• Published 15th Apr 2012
  • 16,350 Views, 1,425 Comments

For the Ones we Love - FlimFlamBros.

Spike must save Equestria from a newborn evil. But will he be able to stop it?

  • ...

The Ex

"A monster lives within us all.
And we have all released ours at some point."


“Slitilda, what are you doing here?” asked the nervous Spike. Of all the worst things that could happen, this was the worst possible thing!

“I should ask you the same thing, Ponylover,” the bronze dragon chuckled back. “So what? They finally kicked you out?”

“Spike, what is she talking about?” asked Bitterbite, crossing his arms.

Spike looked at all the dragons looking at him, all giving him confused looks, with Slitilda loving every moment of her ex-boyfriend’s suffering.

Spike swallowed the large lump that had formed in his throat. Slitilda was going to ruin everything! Even though he had no idea how he was going to convince them to help the ponies to begin with… Still, her being here was definitely not helping. He had to figure out a way to get her away before she ruined everything. But how?

“Slitilda, could I talk to you for a second, in private?” the purple drake said, not giving the dragoness much choice as he grabbed her by the claw and pulled her away from the rest of the group and into a small quiet ally.

He pinned her to the wall. “Okay, what the hell was that?”

The female dragon smiled a wicked one. “Aww, we haven’t told your new friends we have a pony fetish?” she said condescendingly, pinching Spike’s cheek. “That’s too bad, my little Spiky Wiky.”

“Don’t call me that!” he growled. “And it’s not a fetish!”

“Beautify it all you want Spike, it’s still weird” she said, a bit of a growl in her tone. “I mean, you dumped me for a four legged grass muncher!”

“I dumped you, because you were a terrible girlfriend!” he snarled, pressing his claws harder into Slitilda.

“What are you going to do Spike?” she grunted. “Kill me? Rip my throat out and discard me behind some rock?” She gave a little laugh as she felt the pressure on her neck beginning to ease up.

“I’ve done worse,” muttered the purple dragon. “And I’m about to face worse, it’s why I’m here.”

“Face worse?” she asked, a curious smile stretching across her face. “Do tell.”

“It’s a threat to Equestria, and the whole world,” he began. “A third alicorn by the name of Conquest is coming, and he’s bringing an army to destroy the world. The ponies, dragons, everything, he plans on leaving nothing left breathing.”

“So you ran away from it all to hide back among the dragons. How very brave of you,” Slitilda said sarcastically.

“I’m not here to hide!” he said, “I’m here to get help.”

“From who, the dragons?” she asked, Spike nodded. Slitilda started to break down into a fit of uncontrollable snickers, as she her back slide down the wall in her fit. “That’s priceless! I can’t figure out if you’re really that naïve, or just plain stupid!”

“How is it stupid?”

“Because you think that they’re going to listen to some ponylover!” she laughed. “The second you ask for help to defend the ponies, you’re going to get laughed out of Volcanna. Maybe even banished.”

“I figured…” mumbled Spike. “But, what if I told you that Curator was involved?”

Slitilda’s laughter immediately stopped at the mention of the alicorn’s name. “What did you say?”

“Curator, he’s behind all of this.”

The dragoness shook her head in disbelief. “That’s impossible, he died thousands of years ago when he went insane or something.”

“He did. Well, he went insane anyway,” said Spike. “The princesses have had him imprisoned for thousands of years, and now he’s out to bring the end of the world. And that includes the dragons.”

“So, this Conquest guy, he’s actually Curator from the dragon wars?”


“Well…” droned the bronze dragoness, “That hardly changes anything. We’ll just wait for him to attack here. If we’re lucky, he’ll kill all the ponies and we can retake Equestria!”

“What?! No, that’s not what I meant!” shouted Spike, but Slitilda quickly broke free of his hold, and pinned him against the wall.

