• Published 30th Sep 2017
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Little Lost Raichu - CommanderX5

Devoid of memories and found in the Everfree Forest, little Raichu is nursed back to health by Twilight and her friends. Little do they know about the importance of her past and how far she’ll go to repay their kindness.

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Chapter 12 - Tea Party

Little Lost Raichu


Chapter 12

Tea Party

A red carpet with two golden stripes on each side lay across the floor between the door and the table with four occupied pillows around it. Fluttershy saw Raichu across the table, while Spike and Starlight stared at each other, all perched on their respective pillows with cups of tea before them. Pinkie Pie lay curled on the sofa, cat-style.

Stairs leading to the first floor, the door-less entrance into the kitchen and a large quantity of bird-houses and little critters became the background for their casual tea party.

After taking a few gulps of the hot tea, Nica exhaled and lowered the cup, letting the warm liquid refresh her after their round of snuggling and cuddling. While she didn’t want to be ungrateful towards her caretakers, she couldn’t deny that the atmosphere of Fluttershy’s cottage proved to be so much better than the one inside of the large castle.

“Thank you, Rupert,” Fluttershy said as the snake lowered his head politely before placing a plate with cookies in the middle of the table.

Raichu screeched in panic before rubbing the back of her neck in embarrassment. <S-sorry. You reminded me of a large monster I met in the Everfree Forest.> She examined the snake from top to bottom. After a closer look, he didn’t seem all that scary, if anything, he was slim and regal. His thin and long shape was similar to her tail, and a cute red bow decorated the space under his chin. <I must say, you look elegant and graceful, and that bow of yours is lovely.>

The snake stared back in confusion.

“Nica is apologizing for being scared of you as you reminded her of a scary animal she’d met in the Everfree Forest. She’s also praising your bow and your elegant and graceful appearance,” Fluttershy translated. Usually animals had their own way to communicate, but Raichu seemed to be in need of assistance.

The snake blushed and nuzzled Raichu’s cheek before performing a half-bow. After showing the lady proper respect, he retreated back into the kitchen.

“Great. First a poisonous spider and a cockroach, and now a snake,” Spike said with crossed arms. “If this continues, you’ll one day return to the castle with a three-headed dog as your newest pet.”

“You have a spider and cockroach as friends?” Fluttershy asked, noticing a nod of confirmation. “So you like cute little animals as well, how wonderful… Oh, and I think Mr. Patrick wants to befriend you as well.”

Raichu looked to the side, noticing a white rat climbing up her back before sitting on her shoulder. In an instant they smiled and nuzzled each other’s noses.

“I think they’re friends already,” Starlight pointed out as she observed the affectionate exchange. “Applejack told me a funny story that took place at the veterinary clinic. It involved an interaction between Nica and the white rat, Fauna’s attempt to take a blood sample, and Nica’s attempt to hug the doctor which resulted in smashing said doctor against a wall.”

Raichu blushed before blowing a strawberry in Starlight’s direction. It had been days since she’d tackled someone with a jump… or did she do it during yesterday’s festival? No, she certainly didn’t.

Fluttershy chuckled with a hoof raised over her mouth.

“It wasn’t her fault,” Spike said before biting a cookie and gulping in haste. “Someone sealed Nica’s memories for some unknown reason. Starlight weakened the seal and so her memories started to return, but it took awhile before she got used to her abilities. In fact, she’s still struggling with that.”

Raichu lowered her head in shame, speaking in a sorrowful tone, <It wouldn’t be all that bad if the worst I did was smash my head into ceilings whenever I jumped in excitement.> She sighed. <I possess a dangerous ability to use electricity and still don’t know how to control it. When the fillies and colts at the school started playing with me…> Nica grit her teeth as tears formed in her eyes. She looked at Fluttershy with a tearful stare. <I hurt all those poor cute ponies with electricity. It was horrible. I was horrible!>

Fluttershy gasped.

