• Published 15th Apr 2012
  • 16,350 Views, 1,425 Comments

For the Ones we Love - FlimFlamBros.

Spike must save Equestria from a newborn evil. But will he be able to stop it?

  • ...

The Reveal

“It’s not about the pain or the suffering of the ponies.
It’s all about sending them a message”


“Sister, are you in here?” Luna asked as she pushed the doors open to the sun goddess’s room.

“Yes I am,” Celestia responded. She was sitting on her sofa as she read her book, placing it down as she got up. “I’m actually glad you’re here, I was going to get someone to call you.” She walked over to her sister. “We need to talk.”

The night mare sighed. “It’s about Conquest, isn’t it?” The sun mare nodded as Luna sighed again. “I know that, it’s why I’m here. I want you to know that I will do whatever is necessary to stop him! I will-“

“Luna,” said Celestia, cutting her younger sibling off. “I know what you are feeling. I know that you love him, and I will not have you do something that you do not wish to do. Besides, that is not what I want to talk about.”

“Then, what is it that you wanted to talk about?”

“I wanted to tell you that it’s okay,” she said, putting a hoof on the dark mare’s shoulder. “The way I acted a few days ago, how I yelled at you, it was uncalled for. I know the power of love, Luna, and it can make fools of us all.”

The blue princess grabbed her sister in a hug. “I’m such a screw up, aren’t I?” she muttered.

“Don’t talk like that Luna, you are not a screw up. You had no idea how powerful he was, neither of us did. If anything, I screwed up.”

“Let’s just say that we both screwed up,” smiled Luna, lifting the chin of her sister.

Celestia let a little giggle slip as a tear rolled down her face. “How did I get blessed with such a forgiving sister?”

The two shared the moment, all the past anger leaving. They would need to banish this hatred if they were to ever stand a chance of defeating their brother.

“Do you think we can stop him?” asked Luna, not breaking the embrace.

“I hope so,” whispered Celestia, “I really do.”

“Do you think that we can save him?”

“Save Curator?” wondered Celestia. “I don’t know, I would again hope so, but he is so far gone sister, the last time I saw him, he was a shadow of his formal self. I fear that what’s left of Curator is gone. All that remains in that monster.”

“Then we’ll make him pay,” the night mare silently sobbed. “I’ll make him pay for killing my brother, and my love.”

“Now, sister remember,” said the sun goddess quietly, “we cannot let our need for vengeance overpower our thoughts, that’s how we got in this predicament.”

“I guess you’re right,” Luna sighed.


“What was that, Celestia?” asked Luna, her sister letting her go and walking outside to her balcony.

“They’re here,” she smiled.

“Who, Conquest? But he’s not supposed to get here for another two days.”

“It’s not him,” the sun goddess said. “It’s our reinforcements.”

Luna curiously walked up to the balcony next to her sister and gazed in awe at the massive sea of soldier making their way to the castle. The first platoon was composed on zebras; the exotic black and white warriors were clad in strange looking armor, similar to Canterlot guard armour, but were silver and highly decorated with feathers, bones and war paint. Each of the zebras was armed with barbed spears, and intimidating looking shields, which were designed to look like faces.

Following closely behind them were the mules and donkeys. Each of the rugged looking creatures wore a camouflage helmet, and had were pulling carts of what looked like strange machinery.

Bringing up the rear was a herd of buffalos. The biggest of the three, the bison were already clad in their war paint and feathers. The sound of their hooves could he heard from miles away.

“So they’re all here,” sighed Celestia. “I hope it is enough.”

“It must be,” said Luna, as she watched the oncoming army settle into the courtyard. The guard ponies making room for the new soldier. “For all of our sakes, they must.”

Her sister nodded in agreement as they took flight. The two alicorns floated down and landed in the middle of the courtyard to greet the new coming army. As if on cue, a zebra, a mule, and a large buffalo broke from their respective groups and walked up to the princesses.

