• Published 4th Feb 2012
  • 20,649 Views, 397 Comments

Spiders and Magic: Rise of Spider-Mane - Maximus_Reborn

Spider-Man is brought to Equestria for a second chance at life, but his luck may ruin his opportunity before it can truly begin.

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Darkest Before the Dawn, Part IV

Chapter Fifty-Five "Darkest Before the Dawn, Part IV"

"Trixie?" Pinkie Pie whispered, tilting her head to the side. "Are you okay? You're crying."

The unicorn freed her gaze from the open window, brushing a hoof over her wet cheek. "What?" She sniffed, unable to stop her tears from falling. Trixie paused, tapping her hoof against her chest. The aches that had been plaguing her heart for the entire day had vanished, but there was a void, as if something had been taken away. She shook her head, remorse plaguing her thoughts. Like before, Peter was at the center, yet she could no longer feel his presence. "Something must have happened." Her lips quivered, forcing Trixie to bite down on them. "I hate not knowing what's going on."

"Don't lose hope. Peter's fine. I know he is," Pinkie lightly giggled, placing a hoof over Trixie's shoulder.

Dismayed, Trixie shared a glance with the mare. "How can you tell?"

Pinkie smiled. "Because we're all here, believing. I believe in Twilight, and I know you still believe in Peter! I can feel all of us, lending our hope to them. As long as we don't give up, they won't either. We're all here, believing. There's always hope!"

Trixie placed her flank against the floor, prompting Pinkie to mirror her action. She had excused herself from the group, choosing to wait outside of Princess Celestia's private quarters while her ruler attended to a pressing matter. Trixie didn't even mind that Pinkie Pie chose to follow her.

The unicorn managed to smile in spite of her falling tears. "Idobelieve. Thank you, Pinkie. Peter will come back. I'll never stop believing until Twilight, Spike, and Princess Luna drag him back here." Trixie lifted her gaze, furrowing her brow at Princess Celestia's door. "It still hurts not knowing what's going on. I hope Princess Celestia comes out with good news."

Celestia watched the magical projection of the Web of Life in the privacy of her personal quarters. The image had grown thousands of strands since she saw it last, thanks to Twilight's efforts at the Bugle. Threads of Equestria and Earth unraveled, connecting to the Web of Life as they multiplied by the thousands. Celestia glanced off to the side. Her student's intentions were pure. This was a deed done out of love, yet she was oblivious to the depth of her actions. Celestia shifted her light violet irises back to the Web of Life.

The strands containing those in Equestria disconnected from the center with the exception of one, that belonging to her sister. The strand was now jet black, matching the envoy of the dark abyss. Luna's image dissipated, morphing to reveal a twisted picture of the mare-turned-human. Celestia furrowed her brow. Suddenly, the gossamer stiffened, growing brittle until pieces of the webbing fell from the net. The flow of crimson energy faded from the strands, as did Peter's image above of the Web of Life.

Celestia's eyes widened, slamming her hoof into the ground. "No…! Peter must have been killed." She shook her head. The wheels of fate were turning against them from the start. Peter's destiny had been altered and changed, but the end result was still the same. The inside of her chest tightened, aching at the realization. "Everything we've done was for nothing. He didn't deserve this! Am I really powerless to save a single life?" She glanced at her own individual strand in the Web of Life. "I promised Cassandra I would I protect him! I thought I could, but I have failed my duty. Peter, I'm sorry."

Celestia sighed. She pondered how Twilight and Luna would cope with this loss. Peter had grown so close to Twilight in the short number of months they'd known each other. To say that he had changed her was an understatement. Twilight finally began to listen to her heart above her mind. The same could be said about Luna. Celestia's younger sister was not good with words, at least in regards to personal feelings, but their bond was there, even if Luna would never admit to it outright.

Both mares were attached to Peter. Twilight had never experienced the pain of loss before, but Celestia knew her pupil would not handle Peter's death well, considering how young and sensitive she was. Luna was a strong individual, but she was fairly sensitive when it came to death. This could not end well for either mare, possibly shaping them for the worst. Celestia wanted to be there for both of them right now. She hated not having control of the situation.

The image of the Web of Life suddenly morphed, all previously severed strands connecting back to the center. Thousands of threads connected to the Web from a distance, spreading until the gossamer stretched across the entire room. Several hundred strands connected to the outer wall while thousands latched onto their ends, but those near the center remained the same as before, with the Elements of Harmony and several others, including some that Celestia wasn't familiar with.

One strand bore an image of a gruff man, sharp claws extending from his hands. Another thread had a picture of an older woman, Celestia recognizing her from Peter's memories. It was his aunt. The alicorn's eyes widened. Even Sunset Shimmer had a place in the Web, alongside a woman with snow-white hair. Celestia's eyes shot open. Sombra's image was seen vividly within a strand, although its picture was colored with a black and white tone. Suddenly, the center began to glow, emitting a bright violet light, and its energy began to spread through the Web of Life.

