• Published 25th Jul 2013
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Celestia Uses An Online Dating Website - RainbowBob

Trying to spice up Celestia's love life, Luna signs her up on a dating website. Now Celestia has to go on a series of dates with other immortals. This should end nicely.

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Guest Chapter: Two Kingdoms, One Queen (Junglehero)

While Bob Iger may be the CEO of the Walt Disney Company, the one who actually gets stuff done is Mickey. It may seem like the opposite is true, but while Bob is off making speeches on TV and whatnot, Mickey is up in his office, which is situated high above in Cinderella’s Castle at Disney World. Sitting at his own desk, Mickey was surrounded by papers: approvals, disapprovals, contracts, worker complains, all which were piled in tall, organized stacks for both his convenience and displeasure. Long work days like this make the mouse remember the good old days of the company, back when it was just a animation studio and didn’t have a million subsidiaries all requiring an immense amount of attention and paperwork.

He sighed.

Suddenly, the window behind him overlooking the Magic Kingdom burst open! A powerful and ominous wind swirled into the room, sending some documents flying across it. The wind collected in a sort of mini tornado right in front of Mickey’s desk, which was then consumed by a ferocious green flame. Out of the fire slowly materialized a familiar form: the long, flowing robes, the dark green skin, the horn-like headdress, all of these were both recognizable and terrifying. Any mortal man would have been paralyzed with fear by her presence alone. Mickey just rolled his eyes.

“What do you want, Maleficent?” Mickey asked, not even bothering to look up from his work. “If you’re going to try to kill me again, can’t you do it later? I’m a little busy right now.” He looked at his watch. “I’m free around five.”

“I come with no ill will ,mouse,” the witch proclaimed. “For today at least. I am here because sometimes even the fiercest foes must come together for the greater good.”

“Wait, good?” Both his excessive workload and Maleficent's interruption have put Mickey in a bad mood. “You’re working for good now? Oh, this is wonderful! Let’s have a parade, let’s start a celebration, let’s…”

“It’s a figure of speech you fool!” she yelled, baring some fangs. “I am here because…” She hesitated. “I am here because I need your help.”

“Wait, the so called ‘Mistress of All Evil’ needs help from a good guy like me?” He put his feet up on his desk and leaned back in his chair. “This should be interesting.”

Maleficent sighed before she began. “In a far away land there is this princess by the name of Celestia. Perhaps you have heard of her?”

“Is she the one who’s basically a queen but keeps the title of youthful innocence instead?”

“You’re being too broad.”

“Hmm… Is she from one of those animes? What was it called? Sail? ”

Maleficent groaned. “No! She is a pony from Equestria!”

Mickey snapped his fingers. “Oh. That was my second guess. So, what about her?”

“Well, she seems to be on a, oh, what’s the word for it?" Maleficent snapped her fingers several times and bit her lip. "A sort of dating frenzy. Ever since she joined a website called notforeveralone.com, she has been dating all manner of immortals, from gods to aliens to complete psychopaths. Sometimes they’re all three.”

“So…” Mickey said, still not sure why Maleficent was bringing this to his attention.

“So, if a Disney character was to begin dating her, and that relationship eventually leads to marriage…”

“Her kingdom and our kingdom would become one,” the mouse said, finishing her thought.


“Okay, I see where you’re getting at, but why would we want her kingdom in the first place? Do we even have anything in common with this place?”

"Since when has that stopped us from annexing a land?" She then began to cough. "Cough—Marvel—cough."

The mouse looked unamused.

“Anyways, our kingdom and hers do have many similarities. We both have a extremely colorful atmosphere, both have a plethora of mythical beasts, the people of both randomly break out into song…”

“Hey, I haven’t done that in a while,” the Mickey recalled. “I need to remember to do that again sometime.” He quickly scribbled down a note for later, before realizing that he was writing on the contract to begin production of Planes 3. “Bah! No one wanted to see that movie anyway.” He quickly crumbled up the paper and threw it at the trash can only to miss.

“Besides,” Maleficent continued, “there is so much we can gain from Equestria. They have vast libraries filled with books with spells ranging from time travel to mustache conjuring, their diamond supply puts the seven dwarfs to shame, and, best of all, the merchandising alone will get us more money than every Disney channel show ever created!”

Mickey groaned. “Maleficent, how many times have I told you not to mention that channel around me?”

“I’ve lost count,” she gleefully replied, clapping her hands together with a devious glint in her eyes.

“Ugh,” Mickey groaned. He pondered for a moment about what Maleficent was saying. Sure, the thought of even more paperwork added to his daily workload was horrifying, but with all riches Equestria had, it seemed well worth it. However, something was still bugging him.

“I see how this would help me, but what’s in it for you?” Mickey inquired.

“My, whatever are you talking about?” she asked nonchalantly.

“You wouldn’t have brought this up if it didn’t help you in some way. Let me guess, does Equestria have some diabolical villains that you want to invite into your little group of Overtakers?

