• Published 15th Apr 2012
  • 16,350 Views, 1,425 Comments

For the Ones we Love - FlimFlamBros.

Spike must save Equestria from a newborn evil. But will he be able to stop it?

  • ...

The Training

We’re shaped by are past, a pony once said
Forced to relive it, so we never forget

Spike blinked his eyes, and the skeletons were gone, vanished in thin air.

He rubbed his eyes. Did he see what he saw? Or hear what he heard? He feared that maybe Conquest was getting to him, that the dark pony was driving the dragon mad.

The door slowly opened up.

“Spike?” a friendly voiced asked. “It’s Duster, are you awake?”

The dragon yawned, stretching his arms out. “Yeah, I’m up.”

Duster walked in the room. He wasn’t in his guard armour, and his light brown fur and his bizarre pink mane surprised Spike.

Duster noticed Spike staring at him. “Oh my mane, I lost a bet a while ago, long story, not important. You seem tired? You sleep okay?”

Spike shook his head, he did feel rather groggy.

Duster chuckled. “Well, you better get it together,” he said. “After all, once we get you fixed up in medical, it’s straight to basic training.”

“Great,” muttered the dragon. “I guess we should head out.”

“Eager, are we?” joked the guard, as the two headed out of the room. “Just wait till you see who’s running the training exercises today.”


The day before

Applejack groaned as her eyelids slowly peeled open. The world was shifting around her as she tried to get up. She slammed her head against the bottom of the table and fell back to the floor.

“Ow!” she moaned, rubbing her hoof through her sandy yellow mane. She felt that something was missing. Her hat was gone. She anxiously looked around the floor to see that it was lying next to a couple of rotting apple cores. The cowpony slowly crawled to her favourite hat, and after brushing of some dust, she placed it back on her head where it belonged. She stumbled as she tried to lift up from the floor. Her head felt like it was about to explode. How much did she drink last night? However much it was, it was kicking her flank right now. Applejack carefully made her way to the main room, careful to step over the still sleeping ponies. The library was huge mess, even worse than the kitchen.

“What in the hay happened in here?” she wondered. “It’s like a mantico-“

Rainbow Dash came unstuck from the ceiling and land straight on top of Applejack.

“Rainbow? Where in the name of the princess did you come from?” she squeaked from under the blue mare.

“Oh Soarin….” She mumbled happily in her sleep.


“Right there Soarin… that’s where mama like’s it,” she moaned.

Applejack facehoofed. “You’ve got to be kidding! Rainbow, wake up!” she yelled slapping the pegasus in her face.

Rainbow opened her sleepy eyes. “Hey Applejack, I was having a such a wonderful dream….. I think you were in it.”

Applejack cringed a little. “I don’t wanna know what goes on in that there head of yours.”

“Whatever,” said Rainbow as she stretched out her body. “Why are my wings all sticky?”

“The hay if I know,” said Applejack. “I’ve been awake only a little longer than y’all.”

Rainbow tried to flap her wings, apparently, the sticky stuff was on there good and had harden.

“Well, this is just great,” moaned Rainbow.

In the back of the room, they heard the shifting of a pile of books. Twilight rose from the mountain of literature, a piece of paper stuck to the side of her face from drool. She let out a yawn before staring at her two sleepy friends.

“Good morning girls,” she yawned as she made her way out. “How late did we stay up?”

“No clue sugar cube,” said Applejack. “Last night was a bit of a blur.”

Twilight let out another yawn. “Yeah, tell me about it.”

“Spikeeee” a voice called out. All the ponies looked up the stairs, Rarity made her way down the steps, she seemed well rested, the bags under her eyes had disappeared and a newfound smile on her face. “Has anypony seen Spike? He left for a bit and he hasn’t come back yet.”

“I’m sure Spike is fine,” said Twilight reassuringly. “He can’t have gotten into that much trouble. He’s still injured so he has to take it easy.”

“I’ll check around town,” said Rainbow as she started to head to the door. “He probably went to get some coffees. I know I could use some.”

“You do that,” said Applejack. “We’ll all check around the house.”

“Please bring him back if you find him!” shouted Rarity as the cyan pegasus trotted out the door and headed towards town.

Twilight gathered everyone in the middle of the library. “Alright everypony, we know he’s not in the kitchen or upstairs, so where could he be?” asked Twilight.

