• Published 12th Mar 2016
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Ponyville's Tiny Librarian - CommanderX5

Twilight has been a tiny, hard-working student for many years, willingly deciding to stay bite size after discovering a love for the adventures and challenges that came with it. Now it is time to start a new chapter of her life in Ponyville.

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Ch.11 - Cadence's Vacation - Part 4

Celestia’s Tiny Student


Chapter 11

Cadence's Vacation
Part 4 - Rarity’s Little Town


“Coming!” Rarity sang as she trotted towards the door and opened it, her usual greeting on her lips.

“Hey Rarity,” Twilight interjected before Rarity could say anything.

“Twilight?!” the fashionista said in surprise as she took a step back, looking back and forth between Twilight and Cadence. She tapped a hoof against her own chin and asked, “Is that really you? You look… different. New haircut maybe?”

Twilight chuckled. “That’s a good one.”

“Jokes aside, darling, when did you start changing your sizes so casually? The last time it happened, it took an Ursa Minor and a large amount of property and environmental damage to convince you.”

Twilight flashed a wide smile. “Let's just say a lot has changed since my visit to Canterlot. I promised the princess I would work on controlling my strength and raw power and hopefully be able to increase my size without fear of causing damage or hurting my friends.”

She looked to the side at the small dent in the door her hooves left after knocking. “It’s a… work in progress.”

“Wowww…” Twilight’s mouth was agape. “When you said you had a surprise for me, I didn’t expect this.”

“I agree,” Cadence added as she ran her gaze over a miniature model of Ponyville. She admired the model of Town Hall and the surrounding area, the models of Sweet Apple Acres, Sugar Cube Corner, Rarity’s own boutique, and more. It looked like fragments of a giant puzzle, waiting to be put together. “Twilight told me you were always very precise in your work, but to create a replica of Ponyville…”

Rarity puffed her chest proudly. “It is just a small hobby of mine. When I have free time and no plans to visit the spa, I come here to add more details to my little town and clear my head. You never know when you need a model of Ponyville when planning a large event.”

“Really? Have you planned a festival or two?” Cadence asked curiously.

“Darling, we have Pinkie Pie,” Rarity responded, waving it off with a hoof. “Ponyville is at the top when it comes to our celebrations and festivals, but it’s always good to be prepared.”

Twilight shifted uncomfortably. It’s hard enough that all of the buildings weren’t spacious anymore, but this...

She closed her eyes and bit her bottom lip, fighting back the urge to ask Cadence to shrink her so she could examine the miniature Ponyville from up close.

Rarity turned towards her unicorn friend. “When you and Princess Cadence—”

“Former princess. Just call me Cadence.”

Rarity cleared her throat. “Ahh, my apologies. As I was saying, when I found out that my dear friend was trying to abandon brute force and focus more on perception and grace, I thought I could help her with some of my own discerning instructions.”

Cadence furrowed her brow, tilting her head to the side. “While I agree that Twilight can learn a lot from a talented fashionista such as yourself,” the alicorn said, causing Rarity to blush, “what does this model of Ponyville have to do with Twilight's training regime?”

Rarity pouted. “I was going to ask if Twilight could assist me with some decorating. It will help her to develop both perception and patience.”

Cadence rolled her eyes. “At her current size, she’ll probably demolish your work rather than help, unless…” She frowned, turning her attention to Twilight's puppy eyes. “Fine, I will shrink you…” She sighed. “Again.”

Twilight barely restrained herself from jumping to the ceiling. With her horn lit, muscles tense and mind focused, she stood in front of Cadence, taking a determined stance. “I’m ready.”

The alicorn didn’t share her friend’s enthusiasm as she called upon her magic. Sweat beaded on Cadence’s forehead as she grit her teeth, already feeling the drain on her magical reserves.

With the alicorn unaware of her secret plan, Twilight smirked before gritting her teeth. Despite her shrinking body, the aura around her horn kept growing as she pushed her very limits into fueling the spell. She looked at the model of Town Hall from the corner of her eye as it grew, no longer small enough to crush under hoof. Her body had already shrunk to her usual size and only kept going. Twilight's legs trembled and she yelped in pain, her head ready to explode. Come on… I can do better than that, she thought as she already reached a fourth of her normal mass. Come on!

“Darling, I think it is quite enough,” Rarity interrupted, somewhat alarmed by her friend's newest size.

The alicorn opened her eyes and ceased the shrinking spell, and Twilight collapsed.

Cadence looked down at her work, and her eyes widened at what she saw. “What have you done?” she asked in a panic as she carefully approached and lowered herself to the floor level. She gently poked the tiny mare with the tip of her hoof and asked, “Are you okay?”

Twilight whimpered as she massaged her forehead. After a few seconds, she looked up at the towering alicorn and smiled. “Yes! It worked!”

