• Published 12th Mar 2016
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Ponyville's Tiny Librarian - CommanderX5

Twilight has been a tiny, hard-working student for many years, willingly deciding to stay bite size after discovering a love for the adventures and challenges that came with it. Now it is time to start a new chapter of her life in Ponyville.

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Ch8 - Luna’s Fun - Part 2

Ponyville’s Tiny Librarian


Chapter 8

Luna’s Fun
part 2

“Hey, Shiny!” Twilight yelled as loud as she could from behind Luna’s neck, but failed to get her brother’s attention as he was too focused upon the tiny pink alicorn who trotted through the walls of snow.

“Please, allow us,” Luna said firmly while holding a hoof on her chest as she took a deep breath.

Twilight's eyes widened as she suddenly realized what was coming, and she immediately put her hooves on her ears while raising a soundproof barrier.

“Thou shalt move thine flank here this instant, Captain Armor!” Luna thundered in the Royal Canterlot Voice.

Shining Armor shook his head and stood back up to his trembling legs. “Y-you called, Your Majesty?” He approached the princess and saluted. The rest of the group -blasted backwards into the snow by Luna’s voice- was now busy wiping snow from their fur and coats.

The alicorn nodded. “Thy sister wished to ask thee a question,” she said firmly while pointing at a purple barrier on her back, which slowly vanished.

Without wasting a moment, Twilight jumped onto Luna’s head and looked him in the eyes. “Where did Cadence go, what happened?”

Shining Armor rubbed the back of his neck. “I’m not sure… she just told me that she wanted to, go somewhere…”

“Go somewhere? Alone in all this cold? What if she loses the way or if she freezes to death or if she will...”

“Hush, Twilight,” Luna said firmly, catching the attention of the unicorn on her head. “For a pony who has dedicated thy life to self-improvement, thou hast poor faith indeed in the strength of others. Cadence is an alicorn, and she knows this area well; thou should believe in her.”

Luna’s last few words piqued Shining Armor’s attention. “What do you mean, she knows the area?”

The princess frowned. “We see she has not told thee about it,” she murmured. “In this case, We shall keep her secret; all thou needest to know is that thy very special somepony has been here before, and she has many sad memories that are connected to this place.”

“I think… I think I’d better follow her… any idea where she may have gone to?” Shining Armor asked as Luna pointed at a huge empty field.

“Thy mate will grieve in the middle of that area. Thou wouldst do well to cheer her up; but do not open her closed wounds,” Luna said authoritatively, her foreleg raised in a regal posture.

Shining Armor saluted and ran, slowly disappearing in the blizzard.

“So ummm… what now?” Twilight asked as she was taken off guard by her brother and former foalsitter abandoning their trip.

“Now we tackle that mountain,“ Spitfire said firmly as she stood on her rear hooves and pointed towards the tallest mountain in all of Equestria. Her flame-like mane and blue scarf with yellow lightning were flapping against the blizzard while no coat, boots or hat covered her fur. Her posture heroical and unfazed by the cold as this was her secret training ground, a place where she practiced her secret flying technique where she enveloped herself in flames that even the blizzard failed to extinguish.

Every pony except Luna and Twilight took a step back and gasped as they could see a mountain that would make the Canterlot Mountain look like a hill.

Soarin’ gulped and gave his captain an awkward smile. He quickly rolled his yellow scarf around his neck and fixed his orange hat. His coat yellow with orange flames inscribed on it, a coat he made himself to impress Spitfire a while ago. His hesitation vanished quickly upon noticing Spitfire’s scarf being pulled by the strong wind. Quickly flying towards the scarf in an attempt to grab it, Soarin’ tackled the scarf into the snow before emerging from it with scarf between his teeth and a proud smile. Spitfire rolled her eyes and smiled at this gesture.

Fleur reasserted herself and levitated her white puffy hat into her white puffy saddlebag so it wouldn’t fall off during the coming exercise. Her eyes narrowed in determination as she grinned, stretching her long legs as she couldn’t wait to use them for climbing. Only her red scarf with golden stripes was visible as her fur and thin coat were white, making her nearly invisible among the scenery. She failed to notice a similar smirk upon her son, who also stretched his legs.

White Path took off his sizeable blue coat and red hat with a hole for the horn so it wouldn’t get in the way, silently levitating it back into their air-ship. He glanced at the little unicorn perched on the princess’s head who also didn’t wear any clothes. If she isn’t bothered by the temperature, I will resist it as well. He approached Spike who trembled despite wearing a violet coat with stars inscribed on it, and whispered into his ear.

Spike smirked and shook White Path’s forehoof in agreement.

Fancy Pants and Blueblood looked at each other and next glanced at their transportation. Despite wearing the warmest uniforms bits could buy, the idea of facing a blizzard while climbing such a large mountain sounded uninviting. Their muscles not used to such exercise.

