• Published 4th Feb 2012
  • 20,702 Views, 397 Comments

Spiders and Magic: Rise of Spider-Mane - Maximus_Reborn

Spider-Man is brought to Equestria for a second chance at life, but his luck may ruin his opportunity before it can truly begin.

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A Twilight Affair

Chapter Thirty-Four "A Twilight Affair"

Nineteen Days Remain

Clouds were scattered across the darkened sky, concealing some of the stars out of jealousy, but they could not do the same for the nearly full moon, its muted rays lending light to the land. Glowing, psychedelic rainbow colors were jumbled together around the falls, mainly due to the lack of sunlight straightening them out, but the sight was a gorgeous one, something nopony ever really saw. It was fortunate Princess Luna did regularly, and that she had suggested the sight to Twilight. A gentle breeze brushed through the leaves of the forest, spreading their crisp, clean scent throughout the area.

At this hour, most of the village's inhabitants were in their homes or asleep, and this meant the Winsome Falls were practically abandoned, exactly as Twilight anticipated. She walked beside Peter through the forest path in a comfortable silence, the only sound other than their hoofsteps being the gurgling of the river and the rustling leaves. Twilight stole occasional glances out of the corner of her eye, finding Peter with his beautiful hazel gaze fixed on the ground every time. It seemed that, lost in his train of thought, he was too distracted to notice the light being refracted through the spray of the river, turning the entire thing into a churning rainbow of psychedelic whirls and eddies, even in the soft, silvery moonlight.

His brow was furrowed, revealing he was deep in thought, and small, strained grunts of pain escaped from his mouth with each misstep he took, though Peter hid his discomfort with a very forced, stiff smile. In order to provide some relief for the trip, Twilight lifted the stallion from the ground with her telekinesis, traveling with him hovering over her shoulder. Peter almost tried to complain, but the pain pulsing through his hooves made it difficult to do so (despite his diminishing pride).

Twilight frowned as her violet eyes wandered across her stallion's physique, particularly the patches of missing fur in his coat and his burned hooves. Peter was shaping up to be one of Equestria's most powerful beings, but he was certainly not invincible, something the mare had learned several times through personal experience. Twilight stopped in her tracks and directed her gaze to the river, prompting Peter to mirror her actions. The moon's reflection shone brightly at the center of the water while the clouds were a darker shade of purple along the wet surface.

Twilight's eyes widened once she found a vacant spot along the river's bank, and the mare wasted no time in taking a seat, the cool touch of the soft grass providing a comfortable seat. She turned and gently released the stallion from her telekenetic grip, giggling as she motioned for Peter to join her side. Abashed, the stallion did as he was instructed and gingerly sat along the bank, grumbling incoherently as his muscles ached in protest, but with some effort, Peter managed to find comfort through his pain, evident by the genuine smile on his face.

Unbeknownst to him, Twilight could not pry her eyes away from his body. The skin underneath his coat was an angry shade of red. While Peter's accelerated healing factor had fixed all but the worst of the damage, the average pony would still say the stallion looked absolutely terrible, with his fur in patches and skin inflamed. However, such a thought never occurred to Twilight. The color in her cheeks brightened as she leaned closer until her flank touched his, and her lips pecked his cheek affectionately. To her, Peter was gorgeous, and she felt no shame in admitting this.

"What you did today was amazing, Peter," Twilight said, finally ending the silence that built between herself and the stallion.

Peter scratched the back of his head, blushing as he accepted the compliment and act of affection. "It was nothing," he muttered, chuckling nervously. Twilight giggled at the response. It was nice knowing she could trigger this reaction in her coltfriend. After an embarrassing amount of time, Peter cleared his throat and grinned. "But I do appreciate the compliment."

Twilight's brow furrowed. She slid her hoof underneath Peter's, making certain to avoid touching and irritating the very visible burn spot. Her eyes softened. "How much does it hurt?"

Peter watched the mare caress his hoof with both of her own, and his fur tingled at Twilight's soft touch. "I'm sore, but I've recovered from worse." The stallion pressed his free hoof underneath the girl's chin, bringing her violet gaze to meet his hazel one. "It's not nearly as bad as the time I fought Firelord." He raised his brow and nodded, remembering the burns sustained from that day vividly. "Seriously.Firelord."

"You know..." Twilight trailed off, shaking her head disapprovingly. "I'm never going to understand any of your references, no matter how much you keep using them."

