• Published 30th Sep 2017
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Little Lost Raichu - CommanderX5

Devoid of memories and found in the Everfree Forest, little Raichu is nursed back to health by Twilight and her friends. Little do they know about the importance of her past and how far she’ll go to repay their kindness.

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Chapter 40 - Combat and Diplomacy

Lost Little Raichu


Chapter 40

Combat and Diplomacy

Starlight grinned. “Would you like to hear something funny and sad at the same time?”

Darkrai blinked. Why was this pony interested in jokes before a battle that would decide the fate of their country?

“We were willing to convince Nica to accept your offer in order to stop her suffering. The torture you put her through in her dream, it was all for nothing in more ways than one,” Starlight commented with anger clear in her voice.

Darkrai kept staring at her before massaging his forehead. His ambition, his plan to bring pokemon to Equestria and share the gift of magic with them as they would form a nation of their own. All beyond his reach. And now it turns out that the ponies were willing to convince the Raichu to accept his offer and return home. All the torture he put his saviour through, all meaningless?

He started staring at the horizon in distance. His conviction, his determination to accomplish his goal had been weakening with each encounter with Nica. Everytime he made her suffer, part of him felt regret and guilt. Even after offering pokemon a chance to improve and become something greater didn’t seem to win their loyalty as they turned against each other. What if Luna was right? What if his failure at conquering Canterlot took away his opportunity to take over Equestria, and his efforts afterwards were meaningless?

Starlight’s expression softened a little as she stared at him curiously. “I would feel bad for you if I didn’t hate you. Now, will you step down and surrender, or do we need to do this the hard way?”

Darkrai shook his head. Don’t say foolish things, pony. I went too far in order to achieve my goal. You expect me to believe that you and those I hurt would extinguish their flames of hatred so easily if I simply surrendered? He tightened his other fist and shook it. No, this battle needs to last until one side can fight no more.


Darkrai turned towards the source of the voice and raised his hand over his forehead, noticing two more figures descending from the sky.

“Your mentor who summoned you, Chrysalis, is in our custody. Forget what she taught you and cease fighting,” Thorax said as he hovered above the ground, his horn aimed and charged.

“Thorax had told me what you have been doing all this time,” Cadance said as a blue aura surrounded around her horn. “I hurried to Ponyville as quickly as I could to aid my sister in law. I had no idea I would encounter you so quickly.”

Darkrai narrowed his eyes. He raised his hand, charging ‘Dark Pulse’ before unleashing it.

“Cadance, watch out!” Twilight shouted as she launched herself into the air.

Cadance raised a bubble over herself and her changeling ally as the wall of black flames scattered against it.

What? Darkrai thought in shock. This wasn’t an ordinary barrier which melted upon contact with dark magic, but something that resisted it.

“Thank you,” Thorax said before shooting a green fireball towards Darkrai’s dark orb of gathered magic. Darkrai's attempt to evade failed as two pegasi grabbed both of his hands, keeping them in place with all their might.

The moment the gathered magic vanished in green flames, Darkrai felt cold as the lower part of his body ended up covered by ice. He glanced behind, seeing two beams of freezing magic immobilizing him. With a wave of his hand, he summoned ‘Dark Void,’ which caught Twilight and Starlight, leaving them deep asleep as the alicorn slammed into the roof with her head and belly. Perfect, now all I need is to use the move ‘Nightmare’ on them and next recover my wounds with ‘Dream Eater.’ His plan was ruined as a large surge of pain overcame his chest. Cadance’s beam of magic caused even more damage than Celestia’s spell.

Rainbow Dash and Whindy Whistle grabbed both Twilight and Starlight, taking them out of his reach.

Cadance’s magic… it feels as if I was fighting a fairy type. What makes her more dangerous than Luna is that she can not only take the hit, but dish it too. This I didn’t predict. He looked at his hands. Losing most of gathered magic was also unexpected. Those creatures kept improving their strategy with each battle and are finding weaknesses of my magic. Summoning black flames, he burned away the ice and made a hole in the ceiling before levitating into the castle.

