• Published 15th Apr 2012
  • 16,350 Views, 1,425 Comments

For the Ones we Love - FlimFlamBros.

Spike must save Equestria from a newborn evil. But will he be able to stop it?

  • ...

The Secret

We all have our secrets
Some worse than others

“Where are they?” wondered Pinkie, bouncing around the throne room in little circles. “I need to talk to Rarity about what kind of streamer to use for the party!”

“I told you Pinkie,” said Twilight, getting dizzy from watching the pink mare. “They’re busy, but I’m sure that they’ll be here as soon as possible.”

Rainbow nudge Applejack. “I bet Spike is getting a special party right now,” the rainbow maned pony said. Applejack couldn’t help but let out a few snickers.

“A private party? Who’d want a party with only two ponies?” wondered Pinkie, unaware of the innuendo that was implied.

All the ponies laughed at her obliviousness as Princess Celestia walked into room, a disgruntle look on his face.

“Have any of you seen Luna?” the sun princess asked. “She hasn’t come back yet and I’m getting worried.”

“I reckon she’ll be fine Princess,” said Applejack. “She’ll get here when she gets here.”

Celestia smiled. “I suppose you’re right, honest Applejack,” she looked around the throne room. “So, how fares the party planning?”

“Great!” shouted Pinkie Pie, throwing up confetti. “I just need Rarity’s opinion on what kind of streamers Spike would like.”

Rainbow pointed down the hall. “Well, you can ask them now. Here they all come.”

They all looked towards the end of the hall, where a sulking Luna was following Spike and a still bleeding Rarity.

Rarity!” gasped Twilight, running over to her friend. “What happened to you?”

“Relax darling,” the white mare smiled, “it’s just a scratch. Nothing a little makeup can’t cover.”

“Ah sister, there you are,” smiled Celestia. Her look turned concerned when she saw her sister bow her head down in shame. “Is there something wrong, Luna?”

“Your sister has been trying to seduce me almost the entire time I’ve been here,” Spike glanced over at Luna, turning his head slightly. “Tell them what you told us,” he said.

Luna nodded her head. “I…I have something to tell you… All of you.” She paused and took a deep breath, “There is an evil pony coming to Canterlot. He wishes to destroy us all, and in a few days he will return to do just that.”

All the ponies gasped, as Luna continued to speak.

“This pony is an alicorn, Curator but now Conquest. He was the third alicorn that had existed in millennia. He… He was a very close friend, some could even say he was our brother, and I wish I could have called him… I could have called him…” she looked at Celestia with teary eyes. “I’m sorry Tia!” she cried, hugging her sister and crying into her shoulder. “It’s all my fault!”

“There, there sister,” Celestia whispered, patting the dark blue alicorn on the back, “it’s not your fault. It’s nopony’s fault.”

“YES IT IS!” hollered Luna, “It’s my fault he’s like this! If I wasn’t so jealous! If I didn’t love him! None of this would have happened!”

“Sister what are you talking about?” asked Celestia.

“Do you remember all those years ago? When Curator went overseas to fight in the dragon wars?”

“All too well,” the white princess moaned.

“Do you remember how he went crazy after he came home?”

“Yes, he said that Sweet Symphony had cheated on him,” she said, cringing at the memory. “If it’s anypony’s fault, it would be hers.”

“Well,” Luna said without sniffles. “She wouldn’t have cheated on him,” she paused, swallowing the lump in her throat. “She wouldn’t have cheated on him if I hadn’t told her he was dead.”

“What!?” screamed the sun princess, pulling her sister away from him. “What do you mean?”

“I didn’t know this would happen!” cried Luna. “It’s just that ever since he met Symphony, he started to spend less time with us, less time with me. I had always had a crush on him, and when he started to date her officially, I became jealous,” she explained, wiping a tear from her eye. “When he went to war, I was so happy that he sent me letters, asking how things were going back here, how I was doing… How Symphony was doing. Even across the sea, he kept thinking of her. I had had it. I devised a plan, and I went to the docks where Symphony was waiting for him to come, as she did almost every day. I walked up to her, and told her that it was with the deepest regrets that we had received word that Curator had died in battle.”

There was a pause of absolute silence as nopony said anything. Luna sighed.

“If it means anything, I am sorry,” she said, bowing her head.

Celestia smiled as she lifted up her sister’s chin. “I can never be mad at you sister,” she said hugging her sister close to her.

They all stared at the two in their loving embrace. Rainbow scratched her mane.

“Well this is all good and everything,” Rainbow said, “but it doesn’t explain why Luna was trying to seduce Spike.”

“Oh I can tell you that!”

Everypony turned their head in surprise at who was talking.

“Pinkie Pie?”

