• Published 25th Jul 2013
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Celestia Uses An Online Dating Website - RainbowBob

Trying to spice up Celestia's love life, Luna signs her up on a dating website. Now Celestia has to go on a series of dates with other immortals. This should end nicely.

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Chapter 8: Oh No-Din!

“So… um…”


“I was just wondering…”


“How did… how exactly… uh… did you…”

Odin sighed, rubbing his wrinkled brow. He pointed to the eyepatch covering his right eye. “It’s about the eyepatch, isn’t it?”

Celestia smiled awkwardly. “Well… yes. I didn’t want to seem rude or anything—”

“Oh no, my dear, it’s perfectly natural to wonder how someone lost a body part.” Odin tugged at his pristine white beard, the Norse God of the Highest Order pondering in deep thought. “Well, to be truthful, the story isn’t a very interesting one. Not even fit as a tale of legends in the halls of Valhalla.”

Celestia perked up. “Oh, but surely it must be an interesting story to tell. You are a god, after all. From my last encounter with one of your kind, interesting tales are practically part of your job.”

Odin chuckled, taking a long guzzle of his mead before continuing. “Well, it happened countless years ago, when I sought out a way to obtain ultimate and unlimited knowledge over all things and all times, both the past, present, and even future.”

“Really?” Celestia asked, her jaw dropped in awe. “How did that work out for you?”

“Oh, well enough. I got that knowledge from Mimir, the one said to know all things at all times. I was allowed to drink from his well of wisdom, which instantly filled me with knowledge over everything.” He shrugged, tapping his eyepatch. “All I had to do was trade my eye. Which, I think, was a pretty decent deal overall. Though it makes my depth perception shit.”

Celestia giggled, soon joining Odin in hearty laughter. The two toasted mugs, Celestia able to keep pace with Odin’s barbarous drinking manner as he quickly drained his mug in one large gulp.

Her cheeks now flushed with red, Celestia asked, “So, was unlimited knowledge over everything really worth the loss of an eye? What if that Mimir character had asked for an arm or leg instead?”

Odin barked out a laugh, leaning in close to Celestia with a palm cupping his mouth. “Well, for all the unlimited knowledge in all of existence, Mimir wasn’t exactly the brightest fellow. Got his head chopped right off. In the long run, I lost an eye over ultimate wisdom, while Mimir lost his head!” Choking back a laugh, Odin muttered, “I still have it with me. Wanna see it? He never stops babbling about this and that whenever I take him out.”

“Um… no thank you. I think I can go without having a conversation with a disembodied head.”

Odin shrugged, saying, “Eh, suit yourself.”

Celestia’s eyes widened, and she turned around in her seat to glare at the front door of the restaurant the two were dining at. Her attention so precisely focused on the door, Odin arched a brow.

“Might you entertain me with the reason why the princess of Equestria is staring at a door?” Odin asked.

“Whenever one of my dates seems to be going decently, something bad happens,” Celestia answered, narrowing her brows. “And usually, it’s by my date’s wife.”

“Well, you have nothing to worry about from mine. We’re…” Odin sighed, rubbing the bridge of his nose, “separated for the time being.”

Celestia looked back to Odin, her glare softening at his distraught face. “Oh, Odin, I’m sorry, I didn’t know.”

“No, no, it’s quite alright.” Odin sniffed, wiping his nose with the back of his hand. “It’s been a tough time for me lately. Truthfully, I haven’t been out in centuries. My son finally convinced me to do this date, worried I’d be fretting over my wife for all of eternity if I didn’t move on.”

Celestia smiled, reaching out and laying her hoof gentely over his hand. “Well, you have nothing to worry about from me, Odin. Interestingly enough, my sister—”

She was cut off from a sudden explosion that rocked the restaurant to its foundations, causing a wall to implode inward. A figure stepped out of the dust and rubble. He was a godly man much like Odin, except thinner and wearing a helmet with two large and ridiculously extended horns curving inward. Raising a scepter at the pair, the god shouted, “Father, this affair shall go on no further!”

Odin got out of his seat and slammed a hand against the table, splitting it in two. “Damnit, Loki, I don’t have time for your squabbles! I have told you time and time again, your mother and I are no longer seeing each other!”

“Lies!” Loki yelled, his scepter glowing a more furious blue. “How dare you betray mother like this!”

Celestia ducked under the split table as Loki released a barrage of scepter blasts, reducing the floor to dust but otherwise petering off of Odin’s body. “Who is this guy?” Celestia asked, risking a peek out from the table.

Odin groaned deeply, wiping a hand across his wrinkled face. “My son, Loki. He’s having trouble accepting the fact his mother and I are separating.”

“I thought your son set you up on this date in the first place!”

“That was my other son, Thor.”

“You have more than one son?”

“I have a lot of sons. You lose count over the centuries.”

Before Celestia could reply, thunder roared in the distance, then lightning struck the building and nearly sent another wall toppling into ruin.

Odin chuckled, shaking his head slowly. “Well, I be damned, looks like Thor made it after all. You’re in for a real treat here, Celestia. Not often do I battle one of my sons.”

Odin withdrew a golden spear from apparently nowhere, then charged at Loki. All the while lightning continued to rain down from above onto the restaurant’s roof. In the mean time, Celestia drew herself up into the fetal position.

“That’s it, no more dating gods. It always ends up in messed up family disputes.” Celestia winced as another section of the wall in the building crumbled. “Also, no more listening to Luna. That always ends in messed up family disputes as well.”

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