Celestia's brow lowered before her eyes shot open. "Twilight! By the stars…"

Twenty Days Remain until the portal closes…

Twilight vanished, materializing with her hands clenched onto Venom's neck. Before Venom could react, they disappeared in a flash of light and appeared high over the city, amidst the peaks of the surrounding skyscrapers. Violet energy snaked around Venom's neck like a noose, prompting the symbiote-infected princess to gag as she clutched at the spell. Twilight levitated the woman away from her position, her expression blank behind a pair of glowing white eyes. The girl jerked her wrist, sending Venom into a plummet, and the energy flashed, turning the woman until her head was aimed downward.

Venom smashed into the street, generating a dust cloud as a shockwave sent shards of concrete out from the impact. Venom climbed out of the trench and raised her head, only to find Twilight inches away with her hand extended. Venom barely managed to blink before a shockwave erupted, reducing everything within its radius to dust, and her body violently snapped back, spiraling until her back slammed into the street. Venom's momentum hadn't faltered in the least, her frame tearing through the concrete until a stone wall stopped her progress.

Venom opened an eye, inhaling once Twilight appeared with her glowing hand hovering over her face. She unleashed a magical blast, engulfing Venom entirely before jettisoning her body through an array of barricades, from street lights, to trucks, and building walls until she reached the river. Materializing in a flash of violet energy, Twilight fired a beam into Venom's stomach, driving the woman's body to the bottom of the river with such velocity that a gush of water escaped out of the spiraling hole in the water.

The princess stared at the body of water for several seconds with an emotionless stare before throwing her glowing hand forward in a slashing motion. A line of violet energy sliced into the river, an electrical spark escaping from the spell before the water split, rising several hundred stories to resemble a pair of walls until the bottom floor could be seen. Venom gripped the soggy dirt under her hand, groaning as she forced herself to a kneeling position.

A tear escaped from the corner of Luna's eyes as they flashed to a shade of blue. "Twilight, I'm sorry. I deserve every ounce of your rage." She stood, holding her arms to the side. "Destroy me! Avenge Peter! Ensure that I never harm an innocent life again!"

The symbiote hissed, its sticky frame expanding until it covered all of Luna's skin. All form of color in her eyes dissipated, morphing to a blank, white stare. Venom's fangs emerged, forming a wicked smile. "Listening to you makes me sick! After I kill this shrimp, I'll find a way to shut you up permanently!" The magic holding the river in place diminished, causing the water to fall over the symbiote, but Venom vanished at the last moment, materializing behind Twilight with her arm stretched back. The symbiote spun, her hand taking the shape of a blade. "Die!"

Twilight spun around and slammed her glowing hand into Venom's chest before the blade could connect, generating a shockwave potent enough to send waves across the river and tremors through the city in the distance. Venom was launched backwards, flying for several hundred yards before stretching her wings out and stopping instantaneously in midair. Energy spiraled from the atmosphere, vortexing into the aura surrounding Venom's body, and the same transpired with Twilight, both women glowing like two beacons of light in the night sky until they vanished from sight.

A series of shockwaves burst throughout the air, each creating quakes all over the city and causing the waves in the river to grow larger as they smashed against the shore. Twilight spun into existence, spreading her wings to slow her descent, and as Venom divebombed after the princess, the energy surrounding her sister's apprentice formed an enormous sphere before engulfing Luna's body. The orb shot skyward, piercing the clouds before an explosion of violet energy spread out and brightened the night sky with an array of descending sparkles.

Venom bolted through the airwaves until she drove her shoulder into Twilight's stomach, carrying the girl until they slammed into the upper walls of a skyscraper. Shards of glass and chunks of stone flew out from the impact of the crash. However, violet energy ensnared the scattered wreckage, holding them in place. The moment Venom burst out from the building, the glass shards homed in on Venom and pierced her skin with lightning speed before all of the chunks of stone smashed into her frame simultaneously, shattering from impact.

Twilight materialized in front of her foe, driving her glowing fist into Venom's chest a second time. Venom flew for several feet, unable to react as a violet beam rushed into her gut and carried her through the clouds. Twilight flew after Venom, soaring past the clouds and into the stratosphere until Luna's body neared the descending moon. The symbiote peeled its mask back, revealing the woman's cold black gaze. They were high above the Earth, far from its air supply, yet Venom's breathing was level, hindered only from the damage she was sustaining from Twilight.

Venom gritted her teeth, electrical currents crackling over her hands as crystal white energy particles spiraled from the moon's surface and morphed into a small orb. However, the energy expanded, causing the sphere to grow in size before Venom teleported behind its position. Twilight stopped in her tracks, the violet energy surrounding her body growing bright. Venom extended her hand, generating a shockwave that launched her ball of energy, a trail of afterimages following the sphere.

Twilight remained still, even as the orb slammed into her body and detonated on impact, a whirlwind of energy spreading out. Venom wheezed with a fanged smile while the energy dissipated, but her mouth fell agape, Twilight emerging from the storm unscathed. Before Luna could react, Twilight vanished in a flash of light and materialized inches away, her fingers clenched deep into the withering thralls of the symbiote. Venom reared its claws back, only for the princess to slam the palm of her glowing hand into her forehead. Venom screeched, driving Luna's fist across Twilight's face in a desperate attempt to free itself from her magical grasp.

