• Published 12th Mar 2016
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Ponyville's Tiny Librarian - CommanderX5

Twilight has been a tiny, hard-working student for many years, willingly deciding to stay bite size after discovering a love for the adventures and challenges that came with it. Now it is time to start a new chapter of her life in Ponyville.

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Ch8 - Luna's Fun - Part 5

Ponyville’s Tiny Librarian


Chapter 8

Luna's Fun
Part 5

“Is this really for me?” Twilight beamed as she stared with wide eyes at the gleaming rapier levitating in front of her, the warmth of the airship melting down her weariness. “Thank you, Fleur!”

She jumped towards the handle of the sword, gripping onto it with her front hooves as she waited for the magic holding it to disappear. Twilight landed on her rear hooves, teetering back and forth as she struggled to hold the long weapon steady.

“It is a five-hundred-year-old enchanted rapier and a family heirloom that has passed through many generations. However, I am more than sure that our ancestors would not mind if a worthy pony such as yourself wields it,” Fleur said gently as she lowered herself to the floor. “Your small size, trained agility, and powerful magic play to the strengths of this weapon perfectly.”

“Perfectly?” Twilight asked as she tried to swing the giant sword with her forelegs, only to lose her balance and fall over, the sword falling from her grip.

Fleur chuckled, and used her magic to help Twilight get the rapier upright again. “Swords, maces, and axes rely on strength, halberds and spears keep enemies at distance, and bows and crossbows are used to hit enemies from afar,” she said, before levitating out her own rapier, wielding it as if it were nothing more than a conductor’s baton. “The rapier relies on precision, the ability to strike around the enemy’s defenses at their weak points, something I’m sure a small mare like yourself always keeps in mind when facing larger and stronger opponents.”

Twilight nodded, bringing up the weapon before her with her magic and giving a few experimental stabs in the air.

Fleur gave her a cheerful smile. “When we have more time, I will be happy to give you lessons.”

Twilight bowed as she set the rapier down to her side. “Thank you so much, Miss Fleur, but…” she said, before lifting her head to look at the white mare. “I know I’m a friend of your family, but why do you think I’m worthy of such a treasure?”

Fleur giggled. “If you are worried about its worth to me, It is not even the most prominent rapier in our possession. My favourite is a rapier from eight-hundred-years ago, a true masterpiece of its time, so you don’t need to worry about taking more than you’re owed, and trust me, Twilight, you deserve this gift,” she said, before bringing up her saddlebags from behind her. “And I have a few more things for you too.”

Twilight’s eyes widened. “There’s more?”

Fleur nodded. “Of course dear. While Fancy Pants has already sent a shipment with gifts to your new home in Ponyville. I asked for a few favors, and here we go,” Fleur said energetically as she levitated out three tiny sets of miniature clothing. “A fencing uniform, a customized outfit for ballet, and a dress for your first date.”

“D-date?” Twilight stammered, blushing. “But…”

“Twilight, just because you are small doesn’t mean that you cannot have a very special somepony. I’m sure you will look wonderful trying to impress the stallion of your heart.”

Fleur felt somepony poke her foreleg, and she turned to see White Path looking up at her expectantly.

Twilight teleported onto Fleur’s head and started down at him as well.

“C-could I get some clothing like this? Please?”

Fleur and Twilight blinked in confusion before his mother asked, “Whatever for, son?”

White Path twiddled his hooves, blushing. “In case I need something of my own when I ask Twilight out.”

“What?” Fleur and Twilight exclaimed. By now, most of the ponies on the airship had turned their attention to them. Overwatch had burst out laughing, and more than a few were hiding grins beneath their hooves.

“W-when can we get this colt into the guard?” Overwatch tittered. “He’d be braver than all of the other recruits at this rate.”

“Share with us too,” Spitfire said, grinning. “We still have newbies wetting their suits at the mere mention of the Dizzitron. He’d be a way better role model than Soarin’.”

Soarin’ gasped dramatically. “Spitfire, are you offering him my job? Surely, the wings are a plus for me, right?”

“Your job’s fine, don’t worry about it,” the Wonderbolts Captain replied. “We’ll start him off just passing out refreshments. That way, we can make jokes about how the water colt could fly better than the recruits.”

“Ooh ooh wait,” the guard mare replied, clapping her hooves together excitedly. “Has Luna got her Night Guard up yet? We could totally get him in. It wouldn’t even be hard.” The two mares broke down into snickers.

