• Published 30th Sep 2017
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Little Lost Raichu - CommanderX5

Devoid of memories and found in the Everfree Forest, little Raichu is nursed back to health by Twilight and her friends. Little do they know about the importance of her past and how far she’ll go to repay their kindness.

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Chapter 16.5 - Deeping Bonds

Little Lost Raichu


Chapter 16.5

Deeping Bonds

Half an hour passed in silence as Nica sniffed the area around the rabbit-holes and checked bush after bush, while her companion jumped from tree to tree, scaring a few birds and critters as a side effect.

The silence was broken when both Raichu left the forest, finishing their patrol with no hostiles found. Unless a few small birds, bunnies and mice would be considered a threat to the mighty changeling’s hive.

Pharynx spoke with a nervous tone, <I have been thinking… You seem to know a lot about me from my brother, but all I know about you is that your memories have been sealed and that you wear a collar to restrain your electricity.> He pointed towards the desert area with nothing but sand and stone formations. <Once we get to our next patrol perimeter, you may as well… you know… just to pass time...> He returned back to his changeling form in a burst of green flames, gesturing for Raichu to climb up onto his back.

Nica smiled cheerfully and perched herself on the changeling’s back, waiting for her ride to arrive at the desert and transform again.

She walked side by side with a fellow Raichu. There wasn’t much she remembered of her past, but what she remembered she was willing to share.

<... and then my trainer, Astra, told me to stop evolving. She later explained that the more power one poses, the greater their responsibility,> Nica said, jumping from a stone formation while trying to keep up with Pharynx. Once her rear paws landed on the rocky ground, she continued, <Being a Pichu for so long meant that all of my opponents were more powerful and almost every fight was a challenge. I still don’t remember when I evolved, but according to what my trainer said, I had to prove myself worthy of evolution.>

Pharynx laughed. It had been so long since he was in such a good mood. Under Queen Chrysalis’ rule, enjoyment came from achieving victories and capturing enemies, yet the Queen’s overconfidence overshadowed her great strategical mind, costing them many victories. Under Thorax’s rule, he no longer had subordinates to cooperate with. Those who prefered the old days wanted him to become the leader, which meant betrayal, while those who choose to live peacefully were annoying to be around. Until now there was no one he could trust.

He didn’t want to admit it, but having a companion to talk with was very enjoyable. They had different opinions, true, and a hour ago it caused an argument, but he didn’t mind.

<I think my trainer is right. If Princess Cel...stia… evaded Chryss...lis’ attack and counterattacked, she could have defeated the evil queen with raw power or with the help of her loyal ponies, stopping the invasion. Since she failed, Twilight and her friend had to fight a losing battle against hundreds of invaders. And if Chrysis didn’t lower her guard in the end in her arrogance, Equestria would have fallen.>

<It’s Queen Chrysalis,> Pharynx corrected, feeling as his paws stepped from the solid stone onto the hot sand, his eyes now scanning the sea of sand before him. <Also, I must agree with you and that trainer of yours. Failures of powerful warriors and leaders is enough to bring down their nation.> He kicked the sand and groaned. <This is why I try to do my job the best I can. I only wish my brother did the same.>

<Your brother may not be a perfect leader, but he’s trying hard and learned a bit from the Dragon Lord. And I have to point out that you made your fair share of mistakes,> Nica commented with confidence in her voice. <My trainer’s mentor, a very strong Nurse Joy, when teaching how to use the kayak, she always pointed out the importance of balance. When we dived into the water to help pokemon living there, or when we traveled between islands to assist pokemon and humans, she often said that her hard work and hurting muscles are worth it whenever she sees the grateful faces of those she helped.>

Nica pointed at the hive in the distance and then at Pharynx. <I listened to your side and his side of the story, and you both want to help in your own way, but your differing methods are both improving and hurting the hive. I believe that a compromise would help to find this perfect balance that will make everyone strong and happy at the same time.>

Pharynx gave Nica a patient smile, thinking to the relationship between her and her trainer, and between Astra and her mentor. A cooperation between trainers and their pokemon seemed like a teamwork between a strategist and his soldiers. Both needed to do their best for mutual benefits. In the swarm there was no place for officers that didn’t know how to fight, but considering how easily Nica defeated him without access to her full arsenal, he couldn’t deny that such cooperation was efficient. The trainer had one job and did it well.

