• Published 4th Feb 2012
  • 20,705 Views, 398 Comments

Spiders and Magic: Rise of Spider-Mane - Maximus_Reborn

Spider-Man is brought to Equestria for a second chance at life, but his luck may ruin his opportunity before it can truly begin.

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Endgame, Part II

Chapter Fifty-Eight "Endgame, Part II of IV"

Somewhere, in the Blue Area of the Moon, Uatu stood before nothing in particular and watched the events unfold on Earth-672. The Watcher's duty was to observe and nothing else, but it was becoming increasingly difficult to stand by as the strands of reality unraveled. If Norman Osborn was not to be stopped on this day, the damage to that reality would spread and infect the universe closest to its region: that of Earth-616. That would spell the end for everything, not just of Earth and Equestria but everything that ever lived and will live. Uatu frowned, opening his eyes as an image of this universe's Peter Parker, Twilight Sparkle, Princess Luna, Sunset Shimmer, Spike, Black Cat, and Wolverine took form.

The greatest hero in history was ready to face the greatest monster. It was a duel of fates, one that Peter couldn't face alone. Uatu turned his attention to Twilight Sparkle. Her importance was equally as significant as Peter's. Together, Spider-Man and Twilight Sparkle were truly a force to be reckoned with. They were both so young, and there was so much they were meant to accomplish. Uatu only hoped that they would succeed on this day, not just for the sake of all, but for their own child as well. Everything rested on the shoulders of the Web of Life, its center, and its guardian.

"Spider-Man, Twilight Sparkle, and Princess Luna. The universe needs you."

Shining Armor trotted through the courtyard, occasionally stealing glances at the unfolding action in the projections above. The stallion's ear twitched with each hushed voice spoken by those around him, whispers about the alien living among them and if he was truly trustworthy. Some were even blaming Peter for what was transpiring at the moment. Shining let out a low sigh, biting his lip as an unsettling irritation dwelled within his mind. Everypony was acting out of fear. At times of crisis, the masses feel the need to place the blame on those at the center of the disturbance without thinking rationally.

In this case, most were ignoring the initial good Peter had done, but Shining knew he had no right to judge anypony, considering how he had acted no differently when he first met the outworlder. The stallion chuckled. He was paranoid that his sister hadn't taken the entire situation into consideration, but that was far from the contrary, with Twilight defending Peter with all of her heart every chance she got. If everypony would just open up their hearts like Twilight and her friends did, they would learn that Peter was just as normal as any Equestrian. Sadly, not all ponies were like Twily and her friends.

Shining stopped in his tracks once his father came into his line of sight, but the stallion pressed on, standing by Night Light's side at the end of the courtyard.

"Hey, Dad." Shining softly greeted, earning an empty smile from his father. "Mom told me you would be around here somewhere."

Night Light sighed. "I figured as much." The stallion shifted his gaze skywards, furrowing his brow at the image of Spider-Mane's bipedal form. "Shining. Did you know the truth about Peter this entire time?"

Shining smiled. "Mostly, and I took it about as well as you are right now." Night Light's eyes widened while his son shrugged. "I was worried my little sister was in way over her head dating somepony from another planet. I was shocked to find that Princess Celestia and Princess Luna were both quite comfortable with the situation. Heck, even Cadance knew from the start, and she actually pushed Twilight to express her feelings. You can imagine how much that bothered me for a while. My thick-headed sister refused to listen to me, and my overly-optimistic wife was too excited to rationalize with." Shining scratched the back of his ear. "Honestly, I think Cadance was just happy seeing Twilight acting on her emotions."

"How did you cope with it?" Night Light questioned, his voice wavering with uncertainty.

Shining smirked, huffing under his breath. "I managed to cope when I saw how happy Twilight was and how much she had grown. She's not only using her head, but she's listening to her heart. Quite often too. It's easy to see that Peter is balancing her out, and she's doing the same for him." Night Light arched a brow, prompting Shining to clear his throat. His blue eyes softened, matched only by his somber smile. "Peter's not a bad pony. He's pretty cool. You and I both know this, Dad. After everything is said and done, the road ahead is going to be rough for Twilight and Peter. We should turn our fear into determination and support them. Twilight's friends will be right there for them." Shining nudged his father, offering him his hoof. "I think it's only right that her family supports her too."