Overwatch placed an encouraging hoof on Steel Blade’s shoulder as she levitated a scarf from her saddlebag and wrapped it around his neck warmly. Her own scarf finally performing its role rather than just being fashionable.

Luna smiled proudly. Not a single accessory or protective cloth was present on her body as her long banishment hardened her to the most uninviting environments.

The little unicorn perched on the princess’ head remembered this place as the same humongous mountain that Spitfire took her to long time ago, a mountain where they encountered two unicorns and some griffons who tried to capture them for ransom.

Spitfire looked at the miniature mare expectantly who blinked at her in confusion. “You once asked if you could reach its peak on your own, well, here’s your chance, go for it and make me proud.”

Twilight nodded before jumping from Luna’s head, landing on the snow that covered her up to her neck. She made several steps before her trot started turning into a gallop, only for a long dark-blue foreleg to block her path while the snow splattered in her face from the impact. Twilight wiped off the snow, stood on her rear hooves and looked up at the towering alicorn. “Is something wrong, Princess?”

“May We remind thee that thou art once again shrunken, and without any equipment to climb up?” Luna knelt as her left foreleg sank into the snow. “ Although We are used to the cold by now, We can hardly imagine how such low temperature will affect thy performance.”

“Yes, isn’t that exciting? I’m so looking forward to seeing how well I’ll do in such difficult conditions!” Twilight said while spreading her forelegs cheerfully.

Luna raised her eyebrow and coughed lightly. “Never mind; We wish thee the best of times and the best of luck.”

Twilight smiled cheerfully. “Thanks Luna, see you at the top.” She sprinted, the snow splashed about as she tore her way through it. The walls of snow not even slowing her down. She started to jump from stone to stone while she ran on the rather steep surface with nothing but her tiny hooves and her determination against the mad blizzard. Eight kilometres distance separated her from the top.

Everypony looked upon Twilight who, while being tiny, was now climbing the highest mountain on the continent, many of them unsure what to do until Luna broke the silence and lit her horn.

“We cannot let our little friend keep all the glory to herself; We shall join in on this epic adventure!” Luna proclaimed proudly as her body flashed brightly, blinding her companions for a moment.

Their blurred vision slowly cleared as their princess shrank before their very eyes, and soon the proud alicorn of the night was nothing but a tiny mare whose neck was hardly noticeable above the snow.

“We shall go in Twilight’s hoof-steps and face this mountain on our own!” Luna shouted as she ran through the snow, her wings pressed against her body as it was a challenge for her hooves and her strength of will.

“I had no idea she could do that,” Steel Blade murmured as he glanced at his partner. “I mean, I know she must be strong enough to cast it, but to learn… hey, wait for me!”

Overwatch, having a worried expression on her face, ran right behind the princess as she tracked the trail that Luna left in the snow, carefully placing her hooves so as not to stomp on her by accident. “Your Highness, you should cast a protection spell on yourself for your own safety.”

Luna didn’t slow down while she spoke in the Royal Canterlot Voice, not bothering to look behind her, ”We art an alicorn. ‘Twould be unfair to enhance ourselves further while our friend’s unicorn body would leave her at a disadvantage.” With one strong jump, she ended up on the stone surface. Regaining her traction, she started to run up, following Twilight to the top.

Overwatch sighed as she could feel the hoof of her partner on her shoulder, while his other hoof pointed out at the two tiny ponies. “And there they go.”

The female guard glanced at him and smirked. “Well, we’re Twilight’s guards, and Luna is a Princess. It’s our duty to follow them... ensure their safety and stuff.”

“Come back here this instant!” Fleur shouted as White Path with Spike on his back passed between two guards and started to climb up like there was no tomorrow.

“Sorry mom, but a chance to climb a mountain and adventure with a super pony and an alicorn princess is a once in a lifetime opportunity,” White Path said energetically as he levitated a few snowballs at his mom to slow her down. “Also, I’m no longer a colt, I can take care of myself.”

“Don’t worry, Miss Fleur. I will make sure that your son will stay safe and sound,” Spike said firmly while holding White Path’s neck tightly before looking up at the two tiny climbing mares. “Wait for us, Twilight!” His yelling somewhat silenced by the noise of the restless blizzard.

Fleur shook the snow from herself and sighed. “I will need a hoof manicure and a spa session once this is over, but I am not going to let you climb up alone,” she said with a calm but determined voice before jumping as she started to climb up. She followed her son, jumping from platform to platform gracefully.

“Let's summarize,” Overwatch started while clearing her throat and fixing her scarf. “Shrunken princess, shrunken unicorn who is also our ruler’s student, a famous fashion model and her child with a baby dragon on his back are now climbing the biggest mountain on the continent in this undying cold.” She chuckled. “Our job sure got unpredictable and interesting ever since we were appointed to guard Twilight. I wouldn’t trade it for the world.”

Steel Blade smiled. “Well, we better follow them, hold on tight and…” He failed to move his wings, and the moment he turned around, he noticed an angered Spitfire who was holding them between her hooves.

