• Published 12th Mar 2016
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Ponyville's Tiny Librarian - CommanderX5

Twilight has been a tiny, hard-working student for many years, willingly deciding to stay bite size after discovering a love for the adventures and challenges that came with it. Now it is time to start a new chapter of her life in Ponyville.

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Ch5 - Griffon Brushoff - Part 2

Ponyville’s Tiny Librarian


Chapter 5

Griffon Brushoff
part 2

As Gilda was getting closer to the ground with every flap of her strong wings, she didn’t take her attention away from Rainbow Dash, but the moment she landed, an armored pegasus sitting behind her friend caught her attention. She walked towards her friend while maintaining a strong and proud posture. "Sup, Dash?” she said with a relaxed voice as she glanced at Steel Blade. “So, this is the cool friend of yours you wanted me to meet."

After a moment of examining the guard with her glance, she added, “Hmn… not too shabby…”

Steel Blade raised his eyebrow as he looked at the griffon with a professional expression of a Royal Guard while Rainbow Dash shook her hoof at him. “Oh, him, nah, he’s just my friend’s personal guard who decided to tag along… He is average, I guess,” she stated as Steel Blade’s wings and head hung low at being called ‘average’.

“A personal guard?” Gilda stated. “Is your friend some sort of VIP?”

Rainbow Dash nodded and raised her head upward proudly. “She sure is. She’s very important and knows many powerful ponies.”

Gilda started to look around before giving her friend a questioning glance. “Where is she anyway? I hope she’s not hiding from me like a coward.”

Rainbow Dash pointed at Gilda’s foreclaw, and the moment the griffon looked down, she noticed a small purple shape in front of them, waving at her. “Hello, my name is Twilight Sparkle, nice to meet you!”

Gilda didn’t say a word before turning towards Dash with a raised eyebrow. “Is this a joke?”

Before she could say anything, Gilda fell on her back and burst into laughter. “Good one, Dash,” she said in a break between her laughter as she rolled and glanced at Twilight, who looked back at her in confusion. Gilda moved her talons above the tiny mare and waved. “How do you do this, Dash? There’s no strings attached. How do you even make her sound as if she’s speaking?”

“This is not a prank,” Twilight said in annoyance as she stood on her rear hooves and crossed her forelegs, only for a loud “whaaa” to leave her mouth the moment Gilda grabbed her with her talons.

“Come on Dash, tell me how it works,” Gilda said while examining the pony in her talons. She tightened her grip, squeezing Rainbow Dash’s toy a little too find out what sound it would make.

“She’s not a toy, stop hurting her!” Rainbow Dash said with a sudden hostility as she walked towards Gilda, glaring at her with narrowed eyes. Her hooves stomping loudly with every step.

“That’s right,” Steel Blade added before taking a defensive stance, his voice sharp and firm. “Release her or I will use force!”

Gilda glanced at her friend for a moment before looking back at the toy. After a closer look, she could see the plush unicorn gritting its teeth in pain. She blinked in confusion and released it, only to notice how it was breathing heavily. She gave Rainbow Dash a curious stare and asked, “She’s really not a toy?” As both pegasi nodded firmly, she continued, “So... your friend is a tiny unicorn?”

“Yes, she is,” Rainbow Dash said with a proud smile as Gilda raised her eyebrow.

"You asked me to come here just to tell me that you're friends with some sort of freak?" Upon not receiving any response, she shook her head. “Laaa...me.”


“Yes, Dash! When did you start to hang out with lame freaks?

”Take it back!” Rainbow Dash frowned as flew over and poked griffon’s chest. “She’s not lame! Twilight is the most awesome pony in all of Equestria… besides me of course,” she stated loudly to Gilda’s surprise. “She’s adventurous, powerful and she’s got guts! If you’ll just give her a chance, you would see it too.”

Gilda sighed and spoke, “Come on, Dash, hanging with some sort of a pony rat is so uncool. I usually eat rats for breakfast, not befriend them.”

