• Published 4th Feb 2012
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Spiders and Magic: Rise of Spider-Mane - Maximus_Reborn

Spider-Man is brought to Equestria for a second chance at life, but his luck may ruin his opportunity before it can truly begin.

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Darkest Before the Dawn, Part III

Chapter Fifty-Four "Darkest Before the Dawn, Part III"

"At the end of the beaten path lies the absolute end. No matter who you are, death awaits you"

Twenty Days Remain until the portal closes…

'Why is this happening? I do not want this.'

Luna stood in the midst of a white void, her voice echoing across the vast region. Tears poured from her blue eyes, and the woman fell to her knees, sobbing as thick strands of webbing shot out and surrounded her body. She forced herself to her feet, only for the threads to lash out and capture her arms and legs. The strands tightened, and more of the webbing snaked around her frame, bounding her limbs together.

'It's your fate. You are the embodiment of darkness.'

A mirror image of Luna appeared with her arms folded, staring at her reflection trapped behind the webbing. The strands of gossamer morphed to a shade of black, and darkness soon spread out, consuming the white void. The second image of Luna scoffed, turning her back to her mirror image. Tendrils erupted from the doppelganger's body, hissing as her eyes darkened to a matching shade. She turned around, lunging the whips into Luna's chest.

'This is your chance to take what you desire. Wipe away your enemies.'

Luna's screams echoed across the realm, but she strained, attempting to pull her arms free.

'Twilight is my friend. I willnever-!'

The doppelganger bore her fangs, cackling as more of the symbiote enveloped Luna's body.

'You have no choice.Iam in control, and I will destroyeverything!'

Luna roared, a shockwave rushing out, and the princess clutched at her head, the symbiote retracting before clamping back down on her skin. Spider-Man and Twilight watched, both struggling to maintain their footing. All light left Luna's eyes, her pupils turning as black as a crow flying through cool midnight air. Venom's wings spread, and she sped across the rooftop, closing the gap between herself and Twilight instantaneously. The younger princess couldn't react as Venom slammed her palm into her sternum, sending the girl flying into a stone wall. Her back cracked the rock, and Twilight limply fell to the ground, coughing out a small amount of blood.

Spider-Man's eyes shot open as Venom materialized in front of his position, throwing a wide kick, but Peter managed to duck underneath the attack, although he was unable to dodge the woman's fist that swiftly followed. The blow sent Spider-Man skyward, but Venom captured his leg, slamming Peter into the ground multiple times until it gave away and cracked. Twilight forced herself back to a standing position, gasping at the sight across from her. Once the princess extended her hands, Venom furrowed her brow, spun around, and launched Spider-Man in her direction.

Twilight's magic enveloped Peter's body, managing to slow him to a halt before he could collide with her frame, but Luna materialized behind the young girl, driving her elbow into her back. Twilight recoiled, yelping as a searing pain rushed through her spine, but Venom vanished before appearing in a flash of light, punching her foe across the face. Twilight limply fell to the ground, her violet eyes glazed over. Venom's hand glowed with magical energy before she slammed her foot into the ground and readied to smite the prone princess, but Spider-Man soared through the air, his foot smashing into the side of Venom's face.

Their momentum carried their bodies over the edge of the rooftop, and Spider-Man shot several strands of webbing out onto the surrounding buildings, managing to slingshot himself into Venom. They smashed through a wall of glass, and Peter pinned Venom's shoulders to the ground before flipping with his added momentum to his feet and launching the woman through another wall, leaving her to spiral through the air until she smashed an air conditioner unit. Spider-Man landed a few feet away, lowering his body into a defensive position as Luna made her way back to her feet. Twilight materialized next to the young man, her hand held over her swollen mouth.

"We have to get the symbiote off of Luna," Spider-Man declared, edging closer to the princess while Venom cackled into the night. The moon continued its descent, and the quakes throughout the city grew in velocity, sending violent tremors into each building. Venom vanished in a flash of light, appearing in front of Twilight with her glowing hand reared back, but Spider-Man reached out, capturing Luna's fist in his palm before it could connect with his girlfriend's face. Peter strained, tightening his grip. He drove his shoulder into Venom's collarbone, knocking the woman back, and turned to Twilight, rubbing his thumb over the swollen region on her mouth. "The symbiote's weak against sonic vibrations and fire. Think you can use your magic and keep a safe distance? I'll try to hold her attention."

