• Published 4th Feb 2012
  • 20,649 Views, 397 Comments

Spiders and Magic: Rise of Spider-Mane - Maximus_Reborn

Spider-Man is brought to Equestria for a second chance at life, but his luck may ruin his opportunity before it can truly begin.

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Homecoming, Part I

Chapter Forty-Three "Homecoming, Part I"

Fifteen Days Remain (Equestria) - Thirty-Two Days Remain (Earth)

Twilight fluttered her eyes open, only to immediately slam them shut. The young mare groaned, pulsating throbs coursing through her cranium making it difficult to process thought. The bottom of her stomach tightened, but Twilight fought back the contents that threatened to rise out of her mouth. The events of the previous night played back throughout her mind, adding to the migraine the mare already bore.

Twilight whimpered. 'Now those three glasses of vodka seem like a horrible idea.'

Peter had warned her of the side effects of a hangover: a headache, sensitivity to light, and the urge to throw up badly. Twilight whimpered as she felt all three of the symptoms simultaneously. Even with her eyes closed, the light violated her eyelids, forcing Twilight to use her hoof as a makeshift shield against its brightness. However, her eyes shot open at a horrid realization. She held her 'hoof' inches from her face, stammering wildly at its bizarre appearance. Five digits stuck out, each bending and fidgeting in reaction to her thoughts.

Twilight snatched her other hoof from under the bedsheets and raised it next to her morphed body part, but the mare quickly discovered it shared the same effects, bearing the five new digits. Her mind raced out of control, struggling to take in the facts, but Twilight's concentration crumbled as she discovered her hooves weren't the only parts of her body that underwent a transformation. The color of her fur was different, no longer violet but a shade of chocolate brown.

Twilight furrowed her brow before running the base of her morphed hoof over her arm. She forced herself to stifle an unhinged giggle, finding her body smooth, soft, and sensitive. A high-pitched yelp escaped from the mare; She was furless now, too! In her panic, Twilight clumsily tossed her bedsheets to the side, exposing her body, and much to her dismay, the oddities had consumed her fully. Her lower hooves each had five weird-looking toes, like Spike had, but without the scales or claws.

All of her fur was gone, save for a rather large pair of black, silk pajamas. Though she was anything but, she felt naked in a sense, and wondered /who/ could have put them on her. It certainly made up for her lack of fur, but Twilight's 'hooves' traveled over her head at the fear her mane was gone as well. Fortunately, as the mare slid her digits through her hair and clutched at its strands, she sighed, appreciative for being granted the mercy of having at least one part of her body remain the same, with it reaching her lower shoulders. Yet, something was amiss.

Twilight brushed her mane back several times, each swipe growing more frantic, but at the lack of discovering a protrusion, the princess felt her heart stop. Her horn was missing, too! Perspiration formed on her forehead. What in Equestria could have caused so many deformities to surface at once? Perhaps the vodka had altered her mind more than she thought. Twilight's gaze fell, landing on the two small lumps that rose over her chest under her shirt. This was too much to take in at once. This was a mutation of sorts. She had things growing out of her chest and hooves.

Her fur was gone. Her horn was missing, and considering she didn't feel anything on her back, it was safe to assume her wings and tail had disappeared as well. This wasn't a hallucination; It was anightmare.

Twilight attempted to stand from her position, but she confused the muscles in her limbs and tumbled over the edge of the bed, landing on the back of her skull. Were she not buried so deep in her building hysteria, Twilight might have feltsomepain. She forced herself to stand, only to fall flat on her face. Her body's sense of balance was horribly disrupted, making walking a tough task in itself. Twilight bit down on her lip. This was the final straw. With so much happening at once, there was only one rational course of action the young girl could take.

Twilight screamed at the top of her lungs. "No-!"The door to the room flew open, and a bipedal creature came sprinting inside, quickly approaching the transformed mare. Twilight raised her hands defensively, unaware of the violet magical energy emitted from them and her entire body. "Stay away!" she screamed, eyes flashing with violet light. The energy shot out from her mutated hooves, slammed into the creature, and knocked him through a wall. Twilight shrieked at the destruction left in her wake, gaze flying to her hands in disbelief. "My magic! But how, without my horn?"

"Twilight?" a voice called out from behind the newly-formed hole in the wall.

'That voice! It sounds deeper, but…!'Twilight peeped, her eyes widening. She tried her best to stand upright, but her upper body teetered to the side, leaving the girl to stumble onto the bed. Her sight remained on the hole in the wall. She still had no idea who it was she blasted a moment ago, but evident by the relieved smile on her face, she knew who the voice belonged to. "Spike? Please tell me that's you! What's going on?"

"Yeah, it's me, but…" Spike paused, waiting a few seconds before continuing, "I don't want you to see me right now. It's complicated, but Peter can explain everything to you."

Twilight furrowed her brow at her friend's hesitant tone, but her mind felt a twinge of comfort at her mention of her lover's name. "Peter's here, too? Where is he? Who was that… human that ran in here? Is it all right?"

