• Published 15th Apr 2012
  • 16,350 Views, 1,425 Comments

For the Ones we Love - FlimFlamBros.

Spike must save Equestria from a newborn evil. But will he be able to stop it?

  • ...

The Storm

It is said that insanity is the willingness to kill without remorse; I do not think that is right, I think insanity is the willingness to defend what is not there to begin with.


“Spike, this room is gorgeous!” Rarity exclaimed as they entered their room from the balcony. She went running all around it, admiring every detail as Spike sat on the bed, waiting for her to finish her little tour of the room. “The tiles match the chandelier so well and the colour choice for these curtains are just magnificent!”

Spike smiled. “Yeah, I guess it is nice. I don’t really notice though, I’m usually too tired to care what the room looks like.”

Rarity looked at him with a pouty face. “A shame really, such wonders to go unnoticed.”

“But I was tired!” Spike said defensively.

“I hope you’re not too tired,” she thought. She ran over to the bed and hopped on top of Spike. “Spike, just out of curiosity, how tired are you right now?” the sultry unicorn asked.

“Not very. Why?” he asked.

“Because,” replied Rarity with a sedative smile. “I was hoping we could have some fun before Pinkie Pie’s party.”

Spike laid in bed, confused by Rarity’s comment. “What do you mean?” he asked.

“I’ll show you,” she said, giving Spike a kiss, biting into the bottom of his thick scaly lips. She slowly made her way down Spike’s body, giving quick nips and kisses as she descended.

“So that’s what you meant.”


“Hurry up Bunsen!” called a large red guard unicorn. There had been a new batch of recruits, and since they had little time for basic training, they had every recruit to be paired with an experienced guard.

“Sorry Heart Shield!” a feminine voice called, a nerdy looking purple pegasus galloped clumsily in her armor, having to stop every few feet to readjust her helmet or push back her glasses. “But they didn’t have any armour in my size.”

Heart Shield rolled his eyes. “Of all the ponies in all of Equestria, why did I have to be paired up with…this.”

“Hey!” pouted the purple mare. “I heard that! And I don’t want to be here anymore than you do.”

“I find that hard to believe,” he grumbled, looking down the hallway. “Well, at least it’ll be an easy day. We’re on patrol, all we have to do is walk up and down the hallways and make sure everything is okay.” He looked over to Bunsen who was fiddling with her square glasses. “Do you think you can handle that?” he asked sarcastically.

She frowned and stuck her tongue out at him. “Easy peasy, it’s just walking after all-WHOA!”

Bunsen had only taken two steps before tripping over the boot of her armour, landing face first on the ground. She flailed her legs and wings, trying to get back up on her hooves, but found no such luck. She looked up and smiled nervously. “A little help?” she asked.

Heart let out a depressive sigh as he levitated the pegasus back to her hooves. “This is going to be a long day….”

“Oh! Oh! OOOh!’

“Stop complaining Bunsen, it wasn’t that bad,” mumbled the large red pony.

The mare looked at him strangely. “I’m not complaining…”

“OOOOOooooooOOOH! OH Sweet Celestia!”

“Did you hear that?” Heart asked, Bunsen. She shook her head and they took off, Bunsen falling over again almost immediately. Heart Shield levitated her back up and carried her in his red aura. He galloped down the hall, searching for the cause of the noise.

“Oh, Oh, OH! Ahhhhhh!”

“That way!” said Bunsen, pointing down an adjacent hall. The two, Heart Shield that is, rushed down the hall as Bunsen tripped after him and stopped at the large brown door where the noise seemed to be coming from.

“AH, Ah Oh god! Oh! OOOOOOOOOH!!!”

“It sounds like somepony’s being tortured!” Bunsen said in a hushed voice.

Heart dropped the purple mare back on the ground. “Be quiet rookie,” he said, as he slowly turned the door knob. “I’m going to take a peek inside” he said, cracking the door a little and taking a small peek.

“Oh Goddess! Oh GoaaaAAAA!

His eyes widened as his jawed dropped. Heart quickly closed the door. They didn’t seem to notice him. He looked to his purple companion. “We need to leave now,” he quickly said.


“But there’s somepony being hurt in there!” whispered Bunsen. “And according to the R.G. handbook, section three, sub-section seven, a Royal Guard is obligated to help anypony that is in distress.”

“You actually read the handbook?” asked Heart Shield.

She closed her eyes and smiled, “Of course, doesn’t everypony?”

“No…” grunted Heart. “What did you do before you decided to join the forces?”

“I was a student at the Academy of Science,” she said proudly.

“Well, that explains a lot,” Heart muttered. “But anyways, there’s no pony in trouble in there.”

