• Published 4th Feb 2012
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Spiders and Magic: Rise of Spider-Mane - Maximus_Reborn

Spider-Man is brought to Equestria for a second chance at life, but his luck may ruin his opportunity before it can truly begin.

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Fallen Knight, Part II

Chapter Fifty-One "Fallen Knight, Part II"

Within the halls of Canterlot Castle, a bright flash of light erupted in the hallway just a few hoof-lengths from Princess Celestia. The light slowly dissipated, revealing the presence of Luna. Both alicorns were quick to greet each other with a smile, but their steely gazes fell on the unicorn standing by the princess of the moon's side. With irons clapped around hooves, neck, and horn, the young mare kept her sky blue eyes fixed on the ground, refusing to meet the gaze of her former teacher. Shimmer simply nodded, walking forward while dragging her chains, and Celestia followed, maintaining her silence despite the flurry of emotions she struggled to suppress.

Luna prepared to do the same, but she felt a sharp twinge of pain inside of her chest, as if her heart was wrought with agony. The mare's eyes shot open as her muscles locked against her will and images flashed across her mind, most of which she was too disoriented to make out. Luna recognized the warm sensation that filled her being, for it was something that only occurred whenever a certain somepony was on her mind. Peter's image dissolved, and Luna brought her hoof over her chest in an attempt to soothe her pain. The pain eventually subsided, allowing the princess to level her breathing. Celestia stopped in her tracks and shot Luna an arched brow, her sister's behavior easy to notice.

"Luna? What is the matter?" Celestia asked once she was within whispering distance of her younger sister.

The princess of the moon glanced off to the side and furrowed her brow, recoiling as the pain in her chest resurfaced. "I do not understand. Why does my heart ache for Peter?" The alicorn shared a glance with Celestia. "I left him in the safety of his bed. Peter should not be in any form of danger."

Celestia was slow to respond, as if considering Luna's words, but she eventually nodded, lowering her head until her mouth was inches from her sister's perked ear. "After we conduct Sunset Shimmer's trial, there is something we need to discuss." She pulled away, earning a befuddled expression from the smaller alicorn. "I believe it is time you learned the truth behind your body's recent sensations."

"Hey, you! Halt!"

Celestia and Luna stopped in their tracks at a guard's voice. Both alicorns turned towards the disturbance, finding an aquamarine-coated unicorn stumbling into the room. Before she could make it much further, a pair of knights tackled her to the ground, knocking a book from her magical grasp. The unicorn struggled, unable to free herself from her powerful opponents.

Celestia was the first to step forward. "What is the meaning of this? Please. Let her up." The armored stallions did as they were told, backing away from the unicorn. She rubbed her hoof over her cranium before forcing herself to a standing position. Suddenly, her yellow irises shot open at the sight of the snow-white alicorn towering over her diminutive frame. Despite the intrusion, Celestia greeted the pony with a smile. "Well, you certainly know how to make an entrance. What can I do for you?"

Luna frowned, glaring at her sister. "Breaking into the castle? We should have this onecourt-martialed."

One of the knights cleared his throat, shaking his head. "Not quite, Your Highness. This one came with a group of visitors. Princess Twilight's and Prince Parker's friend, Trixie Lulamoon, arrived with this group. We led them to join the wielders of the Elements of Harmony, but this one snuck past us and ran in here!"

Luna's brow furrowed, her gaze growing more exasperated. "Wait. Aren't you that eccentric pony who interrupted the race in Manehattan a few weeks ago?" Exhaling, the alicorn turned sharply on her hoof and walked past her sister. "I do not have time for this. I shall return to Earth immediately. I am concerned about Peter."

Celestia glanced towards Luna, a look of uncertainty filling her light violet eyes. "What about Sunset Shimmer?"

Luna stopped in her tracks, never returning her sister's gaze. "I'll leave that to you. If Sunset Shimmer is innocent, I shall return to take her to Earth." Before anypony could respond, the moon princess disappeared in a flash of light.

Princess Celestia shook her head. "Why must she be so impulsive?" Realizing that her audience was staring, the alicorn cleared her throat and lowered her gaze to meet with the unicorn's. "Now why were you so determined to meet with me?"

The mare nodded, lifting the book with her magic. "I'm sorry, Your Highness! My name is Lyra Heartstrings! It was stupid of me to pull something like this, but I had to show you something! It's really important!" She snatched the book out of the air and raised it high over her head with her hooves. "Peter's in danger, but I know how to save him! You have to stop Princess Luna from going back to Earth!"

Celestia's eyes widened. "How do you know about-?" She trailed off, questions flooding her mind. The princess closed the gap between herself and Lyra. "Wait. What does my sister have to do this?"

Lyra paused, holding the book out for the princess. She opened it with her hooves and flipped through the pages, stopping at a passage with a mark over it. "Princess Luna is the key to everything!"

The tale of my life of old is an ancient one, but I remember it as clear as yesterday's sunrise. Ever since foalhood, my dream was to become a valiant knight of the Crystal Empire, to exceed my father. I studied and trained relentlessly, honing my skills in the magical arts until I reached my mental and physical peak. My father was a true warrior, perhaps the greatest of his time, but we lost him to the War of the Empires. Once I was of the age, I vowed to honor his legacy and joined the Crystal Empire Guard. However, my initiation did not sit well with my peers.

My father's mark was an iconic symbol of the Empire. It was a double-edged sword with a silver blade and golden hilt, a fair representation of my father's vast strength and clarity, but in a cruel twist of fate, I, his son, was without a mark. In that time, if one did not earn his mark by adulthood, they would forever be labeled a failure, a drifting star lost among a sea of others. I was ridiculed, heckled by those around me. For a while, I endured, using their words as fuel to light my ember through those cold days.