Twilight nodded, cringing. "Yes. I think I have an idea. Please be careful."

Spider-Man shared a nod with the girl before she vanished in a flash of light just as a bolt of energy reached her position and destroyed that section of the building. She appeared on a different rooftop, running to the edge. Venom raised a glowing hand, keeping her malicious black gaze locked on the princess, but Spider-Man slid underneath her body and grabbed a hold of her arm, swinging the woman over his shoulder. Venom contorted her lower half, managing to land on her feet.

Tendrils burst from her body and lashed out at Spider-Man, but he swayed past each strike, countering by smashing his fist into the woman's forehead, leaping into the air, pulling his knees into his chest and slamming both of his feet into Venom's face. Venom's head snapped back, her skull shattering the concrete. She rolled onto her back just as Peter fired several balls of webbing over her hands and feet, bounding her to the ground, but Venom snarled, ripping the gossamer away before disappearing and materializing back to a standing position.

"Great. You have my powers, you're three times stronger than me, and you have magic," Spider-Man groaned before he dove over the edge of the building, contorting his body enough to narrowly avoid a magical beam. "Luna! Listen to me! I know you don't want to do this! The symbiote is controlling your movements! Try to fight it!" He landed on the side wall of a different building and bounded, a second blast disintegrating the stone he moved himself from. Spider-Man shot a strand of webbing out, but a bolt destroyed the gossamer before it could travel anywhere. "I don't want to fight you! You're still my friend! I know you can hear me, Luna! Fight the symbiote!"

Peter reached out, managing to use his momentum and swing from a flagpole just as another of Venom's magical projectiles pierced through the airwaves and barely missed the moving target. The symbiote unleashed a roar before Venom disappeared, materializing inches away from Spider-Man. The moment they landed, Luna fired several bolts of energy at point blank range, yet Peter swayed and spun past each attack, countering with a sweeping kick. Venom's legs flew from underneath her body, but she managed to place her hand against the ground and push herself back to a standing position.

Half a dozen police cars rolled around the corner, speeding towards the pair, but Venom scoffed and flicked her wrist, prompting magical energy to envelope the vehicles and launch them into the air. Five of the cars slammed through the glass walls of the surrounding buildings, but one flew higher than the rest, spiraling violently. Spider-Man shot a strand of webbing onto the hood, pulling himself to the car, and before it met with the ground, Peter fired dozens of gossamer threads. The webbing spread, capturing the vehicle in a massive net between a pair of streetlights. The female officer inside struggled to level her breathing, recoiling sharply as Spider-Man reached into the window and pulled her from the vehicle.

"Officer!" Spider-Man called out, placing the woman down. She shook her head, nodding a response before removing her glasses. Spider-Man pointed at the civilians surrounding their position. "You need to evacuate the area! We'll try to keep the bad guy in this zone. Get those people to safety!" The woman watched as Spider-Man hopped into the air, swinging on a strand of webbing.

"Cooper!" an officer yelled, freeing the woman from her self-induced trance. He dropped a hand on her shoulder, shaking it. "Carlie! Come on! We have to move the bystanders!"

The woman glanced back, furrowing her brow before running past her colleague. "You're right. Let's move."

Luna pounced Spider-Man from his web-line, her hands latching onto his neck before they teleported several stories high into the air and fell into a rapid descent. The young man punched the underside of Venom's jaw, but her grip was sound, the pair crashing into the hood of a car. Spider-Man's entire frame was deeply embedded in the steel, and Venom knelt over him, one forearm against his chest and her free hand clutching at the side of his head. Civilians recoiled, most scurrying away from the chaos upon the officers' persuasion.

"I-I'm sorry, Peter," Luna whispered through a choked voice, her eyes flashing between shades of light blue and black. Shaking her head, Luna staggered back until she fell from the car. The woman scratched and clawed at the symbiote, attempting to free it from her body, but the black substance hissed, flying into her chest with enough force to knock Luna to the ground. Darkness filled her pupils, and Venom growled through a hoarse voice. "You can't fight me. I control you! This ismybody now!" Luna slammed her fist into her own cheek, the blue color in her eyes returning temporarily. "You are a leech! You thrive by forcing yourself unto others! I refuse to-!" Venom stood upright, snarling as the symbiote spread over her body further. "Shut up!"