"Right here, putting his spine back into place," Peter groaned, causing Twilight to lean near the edge of the bed, but her mouth fell agape once her knight reached the hole in the wall and stepped into the room. He was bipedal, furless with a skin tone more tanned than Twilight's. However, she recognized his unkempt, chocolate brown mane and hazel irises as he drew closer, but before Twilight could question the creature about his identity, he sat down on a free space on the bed and called out to her. "I'm sorry, Twilight. I didn't mean to leave you alone. I can't blame you for being scared." His lips curled into a smile. "It's me, Twilight."

Twilight inhaled sharply, placing a hand over the tightening knot in her chest. Like herself, his appearance had changed, but her feelings for Peter remained the same, firm and strong. Her ears rang with bliss, recognizing the gentle voice of her lover. Although it was clumsy, Twilight managed to wrap her arms around Peter's neck. The young man held his poise, keeping the girl from shifting their balance over the side of the bed, but with an opening, Peter pressed his lips into Twilight's. She yelped inside of his mouth, but her eyes glazed over as her body melted into the kiss.

Any questions Twilight had were thrust away, her heart knowing this was in fact Peter, her knight and lover.

Peter grinned before grimacing, placing his hand over the lower half of his back. "You pack a serious punch, Twilight. I'm just glad Spike managed to calm you down before you knocked me through another wall." The young man chuckled nervously, recoiling as another piece of the wall fell to the floor. "I hope Strange has some insurance on this place."

A pink flush stained Twilight's face. "Wait! That was you?!" She shook her head, shifting her gaze between Peter and the hole in the wall. Reaching out, Twilight placed her hands over Peter's, but her fingers were stiff, afraid to budge an inch. "I'm so sorry, Peter! I didn't mean to hurt you!" The longer she stared at the wall, the larger it grew in her mind, adding to her heavy rush of guilt. "I'mreallysorry!"

"Whoa, Twilight! It's fine! You know I've had worse. Just remind me to never forget your birthday or our anniversary," Peter chuckled, turning his wrists so that Twilight's hands rested firmly on his palms.

He took hold of them, caressing the top of the girl's hand with his thumbs. Twilight's mind grew fuzzy. She was always susceptible to Peter's touch, but without fur, Twilight felt her skin tingle more than usual, goosebumps forming over her arms and the areas her lover graced with his touch. The heat in her face rose as Peter leaned closer until his face was only inches from Twilight's.

After a moment of silence, the young man pulled back and chuckled, all while gently squeezing the girl's hands. "I was right about one thing. No matter what world I'm in, you're the most beautiful thing in it." He sobered, his saddened gaze falling to the ground. "I just wish we came to Earth for a better reason."

"Earth?! Then I-!" Twilight blurted out, freeing her hands to gaze upon them and the rest of her body before settling her stunned expression on Peter. "I'm a human now, too? Just like you?" Once Peter nodded, the girl placed her hand over her eyes and resisted the urge to faint. Peter took the opportunity and sat closer to Twilight, placing his arm around her shoulder, but her gaze remained locked on her extended hand, particularly the digits attached to them. "Just... how? How did we get here?" Twilight clutched Peter tightly, burying her face in his chest. "Whyare we here?"

Peter patted Twilight's shoulders assuringly. "Quite a bit has happened since we fell asleep last night. I'm still not completely sure about what's going on, but Icantell you we're in the Sanctum Sanctorum, home of Doctor Strange. He's the most powerful sorcerer on Earth and a good friend of mine. He's partially responsible for us being here, but Madame Web's really to blame, I think." Irritation poured from his voice. Clearing his throat, Peter gave his lover a smile, albeit a very forced one. "I wanted to make sure you were awake and fully recovered from your hangover before Strange explains everything to us."

As if a late realization crept into his mind, Peter glanced at the hole in the wall before directing his gaze back to the girl by his side. "Okay. You know how the two of us transformed into humans?" Peter scratched the back of his head. "Well, Spike's changed, too. A lot."

Twilight tilted her head to the side. "That explains why he doesn't want to come in here, but what did he change into? Is Spike a human, too?"

A short burst of laughter escaped from Peter. "Not at all. Not even close. I think it'd be better if you just see him." Standing from the bed, he made his way to the hole, peeked outside, and motion his hand to someone. "Come on, Spike. Twilight won't bite."

"I don't know. She blastedyouthrough a wall. There's no telling what she might do to me," Spike nervously declared. "Just don't freak out again, Twilight."

Peter took a step back into the room, chuckling. "Hey. You don't annoy her nearly as much as me, so I think you're safe."

The entire room fell silent for several seconds before Spike's defeated sigh echoed from the hallway. His body was the size of a large carriage, with a long neck and tail, but it was graceful, sinuous and sleek, with hard, shiny scales gleaming in the light. Light purple, leathery wings were tightly shut on his back, but when spread, they touched the sides of the spacious room without even unfurling fully.

His scales were the same colors, purple and green, accompanied with a yellow underbelly, but his size was daunting, the once baby dragon now standing nearly twice the height of Peter. His added height came from his longer neck and legs. The trunk of his body was the size of a large carriage, but his weight was deceivingly light, evident by the lack of tremors in his footsteps. This meant his body was made for flying, something Spike had no experience with. The claws on his hands and feet, along with his teeth and green protrusions on his body, were razor sharp, seemingly capable of slicing through rock.