The princess strained, gritting her teeth as she slowly managed to rip the symbiote from its host's body. Vibrations rattled through her body before Twilight howled at the top of her lungs and threw her hands in two separate directions, ripping Luna's body completely free from the symbiote. Twilight engulfed the symbiote in violet energy, holding it in place. The princess of the moon shook her head, groaning as her vision slowly cleared. Luna's eyes widened at a realization, prompting the woman to turn her attention to the moon speeding towards the planet.

She waved a glowing hand, causing the milky orb to disappear from sight and materialize back to its proper position, a safe distance from the Earth. Luna's breathing was rigid, reminiscent to the sound of glass scratching against a rough surface, and bolts of pain rushed through a majority of her body. It stood to reason that the symbiote had suppressed her pain. The princess of the moon's magic faded, allowing the planet's gravity to claim her. She entered the atmosphere, her body limp as she struggled to hold any form of consciousness, but violet energy enveloped her body, slowing Luna's descent before levitating her close to Twilight's position.

The pair disappeared in a flash of light, materializing on the ground near the outskirts of the city. Luna fell to her knees, bruises surfacing on her skin. Her eyes shot open, memories of the entire battle flooding the confines of her mind and heart. The damage she inflicted on the city, the harm given to her allies, and the life she took. Tears escaped from the corners of Luna's eyes. It was Nightmare Moon all over again. She'd hurt those closest to her due to her inability to stand against the darkness in her heart.

That weakness had led to the death of the only one she'd ever loved. Luna brought her hands over her face, sobbing, but something warm fell over her shoulder, prompting the woman to stop and divert her attention to the source. Twilight's gaze was fixed on her, the color in her eyes having returned to a shade of violet, but there wasn't a hint of resentment to be found in her sight, as Luna was expecting. Instead, Twilight squeezed Luna's shoulder, smiling in spite of her own falling tears.

Twilight choked back a sob, slowly turning her glare to the black substance trapped in her magical hold. A vein took form over her forehead. Using her telekinesis, Twilight held the symbiote in place just above the ground with a trembling hand. Her teeth grinded to the core, masking seething pants, and the girl glared intently at the black substance. A flame erupted at the center of the symbiote, exploding in a precise radius before the fire spread and consumed the parasite. Twilight raised her hand, causing another explosion to occur, and the symbiote cried out, hissing as its slimy form was being reduced to a charred husk. The flames grew more malevolent with each explosion, the rock underneath liquefying to a molten form.

Twilight paused, watching the symbiote hiss weakly as her own muscles twitched. Peter's image flashed through the mind of the princess. Memories of his final breath and dying smile pulled at her heart, Twilight's hand clenched into a fist before she howled at the top of her lungs, an electrical spark rushing over to the symbiote and triggering an explosion that shredded it. The parasite's cries were drowned out by the crackles of the flames, and tears poured down the girl's cheeks as she watched the symbiote dissolve into a pile of ash, its smoking scent plaguing the air before a gentle breeze whisked the remains away.

"Twilight Sparkle?" Luna called out, her voice barely above the hint of a whisper. Her blue gaze fell to the side shamefully. "You should have destroyed me. You earned that right the moment I took Peter's life." Staying on her knees, the princess lowered her head and held her arms out. "I almost wish you had incinerated me along with that monster."

Twilight took a hold of the woman's arms, shaking her head disapprovingly as she lowered them. "That is not the answer. There is no meaning in dying." She brushed her stray tears away, pausing to stifle her growing sobs. "You're still my friend, Princess Luna, and you always will be. I love Peter, and I know he wouldn't want you to blame yourself for what's happened." Her defenses fell, evident by her pouring tears. Twilight sniffled, shielding her face with her forearm. "It was Venom. Not you. L-Let it go."

Luna watched the girl with a bewildered expression, her lower lip quivering. "I am sorry. This is the second time you have saved me from the darkness, and I have done nothing but cause you pain and misery in return. The symbiote fueled my jealousy, and I lost my way." The woman reached out, using her magic to brush Twilight's face clean before her lips curled into a saddened smile. "Twilight Sparkle,youare the only one worthy of Peter's love. I will not allow you to suffer from loneliness the same way I have." Luna paused, stealing a glance at Twilight's stomach. "It would not be right to raise a child without the father."

Twilight's brow furrowed. "Princess Luna, I-"

Luna stood tall, clutching at the bruise on her side. "Time is of the essence. I can bring Peter back."

"Y-You can?! How?!" Twilight blurted out, her heart racing. Luna didn't respond, at least with words. The woman disappeared from sight in a flash of light. Twilight's eyes widened before she shifted her gaze to the city. She sensed Luna's magical energy heading towards the area Peter had been left in. Nodding, Twilight readied herself to follow, but she stopped, pausing to rub a hand over her bruised stomach. "Am I really…?" Shaking her head, she brushed her thoughts to the side and followed the princess via teleportation.