For the first time that day, Night Light managed to smile. "Both of you have matured so much." The stallion accepted his son's hoof, pausing to share a glance and a brief yet firm embrace. "You're right. It's strange that I had to have my son teach me such an obvious lesson." Night Light looked skyward, staring intently at the image of Spider-Man. "Twilight speaks so highly of him. It's as if the thought never occurred to her that Peter's an alien. I only hope the world will grow to be as open-minded. Discrimination can be devastating to the heart. It might be too much for Twilight."

Shining nodded. "That's exactly why we need to be there to support her through it. We'll cross that bridge when the time comes. Right now, I think it might be a good idea for you to apologize to Mom. Plus, with everything going on, she's pretty stressed. She needs you." Night Light chuckled nervously, taking the notion and leaving immediately. Shining Armor readied to follow his father, but the stallion paused, stealing a glance at the projection in the sky. "Bring my sister back safely, Peter."

Within the walls of the Daily Bugle, everyone continued to watch the battle rage on through the projection in the sky, but Jameson seemed disinterested as he went through the interview tapes Tara had made. Jonah was lost, unable to cope with the realization that that menace, Spider-Man, was the freelance photographer, Peter Parker, the entire time. He tried to understand the kid's motives. It didn't make any sense. Parker voluntarily worked for a publishing company that despised his alter ego. Sure, Peter openly complained about several of the headlines on occasion, but he always came through with the photos, asking for only the minimum in return.

In every sense, this was a scandal, and Jameson felt he had every right to sue Parker for fraud. Jonah knocked his cup over his desk, groaning. Just thinking like that made him sick. Jameson lifted his gaze to the television screen, furrowing his brow as Tara interviewed a mother and her daughter. The child bore an innocent smile in spite of the burn marks on her face and arms. Tara offered the young girl a canned drink before sitting in the chair across from her position.

"So, what brings you here?" Tara asked sweetly, brushing a strand of her violet locks behind her ear.

The young girl smiled, pausing to adjust the pink cap on her head. "I just wanted to thank Spider-Man. He saved me from a fire when I was little!"

Tara's eyes widened as she placed a hand over her mouth. "So, those marks on your body…" she trailed off.

The girl nodded. "Mommy said I'm alive because of Spider-Man. I know he's not a bad man." Tara's lips curled into a smile, although the tears pouring from her eyes may have indicated negative emotions. The child stood from her seat before walking up to Tara. The woman opened her eyes, finding the young girl with her arms openly extended. "Would you like a hug?"

Jameson sighed somberly once Tara accepted the child's offer, shutting off the tape after the pair shared an embrace. She wouldn't understand why Jonah hated Spider-Man so much. No one would. Jameson struck his desk before lowering his head shamefully. All of his life, he had been interested in only one thing: money. Yet, Spider-Man risked his life everyday with no thought of a reward. He was a hero, simple as that, but if Spider-Man was good, what was Jameson? Jonah's hand fell over his forehead, a dismayed sigh escaping from his mouth. He could never respect himself while Spider-Man lived.

Jameson got his wish. Spider-Man disappeared for four long years. One would think he would have enjoyed the moment, but Jonah couldn't. Everything fell apart. Spider-Man represented everything that Jameson was not: brave, powerful, and unselfish. Despite the Bugle nearly collapsing in debt, Jameson was still a millionaire, man of the world, and civic leader of society, but it was hollow, for Jonah wanted to trade it all away to be half the person Spider-Man was. Jameson shook his head. He envied him, so much so, but Jonah knew he could never climb to Spider-Man's level. It took four years for him to learn that.

Perhaps it was time to let it go. Jameson turned his seat around and gazed at the image in the sky. Sighing inwardly, the older man nodded. "I'm jealous of you. I've wanted nothing more than to tear you down to my level, but I can't do that. Not anymore." He forced the lump in his throat down with a swallow, dropping his pride for this one moment. "Spider-Man. You're a true hero. Thank you for protecting the city. Thank you for saving my son. And…" He closed his eyes, inhaling deeply before exhaling. His frown resurfaced. "You're still a menace, but just this once, I'm hoping you'll win."

