• Published 15th Apr 2012
  • 16,350 Views, 1,425 Comments

For the Ones we Love - FlimFlamBros.

Spike must save Equestria from a newborn evil. But will he be able to stop it?

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The Performance

If you think you think anyone is sane, then you do not know sanity yourself


“Everything is perfect,” dreamt Spike,“absolutely perfect”

“Which means something terrible is just around the corner!”




“I killed your mother and turned your brothers and sisters into eggs and bakey!”

Slowly the dragon opened his eyes, only to be greeted by a glowing red pair. Conquest was hovering over Spike, his face mere inches away from his. Spike could feel the cold breath of the alicorn as the insane pony chuckled to himself.

“I hoped you had a fun last night, dragon,” Conquest said, twirling in the air. “It will probably be your last.”

“What, are we losing faith that you can kill me?” asked the dragon, raising an eyebrow.

“It’s not a question of can or can’t,” laughed the alicorn, “but rather a question of will.”

“Excuse me?”

“I know, right?!” exclaimed Conquest. “I can hardly believe it myself, but after all this time, all the fun little chats we’ve had this past month, all the laughs (granted they were mostly mine), all the crying (mostly done by you), and, of course, all memories we have shared. It may come to a surprise to you Spike, but you’re the closet thing I’ve had to a friend in over four thousand years!”

“You’re kidding me, right?” groaned the dragon.

The dark pony shook his head. “Not at all. It’s not going to change anything, you’re all going to die, but I will miss you Spike, and I will always cherish the time we spent together,” he giggled. “It’s funny really, you can’t kill me because it’s impossible, and I can’t kill you because you’re just too much fun! Perhaps we are destined to do this forever, Spike! We need each other.”

“Trust me Conquest, this will end tomorrow.”

“Oh, trust me, Spike,” snorted the alicorn, “I know. It will be a glorious day.” He smiled as he cleared up his throat.

“This day is going to be perfect!

The kind of day of which I’ve dreamed of since I was small!

I’ll spill everypony’s guts,

Crush their bones until they’re dust,

And then claim Equestria as mine!

He laughed, looking at the dragon, “What’s a matter Spike?”

“This day is going to be perfect,

For fun I will be singing all the parts!

All my troops are at the ready,

Bloodthirsty, red and angry

“It’s a work of genius, a brilliant work of art!

He gave a little giggle before continuing….

I don’t care about the griffins

All the minotaur’s won’t survive,

Diamond Dogs? I’ll gladly watch them die!

And if you think the queen of changelings

Could have in anyway of changed me

Then you’re in for quite a big surprise!

For I hate all living thing!

They’re evil creatures, just like me!

And I think they all deserve to die!”

“So what do you think? Is it a little too much? Not enough? I was thinking with going with something a little more hip, what with all hippity hoppity rappity talkity stuff that everypony listens to, I still prefer the classics.”

“Excuse me?”

“Well, it’s for my little performance, of course. I thought I told you about this?”

“Must have slipped your sanity,” mumbled Spike.

“No,” laughed Conquest, “I lost that a long time ago.”

“Is there a point to this?” sighed Spike. “Or is it once again pointless?”

“Actually, yes!” cackled Conquest. “Surprisingly, there is a point to this. I came to say goodbye.”


Conquest nodded. “Well, this will be the last time that we’re going to be able to talk without me trying to rip your throat out,” smiled the alicorn. Taking a deep breath, it almost seemed like he was tearing up. “So this is it, huh?”

“Are…. Are you crying?”

“I’m going to miss you, buddy!” cried the alicorn, hugging the surprised dragon. “And when I’m slowly ripping your spine from your screaming, broken body, I’m going to think of the first time we met. Remember that, Spike? You were so confused, and I made out with that clone of Rarity, and you got really upset.”

“I remember that,” grumbled Spike. “That was a dick move.”

“Yeah,” sniffed Conquest, wiping his nose, “I thought it was funny, too. Oh god, I promised myself I wouldn’t cry!” He giggled through his crocodile tears. “I’m going to miss you.”

“I’m sure,” Spike said bluntly.

“Well, then!” smiled Conquest, his face returning to the insane, dry smile that the dragon had grown accustomed too. “Since this is the last night, and I am both proud and disappointed that you haven’t taken your own life after all our wacky shenanigans, I will give you a little gift!”

“A gift?”

“Yes, a gift!” the alicorn said happily, raising a hoof. “I will give you one question! A single question and I will answer it with as much honesty as I can!”