Using the shadows of the hallway, he hid his presence, waiting for the alicorn to pass by. He started passing door after door while hearing the noise of battle between his servants and the parents of the Element Bearers.

“Are you sure they’ll be alright?”

“Of course they will. Rainbow Dash is with them.”

Darkrai turned his attention towards a nearby closed door. I can no longer afford to take any chances and underestimate my opponents. Hostages will give me the edge I need. After charging an orb of power in his left hand, he slammed the door with his right hand and levitated inside, hearing the screams of panicked ponies.

Three fillies grabbed and held each other, trembling.

The pegasus responsible for taking care of animals held Nica with her forelegs. She covered her with her wings protectively. “S-stay away…”

Dr. Fauna took a fighting stance with an angered dog growling by her side.

Another Raichu jumped from the bed, landing ahead of doctor and the dog. Her eyes narrowed as bolts of electricity were escaping not just from her cheeks but also from her tail.

You’ll serve me as hostages. Cooperate and no harm will come to you, Darkrai spoke in each mind as he raised hand, charging up a dark orb in preparation for an attack.

Nica pushed herself from Fluttershy’s embrace, yelping in pain while landing on her face. She pushed herself to a standing position with three trembling legs before raising her tail defensively. She grit her teeth as her tail shone in a metallic grey for a few seconds before returning back to normal.

<Stop it Nica, save your strength!> Nica's mother said before unleashing 'Thunderbolt,' aiming for the black orb. Darkrai blocked the electricity with his other hand, not allowing it to destroy his means of attack. A small burn appeared on his arm. <Leave my daughter and her friends alone you monster! No one wants your conquest!>

Darkrai looked at the hostile Raichu. You call this an attack? You may be her mother, but your power is nothing in comparison.

Nica's mother jumped towards his arm, grabbing and biting it with her teeth before attacking with another 'Thunderbolt' as a bright spectacle forced the ponies to cover their eyes.

I summoned you and I can send you away, begone! With a shake of his hand, Darkrai pushed the Raichu onto the floor, whose strength wasn’t big enough to even hold to his arm. It became obvious that this Raichu didn’t experience many battles. With a snap of his fingers, he summoned small rune under the inexperienced pokemon.

Raichu looked turned towards her daughter, stretching her forepaw towards her, <Protect my daughter, plea!> vanishing from the room. The rune on the floor disappeared as well.

Nica growled before once again attempting to call upon her 'Iron Tail,' losing balance as the result. She stood up on her three trembling legs before gritting her teeth. Small bolts of electricity appeared on her cheeks and disappeared just as quickly. Her breathing hastened as great suffering was painted on her face.

Darkrai struggled not to look away. The very pokemon who saved him in the past and ruined his recent plans was still willing to defend the ponies. To make matters worse, her body was covered in bruises from top to bottom, her tail and body mangled and dry, sapped of energy, while one rear leg was lying flat on the floor. Her eyes were like a bridge into her soul showing nothing but pain and desperation. Those were the eyes of a broken pokemon, both physically and mentally.

You do realize that you’re standing by your willpower alone. I drained your life-essence while invading your dream, something I didn’t do intentionally but had no control over. He levitated closer and aimed his dark orb. No pokemon would dare to fight in such a condition, let alone remain conscious. There’s no more power in you that improves your durability. In the worst case scenario you’ll die. In the best… your tail will melt permanently. Are you still willing to defy me in such a shape?

Nica glanced at her tail in worry, observing it for a few seconds before narrowing her eyes. She looked back at him and nodded. <I… I do… I’m tired… I want all this…> She took a few quick breaths, <all this fighting to stop… but I don’t care what will happen to me… I won’t let you hurt…> Another breath. <I won’t let you hurt the innocent Fluttershy and those cute fragile fillies!> Her body shook left and right as she nearly lost her balance, using her tail for support before raising it defensively again.

And you’re willing to sacrifice even your own tail? Darkrai asked, each of Nica’s words draining away his motivation to fight.