“Please, Gilda, just trust me on this,” Rainbow Dash plead as she pointed at Twilight, who was sitting and watching from a distance in silence. “She’s very cool, just give her a chance.”

Gilda gave Rainbow Dash a questioning look as she scratched lower part of her neck. “What do you have in mind?”

“Let her prove how awesome she really is. First, check out her guts,” Dash suggested with a challenging tone as Gilda rolled her eyes.

“Guts, are you kidding me? That little freak will run from me after one gesture of my talons.”

“Try her,” Rainbow Dash challenged again as Gilda nodded.

“Fine... but don't blame me if your lame friend runs away with her tail between her legs.”

Gilda walked towards the tiny mare who looked up at her patiently from her spot in the grass. Steel Blade noticing it, raised his foreleg as if he wanted to follow, but Dash stopped him with a hoof. “This is between them, don’t interfere,” Rainbow Dash said with narrowed eyes, the very look at her was enough to tell that she was going to stop him, even by force.

Gilda sat in front of the tiny unicorn who was curiously observing her every move. Slowly, she inhaled a huge amount of air into her lungs and kept it for a few seconds while her chest and cheeks looked like balloons. Twilight grit her teeth in terror as she realized what was about to happen, but before she could react, Gilda screamed at her with a loud and terrifying battle cry. Twilight was pushed by the strength of griffon’s voice as she rolled uncontrollably through the grass before crashing into a small rock, stars circling above her head.

She opened her eyes and looked at the tiny unicorn who was now lying far away from her. She smirked and glanced at Rainbow Dash. “See, I told you she would–” she failed to finish her sentence as in a flash, the tiny unicorn appeared on her beak and sealed it with her four legs. She tried to say something, but her mouth refused to open under the strong grip of the tiny mare as she could see the unicorn looking at her in anger.

“Why did you do that?” Twilight shouted with annoyance and growled. “Being small, my ears are far more sensitive and fragile. You could have made me deaf!”

Gilda put more strength into her beak as the wrestling match between it and Twilight began, much to Rainbow Dash's amusement.

The little unicorn started to sweat as she shouted “Apologise!” before gritting her teeth and closing her eyes in her struggle. Her ears still ached.

After several more seconds, Gilda overpowered Twilight and pushed her away before giving her a curious glance. “You’re not afraid of me?”

Twilight looked up at the giant half-eagle, half-lion creature and shook her head. “Why should I be?”

The griffin blinked a few times before kneeling to the ground and exposing her talons. “Because I’m a predator who eat rats half your size for breakfast. Why didn’t my battle cry scare you to death?” she asked as Twilight just smiled at her.

“While I’m a little afraid of you, I can easily defeat that fear,” she stated as Gilda frowned at this remark. “Firstly, you’re Rainbow Dash’s friend, so I know that you wouldn’t hurt me.”

“I won't hurt you? If you think that being Dash's friend gets you on my good list, think again," Gilda said in a relaxed voice. “You’re just like a breakfast for me, Dash’s buddy or not.”

Twilight gave the Griffon a proud look. “Secondly, even if you were hostile, I can still defend myself.”

Gilda laughed. “You? Defend? That’s a laugh.” Her laughter was quickly interrupted by a sudden push of a powerful force, and the moment she opened her eyes, she could see the tiny unicorn standing on her chest while her horn lit with a powerful aura.

“And finally, I faced far bigger fears. Compared to what I experienced, you’re not scary at all.”

Gilda stood up and glanced at Rainbow Dash while Twilight slid from her fur onto the grass. The griffon asked, “Is she for real?”

Rainbow Dash smirked and placed her foreleg on Gilda’s shoulder. “Told you, she got guts.”

“Guts or not, she’s just a large rat to me,” Gilda stated as Twilight looked up into her eyes with a challenging stare.

“Rat you say?”