“I don’t know,” shrugged Applejack. “His bedroom?”

“Of course!” said Twilight excitedly. “His bedroom! It’s so obvious!”

Twilight charged towards the room, the other two slowly following behind her. Twilight opened the door into Spike’s room, and saw the lump on the bed.

Rarity jumped on the bed. “Oh Spike” she said in a sultry tone. “Why didn’t you tell me you wanted to move things to the bedroom” she said, as she removed the cover and gave the being under it a kiss.

Fluttershy’s eyes shot open from the feeling of Rarity’s warm, wet lips against hers. She spat out the letter in her mouth and screamed at the top of her lungs.

“NOT MY MOUTH!!!” she yelled. “DON’T PUT THINGS IN MY MOUTH!!” she tumbled out of the bed and quickly ran out of the room. The broom closet was still open, and the vibration of the screaming caused a certain cleaning instrument to fall out of the closet. “BROOM HANDLE!!” she screamed as she jumped out the window and towards her cottage.

All the ponies just stood there, baffled by what they just witnessed.

“What in the name of hayseeds was that?” asked Applejack.

“What was that about a broom stick?” questioned Twilight.

“And what was she doing in Spike’s bed?” wondered Rarity as she tried to spit the taste of mare out of her mouth. “You don’t think-?”

“Rarity” Twilight interrupted, “I don’t think Spike would cheat on you with Fluttershy right after proclaiming his love for you.”

Applejack looked to the ground, picking up a slightly damp letter. “What’s this here?”

Rarity looked at the letter with anticipation. “Maybe it’s from Spike!” she hoped.

“Hold yer horses there, I’ll read it” she mumbled as she open the letter and began to read it out loud.

To Twilight,

I have been summoned by the princesses to come to the castle for urgent business. I am sorry that I can’t tell you this myself, but it seems like an emergency. I will try to write back to you as soon as I can, but I ask that you do not follow me to Canterlot, as I fear that you are all in great danger. You aren’t even supposed to know that anything is wrong, but I can’t just leave everypony like this…..

Twilight, I will hopefully be back soon, but if I’m not back later today, then something is wrong, and I’ll be staying a little longer than expected. If this is the case, I want you to tell Rarity that I love her and that this is the last thing that I wanted to do, but I was given little choice from your brother.

Hope to see you all soon,


P.S. I’m sorry Rarity.

“It’s not fair!” cried Rarity as Applejack finished reading the letter. “I was finally happy, we were finally happy!”

Twilight put a sympathetic hoof on Rarity’s shoulder. “I know how you feel Rarity, this is the last thing any of us wanted,” she said sadly.

“My Spikey Wicky shouldn’t be put in danger!” she cried. “He should be here with me. I’ve waited so long, Twilight…..” the white mare started to cry again.

“Hey, don’t be sad,” Applejack said, trying to cheer up her distress friend. “Remember, he’s going to write back as soon as possible I reckon.”

Rarity started to calm down a bit. “I suppose you’re right,” she sniffled.

“That’s the spirit sugar cube,” smiled the cowpony, “Now come on I reckon you’re all mighty hungry, so what do you say I whip up some apple pancakes?”

Rarity immediately broke down in a fit. “SPIKE USE TO MAKE PANCAKES!” she cried as she wallowed in a puddle of her own tears.

Applejack sighed. “This is going to be a long wait.”


“GIVE ME TEN MORE PUSH-UPS, YOU OVERGROWN IQUANA!” yelled Curb Hoof at Spike. He was in the courtyard of the castle with about thirty other pony recruits running training exercises. All around him he heard the groans, grunts and cries of ponies as they suffered through their training.

Spike groaned along with them. “Of all the ponies in Equestria….” He cursed under his breath.

“WHAT WAS THAT MAGGOT?” screamed Curb Hoof right in Spike’s face. “You got something to say to me?!”

“Yeah, brush your teeth” said the dragon sarcastically.

“Oh lookie here men!” shouted the loud pony to all the ponies within earshot. “We got ourselves a comedian!” he looked back at Spike. “Just for that remark, it’s an extra ten miles on everypony’s run, courtesy of the comedian over here!”

A wave of whimpers echoed though the court yard as everypony got up and started running down the field. Spike got up and was about to join them when Curb Hoof stopped him.