Luna landed by Peter's side, wasting no time to fall to a knee, and the woman's body emitted a sky-blue aura while her hands glowed with a bright light. The number of spectators grew, citizens beginning to surround the pair, yet they kept their distance, perhaps out of respect or fear. Twilight floated gracefully to the ground, paying no mind to the hushed whispers that spread throughout the crowd. She only managed to steal a glance at her lover before her tears resurfaced. Twilight inhaled, suppressing her sobs long enough to realize Peter was without his mask. Spotting the mask on the ground, the princess knelt down to retrieve it.

One man shook his head, dismayed. "He's… just a kid."

A pair of officers worked their way through the crowd. Carlie adjusted her glasses and waved the crowd back once she reached Twilight's side. "I am advising you all to back away. They need room to work!" As everyone heeded the woman's words, the officer turned to Twilight and whispered, "Please tell me you can save him. He just saved my life a few minutes ago." Twilight bit her lip, her violet gaze falling to the ground. Carlie nodded, clearing her throat before joining her fellow officer. "Help me set up a barricade."

Twilight turned and lowered her body, gently sliding Peter's mask back over his face. Light descended, magic creating a small circle underneath their bodies. Luna placed her hands over Peter's chest, prompting the energy surrounding her body to rush into his. A bright light flashed as small traces of energy escaped from the gaping wound on Spider-Man's shoulder before fresh scar tissue formed over its place, mending itself. All traces of damage began to dissolve, gashes fading from sight and color returning to his pale skin.

Luna's vision blurred, her eyes glazing over, but the princess refused to cease her actions, gritting her teeth before pouring more of her magic into Peter's being. This spell was forbidden for many reasons, yet she accepted the risks without a hint of hesitation. Luna would never be the same after this moment, as a great deal of herself would forever be a part of Peter, and vice versa. The princess jerked her head after nearly losing consciousness, evident by her grey, lifeless irises. That was,ifshe survived the procedure.

Luna would have much to answer for: from her sister, Twilight Sparkle, those she harmed, and the one she was currently so desperate to save. Strands of her dark-blue hair began to morph, flashing to a lighter shade. An electrical spark escaped from Peter's chest before the young man suddenly took in large breaths before settling into a normal rhythm. Twilight's eyes shot open as she threw her hands over her mouth, failing to mask a teary smile. The whirlwind of energy dissipated, dimming. Luna and Peter shared a glance, numb to the surrounding world.

The young man was quick to succumb to unconsciousness. Luna managed to smile, brushing the back of her hand against Spider-Man's masked cheek. She cared not for the repercussions that awaited, for this moment was worth it: to see Peter breathe once more. Everything turned black, and Luna collapsed by the young man's side. A bright light emitted from her body, morphing her form. The people stared in disbelief at what rested by Spider-Man's side. It was a blue alicorn with a dark blue crown on her head perched behind her horn. Her mane was sky-blue, hiding a portion of her face, and her coat was a slightly darker shade. She rested soundly. Her stature was drastically shortened from her previous amazon-like state.

Twilight's eyes grew wider in spite of how stained her face was with tears at the sight, but she was freed from her trance, once the sound of propellers filled the airwaves. A squadron of armored helicopters approached from the horizon, entering the city from a distance. Twilight grimaced, spotting a lone helicopter out of the corner of her eye. Its design was simple with the label "Bugle" etched on both sides of its body.

It seemed the armed forces and media were homing in on the area. Damage was widespread throughout the city, with Oscorp reduced to a pile of rubble, and Twilight's friends were at the center. From what she gathered from JARVIS and Peter, the odds of talking things out were slim to none with the trigger-happy members of the armed forces.

Twilight placed her hands over Peter and Luna before vanishing from sight in a flash of light. A few seconds later, the princess materialized next to Sunset Shimmer and repeated her previous action, teleporting with the girl. Spike and Felicia were evacuated in the same manner under the span of a minute. Lastly, as the helicopters were within the vicinity, Twilight appeared before the wreckage Logan was buried underneath. The princess raised a glowing hand, levitating the burning heap of metal from the ground, and she cringed at the sight of Wolverine, his body lathered with burns and scars. A pack of searchlights fell near their position and quickly approached, forcing Twilight to teleport herself and Logan away before they could be spotted.

Princess Celestia's eyes widened. The strands of the Web of Life began to glow, its crimson aura returning life to the gossamer. All form of darkness left Luna's strand, but its magical energy spread throughout the web, fusing with the crimson aura. Suddenly, Luna's strand broke from the Web of Life, and the strands holding the images of the Elements of Harmony connected to the center.

Each symbol glowed with violet energy before Twilight's image formed at the center. Spider-Man appeared by her side, both individuals sharing the center. Celestia furrowed her brow, gasping once a spider lowered itself from the Web. It held the Web of Life in place, tightening the strands before holding its position as if guarding the gossamer. A symbol of the moon appeared on its back, glowing brightly.

