• Published 20th Mar 2023
  • 3,289 Views, 119 Comments

The Daily Life Of Anonymous - Zarah

A Month after being transported to Equestia, Anon tries to get used to his new life and new powers.

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"Is this really Necessary?" Anon questions, giving twilight a glance before his sight rests upon a stack of parchment placed in front of him.

The group had reached the dining hall and were eating their respective snacks, Anon was enjoying a serving of ice cream surrounded by various fruits. That was until Twilight had decided to interrupt.

The pony in question was halfway back to her seat when she spoke. "With what happened earlier, I believe it is."

Anon sighed before gently pushing his bowl aside, pulling the stack closer and reading the top page.

Types of Training and Exercises for Unorthodox Magic

A Guide by Twilight Sparkle

Part 1 of 4

Upon reading the last line, Anon snapped his head to the purple mare. "One of four? This stack alone is like twenty pages. I am not going through a Tome of instructions. I'm a practical learner anyway, I learn through experiences and mistakes."

Twilight got comfortable again in her seat before replying. "it’s not written in a way to be read all at once. I wrote it for you to read it occasionally so you may learn something and add it to your daily life. Plus, this is just a completed draft. I wanted to give it to you now while I work on the refinements." Twilight pointed a hoof at the stack. "After the first couple pages, there is a contents page. Read through that and flip to anything that might interest you." Finishing, the purple alicorn pulls closer her own bowl of treats, cherries and strawberries drenched in cream with drizzles of caramel. Looking back up to see Anon flipping pages, she digs in.

For the next half hour, everyone enjoyed their treats. Celestia had a slice of sponge cake drenched in custard, while starlight simply had a selection of fruits. Occasional conversation would spark now an again as the maids and butlers came in and out the hall. Twilight had noticed that every time the main door or the side door to the kitchen opened, Anon's head would snap towards the doors for a few seconds before returning to skimming the text.

"Are you alright Anon?" Twilight asked with concern clearly in her voice. The chatter in the room immediately ceased as all eyes fall upon Anon.

"Hmm? What...? Oh yeah, I'm fine. Uh why do you ask?" Anon not registering the question at first but was quickly able to catch up with his own brain.

Twilight glanced towards Celestia and Starlight, which they returned. "It's just that, Every time either door opens, you seem to react. Are you expecting someone. Or is someone giving you trouble at the castle?" Twilight finished, slightly more panicky in her tone.

Celestia answered before Anon could. "If this is the case, we shall see to it at once." Celestia finishes with a firm nod.

The human gave Celestia and Twilight a confused look, before waving his hands dismissively. "What? No, no one’s bothering me, it's just an old habit." Celestia's ears perk up at his reply as twilight seemed confused, mulling over his words before turning her attention to her student. "Fret not Twilight, I believe Anonymous is still adjusting to our society. There is no need to be concerned." Celestia smiles and nods slightly which Twilight returns.

Once again idle chat fills the dining hall, this however doesn't last long as a guard pony trots into the room, hoofing over a scroll to Celestia. After a salute, the guard pony left as quickly as he arrived.

The white Alicorn read the contents of the scroll, her face now with a slightly frown upon it. "I'm afraid this visit will have to be cut short." Celestia's gaze changed towards the other Alicorn. Twilight gave Celestia her own look, one of confusion.

"It appears that in your absence. Somepony decided to scout the Everfree Forest for tea herbs and sell them. While calming, the herbs had the side effect of vivid nightmares. Luna is currently dealing said nightmares, but your presence is requested to oversee the general recovery." Celestia finished as she summoned a quill and parchment.

Twilights confused expression turned to a frown.

Celestia wrote quickly on the parchment, before rolling it up and zapping it away.

"It has been a long and interesting day. I believe it best for everypony to get an early night. Twilight please do not forget; you are welcome back anytime." Celestia ended with a warm smile before walking over to Twilight and draping a wing over her withers. "I will see you all off in the morning." Celestia said as she walked out of the room.

Everyone agreed as they returned to their respective rooms, Anon taking the 'Magic Guide' with him. Entering his chambers, the day’s events finally effecting him as he felt tired and lethargic. Plopping the stack of parchment on his bedside table, Anon sat on the edge of the large bed while cupping his head with his hands and groaning.

"Hey man, what did I... Miss?"

Anon sighed, "Too much." the human answered in an emotionless tone before kicking off his shoes, taking his shirt off and lying onto the sheets.

"Seriously, the hell did I miss? You look like you've been in a brawl." Alex stated with raised concern.

Anon looked at the ceiling with blank stare. "I fucked up. Me and starlight sparred, and I lost it. We both ended up in the infirmary. Then Celestia talked to me, and I almost lost it again, my body was yelling at me to strike first. This is why I stay away from everyone, that's why I hate going through crowds. Now I have this stupid power that just amplifies it. Once we get home tomorrow, I'm going into the forest and beating the shit out of every tree I find." Anon finished as he clenched his fist, the knuckles popping.

"I'm rambling, you got anything to get off your chest?" The human asked, tilting his head to look at Alex for the first time who was sat on the edge of the bed looking at him with concern.

"Oh, um not really. I did dream though while I was... Asleep I guess. I'm gonna go with sleeping. I was walking through a town with ponies, they were featureless. All white with the same black mane and tail, they didn't seem to have any of those marks. I climbed a small hill before a flash of light enveloped me. I woke up after that."

"I feel a little less crazy if you can dream. Speaking off which." Anon stretches before settling onto the sheets and looking at Alex again.

Alex simply smiles and nods, standing up and walking towards the door, Fading away as he reaches it.

Anon closes his eyes as he lets sleep take him.