Nica’s ears drooped, and she poked the collar on her neck. <Twilight and Starlight made this for me to keep my electricity in check, and everypony forgave me… But I can't forgive myself until I make up for what I did.>

Fluttershy’s smile returned, the one that Nica adored so much as it brightened her mood. “Accidents happens, and your regret seems genuine in your voice. You shouldn’t weigh your poor little heart with guilt, especially after the hardship you’ve endured.”

Raichu smiled weakly. Fluttershy’s voice alone was calm and caring, pleasant to listen to, but it was nothing when compared to the aura she sensed. Fluttershy’s very presence made her feel at ease.

Spike finished his fifth cookie before pointing at the window. “It seems Angel wants to tell us something, and he seems fired up about it.”

Fluttershy looked at the window as well, listening to the screeching of the white bunny. “Nica, It seems Angel wants to play with you outside.”

Raichu’s ears drooped once again and she smiled sheepishly. While the bunny was small, cute and fluffy, the aura coming from him left an opposite impression.

It was dark, sinister and intimidating.

It was the first time Nica had sensed such a large quantity of jealousy, and the very presence of it filled her with anxiety.

“Go on, don’t be shy,” Fluttershy encouraged. “Stretch your legs and breathe some fresh air. I’m sure Angel will be a great and playful companion.”

Raichu looked between the tiny sinister bunny and the pegasus with a heart of gold, now trapped between two powerful opposite forces. From one side she basked in affection and compassion in extreme amounts, while from another side she was hammered with jealousy and hate. She felt as if she was trapped between a warm angelic wing and a wall full with spikes. Still, Fluttershy’s pleading stare was levels above Twilight’s, meaning saying no wasn’t an option.

She stepped from her pillow and walked towards the window with a forced smile.

Angel grinned before jumping from the window onto the soft grass, waiting for the intruder to do the same before running away. As he’d hoped for, Raichu followed, right into his trap.

He stopped next to a chicken coop and tapped his rear leg against the ground, giving a signal to his loyal allies. Earth under his paws trembled with each step of the large brown bear, and next he poked the side of the sharp needles on a hedgehog’s back.

Angel examined the intruder in front him from bottom to the top, which looked like some sort of a hybrid. It had rabbit legs, but they were bigger and longer than his, and each had bronze patch of fur at the edge. Its tail was like a bigger and longer version of a rat’s tail, and it was armed at the end.

But this is where similarities ended. Pear-shaped body, fat belly, odd-looking ears. It was no rat, nor bunny, but an abomination.

Angel narrowed his eyes. He expected to see an expression of pure terror and hear screams of fear, yet the intruder just kept staring at Harry with curiosity. Perhaps it needed a demonstration. With a quick swing of his rear paw, he kicked Harry’s leg and performed a few jumps, screeching and pointing at Raichu as if commanding to attack it.

Harry approached Nica with firm steps and an angered glare, picking it up with his massive paws.

Angel rubbed his paws in satisfaction, a devilish grin on his face. It was so easy to convince the bear that the newcomer was an intruder, and Harry was always eager to show intruders the exit. He was the dumb muscle to guard Fluttershy’s territory after all.

Nica kept staring the bear in the eyes before wrapping her tail around the bear’s neck, pulling his head closer.

Before even having a chance to react, Harry felt the intruder’s paws wrap around his neck in a hug, only to follow it up by nuzzling his cheek. He quickly calmed down and gently pressed his paws against the Raichu’s back, sinking her into his rich fur.

Angel blinked and next rubbed his eyes. This intruder should tremble in fear, not hug the bear. Feeling boiling anger, he shot the hedgehog an angered glare and pointed at Raichu. The order was clear.

The hedgehog approached hesitantly, waiting for Harry to place the intruder on the ground, but was this intruder even a threat? Angel marked it as an enemy, yet it was nothing but friendly.

Nica and the hedgehog started to look each other in the eyes, waiting for the other one to make the first move. Losing patience, the hedgehog turned around and displayed sharp thin needles on its back threateningly, but his action did the opposite of what he expected. Instead of scaring Raichu away, the intruder… hugged him.