Initially, seeing a dragon like this would have sent Twilight into a panic, but all she saw was an inflated version of her first friend. Once Spike reached her position, he stepped back and looked at the ground shamefully. Fortunately, Twilight hugged his nose, prompting the dragon to respond with a warm embrace of his own.

Spike smiled. Nothing had changed, but he held her gently, careful not to use excessive force. It was easy to not only crush the tiny girl but impale her on the spines on his body as well. Despite his altered size and fearsome appearance, he was still a baby dragon at heart.

They parted, allowing Twilight to stare at the dragon in amazement. "Oh, my stars! Spike, you're huge!"

Peter stepped over and shrugged his shoulders. "Tell me about it! The little guy just had the biggest growth spurt in history." Chuckling, he playfully elbowed the dragon's leg. "And you thought I was being silly when I told you to drink plenty of milk."

With a closed fist over her mouth, Twilight furrowed her brow. "How is this possible? We changed completely but Spike didn't."

Peter took his place by Twilight's side and wrapped his arm around her shoulder. "Strange explained that to me. At first I thought it was Madame Web who summoned us here, but it was actually Doctor Strange who did it. He had to create shadow constructs of our bodies, tied our spirits to them, and allowed us to exist. He didn't shape our bodies- our spirits did that. He only assured we took the forms of humans."

Twilight's eyes widened. "He was able to do that? His magic must be very powerful. It sounds like I can learn from him." She tilted her head to the side. "But wait. If he gave you and me the form of humans, why didn't he do the same for Spike?"

Peter raised his index finger. "I guess you could say this is an echo of Spike's true self or what he'll grow up to be."

Spike shook his head disapprovingly. "I still don't agree with him. I'm going to be a monster when I grow up." His voice choked as he raised his claws inches from his face.

Taken aback, Twilight placed her hand over her chest, and Peter frowned, both sharing a saddened gaze with each other. Twilight spoke up first. "Everypony grows up, Spike. You will, too."

Folding his arms over his chest, Peter nodded. "Yeah. You will grow up, but it's up to you to decide what kind of person you'll become. If you become a monster, it'll be because youwantto be, but I know that's not the case with you. To me and Twilight, you may be larger than us, but you'll always be our little brother."

Spike raised his head, his eyes rather moist. "R-Really?"

Twilight smiled. "Of course. You've always been noble, Spike. There's no shame in growing up. You will, eventually, but when you do, you'll be the same gentle dragon that I know and love."

Peter's smile remained intact as he patted the dragon over the top of his head. "She's right. Nobody's perfect, little bro. Everybody makes mistakes. You resist temptation every day, and you're stronger than you realize." He grinned, prompting Twilight to do the same. They held the dragon closely, Peter patting the side of his head while Twilight wrapped her arms around his neck in an embrace. "We couldn't be prouder of you, little bro."

Spike nodded, brushing his claw over his face. Peter wrapped his arm back around Twilight's shoulder. He pulled the girl closer, as if protecting her from the outside world. Though they were nearly the same height in pony form, with only a couple of inches of difference, Twilight's head came to Peter's shoulders in their human forms, making the girl rather short in comparison to her lover. Yet, she didn't mind this change. Smiling inwardly, Twilight allowed Peter's warmth to engulf her.

The young man grinned, turning his gaze toward the ceiling. "I know what you're going through, Twilight. It wasn't that long ago when I first turned into a pony." He kissed the girl over the crown of her head, causing her cheeks to burn brightly. She peeked up, staring lovingly into her boyfriend's eyes. He, in turn, smiled warmly. "You helped me then. I'll do the same for you now."

"Oh, Peter. You're so sweet," Twilight cooed before giving the young man a brief yet affectionate kiss. "We're in another world, but you're right here, looking out for me. Where would I be without you?"

Spike groaned, bringing his claw over his face. "You two are going to make me hurl."

Suddenly, small traces of energy engulfed every shard of stone and rubble from the wall Peter and Twilight demolished. They levitated from the ground and floated back toward the hole in the wall. Like pieces to a jigsaw puzzle, the pieces of rubble formed together. The cracks remained, but that same energy burned brightly before dissipating, in turn erasing any evidence of damage. Twilight attempted to stand, only to fall back into the waiting arms of Peter.

Before anyone could react, an individual appeared a few feet from their position in a flash of light, floating in a sitting position with his legs crossed and a crimson cape flapping behind his blue coat. The man opened his grey eyes and smiled at the trio, rubbing one of his yellow-gloved hands through the white strands in his jet-black hair.

The man laughed lightly. "Well, I had a suspicion you would be restless, but the last thing I expected was for you to blow a man-sized hole in the wall of my home."

Spike gulped, raising his large claw over Twilight's tiny frame. "Shedid it."

As Twilight giggled sheepishly, Peter shook his head. "No, it's my fault, Doc. I stepped out for a moment to grab Twilight some water. I didn't think she would wake up so soon." He tightened his grip on her shoulders. "Look at it fromherview. You wake up with a hangover and everything's gone wacko-jacko.Youtry acting normally."