Osborn's fist emitted a bright light before slamming into the air, generating a flow of fissures that ripped the space surrounding the platform and revealed the cosmos. Lightning continued to fall from the sky, striking the platform until electrical currents rushed across the ground. The Goblin's broad shoulders trembled as his fanged smile grew in width, the flames surrounding his body melting the rock near his position. The wind grew increasingly rampant, blowing away pieces of stone that had been loosened from the platform.

"Bark as much as you want. Everything ends here and now," Goblin coldly declared, raising his glowing arms high over his head. "I offer you one last chance, Peter. Join my cause. We'll wipe this reality clean. We'll rule as gods."

Spider-Man clutched the crystal heart in his hand, tossing it to Black Cat before gripping the handle ofCelsius. "The only thing that ends is your sick, twisted delusion. We're going to make sure of that."

Osborn smirked as sparks of electricity escaped from his body. "Then, by all means, try."

Sunset Shimmer shot past everyone, soaring at top speed until she reached the Goblin, and the girl drove her fist into his jaw, the force of the blow creating a small gust of wind. Osborn grinned, his form failing to budge an inch, and he countered with a strike of his own, punching the center of Sunset's forehead with enough force to generate a shockwave. Shimmer's body rocketed across the platform, bouncing off the ground for several yards before colliding into the remnants of a stone wall. A dust cloud erupted as the chunks of rock buried the girl. Energy ignited from the pile of debris, spiraling around Sunset as she forced herself to a standing position.

Shimmer's wings stretched out, flapping once to send the girl airborne, and she flew towards the Green Goblin a second time. Luna, Twilight, and Spike soared after her. Spider-Man and Black Cat followed on foot, sprinting before breaking off in two different directions. Luna slowed to a halt and raised her hand high over her head. Thunder roared from the clouds above her position before a pair of lightning bolts fell, spiraling around the woman's body like a vortex.

Luna's sky-blue irises disappeared behind a clear light as she extended her hand, sending the lightning out. Reminiscent to a razor-sharp spear, the twin bolts of electricity joined together and sped toward the Goblin, but Osborn lunged forward, capturing the lightning in his grasp before forcing the energy into the shape of an orb and throwing it back at the princess. Twilight and Shimmer swayed to the side, narrowly avoiding the sphere.

Luna flicked her wrist, raising a shield around her body at the last moment, but the orb shattered the defense, wrapping the woman's body in a massive electrical wave. She fell from the air and landed on her shoulders, groaning as sparks escaped from her limp, scorched frame. Goblin pointed his finger down, prompting a bolt of lightning to fall from the sky and head for Luna. However, Spider-Man hopped in front of the princess, the electricity colliding with his chest, but the energy dissipated, seeping into his armor.

Spider-Man raised his arms, pointing them at Osborn as the gauntlets hummed and glowed. "Electro-proof armor. Never leave home without it. It even comes equipped with a sweet redirect feature!"

A large burst of energy shot out from Spider-Man's arms, striking Osborn and knocking him back. Twilight gritted her teeth, straining as violet energy spiraled into the palms of her hands. Goblin's yellow eyes widened, but his confident smirk resurfaced before Osborn slammed his fist into the ground. Golden fissures tore through the rock, and the stone freed itself from the ground, levitating directly in front of Norman's position. Suddenly, the rock disappeared from sight, materializing a few feet from Twilight. The young princess unleashed her energy, reducing the object to dust before it could come into contact with her body.

That same moment, the Green Goblin's massive fist ripped through the cloud and slammed into Twilight's chest. The impact jettisoned the girl into the ground, shards of rocks shooting out as a crater took form. Spike tackled Osborn out of midair and rammed his body through a stone pillar, and the dragon roared before grabbing the man by the waist and punching him into the ground with his claw. While the Goblin's form was buried underneath the stone, Spike inhaled deeply, but the second he prepared to release the flames from within his mouth, Osborn flicked his wrist. A large bolt of electricity rushed from the sky, ramming into the dragon's back.