It would have been impossible to push through that much resentment on my own, but I was not alone. I had somepony special by my side, the true essence of beauty and kindness. Her name was Starlight. She was my closest friend, always staying by my side since the days of foalhood, and she was the beacon of hope that pushed me to pursue my dreams. Even when I was an adult, she remained supportive despite my lack of a mark. It was through her love that I was able to rise through the ranks and become a captain of the Crystal Empire Guard. Unfortunately, I failed to earn the respect of my fellow knights. One without a mark did not deserve the right to don such a rank.

Over the course of time, I persevered, leading our armies to victory during the twilight of the War of the Empires, but tragedy struck when our king and queen were assassinated. The court cast a vote, and I was unanimously chosen to heed the crown. It was an honor, and I only wanted to make my father proud. With Starlight as my queen, we vowed to bring an end to the war, not with force but with peace. We consulted with the Griffon Empire, and through intense negotiations, we reached a compromise. I returned to the Crystal Empire, greeted with praise and respect, but some prejudice remained, through silent glares and hushed whispers.

I talked with Starlight about the matter. Our subjects would never truly respect me as I was. There were methods I could use to add to my power, but Starlight was against it, promising me that everypony would open their hearts with time. I listened to my love, knowing she was right. I continued to extend my hoof out to those around me, regardless of their class in society, and for a duration, it seemed to work. Peace reigned, and I was happy, believing I had found friends in the kingdom. Sadly, the time of war was returning, and the Griffon Empire was ready to resume their attack. I heard of an ambush near the outer regions of the Crystal Empire.

I left half of our forces with my queen to ensure her safety, and I ventured out with the other half to confront our enemies. However, the force of the Griffons was extraordinary. They tore through our defenses and eviscerated my knights. I barely managed to survive, but there was no time for me to recover. I had to fight my way back to the Crystal Empire, but by the time I returned, the damage had already been done. Most of my subjects had been taken away to the Griffon Empire, but those closest to the castle were slaughtered, even my beautiful queen. I remember holding her in my hooves. Starlight couldn't speak. All she could do was smile before she passed. My beautiful flower was murdered.

I was ill-prepared. No. I was weak. If I was stronger, I could have protected Starlight. I wasted so much time catering to those around me instead of increasing my power. The Griffons would pay for their transgression, but I stood no chance against them as I was. I needed an edge, and I knew exactly where to find it. Though I promised Starlight I would not resort to it, I still researched the location of a legendary item known as the Dark Crystal. It was located somewhere within the ruins of the snow field. With my injuries beginning to worsen, I was left with no other choice. In order to avenge my beloved, I journeyed to the temple.

I managed to locate the black crystal at the bottom of the ruins and performed a spell to infuse my body with the gem. However, it changed form and fused with my horn, giving it a jagged, crimson shape, but I felt the dark arts fill my body, the most powerful form of magic in Equestria. My wounds were fully healed. All it took was a blood oath to finalize the spell. I would become an immortal, powerful enough to smite my enemies. Upon the ceremony's completion, I stepped out of the temple with renewed vigor, a new sense of life. The power I worked my entire life to gain felt null and void compared to the dark arts I now possessed. It feltright.

I could avenge my beloved and take back what was mine. I charged into the Griffon Empire. You would not understand the fleeting feeling as I drank in their pain and misery. I smashed their shields, broke their claws, and crushed their spirits. There were hundreds, but they didn't stand a chance against my might. Everypony that was taken prisoner from the Crystal Empire was freed by my hoof, but the victory was an empty one, built on a destroyed kingdom and the life of Starlight. I needed to make an example out of those who would dare defy me to ensure history would never repeat itself. I chose the Griffon Kingdom's king and queen, as well as the generals who led the attack on the Crystal Empire, contemplating their fate.

It was far too easy to simply execute them. No. I needed them to suffer and regret their decisions for the rest of their natural lives. Despite having absorbed the power of the black crystal, I could still hear its call. It informed me of my newfound abilities, including those of imposing my will into others and sapping any signs of 'hope' they have in their hearts. My enemies would forever bend to my might and would never rise against me. It was perfect. With the griffons under my control, I used them to rebuild the Crystal Empire. However, upon my return, I was greeted by my own subjects with fear and prejudice instead of praise and appreciation.

I'd had it with them. I fought and bled to gain their respect, but I ended up losing everything trying. It was then that I realized the only way to earn respect is to take it by force with unrelenting power. Over time, the power of the black crystal changed my form entirely, and I set out to spread its darkness throughout the world. Those who resisted were subjected to enslavement before I broke their wills with my power, making them experience their worst fears like I have done. It was then that I was confronted by Princess Celestia and her younger sister. The rest is history…

Twenty-Four Days Remain until the portal closes…

The black mist dissolved before rushing back underneath Sombra's armor. "I have grown weary from these countless eons. I always believed in my decisions, and truth be told, I still stand by my actions. The ends justify the means, and if I had the choice, I would continue to walk this path. I've inflicted suffering and struck terror into the hearts of everypony for decades. I merely believe it is time I met my end by one worthy of my time. I believe you are the one, Peter Parker, but the path you walk iswrong. You have heard my words, my tale. Can you not see what you must do to avoid making the same mistakes I did?"

