• Published 12th Mar 2016
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Ponyville's Tiny Librarian - CommanderX5

Twilight has been a tiny, hard-working student for many years, willingly deciding to stay bite size after discovering a love for the adventures and challenges that came with it. Now it is time to start a new chapter of her life in Ponyville.

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Ch8 - Luna’s Fun - part 3

Ponyville’s Tiny Librarian


Chapter 8

Luna’s Fun
part 3

Minutes passed as everypony climbed up with Twilight up ahead. The little mare closed her eyes as a strong blizzard struck her. She wiped the snow from her face while holding the mountain’s surface with three of her hooves, only to notice a big pointy stone emerging from the surface. Wasting no time, she climbed up and sat on it, now taking a breath and recovering from her little exercise.

“Wouldst thou mind if We joined thee?” Luna asked, her voice insistent but not demanding.

Twilight moved to the edge of the outcropping and looked down in search for the giant princess, yet failing to find her.

“We are right here, Twilight Sparkle,” Luna said again, startling the little unicorn who jumped forward, only for her hind-leg to be grabbed by Luna’s tiny hooves, preventing her from falling. Slowly, Twilight backed onto the stone and turned around, now facing Luna’s no-longer-giant face. “We are sorry for startling thee. Wilt thou accept our apologies?”

Twilight’s shocked expression vanished as quickly as it appeared before she rolled her eyes and remarked, “Is every pony shrinking themselves these days? So much for me being special.”

Luna laughed. “Not everypony; just alicorns,” she stated before giving her friend a proud glance. “Thou truly art an inspiration, Twilight. Thou shouldst think of it as a tribute to thy dedication.”

Twilight smiled. “Why, thank you, Princess,” she said, bowing deeply, “I am truly honoured.”

Luna waved her hoof dismissively. “Think nothing of it, though I hope that thou will not give up on climbing just yet.”

Twilight shook her head. “Are you kidding? I’m just taking a short break. Trust me, I’m not going to give up easily,” she stated before once again wiping snow from her face, being small made tiny snowflakes so much bigger.

“Twilight!” Something echoed as Twilight blinked a few times in search of the source of the voice, Luna doing the same. “Twilight!”

“Spike?” Twilight said in bewilderment as she once again went to the edge of the platform and looked down, only to see young drake waving his hand towards her from a distance, but what shocked her more was the pony Spike was sitting on. “White Path?”

“Is something the matter?” Luna asked as she walked to the edge and looked down as well. She couldn’t suppress a smile. “It seems that thine number one fan and number one assistant are very dedicated.”

Twilight sighed before taking a few steps backward, leaving some space for White Path’s hoof to grab the stone she was sitting on. Wasting no time, she pulled it with all her strength, doing her best to help her friend.

White Path sat next to her with Spike still on his back, hardly managing to fit on the limited space of the stone platform while both Twilight and Luna stood on their hind-legs and looked up at him curiously.

“Hello White Path, Spike. Why are you in such a hurry?” Twilight asked while Spike rolled his eyes.

“Come on, Twilight, you always go on your adventures alone, I don’t want to be left behind,” Spike remarked.

"Adventuring with a super pony and a princess is the best thing I can hope for,” White Path said before wiping the sweat from his face and looking down at Luna suspiciously, his eyes half-closed, hoof rubbing his chin and the tip of his nose touching Luna's muzzle.

“Is something wrong, child? Why dost thou look at us like that?”

White Path smiled and shook his head. “Nothing at all. It’s just I think it’s awesome you and Twilight are friends, especially after your unpleasant encounter with each other.”

“Unpleasant encounter?” Luna said. “Please, do explain."

“Just think about it. You were an evil villain who followed the dark path of mischief and evil,” White Path started as he poked Luna’s chest with tip of his hoof, attracting her full attention.

Twilight glanced between him and the princess, the mere look at the night-blue alicorn reminding her about Nightmare Moon. “But she wasn’t evil…” she whispered and hung her head low, the sad memories of how she ended up killing the pony she tried to save started overtaking her.

White Path ignored Twilight’s remark and continued, “Then the hero came and faced you, defeated you in an epic battle and showed you… the bad pony, the wrongs of her ways.” He raised his head proudly and spread his forelegs cheerfully, Spike grabbing his neck so as not to fall. “And soon the villain saw the light and became the hero’s best friend and together they fought the crime of the world.”

“But White Path–” Twilight started but was cut off by the princess’ hoof.

“Hush, Twilight.” Luna whispered before smiling at White Path, pressing her hoof against her chest. “We must say, We deeply regret the road We walked, and We are really grateful to Twilight and her friends for showing us the light.”

White Path was about to say something, but his ears straightened up upon the familiar voice.

“White Path, come back here this instant, it’s too dangerous for you!” Fleur shouted.

“Twilight, Princess Luna, hang in there, we’re coming!” Steel Blade added.

“Great, so much for our adventure,” Spike remarked with his arms crossed and narrowed his eyes.

White Path looked around, only to see a far bigger platform and an entrance into a cave. “It’s not over yet,” he said with a smirk as he lit his horn and caught Twilight and the tiny princess in his magic. He then started to climb up the mountainside until he reached the second platform, unnoticed by the chasing ponies thanks to the strong blizzard.

“What art thou doing, child? Hast thy mother not taught thee that it is impolite to levitate a Princess against her will?” Luna shrieked.