As Spike lost his balance, the Goblin hopped to a vertical base and cackled as he lifted the dragon with his telekinesis, hurling him through a large chunk of stone. Osborn levitated into the air until he was positioned over Spike, but before he could react, a wave of energy soared through the sky and exploded once it struck the Goblin's body.Celsiushummed as its energy faded; Spider-Man swiftly sheathing the sword onto his back. Sunset Shimmer materialized underneath Osborn, howling as she drove her glowing fist into the underside of the demon's chin. Fissures took form on Osborn's body before detonating, sending the Goblin skyward.

Norman disappeared from sight and materialized inches behind Sunset's position, wrapping his large hand around her head before speeding into a freefall. Osborn slammed Shimmer into the ground face-first, sending violent quakes through the platform, and the ground cracked, eventually shattering apart. Goblin stood from the crater, unable to react as Black Cat leapt over his shoulders and drove her knee into his chin. Osborn staggered back, snarling before slamming his fist into the ground. Spikes rose from the floor, forcing Felicia to flip away from the hazards, but she could do nothing as the rocky thorns approached Shimmer, who had not freed herself from the crater yet.

However, a strand of webbing shot across the vicinity and latched onto Sunset's back, snatching her body away before the spikes could find their mark. Spider-Man hopped into the air and captured Shimmer in his arms. A stalagmite shot from the ground where Peter landed. The young man managed to maintain his balance on its tip before he and Shimmer were launched into the sky. Osborn lunged with his arms fully extended, ready to attack the airborne pair, but the thrusters built into Spider-Man's legs ignited, allowing Peter to spin out of the Goblin's attempted grasp and fly to safety.

"Iron Man's not the only one with a suit that can fly!" Spider-Man shouted before Luna returned to the fray, soaring through the windy sky to deliver a fierce straight kick to the Goblin's jaw.

Spike landed on the ground, en route to where Osborn was going to land, swatting the demon with his tail once he was within range, and Norman was launched into the air. Twilight materialized in front of the dragon, an orb of magical energy hovering over the palm of her hand. The princess threw the sphere to the greatest of her ability, and it collided with Osborn's chest, triggering a chain reaction that left the Goblin's body engulfed in a violet-colored explosion. A trail of dust escaped from the shockwave, forcing everyone to shield their eyes.

Spider-Man landed by his group, and Shimmer forced herself from his arms, groaning as she shook the cobwebs from her cranium. The smoke from the explosion began to clear while the surrounding energy dissipated. The Green Goblin huffed, pausing to stretch his muscular neck until a set of pops were heard. Osborn dropped from his position and slammed his glowing fist into the ground. Golden fissures spread across the platform instantaneously before glowing brightly, disintegrating the stone into dust. Black Cat screamed as she plummeted from the sky, but Spike swooped underneath her, allowing Felicia to land safely on the back of his neck.

Black Cat sighed, rubbing the side of Spike's head as the dragon flapped his wings to maintain flight. "Thanks. What about the others?"

Luna lowered next to the pair, folding her arms while Twilight, Shimmer, and Spider-Man neared their position as well. "Everyone is accounted for."

The Green Goblin glared maliciously at the group, his yellow eyes emitting a bright light. Spider-Man tossed a crystal heart to Luna, who caught the jewel without averting her line of sight from Osborn, and he silently handed one to Twilight. The Goblin bolted through the air, snatching Peter by his chest before anyone could react. The demon sped across the city, driving his adversary through a series of stone walls until they reached the basement of a building. Osborn pinned Spider-Man to the ground with his hand, using the other to hammer Peter across his face until the floor underneath his body began to crack and the helmet shattered.

Twilight materialized between the two men in a flash of light, howling as she drove her glowing fist into the bridge of Norman's nose. Osborn staggered back, instinctively relinquishing his hold over Peter, and the princess continued her assault, blasting the Goblin's midsection with an array of magical bolts. Twilight vanished, materializing several meters away before her wings flapped and launched her body. However, the Green Goblin jumped to the side, narrowly avoiding the girl's punch, and he quickly countered, slamming his fist into Twilight's stomach. The princess spiraled across the room, her momentum ceasing only after she collided into the side of a car.