“Maybe…” she said, a sinister smirk spreading on her lips.

Mickey raised an eyebrow at this, but he knew he and his friends could take anything the villains could throw at them, so he decided to go along with it. He just needed to remind himself to keep his keyblade on standby.

“So, who did you have in mind for this Celestia to date?”

“That’s the issue. I have no idea! She’s a benevolent ruler so she wouldn’t want to date a villain, and she already dated alternate versions of various Greek gods so no one from Mount Olympus is going to be able to help us, and she already went out with the Genie to horrendous results.”

“Gee,” Mickey exclaimed, “that is a problem! That eliminates nearly all of the immortals we know!”

“Exactly! So we need another character that is immortal.”

“Or,” Mickey started, a grin growing on his face, “someone who can pass as one.”

“So, you’re an ice goddess, correct?” Celestia looked up from her menu to observe her latest date.

This one was a true beauty. She was a humanoid female with pale, pinkish skin, light blue eyes that entranced with a gaze, and hair as white as snow (Ba bum, crash!). Said hair was knotted into a French braid that lay on her left shoulder. It even had a few small snowflakes in it that strangely didn’t seem out of place. She was wearing a light blue, slim fit gown which had a high slit on her right side, and it all seemed to glitter in the light. She was extremely slender, had a calming presence, and, despite all of her ice motifs, she had the warmest smile that would melt any heart. For a human she was stunning, but since Celestia was another species it only worked halfway. Though that was still a pretty lethal dose.

“Um, yes!” stuttered Elsa, twiddling her thumbs. Celestia chalked her anxiety it up to the butterflies people usually feel before a date. Though for her it’s replaced with fear that whoever she’s meeting will end the night with a large explosion. Or something much worse. "I come from a land called Arendelle."

"Well, that seems like a nice..." Suddenly, Celestia heard a faint buzzing sound from somewhere around her. She looked over her shoulder and around the restaurant to try to find the source, but she couldn't place it. When Celestia refocused on Elsa, she looked slightly more anxious.

"Well, let’s not talk about me," the Snow Queen quickly said. "How about you? How is life in Equestria?"

"Well..." For a short while, Celestia told her date about her royal duties, her former student and her friends, and even some misadventures from her love life. Elsa seemed to be listening intently; she appeared to be more used to listening than speaking. She even seemed to become less edgy as time went on and appeared to be enjoying herself. This was when Celestia first noticed Elsa's charming smile and serene aura, and she started to wonder if she had finally found the right immortal.

After about fifteen minutes however, Celestia heard the buzzing noise yet again, but it was even louder this time. She scanned the entire establishment to no avail and again, when she turned back to Elsa, gone was her smile and in its place was a look of pure panic.

"I'll be right back," Else said before she rushed away from their table. Celestia just continued to eat her meal, until she noticed the music in the restaurant had changed. Replacing the previous jazz tunes was what sounded like African chanting, with a woman singing over said choir. She had never heard this song before, but she guessed the title from the chorus 'Can you feel the love?'. Celestia deduced that Elsa must have gone to the jukebox in the corner in order to change the song. Such thoughts were unnecessary, however, as she could have just followed the trail of ice leading straight to there.

Elsa speed walked back to her seat, brushed some hair out of her eyes and smiled sheepishly. Normally one would think this action would just be to make the night more romantic, and while Celestia did like references to things like 'perfect harmony' in the song, her past experience has made her more aware of when something unusual was up.

"S,o Elsa," Celestia asked inquisitively, "how did you pick this song?"

"I, uh..." She began to really sweat, like a child forced to present something to the entire class.

Wait, if she has ice powers, wouldn't the sweat freeze to her face? Celestia thought. She shook her head. I'm over-analyzing.

Elsa finally seemed to come up with an answer. "I just heard it somewhere. The radio maybe."

"Uh huh."

There was an awkward silence for a while, with both royal figures picking at their food, before the buzzing sound returned. Right after the noise ended however, Elsa appeared a bit angry.

"I am not saying that!" She whispered while picking at her ear, hoping Celestia wouldn't hear her. She did.

"Not saying what?" Celestia asked.

The buzzing suddenly grew so loud that not only did Celestia hear it, but also surrounding ponies in the restaurant, many of whom turned toward Elsa, who holding her ear as it was in pain.

"Nothing, nothing," Elsa said hastily.

"Spit it out!" Celestia knew exactly what was happening, but she didn't want to interfere. She wanted to see where this was going.

"Well, I..." Elsa sighed in defeat. What came next she struggled to get out, and it got quieter and quieter with each word. "I'm gonna. Show you. A whole. New. World. Tonight."

Celestia was silent for a moment, then burst out laughing. Soon enough she was rolling on the floor, unable to keep her chuckles in, while Elsa’s cheeks grew so red one might mistake her for a heat based entity instead of an ice one.

"That was the worst pickup line ever! Seriously, who is feeding you this stuff?