Sombra whispered, staring at his hand with a saddened gaze. "During our first encounter, while you and the prince fought through my horde of minions, I looked into your heart. I saw you were like me, a warrior without a mark, but I learned further that you were also criticized despite your countless sacrifices. Yet, there you stood, staying the path of the hero. Like the light to my shadow, you followed the path I strayed from. That is foolish yet commendable. I sought power, but in the end, it protected only myself and no one else."

Sombra closed his eyes and held his finger against the crimson horn on his forehead. "I would sever my ties to the crystal under my own power, but that would be cowardly. As a knight, I am entitled to meet my end with honor. That was the oath I made with the crystal. It will only reveal its true form to the one I deem worthy."

Peter folded his arms and furrowed his brow. "Is that how you survived the blast from the Crystal Heart Twilight and Spike retrieved?"

"Indeed. Although it appeared my entire essence was destroyed, the black crystal's power gave me ample time to recuperate. After all, my horn is the only part of me that needed to heal, even if I lost more of my sanity in the process," Sombra murmured, his horn darkening until its shade was as black as an infinite void. "You remind me of Starlight. You're gifted yet oblivious to your own potential, and you tend to give those around you hope. Despite your rise to royal status, you act as you always do."

Taking his sword in hand, Sombra shared a glance with Peter before kneeling before the young man. "You and Starlight never lost sight of your purity, even during the darkest of hours. You are both foolish idealists. I believe a solemn defeat by your hands is as close to redemption as I can achieve for you are my shadow. We both looked into the abyss and lost our loved ones, but when the darkness looked back at us, I faltered. Please. Let me die with some honor. Free me from this curse. What say you, fellow warrior? My fate is in your hands. Drop your foolish sentiment. You willdieif you fight me with any doubt left in your heart."

"I won't kill you," Peter said, shaking his head. He looked away, clutching at the straps of his knapsack. "I'm not into mercy killing. Besides, if you can realize your mistake, then you can live and redeem yourself!" His voice was shaky yet optimistic. Peter reached forward, extending his hand to the taller man. "You can help us fight Osborn! We both know he's far more dangerous than both of us combined. We can-"

Sombra frowned at the answer, but his lips managed to curl into a small smile. "Are youstillthinking like that? I must decline. I refuse to work alongside those pitiful excuses for flesh you call friends. Besides, I'm afraid my time is limited." Walking past Peter, Sombra directed his gaze to the ceiling. "It is perhaps the only thing I am grateful for from that man. When he freed me from my prison within the crystal heart, Osborn gave me this physical form. That, in turn, inadvertently restored my sanity." Sighing, the dark being placed his hand over his chest. "That is why I ran into seclusion. I wanted to look back at my crimes, to see where it all went wrong. The crystal's cries grow by the hour. I'm afraid this change is not permanent. I fear by midnight, I will lose my clarity, and the darkness will resume control."

"So that's why you wanted me to come here before nightfall. You don't have much time," Peter murmured, his gaze falling to the ground. "There's no other way? All I have to do is break the crystal, right? That'll break the curse, and-"

Shaking his head, Sombra allowed a smile to grace his features, one with teeth. "You have a pure heart, much like Starlight, but if you break the crystal, I will lose the powers of the dark arts, specifically that of my immortality. I understand your desire to never slay one's life, but that is a tract you may wish to reconsider. You have a chance to free me from this curse as well as prevent eons of suffering."

He sobered, evident by his stoic expression. "There will come a time when you will have to make the choice to end the life of Norman Osborn. He has already stolen one love from you. Do you wish to allow him the chance to take away the life of another? That of Twilight Sparkle?" Sombra paused, deepening his frown. "I have a faint chance at redemption, but I can sense in your heart, that the same cannot be said about Norman Osborn. It is not a choice I wish for you to make now, but I do beg that you help me reunite with my Starlight." Lowering his head out of respect, Sombra knelt before Peter. "Be merciful and grant me this request. Please. Face me in a duel. Maybe then I can see if your idealism is admirable or foolish."

Peter gritted his teeth, resolve filling his eyes. He was not quick to respond, pausing to clench his fists tightly, but after a few moments, the young man raised his head and lowered his body into a defensive stance. "Get ready!"

Sombra unsheathed his sword and tossed the scabbard across the room, embedding it deep into a stone wall. All four tendrils burst from his back, hissing to life. "Yes! My hour is now! Let the battle commence!"

Spider-Man and Sombra shared a glare before sprinting forward, and as they closed the distance from each other, both men yelled at the top of their lungs. Once they were a few feet apart, Sombra clenched his fist until it emitted a black aura and slammed it into the ground. A wave of darkness rushed out, bending every beam of metal and shattering any masonry in its path. Spider-Man skidded to a halt before vaulting his body high into the air, just out of reach of the attack, but a tendril burst through the ceiling, lashing out at the fleeting individual. Peter contorted out of the coil's path easily, hit the ground, and rolled to his feet.

The coil had managed to embed itself into the floor, and before even Peter could come up with a snide remark, two more tendrils shot up from the ground as the first tentacle broke free and resumed its attack. Spider-Man rapidly fired two strands of webbing onto two of the coils, using those threads to swing away from the third and launch himself into Sombra's gut with a massive kick. The dark man staggered back, giving Peter time to flip behind his position. As he pulled two of the tendrils back, Spider-Man shot another strand onto the third coil and tied all three threads of the gossamer together. Before Sombra could react, Peter retrieved a crystal heart, lunged forward and held the gem at the center of the tendrils, while covering it with webbing. The jewel exploded in a bright ray of light, and Sombra hissed out, clutching at his back as the tendrils dissolved from existence.