“Then what going on in there?” she asked.

“Well…” he said, trying to find a way to put it gently to her.

“Ooooo Spike, spank me harder! I’ve been a bad little mare! Haven’t I?”

“…. Yeaaaaaaaaah,” he said.

Blood rushed to Bunsen’s face, “Oh… Those were sexy sounds…” She looked to the red stallion in front of her. “Let’s leave.”

“Agreed,” nodded Heart Shield, as the two walked away. Bunsen immediately tripped over again. “Can you go two feet without falling over!” he growled.


Spike and Rarity stared at the ceiling, both drenched in sweat and panting heavily after their bit of fun. Rarity had made all his dreams come true and more. The things she was able to do, the things she let him do, it was all better than he could possibly imagine.

“So that’s what pony taste like,” the dragon sighed happily.

His white lover rolled over and cuddled up under his arm. “The dragon was pretty good as well,” she purred.

“So are you still mad at me?” asked the dragon, glancing at the mare to his side.

“I don’t think I’ll ever be mad again,” she sighed, dragging a hoof across Spike’s chest.

They lay together, sighing happily. “So did you have fun?” Spike asked, a hint of humor in his voice.

Rarity frowned. “Spike! That’s a very inappropriate question to ask a lady!”

Spike flinched. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to off-” Spike’s mouth was cut off by Rarity’s hoof.

Her frown quickly melted into a smile. “Relax darling, I was just kidding!” she said, climbing on top of him and giving him a quick peck on his snout. “It was the most fun I’ve had in ages.”

“I’m glad you enjoyed yourself,” chuckled Spike, rubbing his neck. “Although I had no idea you could be so rough, I think you managed to bite through my scales!”

“Oh dear,” Rarity blushed. “Well, consider it payback for my aching red flank.”

“If I remember correctly,” replied the sly dragon, “You were practically begging me to spank you harder.”

“I remember no such thing!” giggled the white mare.

No I remember you saying and I quote…” he cleared his throat and said with his best Rarity impression, “‘Ooooo Spike, spank me harder! I’ve been a bad little mare! Haven’t I?’” he said with a laugh. “And I deserve to be punished!”

Rarity smiled as she flicked him on the top of his nose. “You’re such an ass.”

“But I’m your ass, right?” smiled the dragon.

Rarity responded with a kiss. “Always.”

“Spike!” The doors of the rooms were busted open as the two embraced lovers turned to look in shock. There stood Luna, with thick watery tears rolling down her face as she looked at the two in bed. “Spike how could you!?” she cried.

“Oh crap,” mumbled Spike under his breath. “Luna what are you doing here?”

“I came to see you Spike!” she moaned. “But I never thought that you would be so shallow to…” she paused for dramatic effect, “cheat on me.”

“WHAT?!” screamed both Spike and Rarity. The white mare looked towards Spike.

“Spike…Is this true?” she asked.

The drake shook his head. “Of course not!” he said desperately, turning to Luna. “Why are you doing this?!”

“To save this young mare from your cheating ways!” shouted Luna. “I never should have believed you when you said that you’d be faithful to me forever!”

“Spike…” moaned Rarity, “why would you do this?”

“I didn’t do anything! We never did anything! We kissed but she always forc-”

“You kissed another mare!” cried the distressed unicorn. She couldn’t believe it, the only one that she ever loved was just like any other colt she had ever dated: shallow minded with only one dirty thought in their heads.

“Rarity please! I can explain” pleaded the dragon.

“Explain what?!” raged Rarity, angry tears pouring down her face. “That you just used me? That you’re just like any other colt or stallion I’ve ever dated!” she shouted, shuffling out of the bed and running out of the bedroom. “I was right, you are an ass!”

“Rarity!” called out the dragon, getting out of the bed to pursue her. However, the second that Rarity had left the room, Luna had pounced on top of the dragon, looking sexily down on him.

“So now that she’s gone, we can finally have our fun,” she said, giving the disgruntled drake a quick kiss on his nose. “I hope she at least warmed you up for the main event!”

“Why did you do that?!” yelled Spike, trying to force himself up from underneath the princess.

Luna let out a little giggle. “Well, I needed her to go away! And we’re not going to have a three way when I haven’t even been able to sleep with you yet.”

“But you lied to her!” Spike yelled. “You told her I cheated on you when we haven’t done anything!”

“Well we hope that that’ll change now,” said Luna. Her horn started to glow. Soon, a band of glowing aura wrapped around Spike’s wrist ankles and mouth, constraining him to the bed with muffled protest.