“Well, not exactly…” The pink mare smiled, but not her usual happy smile. This one was dastardly and sinister, and her blue eyes slowly turned a blood red. “You can call me Conquest!”

“Your voice…” whispered Twilight, “It’s so…”

“Soothing isn’t it?” Pinkie but not actually Pinkie said. “And yet maniacal, like a madman’s lullaby.”

As every other pony was confused by the ‘new’ Pinkie, Spike frowned. “How did you possess Pinkie? I thought you could only do it with your conquered.”

Conquest in Pinkie’s body smiled. “Normally you’re right dragon, but it was so easy to take this one’s mind. She seems to have the brain activity of a bubble. However, I’m getting off topic. YOU want to know why my dear beloved little Luna has been acting so crazy.”

Applejack shook her head. “This here is all confusing, is this Pinkie were talking to or this Conquest fella? Cause it looks like Pinkie, but she sure ain’t acting like it.”

“Oh simple, simple Applejack,” sighed Conquest. “Your idiocy is only second to this mare’s,” he said pointing to himself. “But back to the question at hoof. When Spike touched the Pandora’s box, an artifact that lets you communicate with me all those weeks ago, he let a little piece of me inside of him.” He gave a little chuckle. “Now normally, all it lets me do is annoy the crap out of them, slipping into their minds whenever they fall asleep and having a little fun!”

“Get to the point!” shouted the annoyed dragon.

“So impatient for a giant lizard,” the possessed pink pony giggled. “To put it simply Spike, I decided to play a joke on my sister. I changed your appearance in her eyes.”

“How did you do that?”

“It’s easy to manipulate those who have touched the Pandora’s Box,” said Conquest.

“But, my sister never touched the Pandora’s box,” Celestia said, turning her sister. “Right Luna?”

The dark princess turned her head in shame, avoiding the look of her sister.

Conquest looked at the two princesses with devilish intentions. “You mean you didn’t tell her?” he asked, his grin getting wider and wider. “Oh, that is so very naughty of you, Luna! And I love it!” he laughed, pouncing around in his little pink body. “That must mean that you haven’t told her about Nightmare!”

Luna…” Celesta said, trying to catch a glimpse of her crying sister. “What does he mean? What about Nightmare?”

“Ooooooo let me tell, sister!” the pink pony said gleefully. “I love this story so very much!”


“Luna, I’m turning in for the night,” said Celestia, as she flew next to her sister. Luna was just finishing up with her lunar duties; raising the moon and waking up the stars.

“All right, Tia,” she smiled, watching the large white alicorn fly away from her and down to Canterlot. Luna quickly pulled the moon into position for that night, where it would remain till next morning. She flew down back to her room in the tall tower, the night breeze flowing through her starry mane as the small lights fell out of her mane and dotted the sky. The princess of the night landed on the balcony and entered her dark room. With a quick surge of her magic, the room lit up. She jumped on her bed and stared at her ceiling.

She laid there in the quiet for what seemed like hours, tossing and turning to find a comfy spot that was non-existent. Sighing heavily, she turned to her nightstand. Aside from a couple of books and a clock, there was a single framed picture. She picked it up and gazed at the old photo. It was a picture of Luna and Curator back when they were younger. He had Luna is a playful headlock as they both smiled at the camera. It was her favourite picture.

The night mare wiped a tear from her eye as she stared at her love. His wild, fiery red mane, his strong, well-shaped body, the golden eyes that brought nothing but happiness to all who fell in his gaze. Even in the old photo, the colour of his eyes still had that heart-warming effect on Luna.

“I miss you so much brother,” she whispered, hugging the frame close to her chest as she looked out her window. “I wish I could have told you how I felt.”

Sleep still wouldn’t come to the princess. She kept looking at the picture in her hoof, and tried her best to imagine that her brother was here with her. Looking at her pillow, she wrapped herself around it, imagining that she was in the embrace of the crimson haired alicorn that she loved. Luna lifted the pillow up to her face, placing her wet lips on the soft fabric, lost in her own fantasies. Sometimes she could swear that she could hear his voice whisper to her.


Her eyes shot open as she came back to reality. Looking around her room, she could see that her door was open slightly, and she could have sworn that she closed it.

“Luna…” the playful voice whispered in her ear, the door creaking open slightly. The princess got out of her bed to investigate. Looking at the ground, she saw a strange trail of liquid, not blood or water but more of a strange black ooze. It seemed very fresh and lead down the hall. With caution, she followed the trail.

Down the quiet halls and through the throne room, the black trail stopped at bare wall. The night mare looked carefully at the wall, and noticed a loose brick. Pressing up against it, the walls around her began to shift, folding open like a door, the wall revealed a secret dark passageway.