Twilight appeared several feet behind the woman, using her magic to levitate a car from the ground. Swinging her hand forward, the vehicle soared through the air, but Venom spun around with her hands extended, digging her claws into the steel as she captured the car by its front bumper. Twilight used her magic to push the symbiote-driven princess back for several yards, but Venom planted her feet through the concrete, managing to stop her progress. Luna gritted her teeth, howling as she tossed the vehicle effortlessly at the young girl.

Twilight vanished before the car could crush her diminutive frame, materializing behind Luna with her glowing hand extended. Suddenly, a nearby car transformed into an enormous bell, and it chimed, echoing across the streets of the city. The symbiote cried out, hissing as it struggled to maintain a hold on its host. Venom held her hands over her ears, a shield materializing around her position. Panting, Luna vanished before appearing above the bell, using her magic to force its ringing to cease.

Snapping back, Venom glared at Twilight and spun around, rocketing the bell towards the girl, but Spider-Man threw his body over his princess, lowering her just enough for the object to miss its original target and crash into the building behind their position. Venom materialized between the pair before they could recover, lifting Spider-Man by his neck and delivering a kick to Twilight's gut, sending the girl flying across the street until she bounced off the side of a newspaper stand.

Venom spread her wings and flew through the streets before driving Peter through a steel beam head-first and slamming his back against the trunk of a car. Venom used her magic to retrieve a broken steel pipe, lunging its sharp end through Peter's shoulder. Peter screamed at the top of his lungs as blood splattered across the pavement and rushed from the wound. Spider-Man panted feverishly, trying to move his body, but the steel beam was embedded in the car as well as his shoulder. Blood continued to pour, a small, thick puddle forming by his limp arm.

Luna's eyes flashed to a bright shade of blue, tears rolling down her cheeks. "No!No!" The darkness returned, and Venom's lips curled into a fanged smile. "That feltgreat! You have no idea how long I've been wanting to do that!"

Spider-Man shook his head, his breathing strained. "Just you? Not… us?"

Venom's eyes widened before they formed a glare. The woman ripped Peter's mask from his face. "She will be mine eventually. You just won't live to see it." She grabbed the steel beam, digging it deeper into Peter's shoulder, but his screams were muffled, Venom holding her free hand over the young man's mouth. "You brought this on yourself. If only you knew how much she loves you. I'll save her the pain of your miserable life."

The color in Luna's eyes returned. She stumbled away. "Stop! I won't let you commit this atrocity!" Tears continued to pour from her eyes. "Peter! Please! You have to destroy me! It's the only way! You made a vow as a knight to stand against any obstacle! Twilight's fate depends on it!"

Peter's eyes glazed over, but he shook his head. "Protecting Twilight won't mean a damn thing… if I have to kill my friends to do it. I care about you… just as much as-"

Venom cackled, shaking her head with a coy grin. "Oh, please! Luna cowered before Nightmare Moon. What makes you think you or her can stop me?!"

Peter coughed out, his trembling hand landing on the steel beam in his shoulder. "Because I still believe in Luna."

Luna paused, her eyes softening before they retook a shade of black. "I'm sick of you! Just die already!"

Suddenly, Sunset Shimmer materialized a few inches away from Princess Luna and unleashed a trail of flames. They spread over Venom's body before combusting, sending Luna flying through a glass wall in a ball of flames. She climbed from the hole, scowling as the moon continued to descend. "You all just keep lining up to die!"

Spike hovered over her position, unleashing a massive emerald flame before the woman could react. The blast jettisoned Venom skyward, causing her to crash through severals walls of stone and glass before landing on one of the city's rooftops. The dragon, with Wolverine and Felicia on his back, spread his wings and pursued the woman. Sunset Shimmer furrowed her brow, her eyes widening at a late realization. She turned around, her mouth hanging open once her eyes landed on the steel lodged in Spider-Man's shoulder.

Twilight rolled onto her knees, groaning as she placed a hand over her throbbing cranium. "Ow. What hit me?" Her sight eventually settled, a high-pitched yelp escaping as she found Sunset kneeling next to Spider-Man. Twilight ran over, her trembling hands falling over her mouth. She reached for the beam, pulling away as blood continued to pour from the wound. "Oh, my stars. Peter..." The young man blinked, the color in his eyes beginning to fade, but he gripped the beam, causing both women to recoil sharply. Twilight shook her head feverishly. "Stop! Don't touch it! You'll bleed out!"