“Then what did you expect?” she asked, her brown lips inches away from his. He could feel her hot breath pound against his face with every word. “I’ll admit you might have a bit of a case with you Spike, but with no proof, no one to back you up, they’ll laugh you out. Pin you as mad,” she smiled. “But if you were to have some other dragon to help testify for you….”

Spike didn’t like where this was going. “What do you want?” he sighed.

“Now what makes you think that I wouldn’t help you out for free?” she asked sarcastically. “It’s not like there is anything you have that I want.”

“Just tell me what you want, Slitilda,” he groaned.

“So forward, just like I remember,” she chuckled, pressing up closer to him, her bust squishing against his chest as he felt pressure in all the wrong places. “I want you, Spike.”

“Out of the question, I’m not sleeping with you.”

“Sleep with me? Your mind is so dirty Spike,” she giggled, “and I don’t feel like having eggs just yet. No, all I want is a kiss. Just a kiss.


“Just a little taste of those sweet lips of yours, that’s all I want,” she said looking sexily into his eyes.

And Spike looked back. As much as he hated to admit it, Slitilda did have some very desirable qualities: her shapely body, those glowing red scales, and her sapphire eyes that reminded her so much of-


“Excuse me?”

“I can’t do this,” mumbled Spike, shoving the dragoness off of him. “I’ll face them alone if I have to. Maybe I get laughed at and they throw me out, but I will never do that,” he said, walking away and out of the alley.

She quickly dashed in front of him, cutting off his path. “If you love her so much, you’d do anything to save her, wouldn’t you?”

Spike scrunched his face up. “Yeah, of course.”

“So, wouldn’t not kissing me be a bad thing?” she asked. “Without the dragons to protect your precious little pony, won’t she die?”

“I won’t let that happen.”

“Then you’ll kiss me.”

“I’m not kissing you!”

“Spike!” she cooed, wrapping her arms around Spike’s waist, trapping his arms in her hold. “I’m trying to help you. By kissing me, you will be saving her.”

“By kissing you, I will be cheating her,” he retorted, but his voice was losing its edge.

“It’s just a kiss,” she said softly, her voice coursing through his body like a warm summer breeze. It was almost hypnotic, the way her body felt against his, the slow drag of her claws down his back that sent pleasurable shivers down his side. The sparkle in her eyes, like a thousand glittering stars all contained in her colourful blue irises.

“Just one kiss? To save Rarity?”

The burning temptations in her eyes were clear, her heart was thumping loudly, as was his. His eyes grew heavy, the weight of the world on them. His claws were trembling, a mixture of fear and forbidden excitement and arousal. His lips were soft, as he pressed them against the dragoness’.

She tasted just as he remembered her. Bitter like rocks and spicy like fire. It was a strange taste that only a dragon could love. And a taste that he was ashamed to admit that he missed.

They lingered a bit, the kiss lasting much longer than it should have and when they finally parted, Spike’s face was completely red.

“What’s a matter?” she cooed, stroking back his scales. “Dragon got your tongue?”

“That was…” Spike didn’t know what to think. “Just…it was just…”

“Perfect? Astounding? Sexually exhilarating?” she laughed. “I’ll take any or all.”

The drake slid down the wall. The guilt that started to build up inside of him was excruciating, tearing up his insides like a pack of rabid dogs. Not because he kissed another dragon--his ex-girlfriend in fact--but rather it was something much worse that tormented his soul.

He had enjoyed it.

He had not only betrayed Rarity, but he had taken pleasure in the act. Was it the way Slitilda had done it that made him feel so dirty, blackmailing him into it? He couldn’t put a claw on it, all he knew was that his heart was punishing him for what he had done.

“What’s the matter?” the bronze dragon asked smugly. “Enjoyed it a little too much?”

“We shouldn’t have done that,” he muttered.

“Why? Afraid that your mare will find out?” she smiled, “Or afraid that deep inside you finally realized that like it or not, you’re a dragon. Not a pony. The sooner you figure that out the better, Spike. A kiss from your pony will never be as hot as a kiss from your own kind. It’s just natural to love me more than that fluff ball back in Equestria.”