Spike glared at the dark princess, who in returned laughed at the dragons submissive state.

“Listen Spike,” she said with lustful intention, “I have been very patient with you, ignoring the fact that you fled my room so many times, that every time we’re together something happens to prevent what’s inevitable, I even gave you space when you almost died a few days ago. But I’m done waiting. I want you inside me Spike.”

“Mhne Noo Beethin Onn Rareetee!”

“You won’t cheat on Rarity?” asked the princess. “But she already left you, and she seemed really upset!”

“Eecuse yoo eeyed to err!”

“I guess I did lie to her,” she laughed. “But I’ll tell you what Spike, I’ll give you a deal: Have sex with me right now and when we’re done, I’ll tell Rarity the truth. She’ll forgive you, and I’ll finally get to be with the one I love. Everypony wins, so what do you say Spike?” She slowly undid the gag around the dragon’s mouth.

He coughed a bit, “I’m not cheating on Rarity!” he shouted. “It doesn’t matter how you try to twist it around, cheating is cheating! And I will have no part in it! Now rel-” The gag around his mouth reappeared.

Luna rolled her eyes. “Have it your way,” she smiled. “And by that, I mean my way” she sat down on Spike’s chest as she slowly slid herself closer to his face. “This is going to be fun!”

“Get off of him…” a stern voice said.

Luna looked around in surprise to see Rarity standing at the door of the room. Scowl on her face, staring daggers at the mare on top of her dragon.

Luna let out a little smirk. “Is that a threat?”

“I said, get off of HIM” Rarity repeated, her horn starting to glow with blue magic.

“Oooooooo, what are you going to do? Make me a dress?” joked the night mare.

A large blast of light blue energy collided with Luna’s face as she was blasted through the wall of the room and into the courtyard.

Spike looked at Rarity with absolute amazement, the tip of her horn was sizzling a small trail of grey smoke and she was breathing heavily, sweating with exertion. “Nopony bucks my dragon but me,” she panted, slowly walking to the bed. “Are you okay Spike?”

“eht it ang ugf ov eee!”

“Oh right. Sorry,” she said, focusing her magic to counteract the seal over Spike’s mouth. “Is that better?”

“Much better,” the dragon coughed. “You came back. Why?”

Rarity smiled. “Well, I was coming back to give yell at you some more, as I was still very upset. But when I got back, I overheard your conversation, and how Luna had lied to me and how you’d managed to stay loyal despite these advances. And when you still refused to sleep with her even if it would give us a false way out, you still refused to cheat on me. I knew right then how much you truly loved me and I wasn’t going to let anypony sleep with my dragon, not even a princess.”

Spike grinned playfully at his savior. “Well, my hero!” he said with feminine enthusiasm, bashing his eyelashes.

Rarity couldn’t help but let out a little smirk. “Does this hero get a reward for her efforts?” she said, playing along.

“That she does,” said the dragon, puckering his lips as the white mare slowly closed the gap between them.

“Oh, you two are kissing. That’s so sweet...”

The two looked up towards the hole in the wall. Luna’s head popped into view, her starry hair was fringed and soaked from the rain outside and she did not look happy.

“But, your kissing MY love!” she screamed as a blue band of magic wrapped itself around Rarity’s neck, lifting her up into the air and slamming her into a nearby wall.

“RARITY!” screamed Spike as he tried to escape from his arcane bondages, but to no avail. “Leave her alone!”

“I’m sorry my dear,” the dark princess cackled, “It’s just that love can make you do crazy things!” she said, levitating the helpless Rarity closer to her. “Tell me, is she really worth all this trouble? All this destruction?”

“She everything to me!” Spike grunted, still trying to escape his bondages.

“And what does that make me?” asked Luna.

Rarity twitched around gasping for air. “It makes you the mare that has gone out of her bloody mind!” she groaned.

“I’m sorry Rarity, but you’re not part of this conversation!” she said, forcing Rarity out a closed window, the glass shattering against her body.

“NOOOO!” yelled Spike, attempting to lurch forward, but was still constricted by the mystic cuffs.

“…Spike...” a weak voice moaned. Rarity’s limp body was still being levitated by Luna’s magic. Her body was covered with bloody cuts from the impact with the glass. She looked up towards Spike, her eyes barely conscious.

“Now that we’re alone, my love,” said Luna, smirking at the dragon. “We’ll see who you will truly love.”

“Let her go!” shouted the dragon.

The princess giggled. “Poor choice of words,” she said releasing the magic around Rarity’s neck, the white mare shrieked as she fell towards her doom.

“STOP!!” shouted Spike; the shadowy mare winced at the sound of his voice, quickly catching Rarity with her magical grasp.