Peter strained, screaming as he began to pull the beam free inch by inch. Panting, tongue lolling like a dog's, the young man paused. "No time… We need to…"

"Be quiet." Sunset bit her lip, sharing a glance with the princess. "Twilight. How are your healing spells?"

Twilight shook her head, attempting to level her breathing. "I-I'm not good with them."

Luna cackled, materializing high above the ground behind Sunset Shimmer and Twilight. Venom's body glowed brightly before dozens of magical beams shot out from her aura, homing in on the trio. Sunset Shimmer and Twilight narrowly managed to create a shield, but the force behind each beam shook the barrier, the final shattering the spell. Shimmer disappeared, materializing behind Venom. She extended her hands, energy from the atmosphere spiraling into her palms and creating a small orb. Venom turned around just as Sunset unleashed her attack, the sphere slamming into Luna's gut.

The orb carried the woman, driving her body through the street. A dust cloud erupted upon impact, shards of stone flying out, but Venom flew from the ground, tackling Sunset out of the air before she could hope to land. Luna scowled, tightening her grip on Shimmer's shoulder before jerking her wrist and slamming her forehead against the girl's. Sunset shook her head, slamming an eye shut as blood fell into it, and she vanished from sight, appearing back on the street. The girl staggered, her vision blurring.

Venom materialized on the ground afterward and ripped a car's bumper free from its body. Shimmer's eyes shot open as Luna appeared in front of her position with her bumper held back. Venom howled, swinging to the greatest of her strength, and the steel collided with Shimmer's chest, the force behind the blow sending the girl spiraling several hundred meters until she crashed through a newspaper stand shoulders first. The girl bounced off the ground for several feet before she slowed to a halt. Venom frowned, materializing over Shimmer's still form.

Wolverine dove into view, snarling as he fell from the sky with his arms fully extended, but Venom raised her hand, stopping the X-Man in his tracks with her magical telekinesis. Before she could react, Felicia placed her hand over her shoulder, hopped into the air, and spun until her knee slammed into the bridge of Luna's nose. Venom staggered back, instinctively bringing her hand over her throbbing nose. Wolverine freed himself from the magical hold, landing on his feet before slashing his claws across her chest several times.

Luna's eyes widened, her teeth grinding to the core as she stopped in her tracks and retaliated with a straight punch. Wolverine stumbled back, unable to defend himself when Venom vanished and materialized with a wide strike. She continued to teleport wildly, striking the mutant's jaw several times until blood spurted from his mouth. Wolverine fell to a knee, pausing to shake the cobwebs from his cranium. Venom teleported several yards away, lifting a car high over her head before teleporting above Logan and slamming the vehicle on top of his body.

Wolverine's hand limply stuck out from the mangled heap of metal. Venom raised a hand high over her head. Thunder roared in the dark sky, and a large bolt of lightning crashed down from the heavens, shredding the automobile into slivers of metal until an explosion of smoke and ash erupted. Wolverine remained, his body charred and skin barely intact. Venom smiled, raising her hand once more, but Felicia soared through the air with her leg extended, delivering a kick to the center of Venom's back. The symbiote-infected princess stumbled forward before Felicia grabbed her shoulder, spinning around Venom's body, and Black Cat wrapped her arms around the woman's neck, shifting her weight until Luna's skull bounced off the concrete.

Luna vanished afterward and appeared inches away with her arm stretched out, catching Black Cat's chin before throwing her weight forward, sending the back of Felicia's head crashing against the ground. Spike glided near the ground, soaring through the street with the speed of a bullet until he collided with Venom. Luna drove her feet into the street, shards of stone flying from the path, and they slowed to a grinding halt, both individuals straining at they continued to press their strength against each other.

Venom's black eyes widened as emerald flames began to escape from the corners of the dragon's mouth. The effect was instantaneous, Luna's entire body engulfed in a wall of flames. However, an orb emerged from the fire, Luna cackling behind the protection of a shield. Disappearing in a flash of light, Venom perched herself on Spike's nose, and the symbiote hissed, several tendrils wrapping around his mouth. All of the coils joined her clenched fist, and Luna hopped on the back of the dragon's head, pulling back until his skull slingshot into the concrete and shattered the stone.