With a smirk, the man calmly shook his head. "The last thing I'm worried about is property damage, my friend. The mystic arts make repairs quite easy. I'm more surprised your girlfriend was capable of conjuring magic potent enough to shatter a magically reinforced wall."

Peter smiled. "I'm a kidder at heart, but I wasn't joking about Twilight. She was born in a world full of magic, and she's one of the most powerful magic users there. I guess you can say Twilight's a prodigy there."

Twilight glanced away, a pink flush forming in her cheeks. "Don't talk like that, Peter." Ignoring her embarrassment, the girl directed her gaze to the man floating from the ground. "I take it you're Doctor Strange?" Once he nodded, Twilight smiled weakly. "Peter told me you know what's going on. Would you please give us an explanation? Why are we on Earth?"

"And how is Madame Web involved?" Peter asked, his irritation evident in his voice.

"So many questions. Fortunately, I have some answers," Strange replied, flicking his wrist. The door opened and allowed the man to float outside. "Follow me to the lobby. All will be explained soon enough."

Osborn's blank yellow eyes shot open. His large, green form sat in a stone seat in the midst of a room. Others were present, remaining silent out of fear and respect of the self-proclaimed god.

A wicked, fanged smile formed on the Goblin's face. "Ah, there you are, Parker."

He turned to his side just as an individual appeared in a bright flash of light. Her skin was fair, and her hair, which came down to her shoulders, was a perfect mixture of crimson and yellow streaks. She wore a simple, black leather jacket over a violet shirt, an insignia of a sun placed over her chest, and a matching orange skirt with a violet streak on the side. Her black boots matched her entire attire, bearing a violet flame at the toe. The crown on her head was golden, a beautiful violet gem placed at the center.

Extending her hand, she offered him a small, crystal heart. "Here's our friend, as you requested. Shall I free him?"

The Goblin took the heart into his hand, smiling as a pair of crimson irises glared at him intently from within the gem. "Not quite yet. We will let him get his exercise in good time."

Her bright cyan eyes widened, darkening to a shade of black momentarily. "Master. Is it time for us to begin our takeover then?"

Osborn nodded. "Yes. Like a moth to the flame, Spider-Man came to retrieve the crown of his princess. How noble yet so foolish." Standing from his seat, he turned to the countless followers bathed in the shadows. "Now we draw him out of hiding. Sunset Shimmer. Prepare our forces." His smile grew in width, "We will attack the SHIELD helicarrier tomorrow night. It is time the world feels the wrath of god."

Doctor Strange had only gone over a few of the details, but Peter sat with his head lowered and fingers clenched into his unkempt hair. Twilight placed her hand over his knee, giving it a reassuring squeeze with her still-unfamiliar fingers. Peter shook his head, attempting to accept the truth, but it was difficult, even for one who participated in unbelievable feats regularly.

"I can't believe it. Four years," he murmured, placing his hand over Twilight's. "I've been in Equestria for about three months. How did that much time pass?"

Twilight frowned, her eyes filled with empathy. "I guess time goes by faster in this dimension. Four years seems like a lot, but it could be much,muchworse. Think about what it would be like if it was four hundred years? At least most of the pon...uh...people you cared about should still be around, right?"

"I… hope so," Peter muttered, his voice hanging near silence for ages.

Strange nodded. "You are quite perceptive, my dear. I sensed a magical anomaly a week ago, but it disappeared before I could hope to trace it. That same day, Madame Web reached me telepathically and informed me of the situation. She knew of the thief's identity and their accomplice. The good madame also told me of your whereabouts, Spider-Man."

The sorcerer managed to smile. "This entire time, the world believed you had given up and retired. Others, including myself, thought you had been killed. It pleases me to learn that neither accusation was true. You were summoned to a different dimension and made quite a name for yourself. A knight to a beautiful princess? It truly worked out well for you."

After a few moments, Peter managed to return Strange's smile with one of his own. "Yeah, I'm lucky to have met Twilight. She's easily the best thing I have ever had in my life." He tightened his grip on her hand, adding to the genuine warmth the girl felt. Peter's smile soon faded as a stern frown took its place. "Strange. The reason I've been gone is because Madame Web gave Twilight a spell book to summon me there. Sheknowswhat's going on, but she refuses to tell meanything. The whole time I thought I wasstuckin Equestria. Did she pull me back here? Or was it you?"

"I'm sorry. The good madame was cryptic and only providedsomeanswers," Strange responded, shaking his head.

Peter snorted. "Typical."

Strange inhaled deeply before releasing his breath. "I was the one who summoned you back to Earth. It was per Madame Web's request." The sorcerer extended his hand as it glowed with energy, and in response, Peter's body emitted a bright, yellow glow. "The incantation Madame Web performed on you is a binding spell. Once Miss Twilight performed the summoning spell, your body and essence attached themselves to Twilight's spirit. In turn, a piece of her spirit fused with your own, and the connection was solidified."

Strange lowered his hands and the glow around Peter dissipated. "Simply put: you are forever bound to remain in Equestria as long as Twilight's spirit remains there. I sense she has very powerful connections to several individuals in that world. The same applies to you as well, Spider-Man. If you were to try to leave on your own, your body and spirit would immediately dissipate and return to Equestria. The only way I managed to bring you here was to fuse a temporary counter spell with your magical essence to keep you from teleporting back prematurely."