Angel gasped, not believing his eyes. Did this crazy creature just grab a hedgehog into a hug? How stupid could it be? Hundreds of tiny needles pressed against Raichu’s limbs, belly and some even pricking its face, so why wasn’t it showing any signs of pain?

Nica’s eyes were closed and she kept smiling, doing her best to contain her laughter as the needles tickled her entire body. Her lips trembled uncontrollably. Unable to hold it anymore, she giggled and next started to rub the hedgehog’s unarmed belly. She released the confused animal who looked back at her with a blushing face.

Angel’s face turned red, and the mere look at him would leave an impression that steam was going to escape from his ears. Without hesitation, he rushed at Raichu and jumped, biting Nica’s nose with his two long sharp teeth.

Raichu stumbled backward and her ears drooped, seemed more depressed rather than hurt.

Angel ignored the disapproving stares from his allies and went for another attack, jumping to the top of Raichu’s head. He was about to bite its ear, but his teeth never reached the target as the bunny’s long presentable ear was bitten instead. He screeched in pain and caught a glimpse of Mr. Patrick, who tackled him to the ground.

Raichu gasped in panic before carefully pulling the rat away from the bunny, separating the combating duo.

Patrick struggled for a moment before calming down, and was now glaring at his boss from between Nica’s soft paws, hissing.

Angel took a moment to gather his thoughts, now more confused than angry. Thus far he was always in control, and even Fluttershy always listened to him. He was cunning and had backbone to make up for his owner’s shyness, encouraging Fluttershy into action when it mattered the most.

But nothing stays the same for long. His owner became more assertive and confident in herself and his services were no longer needed, and Fluttershy even started denying his demands for luxuries. And today he lost authority to a creature who didn’t even fight back.

Humiliated, Angel frowned and walked away. He was already losing his authority, and should this new intruder stay with Fluttershy, the risk of being replaced would become a reality.

“I can’t believe this,” Fluttershy said as her ears were stretched upward, catching every single word of Starlight’s story. “So there’s a continent over the ocean full of creatures with a different culture, where animals possess great powers and are called pokemon?” Her ears drooped as she asked in squeaky voice, “And they hurt each other for fun?”

“Seems like it. Nica is recovering her memories overtime and is providing us with information about her past,” Starlight explained before taking another sip of her tea, finishing her cup. “Though personally, I think she’s too innocent to fight for fun, but she likes to challenge herself.”

“She sure does,” Pinkie commented as she stretched herself on the sofa before pushing herself to a sitting position. “We had a lot of fun yesterday playing various games, and the tricks we did while standing on one hoof and paw were amazing!”

Fluttershy nodded before picking up the empty cups from the table and walking towards the kitchen, only for the cups to fall from her wings onto the carpet, shattering into pieces.

“Fluttershy!” Starlight shouted as she stood up from her pillow and approached the pegasus. “What’s wrong?”

“I’m… f-fine…” Fluttershy massaged her forehead before gathering the shattered porcelain with her wings. “Just a headache, nothing big. I started having them a few days ago, but they come and go.”

“That’s a funny coincidence. I had a headache twice since yesterday. But it’s no biggie,” Pinkie said with a carefree tone.

“Okey…” Starlight said, finding this coincidence slightly suspicious, but decided to drop the topic and assisted in cleaning the carpet. With the help of her magic, she merged the broken fragments together, restoring the teacup to its former glory.

Fluttershy returned to her spot at the table after preparing more tea with her attention now focused on Nica who entered inside through the open window. She giggled upon noticing Patrick the rat perched on her head.

Spike raised an eyebrow, noticing that Nica held a hedgehog in her embrace while stroking it, not bothered in the least by the numerous needles. “Why am I not surprised?”

Fluttershy smiled widely and spoke in an excited tone, “Starlight and Spike told me everything about you, and I want you to know that if you so wish, my cottage is open for you.”

<W-what do you mean?> Nica asked, no longer approaching the table to instead stare at Fluttershy from her current spot. The hedgehog jumped from her embrace onto the floor.