“No magic and no wings during the climb, is that clear?!” Spitfire ordered as Steel Blade gulped and nodded before following the other ponies.

Overwatch raised an eyebrow before narrowing her eyes and shooting Spitfire a challenging glare, who returned it with without blinking for several seconds. After a few moments of stare-contest, she rolled her eyes and said, “Fine, but if Twilight or the princess gets hurt, it will be on you.” She turned around and followed her partner’s example. “Now that I think about it, Luna can return to her full size at any moment if something goes wrong. Maybe I can have some fun with Steelie after all.”

Satisfied, Spitfire turned towards Fancy Pants who was staring at the mountain in concern, most of his face hidden under a hat while a fat vest kept him warm. “We’re being left behind, what would you say if we stepped up our game?” Spitfire asked energetically while Fancy Pants looked at her with an awkward smile.

“As much as I would like to comply with your request, dear Spitfire, my lack of exercise and being a unicorn leaves me at a disadvantage in such an interesting activity,” Fancy Pants said apologetically.

“Hey, no sweat, it's not a race after all, we’re here just to have a good time,” Spitfire said with a relaxed voice and a carefree smile. “Still, I hoped that you would at least try.” She took a deep breath before pleading, “Come on, old-timer, it would do you good.” Spitfire pointed at Fleur who followed White Path. “Take an example from your wife.”

Fancy Pants nodded. “You have a point, dear Spitfire. Besides, I have always wanted to experience what it’s like to climb up a mountain.” He walked towards her friend. “Please, go first and do not wait for me to catch up, I will just slow you down.”

Spitfire shook her head. “Nice try, old-timer,” she said firmly before taking out a rope from her saddlebag and tying herself to it. She threw the other end to Fancy Pants. “I will help you climb up… as long as you do your best, it doesn’t matter what result you get.”

Fancy Pants blushed as he levitated the rope around his torso. While he knew that Spitfire was a very skillful athlete, she was still smaller than him, her build light and training focused mostly on fast flying. The idea she would need to haul him all the way to the top while seeing his pathetic display of strength felt embarrassing.

Spitfire looked over to Soarin' and Blueblood to find them also tied up and ready to climb up. She walked towards them with Fancy Pants right behind her while asking curiously, “Hey Soarin', how did you convince Blueblood…”

“Prince Blueblood,” the stallion corrected.

“Whatever. So buddy, how did you convince him?”

Soarin' smiled and said in a carefree voice, “It is actually a funny story, you see…”


5 minutes earlier


“I am not going to climb up some mountain and freeze in the blizzard like some common pony,” Blueblood said arrogantly as Soarin' gave him a pleading look.

“Please… I will give you a pie if you climb up with me.” Soarin' displayed his puppy-eyes..


“Two pies?”

Blueblood shook his head. “I won’t climb for something insignificant like pies.”

“Don’t you dare offend something so delicious!” Soarin' bursted out, nearly knocking the surprised prince of balance. He took a calming breath and thought deeply for a moment while Blueblood raised his eyebrow and looked at him suspiciously.

“Then how about you climb up with me, and I won’t tell everyone your little secret that Cadence told me about you,” Soarin' said with a smirk.

“Wha-what secret?”

“Oh, nothing much.” He paused before whispering, “Just that a certain Prince didn’t stop wetting his bed until he was twelve.” Resisting the urge to laugh. “I can see it now: Royal Bedwetter disgraced! Nobility nearly dies of laughter!”

“No, you wouldn’t…” Blueblood asked in panic.

“Oh, I would.”

Blueblood sighed in defeat and after half a minute, he was being tied to Soarin', cursing Cadence for her big mouth.


“Can you repeat what his secret was again? You said it so quietly,” Spitfire said.

Soarin' shook his head. “Sorry Spitty, but a deal is a deal.” His eyes became wide as he took a step back. “I mean, Miss, Sir, Captain Spitfire!” He looked to the side and hid his face behind his wing. “S-sorry…”

The captain nodded. “Fine by me. Anyway, what do you say to a race? Fancy Pants and me versus you and Blueblood.”

“I thought it was not a race?” Fancy Pants asked in confusion.

“The team who catches up to Twilight or Princess Luna first gets to kick the losing team in the flank,” Spitfire offered while giving Blueblood a daring glare.

Soarin’ saluted, “Game’s on!”

Fancy Pants grinned, now feeling quite motivated to participate in the race.

Soarin’s face became pale at the sudden realization. Either he would end up kicked in the flank by his captain, or he would end up kicking a mare, lover and commanding officer. The most pure definition of a no-win-scenario

Blueblood looked at Soarin' in disappointment as he said nervously, “B-but... I like my flank unharmed.”

Author's Note:

I apologize for this massive delay. Luckily, my editor found some time to work on this short part on Christmas, so think of it as ours Christmas gift to you all.

I hope Luna's fun will help to flesh out Twilight's friends who aren't from Ponyville as well as provide some laugh.

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