“General Zook Hoof,” bowed Celestia. “We are so glad that you were able to send forces in our time of need. We are forever in your debt.”

“Please Princess,” said the zebra general. “When you sent word of this threat, we assembled our tribes.” He looked back to the large mass of Zebras. “The twenty-six tribes of the Zebra haven’t banded together since the dragon wars.”

“And we were honoured to have your help then, as we do now,” said Luna. “And Major Cactus Water, we trust the trip from Mulitia wasn’t too taxing. It seems that you had to drag a lot of cargo with you.”

“Not in the slightest!” smiled Cactus Water. “What we brought with us isn’t just cargo, but innovation!”


The mule nodded. “Indeed! Innovation, technology, industry! What we have here could very well change the face of Equestria, possibly even the world as we know it!”

“Really?” asked Luna. “What does it do?”

“Can’t tell you that yet Princess!” he smiled nervously. “It’s not quite finished yet, but don’t worry, we will have it operational the day after tomorrow.”

“Good, we will most definitely need it,” said Celestia. She turned to the Buffalo. “And Chief Thunderhooves, it is so good to see you again.”

“It is,” the old bison said. “Do you mind if my herd sets up in the fields on the outside of the city? I know my buffalo would prefer the space.”

“Of course,” nodded the white princess. “Wherever you feel most comfortable, and that goes to all of you. Make yourselves at home.”

The three leaders nodded as they went back to their own tribes to set up camp.

“I hope that we can do this,” muttered Luna, as she and her sister started to walk away. “I hate that we had to drag everyone into this.”

“What choice did we have?” asked Celestia. “Spike was right, we need to band together. Conquest has been doing the same.”

“I wonder how he got so many followers?” wondered the night mare.

“He may be crazy, but Curator has always had a way with words, and the fact he can control minds doesn’t help,” said her sister. “I understand that the changelings were on board but I fear that Conquest must have done something to the griffons and the minotaurs.”

“But what?”

“It is not important,” said the sun goddess. “All that matters is that we can survive the next few days, and then we can help them.”


“So this is Equestria, huh?” commented Dust Devil as the group of dragons flew to the shores of the mainland. “It’s a lot greener than I imagined it.”

“I’ll admit that it’s different from the Badlands, but it’s not so bad,” said Spike.

“All these colours are giving me a headache,” mumbled Glimmer. “Why does everything have to be so green and pink and yellow?”

“You’ll get used to it,” laughed Spike.

“Besides, you’re not the one who has to be carried all the way there!” complained Bitterbite. Having no wings, Lurch was forced to carry the brown drake, much to his disapproval. “Seriously, can we land for a bit? We’ve been flying for hours!”

“I agree,” groaned Lurch, “You’re not exactly fun to carry.”

“Hey, if I could fly, I would!” shouted the earth dragon. “And having to smell you all the time is no picnic.”

“This coming from the dragon that wallows around the mud all day,” the large round dragon moaned.

“Hey, it’s in my nature to burrow and dig,” defended Bitterbite. “Just like it’s in yours to eat everything in sight.”

Lurch snarled as he dropped the dragon. For a brief moment, Bitterbite gave a very un-masculine scream as he free fell towards the ground, but Dust Devil quickly snatched him up before he could fall very far.

“What the hell that about?!” yelled the angry earth dragon.

“Oh I’m sorry,” smiled the boulder dragon. “But dropping you is in my nature.”

“I could have died!”

“WILL BOTH OF YOU SHUT UP!” screeched Glimmer, “You’re going to give me a migraine!”

“Tell me about it,” muttered Dust Devil. He looked to Spike. “How much longer?”

Spike looked back at the sky drake and smiled. “Yeah, we’re here. Do you see that castle up ahead?”


“That’s Canterlot Castle,” the purple drake said, pointing to the castle on the side of the mountain. “Capital of the ponies. Now before we get there, I think I should explain a few things.”

“We’re listening,” said Glimmer.

