you get back, please try and get some rest."

Anon did not reply as he walked past the ponies towards the door. Azrael did not hold on as he got up, rather letting her hooves fall to the bed.

The door opened and closed as Twilight's eyes began to glisten.

Author's Note:

Hey. Apologies for last chapter not having any ending notes. Was in a rush and somehow forgot.

I hope everyone had a good Christmas or holiday in general. All happy new years!

As usual please yell at me for any spelling mistakes or grammatical errors.