“Where are you taking us?” Twilight asked, not bothering to teleport or resist her younger friend’s magic.

“You’ll see,” White Path said as he reached the largest stone platform before running into a cave. He placed both the princess and tiny unicorn on the ground and peeked out.

Spike jumped from his back and looked down, his attention now on his minuscule caretaker. “Can you hide the entrance with an illusion or something?”

“I suppose I could…” Twilight said, tapping her chin while thinking over to a few lessons Cadence taught her.

“Than do it, please, please, pleaseee…” Spike pleaded.

Twilight lit her horn and bit her lip as a fake stonewall started forming at the entrance. She gritted her teeth as she struggled to maintain the illusion; the fact that the entrance was four meters high and three meters wide proved to be very tiring for her miniscule body.

Luna blinked a few times in confusion, but the moment she heard voices calling for them as Fleur and Twilight’s guards passed the cave, she smirked. “So thou hast hidden us from our pursuers.”

White Path nodded. “Yeah. Having mom and guards tagging along kind of destroys the experience of a good adventure, so how about we explore this cave instead?” he asked, only to see his little friend looking up at him with a pout.

“Awww, so no more climbing?” Twilight asked, no longer maintaining the illusion.

“Come on, Twilight, we can always climb up later. For now let’s explore instead,” Spike offered as Luna sat next to his leg.

“We must agree. Who knows what wonders we might find in this cave?” Luna laughed lightly. “Maybe we will encounter a pile of treasures guarded by a large monster. We art looking forward to finding out,” Luna said cheerfully as she and the group of brave explorers started to walk deeper into the dark cavern. Illumination coming from White Path’s horn and two tiny horns lit up the area, as ice and crystals inside the cave reflected it in a multicolored light show.

Spitfire gritted her teeth as she saved Fancy Pants, who had slipped when his hoof made contact with a frozen part of the stone, until the stallion recovered and grabbed the surface of the mountain. “My deepest thanks, Miss Spitfire,” he said as he ignored the sweat falling from his face, his elegant outfit covered in snow.

“Good job, you almost pulled Spitfire out of this race,” Soarin' mocked as Fancy Pants blushed from embarrassment, while Spitfire frowned.

“At least he’s trying to keep up with me, not like that dead weight of yours,” Spitfire mocked in return as she smirked and looked at Soarin', pity in her voice. “You know what, I feel sorry for you, forced to carry Blueblood’s sorry big flank around.”

“Hey!” Blueblood frowned. “For your information, my flank was judged as tenth best in mares’ opinion.”

Soarin' and Spitfire started to smirk, hardly resisting the urge to laugh, while Fancy Pants added, “Oh, I remember, tenth best.” Fancy Pants smirked devilishly. “But number one for the biggest.”

At this remark, Blueblood’s head turned beet red as Soarin' and Spitfire laughed deeply to his displeasure. Now feeling regret for eating snacks rather than exercising as Cadence suggested.

“Graaaarrrrrrr!!!” A powerful roar echoed through the cave as White Path, Luna and Twilight galloped towards the exit, Spike sitting on White Path’s back, his hands around his neck.

“Maybe we can encounter a pile of treasures guarded a large monster, you said.” Spike said sarcastically. “Good job Luna, you just had to jinx it.”

“‘Tis not our fault,” Luna said between breaths as she galloped. “We were merely joking; how would We know that such a magical and rare creature like a Yeti would make its home in this very cave?”

“Luna, you know that you can actually fly away, so why are you running?” Twilight asked curiously as she herself was galloping at the speed of her friends.

The alicorn raised her muzzle proudly. “We are not a princess who will abandon her subjects in times of trouble. Besides, even if We would fly, We would fail to carry you, the baby dragon and the unicorn colt…”

“Spike and White Path,” Twilight corrected as Luna coughed.

“As We were saying, We aren’t strong enough to fly with them on our tiny back, while flying and levitating everyone at the same time would prove far too dangerous considering how high we are right now,” Luna stated before giving White Path a curious glance. “Though We must say, thou art quite fast and strong for a unicorn, catching up with us in climbing and running.”

White Path said proudly, “I wanted to impress my heroine so I often exercised after the school and even joined a hoofball club.” He looked behind, only to see the rampaging giant covered by white fur running on two legs right behind him. “I never thought I would use it to escape from a Yeti. Oh, this is so cool, no pony in school will believe me when I tell them that.”

Colt’s enthusiasm didn’t last long as he ran out of the cave, only to reach the edge of the stone platform where a kilometer long fall awaited him. Spike, wasting no time, jumped off colt’s back and asked in panic, his hands on his cheeks, “What do we do? What do we do?” He glanced at his tiny companions and added, “We’re doomed!”

Twilight and Luna took up defensive positions as they stood between their big friends and a humongous monster, who was slowly advancing towards them, feeling the stone tremble under their hooves with his every step. “Luna, what should we do? We cannot leave White Path and Spike at the mercy of that monster,” Twilight asked in a panic as she pointed the Yeti who was even bigger than a Manticore.

“We shall do the right thing and protect the children,” Luna spread her tiny wings and gave a battle cry. “Let’s fight, Twilight Sparkle, and not let this beast harm those dear to us!” Luna flew into the air as she lit her horn, Twilight charged her horn as well.

Author's Note:

I apologize for the long delay. Hopefully uploading will be a bit faster from now on, but no promises.

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