“Well, the first thing you should be aware of is that ponies don’t see dragons all that often, so don’t be offended if you receive a less than warm welcome.”

Lurch snickered. “As long as they don’t try and eat us, I think that we’ll be okay.”

“That’s the other thing,” grunted Spike. “For the love of the goddess, don’t eat anypony. In fact, don’t eat any meat whatsoever.”

“What?!” screamed the round dragon. “What are we supposed to eat?”

“Trust me,” chuckled Spike. “We’ll find something for you to eat.”

“Anything else we need to know?” muttered Glimmer.

“Yeah, just try and remain calm and enjoy yourselves,” smiled Spike as they got really close to the castle.

“Hey, if there is one thing that I am,” grinned Dust Devil, “it’s calm.”

They finally reached the outer walls of Canterlot Castle. The ponies had reacted a lot better than he had expected, whether it was because they were with him or because of some other reason. The guards didn’t attack and they were all able to land in the courtyard safely.

“Well, so far so good,” Spike thought, “No big fumbles yet, the ponies are staying calm, and the dragons aren’t feeling provoked. Maybe I’m worrying too much.” Spike and the other dragons entered the halls, where they saw six familiar mares walking in the throne room.

“Well, if it isn’t my six lovely ladies!” laughed Spike, alerting the mares to his presence.

Of course, Rarity was the first to react. “SPIKE!” she cried lovingly as she ran towards the purple drake.

Spike smiled as his love ran towards him. Time seemed to slow down as she approached, capturing every fraction of the magical moment as the white mare jumped into his arms and locking him in a passionate kiss. The force of the kiss caused Spike to fall to the ground as they continued to make out in their loving embrace.

The unicorn finally sat up. “Don’t think that this gets you off the hook,” she smiled. “I’m still quite peeved about you leaving again. You’re going to have to really make it up to me this time.”

“Is that a challenge?” grinned the drake, sliding his claw down her back and rounding her flank.

“Ahem,” Bitterbite coughed, “Not to ruin this golden moment, but it’s not like there is anyone else here.”

“Oh my,” gasped Rarity, she hadn’t even noticed the other dragons until now. “You actually did it… You got the dragons to help us?”

“Well kind of…” shrugged Spike, “It’s really complicated. It’s not really important, although I believe introductions are in order. This is Bitterbite, Glimmer, Lurch and Dust Devil.”

“Those are weird names,” muttered Rainbow Dash.

“Oh, and what’s yours, pony?” asked the annoyed Dust Devil.

“Rainbow Dash, fastest flyer in all of Equestria!” she proudly boasted.

“Doubt it,” chuckled the sky drake.

“What do you mean by that?!” the rainbow maned pony snarled.

“All I’m saying is that a pony can’t be faster than a dragon,” he bragged
“Hey, I’ve beaten Spike in plenty of races! I’m the fastest thing in the sky!” she yelled.

“But you’ve never raced a Skyrin before,” Dust Devil chuckled. “Face it pony, you’re aerodynamically flawed.”

“I’ll make you eat those words,” she mumbled under her breath. “Why don’t you put your money where your big mouth is?”

“Bring it, grass muncher” smiled Dust. “Anytime, anywhere.”

“Right now,” she barked. “Thirty laps around Canterlot Mountain! Loser admits the other one is the fastest flier!” The rainbow pony spread her wings and took off, crashing through one of the stained glass windows.

“Hey, you cheated!” roared Dust as he followed her through the hole in the window.

“Umm, okay?” wondered Spike, turning to the remaining three dragons. “That was Rainbow Dash; she can be a bit of a hot head sometimes.”

“Didn’t notice,” smiled Glimmer, “I like her, and she seems cool for a pony.”

“Anyway,” said Spike, “This is my marefriend, Rarity.”

“Hello, it’s so nice to make your acquaintance,” the pampered mare said, raising a hoof up to shake.

“And the yellow and pink one is Fluttershy.”

