• Published 12th Mar 2016
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Ponyville's Tiny Librarian - CommanderX5

Twilight has been a tiny, hard-working student for many years, willingly deciding to stay bite size after discovering a love for the adventures and challenges that came with it. Now it is time to start a new chapter of her life in Ponyville.

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Ch9 - Dreams and Secrets - Part 2

Ponyville’s Tiny Librarian


Chapter 9

Dreams and Secrets
Part 2

The dark mare smirked. “Greetings, my little Twilight Sparkle. It’s been quite a while since we’ve seen each other face to face.” She chuckled. “I’ve heard through the grapevine that you have been abusing my blessing for a little too much reading, is that right?”

Twilight sat there, completely floored, and the longer the mare stayed like that, the more nervous Nightmare Moon became. She had expected screams echoing in the ruins of her old castle, perhaps the tiny mare teleporting off in horror to alert her sister, but it was hard to read her when she wasn’t doing anything at all.

She cleared her throat, summoning up a bit more bravado. “I see that my presence has left you speechless. Or are you just paralyzed with fear?”

Twilight swallowed slowly. “Y-you… aren’t dead. I thought…”

“That the Elements you used completely destroyed me?” Nightmare Moon asked, raising an eyebrow.

“B-But… the fragments of your body, they—”

Nightmare Moon let out an amused huff. “You may have damaged my body and weakened me, but it seems that the Elements of Harmony are incapable of taking a life, something I am rather grateful for.”

The alicorn and the unicorn stared at one another in silence, until Twilight finally began to tremble.

There’s the response I was expecting, Nightmare Moon thought as she approached the little mare and lowered herself onto the stone floor. “You must be afraid and conf—”

Twilight seemed to explode from her spot, launching herself onto Nightmare Moon’s neck in a sudden bound.

“I’m sorry, I am so sorry!” Twilight wailed, burying her face into the dark fur. “I didn’t want to hurt you! I thought that the Elements would heal your hate and anger! I didn’t want to...” Her breath caught, and she trailed off into simply sobbing.

Nightmare Moon blinked, looking down at the pony latched to her in confusion as if unsure what to do. “You didn’t hurt me with the Elements, Twilight Sparkle. They merely sealed our presence away as well as return Luna to her meeker appearance. Tis good to those who were hoping to see me vanquished.”

The tiny mare began to climb up again until she reached Nightmare’s nose, who stayed frozen in indecision. The alicorn looked uncertainly at Twilight, who had wiped off her tears with a foreleg.

“So... what happened to you?” the tiny mare asked, finding a steady spot to sit on.

“The Elements made the past thousand years on the moon feel as if it were just a mere dream, even though both Luna and I knew it had really happened. It put our mind at ease, and helped Luna reintegrate into modern society,” Nightmare answered. “As for me, I was pushed deep into Luna’s mind, back to my… birthplace, so to speak.”

“So wait, does that mean you didn’t possess Luna?” Twilight asked.

Nightmare Moon rolled her eyes, though she kept close attention to the tiny pony for any changes in demeanor. How can she be so calm? I don’t understand.

Nightmare jerked her head slightly. “I cannot blame you for thinking that way, my little pony, but I was always a part of Luna. I am part of her psyche, an alter personality born more than a thousand years ago. You could say that I am Luna, the part of her she was afraid to show, a more direct and less hesitant part of her mind.”

Twilight’s curiosity only grew, and she climbed back up. “I read some psychology books and they mentioned something like this. Dissociative Identity Disorder? So you’re the part of Luna that surfaces whenever she feels threatened?”

Nightmare Moon chuckled. “Close, but not quite,” she said. “Powerful magic has a tendency to be unpredictable, especially alicorn magic. Over the years, I became more of a separate entity entirely. We share the same body, but our minds are separated, like two ponies taking turns pulling the same cart. We are both aware, but we’re not both in control.” She frowned, looking back at her wings. “Though, continuing that analogy, the cart would also change whenever I take control, so it might be more than that.”

Twilight clapped her hooves excitedly, her former sorrow completely absent. “That’s amazing! I’ve never heard of magic that could create a sentient being out of another personality, especially one that even comes with its own look whenever it takes control!”