Osborn's hand began to glow, his arm quivering as energy from the air spiraled into his being. Cackling, the Goblin unleashed a beam, the entire building shaking as it neared the prone princess. Spider-Man hopped into the energy's path with his back facing Twilight, and he raisedCelsius, managing to block the beam directly. Luna soared in through the opening in the wall with Black Cat close behind. Both women tossed their crystal hearts across the room at the same time. Once the jewels were a few feet from Osborn, Twilight snapped her fingers, causing the crystal hearts to explode in a bright flash of light.

The Goblin clutched at his eyes, screaming as his sight was compromised. Spider-Man planted his foot before Osborn's beam of energy spiraled aroundCelsius, and he lunged forward, redirecting the energy back at its owner in a spin. The beam detonated on impact, sending Norman flying through the nearest wall, but as soon as he skidded to a halt, Shimmer materialized over his position with a car in her telekinetic grasp. She slammed the vehicle over his head, burying the Goblin under the heap of metal, but once Sunset readied to repeat her action, Osborn unleashed a ball of fire from his hand.

The flame orb exploded, engulfing Shimmer's body in a blaze as she was slammed through a stone column. Spider-Man and Twilight emerged, ready to strike Osborn from overhead. Goblin clenched his glowing fist and punched the air, generating a shockwave that launched the princess and knight across the room. Luna dove into view, swinging her fist across Osborn's face twice. However, the Goblin brushed off the attack and tackled the princess to the ground, slamming his massive fist across her chest until her back shattered the concrete underneath her.

Black Cat flipped into the air, prepared to deliver a spinning heel kick, but Osborn grabbed Luna by her leg and swung the princess, using her body to knock Felicia out of the air. The Green Goblin lifted Luna by her head before delivering a straight punch. The blow sent the princess bursting through several walls until she reached the street, rolling across the ground before skidding to a halt. Sunset Shimmer flipped to her feet, stretching her wings before jetting towards Osborn. Wrapping her arms around his waist, she managed to lift the Goblin and ram him into the ceiling of the room.

Spider-Man followed up, delivering a series of punches into Osborn's gut, and he continued his assault, pushing Norman through each floor until they breached the rooftop. Norman's momentum carried him high into the sky where Twilight shot a violet beam into his chest, spinning his body about. Shimmer followed suit, firing a blast into the demon. The Green Goblin raised his arms, managing to stop his momentum as he blocked their attacks. Spike soared into view with Felicia in his claws. The dragon reared back and threw the woman towards the Goblin. Black Cat spun before shifting her weight, driving her foot across Osborn's face.

Twilight raised her free hand, capturing Felicia via telekinesis before levitating the thief back to the top of Spike's neck and resuming her own magical attack on Osborn. Luna hovered over their positions while keeping her arms raised high over her head. Bolts of lightning fell from the black sky, rushing into the orb of electricity spiraling over the palms of the woman's hands. Luna bellowed as she unleashed the attack, the orb colliding into the Goblin. Sparks of electricity escaped from his being before his body was jettisoned away, leaving behind a trail of smoke. Osborn crashed through the upper wall of a building, sending shards of glass and stone flying about.

He prepared to step out of the hole, but Spider-Man, Twilight, Luna, and Shimmer tackled the demon simultaneously, driving his body through every wall in their path until they were airborne once more. Spike soared behind the Goblin, releasing a trail of emerald flames from his mouth as he neared. Black Cat jumped from the dragon's back, freefalling before eventually landing on the nearest building's rooftop. Twilight, Luna, and Shimmer gathered their energy, surrounding Osborn before unleashing their magical beams into the demon while Spike continued to burn the Goblin.

Each energy attack bore into their target, consuming Norman's body in a spiraling wave, and Spider-Man threw a crystal heart into the vortex, triggering a chain reaction that resulted in an explosion of light. Dust spread from the eruption, forcing everyone to brace themselves, and something shot from the generated cloud, slamming into the street. Twilight, Luna, and Shimmer teleported to the ground, keeping their gazes centered on the crater while Spike flew to their position with Black Cat and Spider-Man on his back.

"Did we get him?" Spike asked before Spider-Man and Black Cat hopped from his back.