“So you will lie to me?”

“I’ve never lied to you Spike, the truth always hurts more, and that is the fundamental of the lie, to hide the pain. As I fear and feel no pain, I have little reason to lie!” he cackled, “So, ask away. What would you like to know? The secret of life, how to solve world hunger? ‘Cause the answer to both is forty-two, I believe.”

“That’s not what I was going to ask,” said the dragon. He took a second to think about what he really wanted to ask him. He highly doubted he would tell him his plans, if he wasn’t just making this up as he went. There was no chance that Conquest would tell Spike how to defeat him, he wasn’t that crazy, was he? In the end Spike knew what to ask, it had been something that was itching him in the back of the mind for a while now. “Why?” he asked.

“Why?” wondered Conquest, scratching his chin. “Why not. Be more specific, I’m not a mind-reader,” he laughed.

“Why do all of this, why tell us that you’re coming in a month, why do this big frontal assault on Canterlot? You could have slipped in unannounced and slit all our throats in our sleep or attacked when we were off guard. So that is my question. Why?”

“A very, very stupid use of my gift,” grinned the alicorn. “But I shall answer it! It’s quite obvious when you think about it…” He moved uncomfortably close to Spike’s face, flashing that pearly white smile of dagger-like teeth, and staring at him with those burning red eyes. “What’s the point of destroying the world, if no pony knows I did it?”

“You’re really that egotistical?”

“Depends. Are you a dumbass?” he laughed. “Hint, the answer is yes!” He laughed so hard that he had to wipe a tear away from his eye. “Well, I guess I will see you on the battle field.” The world grew dark around them. “Have a pleasant sleep, for tomorrow, I rain hell on the ponies!”

There was a string of diabolical laughter as Spike was engulfed in the shadows.


Far away from Canterlot and even Equestria itself, were the dreaded dead lands of the Wasteland. Hidden within the mountains, evil forces were gathering. Minotaurs, griffins, changelings, dogs, and the various ponies that had turned traitor all gathered in the valleys hidden in the rocky mountains. The minotaurs were sharpening and fixing their large weapons, and a small group struck up a conversation.

“Has anyone actually seen this Conquest guy?” one asked the other. He had a blotchy black and white coat, with four horns and a double nose ring.

The other minotaur, a black one with considerably smaller horns shook his head. “Don’t know, but I’ve been hearing things, dude, about him. Crazy things, dude.”

“Like what?”

“He’s supposed to be completely off his rocker, like bat crap insane in his freaking membrane,” said the black minotaur. “I hear that it’s all because his marefriend broke up with him or something.”

“Seriously?” asked the other minotaur. “We’re expected to lay are lives down because some stupid pony couldn’t hold onto his mare?” He dropped his axe, “Screw this, I’m leaving.”

“You can’t leave!” said the black minotaur. “What about Conquest?”

“Oh, I’m shivering,” snorted the black and white minotaur. “What’s he going to do? Kill me?”

“No, he’s not that nice,” hissed a new feminine voice.

The two minotaurs looked around to see who was talking. standing before them was the changeling queen. Chrysalis looked down on the one that was talking of deserting, her olive coloured eyes piercing through the creature’s soul.

“My love Conquest wouldn’t just kill you,” the Queen smiled. “No, for desertion, that would call for something much more painful.”

“L-l-like w-what, my queen?” stuttered the terrified beast.

“First, he would look into your eyes and do nothing, the silence of his smile with the glare of his eyes is enough to render even the hardest of souls into whimpering children,” she glared at him, memorizing him with her iris’s. “Then, he starts to mess with your insides, that’s when the real fun begins. He starts off slow, changing every, single, little drop of blood in your body into ink.” She grinned, her teeth sticking outside of her lips. “Imagine, for a brief moment, how much that would hurt? To have ink running through your veins...burning through your blood vessels. He would then escalate to bringing more brute pain, making your very bones as brittle as the weakest glass.” The queen placed a decayed hoof on the minotaur, pressing down hardly. “The pain is unimaginably horrendous as your very marrow implodes on itself. You’re left a snivelling pile of broken hopes and body, but he still hasn’t killed you, he has to drain all that ink and glass out of you after all….”

“P-p-please no more, I get it!” said the minotaur, he looked like he was going to be sick.

“Then think twice next time you wish to desert our lord,” cackled the changeling queen, as she flew away.


“I heard that this guy can kill dragons.”