"I don't know what you're talking about," Elsa insisted, who now had her hands cradling her arms.

"Oh please! I know exactly what’s going on." Celestia used her magic to pick up the earpiece Elsa had on her. She tried to get it back, but to no avail. Celestia put the black piece of plastic up to her ear and she heard two creatures bickering. One was a mean sounding woman who used older English and the other was a male with a high squeaky voice. If Celestia didn't know better, she would have thought she was listening to a mouse.

"A song title from one of our films?!" the woman asked furiously. “Our movies don't exist in her world, you imbecile! She won't understand the joke!"

"Well, I don't see you coming up with any good ideas!" the high pitched man countered.

“Me? You're the ‘good guy!’ You are the one who’s supposed to know all about ‘true love’ and all that rabble!” The woman sighed. “How are we going to get her kingdom now?”

With that last sentence, Celestia’s look of amusement immediately changed into one of rage.

“You mean to tell me that the only reason you’re dating me is to take control of my throne?” she yelled straight at Elsa, who looked so terrified she might have been holding back tears. Her two friends on the other side finally realized that Celestia could hear them, and suddenly became silent.

Celestia said straight into the earpiece, “Is she even immortal?”

“Well, perhaps,” the woman on the line said, trying to salvage the situation. “She still hasn’t reached the full potential of her powers yet. Who knows, maybe she can make her body so cold it won’t age? Like how living things that get frozen can survive thousands of years.”

“Mal, that only happens in movies,” the man snapped. “It’s just not logical.”

We are cartoon characters! Since when has ‘logic’ ever applied to us?”

Celestia moved the piece away from her ear and looked directly at Elsa. Their eyes locked, one pair full of anger, the other full of sadness and regret.

Celestia tried to begin a speech: “Do you know how many times I’ve had my heart broken over all this time? Do you?”

“Wait!” the high pitched one said, interrupting her. “Please don’t be mad at Elsa. We put her up to this, so we’re the ones to blame. Though mostly Mal.”

“Hey!” ‘Mal’ exclaimed. “You’re not giving up, are you? We can still find a way …”

“Oh, forget it! This scheme is over and done. Maleficent! You just need to...” he paused, “... let it go! Hahaha—AHHH!”

The earpiece suddenly filled with loud cracking noises, ones Celestia couldn’t identify because of the static. All she knew was that it was so loud that she wouldn’t be able to hear what the man was saying if he wasn’t screaming it.

“Wait! Stop! Ow! Okay, okay! I won’t use such a bad pun ever again! Hey! No lightning! Ouch! Hey!” The transmission died, along with Celestia’s desire to stay at the restaurant.

“I’m outta here!” she announced, and begun to walk towards the exit.

However, Elsa didn't want her to go. On the one hand, she was frightened of Celestia's rage for her scheming like this, but more frightened hand reminded her of the fear of disappointing her boss. But now she was scared that she will only be remembered in this world as a royal gold-digger. And what happens when Elsa gets scared? She loses control.

As Elsa reached out to stop Celestia, she accidentally blasted a ball of frosty energy, which exploded right in front of the alicorn, creating a sharp collection of ice crystals blocking her path. Celestia turned around, horn aglow, expecting a fight. But to her surprise, Elsa looked even more terrified than before, her eyes darting left and right to the ponies staring back at her. There was an eerie silence for awhile, before it was broken by a mare in the back.

“That. Was. AMAZING!” This pony flew from her table all the way to Elsa. Celestia recognized this pony instantly.

“Twilight?” she asked. “What are you doing here?”

“I came to Canterlot to see how your date was going,” Twilight replied happily. She then turned her attention to Elsa. “That was incredible! I have never seen such powerful ice magic in my life! And from a human no less! That's fantastic!”

Elsa was pleasantly confused. “Wait. You like my magic?”

“Are you kidding? That was some of the most amazing magic I’ve ever seen! And with what I’ve been through, that’s saying something! Could you pleeeeeaaaaaaaaaseeeee do some more? Pretty please?” A small crowd of curious equines began to circle the two royal magicians, all asking Elsa to do same thing.

“Um, wel... okay,” Elsa muttered reluctantly, “Here it goes.” With the wave of her hand, she made numerous beautiful snowflakes appear in a sea of crystallized dust. This really pleased the crowd, who all began stomping their hooves and neighing, cheering the queen on, urging her to do more. Elsa was no longer fearful, but absolutely joyous that her powers could bring happiness to others. She wiped some tears from her eyes, quickly whispered “Thank you” to Twilight, and then began another spell.

Celestia, after watching all this, just rolled her eyes and began walking home, counting herself lucky the night didn’t end with the destruction she dreaded it would. “At least one of us can be happy,” she muttered.

Author's Note:

Guest chapter written by the mightiest of heroes, Junglehero! He'd really appreciate some constructive criticism for his writing since he's new to the game and wants to improve for future stories!

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