<I… I do…> Nica gulped. <I may lose my favorite, loveable tail, something which I used to shield so many pokemon and people, saved so many lives. I’ll become less useful and crippled… but I prefer it over letting you harm others…> Her clenched forepaws trembled as her voice alone showed signs of suffering.

Apple Bloom jumped in front of Raichu. “Nica saved mah life. If ya want to hurt her, ya need to go through me!”

Fluttershy rounded them both and spread her wings protectively as her body was shaking in fear. “I won’t let you hurt her anymore, you meany. She protected us all this time, now it is my turn to protect her. I won’t let you melt her cute long tail she loves using so much!”

Darkrai levitated backward, staring back in confusion. Were those ponies really willing to sacrifice their own life to protect a pokemon. Wasn’t she just a pet to them?

“Leave Nica alone!”

Darkra levitated to the side, evading Applejack’s slam as the mare pressed her hooves into the floor, stopping in front of him.

“Ah owe mah sister’s life to Nica. Ya’ll get to them over mah dead body!” Applejack shouted, her fur covered in cuts which added to the intimidation factor.

Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo stepped from behind Fluttershy hesitantly, sitting next to Apple Bloom.

Dr. Fauna gulped, too afraid to move. Winona didn’t show any signs of fear as she barked at Darkrai, now standing next to Applejack.

Mr. Patrick climbed up Winona, hissing at him from the top of her head.

Darkrai’s hand started to tremble. Was he wrong about the ponies? It was nothing like Chrysalis described them. Thus far they proved themselves so much different then Chrysalis, fighting side by side with the pokemon rather than command her to do the dirty work, and now they lined themselves to protect her. He slammed his fist against the wall as it cracked from the impact. Was there any point to his conquest anymore?

Nica rounded the ponies, pulling her broken leg as she looked at him with a firm stare. There seemed to be a flame of determination lit in her oval pupils. <You don’t want to fight us… do you?>

What are you talking about?

<I can sense it. Hesitation, guilt, depression, resignation.> Nica’s body started to shake as Applejack supported her with her shoulder. <Ever since you entered this room, I could tell there was little will to fight left in you.>

Darkrai mentally sighed. I admit, I start believing more and more that my conquest is no longer achievable. This is my final stand. Either I achieve my goal or fall trying.

<Stop it!> Nica shouted as tears fell down her cheeks. <Pokemon and ponies can live peacefully! We can adapt to magic through hard work rather than stealing it. No one wants your conquest!> She pointed accusingly before tilting forward, but the farm mare kept her from falling over.

Darkrai levitated forward, which alerted Applejack and her dog. I don’t want to fight a lost war. I don’t want to hurt when conquest is out of reach, but I can’t turn back. Ponies will never forgive me. They’ll hunt me relentlessly. I caused too much harm to make peace.

<You’re wrong!> Nica lowered herself to three legs and forced a step forward, not daring to take her eyes away him. <Ponies are too forgiving for their own good. I heard stories of many villains they reformed. Peace isn’t out of reach.> She took a deep breath. <I’ll… I’ll speak in your favor, but I beg you, stop this pointless fight. It serves no one!>

Fluttershy gulped and nodded. “Nica speaks the truth.” She held forehoof on her chest. “Make the first step and stop fighting, forgiveness and peace isn’t yet out of reach.”

Applejack gasped. “What? Ya kiddin’, ya want to forgive this monster after he tried to kill our families?”

Fluttershy shot Applejack an angered glare. “Nica is the one who begs for it. I know it is hard, but at least try to hold back your anger for her. Let’s get this nightmare behind us.”

Applejack frowned. “Ugh… fine.”

Darkrai narrowed his eyes as he glanced between ponies and next looked down at the determined pokemon. Am I to believe that you will forgive me too?

Nica grit her teeth as more tears fell down her cheeks. <M-maybe one day… I’m still mad at you… but I just want this nightmare to end.>

“I found him!” Rainbow Dash shouted as she landed at the entrance, the damaged door was lying on the floor. “Hey, leave Fluttershy alone!”