Celestia's mouth fell agape. "Luna… what did you do?"

Nineteen Days Remain until the portal closes...

Peter stirred, stretching his arms high over his head before forcing himself to sit upright. His vision spun, slowly focusing before eventually settling into place. He found a clock near his bedside, the time displayed being 9:55 P.M. His mind slowly played his last memories, particularly Venom, Twilight, and darkness. Peter's eyes widened in realization. He slid his hand under his tanktop, tracing the outline of the circular scar resting over his shoulder. The scar would not last due to his healing factor. Peter rotated his arm, stretching the shoulder before grimacing with a grin.

Beside a small hindering ache, he was healed. Peter rolled from the plush comforts of the bed, furrowing his brow at the sight of his brown tank-top and matching sweatpants. Twilight must have changed him with her magic, all evidence pointing to that belief with his Spider-Man costume folded together on the seat of a chair alongside Twilight's heroic wardrobe. Staggering to his feet, Peter ran a hand over the seat by his bedside, noting that it was still warm. Parker wandered out of his room, treading lightly until he reached the living area.

'-speculation has several citizens stating that the moon was unusually closer to the Earth than usual last night, but pictures currently show that couldn't be further from the truth. We believe that-'

Logan turned the television off and peeked up from his seat, smirking before lowering his head. "Look who crawled out of the grave."

Sunset Shimmer freed her sky-blue gaze from the projection at the center of the table, managing to give Peter a smile. Her shoulder was bandaged, wrapped in a sling. Spike rushed through the room, as gently as he could without knocking anything down with his massive frame, and once the dragon reached the young man, he lifted Peter from the ground and hugged him tightly, reminiscent to how a child would hold a doll. Felicia watched the sight from her seat, grinning before replacing the ice bag back over her forehead. Spike refused to relinquish his hold, chuckling feverishly while Peter folded his arms in an exasperated manner.

Logan downed the last of his beverage, crushing the can in his grip. "I don't blame the kid one bit, Parker. After you died, he knows not to take you for granted anymore."

Peter's eyes shot open as his complexion paled. "D-Died?! I thought I just blacked out." Arching a brow, the young man turned his gaze to the ceiling. "I don't remember dying. I do remember getting stabbed in the shoulder. That sucked. I also remember getting pinned to a car. That sucked even more. That was worse than the time I was buried alive for two weeks."

Shimmer blankly stared at the young man. "You come back from the dead, and you're already talking."

Logan shrugged. "What's worse is that he's actually being serious."

Peter freed his arm, scratching the side of his head. "Anyway, everything went hazy after I took that blast for Twilight." The young man tilted his head to the side. "Wait. If I died, how did I come back? Is this what Jean Grey goes through all of the time? Or Green Goblin? Or Elektra? Or…?"

Sunset Shimmer cleared her throat. "You can thank Princess Luna for that. She performed the resurrection spell." The girl paused, shifting her uncertain gaze to the side. "I didn't think it was possible to bring back the dead. I didn't think such a spell even existed in Equestria."

"How's that work?" Peter questioned, raising a brow.

Shimmer cringed, brushing a glowing hand over her shoulder. "I don't know. Princess Luna is the only one who knows the details." She returned her gaze to Peter. "It seems to have changed your magical signature. It's hard to explain. It feels the same, but there's something different about it. I can sense traces of Princess Luna's magical signature within you. I wonder if this is permanent?" Sunset closed her eyes. "Forget it. We have more important things to talk about."

Peter nodded. "Yeah. You can tell me what happened after I blacked out. What happened to Venom? I remember everyone getting thoroughly thrashed. How'd you guys pull it out?"

Spike eventually placed Peter down. "We didn't stop Venom. Twilight did."

Peter's eyes widened. "What?"

Felicia lowered the ice bag and groaned. "I was barely conscious when it happened. Right after you died, Twilight grew wings." The woman brought the bag back over her forehead. "I thought it was the concussion playing tricks on me, but apparently, it was all real."

Spike chuckled nervously. "Twilight's an alicorn. She had wings back in Equestria. I always thought it was weird that she didn't have them here on Earth."

Shimmer huffed. "I felt her magical signature skyrocket. Her powers were being suppressed somehow. I think your death gave Twilight the emotional push she needed to free Princess Luna and completely incinerate the Venom symbiote."

Peter furrowed his brow. "Whoa. Twilight did that?" He paused, waving his hands. "Wait. I thought alicorns were the only ones who could sense magic."

"Yeah. Remind me to never get on her bad side- Damn it!" Sunset recoiled, cursing under her breath as her magic continued to mend her injuries. "Unicorns can sense magic, too. Some are born with the ability, and it takes a lot of practice for others to learn."

Peter managed to smile, exhaling. "I knew Twilight was scary, but… sheesh." The young man glanced about, scanning his surroundings before furrowing his brow. "Speaking of which, where are Twilight and Luna?"

Spike pointed upstairs. "Princess Luna has been in her room since last night. Twilight went in there before you came in here. They've been really quiet today. I hope they're okay."

