• Published 25th Jul 2013
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Celestia Uses An Online Dating Website - RainbowBob

Trying to spice up Celestia's love life, Luna signs her up on a dating website. Now Celestia has to go on a series of dates with other immortals. This should end nicely.

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Guest Chapter: Beelzebub Has A Table Set Aside For Me (71NYL-5CR4TCH)

While many of her past dates had been misanthropes, Gods of Chaos, and even immortal power-hungry super villains, she had never been on a date with anyone that was widely considered ‘pure evil’ by ordinary standards. Even the more insidious immortals she had encountered were at least kind to her, or evil to an end. She could never date somehow who was purely malicious... right?

But he was so... hot

Celestia continued to stare at the bright screen before her, and the notforeveralone.com account of Lucifer himself stared back. His profile picture was in human form, and featured a pale but handsome man with well-styled black hair, a small goatee, and a form-fitting black and red suit.

‘I always pictured him as red and with horns...’ she thought to herself. ‘After all, he is supposedly the most evil being in the multiverse! Aren’t evil things supposed to be... ugly? But he’s not... he’s so... oh damn, this one’s shirtless and sweet, I could do laundry on those abs...’

“I’m literally about to have a one-night stand with the devil,” Celestia spoke to no-one in particular as she began replying to his message.

“I must admit Lucifer, this is a rather nice restaurant…” Celestia spoke as her eyes wandered the establishment.

“Oh, I’ve always been a sucker for sushi, and this is the best place in my home universe!” Lucifer responded, chuckling aloud. “You must try their dragon roll... oh, I’m sorry, you’re vegetarian, aren’t you?”

“Mostly yes, but I can indulge in fish occasionally,” she replied with a smile. “I must say, Lucifer, you’re quite different from what I expected you to be.”

He scoffed. “Ugh, tell me about. It’s entirely bad PR and gossip from the big man upstairs. We used to be best friends a couple thousand years ago, but ‘no, how dare you question me, I’m God, bleh, neh, neh’...” he joked with a childish voice and goofy expressions. “After our little ‘disagreement,' he told me I could have Hell and we haven’t spoken since. But he keeps trashing me behind my back.”

Celestia giggled, and then sighed. “I’m sorry to hear you lost your friend that way, but you don’t seem to upset.”

“I’m not, really. At least, not anymore. I was at first because even down in Hell I had to follow his guidelines, but after the first couple hundred years I realized he never came down to check up on things so I just started running them my way,” Lucifer clarified, before picking up his menu. “Aw, hell, I already know what I want.” He smiled, and put the menu down.

“I suppose I’ll take you up on your recommendation and have what you’re having then,” Celestia replied with a smile.

Lucifer looked up, and smirked coyly. “Well, I was also planning on getting an order of hot sake... are you sure?”

Celestia gave a grin back. “Oh, I love sake.”

“And so then I just go ‘nah, c’mon lady, eat the apple, it’s mad tasty...' and guess what?! She fuckin ate it! Right off the tree!” Lucifer laughed, slamming his sake glass down while Celestia herself hooted in laughter.

“Wait... wait, why wasn’t she supposed to eat the apple?” Celestia asked between laughs, her cheeks a bright rosy red.

“No reason! Big man just said she wasn’t supposed to!” Lucifer giggled.

“Oh man! Did she get in, like, soooooo much trouble?” Celestia asked.

Lucifer sobered up a bit, “Yeah, turns out doing that made herself and every other human mortal and damned to my place for, like, thousands of years or something crazy.”

“Oh dear,” Celestia said with a straight face. “Why did you tell her to eat the apple then?” she asked, with growing concerns.

“Well, I didn’t know! I just thought it would make God salty. I never expected him to go so overboard! It’s why I challenged him in the first place, because I thought it wasn’t fair at all…”

“Wait, that’s why you became the lord of darkness?! Because you stood up for people?” Celestia asked in disbelief.

“Yeah, it’s why its so frustrating to be seen as such a bad guy. I mean, yeah, I control Hell, which is where all the evil souls are sent, but I punish them, not reward them! At first I had to punish everyone that came my way, but when I realized God wasn’t ever around, I changed the scenery a bit. I always hated the ‘fire and brimstone’ architecture the big man made, it looks a lot more like Las Vegas now. And I only punish those who are actually evil, not everyone who doesn’t love him like he wants me too, and even the actual people I don’t torture for all eternity, just long enough till they’ve served their time.”

“Wait... God wants you to torture people who don’t love him? Kinda egotistical if you ask me…” Celestia replied.

“Yeah, the rules are pretty backwards, but I try to soften the blow as much as I can,” Lucifer replied, taking another swig of sake.

“I must say, Lucifer, this has been a very pleasant date... I had no idea you were so... not evil,” Celestia swooned, putting her head in her hooves.

“My dear, I’m far from a perfect soul, but I am glad you think me kinder than most. I have had a lovely evening as well. If this date is to continue, I must warn you, I am a spirit of temptation…” He winked.

“Well, you certainly are very…” Celestia’s eyes wandered over his figure once again before meeting back with his deep red eyes, “tempting. Which makes me wonder... what is your deal, huh? What’s your thing?”

“My... thing?” Lucifer seemed genuinely puzzled. “What do you mean?”

“Well, it’s just that as soon as a date goes spectacularly well, something horrible happens. So I’m waiting for either you to break the bad news, or someone else to break my bones,” Celestia deadpanned.

Lucifer sighed. “I suppose I must come clean with you then. I have a catch that had to come up sooner or later.”

Celestia rubbed her temple with a hoof. “Alright, let’s hear it…”

Lucifer picked up her other hoof with his hand, “Celestia, I can’t love you. Not just you, anybody. I can’t love living souls… it’s the way I am. I can be fond of you, empathize with you, even lust for you, but I can never love you. My soul is incapable of it. So, if our relationship were to continue we’d... we’d be closed to sex-buddies, not lovers.”

Celestia blinked. “So you’re telling me that we’d just be friends... who sometimes drink and have sex together?”

Lucifer sighed, “Essentially, yes. I can pretend to love you, but it wouldn’t be real. I’m sorry if that isn’t what you’re looking for, and I understand if it’s not.”

“Just... sex. With you. No strings attached? That’s it?”


Celestia paused. “Yeah I can live with that.”

Celestia creeped back into her own castle like a foal sneaking home after being out past curfew. After just a few steps, a lamp turned on to reveal her sister sitting in an arm chair with a critical gaze. “And just where have you've been, young lady? And why is you rump redder than your face?”

“I was on a date, Luna,” Celestia sighed.

“Ohhhh, you naughty thing! I had no idea you were into that kinda stuff,” Luna said in a sultry voice.

“Yeah…” Celestia sighed, rubbing her backside while inhaling sharply through her teeth, “neither did I…”

“Hmm... o do we have a match? Will there be a date number two? Who’s the lucky guy?” Luna asked, elbowing her sister.

“No, sister, I do not think there will be another date, and the latter part is none of your business.” Celestia answered harshly. “Oh, on an unrelated note, Lucifer may be dropping by from time to time to uh... store excess tortured souls from his dimension, so if you hear some screaming from my room, it’s probably them.”


“Also, do we have any ping-pong paddles?”



Author's Note:

Guest chapter written by the the numbers along with capital letters of various meanings, 71NYL-5CR4TCH. Go check his stories out, such as Clockwork if you enjoyed this chapter!

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