Spider-Man readied his body to sprint toward his opponent, but a blaring alarm in his cranium prompted Peter to duck underneath Sombra's sword as it sliced through a stone column. Peter recovered instantly and sprang forward, only to be met by Sombra smirking darkly and blaring Spider-senses. He was barely close enough to grab Sombra's wrists and stop the lightning fast strike from separating his head and shoulders. In retaliation, the dark man planted a foot in Peter's gut and jumped backwards before launching a barrage of deadly thrusts at him. Peter managed to dodge each strike, but the straps of his knapsack were cut, causing the bag to fall to the ground. Before Spider-Man could recover his possession, Sombra slammed his sword through the bag, and the knapsack burst into black flames.

The flames dissipated, but the darkness spread, covering every square inch of the room. Sombra faded, becoming one with the environment until he completely disappeared from sight. Peter's brow furrowed as he looked around aimlessly for his opponent. He glimpsed a flash of jade from the corner of his eye and threw a wild punch instantly, but Peter's hand flew through the mist, like a solid object through smoke. Sombra emerged in front of Spider-Man's position, dashing forward, but the moment Peter took a defensive stance, the dark being dissolved and reappeared behind the vigilante, slamming his fist into his spine.

Peter screamed out, unable to react as Sombra vanished and punched him across the jaw. A wave of darkness rammed into Spider-Man's abdomen before wrapping around his body, and the mist took form, morphing into a tendril. The coil swung its prey around, dragging him across the ground and smashing his frame into a steel wall. The tendril whipped Peter to the center of the room, and Sombra phased to its location, driving his fist into the underside of Spider-Man's jaw. The force of the blow sent the young man spinning across the room. He burst through a row of steel beams and limply fell to the ground.

Rolling onto his stomach, Peter grimaced as bolts of pain seared through his midsection, but he managed to make it to a knee, pausing to cough the taste of blood from his mouth. The young man peeked up, glaring as Sombra held his sword over his shoulder, all while panting with a fanged smile.

"Stop holding back!" Sombra bellowed, a scowl forming on his face. He lifted Peter by the collar of his costume, lifting the young man from the ground. "Your sentimentality will be the death of you. I know what you're doing, trying to find a way to defeat me without dealing a fatal blow. I will not hesitate to kill you, nor will Norman Osborn." Relinquishing his grip, Sombra dropped Spider-Man before placing both hands over the handle of his blade and raising it skyward. "If you continue to hesitate, you'll die!" Stomping forward, Sombra poured all of his might into his swing, preparing to slice his foe in two. "Who will protect Twilight Sparkle when you're gone?!"

Before the steel could meet his flesh, Peter's eyes shot open, and he reached out, catching the sword between the palms of his hands. Sombra gritted his teeth, straining as he attempted to pull his sword free from the young man's grasp, but Spider-Man shifted his weight to his side, causing his opponent to lose his footing and roll across the ground for several meters. The dark being snarled before digging his claws into the floor, skidding to a halt, but as he lifted his gaze, Sombra could only watch as Peter slammed his fist into his forehead.

The impact sent Sombra's head flying back until the momentum carried the rest of his body through a stone wall and into a violent roll. Placing his hand against the ground, Sombra forced himself to stand from the wreckage, but he stopped to clutch at his horn, a sharp pain coursing through it and his forehead. The king stole a glance at his crimson appendage, and his eyes widened at the sight of the horn flashing to a shade of black. A crack formed at the base, and traces of magic, small sparkles, fell from the wound.

With Sombra's sword in one hand, Peter pushed himself back to a vertical base, but his gaze remained fixed on the ground, desolation filling his eyes. "I don't want to kill you, Sombra, but if I don't set you free, there's no telling what kind of damage you'll cause once you lose your sanity again." Spider-Man paused, ripping a piece of his costume from his being. "That's always been the one thing separating me from the bad guys, from murderers like Cletus Kasady and Norman Osborn. What right do I have to take another person's life? I can't answer that, and I really don't want to. I can only do what I feel is right."

The darkness from Sombra's body began to spread out, and the man vanished within. Peter wrapped the torn Spandex around his head and eyes, giving himself a makeshift blindfold. Spider-Man lifted Sombra's sword and stood still, like an oak tree before the raging storm wind.

Peter shook his head as a deep frown formed on his face. "I accepted this. I am a prince and a knight, sworn to protect an entire planet and a girl I love more than life itself, who happens to be a princess. I want to protect everyone, especially Twilight, but that means I may be forced to do whatever it takes. Is killing the same as protecting? I always held back against Kasady, Osborn, and others because they weren't mentally well. Osborn was sick, but look at what happened. He got worse, killed Gwen and countless others. Now? He's about to become a demi-god, and I'm to blame, all because I didn't have the guts to do what was necessary."

"What do your instincts tell you?" Sombra questioned, his voice echoing throughout the room.

Peter was silent, tightening his grip on Sombra's sword. The darkness consumed everything with the exception of Spider-Man. A tendril lashed out from behind the young man's position, but Peter calmly stepped to the side, causing the coil to miss and disappear in the darkened environment. Black spikes emerged from above, shooting downward, but Spider-Man remained still, even as the hazards narrowly missed his body. Sombra leapt from the ground with his claws reared back. Inhaling deeply, Peter remained still, waiting patiently until his sixth sense blared beyond comparison. Sombra's eyes shot open as Peter swung his sword, slicing through the darkness as well as the horn on the man's head.

Spider-Man held his free hand out, catching the horn as it fell. "My instincts tell me to protect Twilight… no matter what."