An eerie silence fell across the vicinity as the dust cleared. Tremors began to course throughout the street, forcing the entire group to steady their footing. Suddenly, Osborn burst from the ground and brought his arms against his chest. A force tugged at everyone's chest, snatching them from the ground and levitating their bodies near his position. Osborn threw his arms to the side. Luna, Black Cat, and Sunset Shimmer flew out in response, crashing through the glass window of the nearest building.

The back of Felicia's head cracked against a steel beam, hindering the woman unconscious. Luna slammed into a wall, and her frame was imbedded in the stone. Shimmer burst through the entire building and spiraled until she landed on the roof of a car, denting the vehicle. Spider-Man wrapped his arm around Twilight's waist and used his free hand to shoot a strand of webbing onto the top of a street pole, ceasing their unwanted flight.

Spike managed to hold his ground, his claws digging deep into the concrete. Osborn cackled, cracking the knuckles in his fist before dashing toward the dragon. His hand disappeared behind a blinding light as it drove into Spike's gut, rupturing the flesh. White cracks spread across the dragon's body, beams of light escaping from the openings within. Spike roared in agony before his body was engulfed in an explosion, the resulting shockwave shattering every glass window within proximity.

"Spike!" Peter yelled, releasing his hold on the strand of webbing and sprinting through the spreading dust cloud.

Twilight scrambled out of Peter's arms before running ahead of the young man. "No! Spike!"

The couple sped through the smoke, skidding to a halt once the Green Goblin's hulking image came into view. Twilight searched frantically for Spike, and her eyes swelled with tears the longer she continued her failing search. Traces of white energy danced in the breeze, dissipating before having the chance to touch the ground. The Green Goblin turned around, narrowing his gaze on Spider-Man.

Peter clenched his fist as he reached forCelsius. "Youscumbag!"

However, the young man stopped once something pulled at his leg. Peter peeked down, stammering at what he found. He reached over and nudged Twilight's shoulder. The princess freed herself from her sobbing spell, giving the knight a saddened expression, but her face beamed once her bloodstained eyes fell on the baby dragon standing by Peter's leg. She reached out to Spike just as he did the same towards her, but his image dissolved, morphing into the shape of a small orb before vanishing in a flash of light.

"W-What just happened?!" Twilight cried out, her stunned gaze locked on the sky.

Peter was silent for a few moments, shifting his line of sight between Twilight and the Goblin. "I'm not sure…"

"Do not fret. Spike has been returned to Equestria,"an elderly woman's voice softly declared in the confines of both Twilight's and Peter's mind. "Norman Osborn only managed to destroy Spike's spiritual vessel. Thanks to the rupture between the worlds, I was able to return the young dragon back to Canterlot."

Twilight let out a relieved sigh, placing a hand over her chest. "Thank goodness."

Peter furrowed his brow. "Madame Web…"

"It has been quite some time, Spider-Man. I know there is much you want to discuss, but it will have to wait. You must focus on the task at hand."

Spider-Man groaned under his breath, his frustration evident, but he nodded, placing his hand over Twilight's shoulder before taking a step in front of his princess. "As cryptic as ever. Whatever. Thanks for helping Spike. It looks like we caught a break." Peter lowered his body into a defensive stance. "Unlike Spike,wewon't get a second chance if we get hit like that."

"Stand firm, Spider-Man, and you as well, Twilight Sparkle. The fate of reality depends on your success,"Madame Web stated, her voice fading from their thoughts.

Spider-Man huffed. "Right. No pressure."

Goblin cackled wickedly. "I see. The dragon has bought himself a few more minutes. It's a shame. I'll make certain he gets to watch your evisceration!" Flames rushed from Osborn's hands, spreading throughout the area until the Goblin, Twilight, and Spider-Man were surrounded by the walls of fire. The princess hopped in front of Peter and raised her glowing hands, shielding their bodies as the temperature around them rose. Osborn stood undeterred, the flames practically erupting from his being. He stomped forward, slowly closing the gap between himself and the pair. "Time to die, Parker."

Twilight's eyes shot open as she clutched at her head, a pulsating throb rushing through her cranium. "Ah!" The visions of her premonitions and all of its altered versions flashed across her vision, causing the princess to cry out in agony. "Again?! Why now?!" Twilight whined, her body shivering profusely despite the intense, surrounding heat.