“Not you dragon,” he muttered. “The princesses want you to take breaks until you’re at full health.”

“Really, cause I feel fine. The doctors here are a lot better than the ones at Ponyville,” Spike said.

“I wasn’t asking you,” he said forcefully, “it was an order.”

The guard pony started to walk away as walked towards a nearby bench.

“Jackass,” he muttered as he took a seat. His body was aching, ever since he gotten out of medical, he had been forced to fields on Canterlot to undergo rigorous training and physical exhaustion.

He couldn’t help but close his eyes, just for a few seconds…..


Spike woke up in the darkness of the shadows, of course. It wasn’t as frightening this time, and he knew that a certain psychotic pony was lurking somewhere in the unending haze.

He drifted mindlessly in the darkness, waiting for Conquest to make some sort of grand entrance, to appear in a flash of light, emerge from the shadows, something like that. But it remained silent.

“What game are you playing?” Spike said out loud, his voice echoing in the darkness, still nothing. He continued to walk into the black fog, the hazy grey and black getting darker with each step he took.

The silence was broken by the gentle humming of a stallion. Spike followed the strangely alluring tune, making a pathway through the darkness, until he came upon a decorative pool, the glittering blue water contrasting with the bleakness of the shadows. The black alicorn had his back to Spike and didn’t seem to notice him.

Conquest was relaxing in the water, happily singing to himself.

Daisies, daisies, give me your heart today
Otherwise I’ll rip it out, and take it anyway!
Its beating is a pitter patter, as I serve it on a silver platter
Garnished with the finest, ordure’s

He moaned with a sense of pleasure as he sank a little deeper in the water.

Honey, honey, made with the finest wine
My love for you, is to abuse
The queen of parasites!

Bubbles started to form in the pool as a dark head breached the water. Her turquoise blue hair was washed over her face, a long, decaying looking horn sticking out from underneath the mess of wet hair. She flicked her hair out of her face. It slapped down on her sides revealing her plasma green eyes. Conquest smiled at the creature.

“My, my Chrysalis. I had no idea you could hold your breath that long,” he snickered.

“Your such a naughty little pony,” she giggled. “And I love that about you,” she cooed, crawling on top of his lap as she nuzzled him. Her eyes darted towards Spike. “Conquest, were you expecting company?”

Conquest looked at her strangely, before turning around and noticing Spike’s presence. His eyes looked slightly surprised, but was quickly covered up by his wicked grin. “Spike! So nice of you to drop by uninvited!” he said sarcastically.

Spike just stared at the two. “Sorry,” he said bluntly, “I didn’t exactly choose to come here.” The couple just started to laugh as Queen Chrysalis resumed kissing the dark alicorn. “I hope I’m not interrupting anything.”

“Oh no, Spike,” Conquest said, staring deeply into the queens eyes. “Chrysalis was just about to finish.”

She gave a wicked cackle. “Oh behave Conquest,” she said, lifting herself off of Conquest and sat beside him, wrapping his hoof around her as she snuggled up to the dark alicorn.

“I never behave, especially with you,” he grinned, lifting the queen’s face to his. Their tongues wrapped and writhed, eliciting cries of pleasure as her saliva mixed with his shadowy drool.

Spike watched uncomfortably from the side. “I think I’ll leave now,” he said, turning around and quickly walking away from the two blissful creatures.

He tried to navigate through the thick fog, but it was difficult to see through the black clouds. He stepped through the clouds and fell face first into a pool of water. He emerged, spitting out water. He noticed that Conquest and Chrysalis were sitting on the other side of the pool, her head resting on his chest as they both stared back at him.

“Back so soon?” asked Conquest, stroking a hoof through Chrysalis’s hair.

The queen purred as the pony’s hoof slid through her blue mane. “So, how are you Spike? Still a slave for that infernal Twilight?” she asked angrily.

“I’m not her slave,” the dragon said defensively.

“Keep telling yourself that,” she said sarcastically. “Also, I still haven’t been able to thank her properly for all her help at the wedding.”

“Patience my queen,” chuckled Conquest. “Remember, as long as your changelings fight for me, I will make sure that the one called Twilight Sparkle is served to you on a silver platter.”

“Oh Conquest,” she hummed, “you treat me so well.”