The appendage morphed to a shade of black as it rested in Peter's hand, but before Sombra could react, Spider-Man clenched his hand into a fist and shattered the horn. A black puff of smoke escaped from his hand, and the darkness spiraled into a vortex, bursting free from the room. Sombra collapsed, falling to the side, and Peter removed his blindfold before opening his hand, allowing the disintegrated remains of the jewel to scatter into the air. Sombra's body glowed, and a bright light exploded from it. Spider-Man removed his blindfold, but his mouth fell agape at the sight that awaited him.

A black equine stood tall, his smile as wide as the rising sun. "Yes! I amfree!" He turned to meet Peter's gaze, his eyes crimson yet the hint of jade was gone. Sombra's smile seemed permanent while stray tears formed at the corner of his eyes. "The curse is lifted! By the stars!" Peter's smile matched the stallion's, but the young man's eyes shot open as the pony withered, his black mane flashing to a bright shade of grey. His muscular physique shrank, and wrinkles formed over his body. Sombra collapsed, yet his smile remained intact despite his winded breaths. "I am... normal once more…"

Peter rushed over to the stallion's side, placing his hand over his chest. "Sombra!" Traces of magic escaped from his body, and they hovered away, becoming one with the environment. Peter slammed his eyes shut and shook his head. "I'm sorry. I-"

Sombra chuckled, his teary gaze peering down at his own disappearing form. "Do not hold regret in your heart, Fair Parker. I was prepared for this very moment. I have no regrets." Sombra's eyes softened as the guilt on Peter's face grew more evident. "You do not kill for the sake of vengeance, anger, or thirst. You may hold yourself back by 'morals' and 'ethics', but as long as you do not lose sight of what's important, you will understand that the choices we make, no matter how difficult, willalwaysaffect our loved ones. I believe… you have now come closer to understanding the burden of protecting the love of your life."

Peter met his gaze and hesitantly nodded before offering the stallion his sword. Sombra shook his head. "No. Keep it. Use it as you see fit. When you are able to use your magic properly, you can wield the sword's true form: the Equestrian Saber. I am… certain your princess can teach you how to properly wield it."

Spider-Man stood, pausing to retrieve the sword's sheath. Once the blade was back in its scabbard, Peter knelt by Sombra's side, recoiling once the stallion weakly extended his hoof. With a saddened smile, the young man accepted the gesture, gently shaking Sombra's hoof with his hand. The pony cringed, stealing a glance off to the side. Peter turned, following Sombra's line of sight, and his eyes widened as a black flame dissolved, revealing the presence of a young woman. She was unconscious, resting soundly. Peter's brow furrowed, his mind remembering the woman's snow-white hair, but he returned his gaze to Sombra.

Peter tightened his hold on the stallion's hoof before it disappeared from sight. The rest of his body followed suit, dissipating from existence. Sombra closed his eyes and smiled. "Thank you. Remember my words, you may not seek to kill your enemy, but Osborn will not hesitate to kill those closest to you. Seek power. Protect them." Sombra's breathing shallowed. "Farewell, my shadow... you stayed on the path I chose not to follow. Believe in your ideals."

Peter grinned, wiping his face free of his tears. "Yeah. Sounds good. I hope to see youandStarlight someday under better circumstances."

With one final shared nod, Sombra smiled before the rest of his body exploded in a ray of light. His last words echoed. "Starlight..."

Peter ran his hand over the ground where the pony once rested, turning his gaze skyward. "I'm sorry there wasn't anything else I could do." With a defeated sigh, Peter used his webbing to create a makeshift strap before sliding his sword around his shoulder. Spider-Man located his mask and put it back on, immediately taking Felicia into his arms. "This day has just been lousy. I hope it doesn't get any worse."

Shining Armor stood on the edge of the balcony, his steely gaze fixed on the Crystal Empire. The stallion placed his hoof over the side of his cranium, massaging the throbs that pulsated about. Cadance, using her magic, folded the scroll in her possession before levitating it into a storage tube. The mare joined her husband's side, giving him a gentle smile once he glanced at her from the corner of his eye. Shining managed to return her smile with one of his own, but it was faint, the stallion frowning once his migraine resurfaced.

Cadance lowered her horn, sending a small wave of magic into the stallion. "I just got a letter from Auntie Celestia. Auntie Luna just got back and told her that Twilight's fine. She should return to Equestria sometime tomorrow night." Shining nodded, letting out a relieved sigh. Cadance nudged against her husband, causing her magic to dissipate. "I also found out why you've been suffering from migraines. I have a healing spell that can help relieve your pain, but it will take a while to complete. While we wait, is it okay if I asked you something?"

"Sure, Cadance," Shining gently replied, smiling. The alicorn walked around until she faced the stallion, taking a seat on the ground. She motioned her hoof, prompting Shining to mirror her action. Closing her eyes, Cadance's horn began to glow as its magical energy enveloped her husband's body. Shining arched a brow. "What is it?"

"It's about Peter." Cadance softly declared, continuing once her husband's demeanor softened. His blue eyes glanced off to the side, but the mare knew his expression too well. Shining was concerned yet the stallion attempted to hide his worry with a shrug. Cadance bit her lip and furrowed her brow, remembering what her aunt had told her. She had to be careful to get the truth out of Shining. Poking her lip out in a mock-frown, the mare tapped her hoof against the stallion's chest playfully. "Oh, don't act like that. You always try to act tough whenever we mention Peter. We both know you like him, even if you won't admit it outright. What are you trying to hide, honey?"