She walked out of the alley, leaving Spike alone with his thoughts.

“I am a dragon,” he groaned. “A stupid, stupid dragon that’s in love with a pony. A stupid, stupid dragon that’s in love with a pony and had just broken that pony’s trust by cheating on her. And I highly doubt that Conquest had anything to do with this one,” he muttered, remembering the Luna incident.

“What? Something I didn’t have anything to do with? That doesn’t sound like me.”

The purple drake glanced up to his side, seeing the all too familiar Conquest grinning down at him, leaning casually against the wall of the alley.

“It takes pride and effort to make your life a living hell Spike, and it pains me to see someone else beat me to the punch!”
“Go away Conquest, I’m not in the mood for this,” mumbled the dragon.

“But I am,” the alicorn said. “Now, tell me who this remarkably wonderful dragon is, I simply must get her name.”

“Her name is Slitilda, she’s a…” Spike hesitated, realizing it’d be best to keep the insane pony in the dark on this one.

“Ex-lover of yours?” Apparently he could see in the dark. “Or did you not take it that far?”

Spike sighed, “It never got more than puppy love, we never did it and we never will.”

“Is that sadness I hear in your voice?” the surprised alicorn said, a great big happy smile plastered on his face. “Are we having second thoughts about Rarity?”

“Never!” shouted the dragon. “I love her, and even if I didn’t me and Slitilda could never work together.”

“Could never work? Or didn’t want to work?” the alicorn grinned. “I smell a story. Would you care to share?”


“Oh, come on Spike, don’t be such a buzz kill. I shared my story, now you share yours.”

“I’m not telling it to ya,” Spike grumbled.

“You don’t have to tell me, Dragon. I’m already in your mind,” snickered Conquest. “See, your mind is like a labyrinth, but I am never lost. Each time you think, it lights the path to a new memory! All I have to do is follow it.” The pony disappeared in a puff of black smoke just as Slitilda walked back into the ally.

“Hey, are you coming or what?” she asked.

Spike pulled himself up from the ground, “Yeah I’m coming,” he mumbled as he and the other dragon made their way back into the center of town, where the other gang of drakes were waiting.

“What the hell took so long?” asked Dust Devil as the two dragons approached them.

Slitilda was the first to respond. “Oh we just had a little argument about me using Spiky’s old nickname” she grinned “But we soon kissed and made up.”

Spike almost gagged at the word kiss. “Yeah, metaphorically speaking.”

“Sooooooo, your nickname is Ponylover?” wondered Bitterbite, “How’d you get that name? Irony?”

“Something like that,” he mumbled, “But it’s just a nickname, that’s it. She calls me Ponylover, I call her Crazy Psychotic bitch. The world keeps turning.”

“Watch it, PONYlover,” growled Slitilda, the subliminal message clear to not push it.

“Fine, whatever.”

Lurch looked at the two curiously. “Are you two sure your all right?”

“PERFECT!” shouted Spike, yelling right into the large dragon’s face. “So can we just drop it?”

“Whatever you say,” the symmetrical dragon said.

“Thank you,” the purple drake mumbled. “Now where do we have to go next?”

“Main Cave,” said Glimmer. “We have to pick up some captured livestock for the hatchery.”

“What’s a Main Cave?”

“It’s were the majority of the food is kept, under the watchful eyes of the Elder dragons.”

“Wait,” said Spike, “do you mean like the leaders of the dragons?”

“Well, yeah but we usually just grab the food and-“

“And would one be able to get an audience with them?” asked Spike.

“Not likely,” said Bitterbite. “They usually keep to themselves, only going out to hunt or to pass judgement on someone who broke Gaia’s law. Why do you ask?”

“No reason, just curious is all.”