Twilight furrowed her brow. "Connections. You must mean the bond I share with my friends, the other bearers of the Elements of Harmony. They hold a power similar to mine. They're connected to me through the most powerful artifacts on the planet. When we're together, we can use the power of the Elements of Harmony, a great magic that can drive away evil." She smiled. "We've been connected since we were fillies. Without them, I wouldn't be where I am now."

Strange brushed his hand over his goatee. "That certainly answers my questions. Since Peter has formed an inseparable bond with you, your fates are forever linked." The older man cleared his throat. "Anyway, I must warn you. The spell will only last as long as the dimensional gate between Earth and Equestria remains open. Should it close and you're not returned within thirty-two days, the bonds tethering you to Equestria that are keeping you alive will be severed, and you'll fade from existence."

Spike lowered his massive head over the couch, just inches from the couple. "Wait! So Peter will disappear forever if we don't find the crown in time?!"

Strange nodded. "Yes, he will, but if time draws too close, I will send him back before he can disappear."

Peter folded his arms. "So Iamstuck in Equestria? A few months ago, I would have been seriously ticked she did something like that without my consent, but I can't really get mad at Madame Web, not when I have Twilight and the others in my life now." He leaned forward in his seat. "That still doesn't excuse what she is doing. It's like she's my puppeteer, and she's pulling my strings." Exhaling, Peter knew he was going in circles and waved his hand dismissively. "Anyway, it doesn't matter. Let's focus on getting Twilight's crown back. It's very important to Equestria, and it wouldn't bode well if we failed to get it back."

Using her magic, Twilight held a glass of salt water in midair. She was not quite ready to use her fingers yet. Fortunately, her magic capabilities and mechanics remained the same, through concentration and will power. Twilight took a sip out of her glass, but her fingers twitched, sending a wave of energy out. The glass teetered over and poured its contents over the girl's face and upper body, soaking the silk pajama shirt she wore.

Exasperated, Twilight whined as she blankly stared at the digits on her hands. "It feels like I have tentacles on my hooves."

"I've seen enough hentai to know wherethisis- Ow!" Peter snickered before Twilight's open palm slapped him over the back of the head.

Strange raised his brow as Twilight aimed to strike Peter a second time. "I seethathasn't changed about you, Spider-Man. My sympathies, Miss Twilight."

Twilight tuned out Spike's laughter long enough to avert her gaze to the sorcerer. "We're wasting time. Please, Doctor Strange. Madame Web told you who stole my crown?" Her eyes widened once Peter offered her a dry cloth. Twilight accepted the gift with a smile. Despite her lover's annoying tendencies, he knew just how to swoon the girl without even trying. Shaking her head, Twilight shifted her attention back to Strange, unaware her free hand instinctively found its way back into Peter's warm and gentle grip. "What's their name, and who are they working for?"

Gathering his thoughts, Strange took a moment to answer. "Sunset Shimmer. I'm not familiar with her, but I've heard of her master. She's working for Norman Osborn, the Green Goblin."

"Sunset Shimmer…" Twilight murmured, her brow furrowing before her eyes shot open at a realization. "Wait! I know that name. Sunset Shimmer was Princess Celestia's former apprentice before she accepted me as her student."

Peter rested his chin in his palm. "You said 'former'. Did something happen between Shimmer and Celestia?"

Twilight turned to pet Spike, her tiny hand caressing the crown of the dragon while avoiding the spikes scattered about. "I was only a filly and Spike was just a hatchling when I became Princess Celestia's pupil. Nopony- I mean nobody- really talked about Shimmer, but I have heard rumors from the professors at Canterlot's School for Gifted Unicorns." She placed her hand over her knees, clutching at the silk until it wrinkled. "Sunset was very gifted, said to be quite powerful, but she was aggressive, arrogant, and confrontational. From what I heard, she and Princess Celestia argued a lot."

Spike tapped his claw against the hardwood floor, scratching away the polished surface with ease. "This might be Sunset Shimmer's way of getting back at Princess Celestia."

"Maybe," Twilight hesitantly muttered, raising one hand defensively, "but Osborndoeshave Discord's powers. He could be using his powers of influence to control Shimmer. This might explain why Sunset was able to leap across dimensions like this. Discord was able to do so in a weakened state. This means Osborn-"

"-has proper control over Discord's powers," Peter stated, earning an affirming nod from Twilight. "It doesn't make sense though. If he could use that ability, why didn't he come to Equestria himself? Discord made it clear that Osborn wants me dead." Running a hand through his unkempt hair, Peter grumbled, but his expression brightened, as if his mind came across a logical solution. "Unless he couldn't fully make the leap himself. It was Discord's spirit that traveled from Equestria to Earth. Spirits are able to leap across dimensions a lot easier than physical bodies. That wouldn't stop him from doing what Twilight did: summon someone."

Tilting his head to the side, Spike stared at the couple. "What are you two getting at?"