Exasperated, Shining groaned. "I'm not hiding anything. Parker's an okay pony, I guess." The stallion rolled his eyes, desperate to avoid his wife's prying stare. He refused to yield to this storm, but Cadance was like the ocean water pushing the boulder: fluid, patient, and steadfast. The stallion cringed, a bolt of pain rushing through his head. Shining moaned, his eyes glancing away at a thought presumably, but with a defeated sigh, he gave Cadance an affirming nod. "This conversation stays between us. Promise?"

Cadance leaned forward and pressed her lips against the stallion's, pulling away afterward with a reassuring smile. "Of course."

Shining inhaled deeply, directing his gaze towards the snow field on the outer reaches of the Empire. "I'd be lying if I said I hated Peter. Heck, I don't even dislike him. Twilight was so positive about him when she first introduced him to me. I thought there might have been a catch. My sister's naive, and she's never had a coltfriend before. I thought she might have made a mistake somewhere, but I learned personally how trustworthy Parker is when we fought together during our encounter with Sombra. He saved my life, and I owed him some trust. I guess I just needed to hear it from Peter himself. I managed to catch up with him during Twilight's princess coronation."

The coronation had finally reached its climax. The party was under way, and Shining's little sister was at the center of it. Fortunately, it wasn't over anything negative. Shining thought back to that very moment, watching Princess Celestia give Twilight her crown. Shining choked back some tears then, and he struggled to keep them at bay now. Oddly enough, he felt a similar touch of joy watching Peter become a knight. Spider-Mane made a solemn vow to protect Shining's sister with his life, a truly commendable feat for somepony Shining had reservations about a few weeks ago.

Cadance was pleased as well, crying alongside Shining Armor's mother for both ponies. However, Peter didn't seem too enthusiastic during the after party. He wasn't quite as chatty as usual, not that Shining would have complained, but something didn't seem right, evident by the somberness seen within Peter's hazel eyes. At least that's what Shining Armor felt. After Peter spoke with Velvet, Nightlight, and Cadance, the newly knighted prince snuck off while Twilight caught up with her friends.

Shining decided to quietly follow the stallion, deciding to confront him once they were completely alone. The journey was brief, reaching the balcony of the castle. Peter folded his hooves over the edge of the rail, staring down at the beautifully lit town beneath the city. Shining furrowed his brow at the sight. It was not like Peter at all to act like this. Even the star-patterned night sky could not lift the stallion's mood. Inhaling, Shining nodded inwardly. Perhaps it was time he had a heart-to-heart with his little sister's special somepony.

"Hey, Parker? You have a minute?" Shining intervened, causing the smaller stallion to shake his head. "I saw you sneak off. Figured you could use a little company."

Peter furrowed his brow, taking a seat near the wall. "Uh, Shining? Sure. Uh, what's up?"

The Crystal Empire's prince hesitated, shifting his eyes as he scanned his surroundings. The entire party was in full-swing, a majority of those gathered around the four princesses.

Shining managed to smile as he took the available seat next to Peter. "You know, for somepony who just became a prince and a knight, you sure seem depressed. That doesn't seem like you."

Peter scoffed, waving his hoof dismissively. "Ha, well. That's a problem I have. I always find a way to get bummed out at the oddest times." The stallion grinned, folding his hooves before resting his head over them. "I am happy. Don't get me wrong. Watching Twilight take the stage and become a princess? This is probably the best I've felt in, you know, forever. Twilight's always been supportive, even if she is a bit high-strung at times. I couldn't be happier or prouder of that girl."

Smiling, Shining nodded. "Yeah, same here."

Peter shook his head, never lifting it. "I saw you at the coronation." He chuckled, playfully punching the taller stallion's shoulder. "You were crying."

The lower half of his face burned. Shining stammered, brushing his hoof over his eyes. "That was liquid pride. It's a big difference." Both stallions remained quiet, forcing Shining to break the silence. "How does it feel to be a prince? Is it anything like you expected?"

Peter lifted his head slightly, but his mane hid the majority of his face. "Too soon to say. It's hard. Twilight loves me enough to trust me with her life, even after I failed to protect Gwen,andshe made me a prince. Me! Idon'tdeserve this."

Shining's eyes softened. "From what I saw through your memories, I believe you deserve everything you got today and then some. You're a true hero, Peter."

"What if I get your sister killed?" Peter whispered, his voice wavering. Shining paused, never averting his gaze from the stallion. "I don't care about my status. I could become king of the world for all I care. All I want is to see Twilight happy. I feel like a prince whenever I see her smile." Sighing, Peter forced himself to stand from his seat. He started to walk past Shining, who remained silent. "I won't let her die, Shining. I promise. I'll die way before Twilight does."

Before Peter could venture too far, Shining stood as well. "Hey, Parker." He walked up to the stallion with a stoic expression, but it diminished, allowing a smile to take form on Shining's face. He placed his hoof over Peter's shoulder. "My sister believes in you. My wife believes in you. A bunch of others believe in you. Try using some of that reinforcement. We aren't focused on your failures. If you dredge in the past, you'll never be able to live happily in the present." It was brief, as swift as the wind. Shining wrapped one hoof around Peter's body, pulling him into an embrace, and he shoved him away, tapping the stallion over the forehead with a hoof. "I believe in you, too... as the brother I never had. Now, let's get back downstairs before my sister starts tearing up the place looking for you."

Peter could only smile a toothy grin. "Thanks, Shining. I needed to hear that." Both stallions shared a nod before making their way back towards the celebration. Peter's ears lowered as his brow furrowed. "Liquid pride, huh?"

Shining's brow lowered. "You tell anypony otherwise, and Iwillfind you."

"You like me," Peter chuckled.