Spike was wheezing smoke out of his nose. “You won’t touch a hair on her head!” he snarled, slamming his fist in the water.

Conquest sarcastically rolled his eyes. “Don’t make promises you can’t keep,” he cackled. “Now if you would excuse us, Chrysalis and I have to finish….. Bonding our alliances” he said as he pulled the queen of the changelings back on top of him. “So I was thinking of penetrating the southern walls of the kingdom.”

“Is that your battle plan?” Chrysalis asked, sliding closer to the dark pony.

Conquest gave one of his famous razor sharp smiles. “Of course not.”

Spike felt like he was going to vomit. “I’m still here”

“Then go away!” barked the alicorn, the sudden change in tone startling the dragon.

“Go where?” asked the dragon.

“The same place Chrysalis is going” he smiled, “Down, down, down.”

Suddenly, he felt his body being pulled under the water by an unknown force. He was whisked away, smashing up against rocks as he tried desperately to hold his breath until he sank into the darkness of the water.


Spike woke up, lying on the floor and drenched in sweat. What had happened, he had no idea, but these visit to that world were going to drive him crazy if they didn’t stop soon. But what had disturbed him was the whole scene with the pool, and how Queen Chrysalis had officially entered the war. Things were looking bleak for Equestria, and hope was fading fast. He dragged his claws down his face, as he did when he was stressed out. To make matter’s worse, he saw his favourite pony heading in his direction.

“Break’s over, maggot!” Curb Hoof barked, “Report to the pegasus for flight maneuver training immediately!”

“Yeah, yeah,” muttered Spike, as he started heading off. The guard pony just stared angrily at the dragon as he walked away.

“He is pretty amazing, isn’t he?” a voice said behind him. Curb Hoof turned around to see Princess Luna standing behind him.

“Princess Luna!” the startled pony gasped, quickly bowing down to one hoof.

Luna shook her head at the gesture “Rise Curb Hoof, there is no need to be so formal,” the guard rose back to a standing position. “So tell me, how is our newest recruit?”

“Making fast progress, Princess,” said Curb Hoof. “He has managed to break almost all former records in every field, and he’ll be done with basic training by the end of the week.”

The princess nodded as she looked away from him, staring off into the sky. She saw Spike soaring with the pegasus ponies, winding tightly through obstacles with speed and grace. She let a loving sigh slip out. “He’s magnificence,” she whispered.

“Excuse me?” asked Curb Hoof, who had overheard the princess.

Her face quickly became a shade of red. “Nothing,” she squeaked, as she strutted away in a hurry, leaving the confused guard pony standing all alone.


The day was long and tiresome, and it left Spike physically and mentally exhausted. He slowly walked into his room and fell on to his bed, his body begging him to fall asleep. But sleep wouldn’t come. He laid there, lifeless, thinking of his day. He had been given complements by most of his commanders, well except for Curb Hoof who clearly had something against him.

Can I really do this? he thought, doubt taking over his mind. Sure, he had excelled in training, but could he actually take on Conquest? Now Chrysalis was in the picture, and with the two of them together, winning seemed impossible.

It really is hopeless…. the thought kept popping up in his head. No I have to! He had to, everypony was counting on him. Applejack, Rainbow, Pinkie, Fluttershy, Twilight, Rarity.

Rarity… For her alone, he would do this. Even if he had to die a thousand deaths, he’d do it to protect her. He missed her so very much. He couldn’t even remember when the last time the two of them had been apart for this long. Maybe after this, things could go back to normal, and life would let them finally be together.

“Spike……” a voice dragged on. Spike rolled over to see who it was. The all too familiar dark alicorn was standing at the door, and for once he did not have a stupid grin on his face. “We need to have a talk.”

“Could we not do this?” Spike groaned, “I’m really frickin’ tired.”

Conquest jumped in the air and shot down at Spike with hypersonic speed, landing on the dragon’s back with a spine breaking impact. Spike squealed as he felt his bones snap under the pressure of the alicorn.

“You don’t get choose when we do this, dragon!” the alicorn yelled. “I need to have a little chat with you.”

He flapped his wings, and with every flap, a thick smoke formed in the air, and soon the entire room had disappeared in the darkness of the fog. Conquest lifted up Spike by the neck, squeezing him with his shadowy magic.