“Hey there!” bellowed Lurch, extending a massive claw to the terrified pegasus.

“DON’T EAT ME!!!” she yelled, disappearing in a flash of dust and yellow feathers.

“… and there goes Fluttershy, faster than a rabbit on bath day,” sighed Applejack. “Don’t take it too personally; she’s mighty shy, especially around unfamiliar folks. Oh, I’m Applejack, by the way.”

“And I’m Pinkie Pie!” said the energetic pink pony, bouncing up and down with excitement. “Wow, I’ve never seen a dragon before! Well, actually that’s not true, I saw the great dragon migration, and I see Spike all the time, but this is the first time that I’ve seen another dragon that wasn’t Spike up close!”

“She likes talking, doesn’t she?” whispered Glimmer to Bitterbite, who gave a snicker in response.

“And I’m Twilight, nice to meet you.”

“Well now that we have everyone introduced,” Spike said, clapping his claws together, “would you like to see around the castle?”

“I guess?” shrugged Glimmer. “What do ponies do anyway?”

“Well, we make cupcakes!” pepped Pinkie. “Oh! Have you’ve ever had a cupcake before?”

“A what?” asked the foreign dragons.

“WHAT!?” the pink mare yelled. “How have you’ve never tried a cupcake before?” She zipped behind the dragons and started to push them down the hall. “Don’t worry, I’m great at making them and I’ll even show you how to make some!”

“Maybe afterwards, you could take them to the spa,” chuckled Rarity, still in the embrace of her dragon. “I’m sure that they’ll love that.”

“Yeah!” smiled Pinkie “You’ll love that! We’ll get you an oil massage and a hooficure and mud bath and and-“

“Mud baths?” Bitterbite asked excitedly. “They have those?”

“Oh yeah! And they’re great! You have to try one!”

The earth dragon turned to his girlfriend. “I think I like it here,” he grinned, as he, Lurch and Glimmer followed Pinkie and Applejack out of the hall, leaving Twilight alone with Rarity and Spike.

“I hope you don’t mind, dear,” said Rarity as she shuffled her hooves together, “but I would like some alone time with Spike, if that’s okay with you.”

The purple unicorn smiled. “Of course it is, you two love birds have a lot of catching up to do,” she said. “And speaking of catching up, I have some studying to do.” She walked out the opposite end of the hall.

Rarity quickly turned to her dragon, brushing a hoof through his green spines. “So…” she asked in a sultry voice, “where were we?”

“You were mad at me,” grinned the drake, flashing his white teeth.

“That’s right,” she cooed, giving him a playful nudge. “How on earth are you going to apologize this time?”

He hoisted up the mare, her back hooves wrapping around his ribs and her front hooves around his long neck. Spike gave her a kiss as he carried her to the door. “Don’t worry,” he said in between pecks, “I’ll think of something.”


They were neck and neck, neither one of them willing to back down as Dust Devil and Rainbow Dash sped through their final few laps around Canterlot Mountain.

“You’re going down, pony!” taunted Dust as he started pulling ahead of the cyan pony. “I’ll admit you’re faster than I thought, but this race is mine!”

“We’ll see about that!” barked Rainbow back. “I haven’t even started trying yet!”

They finished their second-to-last lap. With only one lap remaining, Dust Devil was in the lead, it looked like he was going to win, though he was almost impressed with the pegasus’ speed and determination. Almost.

“It’s over, pony!” Dust yelled as he continued to slowly push ahead more as they made it halfway around the mountain.

“Yeah, it is,” the rainbow haired pony smiled as she made her move. Her feathery blue wings flapped furiously as she started flying faster and faster. She could feel the air break at the tip of her nose as she started to gain on Dust Devil. The dragon look bewildered as the pegasus started to inch ahead of him. “Time to kick it up a notch!”