<Anyway, I still don’t know what happened in between. Memories of my past end with me being a tiny Pichu, traveling between Orange Islands with my trainer, and starts with me as a Raichu crashing into the ground with extreme speed, only to run away from a giant hungry beast. Even now I’m still amazed how much my body can endure. I don’t even get tired.>

<That’s because you’re using only a fraction of what you’re capable of. Until yesterday you didn’t even know how to use ‘Thunderbolt’.> He poked Nica’s side and shot her a proud smile. <I bet you faced hundreds opponents, all of them as strong if not stronger than you. It’s no wonder you don’t get hurt and tired after that.> He bumped Nica’s paw with his own.

Nica blushed, hiding it behind her paw. Her goal to gain Pharynx’s trust to solve a friendship problem was pushed aside as she actually started to enjoy his company. Not that she approved of Pharynx’s aggressive nature, but she could tell that her words were slowly reaching him.

<Look at that, a hostile beast,> Pharynx said, pointing ahead at a two-headed dog-like creature.

Nica protected her eyes from the sun with her forepaw, her eyes narrowed as she stared in the pointed direction. The beast’s fur color was similar to the surrounding sand, providing the predator with camouflage, but her senses still picked an aura of hostility.

<Usually, I turn into a giant monster to intimidate my foes and then fight them, but this time I’ll test the strategy you suggested. Just stay here, cover yourself in sand and watch.> In a burst of green flames, he transformed into a little white bunny and ran towards the beast.

Nica lowered herself and observed the scene with full attention, already knowing how this was going to end.

As the orthros approached with saliva dripping from its mouth onto the hot sand, the bunny trembled, faking fear until the beast was close enough. In a burst of green flames, the little creature transformed into his favorite form, delivering an uppercut with his blade-like limbs. With the beast caught off guard and pushed away, he shapeshifted into a Raichu and sent out bolts of electricity, smirking in amusement as the orthros ran away with its tail between its legs. He turned around to look at Nica. <It worked better than expected. It’s not the first time I fought an orthros, but I just beat him in record time.>

Nica’s ears drooped at she observed the retreating creature in pity. While predators were a threat to Thorax and his subjects, and scaring them away was necessary, was hurting them really the only way? Her train of thought was interrupted though the moment the Raichu in front of her collapsed. She ran closer and raised Pharynx’s head with her paw. <Are you hurt, tired or thirsty? Do you need water?> She stared at him in concern and next looked at Thorax’s home in the distance, considering her options. She closed her eyes the moment Pharynx bursted into green flames, returning to his changeling form. Nica’s paw trembled for a moment as the weight of a changeling proved much greater than the weight of a Raichu.

Pharynx forced himself to stand up and shook his hole-filled foreleg dismissively. “I’m fine, just a bit tired. Shapeshifting isn’t for free, and the stronger form I maintain, the faster I run down my reserves.” He patted Nica’s forehead. “Your body may be small, but it’s quite powerful.”

Nica sighed in relief, but then rubbed the top of her head. When Thorax had turned into Raichu to talk with her, he had maintained his form for more than an hour, not being tired in the least. So why would a seasoned veteran like Pharynx get tired so quickly? She narrowed her eyes, making a mental note to ask Thorax about the side-effects of shapeshifting.

“Let’s continue our patrol, and once we’re done in this area, we can have a drink of fresh water,” Pharynx said, smirking. “Just try to keep up.”

The stars and moon shone brightly in the sky, sharing its light with the hive as most changelings were deep asleep, which included Pharynx himself.

Nica didn’t sleep just yet though, carrying the seasoned veteran on her tiny back while searching for a free sleeping spot. Her paws trembled with each step as she fought against the cold weight. It didn’t surprise her when Thorax’s brother took her for a night patrol, only to fall asleep from exhaustion a few hours later. Not that Nica minded as she still had plenty of stamina to spare, but her tense muscles begged her a little break.

Still unfamiliar with the new environment and unable to find Pharynx’s sleeping spot, she brought him to where she was accommodated. After placing the changeling on her bed of leaves, she stroked him gently and perched herself on his hard belly, hoping her fur would provide him with some heat during the cold night. Curling herself into a ball, she closed her eyes and fell asleep.