“Listen, you overgrown newt,” he hissed at the dragon, “I don’t know what that crap was with you appearing in my world, but if you do that again, especially when I’m bucking, I will feed you your own heart on a silver platter!”

“Like in your song?” the gutsy dragon muttered.

The alicorn’s crimson eyes glowed with intensity, not amused by the dragon’s joke. He reared his back and slammed it in Spike’s face. There was a flash of white light as Conquest was bounced back from Spike. The golden necklace that had protected him last time Conquest tried to kill him had materialized around his neck.

Conquest got up from the ground, the anger was still in his eyes. “I hate that stupid thing!” he yelled, “it makes me want to just-just---”

He turned around and conjured up a cloud of smoke, which quickly hardened into a large stone block. Conquest then grabbed the block with his teeth, tearing off chunks of it with his mighty sharp fangs. He did this until there was nothing left but a large pile of rubble.

The dragon watched in terror as he spat out the last rock. “Pretend that rock was you,” mumbled the alicorn darkly.

Spike remained silent. Just staring at the pony

Conquest burst out laughing. “Who am I kidding, I can’t stay mad at you!” he said with newfound enthusiasm. “Cm’ere you!”

He gave the dragon a large hug, squeezing the life out of Spike. The necklace started to flicker again and Conquest backed off. “So Spikey, what do you think of my new play thing?”


“Chrysalis. She’s great! Isn’t she just great? I mean look at her: sexy eyes, hot body, a flank that I just want to plow all night long,” he said, doing pelvic thrusts on that last fact. “Plus, she has those holes in her hooves, which makes it a lot easier to-”

“I don’t get it.”

“Well, first she spits in the hole, and then she slides it on my-”

“NOT THAT,” Spike shouted. “I mean you and the Queen, you go on about hating love and then you get a marefriend. What’s up with that?”

“Oh that,” said Conquest. “Lust is what that is, dragon. Not love,” he started to smile again. “Love is fake, and nothing but pain and betrayal. Lust is real, it’s pleasure and satisfaction.”

“But she feeds on love?” began the dragon.

“Which she can’t get from me,” Conquest said happily. “She doesn’t control me, rather I control her. A great relationship, if I do say so myself.”

He looked at the dragon, who remained silent. “You’re so serious all the time…. It’s boring,” his grew bright and unnaturally cheery. “Hey, I know what’ll get you to lighten up! If I continue my story!”

“Please don’t,” begged the dragon.

He snickered, “Too late, I already started! Now we had just entered town, and we were having a hard time finding Luna….”


“Luna! Luna!” called Celestia, as she, Curator, and Symphony entered town. Ponies of all races were busy rushing around, shopping for food and other items of interest.

“Luna!” screamed Celestia again. “Where are you?!”

“Probably hiding somewhere,” said Curator. “You know how she is.”

“Don’t remind me” she said, turning around to face Curator, “I honestly don’t know how she can be so immature all the time.”

Celestia continued to rant about Luna, unaware of a little dark blue alicorn with pigtails sneaking up behind her. Luna quietly fluttered into the air, and summoned up a dark raincloud. She floated it above her distracted sister and arched up her back. With one swift movement, she stomped down on the cloud, a bolt of lightning shooting out and striking Celestia on her flank.

The white alicorn shrieked as she reared up from the shock. Luna fell on the cloud with a fit of laughter. “I got you CC!” she cried, sticking her head through the bottom of the cloud.

“Luna!” Celestia said angrily, “what was that for?!”

“’Cause you’re stupid,” the little alicorn giggled, sticking her tongue out at her sister. She looked towards her brother, and the new pink unicorn. “Who’s that?”

“She’s Symphony,” Curator said dreamily, staring at the candy coloured mare, “Sweet Symphony.”

“Hello dear,” greeted Symphony, giving out a friendly hoof. “You must be little Luna. Curator has told me all about you!”

Luna just stared at the mare’s hoof, before sticking her head back into the cloud, hiding in the dark fluff.

“Sorry about that,” Curator said. “She can be a little timid sometimes when meeting new ponies.”

Symphony just smiled. “Well I think she’s adorable!” she said to the cloud, a small blue eye poking out. “Anyhoof, I’ve got to get going. It was nice meeting all of you!”

