• Published 25th Jul 2013
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Celestia Uses An Online Dating Website - RainbowBob

Trying to spice up Celestia's love life, Luna signs her up on a dating website. Now Celestia has to go on a series of dates with other immortals. This should end nicely.

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Chapter 49: Change Of Pace

“What do you mean you’re moving out?”

Solaire hefted the box on his shoulder, and then looked to Deadpool. He managed to shrug with his other shoulder. “I’m vacating the premises to move into another home, Deadpool. I’m not exactly sure how much clearer I can be with that.”

Deadpool stood in Solaire’s path out the doorway, a fresh pizza box and sixpack of beers in his arms. “But I thought after the entire Doctor shitstorm things would finally be getting back to normal.”

“Normal? Our world and lives are anything but normal, Deadpool. But I’m not complaining! Certainly not with the grand future I have in plan.”

Deadpool leaned against the doorway, still not stepping out of Solaire’s way. “Oh, I see how it is. You get a girlfriend and now you’re ditching your bro. Is that how you want to play it?”

“Deadpool, my friend, you know I’d never want to hurt you.”

“Too late, ‘friend!’” Deadpool shoved a finger under Solaire’s helmet, tipping it back. “Bros before horses! The first fucking rule of the bro-code and you broke it, dude. You broke it and my heart!”

“Aren’t we the dramatical one,” Twilight said behind the duo, rolling her eyes.

Deadpool’s belt was pulled with a tug of Twilight’s magic, dragging the disgruntled merc with a mouth back so that Solaire could exit Luna’s room. A stack of boxes were laid across the floor, most being weapons and N64 video games that Luna had loaned to Solaire.

“It’s just not fair,” Deadpool said, still being dragged on his heels while crossing his arms over his chest. “Status Quo is God! C’mon, that’s rule number one! And now things are changing.”

Twilight smirked, setting Deadpool to lean against the wall. “For the better, I imagine.”

“Not for me.”

“No one asked you, Deadpool.”

With a grunt, Solaire placed the final box on the floor next to the others. Leaning on a knee, he rested a hand comfortably on Twilight’s back. “Please, the sun of my life, do not antagonize Deadpool anymore than he need be. He is going through some trouble times.”

“The only trouble I’m having is my roommate moving out!”

Solaire and Twilight shared a look.

“Should I tell him?” Twilight asked.

With a sigh, Solaire shook his head and got back to standing up straight. “No. Better it be I. Comrades in combat are the best for breaking such news.”

Glancing between Twilight and Solaire, Deadpool slowly took a step backwards. “Wait, no, don’t tell me.” Deadpool held two fingers against his temple and frowned. “Twilight’s pregnant with some unforeseen eldritch abomination.”

Twilight scowled. “Is that a jibe at my weight?”

“Solaire’s pregnant with some unforeseen eldritch abomination!”

Solaire patted his stomach. “Hmmm... in all likelihood that could actually happen. I mean, not at this precise moment, but if the occasion ever arose...”

“No!” Twilight said.


Deadpool snapped his fingers. “You guys are letting me move into your awesome and epileptic seizure inducing in the right light castle in Ponyville?”

“Close!” Twilight said. “It is related to Ponyville.”

“And you moving in somewhere,” Solaire added.

“Or rather, out of,” Celestia said behind the trio, causing Deadpool to jump into Solaire’s arms with a girlish scream. Arching a brow at Deadpool’s behavior, then thinking better of that, Celestia nodded. “In other words, Deadpool, you’re moving out of the castle.”

“Uh, no.” Deadpool patted the sun symbol on Solaire’s chest. “Solly here might be, but I’m still rooming with Luna.”

“Unfortunately, Deadpool, that’s no longer an option. My sister has requested to be rid of your presence for the time being.”

Deadpool slid out of Solaire’s hands, falling on his knees before Celestia. He crawled to her, pathetically reaching out with an unsteady hand for her face. “But… Tia, my darling. You can’t let your sister stand in between us. We have so much going for us. Love, lust, the pursuit of happiness, grumpy old men writing historical documents, and freedom! So much potential, just for the two of us.”

Celestia pushed Deadpool’s hand down, then slapped it when he reached out again. “Sorry to say, Deadpool, but my sister is exactly why you and I cannot be together. Well, there are dozens of other reasons, but at the moment she is the most convenient. Over time she has developed feelings for you, feelings that have remained unrequited. Because of this, she can no longer stand to be in your presence without being hurt. Your last adventure further reminded her of this.”

“Okay, I’m calling bullshit on that. If she was truly in love with me, why hasn’t she thrown herself in my arms already?”

Celestia leaned forward, her eyes staring unblinking in Deadpool’s gaze. “Deadpool, you’ve been her roommate for over three months. She’s spent countless hours hanging out with you. You annoy her, yet she finds herself drawn to you all the while. In all that time you haven’t witnessed one hint of Luna wanting to be with you?”

Deadpool remained silent for around ten seconds. Then he looked down at his knees. “Oh, wow. Uh… that kind of flew over my head.”

“I think it’d just be best for everyone if you two just have a break for a while. Along with myself from the dating game. At least until I adjust to all the new wounds and time travel paradoxes I caused.” Celestia smiled to Twilight. “Luckily, my favorite student has found just the place for you to stay in Ponyville.”

“Truly, Twilight, you did?” Deadpool asked.

Twilight grinned, thought it was more of a facade than anything else. “Well, of course I did! I’m sure the two of you are going to get along juuuuuuuuust fine.”

Deadpool knocked on the door. After a few seconds it opened, and a pony was there to greet him.

“Oh, hello there!” the tiny pegasus said, smiling warmly to Deadpool. “You must be Deadpool! My friend Twilight told me so much about you. She mentioned you were in need of a home to stay in for a spell, and who am I to refuse a guest in need?” The yellow pegasus with pinker than cotton candy mane blushed, holding both hooves against her cheeks. “Oh, but look at me getting all excited like this. My name’s Fluttershy. Twilight mentioned you were a ‘mutant’ human, which I’ve never heard of before. I’m just so interested in learning more about you. Come in, come in, my home is your home now.”

Deadpool ducked and entered the small cottage. It was warm and lively, with little critters scampering here and there, and even a pissed off looking rabbit glaring at Deadpool in the corner.

Fluttershy flew to the other side of the room, quickly disappearing in an alcove where a stove and kitchen cabinets stood. “Put your bags anywhere you like. Dinner shall be done shortly. My animal friends all love the meals I prepare them, so I made us a few dishes to see what you’ll like. Then we can have tea time and do some reading together. Doesn’t that sound like fun?”

Deadpool dropped his bags to the floor. No tv, no video games, no junk food, no Netflix, no Luna, no tv! Deadpool fell to his knees, shaking his fists to the heavens, screaming, “Daaaaaaaaaaamn yoooooooooou Twiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiight!”

“Oh, and I hope you like vegan food.”


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