Peter's complexion paled. He knelt down in front of the girl, placing his hands over her shoulders while also turning his back completely on Osborn. "Twilight! What's wrong?!"

The Green Goblin stopped in his tracks, furrowing his brow at the sight. After a few moments, a coy grin formed on his features. "Such nostalgia. It's only been a few months for you while it has been years for me. Does this not remind you of that day? Your love. Your determination. The stage. It reminds me of our final moments with Gwendolyn." Peter's movements ceased suddenly, his widened gaze drifting from Twilight. The princess gave the knight a concerned expression as he helped her to a standing position while the visions dissipated. Osborn huffed once the young couple faced him, glaring. "Too soon? Don't worry. I'll make sure the three of you get acquainted after I snuff out your lives."

Despite the sensitivity of the matter, Peter's glare showed his steadfast determination. "I can't deny that it's my fault that Gwen died, but I can promise I won't let my carelessness get Twilight killed."

Osborn's eyes widened. "Your fault? Your… carelessness?" He was silent, as if contemplating Peter's words. Goblin began to laugh playfully until it grew into maniacal cackling. Twilight arched a brow, patting Peter's arm affectionately as the knight never averted his gaze from Osborn. The Goblin eventually ceased his laughter, although his fanged smile remained wide. "You naive fool! You actually blamedyourselffor that?!" Osborn shook his head. "No. That's not fair. You deserve to at least know the truth before you die."

Peter lowered his brow. "What are you talking about?"

Stretching his arm out to the side, the Goblin grinned. "Simple, Parker.Ikilled Gwen Stacy. Not you."

Twilight inhaled sharply. "You…!"

"That's just pathetic," Peter bluntly responded, earning a stunned expression from Twilight and the Goblin. Folding his arms, the young man exhaled. "I've already accepted my responsibility. There's no point in trying to fill my head with your lies. I already hate you more than a person should anyone." Peter opened his eyes. "Just stop before you embarrass yourself any more. Don't… disrespect the dead. Just leave Gwen out of this."

The Goblin chuckled in response, nodding. "I see. You need proof. Fine. I'll show you my memories of that day, and I'll give you something extra as well." Osborn's body disappeared in a flash of light, shrinking before morphing into a small, feminine figure. Peter's mouth fell agape at the sight once the light diminished. He recognized the flow of golden locks and large emerald eyes that belonged to the woman. Suddenly, her eyes retook the familiar shade of yellow that belonged to the Goblin. 'Gwen' giggled madly. "Iknewyou would enjoy this, Parker! And guess what?! That look on your face! That's the exact look Gwendolyn made before I killed her!"

Peter's teeth grinded to the core, masking the seethed breaths that escaped from his mouth. "Just… stop."

The transformed woman pointed her glowing hand at the shifting projection in the sky. "Still don't believe me?! Watch!"

Sunset Shimmer stirred to life, groaning as her vision cleared. She freed her body from the steel of the vehicle, pausing to steal a glance at the images in the sky. "What the heck?"

Luna's eyes fluttered open before widening, her mind recollecting the moments leading to her unconsciousness. The princess strained as she pried her arms loose from the wall, using her magic to free the rest of her body. She approached the hole in the wall across from her location, leaping out only to find a wall of flames shielding the area. Felicia rose to a sitting position, placing a hand over her throbbing cranium as she staggered out of the room.

Black Cat landed beside the princess before pointing at the images in the sky. Luna's eyes widened at the sight. The images of Peter's former beloved, Gwen Stacy, filled the sky. The back of her mind screamed, the young man's thoughts heard clearly. Luna's eyes widened. There was something swelling from within Peter's magical signature. It was dark, resentful, and growing. Luna inhaled sharply, the princess recognizing the sensation.

Meanwhile, the image above shifted to one of the Green Goblin throwing Gwen onto the top of the bridge. Tears escaped from the corners of her eyes as she vainly attempted to crawl away from her attacker. The Goblin continued to cackle, throwing his hand over the young woman's mouth. Gwen tried to scream, but her cries were muffled. She shivered as Goblin placed his free hand over her forehead while the other's grip over her mouth tightened.