The alicorn furrowed her brow at the tiny mare, and she tried to politely shake Twilight off again. Is she for real? She cleared her throat and asked, “Twilight, how can you stay so calm?”

Twilight gave her a puzzled look, tilting her head to the side. “What do you mean?”

Nightmare Moon harrumphed. “I expected screams of fear. I expected you to try and escape or to hide, or at the very least to tremble before me.”

She plucked Twilight from her muzzle with her magic and placed her gently onto the remains of the gravestone, just below eye level. “Our mere presence terrified warriors, monsters, and even our own Lunar guards looked upon us in terror. You, however, you show not even the slightest bit of fear, trapped with your enemy in the middle of a forest so far away from your mentor, friends, and guards?”

Twilight shrugged. “I’m afraid, even if I don’t look like it. It’s nothing that I can’t deal with though.” She spread her forelegs wide, gesturing to the tall stone walls around them. “I wouldn’t be able to run from you even if I wanted to, and if you wanted to hurt me, you would have done it a long time ago.

“Luna told me you were alive, that she was going to share a secret with me, to put my guilt at ease. I don’t think she would have let you speak to me directly if she knew you wanted to attack me. Even back during the Summer Sun Celebration, you spared my life twice, so I don’t think there’s a reason for me to fear you in the first place. That’s why I’m calm,” she said, before smiling anxiously at the alicorn. “Besides, you’re uhh… not still angry at me for using the Elements against you, right?"

Nightmare Moon stared at Twilight, as if searching for something. She snorted abruptly and began to laugh hysterically. The alicorn buried her face into a hoof as she continued, teetering off to the side before simply falling completely over, and it wasn’t long before Twilight joined in.

Nightmare Moon took in a deep breath, almost a gasp, as she righted herself, and she slowly raised her head and looked at the unicorn. “You are impossible, Twilight Sparkle,” she said. “You never cease to amaze me.”

The little unicorn blushed. “Th-thanks. I’m just glad you’re still alive. You have no idea how much seeing you got off my chest,” she said, before her expression changed to confusion. “There’s still one thing though. You, err… Luna said that I would need to judge you and decide your fate. What did she mean by that?”

Nightmare Moon’s entire countenance darkened in an instant, and she broke eye contact with Twilight. “Simple. Now you know of my existence. Of my continued presence within Luna’s mind and soul. You hold both of our fates in your tiny hooves. It all depends on what you choose to do with this knowledge.”

Twilight blinked. “You mean... whether I choose to tell somepony else?”

Nightmare Moon nodded, still staring off to the side.

“B-b-but, but I’m trapped here. You could easily force me not to tell, unless…”

Nightmare Moon’s eyes returned to normal for a moment as she looked back up. “We decided to put our fate in thine hooves once again. If we wished to forbid thee to tell of our presence, we would never have revealed ourselves to begin with. No, Twilight Sparkle, if thou wishes to make our presence known, we will not do anything to stop thee.”

Twilight placed a hoof to her muzzle in thought, before letting out a light giggle. “I don’t see the problem. I’m sure that my mentor will forgive and accept you, just like you forgave her,” she said cheerfully, though Nightmare Moon looked decidedly uncomfortable at those words. “You have forgiven her, right? Right?”

She shook her head and said, her ears flat against her head. “I am sorry, but I cannot forgive your mentor.”

“Well… that’s understandable, I suppose, but you don’t want revenge any longer?” Twilight asked hesitantly.

“I am sorry once again for disappointing you, but even the Elements cannot erase all of my hate for that witch. It’s the basis of my existence, the only reason Luna created me to begin with, unintentionally or not. I cannot let go of it just that easily.”

“Well… would you want to hurt Princess Celestia?”

The alicorn bared her teeth ever so slightly. “Oh, I would love to hurt her. My very being wishes for her to suffer, to see her bleed, beg for mercy, to see her banished for a millennium on the sun as Luna and I had to endure a thousand years on the moon. I wish for nothing more than to strangle her with my own hooves,” she said, completely seriously.