“You planned this?” Cadence carefully lifted Twilight closer to her face with her levitation and whispered, “You shrunk yourself to this size on purpose, admit it.”

Twilight took a deep breath and shouted, “Pretty much! The princess shrank me to a hundredth of my mass by using my first power surge as a fuel. Now it seems I’ve reached a fifth of even that.”

Cadence frowned and hummed in disapproval. Twilight flinched, bringing her legs closer to herself before pointing at the miniature Town Hall with a shaky hoof. “At this size, I can decorate Rarity’s model with great precision without the risk of damaging it.”

Rarity, who was also kneeling, moved her hoof towards the little mare, measuring her height. “I must agree with Twilight. This size is quite perfect. She could even live in my town as a citizen."

After being gently placed on Rarity’s hoof, Twilight brought her front hooves around her mouth and shouted, “Let's start decorating, shall we?”

Rarity turned her head to the side and whispered hesitantly, “Darling, could we wait a moment before we start? I wanted to work on Spike’s and Applejack’s armor first. I didn’t expect you would want to start right away.”

“It’s quite alright. I’ll just decorate it myself for now. You both can work on armors together. It will be a great bonding experience for you both!” Twilight responded as she pointed at both humongous mares, feeling like the tiny filly she was when the princess shrunk her for the first time.

“I’m not sure…” Rarity said before Twilight jumped onto her nose and gave her a withering puppy dog stare. The fashionista sighed and nodded. “Alright.”

After a few minutes of listening to Rarity’s instructions about how she should decorate and Cadence casting scanning spells left and right, Twilight jumped onto the roof of the tiny Town Hall. She waved at the leaving ponies as she drew on her magic. With her attention focused on various decorations in the large boxes left by Rarity, she levitated over a brush and some paint, unaware of pair of eyes looking at her from the darkness.

“Oh yeah Spike. Looking good. Looking really good,” Spike said to himself as he stood in front of a mirror, looking at his new battle armor that Rarity made just for him. Spike started to pose, showing off muscles covered under shining gems. A cape covered his back, both stylish and short enough not get in the way, ending just before it reached his tail.

Cadence stared at the armor with unrestrained wonder. “Wow, Rarity. You are really talented. I cannot believe you managed to make such wonderful armor in just a single day.”

Rarity smiled and spoke with pride in her voice, “It certainly wasn’t easy, your High… darling, but Spike was very cooperative, and I’m experienced with making dresses on short notice.”

“Thank you ladies, thank you for the compliment,” Spike said with a slight blush. “Where’s Twilight by the way? I want to show her my newest outfit.”

“She is in the basement, decorating my models,” Rarity said as she pointed the way. “Just please, be very careful not to ruin anything.”

“Do not worry, milady, for I, Knight Spike the Great, swear on my honor that I will not damage your work of art,” he said with deep bow. With the baby dragon going towards the basement, Rarity looked at Cadence, who just swayed back and forth, eyes staring at the floor and her ears and wings drooping. She could clearly see exhaustion in the alicorn’s tired eyes. “You do not look very well, darling.”

Cadence massaged her forehead and then looked at the fashionista. “I… I’m fine… just a little tired, that’s all.”

Rarity quickly levitated over a cup of tea towards the alicorn and asked, “Tired? You look exhausted if you ask me. What happened?”

Cadence took a few slow breaths and added wearily, “It’s not important. Please, don’t ask.”

Rarity stomped. “I believe there are far too many secrets we keep from each other lately, I cannot ignore when a friend of my friend is not feeling healthy.” The fashionista looked to the side and added, “Maybe Twilight will know something…”

“Don’t tell her!”

Rarity hopped back in surprise. “Why not? Have you been hiding it from her?” Cadence bit her upper lip and looked to the side, and Rarity asked, “Do you not trust her?”

“I trust her, Rarity, but… she’s making admirable progress. I don’t want to extinguish her passion. If I tell her the truth… she’ll worry about me…”

Rarity brought a foreleg around Cadence’s shoulder. “Darling, please. I understand generously sharing your time and magic to help your friend, but when health is involved, you should start thinking more about yourself.”

Cadence put on mask of confidence and responded firmly, “There is really nothing to worry about. I’m an alicorn. I will manage.”

“I am not so sure… but I doubt I can convince you otherwise,” Rarity said with a sad smile as she brought back her hoof. “Just try not to push yourself too hard for Twilight. Sooner or later, you should tell her.”

Twilight admired Spike in his flashy armor as he posed next to a statue of Celestia in front of the miniature Town Hall. Wow, Spike. You never seemed big compared to other ponies, but because of my new size and your armor, you look like a grown-up dragon. She looked at Spike’s large armored feet and gulped. I wonder if it would knock me out if he stepped on me now like with that large dragon.