“What I’m trying to say is that I can take care of you.” She gestured over the room at the numerous birds and critters that were playing or resting inside. “You’re very kind, so I’m sure you won’t have trouble making friends. I can feed and accommodate you as you regain your memories at your own pace.” She displayed pleading unresistable eyes while her wings spread. “Soooo? Will you stay? It’s your choice, so no pressure.”

Angel Bunny jumped into the room and stared at Fluttershy in disbelief as his jaw nearly hit the floor.

Nica’s heart tried to escape her chest as she could do little but stare into Fluttershy’s excited eyes. Drops of sweat started to form on her forehead.

Two hours… it was all the time she spend in the company of this pegasus pony, and those were the happiest two hours of her life, beating even the time she spend with Pinkie Pie yesterday at the festival.

Cuddling, snuggling, belly rubs and hugs, she could have them all everyday whenever she wanted, feeling the pleasant aura from Fluttershy while hearing her wonderful voice. This would…

Nica paused her train of thoughts as her attention shifted to Starlight’s aura of depression, and a realization struck her. Starlight would miss her. The tricks the unicorn showed her were most likely an attempts to impress her so she would choose to stay in the castle instead.

Aura of fear and jealousy coming from Angel was most likely a fear of losing attention from his caretaker.

She bit her bottom lip, and drops of sweat started to fall from her as if she was a waterfall. All caused by a simple, yet not so simple choice.

Should she stay with Fluttershy or not?

On one side, by staying here she would live in a paradise while befriending animals of similar size, recovering her memories in a peaceful environment. Tea parties and hugs would be in her reach.

On another side, by staying here she would make Starlight, Spike and Twilight miss her, and maybe even ruin the relationship between Angel and Fluttershy. And there was still a deal of mastering her skills and repaying the ponies for their kindness.

Seconds felt like minutes as Raichu’s thinking turned into brainstorming. Pupils in her eyes shrank and she started to look between Fluttershy and Starlight at a rapid pace.

“Okay… you’re starting to creep me out,” Spike said before hastily gesturing with his hands. “Deep breaths, just take a deep breath… please!”

Nica followed Spike’s suggestion, taking a few slow and deep breaths. Part of her mind yelled at her to stay with Fluttershy as it would satisfy all of her desires, but her conscience protested. She tightened her paws and closed her eyes, but not seeing anyone didn’t stop her from sensing their aura. Fluttershy’s overwhelming compassion and Starlight’s disappointment now becoming the center of her attention. Pinkie’s aura was neutral, while Spike’s disappointment seemed weak. When it came to animals, only Angel and Mr. Patrick were standing out. One wanted her gone and the other one wanted her to stay.

Nica opened her eyes to take one more look at the drooped ears on Starlight’s lowered head, and started approaching her. She didn’t dare to glance at Fluttershy as it would only make what she was about to do even more painful. Now close enough and unnoticed by Starlight, she stood on tips of her paws and poked unicorn’s shoulder.

Starlight turned her head, staring down at her in confusion. “What’s wrong?”

She climbed up onto Starlight’s back and perched herself on her neck. She glanced at Fluttershy and said, <I’m sorry, Lady Fluttershy, but I can’t leave Starlight and Twilight, they would miss me…> She sighed. <And I need to learn how to control my abilities and find a way to repay the ponies for their kindness, instead of receiving even more of it for free.>

Fluttershy nodded and forced herself to keep smiling. “It’s alright, I understand, but know that you’re welcome to visit at anytime.” Part of her compassionate aura was replaced with disappointment she tried to hide, which only filled Nica with bits of regret, yet she wasn’t going to go back on her decision.

Starlight’s eyes widened, and she looked at her passenger as if she’d turned into a chest filled with magical treasures. “You… didn’t choose Fluttershy?” The moment Nica nodded, Starlight’s smiled widely, even showing her teeth as one would think that glitter was covering her eyes. In a rush of excitement, she stood on her rear hooves, levitated Raichu from her back and hugged. “Thank you!”

