• Published 30th Sep 2017
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Little Lost Raichu - CommanderX5

Devoid of memories and found in the Everfree Forest, little Raichu is nursed back to health by Twilight and her friends. Little do they know about the importance of her past and how far she’ll go to repay their kindness.

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Chapter 4 - Twilight’s Research

Little Lost Raichu


Chapter 4


Twilight’s Research

“Sit down everypony,” Twilight said from her perch on a pillow with a large blackboard behind her. To the left and right were tall shelves filled with books, an atmosphere for research she could get behind. On the rounded table in the middle of the room were a few stocks of papers, quills, bottles of ink and several scrolls. Next to the table were boxes in a diversity of sizes, some even bigger than Big Macintosh.

Before Twilight were three pillows; one prepared for her assistant, another one for her personal student and last one for the cute specimen herself. As she’d hoped for, each pillow was used, though Raichu relocated her pillow further away from Starlight for some reason.

She glanced at Pinkie who took a spot behind the table, sitting next to a cart filled with sweets. It became apparent that the party mare was going to be a spectator and wouldn’t interfere.

Twilight cringed upon noticing a cockroach feasing on one of Pinkie’s cupcakes. Not that she questioned Raichu’s friendship choices, but she did consider sending a letter to Fluttershy the first chance she got.

“Maybe your spider friend should rest somewhere else? For its own safety,” Starlight suggested, receiving a firm nod of agreement from Raichu. She carefully levitated the spider onto the table.

Twilight rubbed the back of her head, thinking. Did a very venomous spider have a nap on her head? Either she’s oblivious to danger or very brave, or both. She took a deep breath and spoke up, “Before we start, I need to ask a very crucial question.” Seeing how she caught everyone’s attention, she continued, “Have you recovered any important memories? Nod twice if the answer is ‘yes’.”

Raichu nodded twice, staring at the alicorn as if she was a diligent student observing her teacher.

Spike spoke up, “When I was showing her around the kitchen, she remembered that she knows how to write. Apparently, someone taught her.”

“Really!?” Twilight asked in a rush of excitement and clapped her hooves together. “This is perfect. I was considering a very long visit to the Canterlot Royal Archives to find a translation spell that would help us communicate, but since you can write, I can delay it for another time.”

Spike crossed his arms. “A spell like that would be way more convenient. Why delay it?”

Twilight ignored the question as she levitated a quill and piece of paper into Raichu’s paws. “Write what you remembered. Even the tiniest bit of information can be very useful.”

Raichu nodded, taking her time while filling the paper with letters. Starlight stared at her in sadness while Spike stood up from his pillow and rested his head on it instead, taking a nap.

The moment Raichu waved with her paw, Twilight levitated the paper over and read it. “Hmmm... “ escaped her mouth as she analyzed the newly gained information.

“What does it say?” Starlight asked curiously.

Twilight lowered the paper and said, “Memories about Raichu’s childhood are quite odd. Apparently she was a tiny creature called Pichu in the past, living with her family and herd on a snowy mountain on an island.”

“Does this mean she migrated over the ocean and found a new home in the Everfree Forest?” Starlight asked.

“This is a possibility,” Twilight said. “Exploration was never ponies’ strongest point. There’s no literature about discoveries over the ocean.”

“Kind of odd that pegasi never tried to explore, they can fly after all,” Starlight pointed out.

“That’s not what’s important. What I don’t understand is why she called herself a Pichu when she was young.” Twilight glanced at Raichu and asked, “Care to explain?”

Raichu shook her head and shrugged.

Starlight spoke up, “It’s normal to be confused when she can recall only fragments of her past. It should make more sense overtime. Let's just be patient and wait.”

“Agreed,” Twilight said with a nod. “Moving on, I remember reading a legend about a nine-tailed fox, but I’m certain there’s no literature about a species called ‘Pikachu’, “Magby” and ‘Human’.” She rubbed her chin. “Though it kind of makes sense. There must be many undiscovered races living on another land.” She smiled in satisfaction. “Do you think a title like Undiscovered Species from the Oversea would have a nice ring to it?”

“It’s debatable,” Starlight said.

Twilight frowned. “Let's get to the next point then. Abilities and magic.” She glanced at Raichu and said, “According to what you wrote, you used electricity to attack… while acting like a mean childish bully.” She cleared her throat and asked, “Can you demonstrate by releasing some electricity?” Seeing a shake of Raichu’s head, she asked, “You don’t remember how to do it, do you?”