I hate to fight a lost cause, so I’ll consider your words, Nica, but I refuse to be contained. He charged what was left of his magic and slammed into the floor, creating a summoning star-shaped rune. The floor flashed with a bright light. Instead of summoning multiple weak servants or creating a portal that could summon an army permanently, he put everything into bringing in the strongest dark-type pokemon his magic could afford.

A four pawed dark creature with shining golden rings painted on his body appeared in the room.

Darkrai raised his hand at the pegasus before him. Umbreon, I command you to clear my path and distract my pursuers as I withdraw from this castle.

The Umbreon glanced at him before examining his surroundings, his eyes now fixated on the injured dry Raichu. <Older sis… Nica… is that you?!>

Nica blinked in confusion. <Younger brother?> She tried to walk forward but lost balance instead, hitting the floor unceremoniously with her face. She continued crawling while pulling one leg behind.

Umbreon ran over and licked her cheek. <What happened to you?!> His glanced at the broken leg as his panicked face shifted into one of pure rage. <Who dared? I’ll tear them apart!> He growled.

“What’s goin’ on?” Applejack asked, earning a hostile glare from the dark creature. Winona hid behind her in an instant and whimpered in fear.

“Umbreon and Nica know each other,” Fluttershy said. “He wants to know who hurt her friend.”

Applejack grinned and pointed at Darkrai. “If yer angry, look behind ya. This dark monster tried to break yer friend over and over, even hurtin’ her in her dream.”

Umbreon looked Nica in the eyes. <Is this true?>

<Y-yes, but…>

Umbreon turned around and glared back with pure rage.

What are you doing. I commanded you to clear my path. Obey.

Without hesitation, Umbreon howled as toxins escaped his body, assaulting Darkrai who raised his hands defensively. Everyone ran for cover as ‘Dark Pulse’ smashed Darkrai through the wall into the hallway.

<I’ll tear apart your flesh, burn you with ‘Dark Pulse’ and tear you apart again. Once I’m done with you, you’ll regret raising your filthy hands on my older sister!>

With a desperate shake of his hand, Darkrai banished his summon, feeling weakness in his body. The ‘Toxic’ attack drained his lifeforce with each passing second.

“Wow…” Dash said before glancing at Raichu. “Your friend?”

Nica nodded.

Dash trembled. “Ssshhhh… you have scary and strong friends. Remind me not to get on their bad side.”

Nica glanced at Fluttershy, raising her forepaw in her direction. <I need to talk with Darkrai. Please, carry me.>

Fluttershy nodded, picking her up before flying outside.

Seeing as Darkrai was levitating towards the shadows, Nica shouted, <Wait! Will you stop being a threat to Equestria?>

Darkrai turned around, staring back with an aura of guilt and resignation still as strong as before. What seemed new however was fear. Being attacked by a dark-type pokemon certainly caught him off guard. Again and again I was proven that I was wrong about ponies, and torturing you makes me sick. Whatever it is worth, I’m sorry.

<I asked, will you stop being a threat? Will you stop hurting ponies?>

If they won’t try to hunt me, I will leave them alone.

<Swear it!> Nica shouted.

Darkrai a held hand on his chest. I swear!

Nica forced a smile, watching as Darkrai once again levitated towards the shadow.

“Wait!” Fluttershy called. “Where is Discord?” She waited for an answer. “Well… you better!”

Rainbow Dash rubbed back of her neck in confusion. “We aren’t letting him go, are we?”

Darkrai vanished in the shadows of the hallway, disappearing from their sight just a moment before a large group arrived.

“Where’s Darkrai?” Starlight asked as she stomped against the floor.

“He vanished in darkness and stuff,” Dash pointed out.

“In this case, a magical scan should reveal his location,” Starlight said as her horn lit, so did Twilight’s.

“Please, don’t,” Fluttershy said, receiving confused stares. “Nica convinced him to no longer bother anypony or try to conquer Equestria, as long as we won’t try to hunt him.”