While solving a friendship problem between Thorax and his brother apparently wasn’t going to be resolved in just two days, she could tell that Pharynx was slowly opening up to her. There was much she didn’t like about the aggressive and violent changeling, but under his rough character she found dedication, loyalty and a will to put his own safety on the line for others.

At first she wanted to be useful to ponies by any means necessary while helping Thorax out of pity, but now helping the two brothers get along became personal. Should it take days, weeks or even a month didn’t matter, she was going to give it her all.

Being a Pichu again, Nica was standing on her trainer’s shoulder, paws on her hips and head raised in pride. A cheering crowd in the large stadium filled her with inspiration. While to a human it was just a large stadium, to her it looked like a gigantic fortress filled with crowds of huge creatures, which only reinforced her feelings that the next fight was going to be big.

According to her trainer, the Orange League was unique as it required only four badges instead of eight. Instead of a tournament with preliminary rounds to pick the sixteen best trainers, there was a champion accepting challengers one by one. It was like a mini league, easier to win and not as popular, but a fresh start for every trainer.

After a quick hand-shake between Astra and the local champion, both trainers walked towards marked spots on either end of the field, facing each other with the cheering crowd in the background. A small pool filled with water was in the middle of the battlefield, surrounded by ground and rock formations.

Nica looked up at the large screen displaying a picture of the local champion with six darkened pokeballs next to him, most likely to show the audience what pokemon had been used or defeated. Another picture on the screen was of Astra with four darkened pokeballs next to her, a sight that planted a seed of worry in Pichu’s mind. Not only was their team made mostly of unevolved pokemon with Ivysaur being the only exception, they were also outnumbered six to four.

Nica’s worries came to fruition when she regained consciousness inside a Pokemon Center, later learning from her trainer that the champion still had two pokemon left in the end. There was a positive aspect to their loss however as the tiny Happiny had evolved into Chansey, a reward for defeating two fully evolved pokemon while enduring multiple special attacks in the process. Chansey was still egg-shaped, but instead of being tiny and rounded, she was nearly as tall as Astra and way wider. Nica learned personally about how smooth Chansey’s skin was from an enthusiastic hug.

Feeling experienced enough with a somewhat competent team by her side, Astra used her kayak and strength to travel towards Alola, ready to learn more about her parents. Her home and Guardian’s HQ were on a Poni Island in secret locations, away from the public eyes, two perfect places to start an investigation.

Ninetales was balanced on the backside of the kayak, wary of water due to him being a fire pokemon. With his pokeball destroyed long ago by his own flames while refusing to join Astra’s team, defeating his fear of water became a must.

Nica sat in front of her trainer, writing on a notepad despite the shaking of the boat, presenting her trainer with a few questions she had wanted to ask for a while.

Astra stopped for a moment to read before giving Pichu a patient smile. “I already told you. I didn’t find any pokemon I hoped for during my travels between islands to add into the team.” Upon seeing a serious glare that wasn’t going to leave Nica’s face, she sighed. “Listen… I know how it feels to be abandoned, and a pokemon trainer can lead only six pokemon at once.” She looked to the side, staring at the descending sun on the horizon with the water reflecting its light.

“Every pokemon I’ll capture, I plan on training for the rest of my life. Even if I catch more than six, I’ll simply switch between them regularly.” She took a deep breath and looked down at Pichu, who was now calmer than before. “Staryu, Chansey, Ivysaur and you, I’ll never abandon any of you, that’s why I’m so hesitant with expanding my team. I need pokemon that will benefit us in the long run and I want to choose carefully.”

Nica nodded, now understanding her trainer even more. Astra didn’t care about quick results, even if it meant handicapping herself. Only using four pokemon when battling against a local champion, not allowing her pokemon to evolve until they proved themselves against the odds, years used for reading and studying before going on an actual adventure. Her trainer didn’t care about losing numerous battles, as long as it would make the team stronger for the future.

Every hope Astra had on reuniting with her parents vanished without a trace after a few hours of investigation.

A small village where most ‘Guardians’ were accommodated with their families… abandoned and covered by dust.

A secret base located behind a secret passage in between Poni Canyon and an altar of the legendary pokemon, devoid of skilled combatants and their pokemon.