“You can’t beat me, pony!” the black drake sneered, flapping as hard as he possibly could. “There is no way I’m losing to a pon-“


There was a colourful shockwave as Rainbow Das hit the sonic rainboom. The pegasus went skyrocketing ahead of the dragon, leaving a rainbow trail behind her. The dragon was caught in the multi-coloured explosion, and was blown out of the air. Dust Devil went hurtling down towards the castle, screaming as he crashed through one of the windows, bounced off the floor, and slamming into the wall.

The sky drake slowly peeled of the wall, leaving a large indent of his body in its place. “Oong…” he groaned, “what the hell was that?”

“That was the sonic rainboom!”

Dust Devil glanced up to see that the cyan mare was doing a victory dance over him. “Aww yeah, so who’s the fastest flyer in Equestria?” she asked staring smugly down at the dragon.

He let out a large sigh. “You are…” he mumbled.

“Damn straight!” she laughed. “And don’t you ever forget it!”


“And this is the kitchen!” announced Pinkie Pie as they entered the castle’s massive kitchen. “This is where we make all sorts of delicious goodies and treats! Like cakes and muffins and pies and sweet tarts and scones and ice cream and cupcakes and doughnuts and pop tarts and fritters and funnel cakes and churros and chocolate and caramel and candy and lollipops and all cakes and muffins and pies and sweet tarts and scones and ice-“

“Pinkie!” interrupted Applejack. “Y’all started to repeat yourself.”

“Oops! Sorry but I get so excited when I talk about baking!” laughed the pink mare.

“No kidding,” muttered Lurch, “So when do we start eating?”

“First we have to mix the batter!” giggled Pinkie, as she pulled a large red mixing bowl from under the counter. “We’re going to need some milk, flour, a few eggs, and lots and lots of sugar!”

“Sugar?” asked Bitterbite. “What’s sugar?”

The pink pony laughed, “That’s funny! Everypony has tried sugar before, and it’s soooooo good!”

“We’re not ponies,” Glimmer said bluntly, “and we’ve never heard of sugar before, much less tried it.”

“WHAT?!” Pinkie gasped with disbelief. “You’re serious? Wow, then you must try some!” She ducked under the counter and pulled out a large white bag of the sweet crystals. “Here, try some!”

The three dragons stared at the white bag with curiosity. Slowly, Bitterbite bravely dipped his claw into the white powder, grabbing a pinch and sprinkling it in his mouth. His mouth puckered a bit from the overwhelming sweetness of the sugar. “Not bad, but I think I’ll stick to gems.”

The cloudweaver stared at her boyfriend “Now I have to try this.” She too dug into the bag and grabbed a handful of sugar and dumped it in her mouth. She immediately coughed it back up. “Too sweet! Too sweet!” she gagged, puffs of blue smoke emitting from her mouth. “It’s too swea- ah ah-CHOO!” a stream of blue mist blew out of her mouth as she fell backwards, landing on her back.

“Are y’all okay?” asked the concerned cowpony.

“I’ll be fine, but no offence, that stuff is way too sweet for my liking.”

“Well, I guess that just leaves me,” sighed Lurch as he took a bit of sugar in between his fingers, making sure to not take too much. He gulped as he stuck his fingers in his mouth, sucking the sugar off of it.

“So Lurch, what do you think?” asked Bitterbite.

“It’s…… it’s……” the pale blue drake tried to say. His eyes widened as his pupils expanded. Saliva started to drip down his mouth like a hungry dog as he eyed the bag of sugar. “It’s delicious.”

His tongue shot out of his mouth, wrapping around the bag and dragging it into his mouth with lightning speed, narrowly missing Pinkie’s hooves in the process. He pushed the pink mare aside as he dove head first into the cupboard that had the sugar in it.

“I guess he really likes it,” muttered Glimmer over the sounds of Lurch’s munching and slurping. “Though that dragon will eat basically anything.”

“More…..” echoed Lurch as he pulled out of the cupboard, his face covered in white powder and he had this crazy look in his eye. “More sugar…… more sugar!”

“Umm, all the sugar was in that cupboard, sugar cube,” the orange mare chuckled nervously.