Angel’s ears shoot upward and he started jumping in excitement as fireworks started exploding in his mind.

The snake and hedgehog looked at the floor with a hint of disappointment.

Mr. Patrick ran in Starlight’s direction and grabbed Raichu’s tail, using it to climb up.

Starlight released Raichu and held her forehooves in a pleading gesture. “Fluttershy, can I ask you for a big favor, pretty please?”

“Favor? S-sure, how can I help?”

“Can you teach me how to be more playful and polite with animals? I noticed that Nica really loved to play with you, and I’m not good at this.”

Fluttershy displayed her teeth in a wide smile and she flew up, now hovering above the floor in excitement. She held a forehoof on her chest and said, “I’ll do my best, you can count on me.”

A few checklists floated next to the alicorn princess, her plan of action for the upcoming event nearly finished. After noticing Starlight, Spike and Nica through the window, she was more than eager to welcome them back at the main entrance. Using her magic, she teleported in front of large double door and opened it with her magic.

“Welcome back Starlight, so how did it… go?” Twilight paused and stepped to the side, allowing her student to go inside, yet two things were extremely worrying:

The first being that her student walked inside shakily as if she was a zombie.

The other one being the widely opened eyes staring at one point at the distance absentmindedly.

After a closer look, Spike seemed no better.

“It went… perfectly,” Starlight answered.

“Perfectly?” Twilight asked, “Then why do you look as if you witnessed the end of the world? No… even then you didn’t look like that. Did someone hypnotise you or something?” As her student gazed at her with those wide eyes, she took a nervous step back.

“I witnessed… cuteness… nopony should ever see…” Starlight answered before levitating Nica from her back, who seemed so relaxed as if her entire body was made of jelly. There was also a white rat sleeping on Nica’s back, perched on her fur between two bronze stripes. “Half an hour of snuggling, cuddling, hugging, massaging, tickling, nuzzling and tail-playing… No… that’s just tip of the iceberg. My vocabulary is just not good enough to picture it.”

A long relaxed “Chuuuuu…” escaped from Nica’s mouth as she kept lying flat on her belly on the floor.

“That… was a trip,” Spike said, sitting next to Nica before supporting his head on her back next to the rat, using her as a pillow.

“Okaaay…” Twilight said, taking a moment to comprehend the situation. “I take it that Nica will stay with Fluttershy from now on?”

“No, she won’t, she chose to stay with us,” Starlight said with a glee before poking her own horn. “And I’ll provide her with what I learned, and with help of my magic, I’ll help her master her own abilities. She can count on me.”

Twilight looked down at Nica in confusion. Did this critter just refuse to stay with Fluttershy, and after having so much fun. But why? She shook her head and pointed at her levitating checklists. “I finished plans for the event of Ember’s arrival. We should start working on it soon.”

Spike’s eyes shot open and he swung his claw in disappointment. “Oh great, I knew I was forgetting something. I wanted to ask Fluttershy to… ugh…” He stood up and stomped, now back to normal. “There’s so much work to do, and everything must be perfect! We need as much help as possible.”

Nica’s ears perked up at the word ‘help’. With a bit of a struggle, she stood up on her trembling legs, her body shaking left and right. <Did you say you need help?> The rat who was napping on her back rolled down her fur, bounced against the long tail and fell onto the floor.

“Don’t worry Spike, I’m sure we can find a lot of volunteers among the citizens of Ponyville,” Twilight said, only to meet Nica’s pleading stare.

<Pick me, pick me, I want to help!>

“You want… to help?” Twilight asked.

<I do!> Nica shouted before jumping up, head-slamming into the ceiling as rubble fell onto the carpet in front of Twilight.

Starlight looked up and chuckled. “It has been a long time since this happened, I was missing it a bit.”

Mr. Patrick stared up in pity. On one side, the jump had to be extreme to reach such a height in short amount of time, it was truly masterful. On another… ouch… having the ability to jump like that in tight spaces must be one heck of a headache. Not that he complained. If this scene was but a taste of future events, living with Raichu would become very… interesting.

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