Gilda nodded. “Yeah, a large rat that I can catch, tear apart and eat with ease if it annoys me.”

Twilight glanced at Dash and asked, “Is she as fast and agile as you?”

Rainbow Dash shook her head. “Not a chance. She’s fast, sure, but while griffons are stronger, pegasi will always be masters in speed and agility.” She raised her head proudly and bragged, “She may be faster than the average pegasus, but never faster than me, Rainbow Dash.”

Steel Blade knelt on the ground as he started to poke his hoof at it, tearing the grass off while drawing frowny faces as he was forever stuck to be just an average guard among the special mares.

“Oh yeah, just wait and I will beat you in speed one day,” Gilda said with a frown directed at her friend, only to notice a bright flash on pegasus’s head.

Twilight straightened her tiny hoof at Gilda and gave her a challenging glare. “I challenge you to a game of tag,” she said with determination as Gilda smirked.

“Tag? A rat like you–wants to challenge a natural predator like me–to a game of tag?” Gilda chuckled. “I’m gonna hunt you down in seconds.”

“Prove it.”

Gilda raised an eyebrow and focused her attention on her friend. “You saw it, Dash, she’s asking for it. Don’t blame me if my claws leave a few marks on your friend’s fur.”

The pegasus responded with a relaxed voice, “I’m not worried, because she will beat you.”

Gilda flew into air and let out a roar while Twilight jumped from Rainbow Dash’s head and galloped, much to Gilda’s amusement as she smiled devilishly. “Let’s have some fun.”


“Stay still you little freak!” Gilda shouted with growing irritation as Twilight jumped to the left, once again evading her talons. For around fifteen minutes, the tiny mare had been running and teleporting from place to place, out-tricking every single one of her hunting techniques.

With a strong flap of her wings, Gilda flew up again before diving at her target who was standing proudly on a rock, but when she was about to hit her, Twilight jumped back while performing a backflip in the air as Gilda’s claws struck the stone instead.

One strike after another, the fragments of grass flew all over the place as the tiny acrobatic unicorn evaded Gilda’s hits by jumping back or to the side, sometimes casting a barrier to reflect some of the quicker attacks. With growing frustration, the angered griffon dove at Twilight who ran towards a tree and climbed it. Gilda’s eyes opened widely, her wings flapped rapidly as she tried slow her momentum, but she was too late as her claws pierced the wooden surface. For next several seconds she struggled to get her stuck claws free while Twilight bounced off the tree right onto her beak.

“Ready to give up?” Twilight asked in excitement while bouncing in place on the griffon’s beak.

Gilda raised an eyebrow and pointed out, “You’re getting tired. I can see sweat covering your body and hear your tired breathing,” as Twilight wiped sweat from her face.

“I can say the same about you.” Twilight pointed out a few drops of sweat she noticed on the griffon’s head. “I may not have the greater stamina, but I’m doing my best to conserve my energy, where as you aren’t.”

With a solid push, Gilda tore her claws from the tree and moved towards her beak, but before they could capture Twilight in a strong grip, the little unicorn jumped over her head and slid down her neck.

Twilight sat on the griffon’s back, outside of hers foe’s range and spoke, “I see that you don’t give up easily, but neither do I.”

Gilda sighed and looked upon her prey, who just smiled back at her. As much as she hated to admit it, her foe was just too quick for her to catch. Outsmarted and outclassed, she lowered her head in shame and disappointment. “I can't believe that some rat-like unicorn beat me at my own game.”

Gilda could feel tiny hooves massage her back in attempt to lift her spirits as if she was not humiliated enough by her failure.

“Cheer up. When it comes to games of tag, I’m nearly unbeatable. Just four days ago I outran every pony in Ponyville,” Twilight stated proudly as she put more strength into rubbing her future friend’s back.

“Yeah, I’m the only pony to beat her at this game,” Rainbow Dash added as she landed behind the griffon and beamed with pride towards her small friend.