There was a soft sound nearby, and Twilight’s attention shifted towards an approaching cat. Wasting no time, the little unicorn jumped onto edge of the roof of a building. The cat approached as if ready to jump, legs bent and tail waving energetically.

“So you’re Opal, the cat Rarity told me about?” Twilight asked as the cat in front of her simply stared back, her eyes intent and unflinching. “I'll take that as a yes.”

Opal rose up out of her pouncing stance and looked at Twilight with interest. She stretched herself closer to the tiny unicorn and started to sniff her.

Twilight giggled, feeling the cat's nose tickle her belly. She pushed Opal’s nose away with her tiny forelegs. “Wow, you’re cute! Would you like if I scratched your back or rubbed your belly? I can even give you a massage,” Twilight offered, while the cat in front of her frowned and licked her face with her scratchy tongue. The little mare was about to jump onto Opal’s back, but one look at cat licking her own lips and the big predatory eyes staring at her as if she was a snack stopped her.

Twilight jumped backward, barely avoiding Opal’s sharp claws as the giant cat landed heavily against the roof, spilling some of the paint over her. The little unicorn glanced at the large hole in the building and winced. “So much for my improvements…” she murmured to herself.

Opal let out a loud aggressive ‘meow’ and jumped at Twilight, who ran up the roof, the thin material she walked on barely supporting the spoiled cat’s weight as it chased her across the model.

“While I wouldn’t mind a game of tag, Opal, this isn’t really the best place.”

Spike puffed up his chest, imitating a brave storybook knight. “Fear not, Milady! Spike will save you from the claws of this savage beast.”

With Twilight running in circles on the roof and the cat right behind her, Spike waited for the right moment and grabbed Opal. “Calm down you crazy cat! You’re destroying Rarity’s property! Also, Twilight’s not a mouse.

Opal hissed at Spike as she wriggled in his hold, causing him to lose balance and trip into Town Hall, throwing the building’s parts and tiny balcony all over the area.

Now angered and covered in fresh paint, Spike stood up and shot Opal a furious glare. “Oh, you want to play like that? Fine, have at you!”

“Spike, no!” Twilight shouted as she jumped to the ground. The enraged cat jumped onto Spike’s head, slashing it with her claws. “No, no, no, no, no!” Twilight chanted before ducking down and covering her head with her hooves as Spike crashed into another building, squashing half of it flat. She peeked out from behind her tiny foreleg at a scene that looked as if it became some sort of monster fight and whimpered. “Ohhh… Rarity is going to kill us.”

Cadence nodded in approval as she ran her gaze over the half-made armor on the ponnequin. There was a peytral much like Celestia’s, but made of enhanced steel. A comfortable saddle sat on it, with a few straps to hold a rider. The side and back were made of several enhanced gems, tied together with a hard, but flexible, web of unknown materials. Finally, the headgear had two horns, tipped with sharp diamonds. An image of the farm pony charging at her enemies like a bull with those horns at their flanks flashed through her mind.

“I’m still unsure about the colour I should use,” Rarity stated as she levitated over several buckets of paint. “I can always use green and red gems and paint, maybe add some apples over the armor according to Applejack’s personal tastes, although a mix of black, deep blue and violet would look so fashionable, so stylish and terrifying at the same time. It’d be just like Luna. She certainly looks like a born knightmare.”

Rarity stomped her hoof and huffed. “Now all I need is to forcefully drag… I mean... convince Applejack to come here and take a few sewing lessons while I take her measurements for final modifications.”

Cadence rolled her eyes. “I can understand that you’re really skilled in tailoring, but your armor is made of metal, including expensive titanium. This seems like more of a job for a blacksmith than a tailor.”

Rarity waved her hoof dismissively. “Trust me dear, I have some connections. I swore to make the best of the best for Applejack and Spike, and I will not go back on my word.”

Cadence nodded before pointing out several small holes in the plates between the legs and back of the armor. “What about these holes here?”

“Oh, those are sockets for magic-resistant material. Metal cannot protect too well against electricity and ice, so I was about to… dear, what are you doing?” Rarity asked with curiosity as Cadence took out several small stones from a trash basket and crushed them into dust with her hooves.

The silence reigned for half a minute as Cadence’s forelegs started to glow. Rarity’s eyes widened and her mouth hung open as the dust began coalescing into some sort of crystal. She stared blankly as Cadence wiped sweat from her forehead and hoofed the finished product over to her.

“H-h-how?” Rarity asked, dumbfounded, as she closely examined the crystals in her hooves. “These were just rocks before!”

Cadence lit her horn that was hidden under her earth pony disguise and sent pink waves of magic into the crystals. “Here you go. Heat-resistant enchanted crystals. They can withstand extremely high and low temperature as well as resist basic spells. I can also make you crystals that can absorb a limited amount of electricity,” Cadence explained before giving Rarity a cheerful smile. “They have limits, of course, but it will require a lot of magical power to break them. I can help with enchanting the rest of the armor as well if you want.”