“Are you kidding?” Starlight asked before looking Nica in the eyes. “You seriously want us to let him go?”

She nodded before looking Fluttershy in the eyes and spreading her forepaws.

“Is something wrong? Do you need something?” Fluttershy asked.

<H-hug… sleep… tired… hug… tired and sleepy, sleep on wing…> Nica said between breaths. She felt warmth once again fill her broken heart as soft wings pressed against her back while her face was pressed into Fluttershy’s fluffy chest.

After half a minute of pure pleasure, she was placed on Fluttershy’s spread wing where she perched herself, curling into a ball with the exception of her broken leg which she didn’t dare to touch. All suffering, mind games, fighting, stress, depression, dangers… she could finally put it all behind her. She was sooo done. The only thing she wished for now was a peaceful rest.

The feeling of soft feathers touch her broken aching body being the best experience she had all day, as if jumping into a poll of water after spending a week on the desert without drinking a single drop of water, which in fact she experienced in her recent nightmare.

The group gathered around Nica, who finally earned her blissful rest. A few small cuts were present on Gabby, Rarity and Applejack.

“Soooo… that’s really it… no more fighting?” Twilight asked. “I mean… I’m always up for a peaceful solution, but it just seems too good to be true.”

Fluttershy smiled warmly. “Oh, but it is true. I saw it with my own eyes. When Nica started talking with Darkrai, he was losing the will to fight. He really did care about her.”

“Ah still think he deserves a solid beatin’, and Ah wouldn’t trust him as much as Ah could kick him,” Applejack said before shooting the long-tailed critter a pitiful glance. “But Ah trust Nica. If he’ll leave her alone, Ah’ll try to ignore his attempt to crush mah family with monsters.”

“All's well that ends well,” Rarity pointed out. “I believe that Darkrai lost his chance to take over during battle in Canterlot, but he could not accept it. Now with no hope for victory he should leave us alone, I hope.”

Starlight stomped. “I still wish I could make him pay, but if he really cared about Nica, his actions must have been hard for him.” She groaned. “Still, I’ll not forgive him anytime soon. He should have learned when to give up a long time ago.”

“I dunno, it took a while before you learned when to give up, Starlight,” Dash said, receiving annoyed frown in response. “Kidding, kidding.”

Cadance embraced Twilight with her wing. “I’m really sorry that you had to deal with someone dangerous and I didn’t help. I just wish somepony told me sooner.”

Twilight sighed. “I know I should have informed you… but you and my B.B.B.F.F. are running an entire Empire, and it would become an easier target if you left it. Until recently I didn’t even have the idea that your magic would give us such an advantage.” She glanced at the tall changeling. “Thanks Thorax. Your timing and initiative couldn’t be better.”

Thorax smiled sheepishly, raised forehoof up to his face to hid little blush and chuckled. “T-thanks. I’m glad I could be helpful.” He looked at the sleeping pokemon in sadness. “I wish I could’ve been there for Nica when she needed it. She helped my swarm so much, the least I could do is to keep her from harm.”

Gabby wrapped her wing over Thorax and nuzzled his cheek. “I know what you mean. I wish I could do more than I did, but we got a happy ending. Let’s forget the bad and cheer for the good.”

Pinkie’s smile widened. “Girls, you know what it means?” She stood on her rear hooves and spread her forelegs, throwing confetti over the group. “It calls for a party!”

“Ssshhh…” Apple Bloom shook her head. “Nica needs quiet as she’s sleeping. Ah’ll pick up the blanket."

“Sorry…” Pinkie responded, whispering, "a party."

Fluttershy chuckled as the pokemon perched on her wing received a yellow blanket with apples inscribed onto it. Patrick the rat climbed up her foreleg and perched himself on the blanket covering Nica’s back. “Soooo…. cute.”

“Sweet dreams,” Pinkie said before delivering a quick little kiss on the pokemon’s cheek.