“MORE SUGAR!!” roared Lurch as all three of his tongues shot out of his mouth and went into different directions. One wrapped around the fridge, another around the oven, and the third one around the terrified Applejack.

“What in tarnation?!” she yelled as Lurch pulled all three objects into his mouth. The dragon’s jaw disconnected as the oven was slowly devoured. “Somepony get me out of this thing!” she screamed.

Pinkie was frozen in fear, unable to move as Glimmer quickly slithered past the pony and drove her fist striagth into Lurch’s stomach.

“Ow!” she groaned, rubbing her injured claw. The oven had already sunk into his stomach, making it as hard as steel.

“Grab the tongue!” said Bitterbite, leaping onto the boulder dragon’s expanded head, and grabbing the tongue that bonded the earth pony. “Sorry buddy,” he said, as he bit the boulder dragon’s tongue.

“Augh!” groaned Lurch as he started to swallow the refrigerator. His grip around the pony loosened enough that she was able to slip away.

The pony panted for air as she slipped away from the dragon’s tongue. “What on earth has gotten into him?”

“I think he likes sugar a bit too much!” said Bitterbite, “Let’s get out of here; we just need to give him some time to get over it.”

“And how do y’all know that will work?”

“Because he did this the first time he tried rubies.”

“MORE SUGAR!!” roared the pale blue dragon, as he finished eating the fridge. The look in his eye showed that he was still delirious. His tongues shot out again, grabbing small appliances and food, pulling them into his mouth as he easily swallowed them. One of stray tongues shot towards the cowpony again.

“Not this time!” grunted the orange pony, ducking just in time to avoid the sticky appendage. However, while her head was able to avoid the tongue, her hat was not so lucky. “My hat!” she screamed as she watched it get whisked away from atop her head and into the mouth of the dragon.

“Leave it!” screamed Bitterbite, as he started to burrow trough the floor, ripping apart the tiles and disappearing down the hole. “It’s everybody for themselves!”

“MORE SUGAR!” moaned Lurch as he swallowed the hat and other various things in his mad search for more of the sweet powder.

“You crossed the line, cowboy,” hissed Applejack as she ran towards the frenzied dragon. “Nopony touches the bucking hat!” She leapt up into the air and into the dragon’s mouth, getting swallowed whole.

“AJ!” gasped Pinkie, who was still frozen with fear as she watched her friend get eaten. “WHYYYYY?!”

The large round dragon burped as all three of his tongues hung out of his mouth. His eyes started to return to normal as he started to stagger a bit. Suddenly, he started gag as he clenched his stomach. He let out a loud moan as he jerked around the room. He fell to his knees as the bottom of his mouth started to expand, filling up with something.

“Ooooo,” mumbled Lurch, “something ain’t sitting right in the- ACK!”

His jaw was pried open from the inside as a very slimy Applejack gasped for air. The cowpony threw her hat out of the mouth before she rolled out, panting over her near-death experience.

“I told y’all,” she moaned, rolling on the ground to pick up and placing her hat on her head. “Nopony touches the hat.”


“So, are we doing another patrol again, Dragoon?” Bunsen asked. The clumsy purple pegasus had been reassigned away from Heart Shield due to him being incapable of tolerating her, but this new pony seemed nice enough, and for the past three days, the two had worked very well together.

“Yeppers!” the peppy blue unicorn said as they walked down the hallways. “We got to monitor the west wing, then make our way down to the throne room, then back again. Easy day, really!”

“Great!” smiled Bunsen, as the two started walking down the first hallway. The armoury was finally able to make a suit of armour in her size, and didn’t trip over as much. “I haven’t gone down this patrol since I was partnered with Heart Shield.”

“You never actually told me what happened with you two?” said Dragoon as they started their walk. “Do you mind if I ask?”

“He was very impatient” she groaned, pushing her glasses back on her face. “Plus there was that awkward moment…”

“Awkward moment?” the unicorn asked. “What awkward moment?”