Logan folded his arms. "A lot happened yesterday, kid. Let's just give the women their space for right now. They'll come around when they're ready."

"Hopefully, sooner than later," Shimmer intervened, earning the collective gazes of everyone in the room. She ran her fingers over the holographic projection, expanding the image until a new picture was formed. Osborn's goblin form had grown considerably, matching the physique of the Hulk in a sense. Shimmer shook her head as scrolls of text appeared next to Osborn. "It looks like Osborn has completely absorbed Discord's presence. He's holed up in Latveria, resting from the symbiosis."

Peter frowned. "Latveria? That's Doom's territory. Did they team up or something?"

Sunset shook her head. Images appeared underneath the Goblin. "Afraid not. Osborn took over the castle with his army."

Logan rubbed the underside of his chin. "I find that hard to believe. Osborn may have some power now, but he can't beat Doom easily with a few bots."

The images cleared, revealing a new set of individuals. Peter and Logan stammered, their mouths agape. Captain America, Thor, Iron Man, and Nick Fury appeared underneath Osborn.

Peter grimaced. "Oh, no. You mean…? Like the Hulk?"

Shimmer closed the projection, shaking her head. "Yeah. They're all possessed under Osborn's influence, and it's not just them. There's more, but the files didn't show any specifics. No one has seen or heard from Doctor Doom since Osborn invaded. The army of robots patrols the grounds, and the heroes are doing the same inside."

Logan growled, slamming his fist against the table. "Damn. This explains why I couldn't get a hold of the X-Men. That bastard's been recruiting heroes, adding them to his army."

Felicia's eyes widened. "He already had an army of villains. If he's been picking up heroes, we might be the only ones left. That means we're seriously outgunned."

Peter scratched the back of his head, stealing a glance at the ceiling. "If it wasn't for Doctor Strange's magic, they would have found the Sanctum Sanctorum by now."

Shimmer frowned. "I don't think Osborn wants to find us. If he did, he would have gone after Twilight at the Bugle by now. From what I read in the schematics, Osborn needs two weeks of rest before he can carry out his final plan." The holographic projection flashed, revealing an image of two worlds. A line glowed between the spheres before both orbs disappeared in a flash of light. "He wants to go between the realms of Earth and Equestria. From there, he'll sever the tie between both worlds and erase all of reality. Then, he'll create a world in his image as the Goblin King."

An eerie silence filled the room before Peter brought a hand over his mouth. "Osborn… is really trying to play God."

Logan growled. "So, what do we do?"

Peter's brow lowered. "What else? We have two weeks to get ready. We're obviously in no shape to fight Osborn or his army right now. Let's take some time to study the building schematics and discuss strategy. It'll give me time to work on some inventions and grab some things from Equestria." He paused, stealing a glance at the sword across the room. "I also think it's time I learn how to use the Equestrian Saber. We'll need all the help we can get."

Shimmer arched a brow. "What are you planning on doing?"

Peter smiled, making his way to a standing position. "I'm going to talk to Luna."

Logan sniffed the air, pointing behind Peter. "You better brace yerself first, Parker."

Peter stammered, tilting his head to the side. "Huh? For wha-?"

"My baby!" May tearfully exclaimed, throwing her arms around Peter's neck.

Felicia excused herself with a smile while Sunset Shimmer nonchalantly returned her attention to the holographic projection. Spike smiled and hugged both May and Peter, causing the older woman to sob happily and the young man to exhale.

Logan smirked, walking past the trio. "Looks like it'll have to wait 'til the morning, Parker. You should just enjoy the moment."

Peter closed his eyes, grinning in a defeated manner before returning May's and Spike's embrace to the best of his ability. "Yeah. You're right."

"Princess Luna?" Twilight quietly called out as she knocked on the door. No response was given. Twilight inhaled deeply, forcing the lump in her throat down with a swallow before leaning against the door. "I know you asked to be alone for a while, but there was something I really wanted to ask you." Her voice cracked, revealing her growing uncertainty. "Please? It's urgent."

A bright light flashed momentarily, escaping from underneath the door. Magical energy suddenly enveloped the knob and turned it, allowing the door to open slightly. Twilight peeked inside, her eyes stiffening as she found Luna sitting by the window with her knees pulled to her breasts. The princess closed the door behind her once she stepped inside. The room was dark with little moonlight invading through the opening in the curtain. Luna never lifted her gaze, keeping her face buried in her arms.

Twilight raised a hand, wanting to reach out to the woman, but she decided against the notion, choosing to instead sit on the edge of Luna's untouched bed. The air was tense, making the simple art of breathing difficult, yet both women maintained their silence, praying that the other would speak first. After what transpired yesterday, what could they possibly say? Luna's fingers dug into her dress as she pulled against her arms. She wanted to disappear, to fade into nothingness and never return. A monster such as herself deserved such a fate.

Twilight furrowed her brow, shifting her sight to the beam of light narrowly entering the room. Her eyes were already beginning to hurt. "Are you okay, Princess Luna? I-I'm sorry for disturbing you like this."