She started to walk away. Curator couldn’t take his eyes off the pony. Everything about her seemed perfect: her eyes, her hair, her smile, everything. To think that he’d lived in this town all this time and never noticed her. He couldn’t let her go, not without at least trying.

“Hey… umm Symphony…” he called nervously, kicking up dirt as he stared at his hooves.

“Yes?” she asked, looking back at the red maned alicorn.

“I was wondering……. You ever wanted to pick flowers again…….. I could come with you….” He said, his face quickly turning redder than his mane “To protect you of course! Not like a date or anything!” he laughed nervously, hoping he didn’t sound like a complete idiot.

The unicorn smiled. “That would be lovely, but on one condition.”

“What’s that?”

“As long as it is a date,” she said, before winking at him and continuing on her way.

Curator was stunned. His heart may have stopped beating as Sweet Symphony walked away. Did she just wink at him? What was that supposed to mean? Were they dating now? This was all new to him as his thoughts raced in his head.
Luna poked her head out of the thundercloud. “What was that all about?”

“I think I just asked a pony out…” the stunned Curator mumbled happily.

Celestia rolled her eyes. “Well, she did most of the asking.”

Luna giggled. “Curator and Symphony sitting in a tree!” she sang, “K-I-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-I-N-G!!”

“You added a few too many s’s sis” Celestia said.

“You have to add more when they kiss longer!” she cooed.

The two sisters laughed as their brother just stood there, lost in his thoughts. All he was able to think about was Symphony.


“That was the first time I ever felt love,” sighed Conquest. He had managed to make a table and chair for him and Spike to sit down at. He looked across to the dragon, who was listening idly to his story. “Spike, have you ever been in love?” he asked.

“Yeah,” the dragon said, thinking of the white mare he loved, and how worried she must be right now.

“Right, the little white mare… The ever so divine and prim Rarity,” he said. “I wonder what she would have to say about true love?” the grin on his face grew bigger and as devilish thoughts developed his mind. “Let’s ask her.”

Conquest flicked his hoof and a crude, wooden marionette puppet formed in his hoof. He strung the puppet down, it hung down limply, it almost looked like it was crying.

“Spike…” a voice weakly whispered, the puppet looked up. It was Rarity, who had been shrunk down to miniature size. “Help me….” she begged.

“What did you do!” screamed Spike; he tried to lift up from the chair, but he felt stuck, like something was holding him down.

Conquest ignored him, far too interest in his new puppet. “Oh Rarity,” he chuckled, as he forced the pony to dance. “Look at you: Oh you’ve got these strings, to hold you up! To make you dance, to make you hop! Love is like, the strings on thee; glad there’s no strings on me! Da, Da, Da!” he laughed as the dragon scowled at him, trying to get off the chair.

“You see dragon, love is like the strings on a puppet, and I can use the strings to control whatever the puppet does. I can make it do what I want, when I want, with the poor puppet isn’t able to do crap about it. And when I feel no more love for the puppet…” he lifted a hoof, a glowing blade of magic and slashed the stings, the Rarity puppet falling lifelessly on the table. “… I can just snip the strings, and she falls lifelessly down, used and broken. It’s such a terribly beautiful thing, is it not?”

“You’re crazy!” yelled the dragon. “You’re basing everything on one bad experience!”

The dark alicorn thought about what the dragon, pondering in his thoughts. “You know what Spike….. You’re right. I think I may have just overreacted.”

“Wait, really?” the dragon asked, he didn’t hear any sarcasm in the alicorn’s voice.

Conquest nodded as he got up from the table to walk around. “No it’s true…” he started to cry. Dark Conquest was actually crying. “Oh God, all the ponies I killed! The creatures I’ve slain! I’m a monster!” he dived in Spike’s arm and continued to cry. “Spike, the things I’ve done!”

“Hey, hey” said the dragon, trying to comfort the pony. “It’ll be alright.”

“No it won’t! I’m beyond help!” he groaned.

“No you’re not. Nopony is.” Spike said.

“It’s just t-t-that I miss her so much, why would Symphony do that to me!”

“I don’t know what she did, but you have to move on. It’s the only way to start the healing process,” the dragon said.