Bunsen bit her lip as she looked away. “Nothing, forget I said anything.”

“Then why did you mention it?”

“It just sort of slipped okay!” she said, raising her voice a little. “Can we just drop it?”

“I guess,” he sighed, “I was just trying to make conversation.”

The two of them walked down the hall, the tension between the two ponies was so thick you could stick a knife in it. There had to be a way to loosen the mood, but how?

“So…” Bunsen finally said after what seemed like hours. “How does a pony get a name like Dragoon?”

The blue unicorn smiled, happy to have something to talk about. “Well actually, I was named after my great, great, great, great--you get the idea--great, great grandfather. His actual name was Thunder Clap, but after the great dragon war, he got the nickname ‘The Dragoon’ and it sort of stuck.”

“What did he do to get a name like that?” asked Bunsen, her own curiosity getting the better of her.

“Well, from what my mom use to tell me, great Gramps was just a private, and he and his platoon were supposed to cut through the needle woods of the Wasteland and flank one of their lava ponds,” began Dragoon. “It was a trap though, and they were attacked by Twistclaws, or Tornado dragons!”

“That’s terrible!”

“I know,” he agreed. “Mom said that they were these big scaly things, the top half were like a normal dragon bodies, but from the waist down they were all snake like, no legs, just a giant slithering tail. Anyways, Gramps and the platoon fought back against them, and in the end, they were victorious. But then Dragoon showed up….”


“Dragoon, the elder of the tornado dragons. He wiped out the entire platoon, sucked them all in a tornado he conjured and flung them everywhere, but Gramps survived, and he stuck a spear right to the elders heart!”

“Oh my!”

“And that’s how Gramps got the name Dragoon, and that’s now I got mine. Interesting story, right?”

“Wouldn’t that mean you were named after the dead dragon, not your grandfather?”

“Well--but--” the unicorn tried to say but he stopped mid-sentence. “I never really thought of it that way before…”

“Fresh perspective,” giggled Bunsen as they approached the large doors of the throne room. “So we just need to check on the inside and then just head back?”

“That’s right!” said Dragoon. “Just a quick in and out.” He opened the door and walked inside, Bunsen following behind him.

“Oh, hello my little ponies,” Princess Celestia said. She was sitting on her throne, levitating a small book. “On patrol, are we?”

“P-p-princess Celestia!” Bunsen gasped, immediately bowing in the presence of the sun goddess.

“How adorable,” she giggled. “There is no need to bow, Bunsen.”

“Y-you know my name?”

“Of course,” the white alicorn smiled, “I know the names of everypony in Equestria.”

“Oh… Of course,” she said, admittedly a little disappointed.

“We’re just quickly checking in,” said Dragoon. “You know, making sure that everything is okay in here.”

“Everything is fine, Dragoon,” the princess smiled. “Thank you for checking on me.”

“‘Tis a pleasure!” said the violet pegasus a little too loudly, she quickly covered her mouth from her outburst. “Sorry.”

“No need to apologize. Now run along, you two.”

“You heard her B, let’s go,” said the blue unicorn as he turned to the door.

“Actually,” the princess said, “could I by chance steal Bunsen for a bit?”

“O-of course, princess,” gasped Bunsen, her cheeks turning a dark shade of red as she turned to Dragoon. “What did I do wrong?”

The unicorn shrugged. “Don’t know, but this is either really good…” He walked out the door. “…Or really bad.”

The door shut behind him, leaving her alone with the princess.

“S-s-s-so, what do you need me for?” the nervous mare asked as the princess walked up for her.

“I’m just curious about one of my subjects,” the tall white mare said, lowering her head down to Bunsen’s level. “Very curious.”

“Princess?” asked Bunsen, the sun goddess getting closer to her. The sun mare placed a hoof gently on her cute little nose.

“Please,” Celestia smiled, giving her half-closed bedroom eyes, “call me Tia.”