The symbiote retracted, sliding back onto the woman's body. Venom walked through the street, her black eyes narrowing on Twilight. The princess furrowed her brow, glancing at Peter before stepping away from his position. Luna disappeared, prompting Twilight to mirror her actions, but when both women materialized, Venom drove her elbow into the girl's side and drove the back of her hand against her face. Twilight spun and slid to a halt before throwing her glowing hand in a slash motion, unleashing a wave of energy. Venom raised a hand, blocking the energy with her forearm.

Peter gritted his teeth, watching the spectacle from the corner of his eye. Twilight created a shield around her body, only for Venom to punch her way through the defense, driving her fist into the girl's gut before slamming her elbow against her back. Peter slammed his eyes shut, his lover's screams of anguish filling his hearing. Twilight skidded across the concrete for several meters. She rolled onto her back, but Venom appeared nearby, pressing her knee against the girl's sternum. Peter snatched the steel beam, inhaling deeply before screaming at the top of his lungs as he yanked it from his shoulder. Blood gushed from the wound, yet the young man never ceased pulling, continuing until the beam was free. He tossed the blood-stained object away, collapsing on his side.

"T-That… s-sucked," Peter quivered, shivering involuntarily. His body felt as cold as ice, and his vision spun, blurring as it struggled to clear. Peter winced, attempting to push himself from the ground, but his left arm was limp, lacking any real life. The crimson puddle underneath him grew thicker, sloshing as the young man used his right hand to force his torso from the ground. The ringing in his cranium rung profusely, continuing even as Peter made it to his knees. "Stupid Spider Sense. I know I'm dying. Stop ringing already."

Venom reared her claw back, driving it down onto her prone victim, but Peter staggered, managing to steer his body close enough to capture Luna's arm with his good hand. Smiling wickedly, the woman cackled before her eyes flashed to a bright shade of blue and softened. Twilight freed herself, grabbing a hold of Peter's leg. The pair vanished from sight, appearing several yards away, but Peter immediately collapsed, leaning over Twilight's shoulder. His breathing was ragged, like a knife scratching across a rough surface.

Twilight's mouth quivered, tears falling from the corners of her eyes. She removed her hand, shivering as Peter's blood covered it entirely. "Peter. You're cold. Please, stop…"

Peter was silent, murmuring incoherently. The color in his hazel irises faded completely, matching a cold shade of grey. "Promise… I promised…"

Luna shook her head, her fingers clutching at her long, strands of hair. The symbiote hissed before latching a hold on both of the woman's arms. Straining, Luna pulled against the black substance, but her body disobeyed her mind's pleas, her arms stretching high over her head. Energy from the atmosphere spiraled into her palms, and tremors coursed throughout the streets. The surrounding buildings shook violently, some windows shattering while other structures caved in. Thunder roared in the skies before several bolts of lightning spiraled around her position, its energy materializing into the orb hovering over the woman's head.

Extending her hands, Luna's eyes flashed between shades of blue and black. "Stop! You'll kill-!" Venom bore her fangs, cackling. "That's the idea!"

Before the argument could continue, the energy rushed out, spreading across the street. The concrete broke away, shards of stone disintegrating, and several steel beams melted, fading from existence. Twilight raised a hand, causing a shield to form around her position, but the barrier shattered like glass once Venom's energy collided with it. Twilight's eyes shot open. Time froze. Twilight's senses blurred. The wind tickled her skin, whipping her long violet hair about. She felt her chest rise, but her oxygen intake lightened as if it was trapped in place.

She watched the energy near, her body unable to move. Her body felt cold, a strange chill leaving her to shiver. Her instincts yielded to this fate, causing her muscles to lock against her will. Twilight slammed her eyes shut momentarily, the incoming light too bright to stare directly into, but her eyes shot open as a dark figure stepped in her path, shielding her body. There was a familiar sense of warmth spreading through her chest. Twilight inhaled, managing to breath. Her mind recollected its senses, and her vision cleared.

A spider insignia was etched on his back. The buildings near her position crumbled, exploding into countless shards of stone and steel, yet the object in front of her stood tall, refusing to falter as the energy ripped away at his being. Twilight watched with her mouth agape, her heart tearing itself in half as her mind took in the image. Peter was there, his screams muted by the high-pitched wail of Venom's attack. A shockwave erupted, causing a large dust cloud to spread out before an explosion triggered.

