• Published 25th Jul 2013
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Celestia Uses An Online Dating Website - RainbowBob

Trying to spice up Celestia's love life, Luna signs her up on a dating website. Now Celestia has to go on a series of dates with other immortals. This should end nicely.

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Chapter 16: Geez Louise! That's Your Name, Right?

Author's Note:

Spoilers for Breaking Bad near the end. Blame Deadpool, he's an ass.
Co-written with Xl9, who is also an ass, but a good looking one.

Celestia glanced at the clock on the restaurant wall. Half past nine. When her date was supposed to meet her at eight. Sighing, Celestia pressed her face against the table and groaned loudly. “Great, just great, another night down the drain for a no-show date!”

“Madame princess?” a waiter asked, appearing by her side.

Celestia didn’t bother lifting her head up. “Unless you’re gonna offer me another bottle of wine, I’m not in the mood for more dessert.”

“It is not that.” The waiter placed a plate before her, a golden lamp of foreign origin sitting on top. “Your date said for you to rub this.”

“Rub it?” Celestia asked, picking the lamp up with her magic. “Like, with my hoof?”

“He slipped me a twenty. I’m not about to ask why he wants you to rub it.” And with that, the waiter departed, leaving Celestia and her very strange lamp alone at the table.

Inspecting the lamp closer, Celestia narrowed her eyes as her obscured reflection off its bright and shiny surface. “Why do I have a bad feeling about this?” Celestia tapped her chin. “Oh yeah, because I’m not a complete and utter moron.” Yet still, she had nothing better to do, and if nothing else it would hopefully reveal the contrived reason for why her date didn’t show up. “The hindsight is gonna bite me hard on the ass, I just know it,” Celestia muttered, rubbing the lamp gingerly with her hoof.

As soon as she rubbed it, a large blue… thing shot out of the top. With a curvy beard and a long wispy tail, Celestia’s date appeared to be the person she least expected to meet on a date. “Helloooo there!” He greeted, sinking down into the chair on the other end of the table. “I see that my good friend was on time with his delivery, was he not?”

“You’re an hour and thirty minutes late,” Celestia pointed out. “And your good friend swindled you out of twenty bits.”

“What?” The blue creature’s eyebrows literally shot off his head. “But I told him to be here right on time!” A watch popped onto his wrist as he gave it a meaningful eye. “Gah! You’re right! So sorry about that, Princess.” The watched poofed out of existence. “My name’s Genie, but you can call me ‘Gene’ if you like.”

“That’s quite alright… Gene.” Celestia finished off the last of her wine in her glass, having not even bothered to keep count on how many she consumed. The hangover was going to be a killer one, this she was sure of, but that was future Celestia’s problem. “Sorry I’m not in the best of moods. I thought you had stuck me up.”

“What? Me?” Genie asked, pointing a thumb at his chest, suddenly causing hundreds of random hands to point at him. He snapped, and the hands disappeared. “That’’s like denyin’ a wish, I can’t do that!”

“So, you’re an actual genie?” Celestia asked, a small smile parting her lips. “Kind of weird to be named after what you are, don’t you think?”

Genie shrugged nonchalantly. “One thousand years in the Cave of Wonders can make anybody forget their real name, wouldn’t you agree?”

“You were in a… wait, no, I’m not even going to ask,” Celestia said, shuddering. “The only guy I know who’s been trapped in a prison for a thousand years and still managed to remember his name was Discord, but he’s already so loony I’m not sure how his mind works now.”

“Ah!” A large computer monitor appeared, showing a long row of comments. “This is where I mention the academy, right? Bring some continuity into this story, maybe give the readers a slight giggle?”


“Wrong!” Genie screamed into a megaphone knocking the Princess’ drink over. “I actually met him at an ice cream parlor when I still did the whole ‘three wishes’ gig. He just asked for complete control over some weird place called Equestria, and what kind of friend would I be if I didn’t say yes?”

“You gave a complete stranger you just met at an ice cream parlor control over a place you’ve never even heard of?” Celestia asked slowly. “And he’s your friend?

“Of course I gave him complete authoritarian control!” Genie laughed at the memory. “I mean, it’s not like I would ever go on a date with their ruler or anything. He actually said something like…” Genie’s head turned into Discord’s as he tried to do an impression of the chaos spirit.

“Help me dethrone that stuck up, boring, unattractive, fat, smelly, princess…” Genie slowly realized what he was saying. His head popped back to normal, cautiously eying Celestia’s enraged expression. “... Oh.” After a very uncomfortable silence, he spoke again, “Yeah, and we’re friends.”

Celestia took a deep breath in, then released it in a long exhale. Looking disappointingly at her empty wine glass, Celestia frowned. “Well… that certainly explains a lot. And yeah, looks like hindsight was right once again.” Celestia’s brows furrowed. “That cruel, heartless bitch.”

“Oh!” Genie’s enthusiasm seemed to snap right back to him. “He called you that too.”

“Oooooof course he did.” Celestia rubbed her temples and groaned. “Well, this date sure did a number on my already building migraine tonight. Wonderful.”

“Hey,” Genie floated over to Celestia. “Discord, Q, and I were thinking about hanging out in Las Pegasus this weekend, want to meet us there?”

“... Will there be free drinks?”

Genie snapped, a tray of all sorts of alcohols appearing on the table. “Your wish is granted.”

Celestia stared at the tray of free booze, then back at Genie, than back to the tray again. Shrugging, Celestia picked up a gin and tonic and started guzzling it all down at once. “Hindsight can kiss my ass!”

“Yo, Luna, phone for ya,” Deadpool called out, throwing Luna’s cellphone up in the air.

Luna caught it in her magical grip, sticking some more popcorn in her mouth as she answered in a muffled, “Hello?”

“Luna, I need your help!” Celestia said on the other side of the line.

Luna gulped, wiping away some buttery residue on her coat. “Is this the type of help that involves me picking you up somewhere from an unknown location out in the middle of nowhere? Because I’m trying to catch up on Breaking Bad and I’m on the final season.”

“Luna, this is important! Is some television show more important than your own flesh and blood?”

Luna hummed under her breath, taking her sweet time to think over her answer.


Wincing and pulling her phone away, Luna said, “Fine, fine, I’ll come pick you up. I’m nearly at the final episode anyhow.”

“He dies at the end!” Deadpool shouted from inside the kitchen, walking into the living room with a fat stack of sandwiches joined together in a giant, snack-food entity of monstrous proportions.

Luna picked Deadpool up in her magic and promptly threw him out the nearby window, sandwich and all.

Groaning and shaking her head, Luna asked, “Okay, you mind telling me where you are?”

“I’m not exactly sure. One second I was with Discord, Genie, and Q partying it up in Las Pegasus, next thing I know I woke up laying on the floor in the worst hangover you could possibly imagine with a live manticore in the room and a tattoo on my rump!”

“Don’t you already have a tattoo on your rump?”

“Not one where there’s a troll face on my sun!”

Luna tried her best attempt at holding back a snicker, but couldn’t control herself as she burst out laughing. “Oh man, are you serious? How in Tartarus’ name did that happen?”

“I’m not quite sure, but I am sure that I’ll never go on another date with Genie again!” Celestia said. “Him, Discord, Q, the lot of them! All the same stuck-up jerks or lunatics!”

“You should really try branching out more, dear sister,” Luna pointed out to her.

Celestia huffed. “With immortals, that’s practically impossible!”

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