“B-but you won’t do any of it, right?” Twilight stammered out. “You won’t try to hurt my mentor, will you?”

Nightmare Moon simply snorted, her macabre grin fading into neutrality. “As much as it pains me, I wouldn’t dare to lay a hoof on your mentor, Twilight Sparkle. I will not ruin Luna’s new life, nor will I ruin yours. For the first time after a thousand and hundred years, she is… happy. Accepted amongst the ponies she loves, and I can at least try to content myself with that.”

Twilight managed a tiny smile, blushing slightly. “We’re doing our best.”

Nightmare Moon smiled warmly. “I know. Everypony is much more understanding, and not only do my… do Luna’s subjects not fear her, but they show her the respect and admiration she and our night truly deserve. The days she spends with you and Cadence are unforgettable. You are truly a wonderful subject… and friend.”

Her face dropped, and she let out a forlorn sigh. “Even though Luna’s sister has also changed, doing everything she can to repair her mistakes from the past, I cannot bring myself to forgive her.”

Twilight’s ears drooped, and she slumped down on the stoney stump of the gravestone. “And because I care about my mentor and her safety…”

“You will inform her of my existence and the hate I feel towards her,” Nightmare Moon continued easily, “and she will ensure that I am not a threat.”

Twilight shook her head, rubbing at her head with both hooves. “Why are you telling me all of this? You could’ve just simply said that you’ve forgiven Celestia or that the Elements healed all of your hate, so why?”

Nightmare Moon stood a bit straighter as she looked into the tiny unicorn’s eyes. “Because I do not lie, Twilight Sparkle, even if it would be in my best interest to do so. I am cruel, wrathful, and unrelenting, but I am always truthful and honorable. This is who I am. Who Luna raised me to be.”

“But… but I can’t just not tell my mentor if you truly wish harm on her! I… I don’t know what to do…” Twilight said as she buried her face in her hooves. “I want to go back to the castle.”

The alicorn levitated Twilight onto her back. “You have been through a lot for one morning. Allow me to take you back while you gather your thoughts.” She rose into the air, facing towards Canterlot.

Twilight held Nightmare Moon’s neck tightly as the black alicorn sped up, soon overtaking the speed Luna had flown at. “What will you do if I tell my mentor that you’re still alive?” she asked, her mane flapping in the wind.

“Probably take up painting. The interior of my prison cell could probably use a few constellations to liven things up,” Nightmare Moon said with a smirk, though she became serious again at Twilight’s pout. With a sigh, she continued, “I don’t know what will happen. it is for Luna’s sister to decide. She will most likely view Luna with caution and distrust, afraid that I could emerge to strike her down at any moment.”

“And while you would never do it…”

Nightmare Moon sighed. “Twilight, it is for you to decide if you trust me and, consequently, what will happen to me. You saved Luna before I could drive both of us to the grave. I have the utmost faith in your decision."

So as to not alarm any guards of her presence, Nightmare Moon turned herself and her passenger into a black mist to slink back into Luna’s bedchamber.

“Did you make up your mind, Twilight Sparkle?” Nightmare Moon asked, sweeping the dust from her hooves as she transformed back into her corporeal self.

The unicorn in front of her wobbled a bit from the unusual sensations, but managed to nod. “Yes, I have. I’ve decided to tell my mentor that you’re still alive. I… I just can’t hide this kind of information from her.” Twilight’s head drooped. “I’m sorry.”

Nightmare Moon sighed. “It is alright. I already expected this outcome.” She smiled. “At least you are not afraid of me. That was what Luna and I feared the most.”

Twilight nodded as she trotted over to the chamber’s entrance, hopping up to the doorknob to crack the door open. Before she was about to leave, she turned to look back. “And you’re not going to stop me or anything?”

“Of course not. I have said I wouldn’t.”

“Just… making sure.”

Twilight walked out, the door closing with a soft click, and the alicorn seemed to deflate as she murmured to herself, “It seems your peaceful return to Equestria will not be so peaceful after all.”

The door cracked open again. “Are you sure? You can still stop me if you want,” Twilight said, popping her head out from behind the half-opened door.