"Do not worry, my dear. Your hero will be here shortly. Oh, that's right. You despise Spider-Man after what happened to Captain Stacy," Osborn whispered calmly, even as Gwen's breathing grew erratic and her face stained with tears. "It would tear you apart if you found out your boyfriend was actually Spider-Man. Would you still blame Peter for what happened to your father?" Gwen's eyes widened, causing Osborn to grin. "The lies! The secrets! He just didn't trust you with the truth! How could Peter do this to you, Gwendolyn? It's a lack of trust. I don't know how you could ever go on." The Green Goblin nodded. "I'll save you the pain of dealing with that misery."

The motion of Osborn's hands were swift, barely visible to the naked eye, yet the sound Gwen's neck made could be heard by all, even the deaf. That dreaded 'SNAP' echoed throughout the skies of Equestria and Earth. The only sound that was heard as the image returned to the Green Goblin was his cackling laughter. Sunset Shimmer briefly returned to her normal physical state, perhaps unintentionally, and the girl shook her head in disdain, her mouth quivering. Black Cat stared at nothing in particular, her mind struggling to register what it had just witnessed.

In Equestria, the visceral act was seen by all. Sweetie Belle burst into tears, forcing Rarity to console her sister. While Applebloom took the sight well, Babs nearly vomited. Applejack took the Crusaders inside of the castle, not wanting to risk the fillies witnessing something equally as gruesome, and Rainbow followed, desperately trying to make sense of what had transpired. Pinkie's mane fell, losing its puffy appearance, and her eyes swelled with tears, never blinking. Derpy followed the farmpony's example, thanking the stars she had managed to shield Dinky's eyes and ears before that dark moment occurred. Cadance buried her face into Shining Armor's shoulder while Velvet did the same to Night Light.

Trixie slammed her eyes shut. "That's so cruel."

Princess Celestia watched the Goblin's image with a venomous scowl, whispering, "You savage! How could you?!"

Back on Earth, Twilight slammed her eyes shut, failing to mask her evident horror. The Green Goblin's laughter grew in volume as he retook his normal, hulking form.

Luna collapsed onto her knees as the air rushed out of her lungs. "That sadistic monster..."

"You...! It was you! It'salwaysbeen you!" Peter yelled, the sound of thunder following his command. The clouds in the sky turned black, and the surrounding flames lowered, diminishing somewhat. The young man clenched his trembling fist while the color in his warm, hazel irises faded, morphing to a cold shade of blue. Trails of darkness escaped from underneath his armor, and bolts of lightning fell from the sky, striking the ground inches away from Peter. "It never stops with you, does it? I always take you down, but you always get up, killing someone along the way. I always thought you were sick, in desperate need of help, but there'snothingthat can be done for you. There never has been!"

Peter gripped at the strands of his hair, snatching some from the roots. His voice seethed through his gritted teeth. "Itismy fault. I was too stupid to believe you had a chance of changing. I gave you the benefit of the doubt, and Gwen paid for it! You should have just left thisALONE! You were stupid enough to confess! And even more stupid to boast! You even had theGALLto wear Gwen's image!" Quakes shook the earth to the core, remnants of damaged buildings collapsing into piles of rubble. A vein formed on the side of Peter's head, growing as blue flames escaped from the corners of his eyes. "You don't deserve to live! I-WE- will destroy you!"

Twilight reached out, her eyes filled with concern. "Peter?" She stepped forward, but the flames rose, forcing the princess to step away from Spider-Man.Celsiusfell by her feet, its sharp end imbedding into the ground. Her eyes widened. "Oh, no…"

Luna's eyes shot open. "By the stars… It's..."

Peter glared maliciously at Osborn, his teeth grinding to the point of nearly cracking while his pupils sharpened and took a slitted form. "No more games, Osborn. I owe Gwenthismuch." His voice distorted, deepening as it mixed with another belonging to that of a woman. "You want everyone and everypony to fear me, right? You've had this coming for a long time. We'll damn you to eternal night and show you… why I'm..." Peter trailed off, raising his fist before lightning struck the ground once more, "...YOUR WORST NIGHTMARE!"

Fluttershy watched with her mouth agape, her body shivering out of trepidation. "N-Nightmare Moon…"

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