Twilight shared a glance with Peter before turning to face Spike. "There are several possibilities, but a couple of theories come into mind. First, Osborn could have met with Sunset Shimmer and made a bargain with her to lure Peter away from Equestria. She stole my crown, and we came right after her." She shrugged, shaking her head. "Second, Osborn could have possessed Shimmer and made her steal the crown against her will. Under his influence, she wouldn't know what she was doing. That probably allowed Osborn to perform a summoning spell on Shimmer. They're only theories, but…"

Peter placed his hand over Twilight's shoulder. "They're both pretty solid theories, but we won't know anything for sure until we find Osborn or Shimmer." The trio shared a nod with each other before Peter forced himself back to a vertical base and faced the sorcerer. "So, Doc. You have an idea where those two could be?"

"Sadly, I do not. No one has heard from Norman Osborn for over three years after he attacked several of his cohorts. I assume he's hiding in a bunker with magical and radio frequency shielding. It would explain why no one has been able to pick up on his movements," Strange replied, not taking his eyes off of the young man.

Before the group could accept a temporary defeat, the sorcerer held out his hand, allowing his magical energy to take the form of a violet orb over his palm.

"Do not fear, my friends. From what I gathered, the crown which you seek has the exact same magical signature as Miss Twilight's spirit. With some time, I can create a tracking spell, but I'm afraid Twilight will be the only one who can use it."

Twilight placed a hand on her arm, smiling. "You can really do that?"

Strange smirked, levitating the orb from his possession over to the young girl. "It is a small feat for the Sorcerer Supreme, my dear." The energy faded, trailing into Twilight's body. Afterwards, he gazed toward Peter. "Under normal circumstances, this would only take seconds or minutes to complete, but my energy's being expended, keeping the portal between Earth and Equestria open. I'm required to rest every few hours, but I can guarantee the spell will be ready tomorrow night. Are you fine with this, Spider-Man?"

Peter nodded, giving the sorcerer a thumbs-up approval. "That's perfect. It'll give Twilight and Spike some time to get used to their new bodies." Placing his hands on his hips, the young man huffed outwardly. "Plus, all of our stuff is back in Equestria. I'll have to make a new pair of web-shooters while we wait for you to complete that tracking spell." His hazel irises widened at a belated realization. "Hey, Doc. I need another favor."

Strange raised his brow at the suddenness of the request. "What is it?"

Peter offered his hand to Twilight, who politely accepted the gesture. "Twilight's a fast learner, and I have a feeling she'll be out on the front line with me. Think you can have a costume ready for her by tomorrow night? She'll need something to look heroic."

"Madame Web already considered that," Strange countered, causing Peter to shoot him a bemused glare. "She already had your costume and web-shooters recreated and sent here. She was also kind enough to give Miss Twilight proper heroic attire. They're both in your quarters upstairs. Just try not to destroy another wall of my home if you can help it." Closing his eyes, Strange solidified his focus and resumed his meditation, allowing his body to glow with a royal blue aura. "Now make yourselves at home and leave me to my work. Should you need my assistance, do not hesitate to call me."

Peter sighed as he gently pulled Twilight to her feet. "So what now?"

Twilight stole a glance at the open door leading to their quarters before returning her violet gaze to her knight. "Let's go upstairs. There's a lot we need to talk about." Taking her advice to heart, Peter lifted the girl into his slender yet powerful arms and held her bridal style. Her mind grew fuzzy at the thought of being handled so gently, but Twilight shook her head, recollecting her nerve as she stared at her magically grown dragon. If only she could her hide her blush as well. "Spike, I need you to do something for me. After I have Peter write a letter, I want you to send it to Princess Celestia, okay?"

Stopping in his tracks, Peter raised his brow at the girl. "We're in another dimension. Do you think Spike can still do that?"

"It's worth a try," Twilight innocently retorted, placing a hand over her chest. "I'm sure she would like to know where we are. If she didn't, it'd cause a panic. I also think she needs to know what's become of Sunset Shimmer."

"You're right. We'll work out. In the mean time, we have to teach you proper human etiquette," Peter chuckled, making his way upstairs with his lover in his arms. He smirked. "Speaking of which, since you're going to become a super heroine soon, you'll need a new catchphrase. Something like 'Pon' Power!'or 'Equestria Girl!"

"I already have a phrase in mind," she whispered before clocking Peter over the side of the head, earning a crisp 'Ow!' for her effort. Twilight rolled her eyes and blankly stared at her annoying lover. "Shut up."

Thirty-One Days Remain (Earth) - Fifteen Days Remain (Equestria)

The lessons were going well. Twilight found a way to perfect the art of walking without falling on her face too often. She was a natural-born klutz, but the girl managed to learn how to jog and sprint as well. It was a complete chore in comparison to a four-hooved gallop. With her vast intellect, everything else went smoothly for Twilight. She learned to drop 'pony' from words such as 'any', 'every', and 'some', placing 'body' and 'one' in its place, but she had occasional slipups, much like Peter had to this very day.

They remained in the Sanctum Sanctorum, not going out into the outside world until Peter felt Twilight was ready. The last thing he wanted to do was start a panic with the populace. The people of Earth weren't nearly as open-minded or accepting as the beings of Equestria. There was a chance they would mistake Twilight for a mutant, should she accidentally use her powers in public. Fortunately, being a prodigy and a genius, Twilight learned how to use and control her magic effectively within a twenty-four hour span, though staying up for a majority of the night helped in that case for the young girl.