The dragons left it at that as they followed Bitterbite to the Main Cave, a large cave that had an icy blue boulder dragon standing in the way.

“State your business, little ones,” he bellowed.

“We’re here for the Hatchery’s share of the livestock” said Dust Devil, flying up to eye level of the massive drake. “So let us in!”

“Watch your tongue, sky drake” the boulder dragon mumbled, “lest I devour you!”

“I’d like to see you try,” Dust Devil taunted.

The giant dragon’s tongue shot out of his mouth and towards the flying drake. Dust Devil anticipated this, swiftly dodging the sticky tongue.

“You’re too slow!” Dust teased, sticking his own tongue at the dragon, but he was unaware of the second tongue that shot out of the dragons mouth, this one latching around his ankle and dragging him into the icy blue dragon’s gullet.

Dust was swished around a bit before he was spit out, covered in a thick layer of dragon’s drool.

“Too salty to eat,” the giant drake muttered, as he waddled out of the way of the entrance. “You may enter, the cows and goats are in the back and the chickens, fish and rodents are to the left.”

“Thanks,” smiled Bitterbite as they all entered the Main Cave, Dust Devil muttering something about smelling like fish.
The cave building was gigantic, like a small city within the city. Small doors were sculpted into the walls that led to other room, each had a sign over it, saying things like “Cattle” or “Chickens” or “Squirrels” carved into the wood.

“All right everyone, listen up!” ordered Glimmer, as Lurch and Dust Devil fell into attention, Spike and Slitilda looking at them with odd. “Lurch, I need you to grab two cattle. Dust, hustle up some chickens, me and Bitter are going to see what they have for pigs.”

“What about me?” asked Spike.

Glimmer pulled out some flimsy looking pieces of paper from within her scales. “You and Slitilda can go take these to the geek.”

“The geek?”

“Glimmer, don’t be mean,” tsked Bitterbite. “She means Bookworm. He’s down the hall and to the right, next to the meeting pit.”

“Got it,” Spike said as he and Slitilda walked down the hall away from the others, heading into the room labeled ‘Library’.”

“Dragons have libraries?”

“We’re not all stupid like you,” muttered the dragoness as she started to push through the door.

“Where do you think you’re going?” he asked, grabbing her by the shoulder and pulling her back.

“To give these to Bookworm…” she said, frowning her face.

“No you’re not,” scowled Spike, “we’re going to find the Elders and convince them to help Equestria.” He smiled. “We have a deal, remember?”

“How could I forget?” giggled the bronze dragoness as Spike pulled her down the hall, and to a large golden gate built into the back wall of the cavern. The words “Meeting Pit” was scratched into the gold.

“Is this the place?” Spike asked.

“Yeppers, the elders are in there, but I must say again that you are completely crazy for doing this.”

“Trust me,” Spike said as he pushed the golden gates open, and walked inside. “I personally know crazy, and I don’t have his smile.”

The doors closed behind the two dragons, slamming shut and leaving them in the dark.

Spike could hear Slitilda sigh, “This is so not worth just a kiss.”

They two of them walked deeper into the darkness, neither knew what they were supposed to be looking for. It wasn’t until they reached what seemed like the center of the room that they had any sort of inclination that there was someone or something else here.

“WHO ENTERS THE PIT?” a female voice called from the shadow.

“STATE YOUR NAMES AND YOUR BUSINESS, LITTLE ONES!” an even louder male voice boomed.

“Sp-Spike,” he managed to stutter, “and this is Slitilda. W-We wish to have an audience with the Elders.”


“It’s about the safety of the world. An evil threat has reawaken!”

There was a thunderous laughter from the dragons in the darkness. “HE MUST BE MAD TO THINK THAT ANYTHING COULD THREATEN A DRAGON!”

This was it, the moment that he would make it or breaks it for him. He took a deep breath as he finally yelled, “It’s Curator!”

The laughter immediately stopped, hushed whispers replaced them. “Does he speak the truth?”