Peter shrugged. "Well,excuse me, Princess."

Twilight's expression turned blank, bemused. "You're doing it again."

Smirking, Peter reared forward and kissed the tip of Twilight's muzzle. "I'm sorry, but my princess is in another castle."

"Stop it," she whined, feeling the heat in her face rise.

While she could earn reactions from Peter on occasion, it was frustrating knowing that the stallion could get under her fur with insignificant ease. Yet, it was something she loved about Peter at the same time. As to why she felt this way, well, that was a mystery to Twilight, but from what she'd gathered from Cadance, it was perfectly normal for a mare to experience this conflicted feeling. Twilight forced out a sigh. Even now, love continued to be a needlessly complex development in her life; her alicorn attributes were easier to understand in comparison.

Despite the frustration she felt on the matter, Twilight could only smile, knowing she wouldn't change it, or Peter, for anything in the world.

Peter rolled over onto his back, resting his head against the mare's side. "I feel like nobody understands me," he sniveled dolefully, shifting his gaze to the purple-tinted sky.

"That's because nopony does," Twilight shot back, turning her head so that she came into Peter's line of sight. The stallion poked his lip out in mock-hurt fashion, but his expression softened once Twilight's hoof fell over his chest, prompting him to gently kiss the tip of it. The mare smiled. "But I'm happy to try." She brushed a few strands of his chocolate-colored mane free from his face, allowing Peter to fully see the pleading visage his mare suddenly bore. "Please... tell me what's wrong."

The pair remained in silence for a few moments. Peter placed his hoof over Twilight's and pulled it over his mouth, breathing into her fur while he took in her sweet scent. Throughout his time in Equestria, the stallion battled his insecurities, but every time it seemed he would fall into the lowest depths of his doubts, Twilight was always there to lift his spirit. He couldn't put into words how much that meant on its own, and that appreciation was strengthened by the fact that Princess Celestia's offer was suggested by Twilight in the first place.

However, this only added to Peter's doubt. Twilight continuously put an unbelievable amount of faith in the stallion, despite the fact that he couldn't believe in himself in the slightest. Peter felt a lump in his throat that refused to be swallowed. He'd let those closest to him down before, and he didn't want to fail the love of his life for a second time. Twilight's gaze softened as Peter's hoof clutched at her own, as if desperate to hang on and not let go. She knew at least part of his past and how it had shaped the stallion Peter proved himself to be.

Despite his great power, Peter was a gentle soul, desperate to do the right thing, and even if it cost him in the end, he always saw it through. This washisdecision to make. Twilight accepted that, but she wanted her stallion to receive respite from his countless sacrifices. She continued to stroke his mane and caress his hoof, giving Peter some reassurance while he gathered his thoughts.

"I guess you already know what I'm thinking about," Peter muttered, sighing once the mare gave him a simple, affirming nod. The stallion felt himself leaning further against Twilight's warm flank. He turned on his side, keeping his hoof placed over hers, and directed his gaze to the river, finding himself drifting into the glowing, rainbow-colored rays hovering over the water, but Twilight's wondrous scent kept him grounded, gently reminding Peter of the mare holding him closely. "Do you think it's the right thing to do? Once I reveal my identity to the world, there's no coming back."

Twilight closed her eyes. "I do, but I understand why you're so hesitant about the whole thing." Smiling, the mare carefully slid her hoof along Peter's limb, making certain not to grace any of his sensitive marks. "With all of the enemies you made back in your old world, it only made sense to keep your identity a secret." Her face twisted into a glare that scared Peter. He had never seen her so angry; not even at Trixie, who had forced her way into their lives through blackmail. She released Peter's foreleg, slamming her hoof into the ground out of frustration. "Plus, if that cruel man running the newspaper ever found out who you really were, I can't imagine the abuse he would have put you through."

Peter clutched at his side and groaned despite himself as he worked himself back into a sitting position. He placed his hoof over her shoulder. "Twilight..."

She avoided his gaze, keeping her gaze fixed on the river. "Things are different in Equestria. You have friends...and me." Her cheeks flushed, but she ignored the burning sensation. "Everypony loves you here! We're not like the ponies...people... on your planet! We actually appreciate the things you do! What pony goes out and helps others without asking for anything in return every day of his life? Nopony but you, Peter!" Her eyes began to burn, forcing Twilight to shut them tightly. "I just... want everypony to know how much of a hero you really are. You deserve it! And so much more..."