Darkrai peeked from the shadow of a tree as no pony seemed to pursue him. The toxins on his body slowly weakening, so did the pain he felt. So she convinced them after all. It seems the ponies are more understanding than I gave them credit for. It seems listening to Chrysalis was a mistake after all. He raised his hand towards the friendship castle. The seal I put on you, I have no more use for it. Let it be my first step to apologize. He raised his hand up to the part of his body which covered his face. I wonder… maybe pokemon and ponies can live together without being exploited like they are with the humans. Maybe they can improve with magic with peaceful means. I… I have much to think about.

Without any more delays, he levitated towards Canterlot with crystal cavern being his destination. It was his home in this world after all, what better place to plan his next move. One thing was certain, exploiting ponies was no longer an option. Perhaps I should explore this world and learn it’s secrets and magics with peaceful means.

Nica felt a surge of memories returning, as if a veil covering her past was lifted in an instant. Her and her trainer’s attempt to fight the corruption in Kanto and Johto, preparation for the supreme tournament.

Each participant at least once in their career defeated the whole Elite Four. Did they still hold their title of the champion or lost, it didn’t matter as only strong pokemon, clever strategies and experience were placed in the battlefield.

Astra’s team wasn’t behind the competition as each pokemon was with her through her entire journey from the moment of their capture, only occasionally swapped as she tried to give everyone a chance. The team itself proved small enough to receive proper training and gain a lot of experience, yet vast enough for each member to be strategically swapped depending on the opponent in the next round.

The rules of supreme tournament weren’t as simple. Each qualified participants ended up facing nine random opponents, after which the judges chose sixteen or eight best candidates. The less lost battles and the better performance and display of skill and power, the higher their change. This time the roster of participants wasn’t big, resulting in eight trainers getting into round two.

No matter how bad the situation, Nica gave it her all, not daring to drop from pain or exhaustion until the victory was assured. Their dream depended on it.

After gaining the title of ‘Pokemon Master,’ Astra’s first public announcement was warning about the growing influence of criminal organizations and the danger they possessed, encouraging all Elite Four members to use their skills and strong teams to actively protect their region and pokemon trainers from dangers.

In a world filled with pokemon, the title of the Pokemon Master proved to have heavy weight, giving her easier access to important intel, cooperation with gym leaders, Elite Four and champions, and even with the police.

Of course, becoming the Pokemon Master meant that the title of the champion in Sinnoh was open, which was taken by Flint, and soon was won by a female trainer with Garchomp as her lead.

Gaining more power and influence only motivated Nica and Astra to work harder as they struggled to clean the names of the Guardians, which higher ups from Kanto and Johto police resisted in order to save their own skin, resulting in big distrust between Pokemon Master and police in these two regions.

Yet despite their efforts, one thing kept repeating itself. No matter how much damage and how many elite members of criminal organizations they defeated and locked in prison, a less experienced trainer who still didn’t win a single tournament, put an end to Team Magma and Team Aqua by stopping their master plan.

No matter how much they accomplished in protecting the world from danger. It pales when compared to the achievement of Ash Ketchum, his friends and partner, who again and again interacted with legendary pokemon. Each disaster ended before Astra and Nica even reached them.

Each time a weaker and less experienced trainer managed to accomplish the impossible, always being in the right time and right place, it hurt their pride. The feeling of worthlessness deepened as they both felt incompetent in comparison.

It didn’t mean that Ash was the only with such adventures as Astra and Nica interacted with Palkia and Dialga, stopping a disaster in different timeline or in another dimension. Not that it was anywhere near the accomplishments of the weaker trainer.

One day the powerful duo summoned them into a cave filled with crystals, informing about Darkrai’s disappearance and important mission that would follow.

“So let me get this straight,” Astra said as she stood tall in front of two legendary pokemon, each having very long neck and tail. Their body looking as if partially covered by armor. “A few months ago you felt a big disturbance, which was followed with disappearance of Darkrai. Your long investigation lead you to leftovers of dimensional portal and after two months you managed to track down the way to another world?”