Rarity simply stared at her with an open mouth, and Cadence rolled her eyes. “No, I won’t tell you how I did it. It’s a personal secret.”

Rarity pouted, though the muffled sound of something cracking and splintering split the silence.

Cadence furrowed her brow. “Did you hear that?”

“I did. I think it’s…” Rarity paled, bringing a hoof to her mouth. “I think it’s coming from the basement.”

Both mares raced into the basement, and Rarity’s mouth nearly hit the floor at what she saw. Town Hall was completely ruined, several buildings and fake trees had been crushed, and the marketplace with all of its tiny stalls were now but dust. Worst of all, her tiny boutique was covered in claw marks.

“Y-years… of work… r-ruined…” Rarity’s eye twitched. She looked around for the little culprit, quickly noticing Opal lying upside down, sprawled against a wall. Spike, his armor stained by paint and covered in various tiny decorations, hid behind Sugarcube Corner.

The tiny unicorn appeared in flash of magic on her nose. “Rarity, I’m really sorry! I can explain!”

The fashionista felt anger boiling up in her like a volcano, desperate to find some outlet for her outrage, but she bit it down with no small frustration. She had been hiding Opal in the basement whenever Twilight visited to avoid a game of cat and mouse, and now it was coming back to bite her in the flank.

She levitated Twilight onto the floor as gently as she could as her sofa slid in smoothly behind her. With a hoof on her forehead and a sudden gasp, she shouted, “Of all the things that could happen, this. Is. The. Worst. Possible. Thing!”

With a dramatic faint, she landed on the sofa and fell unconscious.

Twilight danced restlessly in place. “What have I done? What have I done!? I just had to be the tiniest I could get, I just had to provoke Rarity’s cat with my appetizing appearance, and now everything is ruined.” In desperation, she turned to Cadence. “What should we…”

The tiny unicorn paused as Cadence walked slowly over to the Town Hall and carefully lowered her head, calling upon her magic. The little fragments and debris left behind slowly began to glow a soft blue, floating upwards off the ground before reassembling themselves into their original locations.

While Twilight wasn’t new to repairing spells, from her current perspective, she felt as a mere mortal before a goddess who was restoring everything to its former glory not in hours, but in mere seconds.

“Wowww,” she murmured as the seams and cracks slowly faded away, leaving the buildings perfectly intact. Twilight jumped onto the roof of Town Hall, then with her highest jump she reached Cadence’s muzzle. “That was amazing! When I tried to repair Ponyville, I couldn’t fix anything that had been completely destroyed, but you fixed everything to the tiniest detail! You’re amazing!”

“I’m really not,” Cadence whispered, careful not to throw Twilight off of her muzzle as the little mare anchored herself onto it. “I just used an advanced version of a conservation spell I learned and improved when I worked for a construction company.” She raised her hoof and gestured with her eyes for Twilight to jump onto it.

Though Twilight seemed a little hesitant to jump onto her hoof, she eventually made the leap, and Cadence started speaking again. “Once I cast this spell on an object, I can fully restore it with a repair spell in a much shorter time. It was often used during the construction process in case something went wrong.”

Twilight furrowed her brow for just a second before she let out a small gasp. “Those scanning spells you casted earlier… they were conservation spells?”

Cadence nodded with a cheerful smile and whispered, “The two spells look very similar during the casting process, though this particular spell has a time limit. To make it permanent, I would need very expensive magical runes and gemstones.”

“Sorry for interrupting,” Spike said as he pointed towards Rarity. “But shouldn’t we wake her up and tell that her models aren’t destroyed?”

Cadence opened her mouth to reply, but Twilight quickly blurted out,“Wait!” The little mare pointed at the humongous alicorn. “You can restore any amount of damage in mere seconds and you’re great with illusions. Knowing Rarity, it will take at least an hour before she’ll wake up. We have a dragon, a repairing spell, illusions, and a perfect model of Ponyville. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to roleplay a monster attack.”

Spike gestured at the unconscious unicorn incredulously. “But what about Rarity? She’s still thinking that her masterpiece is in rubble… or at least part of it.”

Twilight waved her forehoof dismissively. “Simple. We’ll just tell her she had a bad dream.”

Cadence rolled her eyes before chuckling. I must admit, the set-up is just perfect for such a simulation. Just add a few illusions of ponies running around in panic, maybe even improvise a catapult or two… She looked at the excited Twilight with a smile. And besides, who knows when a giant monster will invade Ponyville. The practice might even pay off one day.

She gave Spike a curious look. Now that I think about it. Twilight turned Spike into a giant during her first power surge. I hope this simulation won’t end up turning into reality one day.

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