“Of course not, Curator’s been dead for years.”

“But, he was an alicorn.”

“That means nothing!”

“Should we at least let him speak?”

“And let him infect us with lies and fairy tales? Don’t make me laugh”

“Some humor would do you good, brother.”

“Both of you, stop it. You’re acting like whelps”

“We should at least here what he has to say.”

One of the voices grumbled, “Very well, LIGHTS!”

The entire cave lit up in a glorious yellow flame, illuminating the cavern, and revealing five towering dragons.

“By the goddess…” gasped Spike as he looked at the elders.

He thought that Baba D or his mother were big, but these dragons were the size of skyscrapers. The one on the far left was a Boulder dragon. He was a light grey, and he must have been at least three hundred feet in length, and width. Beside him was what looked like a female Skyrin. The shortest of the five, she still looked to be about two hundred fifty feet tall, and was a lime shade of green with an electric yellow underbelly. On the other side, on the far right, was a deep blue Earth dragon with pale white eyes and next to him was a red Cloud Dragon. She looked like she stretched out to be about six hundred feet in length.

But, it was the dragon in the center that really stood out; a humongous green and yellow Fire dragon. The tallest at eight hundred feet, his head stretched to the top of the ceiling, and every bit of his body seemed to pulse with unimaginable power. The large green looked down at him, sizing up the small dragon.

“Do you know who I am?” the green dragon bellowed. “I am Inferno, ruler of the dragons, Gaia’s first born son (May her soul rest in the earth) and head of this council of Elders!” he shouted, “And my time is very precious, so do not waste it.”

“Brother,” the Earth dragon said, “you’re overwhelming him. Try being a little calmer. We had a talk about this, didn’t we?”

“I will act as I please, Rockjaw,” sneered Inferno. “It is you who must learn his place.”

The Rockmouth seemed to ignore his sibling as he redirected his attention to Spike. “So tell us Spike, is it true? Has Curator really returned?”

The purple drake nodded. “He has, and he is enlisting an army in the Wastelands. We already know that he has the griffons, minotaurs, and the changelings with him, along with possibly any other race that he has been able to get his hooves on.”

“Has he made a threat against Volcanna or the Badlands?” asked the cloud dragon.

“Not that that I know of, but if history has any indicator of what he can do, we need to deal with him as soon as possible,” smiled Spike. His plan was working way better than he had imagined.

“Where is he to strike first?” the Sky dragoness asked.


“Canterlot?!” roared Inferno. “Curator’s attacking Canterlot? Why would he attack his own kind? I thought this was a threat against Volcanna.”

“It is! But the thing that’s attacking Canterlot is Curator, but it’s also not him at the same time.”

“Speak clearly, whelp! Is it Curator or isn’t it?”

“It is Curator, but he’s been possessed or something,” Spike explained. “Look, it’s not important. What is important is that we get to Canterlot and stop him before it gets out of control!”

“Why so eager to protect the ponies, Spike?” Inferno questioned. “How exactly do you know about all this anyway?”

“Because he’s a ponylover.”

All the attention was turned to the dragon who spoke.

“He wants to protect some stupid mare that he fancies, so he thought he could trick you all into sending dragons to die for them,” said Slitilda.

Spike felt his body get hot and his bones getting shaky. He leaned up to Slitilda’s ear. “What the hell are you doing? We had a deal,” he whispered.

The dragoness gave a little giggle. “Yeah, I sort of lied. It’s just so much fun to watch you squirm.”

“Spike, is this true?” asked Rockjaw.

“Of course not!” the drake tried to explain. “You got it all wrong. He’s going to destroy everything! After he conquers Equestria he’s going to come after Badlands!”

“So you deny loving a pony?” the cloud dragon said.

“……Yes,” he gulped.

“Then prove it,” grumbled Inferno. “If you really care about our kind, you will show that dragoness beside you affection.”