Raichu nodded and pointed at the stock of paper on the table, gesturing with her paws.

The alicorn levitated over the paper and quill to Raichu before reading what she wrote. “That’s considerate of you,” Twilight said, caught off guard. She gave her guest a pitiful smile.

“What did she write?” Starlight asked.

“She’s afraid that she may hurt others and she’s asking if we have something to restrain her, or if she should maintain a safe distance from everyone,” Twilight said. “I think we can make a collar to absorb or repel electricity.”

Raichu smiled, happy that one of her fears would be put to the rest. It was only her first day and she already enjoyed these ponies company. The debt of gratitude towards them grew by the hour.

Twilight’s horn lit as she opened a box, levitating over a large version of a hamster’s running wheel which was big enough for a pony to use. She placed it in front of the pokemon and said, “I hope you don’t mind some physical exercise. First on the list is a test of speed.”

“Seriously? A hamster running wheel?” Starlight asked with a raised eyebrow. “From all the sports-related equipment to use, you chose this? All that’s missing is a large glass enclosure for our cute little house pet.”

“I was improvising, there’s no need for sarcasm,” Twilight said, her eyes still on the critter who climbed into the large wheel and balanced her paws on the large bars. “There’s a speed-calculating device attached to this wheel. Just run as fast as you can.”

Raichu followed Twilight’s order without a second thought, running in excitement and with a cheerful smile.

Now that’s what I call a love for running. Maybe it’s her species’ second nature? Or Raichu is just trying to learn about her limits? Whatever the reason, she seems very enthusiastic about it, Twilight thought, not taking her eyes away from her fluffy test subject.

“Run, run, run! Do your best! You can do this! We believe in you! Eye of the Tiger!” Pinkie shouted random quotes, cheering for her friend with a shake of her forelegs.

Twilight approached her contraption, curious about the full speed her guest could pull off as the wheel started rolling faster and faster, reaching an extreme speed in but a few seconds. The metal parts keeping the wheel together started to turn red and smoke emanated from them.

“Twilight, I have doubts about the stability of this equipment, I think we should stop this before…” Starlight failed to finish as the metal parts shot in all directions while the large wheel rolled uncontrollably through the library.

Twilight bit her lip and raised her forelegs protectively, her reflexes not being good enough to raise a barrier. Luckily, Starlight did it for her, expecting such an accident fast enough to react.

The wheel slammed into the blue barrier, rolling over it and crashing into the wall, ending up stuck in a newly created hole. Raichu tripped over and rolled, falling onto the floor with stars circling over her head. The speed-calculating device exploded from overheating a few seconds later as gears and springs bounced on the floor.

Spike rubbed his eyes and murmured, “Can you girls tone it down a bit? I had a weird dream where Raichu shrank to the size of a hamster and…” He blinked in confusion at the scene before him. “Oh, nevermind, still dreaming.” He yawned and reasserted himself on the pillow, returning to sleep.

“Alright, so the test of speed didn’t work as expected,” Twilight said as Raichu looked up at her with an awkward smile.

“You think?” Starlight asked sarcastically. Even with magical support, some small cracks were still present on the recently repaired wall.

To Twilight’s relief, no books were damaged during the incident.

“The next test shouldn’t cause any problems. It’s just a simple test of strength,” Twilight said, levitating over weights of different sizes from another box and placing them on the floor with a loud thud. Her assistant was no longer inside the library, most likely taking a nap somewhere else.

Raichu approached and sniffed the lead weights, poking them.

“I’ll place one weight after another on your back. Your task will be to stand on all your paws as long as possible until you’ll reach your limit,” Twilight explained. “If the test becomes too painful or the weight too much to bear, just lie down and I’ll take it away.”

<Alright,> Raichu said, stretching herself before standing firmly on all four legs, her eyes narrowed and expression serious. <I’m ready.>

“You seem quite eager to test your strength. I was a bit afraid you would be hesitant after our last fiasco.” Twilight levitated the first round lead weight with ‘10 kg’ written on it.

Raichu maintained her determined stance, looking up at the descending weight. While in terms of size it was smaller than her, the material it was made of would no doubt press down against her with a lot of force. As she expected, she felt a heavy pressure on her back the moment the cold metal made contact with her warm fur. Her legs bent slightly for a short moment.