Luna shook her head, sighing. "Do not apologize, Twilight Sparkle. I should be groveling before you for what I've done."

Twilight leaned forward, concern evident in her eyes. "Princess Luna. Please. It wasn't your fault."

"You're much too soft like my sister," Luna whispered, her voice wavering. Twilight opened her mouth, ready to respond, but Luna raised her head, without lifting her gaze. "I do not want your pity nor do I deserve it. Just… leave me." Luna turned around until her back faced her sister's pupil. Twilight's eyes softened as she reached out, but she pulled her hand away before it could fall over Luna's shoulder, deciding to give the princess her space. Nodding, she stood before making her way to the door. "Twilight Sparkle?" Luna softly called out once the princess reached the door. "In regards to your question, I believe you can sense the life you're carrying as well."

Twilight inhaled sharply, rubbing a hand over her stomach before returning her gaze back to Luna. "I've been sensing it for a while now, but I didn't know what to make of it. I'm still adjusting to my alicorn powers." She closed her eyes, humming as her senses centered on the tiny hint of life dwelling in her being. Twilight's lips curled into a frown. "How did this happen? I'm still a pony, and my cycle isn't set to happen for another three weeks!" Her brow lowered. "Not just that. It should be impossible for me to get pregnant! My spirit is sealed inside of a vessel!" She tapped her hands against her body frantically. "This is an avatar for my soul! Thisshouldn'tbe happening!

Luna lifted her gaze, although she only glanced at Twilight from the corner of her eye. "I have thought about that. It seems the sorcerer was wrong. If your body was truly just a vessel for your spirit, you shouldn't feel hunger, exhaustion, or any bodily sensation. You transformed, exactly as Peter did when he came to Equestria. Conception is very possible for you, on EarthandEquestria." Her eyes glowed momentarily. "Judging from your thoughts, you and Peter had not taken precautions during your times of intimacy," she bluntly declared, causing Twilight's face to burn.

Luna returned her gaze to the window before clearing her throat. "My apologies for prying into your thoughts. I am equally curious to what may have led to this phenomenon. Because of the link you two share, your body accepted the changes relatively quickly. Peter would not have any difficulty impregnating you as a pony. It stands to reason that the same could be said now. Honestly, if that's the case, you couldn't have prevented this from happening. You were misled. It was outside of your control. The sorcerer and psychic brought you here without taking this into consideration."

Twilight was silent, as if considering Princess Luna's words. "By the stars, why is this happening?"

After an awkward silence, Luna huffed. "Do you have any regrets?"

Twilight's mind sank into a vortex. She was happy, yet terrified. Of all the luck, she was pregnant. Princess Twilight Sparkle was going to be a mother, but this was happening much sooner than she would have liked. The girl's breathing grew shallow as her heart rate quickened. By the stars.Peter. What would he think of this news? Would he even want to be a part of it? Twilight slammed her eyes shut and gripped a few strands of her violet locks, chiding the thought.

This was an accident, yet she didn't want to label her child as such. Tears began to roll down her cheeks. She and Peter had always made love to each other. Was it careless for them not to consider this possibility? The princess shook her head. So much was happening. The end of reality was looming around the horizon, Peter had been brought back from the brink of death, and now, Twilight had to worry about impending parenthood. It was overwhelming, as if the entire world was placed over her shoulders. Twilight wiped her face clean. She knew what she had to do.

"No. I'm afraid," Twilight sniffled, managing to smile, "but I don't have any regrets."

Luna nodded. "Then go to him."

"Thank you, Princess Luna," Twilight whispered, closing the door behind her. She turned back, ready to speak to the princess of the moon once more, but Luna vanished from sight before Twilight could say anything. Shaking her head, the librarian buried her face behind the palms of her hands and sighed. "What do I do? How do I tell him?" Lost in her trance, the princess met with a barricade. Twilight clumsily stumbled back, but a strong arm wrapped around her waist, allowing her to peek up and meet a familiar pair of warm, hazel irises. "Ah!"

Peter grinned. "Well,excuse me, princess! I've been looking for-" He had no hope of finishing his sentence as Twilight's hand soared through the air and struck the side of his face, the slap echoing across the hall. Peter stared at the girl with a wide-eyed gaze, holding his hand over his cheek. "Okay. I had that one coming."

"Shut up! Why did you do that?!" she yelled, punching Peter's chest repeatedly until her voice wavered. Sniffling, the princess shuddered before resting her forehead against her lover's neck. "Stupid! Stupid! Stupid!"

Peter wrapped his arms around her waist. "I'm sorry. I just… reacted, but I'd do it a million times over if it meant I could save you." His eyes widened at a realization. The top of Twilight's forehead reached his chin, whereas it used to barely reached the center of his chest. "Wait. Did you get taller?" It was swift, Twilight's hand striking his face a second time. Peter blinked. "Okay. Seriously. Ow."

Twilight buried her face into the crook of Peter's neck. "You just woke up after being brought back from the dead, and the first thing you ask is if I'm taller?"