Gilda looked at her old school-buddy with a passive expression for a moment before a smile greeted her face as she spoke, “I must say, Dash, you were right. Your friend isn’t so lame after all.” She gave the little pony a glare of admiration. “Any rat or in your case, tiny unicorn that I can’t catch with my hunting skills must be very special.”

“Thank you!” said Twilight with a blush.

“Yeah, she’s anything but an ordinary unicorn,” Dash added.

Gilda jumped and threw Twilight from her back onto the grass before turning towards her and pointing her talons at the tiny mare. “Still, even though you got guts and survival skills. I can't really think of anything fun or cool we can do together.”

“Well…” Twilight started to think deeply as the griffon looked at her impatiently until she beamed, catching Gilda completely off guard. “I know a game that we can play! I once beat Rainbow Dash at it pretty easily. Wanna give it a try?”

She gave Dash a questioning glance. The moment her friend nodded in confirmation, Gilda smiled and made a few steps forward, now towering over the little mare. “You beat Dash, you say?” After Twilight nodded, she continued, “Interesting. Whatever game you beat her in,” she smirked, “I will win for sure. What game did you have in mind?”

Twilight stood on her rear hooves and spread her forelegs cheerfully. “It is a simple game. You give me a challenge, and if I pass it, you’ll do whatever I ask you to do. Just remember that this must be a challenge, not an impossible task.”

“Yeah, and if she loses, you can just give her another challenge and watch in amusement at how she struggles to complete it,” Rainbow Dash added.

“Sounds entertaining. How did Dash lose to you by the way?” Gilda asked.

“The challenge she gave me was just far too easy. Maybe you can give me a harder one?”

Gilda smirked. “I see. How about you let me eat you? Is this one hard enough for you?” she mocked with sarcasm in her tone as she chuckled at her own joke.

“Let you eat me?” Twilight asked while rubbing her chin, only for a memory from her birthday party to flash in her mind. With a growingly determined smile, she nodded. “Sure, I accept the challenge,” she said as the griffon’s smile drooped in an instant, replaced with a gasp.

“W-what?” Gilda spoke as she looked down upon the tiny mare who jumped onto her neck and started to climb up towards her beak. Gilda failed to add a single word as she felt her beak being forcefully opened by a purple aura, only for the the tiny mare to push herself in, squeezing herself right into her mouth forcefully. With help of her magic, she pushed herself deeper.

“Twilight, no!” Steel Blade shouted as he flew towards his friend, but strong resistance from Rainbow Dash stopped him from proceeding.

Gilda’s confusion grew and eyes watered as she felt an uncomfortable feeling in her throat while Twilight did her best to squeeze into it, tiny hooves and magic pressing the unicorn deeper with every step while anchored on her tongue. Suddenly, Gilda felt a tickling and irritating movement in the middle of her throat while her neck looked like a small balloon. Unable to resist the urge to gulp the little mare that was stuck there, she did just that, and with a plump, Twilight ended up in her stomach.

Gilda coughed for a moment before touching her belly where her friend’s friend was now being digested, feeling light movements of the suffering mare inside of it. Gilda quickly raised her head and looked at Rainbow Dash who was busy with restraining the pegasus guard, giving them both a shocked stare. “Did she… just do what I think she did?”

“Yes, she did, though I’m not really surprised, I knew she would beat you from the get go,” Rainbow Dash remarked.

“Dash, that challenge I came up with was meant to be a joke!” Gilda shouted while breathing rapidly, “I take back what I said. Your friend is too cool to be eaten like a common snack.” She looked around with guilt visible on her features while Dash just put a hoof on her shoulder and gave a relaxed glare.

The griffon blinked in disbelief at her friend’s careless behavior. How could she be so calm as her friend was dying in agony? Suddenly, she felt something explode in her stomach, only for Twilight to appear on the ground in front of her, much to the guard’s relief and Gilda’s astonishment.