Conquest let go of Spike and turned around, facing the ever stretching darkness. “You know, I guess I sort of knew a bit inside. A small piece of me would always say ‘This is wrong, why are you doing this, what happened to Curator?’” he said solemnly.

“Really?” asked the dragon, hopeful that he had helped the alicorn.

“Yeah…” he said in a more sarcastic tone, he snapped his head around, that infamous deranged smile and wide eyes plastered on his face. “But I can’t hear it anymore cause there’s a much louder voice screaming KILL ALL PONIES!!!” He started to laugh hysterically. The dragon sitting in shock.

“I can’t believe you fell that!” he cackled as he slammed his hoof on the table in a fit of laughter. “Like I’d actually take advice from you! You stupid bucking dragon!” he continued to laugh, slamming his head against the table with thunderous laughter.

“But I thought…..”

“You thought what I wanted you to think,” Conquest said, showing no signs of calming down. “Ponies will manipulate you Spike. So try and sift the dirt from the crap, though they are the same colour….”

Spike just growled at him, the heat growing in his belly. He had enough of this pony. “I’m going to kill you, you psychotic freak!”

Conquest disappeared in a puff of smoke, his laughter was slowly fading. Spike felt himself being lift up from the chair, unable to control his own limbs.

He heard a snicker behind him. “Oh Spike…” the dragon looked around, a giant Conquest was smiling at him, his fangs as big as Spike. He was holding up puppet strings that were attached to the dragon. “It’s been a long day. I was plowing Chrysalis for who knows how long, and I still make it a selfless effort to visit you. And this is the thanks I get? I think it’s time I cut the strings,” he said.

Spike watched as Conquest formed another aura blade, and slashed the strings that held him up. Spike collapsed to the floor, unable to move his arms or legs. He groaned as the weakness washed through his body and he slowly closed his eyes.


Spike woke up lying in his own bed. He slowly got up and looked out the window. It was still late, and the moon was still high in the sky. He groaned as he rolled over. He felt so stupid for letting Conquest trick him like that. Now, more than ever, he knew what he had to do. He was going to kill Conquest, a horrible pony like him didn’t deserve to live. He was a rabid dog that had to be put down, and he was going to do it.

There was a knock at the door. “Spike?” a familiar voice asked. “Are you still awake?”

“Yeah Duster,” he muttered. “Is there something I can help you with?”

The pink mane guard walked in the room. He seemed tired and let out a long yawn. “Sorry to disturb you, but the princess wants to see you immediately.”

The dragon whined a little as he got up. It had been a long day and he wanted to fall asleep without some demonic pony trying to teach him life lessons with puppets. The two slowly walked down the long hallways. They eventually came to the throne room, but they kept walking by it.

“Aren’t we meeting the princess?” asked the dragon.

“You are, but not in there,” he said.

“Okay…” the dragon said curiously as they continued down the hall. They kept walking, down a corridor Spike was unfamiliar with. They eventually came to a large dark blue door.

“This is it. She’s waiting for you inside,” Duster said before turning around and leaving.

Spike stared at the mysterious, door and eventually entered it. The room was dark, and he was unable to identify anything in it. He prayed to Luna that he hadn’t fallen asleep again.

The door slammed shut behind him. Luna was leaning against the frame.

“Hello Spike,” she said.

“Princess, you said you wanted to see me?” asked the dragon.

“Yes I did,” she said as her horn lit up, a missile of magic shooting out and hitting the ceiling and lighting the room. Spike looked around the now lit up room. The walls were aligned with shelves of books and drawings of stars, with a large telescope by the window. The observatory? He looked around to see a navy blue dresser and a princess sized bed in the middle of the room.

This was Luna’s bedroom.

“Do you like my room?” she asked. “I had it personally designed.”

“It seems… nice,” the dragon said uncomfortably. “Is there….. A...um…reason I’m here?”

The princess gave a sultry smile to the dragon, whose heart was racing as Luna started to advance on him. His temperature rose and his body felt sweaty as he backed away from the night blue mare.

She fluttered her eyes. “You’re so cute when your nervous,” she grinned, pushing the dragon on the bed and climbing on top of the him.

“I must be dreaming,” the dragon said, hoping that he was right, that this was all just another one of Conquest jokes.

“Maybe,” the princess cooed, “and your dream is about to come true” she said as she pressed up against Spike’s lips and gave him a long passionate kiss.