The base itself had suffered damage in multiple locations, from cracks to holes on the floor, most likely leftovers of battles from years ago. Most equipment had been looted, and the only leftovers were some old prototypes and gadgets in the underground laboratory that didn’t seem useful enough to steal.

A mighty base with barracks, a training facility, laboratory, its own solar panels and generators, radar and a small airport for helicopters and flying pokemon, now was unaccommodated and empty. Astra and her team being the only ones walking through the empty halls.

Ninetales sniffed the floor, desperately trying to catch the scent of his trainer. His ears drooped and a sad whimpering kept escaping his mouth.

Astra’s only clues proved to be video tapes from secret cameras that her father once told her about, most likely missed by whoever raided this place.

Nica accompanied her trainer the entire time, listening to her in an attempt to understand her discoveries. Apparently police officers and Officer Jennys’ were arresting Guardian members on the video tapes, accusing them for going rogue and even assassinating their own commanding officers.

She could do little but stare as her trainer cried upon finding gravestones of her parents located nearby the base. A small graveyard for Guardian members who had fallen during their duties. Her ears drooped and she felt aching in her heart. While in the past she didn’t care for the human girl, thinking only about herself and her desire for adventure, their bond had grown stronger over the next years. Astra demanded a lot of her, but always treated her with respect and was a great teacher, even asking for opinions and sharing beliefs. Nica could no longer distance herself.

Ninetales cried as well, no doubt wishing for nothing but to burn to the bare bones whoever was responsible for taking his trainer’s life.

The gloomy atmosphere lasted for hours as Astra and Ninetales kept walking between empty rooms of the base, searching for clues with red, puffy eyes and faces covered by tears.

“I… I don’t believe it…”

Nica and Ninetales looked at Astra, hearing her speak for the first time ever since finding the gravestones of her parents.

“My mom and my dad… they always praised dedication... and loyalty… of their men… there’s no way… no way any of them would betray them,” she said, still sobbing. After wiping her face from tears and gathering her resolve, she looked at her pokemon and continued, “My parents left me on an island to protect me from criminals. They expected something terrible might happen, but this must be one big farce! I don’t believe what the police on the tapes said, even for a second!”

Ninetales nodded. <Fighting in many regions against an organized crime required a lot of traveling and operating in many places at the same time. My trainer always cooperated with other veterans, and I didn’t see a single traitorous bone in them!> He growled. <Accusing them of going rogue is nothing less than idiocy.>

Astra looked between Pichu and Ninetales, staring them in the eyes. “My parents dedicated their lives to keep selfish and evil people from abusing the power of pokemon, and they fell before achieving it…” She tightened her fist. “But I’ll continue what they started. I’ll avenge them!” She slammed her fist into a wall, leaving a few cracks on it as her work with the strong nurse bore some fruits. “I almost lost my chance to become a pokemon trainer, forced to spend years on an island. My parents were taken away from me… but I won’t give up!” She pointed at Pichu. “I’ll make you strong, partner, and we’ll fight back together, side by side.” She stomped. “I’ll train a powerful team and we will shield others. No one else will have to suffer as I did…”

Ninetales howled as the temperature around his body grew at a quick pace, forcing a few drops of sweat to fall down Pichu’s forehead.

Astra knelt before Ninetales, staring at him with pleading eyes. “I know you don’t like me, but I beg you, lend me your strength. It will take time and preparation until we’ll be ready, but I swear, we’ll have our revenge, just… give me a chance!” She grit her teeth, her stare filled with insanity. “I beg you!”

Ninetales kept staring the human in the eyes for a moment before nodding. His tails straightened upward in an aggressive stance. With his pokeball burned by his own flames long time ago, there was nothing to prevent Astra from capturing him. <I shall join you… but first let me experience your progress. Show me how much your team surpassed your mother’s top pokemon!>

Astra gave Pichu a firm stare, who nodded in return, stepping forward to fight against the powerful fox.

While Nica’s opponent was fully evolved and had years of experience, for the past few years the Ninetales didn’t bother to train, always sitting on the sidelines unless the situation became dire. The gap in power between them shrank considerably, and it in the end, fighting a supreme opponent wasn’t all that different from what she had been doing until now. In fact, a chance to give the arrogant fire-breathing fox a lesson was very appealing.