“You really think I am cool?” Twilight asked cheerfully while shaking herself to get rid of the saliva and stomach acids she was covered in before rubbing herself against the grass to finish the job. “Thank you!”


Rainbow Dash hardly contained her laughter while Twilight stood on her rear hooves and gestured with her foreleg as she explained, “I’ve already been eaten; once on accident by a pony I care great deal about… and also by a Manticore. As long as I’m not being torn apart by teeth or claws, being eaten is not that bad.”

Gilda’s beak opened widely to its very limits while Rainbow Dash dropped on the ground and smashed her hoof against it while laughing uncontrollably. After the laughter died, she pointed her hoof towards her friend and said in a mocking tone, “You should have seen the look on your face.”

Gilda blushed before regaining her composure as she gave Twilight an annoyed glare. “Fine, you beat me. So what do you want me to do?”

“Nothing much,” Twilight stated as she walked proudly towards her step by step with her nose raised high, before sitting in front of her legs and raising her forehoof. “Give me a chance to become your friend.”

Gilda rolled her eyes before raising her talons and carefully shaking the tiny mare’s hoof as not to wound it with her sharp edges. “You went way out of your head to impress me, I like your attitude.” She sighed and added, “Still, there’s one problem.”

“What is it?” Twilight asked as her ears fallen.

Gilda pointed towards the sky as her small friend looked at it curiously. “Dash and I spend all day doing cool stuff and awesome stunts in the air, playing on the ground is just not my style.”

“That’s not a problem,” Rainbow Dash interrupted as she walked towards her friends, attracting both Gilda’s and Twilight’s attention. “Twilight rides on pegasi. She can ride on me or even on you and admire our stunts.”

Gilda blinked and looked down at Twilight, only for the little mare to levitate towards her face, almost causing the griffon to lose her balance in surprise. “I can also use self-levitation to fly with you both… or in case I fall off.”

“R-really?” Gilda asked, dumbfounded as both the tiny mare and Dash nodded.

“So... Twilight, hop on.” Dash gestured at her back as her wings spread, one drooping to the ground while forming a stair. “Just get your saddle on me, and we’re ready to go. Right, Gilda?”

“S-sure.” She nodded, still proceeding what in the name of the emperor was happening.

“That won’t be necessary.”

“W-what?” Rainbow Dash and Steel Blade cried out as Twilight lit her horn, and soon a big ball of magic surrounded her.

Both pegasi lowered themselves to ground level to admire the light show, until the magic around Twilight disappeared, only to reveal a winged unicorn. Both the Griffon and the blue pegasus wiped their eyes, not believing what they just witnessed.

“How do I look?” Twilight asked as she spread her small wings and displayed them. With a few flaps she started to hover in front of her friends.

“You...look…awesome!” Dash flew above the ground and placed both of her forehooves on her cheeks. “I had no idea you could do that! How?”

Twilight giggled and flew in a circle around her friend before landing on her head. “Just a spell that I have worked on. After all, I’m not studying magic for nothing.” Her cheerful tone saddened. “Though I don’t get many chances to actually practice my flying abilities, and as long as I’m under this spell, I can only use a small fraction my magic, being half-pegasus and all.”

Rainbow Dash smirked. “Well, you’re in right place, just tag along us and we will make you a flight champion in no time. Am I right, Gilda?”

The griffon closed her beak and shook her head, recovering from the wave of emotions she just experienced before smirking and looking at Twilight proudly. “Yeah, us cool guys should stick together… Now I can see why Dash became your friend, you’re fine… for a pony.”

Twilight smiled. "And you're alright, for a griffon."

Author's Note:

I just realized that Twilight jumping into Gilda's throat and next teleporting outside is similar to trick Trixie performed in season 6 episode 6. (Instead of normal sized unicorn shoting herself into manticore's mouth and teleporting out, it was tiny sized unicorn jumping into griffon's stomach).

I can't believe I just now noticed it.

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