Peter chuckled. "Iwasgoing to ask if you needed wing-holes in your shirts now, but it seems you can pull them out at will." He furrowed his brow, levitating his hand over the top of the girl's head. "No. Really. Youaretaller."

After a few moments, Twilight's muffled laughter could be heard. "You're so stupid."

Her mouth pressed against his, and her arms wrapped around his neck before Peter could hope to finish his question. The young man nearly lost his footing, leaning against the wall for support, but he quickly returned the girl's affection, placing both hands over her hips. Twilight pulled away, panting as she cupped Peter's face in her hands and rested her forehead against his. Their faces were inches apart, the princess staring deeply into her knight's hazel irises.

Her emotions were at a zenith, Twilight refusing to part from Peter in spite of her growing sobs and pouring tears. She eventually yielded, burying her face into the crook of the young man's neck. Twilight sobbed uncontrollably, tightening her embrace out of the fear of losing her lover again. Peter's eyes softened, even as his neck and shirt grew damp.

Twilight whimpered, placing the side of her head against Peter's chest. "By the stars, Peter, I amneverletting you go again." His heartbeat echoed throughout her eardrum, its rhythm melodic and soothing. Twilight let out a small peep as Peter lifted her into his arms bridal style, but she sighed contently, never removing her arms from around his neck. The girl nodded inwardly. The warm light lingering in her stomach was still there. It was time Peter learned the truth. "Peter. Let's go to our room. There's something I need to tell you."

Peter raised a brow. "What is it?"

"Well…" Twilight trailed off, wishing she could have rehearsed this. The girl sighed. Even if she had, reality was very different from practice. "It's not easy to say."

Peter smiled. "You know you can tell me anything." His voice was soft, lathered with affection and concern.

Twilight slammed her eyes shut. "I'm pregnant."

A few minutes had passed. Twilight sat on the edge of her bed while Peter paced across the room, a bandage placed over the knot on his forehead. He practically fainted in the hallway, hitting his head in the process, but at the very least, the knight made certain that the princess fell on top of him in contrast to his body crushing hers. However, Peter was elated, grinning uncontrollably, but he couldn't help worrying about the news, going so far as to pace across the ceiling without missing a step. He hopped down, landing perfectly on his feet inches from Twilight.

"I'm sorry I got you into this," Twilight sadly whispered.

Peter nervously chuckled. "It takes two to make a baby. We're both to blame. I…Weshould have been more careful." He paused, sobering. "What's done is done. We can't go back and change the past. Even if we could, I wouldn't, and I think you'd stay the course, too."

Twilight gave the young man an affirming nod, blushing. "Honestly, you're right. I don't have any regrets about this. I'm just… scared."

Peter placed his hand over Twilight's shoulder, squeezing it gently. "That's okay. I'm practically shaking right now, too. I'm happy I'm with you, but I never thought I could be a father."

Twilight tilted her head to the side. "Why?"

"I thought I would have found a way to chase you away before we could eventhinkabout having children. You know how bad my luck is," Peter softly declared, shifting his gaze to the ceiling. "Were you afraid to tell me?"

Twilight sighed, nodding. "Yes. I thought you might have panicked." Peter rolled his eyes, rubbing at the knot on his head. Twilight waved her hand defensively, smiling. "I was afraid you'd take the newsbadly. I mean, I thought you would have leftmefor a moment."

Peter chuckled. He extended his hand, palm up. Twilight placed her hand in his. "You should know better by now. I'm with you no matter what. That's our promise. We'll see everything through together."

Her heavy stare matched his. "I know, but we're soyoung."

Peter huffed. "Yeah. The paparazzi will have a field day when we get back to Equestria."

Twilight frowned. "I'm serious, Peter. We just started dating, and something likethishappens. It's not going to be easy. Can we really raise a child?"

Folding his arms, the young man nodded. "We can, and we will. We can't doubt ourselves."

She bit her lip. "So, what do we do?"

Peter gave the princess a wide grin. "We raise this kid and love each other during the whole adventure."

Twilight giggled. "Just like that?"

Peter nodded. "Just like that."

Tears escaped from the corner of Twilight's eyes, yet she held her smile. "You're so simple-minded." The princess raised a finger. "Do they have any books on parenthood and dealing with the side effects of pregnancy? I'd like to do a little research while we wait. It's going to be a long eleven months."

Peter playfully poked the center of Twilight's forehead. "Just don't destroy any libraries while you do. You were already moody before."

Twilight glared at Peter. "Shut up."

The room fell into another moment of silence after a shared moment of laughter. Peter knelt down beneath his princess, placing one hand on her hip while the other caressed her thigh. Twilight stifled a giggle as the young man placed the side of his head against her stomach. His smile seemed permanent. Both of their faces burned, harboring a blush. Twilight ran her fingers through Peter's unkempt hair. This silence. This moment. They were going to be parents. Nothingneededto be said. Their actions spoke louder than any words they could have mustered. They were together, ready to see this through.

In the end, that's all that mattered.

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