“Yeah Spiky,” Slitilda cooed, becoming very interested in the new conversation. “Show me how much you looooove me.”

“But we’re not even together!” the purple drake said desperately.

“We don’t care. This is just to prove that you do not love one of those vile ponies.”

Spike sighed as he managed a smile, gritting his teeth to keep the fake grin up as he turned towards his ex. “Oh Slitilda, you are so very….. lovely and your….. eyes are so …… beautiful. Everything about you makes me want to…… makes me want to……”

“Yes, lover?” she asked hotly. “I’m waiting.”

The purple dragon swallowed what was left of his pride. “Makes me want to just ravage you…” he nearly gagged at that last part.

“I’m flattered,” Slitilda said, smiling at the pain the dragon was in. “Come ‘ere!” She grabbed the dragon by the neck and pressed her lips into his.

It tasted much worse than the last time, much dirtier. Where there used to be a spicy taste of fire, there was just the taste of slime. The feelings of a disturbing pleasure were replaced with a sense of hatred. This dragon had screwed him over, lied to get pleasure, and she was doing it again, and for what? Was this some sort of revenge for the break-up? Had she really taken it that badly?

He pulled away from the dragon. “No, I’m can’t do this.”

“Do what, Spiky?” cooed Slitilda.

“You don’t get to call me that!” he yelled, causing the dragoness to jump back. “There’s only one mare that gets to call me that, and you aren’t her!”

“One mare?” wondered Inferno. “So you are a ponylover?”

Spike stared up at the Elders, the look in their eyes saying everything. He had been had. The only thing he could do now was tell the truth.

“My name is Spike,” he began. “Just Spike. I don’t have a fancy dragon name because I wasn’t born in Volcanna or anywhere in the Badlands. I was hatched by the Princess Celestia, queen of the ponies after my mother, Nightfire, was killed by a mad alicorn named Conquest. I lived my entire life with a purple unicorn named Twilight Sparkle, and work as her assistant in a library. When I was seven years old, I fell in love with a unicorn.”

He took a deep breath as he continued. “Her name was Rarity, she is the kindest, generous, most beautiful pony I have ever seen. From the moment I saw her, I knew that there would never be another creature on this planet that I would love. The others said that it was just a crush, something that would go away with time but it never did. I still loved her.”

Now came the painful memories. “A few years ago, when I was fifteen years old, Twilight thought I was old enough to fly to the Badlands and try to reconnect with my own kind. I didn’t want to go cause the last time I tried something like this the experience was less than desirable. However, Twilight can be a bit stubborn, and very insistent. I said goodbye to my friends and I could have sworn that Rarity was crying as I left. I flew to across the ocean, and landed in a small settlement called Burntwood. That’s where I met Slitilda.”

“Spike stop,” growled Slitilda.

But he didn’t. “She was the only dragon that actually would talk to me. Everyone else avoided me like I had some sort of disease. But not her, not Slitilda. She didn’t care that I had lived with ponies my whole life, she was a good caring dragon. And for a while, I thought that maybe there was something there.”

“I said stop!” she yelled, her eyes starting to get red and puffy.

“It was this one evening, during the sunset, she invited me to go and watch it on one of nearby cliffs. I decided that there wasn’t any harm in seeing the sunset, so I went with her. The sunset was beautiful and she was even more so. Her scales glittered in the glow of the sun as our tails intertwined with each other. Our bodies scooted closer together as I wrapped my arm around her. We shared are first and only kiss that night.”

Slitilda’s eyes were full of tears as he continued. “The next day I woke up next to her on that field, for a few moments, I was happy. Then she reached over to embrace me, her hands were a little too frisky as she accidently reached into a few of my loose scales that I like to keep things in, and she pulled out a picture I’ve always kept on me. It was a picture of Rarity. Things got worse as she started to ask who this was, and why I had a picture of a pony in my scales. I tried to explain but she didn’t listen. She asked me if I loved her, and I told her-“

“Yes,” the now crying dragoness whimpered. “You loved a pony over your own kind, Spike. Because apparently I wasn’t good enough for you!”