Understandably, there were several questions Twilight had about humans, one being their need for clothes. Without fur, humans were far more susceptible to heat and cold. However, for Peter, he stressed that clothing was there to keep one looking decent, as humans had 'more to hide' in a sense. To be frank, Peter was very specific in his instruction. Guys and girls, the ones who were heterosexual, were only naked for their special mate for certain occasions behind closed doors. Needless to say, Twilight understood that perfectly, considering the stage her relationship with Peter had blossomed into.

Luckily, she found a lovely set of clothing in her closet. It seemed Madame Web had a good idea of what she would like, heroic costume included. She sat with a violet skirt and black pair of leggings that rose to her lower thighs. A dark blue vest was placed over her white cotton, long-sleeved shirt, and she wore a pair of thick, black boots over her feet. Twilight was quick to admit how cumbersome it felt to wear so much clothing, including strange things called 'bras' and 'panties.'

Twilight smiled inwardly. On her own, learning about the human world would have been challenging, but she had an excellent teacher in her coltfriend, or ratherboyfriend. Peter was patient, willing to answer every question Twilight had, and she had plenty to ask out of natural and scientific curiosity. There was a saying in Equestria. 'To understand somepony, you must walk a mile in their shoes.' Now she was starting to see what Peter went through a few months back, trying to understand the techniques and methods that came naturally to herself.

She was able to appreciate the young man for what he was doing on a personal level. As Spike slept in the back of the lobby, taking up a majority of the room, Twilight sat on the couch, reading a map of New York's many tourist attractions. She stole glances of Peter out of the corner of her violet irises, who stood by the window with his arms crossed and a somber expression in his hazel eyes.

Twilight placed her booklet down over the table before forcing herself to a standing position. "Peter, what's wrong?"

Peter's eyes widened at the sound of the girl's soft voice. His attire was simple, being a blue short-sleeve shirt over a white long-sleeved top accompanied with a pair of beige pants and black tennis shoes.

Scratching the back of his head, Peter chuckled. "It's nothing, I'm just…"

He droned off, shifting his gaze back to the window. Twilight quietly made her way to his side, wrapping her slims arms around one of his slender limbs once she was within range. Her hand found his own, and their fingers linked instinctively. They stood in comfortable silence, with Peter gathering his thoughts while Twilight patiently waited for him to talk with her. Sighing, he conceded, turning his head to face his lover with a defeated smile on his face.

"I hate to sound selfish, but I'm worried about Aunt May. It's been four years. I wonder if she's still living in the same place," he whispered, forcing the lump in his throat down with a swallow. "I just hope she's still alive, period. I never had the chance to tell her the truth about what I really am. I never even had a chance to say goodbye. I just-"

"Howis that selfish?" Twilight strongly questioned, causing Peter to recoil involuntarily. He turned his head away, avoiding the scolding glare the girl aimed in his direction, but it dissipated as a soft smile formed on her face. "You have every right to worry. Your aunt is the closest thing you have to a mother. It's really sweet how much you care." This caused Peter to laugh, prompting Twilight to tighten her grip on his arm. "We have plenty of time. You should go out and find her. I'm sure she's just as worried about you as you are for her."

Peter's expression softened as his gaze met Twilight's. "Are you sure?" She managed to nod before the young man lowered his head and pressed his lips against hers, parting after to kiss the center of her forehead. "I love you so much," he whispered, causing Twilight to shudder with content. His eyes widened and smile grew, a sense of giddiness taking hold. "Hey. If I can find Aunt May, you should come with me. I really want you to meet her."

Twilight giggled. "I'm flattered, Peter, but do you think I'm ready to interact with humans."

He grinned. "You're pretty normal to me. Even if you are a total klutz."

Despite his playful jab, Twilight's smile remained intact along with the pink blush that painted her cheeks. However, before the pair could continue to savor the moment, Doctor Strange appeared in the midst of the room in a bright flash of light, unintentionally waking up Spike in the process. The dragon let out a low yawn as he forced himself from the floor. Twilight rushed over to the sorcerer's position, prompting Peter to follow her lead. Once she was within range, Doctor Strange reared down and placed his fingers against the girl's forehead. He chanted an incantation, causing Twilight's eyes to glow brightly before returning to normal.

"The tracking spell is complete, but I'm afraid that's all the good news I have to offer," Strange declared, holding out his hand. A small orb formed over his palm, and an image formed within, of an aerial vessel taking fire from multiple flying objects. Large clouds of smoke rose from within the airship, and flames spread over the top. "Colonel Fury sent out a priority alert to all metahumans. Osborn has just launched an attack on the SHIELD helicarrier. An army of robots and villains are there, tearing the ship apart."

Gritting his teeth, Peter growled under his breath. "Crud. Osborn's feeling pretty bold if he's attacking the SHIELD helicarrier like this."

Strange raised his hand. "Even if that is the case, there has been no sighting of the Green Goblin aboard the helicarrier. He hacked into Fury's video feed, but that's about it. I managed to hear through a radio transmission that a young, red-haired girl wearing a crown is leading their forces. I believe this is the girl you three are seeking."