One after another, heavy weights were placed on her back, creating a small tower as her legs started to tremble. She soldiered on, finding the challenge to be more exciting than she thought.

“That’s eighty kilograms,” Twilight said, giving Starlight a questioning glance. “What was Raichu’s weight again?”

“Applejack said twenty two kilograms, or was it twenty five?” Starlight answered. “She’s lifting three times her own weight, not bad.”

“For ponies it may not be much, but our build is specialized for carrying heavy weights on our back. Not to mention our inner magic that strengthens us,” Twilight lectured and closed her eyes. “I still remember carrying a boulder on my back a long time ago. It was at least fifteen times my own weight, and I wasn’t exactly an athletic unicorn.”

“You did what? Why?” Starlight asked.

“Ask Discord, he’ll give you the details. In short, it involved corrupting my friends, Rarity becoming greedy and giving a boulder the name Tom...” Twilight answered.

“On the second thought, I don’t want to know.”

Raichu took a quick breath and looked at the alicorn in determination. She bit her lip and blinked the moment another weight was added onto her back, but she endured. I wonder what I’m capable of? She closed her eyes as another memory surfaced in her mind.

You’re giving up already? You should take an example from me, the voice of the human girl echoed in her mind. I know pokemon of your size don’t rely on strength but rather on power and attack moves, but you never know when it will come in handy. Besides, a pokemon’s size rarely limits them. Even the tiniest ones can become extremely strong with enough training. Being a Pichu again, she listened to the encouraging words from the human and placed her tiny paws around several pebbles, lifting them with a lot of struggling as each pebble was as big as her arm. Much to her surprise, she was lifted by the human girl, her entire body fitting just fine on her hand alone.

Raichu’s eyes opened as she woke up from her memory. She gritted her teeth and felt sweat sliding down her face like a fountain. Her four legs trembled and her muscles burned. It was obvious that time had passed and more weight had been added while she was recalling her memory, but how much exactly?

“Two hundred and eighty kilograms,” Twilight said with a forehoof raised up to her face. “Are you tired yet? We can stop anytime you want.”

Raichu raised her head, looking at the alicorn with a grimace on her face and with tower made of twenty eight weights balanced on her back. <I’m f-fine…> she said in a tired voice, her breathing slow and deep.

Starlight’s horn lit as she levitated over another weight, placing it on the back of the struggling critter. “I like your spirit. Keep it up and you can set a great record… not that there are many critters of your size who would try to compete for it.”

Minutes felt like hours as Raichu kept struggling, each added weight making the exercise more painful and straining. Small cracks spread around her paws while her bronze edges were slowly sinking into the crystal floor. Her face started turning red from lack of oxygen as she could barely catch any breath from the pressure on her back. The weight was slowly reaching half a ton.

The pain in her muscles felt as if someone had tried to push hundreds of nails into her skin, and her paws felt as if they were pressed into a stack of burning coal. Despite her best efforts to keep her trembling legs working, they started to give in, her face now only millimeters above the floor. Her desperate attempt of using her own head for support let her endure only two extra weights.

Raichu’s struggle finally ended as she was now lying flat, pinned by four hundred and twenty kilograms. <I… regret… nothing,> she said, her voice muffled as her face was pressed into the floor.

Suddenly, she felt light as a feather as the weights she struggled against were levitated away all at once, the change in pressure being nothing less than astonishing. She stood up with incredible ease while the exhaustion from the past ten minutes had just… vanished. Was it normal? Wasn’t she supposed to be tired? Either my species has incredible speed and stamina, or the training I had alongside the human had to be insane.

Pinkie applauded. “That was amazing!” She raised a photo with her forehoof and pointed at it. “I hope you don’t mind that I took a picture. I think I’ll make a house of cards on the top of that tower of the weights next time you lift. That would look great.”

<S-sure,> Raichu said with a weak nod, finding Pinkie’s idea more weird than appealing.

“I must say, I’m impressed. According to the ratio of your strength to weight, you’re almost as strong as a young pony,” Twilight said with a proud smile.

“Almost?” Starlight asked.

“Trust me, Apple Bloom, Applejack and Big Mac more than once showed that earth ponies aren’t to be underestimated. I may have lifted a one and a half tons boulder, but I can’t tell what they’re capable of,” Twilight said.

“True, but the amount of weight we can levitate is fifty tons, or more,” Starlight remarked. “Still, fair enough.”