Rolling his eyes, Shining exhaled. "Quiet."

"I knew it," Cadance giggled, flashing her husband a smile. He grumbled under his breath, but the alicorn paid him no mind. While her magic continued to mend Shining's physical ailments, the mare closed her eyes. 'Okay, Auntie. I hope this helps. I only hope you're having luck with Auntie Luna and the others.'Cadance opened her eyes as her mind recollected the image of the Web. 'They have to accept their feelings for Peter… so that they can let him go. It would help Twilight out so much.'

"Of all the stupid, reckless stunts you could pull, this has got to be- UGH!" Twilight snarled, lowering her brow until wrinkles formed at the center of her forehead.

"...the most dangerous and/or idiotic thing I've ever done?" Peter weakly suggested.

Twilight growled. "Shut up!"

Peter sat with a sad smile as his girlfriend tightened new bandages on his body, his gaze never leaving the ground. Logan and Spike watched the spectacle from the other side of the room, both keeping their silence out of self-preservation. Twilight paused to place her violet jacket over her boyfriend's shoulders before rubbing medicine over a gash on Peter's head. They were brief, but the girl could not hide the concern from her eyes on occasion. Although her anger usually returned, Peter recoiled once Twilight wrapped a bandage around his head and pulled, perhaps a bit too tightly.

Twilight growled between each movement. "You were not supposed to leave the bed! Look at what happened! You aggravated your injuries, earned anewset of bruises, and you even brought Black Cat back with you! What do you have to say for yourself?!"

Peter's lips curled into a small smile, but he could not meet his lover's violet gaze. "You're cute when you're angry."

His sixth sense blared, but Peter did not move, fully expecting what was approaching. Twilight lifted his head and slapped the left side of his face, which happened to be uninjured. The blow was swift yet harshly delivered. The pain was superficial for Peter, yet his cheek stung, not like anything he had felt before. Hulk, with all of his might, couldn't match this type of power. Spike, taken aback, cringed, and Logan merely folded his arms, patting the dragon over the shoulder. The gruff man quietly made his exit, prompting Spike to hesitantly follow. Once everyone had left the room, Twilight snatched Peter by his collar, but the young man's eyes only widened at the sight of the girl's trembling shoulders and shaky grip.

Twilight lowered her head, but her tears could still be felt as Peter's chest grew damp. "Shut up! You don't get to joke! Not today. I was worried about you! You could have been killed!" Her voice choked, pressing through growing sobs. "I know you mean well, but you have to remember that there's someone waiting for you. I want to be by your side, but you can't keep leaving me behind like this. We're meant to protecteach other! It's not one way!" Twilight raised her hand, seemingly preparing to strike Peter a second time, but it gently fell over the young man's cheek, caressing it ever so gently. The girl lifted her gaze, revealing her tear-stained face. "Stop being selfish and share your burdens! It's not justyourpain that you have to bear. Can't you imagine how I would feel if I lost you?"

Peter brushed his thumb over Twilight's wet cheek. "I'm sorry. You know I hate making you cry. It was stupid." He nodded, glancing off to the side. "It was selfish. You had a right to know what I was doing. I'm sorry. I promise I won't run off without you again."

Inhaling deeply, Twilight frowned at the young man, but her lips eventually curled, forming a sweet and apologetic smile. "It's okay. I guess it's not all your fault. You had to save your friend somehow. Just don't do that again." Her open palm struck the bandage over Peter's shoulder, earning a low hiss in return. Twilight returned his glare with a bemused expression. "I mean it. Never again."

While the pair exchanged dialogue, Spike scratched the side of his head before turning his head from around the corner. "I don't get it. Twilight was seriously peeved a few minutes ago. Then, she started crying. Now, she's happy and laughing! What just happened?"

Logan shrugged after downing his canned beverage. "Women are like that, kid, 'specially towards the ones they really care for. Twilight just loves Parker to death. It's normal."

Spike's eyes furrowed as he retreated into his bed. "That's weird."

Scratching the back of his head, Logan huffed before closing the door to their room. "Women are weird. You'll understand when you're older."

"Twilight," Peter whispered in a somber tone, causing the girl to tilt her head in response. He was silent for a few moments, as if contemplating his words, and the young man reached out, taking Twilight's hand into his own before giving it a firm yet gentle squeeze. "Did I do the right thing?"

Twilight recoiled, feeling a twinge pull at the inside of her chest. "Oh, Peter. Is this about Sombra?"

The young man weakly nodded. "It's just that… me and Sombra aren't that different. It's frightening." He brought Twilight's hand over his mouth, kissing the top of it gently. "Sombra was a decent pony, but after he lost Starlight, everything changed. I'm not condoning what he did. Sombra inflicted countless years of suffering onto others, but I do understand. When you lose someone you love, it's not easy to deal with. I was able to move on from Gwen because you and everyone else helped me." He glanced away, his shame evident. "When I killed Sombra, I wasn't thinking about Equestria, Earth, or his freedom. There was only one thing on my mind: you. I couldn't bear the idea of losing you. It's selfish. That's the only way I could bring myself to finish Sombra off." He laughed, pitifully. "Some knight I am, huh?"

The princess began to run her fingers through his unkempt hair. "Don't beat yourself up over it. I think you did the right thing. Sombra wanted to be freed from his curse, and you made the difficult choice to oblige him." Before Peter could react, Twilight leaned forward until her lips brushed against his cheek. She held her mouth in place, allowing her hot breath to gloss over her lover's skin. "You're a valiant knight, Peter. You've always focused on doing the right thing, even when it hurts you. As much as I hate how reckless you can be, I know you're always at your best when you're fighting for what's right. That's why I'll always trust you. Okay?"