“Hello?” she called, her voice echoing down the shadowy hallway as she stepped into the darkness. Her horn illuminated as she descended into the blackness.

“So close Luna…” said the strangely hypnotic voice, it seemed so familiar, like she heard it before. Luna continued to walk following the call of the voice. “So very close my little love…”

“Is anypony there?” the princess called. Her questioned was answered when a crack of light cut through the darkness. Luna shielded her eyes as she walked into the light. As her eyes adjusted she saw the black oozy trail that had led her here. The black substance had been spread out all across the room, the floor, walls, and even the ceiling was completely covered with the dark muck, with only a narrow path on clean floor to walk on.

Staying on the path, Luna walked on the thin path, she soon approached a table in the middle of the room. on top of it was a small little box with a note of that said: ‘Open Me’ written hastily on it.

“Open me Luna… Set me free…”

The words echoed through Luna’s head as she carefully placed a hoof on the strange box. She felt the power that radiated from it.

“Set me free Luna… Set me free!”

The princess clenched her eyes shut as she opened the box. A burst of light engulfed the room as the dark mare was knocked back to the floor. When she opened her eyes, she saw a tall shadowy figure emerge from the box. His coat was black as night, his mane was grey as smoke, and his eyes were red as blood.

It was her brother.

“C-C-Curator?” stuttered the blue mare in disbelief. “Is that really you?”

The tall dark alicorn looked at the small mare that was his sister and flashed a smile. “Of course it’s me, who else could it be?” he asked.

She was overjoyed, after almost three thousand years; she had been reunited with her brother. “Curator! I thought you were gone forever!” she cried happily, grabbing her brother around the neck and pulling him, nuzzling his neck.

“Now, now little sister,” smiled the dark alicorn, “I know that you’re happy to see me. I’m just thrilled to see you too. We have so much to catch up on. Let’s start with how we get out of here.”

“Of course,” the night mare smiled, heading to the door. “I followed a trail of black liquid and found a secret passage that lead me to that box that you were in!” she said enthusiastically.

“How very clever of you,” grinned the alicorn, knowing full well what happened. “Shall you lead the way?”

“Of course Curator!” Luna piped, happily trotting down the hall.

Conquest stayed behind a bit, he walked around the table where the box was. Hidden in the shadows, was a shrivelled up pony, the black liquid leaking out of his eyes and mouth. He looked up at the shadowy alicorn. “Please… Master…” he croaked. “Help me…”

“For doing a job well done?” he thought, “I suppose turning your blood into ink is a rather painful way to die, and I suppose you do deserve an award.” His horn started to glow. “Will death suffice?” The shrivelled pony nodded weakly. “Then it shall be done.” He tapped the pony with his horn. Almost instantaneously, he feel to his knees, a stream of dark sludge being propelled out of his mouth, followed by a painful moan. “You should vomit your guts out within the next two minutes…or maybe it was the next two hours?” He snickered at the suffering pony. “Now that I think of it, it may take as long as two days.” The pony spewed out more shadowy liquid. “Well have fun!” he said with a smiled as he skipped happily out of the door, following his sister.

He quickly caught up to her and the two of them began to catch up on Luna’s life, how they had finally united all of Equestria, how there had been peace in all the land, and how Celestia now rose the sun, and she rose the moon.

“If you ask me sister…” Curator said, entering Luna’s room. “You got the better job.”

Luna blushed “Thank you brother. It sure is beautiful”

“But not as beautiful as you,” Curator said, taking her hooves in his. They stared at each other. Curator slowly leaned into Luna, her heart beating furiously as she did the same. The princess closed her eyes and puckered her lips, stretching her neck so she could finally feel her brother’s lips against hers.

“You know,” said Curator, quickly turning his head away from Luna’s and towards the window. “It is really a beautiful night.”

“It is,” she mumbled. “Now, you were saying I was beautiful.”

“The ponies must all love your night!” Curator explained, ignoring Luna. “Tell me, do they play in the moonlight?”

“Well…not usually. They play during the day and sleep at night,” she said.

“What?” asked Curator, in fake disbelief. “Everypony wakes up with the sun, and sleeps through your marvellous night? That doesn’t seem very fair.”

“It’s okay,” she sighed. “Ponies aren’t nocturnal, they can’t usually stay awake for too long and I’ve learned to accept it.”

“I suppose you’re right,” her brother said, the grin growing on his face. “However, what if, hypothetically…the moon weren’t to set?”

“What?” said the startled mare, “I couldn’t! Celestia said that we need to rotate the sun and moon. To do anything else could lead to disaster!”