“That’s not what mea-“

“SHUT UP!” she cried. “You were so hypnotized over this furry siren, you were completely ignorant of the fact that I loved you!” Tears were pouring down her face. “I loved you and you didn’t even care!”

“That’s not true!” retorted Spike, “I did care, I’ve always cared! I wish I could love you, but I just can’t.”

“That’s right Spike,” she screeched. “You can’t love. And I hope you and all the ponies burn!” she roared as she unfolded her wings, taking flight, leaving the room in a fiery rage and a trail of tears.

It was dead quiet. Nobody said a word, until finally Rockjaw gave a cough to break the silence.

“That was a very moving story,” the earth dragon said, “but I think you got a little side-tracked. You were saying something about a threat?”

“Right,” said Spike. “Anyways, a few weeks ago, I had just finally proclaimed my love to Rarity, the pony that I love, but the next day, I got the call. I was rushed to Canterlot because a threat had been made against it. The Princesses told me about a prophecy that one of their siblings would rise to destroy the world, and the only one that could stop him is a dragon. This alicorn is none other than Curator, but he’s gone insane, possessed by what I believe is a demon named Conquest. Conquest threatens everything in existence. He doesn’t want to rule us or enslave us, he wants to kill everything!”

“And that is why you are here?” asked Inferno. “To recruit us to stop this Conquest?”

“That is correct.”

“Well Spike,” said the large green dragon, for the first time actually smiling, “I thank you for this information. If it proves to be true, when Conquest enters the Badlands, I will personally rip him to shreds.”

“Wait, when he gets the to the Badlands?” Spike asked. “You mean that you’re not going to help?”

“Why would I help?” he laughed. “I hate the ponies! This is going to kill two birds with one stone. Conquest will kill the ponies, I will kill Conquest, then I will take Equestria back to for the dragons!”

Spike was stunned. “You can’t do that!”

“I just did,” he smirked, “now leave. I have a war to wait for.”

The room went dark, leaving Spike alone in the shadowy blackness.

“Are you kidding?!” he yelled. “After all I’ve done, I get nothing?!” He stormed out, turning around to face the shadows before leaving. “He killed my mother, you bastards!”

He pushed open the golden doors, finding four familiar dragons standing outside, waiting for him.

“That was quite the speech, ponylover,” said Glimmer.

“You heard that, huh?” asked Spike, giving a little chuckle at the situation. “Bet you think that I’m some sort of freak.”

“Kinda,” admitted Lurch, “but I’ve seen worse. I mean, look at Crackle.”

“And I guess I know where you’re coming from,” said Bitterbite, putting a claw around the bronze cloudweaver’s shoulder. “I would do anything to protect Glimmer.”

“And if this Conquest guy really killed your mom, well, I know I’d want to kill him,” admitted Dust Devil.

Spike smiled. It was amazing that these dragons were so understanding to his situation. Maybe it was because like him, they were all orphans, never really knowing a mother, and truly understanding what it is to love. “I’m glad that you’re so understanding of my situation,” he sighed, “but I think it’s time for me to go home. I miss my mare, and the war’s going to be here soon.”

“Cool,” said Dust Devil. “So when do we leave?”

“Excuse me?”

“Well, we’re coming with you” said Lurch. “We look after our own.”

“I’m touched,” smiled Spike, “but I can’t let you guys risk your lives for this.”

“And risking the entire species was okay?” chuckled Glimmer. “Face it Spike, whether you like it or not, you’re stuck with us.”

“You really want to do this?” he asked. “It’s going to be dangerous and there’s a good chance we’ll all die.”

“We all have to die,” laughed Bitterbite. “Why not go down in screaming glory?”

The purple drake let out a breathless sigh. “All right, let’s go!”