“I... I don’t mind the size difference at all,” White Path pleaded, attempting to bring out the puppy eyes. Fleur could only stare back in shock, and Twilight had already hidden herself in the white unicorn’s mane. “Just a little something to wear on a date. Please?”

A moment passed, and Fleur finally breathed out a heavy sigh. “Fancy Pants is such a terrible influence on you, my child.”

Twilight excused herself shortly after and moved to the windowsill, her mind abuzz with the awkwardness she had just experienced. Canterlot slowly rose on the horizon, and the sun was making its way down.

“Hey, Twilight,” Spitfire called.

The little unicorn turned away from the view, finding the captain with Luna by her side, who was back to her normal size. The tiny unicorn smiled. It was comforting to see the princess large again, better able to exercise her might.

“Spitfire, Princess Luna,” Twilight greeted. “Are you here to enjoy the wonderful view as well?”

Spitfire snorted, grinning. “You call this a view? You need to ride with pegasi more often. Maybe you can ask one of your feathered friends to show you a real view,” she said, before spreading one of her wings. Two golden tickets fell from between her outstretched feathers, and she caught them with her hoof and presented them to Twilight.

The little unicorn grabbed the tickets and gave Spitfire a curious look. “What’re these? Tickets for a Wonderbolts show?”

Spitfire laughed. “Look a little closer,” she said. “Soarin' and I decided to give you a little farewell gift for your new life in Ponyville, something to remember us by.”

Twilight took a closer look at the tickets she held before gasping. “Are these really...?”

“Yup!” Spitfire said proudly. “Two lifetime passes to all Wonderbolts shows, a special VIP seat—”

The little unicorn jumped from the windowsill right onto the pegasus’s neck with a wide hug. “Thank you, Spitfire! And give my thanks to Soarin’ as well. This present is amazing!”

“No sweat,” Spitfire said with a smirk. “One ticket for you and one for a friend. I think you mentioned somepony named ‘Rainbow Dash’ who would definitely enjoy that gift.”

Twilight nuzzled Spitfire and tightened her grip even harder. “I’m sure that she’ll love it, I can’t wait to see her face. I wonder… should I gift wrap it? Or maybe I can let her find it by accident? Oh, the possibilities!”

Luna chimed in with a smile at Spitfire. “Miss Twilight and her brave friends played an important role in saving us from our madness. Seeing their joy brings us happiness as well,” she said before turning her attention fully to the tiny mare. “Twilight Sparkle, may we ask something of thee?”

The little unicorn pushed herself from Spitfire’s neck onto the alicorn's raised cladded hoof and bowed low. “Of course, Princess Luna! I’m your loyal subject. Your wish is my command.”

“Wouldst thou visit our bedchamber and stargaze with us? We would be most honored—”

In a flash, Twilight stood on Luna’s muzzle with a smile on her face, a hair away from dancing a little jig. “Yesyesyes yes, I’d love to!”

Later that night, Luna trotted cheerfully into her not-yet-finished home with Twilight galloping right next to her.

“Thank you for letting me visit your bedchamber, Princess. I’m honored!”

“Hush, Twilight. Thy modest and humble nature doesn’t suit thy stature as our sister’s student and our savior.” Luna hopped up onto her bed. “Make thyself at home. It’s not yet finished, but—”

“It’s amazing!” Twilight exclaimed as she ran from wall to wall before jumping onto the bed as she admired the decorations. "Wow! Your walls are painted with all the constellations! There's Ursa Major, Sagittarius, Gemini… maybe I could do something similar with the library?"

Luna blushed. “Why, thank you. We instructed our subjects on the details of the constellations ourselves. We had a very enlightened discussion with the astronomers of this age,” she said, before clearing her throat. “I’m quite pleased at the love and devotion the night sky has inspired.”

Twilight smiled and next took a seat on Luna’s back. “You’d be amused at the arguments they get into sometimes over the constellations,” she said as she turned to the balcony. “It’s about time for the moon to rise and I’d love to watch if… I’m sorry, Princess, I wouldn’t ask you to do it on your own if you haven’t fully recovered yet.”

Luna rose from her bed and trotted towards the balcony with her little friend in tow. “We may not have regained our former strength just yet, but we wish to attempt to raise the moon on our own.” She gestured with a hoof, and Twilight jumped from her back to the nearby telescope.