A pair of stray tears escaped from the corner of Twilight's eyes. She cursed under her breath and wiped them from her face with her hoof, despising how she never seemed to keep a secure grip on her emotions whenever Peter was involved. However, her action did not go unnoticed by the stallion. He placed a carefully aimed kiss on Twilight's ear, allowing his hot breath to brush against it playfully. The alicorn stiffened, taking in sharp yet pleased breaths. When she turned to face Peter, his lips fell over hers with precise accuracy, causing Twilight to yelp inside of his mouth, but her surprise quickly faded, allowing the mare to moan contently.

Peter ended the kiss abruptly, much to Twilight's dismay, but he gently pressed his muzzle against hers, assuring he was at the center of the mare's large, glossy eyes. "It's themorethat's bothering me...but if you believe in me, I'll do it. Just because the world will know who I am, doesn't mean I'll quit. Equestria needs Spider-Mane. He just won't be wearing his mask as much." His gaze lowered, shame filling his features. "I just hope this is something Uncle Ben would understand. I wouldn't want him to think I'm doing it just to stroke my own ego."

"I-I can't speak for your uncle," Twilight said hesitantly, shaking her head, but she forced herself to smile. "But if he was as great a person as you told me he was, then I believe he would be proud of you regardless." Her tears resurfaced, sliding down along her cheeks. "You don't have to hide behind the mask anymore. Let everypony know that Spider-Mane is Peter Parker..." Her voice became choked, but Twilight smiled as she sniffled. "...and he's the pony I love and support. Always."

Peter synced his lips with Twilight's once more, this time more passionately. His hooves traveled, one brushing through Twilight's silky smooth mane, while the other caressed her shoulder. Twilight's mind grew fuzzy as she involuntarily shuddered, her body enjoying Peter's touch to a severe degree.

He pulled from her lips again, earning a feral, agitated groan from the usually calm bookworm, and smirked. "What if the bad guys attack me through you and the others?"

"Then we'll stand by your side and use the Elements of Harmony to blast them into submission," Twilight proclaimed, resuming the kiss.

Her signature pink strand of mane fell over her snout, landing on the tip of Peter's muzzle in the process, but the stallion used his hoof and brushed it behind the mare's ear, trailing it lightly across her waist afterward. Twilight's moans increased in volume, echoing between the branches of the forest. Her head felt light, this blissful wave of pleasure threatening to take her over the edge, but before she could see how much deeper their intimacy could run, Twilight's wings sprang to life, stiffening as they perked high above her head and body.

She broke away from Peter with a surprised yelp, but her expression quickly grew exasperated once her mind registered the appendages on her back, evident by the pink flush in her cheeks. Now Twilight understood Fluttershy's plight. She only hoped this wouldn't happen in public whenever her and Peter go out. However, the mare found a way to smile, despite her vast embarrassment, and glanced off to the side.

"I'm not going to just stand back and let you fight the world alone," she whispered, reverting her gaze back to the stallion. The moon's milky image reflected off the surface of her violet irises. "So don't worry. I know you're going to do your best to protect me and everypony else. I promise I'll watch out for you, too. We all will." Her smile grew. "Okay?"

The stallion simply nodded, seemingly satisfied with the answer he was given. It was true. Twilight and the others were saving Equestria before Spider-Mane even showed up. If anything, it was nice having support from friends who could hold their own in the face of danger. Peter's mind continued to ponder over the situation, desperate to diminish what little hope was brewing in his heart. Yes, maybe he could disregard his identity for the sake of his friends, who could zap the forces of evil to oblivion with the Elements of Harmony, but there was another fear holding him back.

Peter slid his hooves under Twilight's limbs, lifted the mare gently, and softly placed her on her back, minding to stretch her wings out to avoid putting any uncomfortable amount of weight on them. He placed himself directly over her, managing to plant a series of kisses on the side of the mare's neck. Twilight squirmed under his position, her mind melting into goo and fur standing on end, but as if he were teasing her in a cruel manner, Peter stopped what he was doing, giving his lover a playful smile and earning a second, agitated groan in return.

Her gaze fell to the side. Twilight could not explain what the burning sensation in the bottom of her stomach was, or why she begged to dive into it fully. Peter was striking the most sensitive parts of her body with the greatest accuracy and wondrous of touch. She didn't want it to end, but her stallion insisted on teasing her, feeding the arousal within her body with only bits of her intent. The temperature in her face rose as suggestive thoughts plagued her mind, adding to the urges she struggled to repress.