Twilight's eyes shot open at the mention of her crown. "It does. We should head over and stop her from causing any further damage." Inhaling deeply, the girl closed her eyes before turning around and pointing skyward. "It's faint, but I can sense my crown in that direction." Opening her eyes, Twilight jogged upstairs, nearly stumbling along the way. "I'll go put on my costume."

Peter lifted his shirt, revealing his Spider-Man costume underneath. He paused, sharing a look with the sorcerer. "How much backup does SHIELD have? Are you going to teleport us there?"

The image in the orb faded, bringing up one of four individuals battling their way through hordes of Osborn's robotic followers. One man in a suit of red and yellow armor flew above, blasting enemies with beams of energy from his hands and chest. A tall, blonde male followed, raising a hammer high over his head. Lightning fell from the sky at his beck and call, disintegrating all of the robots in his path. A robot approached a shorter, gruff male from behind, only to be sliced apart once it got too close.

Snarling, he lunged through the air and knocked another robot to the ground before impaling it several times with the metallic claws that rose from his knuckles. Across from their position, a red and blue round shield with a star at the center soared through the vicinity before decapitating a pair of robots. The shield bounced off the wall, but a fourth man garbed in red, white, and blue placed it back over his arm. They continued to fight their way through the gathering crowds as they traveled through the helicarrier, but the image of the battle faded from the orb before it could begin to reach its conclusion.

"Iron Man, Thor, Wolverine, and Captain America have a good handle on the situation, but it would be best if you found Sunset Shimmer before they did. They could accidentally damage or destroy the crown otherwise," Strange stated, pausing to wipe the sweat from his brow.

Holding out his hand, the sorcerer murmured another incantation, in turn creating a small, jade orb over his palm. Snapping his fingers, the ball of energy flew over to Spike's forehead and seeped into his forehead.

"There is no time to waste. I lack the energy to teleport you three to the helicarrier, but I managed to imbed the knowledge of flight into Spike's spirit. Trust his instincts and follow Miss Twilight's guidance. That way, you three should have no problem finding the helicarrier."

Peter stole a glance of Spike, who pranced in place at the thought of flight, and chuckled nervously at Strange. "All right, Doc. I'll trust you on this. I just hope we don't make a big crater in the ground." His normal clothes were swiftly discarded and thrown off to the side. Peter placed his mask over his head, but before he would pull it over his face, he directed his hazel gaze to the closed door upstairs. "Twilight! Double time! Let's go!"

A burst of purple energy erupted a few feet away, forcing Peter and Spike to slam their eyes shut at the bright flash of light. It dissipated, revealing Twilight in her heroic attire. It was a very light shade of violet with some portions that could have been mistaken for the color white to the untrained eye. A hood was placed over the girl's head, yet it wasn't restrictive, allowing several strands of her violet and pink hair to drape free over her shoulders and breasts. Her arms and hands were shielded by a pair of large gloves, leaving only her fingertips and shoulders exposed.

A leotard hugged her body so tightly. It was quite revealing, leaving her stomach, cleavage, and upper thighs uncovered. Her boots had a similar design to her gloves, coming up to the midsection of her thighs. An insignia of Twilight's cutie mark, a violet star, sat above her chest and below her neck with two others placed on the side of her leggings. The cape she wore, that was attached to the hood, draped over her shoulders and came down to her calves. Twilight pulled her hood back, her cheeks burning as she found Peter's wide-eyed expression.

She brushed the side of her arm. "I feel silly wearing this. Does it...look okay, Peter?"

Spike's eyes grew wide. "Wow, Twilight. I don't know about human fashion, but I think Rarity would go nuts over that costume."

Strange smirked. "More than okay, my dear. You look extravagant. Call me later?"

Peter shot a glare at the sorcerer once Twilight blushed furiously. "Back off, Gandalf." His entire face grew hot as he faced Twilight. "You look amazing, b-but..." he stammered, stepping forward to poke Twilight's exposed stomach. "You forgot your Spandex. It's going to beverycold where we're going. The Spandex will help shield you from the winds." He poked her stomach again, earning a giggle in return. Peter shook his head. "Plus, it's magically reinforced and bulletproof. It'll give you more protection. Take your time and go put it on. I don't want your tummy to have a big bulls-eye on it."

Twilight smiled, appreciating her lover's concern. Disappearing in a flash of light, she went back upstairs, evident by the shuffling sounds that escaped from the room. A few minutes passed, and she reappeared with her costume intact and a pair of indigo-colored tights underneath, covering her previously exposed body parts with the exception of her head. Twilight held her arms out and posed, as if presenting herself. Peter smiled and nodded, stealing a kiss before she could hope to respond.

Smiling as well, Twilight pulled her hood back over her head, prompting Peter to put his mask on properly. His stomach tightened into a knot. Spider-Man was ready to make his return, and his first job was to help take back the SHIELD helicarrier. It was a high task, but as he offered Twilight and Spike a supportive thumbs up, Peter knew he had two reasons not to fail.

"Let's go, you two!"

To be continued...

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