Luna gave one final smile before she spread her wings. With a flap, she rose gracefully, her forelegs spread in a welcoming embrace. She closed her eyes and lit her horn, the determination to prove herself in front of Twilight driving her forward.

Twilight could see the princess struggling to raise the moon. Even from her spot on the telescope, she noticed the princess’s posture tense up, as if straining against a large weight. The little mare was about to speak up to convince the night princess to ask her sister for help when she finally noticed the first star shine. Like a boulder rolling down a hill, the blooming of the stars gained momentum, spanning the sky in a brilliant light show, each star sparkling as if trying to get her attention. After a few more seconds of admiring the view, the full moon rose from behind the horizon into the night sky, its light filling her up with energy.

Twilight applauded as Luna landed gracefully, her hooves landing with a soft clop and her brow damp with sweat. “That was amazing, Princess! I’ve seen my mentor raise the sun and the moon so many times for years, but it’s the first time I’ve seen the stars shine so brightly, and the moon’s light is stronger than ever!” she said, clapping her tiny hooves excitedly.

“We are glad thou didst enjoy our first solo performance. What wouldst thou like to do now?” Luna asked.

Twilight responded by sliding down the telescope until she reached the eyepiece. With a widening smile, she shouted, “Stargaze, of course!”

Hours of watching the stars passed with the help of the telescope. Twilight and Luna talked about the wonders of the sky, in which the princess corrected her on a few small mistakes Twilight made during her studies in astronomy. It took a while, but eventually, the little mare began to shoot looks back at the bedchamber.

“Art thou tired?” Luna asked.

Twilight shook her head. “Not at all, your moon keeps me awake and refreshed. However, I promised Spike and my guards to end my restless nights.”

There was a pout for a fraction of a second on Luna’s face, and Twilight grinned up at her. “Buuuut, I would gladly continue our stargazing tomorrow night, if that’s okay with you, Princess?”

Luna nodded and returned the smile. “But of course.” She turned to enter her bedchamber, Twilight jogging at her hooves. “Wouldst thou honor us by sleeping with us tonight? Our bed can easily accommodate a pony of thy size.”

Twilight’s eyes widened as she looked up at the alicorn. “Are you sure it’s alright, Princess? I mean, I’ve always slept with my mentor, but that’s because she wanted to keep me close and safe.”

“Think nothing of it, Twilight,” Luna replied earnestly. “Our bedchamber is yours.”

Twilight beamed, and she hopped up onto the bed and tackled one of the larger pillows on it. “In that case, I’m taking this pillow!” The little unicorn jumped onto it, trotting in a few small circles as she looked for the best spot before curling herself up into a ball.

Luna giggled at the display. “Must thou always act so adorably?”

Twilight looked at the princess in confusion, blinking. “Well, I uhh… I’ve always done this since I became your sister’s student. She’s often told me that I sleep adorably too, so I guess it’s a good thing, right?”

Luna nodded. “Absolutely,” she said before she climbed up onto the bed with enough distance as to not squash her friend by accident, and the two entered the world of dreams peacefully.

Author's Note:

Hello all loyal readers of the Twinyverse. I hope you're all enjoying the returning series.

While chapter 8 is over (it is the end for Luna's Fun), it doesn't mean that interactions between Twilight and Luna are over just yet. Things are going to get way more serious on the chapter 9.

Also, while you all are waiting for the next chapter, I would like to ask to give another story of mine a chance (who knows, maybe you'll like it and it will help you pass time until this story will update again).

Link - Little Lost Raichu

Raichu is my favorite pokemon, and it has been a long time since I wanted to involve Raichu OC into a MLP fanfic, and I finally did it. Sadly, as a crossover this story doesn't get much of attention, that's why I would be grateful for at least giving it a glance.

In short, Raichu end up in Equestria in the Everfree Forest and have no memories of her past (and no, it's not human turned pokemon, it is a 100% legitimate Raichu). This story is a slice of life, so it will involve a lot of interactions with ponies, a lot of cuteness and character development. The fact that this Raichu doesn't remember how to use her attacks and control her powers certainly puts her at a disadvantage in a world filled with magical and powerful creatures like ponies. Even if you're not a pokemon fan, it's still worth a try, so please, give it a chance, and thanks in advance.


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