Fortunately, before she could lose her senses, Peter brought his hooves over both of the mare's cheeks, prompting Twilight to meet his hazel gaze (which stood only an inch or two from her face). Their body height conjoined, igniting a sudden temperature increase between the two. Small beads of sweat formed over Twilight's body, but she found herself hanging on his silence, not caring what transpired in the outside world.

"Princess Celestia said you believe I earned this. I can't say I fully agree, but..." he paused, finding Twilight's irritated glare impossible to ignore.

It practically screamed'Stop thinking like that!'

His insecurities would always remain, but with a girl as supportive as Twilight, it was easier to at least tune them out more than usual. The inside of his chest tightened, Peter's heart swelling with a new resolve. Not even his cynical mind could refute the idea of embracing something with positive repercussions, but for the first time since he received the news of his impending, changing future, Peter's thoughts, both from his mind and heart, agreed on the common fact that needed to be stated.

"Twilight, I love you," he said earnestly, closing the gap between the mare's mouth and his own. "I'd give anything and everything if it would keep you safe and make you happy." He slammed his eyes shut and shook his head shamefully. "I just don't want to fail you like I did Gwen. You mean so much to me. If you really think I'm worth it... then maybe-"

Peter´s sentence was cut short once Twilight's lifted her head and silenced the stallion with a deep kiss, her hooves wrapping around his neck. She opened her mouth, allowing Peter to explore her further with his tongue, and he accepted the gesture, leaning forward until his horn brushed against hers. Her mind felt light, fleeting as it explored a new realm of wonderful sensations. Small traces of magic escaped from her horn and circled into Peter's. This caused a chain reaction, his own magical energy intertwining with Twilight's, and the surge coursed through both ponies that same moment.

There was no backlash or any volatile reaction. In fact, Peter felt something stirring within his heart. He halfway opened his eyes, all while maintaining full control of his kiss, and found Twilight staring at him intently. Peter dove into the deep, violet ocean in her eyes, instinctively pressing his body further against hers in the process in spite of his nagging injuries. Twilight's wings stiffened profusely, but she paid it no mind, daring not to end this fabulous moment. Peter's heart threatened to spring out of his chest, for it knew what Twilight was saying, not with words but her actions. The message was simple, enforced by the want in her eyes.

She loved him and would support him regardless.

Eventually, the pair mutually parted lips, both in need of air, but the sense of giddiness within Peter continued to swell, allowing the stallion to smile confidently. The answer was there as it always had been. Earth was in the past, and Twilight was the present and future of Peter's life. While he still had his doubts and fears, the stallion always wanted to be there for those who helped give him a second chance at life. If shedding his secret identity would help protect them and the girl he loved in the end, Peter would gladly do so. It's what his Uncle Ben would want.

As far as the other changes were concerned, Peter would only accept because Twilight wouldn't have it any other way. She was going through serious changes of her own, having become an alicorn and a princess overnight. It was certainly a learning experience, and Peter wouldn't have been happier to help her through it as she would do the exact same for him.

"Fine, I'll do it, but there's a few ponies I'd like to tell first before we go to the public," he grinned, rubbing his hoof over a bushy patch of fur on the mare's chest. Twilight stifled a smile, struggling not to succumb to laughter, but Peter proved to be merciful, removing his hoof as he forced himself back to a sitting position. "I'll tell you about it in the morning. This is still pretty big for me. I mean... the world's going to know the truth about me soon."

"It won't be so bad. We save the world, and everypony doesn't fawn over us. As long as you don't toot your horn about it, everypony will give you your space." Twilight let out a relieved sigh. "At least I don't have to worry about you growing a massive ego."

Peter laughed. "Rainbow Dash?"

Twilight nodded, smiling sullenly. "Exactly."

Straining, Peter stood back on all four hooves, much to his aching body's detriment. Twilight's eyes widened as she sprang to a standing position, but Peter's hooves wrapped around her neck, pulling the mare into a swift embrace.

"I'm doing this for you more than anything else. You're an amazing girl who found a way to believe in a loser like me." Leaning away to share a glance, Peter's open smile shone as bright as the moon in the sky. "But no matter what happens, I'll always be there for you. Even if I die trying."