“Let me do it darling,” Luna said as the madness in her voice was growing. “Let me just drop her and we can be together at last! No more little Miss Pretty Bitch to get in our way!” she laughed, her throat strained, and bloody. “It would be a quick, if moderately painful death, and then we could be together forever! Just liked I’ve dreamed of ever since I was a filly!”

“Don’t you dare drop her, Luna!” roared Spike, shaking furiously to escape.

“Or what?” she asked, “Even if you can break free from my magic, you still wouldn’t be able to reach her before she fell.”

“Then I’d die trying!” he barked.

“And why would you do that?” the princess asked.

“BECAUSE I LOVE HER!!” shouted the dragon.

“BUT I LOVE YOU!!” the dark mare screamed back. “I’ve always loved you! You’re all I can ever think about! I raise the moon every night, just hoping that you’re able to see it.” A strained tear dripped from her eye. “Why can’t you see that?!”

Spike took a deep breath, “Listen Luna, I had no idea that you had these feelings for me, and I know that it’s hard to take rejection. In the end, it’s for the best. If it means anything to you Luna…I’m sorry. But you need to bring Rarity back inside, place her gently on the ground, and we can deal with this without the violence,” he looked to the princess with a calm expression. “What do you think? Will you let her go?”

Luna looked down, stirring in her thoughts, before looking up and saying: “Sure. I’ll let her go,” she said, releasing Rarity and letting her plummet to her demise.

SPIIIIIKKKEEEEE!” Rarity screamed, falling through the air and towards the ever approaching ground.

“Rarity!” cried Spike, he pulled at his cuffs, praying that they would break, but they just wouldn’t. They stayed firmly clasped to his wrist and tail. He had to do something, he had to save Rarity. He had to save the one he loved.

There was a flash of light, followed by a faint white afterglow. Spike looked down to his chest to see that that strange necklace that had protected him in the shadowlands had appeared around his neck.

Suddenly he felt stronger, infused with some sort of untapped power within him. The bonds around his ankles and wrist felt as strong as paper. He tore through them, and pushed aside a shocked Luna to dive out the window to save his beloved. Rarity was about halfway down the tower, screaming as she flailed through the air. The dragon picked up speed, inching slowly towards the falling mare, but the ground closer.

She was fifty feet from the ground. Spike flapped his wings furiously, trying to catch up. Forty feet, he had to make it. Thirty feet, he wasn’t going to make it! Twenty feet, the necklace started to glow again. Ten feet, the world seemed to slow down around him, he stretched out his claw to catch Rarity. Five feet, just a little further…

Less than a foot to the ground, he grabbed her hoof! He pulled her into his arms, covering her head as they crashed into the ground in an explosion of dust and dirt. Luna peered down at them from the window, curiously looking at the smoke cloud that had formed on their impact.

She was shocked when the flying dragon burst through the cloud, his white mare held safely in his arms.

Both of Spike’s eyes were glowing white as he magically floated up in a magic sphere that had formed around him and Rarity. He looked down at the unicorn, “Are you okay?” he asked.

She looked up and wrapped her hooves around his neck, doing her best to hold back her tears. “My hero,” she whispered.

Spike smiled as they approached the ledge of the broken window and floated back inside. Luna was still shocked to see that they were both alive. “B-b-but that fall should have killed you!”

“It’s over Luna,” said Spike, placing down Rarity and nudging her behind him. “Just stop, please.”

“You ask me to stop loving you?” she questioned.

“Luna,” Spike grunted, glaring at the princess with his glowing white eyes. “I. Don’t. Love. You.”

“BUT I LOVE YOU CURATOR!” she cried.


The dark mare glared furiously at the dragon. “And if I can’t love you, then no one can!” she screamed, blasting a bolt of lightning at Spike.

Spike flinched as the bolt connected with his face, but when he opened them up again, the lightning was being harmlessly absorbed into his skin through a small white circle.

“What?” gasped Luna. “No one can just shrug off my magic like that?! It’s impossible!”

Spike grabbed her by the horn, squeezing it until the magic was cut off. He looked into her eyes “This ends now!” he growled, rearing back his free hand and slapping her across the face.

Luna fell down to the ground, her cheek was red were Spike had hit her. She was sniffing like a little filly, wiping her nose and face. “It wasn’t you… It was never you, Curator…” She looked up to Spike and Rarity, the bedazzlement on their face was clear. “I’m so sorry for everything,” she whispered quietly. “I wasn’t in my proper mind.”

Spike crossed his arms and stared at the whimpering princess. “You have a lot of explaining to do.”