Nica pushed herself up to a sitting position, the sun not yet raised on the horizon. Her breathing and heart-rate hastened as she held a forepaw on her chest. Drops of sweat covered her forehead.

As memories from the recent dream were still fresh in her mind, Nica felt tears sliding down her cheeks on their own.

It was one thing to suspect that something terrible happened to her trainer’s parents, but seeing Astra broken in front of the gravestones of her loved ones… If she had to choose, it was a memory Nica didn’t want to recover.

After a moment of stroking her tail, she perched herself on the leaves with Pharynx nowhere to be found. She closed her eyes, only to open them again. After a few minutes of lying and star-gazing, she stood up and walked towards the desert, hoping that an hour of running and fresh air would calm her down. The air at night near the changeling’s hive seemed colder than the one in Ponyville, but she liked it this way. It reminded her of home and family.

“Can’t sleep?”

Recognizing Pharynx by voice alone, Nica stopped running and turned around, her eyes adapted to the night just enough to notice a dark silhouette as the changeling’s black chitin camouflaged his presence.

“I sensed your depression from miles away. Was it a harsh memory returning, or is it for some stupid reason and you’re just acting like a crybaby?”

Nica frowned and turned around. While she usually tolerated Pharynx’s mean remarks, this time she wasn’t in the mood.

“So it is something serious.” In a burst of green flames, he turned into a Raichu. Once close enough, he raised Nica's chin with his paw, now looking into her eyes. <You’re quite a reliable partner, and I can’t allow your morale to drop. So, what’s the problem?>

Nica sat and perched herself on the sand as her ears drooped. <Do you remember how I told you about my trainer’s parents, how they were fighting those who wanted to use pokemon powers for crime?>

Pharynx nodded, still standing and on guard as if expecting an ambush. <Maintaining order and dealing with traitors is important.>

Nica continued in a sombre tone, <Once I and the rest of the team became a bit stronger, Astra decided to search for her parents, only to find their gravestones.> She took a deep breath, grabbing her tail and rubbing it nervously. <During her investigation, Astra found out that police arrested the guardians for killing their leaders, calling them traitors, but…>

<Your trainer thinks it was a set up?>

Nica nodded, caught of guard as she stared at her changeling friend in confusion.

<You once said that Astra’s parents were very competent. The best way to deal with stronger opponent is with deception and trickery,> Pharynx explained. <Changing into your foe to spread distrust or start an infight was an old fashioned but an efficient strategy in the hive. Though it took serious acting skills, which only rare changelings had.>

Nica whimpered. <My trainer decided to avenge her parents and continue their work, but I fear she was still feeling pain and depression, and just suppressed it.> She wiped more tears that slid down her cheeks. <I know it happened in the past… but…>

Pharynx rubbed the back of his neck nervously. Until now he didn’t care about others’ feelings, with his brother being the only exception. Keeping the hive safe and running was the most important thing. But in this one case he felt something he hadn’t experienced for a long time: pity. Astra’s parents performed their duty, only to fall to the cunning strategy of their enemies. Astra herself, while still young, had enough courage and dedication to seek vengeance and continue where her parents failed. He had to respect that.

He looked back at Nica, sensing even stronger depression than before. Considering how strong this Raichu was, she no doubt performed her duty and fought by Astra’s side for a long time, earning her evolution against the odds. There was no reason to cry over a comrade who lost her parents, it wasn’t her fault after all… so why was she still so sad over it?

Pharynx sighed and approached Nica, looking to the side as he placed his paw on her shoulder. It was what the soft creatures did to cheer each other up, right? He could at least try doing the same if it meant improving a fri—partner's morale.

Nica smiled lightly and pressed the side of her face into Pharynx’s fluffy chest, who groaned in response, but didn’t resist.

Author's Note:

Poor Nica, reliving sad moments of her life in her dream must be hard for her soft heart, luckly Pharynx is there to cheer her up.

Well... maybe cheer up is a strong word, but at least he's trying, which is a big atchievement for the warrior veteran. Instead of stealing love, he's learning more about compassion, baby steps.

On a side note, it sure must be warm to have a Raichu performing role of blanket, lucky Pharynx.

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