Raichu stared at Starlight for a few seconds with her mouth agape. She had to be joking. Was their magic really so powerful to lift hundred times more than what she had managed to carry on her own back? Was she but an insignificant little being when compared to such incredible might? She shook her head and wrote on the paper before presenting it to the alicorn.

“You want another test already? Why not take a break?” Twilight asked.

<No need, I’m not tired at all,> Raichu answered, more than eager to continue. Her curiosity of her own abilities was getting the best of her.

Twilight pet the top of Raichu’s head, something they found mutually enjoyable. “Alright. Your next test will be jumping.”

<J-jumping?> Raichu asked as her face became pale. Her excitement, her enthusiasm and all the energy were gone in an instant as she now stared at the alicorn with wide eyes. <J-jumping… n-no… anything but that.>

Starlight bit her lip.

“Just jump as high as you can and I’ll calculate the height you've reached,” Twilight explained.

“I don’t think it’s a good idea,” Starlight said, pointing at the ceiling. “There’s not enough space for such a test here.”

“Nonsense,” Twilight said with a dismissive wave of her foreleg. She bent her legs and jumped up, reaching half the height of the spacious room before landing with a weak thump. “See, there’s plenty of space. Now your turn, Raichu.”

The pokemon gulped.

“This research is extremely important, so will you do this for me? Pretty please?” Twilight’s eyes became wide as plates and her ears flattened against her head.

Raichu lowered her head and sighed. How could she say no to those pretty, knowledge-hungry eyes? It’s not like her head was in any danger. If anything, the stability of the ceiling would be at risk. She took a similar pose to the one she had when trying to jump up to the apple tree. She closed her eyes and gritted her teeth as she mentally prepared herself for what was about to come.

“Twilight, she already jumped once!” Starlight shouted. “Her head slammed into the ceiling!”

“Really?” Twilight asked, but before she could even consider her student’s words, the critter before her jumped, shooting upward like a rocket as a loud noise of breaking stone and crystals reached her ears. She raised a barrier over herself as the rubble started to fall onto the floor. The moment her magical shield vanished, she looked up and gasped, seeing three large holes in the ceiling. Her little fluffy test subject somehow managed to pierce through the second floor, attic and the roof at the same time.

In a flash of teleportation, she reappeared on the roof of her castle, the very spot where she and her friends ‘chillaxed’ a long time ago. Outside was a fountain with several sunbeds around it and she could see the new hole in the roof. She raised her head and covered her face with her forelegs, protecting herself from the splashing water as Raichu landed in the fountain.

Starlight appeared in a flash of teleportation, quickly noticing the wet critter and levitating her from the fountain. “I was sure your head would end up stuck in the ceiling, not pierce it with such force. You’re full of surprises.”

Raichu shook herself, spreading drops of water all around. She turned towards the ponies, lowered her head and held her paws together apologetically. <I’m sorry!> she shouted in regret.

“What’s she doing?” Starlight asked.

“I think she’s apologizing,” Twilight said before raising Raichu’s head with a hoof. “It’s alright, it was my fault for asking you to jump despite Starlight’s warnings. Besides, a few holes is nothing that a bit of magic can’t repair.”

“Can you both be quiet? I’m trying to sleep here,” Spike said from one of the sunbeds while sunglasses adorned his face.

Noticing her assistant, Twilight smiled and approached the sunbeds, gesturing for her student and guest to lie on them. “I think some relaxing will do us good.”

“Relaxing? Seriously? You have a schedule prepared for the next twelve days and tests to perform. I can’t believe you want to take a break,” Starlight commented.

“Who said I’ll be taking a break, I just thought I can write some notes and maybe start writing the book we talked about. This spot is perfect for it. I think I'll title the first chapter Master of Jumping, Speed and Electricity.”

Starlight smiled. “Now that’s the Twilight I know.”

Raichu climbed up onto the sunbed, taking example from Spike as she lay on her back, feeling the warm sun on her wet fur. She closed her eyes, not needing any memories to figure out that staring directly at the blinding yellow ball in the sky would end up poorly for her sight.

Pinkie Pie peeked through the hole in the roof, climbing up further before laying on a sunbed of her own with the cockroach riding her tail.

The venomous spider used its web to climb up onto the roof, taking a comfortable spot on Raichu’s belly.

Twilight chuckled. “It seems our new companion just learned more about chillaxing than you learned over the course of a few months.”

Starlight frowned. “Very funny.”

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