Twilight felt her breaths shorten. They were but simple words, yet coming from Peter, there was a great weight that carried them forth. Their exchange was nothing short of simple. However, Twilight meant what she said, and judging from the giddy sensation that culminated from within her chest, she could sense Peter was just as sincere. Her relief swelled, blossoming into unrestrained happiness. Twilight's smile grew to match the width of Peter's, and a pair of tears slid down her flushed cheeks. The mare found herself giggling, still happy despite her forming tears.

Like before, she felt frustrated as she continued to have difficulty understanding the emotions brought out over her love for Peter, but Twilight didn't care at the moment, only wanting to enjoy them to the fullest. Peter reached out, brushing away her tears with his hoof, before leaning forward and planting a soft kiss on her forehead. Twilight shuddered at the hint of contact but maintained her smile. By the stars, she would never grow tired of that.

"Thanks, Twilight... for everything," Peter said honestly, placing his hoof over the mare's shoulder. Twilight simply nodded, infected by his enthusiasm, and leaned into the stallion's touch. A gentle breeze brushed through their manes, whipping Twilight's long locks while only rustling Peter's short, unkempt strands mildly. The stallion closed his eyes and huffed, a small realization coming to mind. "I have to say I'm sorry, too."

Twilight's brow furrowed. "Huh? Why do you say that all of a sudden?"

Without warning, Peter threw his hooves around Twilight's body and jumped over the bank of the river. The mare let out a high-pitched squeak as she entered the river's cool embrace, paddling for several moments under the water before emerging with a spluttered gasp. The surface of the river was surprisingly cold, thanks to the lack of sunlight and cool breezes brushing through the forest. Twilight shook her head, freeing her drenched mane from her face, and found Peter surfacing a few hoof-lengths away, a mischievous grin on his features.

"That wascompletely... unnecessary," Twilight said, paddling over to his position.

"Well, Ididapologize in advance," Peter smugly replied, prompting the mare to take a wide swing of her hoof and splash water over his face before he could finish pronouncing the 'c'. "Or did you think my plan was allwet?" he added, quickly receiving a second splash of water for his trouble. Peter could only smirk. "I guess this doesn'tfloatyour boat."

In response to his spider sense, Peter dove under the water before Twilight's splashes could connect, and he quickly emerged behind the mare, wrapping his hooves around her frame in a playful manner. Eventually their laughter subsided, allowing Peter to place his lips along the edge of Twilight's ear.

"You're so beautiful," he whispered, lowering his mouth to plant a kiss on her cheek. "I love you."

Peter held the mare immensely close, possessively as his grip tightened. Despite the cool temperature the river and wind brought, Twilight found herself melting away in the warmth of Peter's embrace. She leaned against him and nuzzled the side of her face into the stallion's neck, cooing at the comfort she felt. If time in the world froze this very second, Twilight would give no objection, happy to spend the rest of her days in the hooves of her love.

Words could not describe how strongly the alicorn felt about the current situation and the approaching one, but she knew with a resolve as strong as the one she and Peter shared for each other, nothing would ever drive them apart. Raising her head, Twilight's mouth managed to locate Peter's, and the pair shared a kiss under the starlit sky, not before giving each other one more touch of reassurance in the form of three simple yet powerful words.

"I love you."

Quite some time had passed, but the inside of Canterlot Castle remained silent in respect for the night. Peter quietly escorted Twilight through the halls to her personal quarters. Though they had dried themselves, evidence of their river charades lingered thanks to their drenched manes, but both ponies didn't seem to mind, smiles wide as they walked nuzzled together. They finally reached Twilight's bedroom door, and nopony was in sight, the guards patrolling the outside of their respective hallway.

Peter reached down, taking the mare's hoof in his own, and smiled warmly. Twilight's cheeks flushed to a shade of pink in response, but she giggled, finding the giddy sensation in her chest was too welcoming to tune out. They gazed upon each other, and in that one moment, Twilight could not see, hear, or feel anything else- only Peter. Her lips brushed his. She wasn't sure who moved into the kiss first, but Twilight drank him in, nervous passion seeping into her muscles.

Peter smiled. "Good night, Twilight."

Twilight felt her cheeks flush. "Yeah... Good night, Peter."

The stallion nodded, slowly turning to make his exit. He heard the door open behind him, but before he could progress, Twilight grabbed him by the limb and dragged him into her quarters. The door closed magically shut tight, the tumblers in the lock clicking soundly. Underneath the moon, two stars danced together, and in a bright flash of light, they conjoined, shooting off into the distance as one unit. No matter what lays in the future, those stars would remain together, their hearts supporting each other until the end of time.

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