“Is that what Celestia told you?” he asked. When Luna nodded, he rolled his eyes. “Dear sister, I thought you were better than that! What happened to the playful little filly I love?” he asked. Luna’s cheeks perked up as they turned beet red. “There she is!” said Curator playfully, pulling her close to him. “Now what are we going to do?” he asked as Luna stared into his hypnotic gaze.

“I will keep the moon raised….” She said, eyes dilated.

“And how long will it be up there?” asked Curator, his eyes glowing stronger.

“The night will last forever…” Luna drooled. “It will last forever Curator…”

“Good sweet Luna,” sighed Curator, “But please… Call me Conquest, Dark Conquest.”

“I love you, Conquest,” she said affectionately.

Conquest chuckled, “I know,” he said, thrusting his mouth into hers.

For a moment, they were in complete ecstasy. The warmth of his lips, his dark and forbidden taste, it made her cry with pleasure, running her hooves up his back and to his head, pushing it closer to his. She felt a poke at her lip and she gladly let his shadowy tongue slip in, digging deeper into her mouth, pass her lips and slithering down her throat.

Her eyes shot open as the tongue dug down her esophagus. She tried to scream but was too lost in the unimaginable pleasure. It kept going down, Curator parted their lips, his sick sadistic smile still plastered on his face as his tongue kept crawling into her mouth. He bit down with a furious chomp, severing his slimy appendage.

Luna fell to her trembling knees. She let out a pleasant shiver, a wisp of a blue shadowy haze slithering out of her mouth.

“That was amazing…”’ she cooed, lying on the ground, rolling around provocatively. “I’ve waited so long for this…”

Conquest walked over to the window, flashing his white fangs at the pearl white moon. “So have I, Luna.”


“After that, I had complete control over Luna,” said Pinkie/Conquest. “That is, until my sister had you silly fillies free her with the ‘Hell-ements of Barfery’ and I lost almost all contact with my dear beloved sister,” he laughed. “But that’s the thing about me: Once you have me, I never leave. I’m kind of like herpes that way.”

Twilight shook her head. “How does an endless night help you take over Equestria?”

“Well Twilight, I’m glad you asked!” grinned Conquest, “Did you know that there is a reason we have to cycle the sun and moon?”

“To have night and day, a balance,” answered Twilight.

“I can see why you’re the smart one” joked Conquest. “And what would happen if you break that balance?”

“All chaos would break loose…”

“EXACTLY!” he/she shouted excitedly. “If the moon were to stay in the sky for more than twenty-four hours, the gravitational pull of Equestria would cause the moon to fall out of the sky!” He looked towards Spike “The biggest of rocks to crush the tiniest of ants!” he laughed. “But you stupid little urchins had to ruin my fun!”

“So you’re the cause of Nightmare Moon,” choked Applejack. “I don’t believe it.”

“You better,” the pink possessed pony smiled. “And that was just the beginning! I also freed Discord, told Chrysalis about the Canterlot wedding, any major catastrophe that has happened in the last thousand years, I have had a major hoof in!” He fell to the ground, giggling in a puddle of his own happy tears as a rooster crowed in the distance. “Well it’s been fun, but I have to plan Doomsday!” With the quick farewell chuckle, he froze up, his eyes quickly turning from red to blue.

Pinkie, the actual Pinkie, shook her head. “Wow, that was weird. For a second everything tasted like purple. Now what does purple taste like?” wondered the pink mare, sitting on her rump as she became lost in her thoughts.

Celestia looked at her sister, trying to hold back her tears. “You let him free?”

“I’m sorry Tia…”


“But I love him….”


“Princess Celestia please!” begged Rarity, “She didn’t know any better, she was in love!”

“THE HELL WITH LOVE!” snarled the princess, “Because of my sister, we are all doomed! If Conquest was unable to escape by himself, he may have never been able to escape at all!”

Spike stepped forward. “That is why I’m here, Princess. I will stop him!”

“Spike, he has an army!” the princess explained. “And we have so few ponies to fight.”

“So call everyone!” retorted the dragon. “Call the Zebras, call the Bison and the Mules! The fate of all life is at stake! And if we don’t make a stand when he comes, he will destroy everything!”

“It’s still not enough…” moaned the princess. “Even if we get their help, the prophecy said that a dragon would be our saviour, and we only have one dragon!”

A light went off in Spike’s head. It was so obvious that he felt foolish for not thinking of it before! He turned around, grabbed Rarity and quickly planted a kiss on her lips. “I’ll be back soon. I promise,” he said, heading to the window.

“Spike, what are you doing?” asked Twilight, watching the dragon open the window and jump on the ledge.

He looked back and smiled happily. “I’m going to get more dragons,” he said, taking off from the window and flying into the sunrise.