“I do not want to, Twilight. If telling your mentor is what you have decided on, so be it.”

The tiny unicorn stomped a hoof on the floor and boldly strode back in, kicking the door closed before walking determinedly back to Nightmare Moon.

“Why won’t you just stop me!?” Twilight shouted.

Nightmare Moon stared dumbly at the tiny mare. “I told you already, I am not—”

Twilight clamped down on Nightmare’s muzzle with her magic. “But I want you to stop me! Telling my mentor is the right thing to do, but I just don’t want to do it. Why does it have to be so complicated?” Twilight groaned and jumped onto Luna’s bed before turning around to face the thoroughly bewildered Nightmare Moon. “I trust you.”

“You do?” Nightmare asked, blinking. “But are not you afraid that I will try to hurt your mentor? That she should not know her biggest enemy is walking the same halls as her, eating at the same table, sleeping in the same—”

Twilight cried out in frustration, rubbing at her head with both hooves. “Just… just stop being so unbelievably honest before I change my mind! Please!”

“Farewell, my faithful student,” Celestia said cheerfully as she levitated Twilight up to her face. The little student wrapped her hooves around the huge muzzle, receiving a nuzzle in return.

Cadence released Spike from his own farewell hug before following her auntie’s example and doing the same for the little mare. “I will miss you Twilight. Please, take care.”

After receiving farewells, hugs, and goodbyes from rest of her Canterlot friends, Twilight finally climbed up on Luna, plopping herself down on the alicorn’s shoulder. “And farewell to you too, Luna. I had a great time in your company.”

Luna’s face tinted red. “We wish thee the best of luck as well. We are honored to have been able to spend time in thy presence,” she said, before lowering her head and whispering, “Nightmare Moon also wisheth thee safe travels. Shouldst thou ever need our help, do not hesitate to contact us.”

Twilight tilted her head to the side. “Err, how so?”

“Spike can send letters to my sister, but Nightmare Moon and I are working on a way to stay in contact with thee.”

Twilight perked up. “Really? Like what? I mean, you could always ask Celestia if you could use one of my guards as a liaison. Overwatch talks about it a lot, though I’m not sure how serious she actually is.”

Luna rolled her eyes. “We shall consider it, though we believe Nightmare has… mixed feelings about her. Feels as if she is not completely truthful, so to speak. We have other ideas, but if we were to take that route, we would be more likely to approach Steel Blade.”

Twilight smiled back. “I look forward to it. By the way, would you tell her that I’m sorry I couldn’t spend more time with her?”

Luna smiled. “She may not be physically present, but she sees and experiences all we do. She sends her thanks for the great time we had with thee these past two weeks.”

After exchanging hugs, Twilight was levitated back to the ground. With one final wave, she trotted onto the train, Spike and her guards right behind her.

Celestia edged a bit closer to her sister. “I see you had a very long farewell with my student, dear sister. What did you two talk about?” she asked cheerfully, before lowering her voice and leaning in. “Was it about the secret you wished to share with her?”

Luna nodded. “It was, dear sister, and thy student proved far more understanding than we had given her credit for.”

Celestia embraced Luna over her shoulder with a foreleg. “See, just as I told you. My student can be trusted with even the biggest of secrets.”

Luna snorted in amusement. “Indeed, it was quite the secret to keep for such a little mare,” she said, before looking up at the larger alicorn and raising an eyebrow. “Say, thou hast not done anything questionable as of late, have thee? Thou knowest the consequences of such an action.”

Celestia raised a return eyebrow with a smirk. “My my, where did you pick up that sadism streak? You know I’ve been trying to keep away from those, Luna.”

“Be sure thou dost, sister,” the smaller alicorn teased as she turned to look at the departing train, muttering under her breath, “or I might start believing you’re a masochist.”

Author's Note:

Here it is, the truth behind Nightmare Moon. For thsoe who found Luna's punishment to Celestia a bit out of character, you can now see the reason behind them. Let's just say that Nightmare Moon had a hoof in that idea.

I'm looking forward to your comments. Hope the outcome of this chapter wasn't disapointing.

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