Peter sighed, wrapping both arms around Twilight's body. They remained as such, slowly leaning down onto their bed. Twilight gently shifted her weight, making certain to avoid any of Peter's injuries, but she eventually succeeded, feeling a low growl of pleasure escape from her lips as she straddled his lap. She lowered her head to kiss him, placing her hands on both sides of the young man's face. Peter wrapped his arms around Twilight's waist, sliding his hands underneath her clothing and tracing his finger along her soft skin. Twilight smiled seductively and traced a snaking pattern over Peter's solid chest. They shared a glance, resting their foreheads against each other.

"Twilight, I…" Peter murmured between pants, his lips unable to stay away from Twilight's. "I need you."

Twilight smiled, her blush visible through her chocolate skin. "I know. Please. Make me yours-" she paused, her mouth falling over Peter's once more. The young man returned the kiss, passionately sliding his tongue into Twilight's mouth. She melted into the kiss, moaning and shivering involuntarily. Hesitantly, she broke away from the kiss, and Twilight made certain her eyes were locked on those of her lover's. She pulled back to study the young man, staring at him with eyes half-closed through pleasure. "You're mine. No one else can have you." Her voice was feral, possessive, but it was sincere, filled with immense desire. "Promise me…"

Peter slid the fingers of a hand through her violet locks and nodded approval of the idea. "You're the only one I want."

Everything Peter fought for led him to this very moment, to the girl that stole his heart. He freed his mouth from her own, lowering it to the side of Twilight's neck. Peter inhaled, allowing his lover's sweet scent to fill his senses before he began to plant several kisses along her neck to her collarbone. Twilight's pleased moans grew in volume, prompting Peter's hands to explore every region of the glamorous temple that was her body. The princess shuddered at the wonderful sensations. She grabbed Peter's hand, trailing it along her bare waist.

Twilight's face flushed at the intimate contact and sighed contently once Peter's hands slid under her nightgown. It was maddening. Such pleasure was not to be trifled with. Twilight surprised herself when she released a passionate growl, her ecstasy reaching new heights. The temperature in her face continued to rise, thanks to the lack of any interruption. She opened her mouth and kissed Peter, drinking him in to the greatest of her extent. Even now, she felt wonderfully nervous.

Wrapping her arms around the back of his neck, Twilight rested her forehead against Peter's, her demanding voice barely above the hint of a whisper. "Take me, Peter," she paused to tighten her grip, folding her legs around the young man's waist. "...and don't let me go."

He only had one life to live, and circumstances were leading to the conclusion that it could end at a moment's notice. Peter did not want to leave, not without letting Twilight know how deep his love for her ran.

Despite his injuries, Peter joined Twilight in the bed, undressing her frame with the utmost care. She returned the gesture, removing all forms of clothing from her lover's body with the exception of his bandages. Soon, they were both lost in ecstasy, yet it was not lust that fueled their desires. Peter's hands found Twilight's, holding each gently for the entire duration. It was love that motivated them both, and it was that very sacred emotion that tightened their bond. Peter leaned forward, capturing Twilight's lips in a kiss. The surrounding temperature rose due to their conjoined body heat, yet they pushed further into each other, deepening their embrace and refusing to yield to the world.

Peter finally understood how far he had to go to protect Twilight. With a reckless mind, the journey could lead the knight into a dark place, but with strength in his resolve, he could live and witness his love for the princess blossom. Twilight, lost in pleasure, threw her arms around Peter's neck. She would not let him go, never again. Peter wrapped his arms around the girl's waist, pulling her body even closer to his. The feeling was mutual, immensely so. They remained as such for the duration of the night, content with their expressed feelings.

Perhaps out of instinct, Twilight nuzzled her face into the crook of Peter's neck before falling into a deep slumber once her exhaustion took hold. Peter slowly followed his lover into the realm of dreams, his eyes fluttering to a close. A smile crept onto his face as he listened to Twilight's soft snores. Peter reared down, planting a kiss over the girl's forehead before surrendering to his body's need for rest. Love pushed him this far, and it would continue to drive him, for Twilight was the center of his universe. No one, not even Osborn, could take this from him.

Elsewhere, in his own room, Spike sat with his claws over his ears. His heightened sense of hearing allowed the dragon to listen to things he couldn't before. The creaking finally stopped. He sighed, relieved. Spike furrowed his brow. He had no idea what could have happened to create such a ruckus. Rolling onto his side, the dragon closed his eyes and drifted into Luna's realm. He would make certain to ask Twilight and Peter in the morning about it.

Madame Web's breathing grew erratic, her trembling hand falling over her chest. "I fear Spider-Man's death is drawing near. The visions are hectic, but I can sense Peter will die in three days." She held out her hand, allowing the Web of Life to take form. "Celestia, you must hurry. Those girls must sever their attachments to Peter. If they don't, I fear the worst for Earth and Equestria." Most of the strands began to unravel, increasing their distance from the center of the Web of Life while maintaining a connection, but one thread in particular began to glow, alternating between shades of royal blue and black. It remained attached to the center, refusing to sever its tie. Madame Web's mouth fell agape. "There. That's the one. She is the one… who will kill Peter. Spider-Man's death will come from the second-closest strand in the Web of Life, but who could it…?"

An image appeared within the Web, of a being hovering over Spider-Man. He stood in a defensive stance while her angelic form towered over him. Madame Web studied the vision for what felt like an eternity, but she eventually nodded, her head lowering with despair.

"Princess Luna…"

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