Massive surges of energy trailed across the area, but the dust cleared, revealing an image. Peter stood in front of Twilight, his costume reduced to shreds while blood continued to pour from his shoulder as well as escape from dozens of new wounds. His muscles shook violently, Peter straining to keep his body still. Twilight sat inches behind his position, relatively unscathed, watching with a widened gaze and her mouth agape.

She reached out, tears pouring from her eyes. "P-Peter…! Why..?!"

"...easy… because it's… you..." Peter weakly responded, chuckling as he fell to the side.

Twilight hastily crawled to his side, resting his upper body over her lap. She held his head over her hand and placed the other over the gaping wound on his shoulder in a desperate attempt to stop the bleeding. Peter turned his head, managing to smile before he closed his eyes. His hand fell to the side, his breathing ceasing.

Twilight shook her head. "No! Stay with me, Peter! You can't do that!" She shook his body, earning no response. Her breathing quickened. "Peter! Get up!" She jerked his body, screaming at the top of her lungs. Twilight caressed the side of his face. "You promised me that we would stay together! You can't break that promise!" Twilight lowered her head, her tears dripping from her cheek and falling over Peter's chest. "Don't leave me." She gritted her teeth, shrieking. "DON'T LEAVE ME!" Twilight's arms trembled, struggling to hold the young man's weight, yet she pulled Peter closer, holding his head near her own.

Memories of their conjoined history rushed through her mind, adding to the weight pulling at her heart. The strange bipedal creature that crashed into her bookshelf, the same that was said to be the greatest hero in history. Peter was an alien that took the form of a pony, yet Twilight found so much common ground with him, despite their otherworldly differences. He said the stupidest things at every opportune moment, infuriating her consistently, but Peter always made her smile, stealing her heart in the process. Twilight sobbed, whispering sweet nothings into her lover's ear.

She wanted to hear his voice once more, to see that gorgeous smile, to feel her heart burn with glee, but she could no longer do any of those things. He was taken… No. Peter was stolen from her. Something within the princess pulled, tightening until it eventually snapped. Twilight slammed her eyes shut, seething pants escaping through her gritted teeth. Peter was gone. Her mind screamed that horrible fact relentlessly. The sounds of the surrounding chaos lessened, falling to an eerie silence. Nothing else mattered. Twilight only wanted to make Venom pay, to give back the pain inflicted on her lover a thousand fold.

Agony. Pain. Remorse. Vengeance.

Twilight shivered, unable to suppress the vortex of emotions spiraling through her. "NOOOO-!"

Luna fell to her knees, tears pouring from her eyes. The inside of her chest tightened, a bolt of pain striking her heart. Her cheeks felt wet, and her voice came out in choked sobs. "By the stars… Please…" She clutched at her hair, pulling a few strands from the root. "Why am I soweak?!" The symbiote emerged, spreading across her body once more, but Luna raised her head before settling her teary gaze on Peter, numb, her eyes shimmering in the moonlight. "You believed in me… and I failed you. You trusted me…!" Luna's shoulders trembled, falling into a slump. "I… loved you. I don't deserve... to live…"

Venom's eyes darkened, her wicked smile resurfacing. "Get over it. What's the point of loving somebody if you can't be with them? I saved you from years of loneliness. Now, I'll do what you didn't have the guts to do," the woman forced herself to a standing position and walked towards Twilight, who hadn't stopped cradling Peter's body, "and I'll cut away any loose ends." Venom extended both of her arms, cackling as energy rushed out from her hands and homed in on Twilight. "Time to die!"

Twilight's tears continued to fall, the princess never lifting her gaze, yet a large violet shield surrounded her position, deflecting the beams of energy. Venom's eyes widened before she raised her hand skyward, prompting two bolts of lightning to rush down to the earth. The electricity flew past Luna and struck the barrier, only to dissolve harmlessly upon impact. Bright violet energy emitted from Twilight's body. Trails of tears continued to roll down the girl's cheek, even as two appendages began to sprout from her back and severed her cape's tie. Feathers danced in the breeze in a graceful descent, and Twilight swallowed before her wings stretched out, sniffing as she gently rested Peter on his back before forcing herself to a standing position.

Twilight lifted her gaze, her eyes fading behind a bright light. A shockwave erupted, cracking the earth and shattering the surrounding glass windows. "I won't forgive you."

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