“I heard he can blow your head up just by looking at it.”

“I heard that he has been doing it with the Changeling Queen!”

“He’s a monster, a demon of sort that has a grudge against the ponies.”

The rabble continued as a large crowd of troops formed in the canyon of the mountains. There stood a large hastily thrown together stage, like one you would find in a theatre. On stage, a large statue of an alicorn was rolled on by a group of changelings, grunting as they finally heaved the heavy block of stone to the center of the stage.

“What on Equestria is that?” a griffin from the crowd asked.

There was a burst of green fire on the stage, the spectators watched in awe as the Queen of the Changelings walked out from the plume of flame, and to the microphone that was set up next to the statue.

“Attention every minotaur, griffin, dog, changeling, and pony!” Chrysalis screamed into the microphone, her voice screeching through the speakers. “We have all gathered here today for one reason and one reason only, to take over and destroy Equestria!” There were loud cheers from the crowd as the queen continued. “We are here because you believe in a higher power-a greater deity than the princess of the day and the mare of the night!” The crowd booed as she referred to the princesses. “Because we all know that there is only one true god, our dark lord that has blessed us all with his sweet gifts. He is the one who was there when no one else was. He is the pony that so selflessly picked us up and put us back together, but made us stronger, faster, and more powerful than we ever were before!”

“FOR THE GLORIOUS CONQUEST!” the crowd shouted with cheer.

“For the glorious Conquest!” repeated Chrysalis. “For it is he who takes away the pain, and replaces it with absolute power. True, ultimate power! Unlike that of the princess’.” Heckles from the crowd emitted from the mention of the princess. “We have been very patient, and you are all probably wondering who is this great and powerful being that we all willingly follow? Well, I have seen him, children, with my own eyes! He is a being of raw power and emotion, and the one and true ruler of the world! To very creature of every race, it is with great pride that I introduce the one, the only, lord of the insanity himself, DARK CONQUEST!”

A spotlight was turned on and pointed to the still statue. Everyone was staring at it, expecting it to move, crumble, or at least do something.

“Ahem,” coughed Chrysalis. “The all-powerful lord himself, Dark Conquest!” The statue remained still as stone. The queen covered the mic with one of her hooves. “What are you waiting for?” she whispered to the statue. “That was your cue!”

Suddenly, an insane laughter echoed through the speakers, the crowd of creatures looking around, trying to find the cause of the diabolical heckling.

“Really, Chrysalis, a statue?” the voice said lambently. “How cliché can you get? I need something a little more…. Zingy!” he cackled, “So how about……you!”

The spotlight quickly spun away from its user and focused on a lone minotaur in the crowd, staring at the ground. Everyone else backed away, giving him some space. Slowly, he raised his head, showing the crowd his glowing red eyes and sadistic smile.

“I have a dream of a dark Equestria, where the light has gone away….

I dream of a dark Equestria, when it comes it’s here to stay….

Oh to see, the pretty butterflies….

Watch them wither and fall out of the skies….

Cook foals up in a fleshy brew….

As they’re screaming: ‘What on earth did we do?’”

The minotaur twirled as he grabbed a cane and hat from out of thin air, continuing his song as he walked casually to the stage.

“Because I’ve been dreaming of a dark Equestria, raining blood till it soaks my coat red….

I’ve been dreaming of a dark Equestria, where every single pony is dead!

So if you want to see this world, my friends….

Stick with me till the very end….

Cause you’ll never forget it!

And you’ll never regret it!

When you team up with meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!”

The red-eyed minotaur leapt up on stage, spinning around as he tipped his hat.

Oh yes I’ve been dreaming of a dark Equestria, where burning bodies are all that you see….

And yes I’ve been dreaming of a dark Equestria, let’s make it a reality!

Cause when you side with the best,

The best comes around,

And I never will rest,

Till you’re a corpse in the ground,

And if you think that I jest,

Then I will say ,‘You’re profound’,

Cause I’m the greatest, I’m the best….”

The minotaur exploded.

“BOOM! I’m Dark Conquest!”

Conquest held that last note as he happily emerged from the bloody fragments and spray of gore spanning his front hooves as he soaked in all the glory and the applause that his loyal minion cheered and gave him, as well as the blood of the minotaur.

“That’s right!” he screamed, the applause changing to an uproar. “CONQUEST IS BACK, BABY!!!” he yelled, ending it with his trademark laughter. He calmly, more quietly added, “And, this time, I ain’t going anywhere.”