Nica looked at her trainer while listening with full attention. With both legendary pokemon using telepathy, she could only guess what they responded in her trainer’s mind.

“You both traveled to this new world, but your attempt to investigate created panic instead.” Astra placed her hands on her hips. “I’m not surprised, Darkrai is really good at hiding. No wonder it took the pokemon hunters so long to track him down.”

Dialga screeched, as if confirming her statement.

“Unable to find him, you traveled into the past and next into the future in search for clues, only to discovered that the entire nation has been taken over by pokemon with Darkrai as the new ruler. To make matters worse, he had unimaginable power, a power you’ve never seen before?”

Nica’s ears drooped. Could this be the same Darkrai she once saved. What would make him enslave an entire nation?

“You both tried to reason with him, and he swore to one day return to this world and free pokemon from enslavement.” She pointed at both giants. “You tried to take him back by force, but with his newly gained power, he overpowered the both of you?”

Nica raised forepaw up to her mouth, gasping. While Darkrai was a legendary pokemon, his power was nowhere near Palkia and Dalgia. She herself, while capable of facing mega-evolved pokemon and even legendaries like Regirock, Entai and others, she would still have a lot of difficulty defeating Palkia or Dalkia on her own, and no chance at all if they teamed up. What kind of power was hiding in this different world?

Astra chuckled. “I must say, I feel honored that you would task my partner with such an important mission. However, I can’t help but wonder if one of Ash’s pokemon wouldn't be a better choice? He has proven himself again and again after all.” She narrowed her eyes. “W-what… no… of course I trust my partner. I trust her with my life. I’m… I’m just pointing out other alternatives.”

Nica lowered her head and tapped her forepaws together. No matter how hard she worked, her hero would always surpass her. To make matters worse, it turned out that Ash wanted to become the Pokemon Master, it was his biggest wish, and while he didn’t beat a single Elite Four member thus far, there was a chance he would one day challenge them. The idea of standing in the way of a superior trainer’s dream, more or less facing her hero in combat, made her feel terrible, yet she knew that holding back against them would only hurt their pride.

In the end she and her trainer weren’t interested in fame but pursued power and ways to use said power to protect those who couldn’t defend themselves. Weakening crime organizations and helping legendary pokemon in danger was their biggest desire, yet their motivation proved enough for them to defeat the best trainers in the world and acquire title they didn’t care about.

Ash Ketchum on the other side, his top goal was to become the Pokemon Master, but instead of winning tournaments and besting the Elite Four, he again and again interacted with legendary pokemon and kept the world safe.

There was nothing in the world she and Astra wished for more than to accomplish half the superior trainer did.

“Hey, Nica!”

The long-tailed critter looked at her trainer, now awoken from her thoughts. “Yes?”

“It turned out that while Palkia can send other pokemon into this new world, the travel itself is incredibly dangerous. Even for legendary pokemon, going into this other world will leave them very drained and injured. Sending ordinary pokemon would result in flattening them upon their arrival.”

Nica stomped and raised her clenched forepaw. <Don’t worry about me. Whatever the danger, I can endure.>

Astra glanced at the legendary pokemon for a moment and nodded before looking at her again. “Long story short, since we worked together with them in the past, they’re trusting you with this task. You need to investigate this new world, gather clues, earn the trust of its residents and warn them. Stop Darkrai and capture him if possible.”

Nica nodded, staring back with a growing determination.

“The reason why they chose you is due to your extreme survivability, your experience in dealing with criminals, and independence. You’ll go on this mission alone, so your thinking and skills will be necessary. Also, unlike Palkia and Dialga, your cute appearance is more trustworthy, which will make it easier to get residents of this world to cooperate. Your ability to write may come in handy too. After two months of time, Palkia will arrive in this other world and look into your progress or to take you back.”

<I understand. I’m honored to be given such responsibility. Just like my hero, I’ll face the dangers, no matter the odds.> Suddenly, she was wrapped in a hug.

“This isn’t forced upon you. If you wish, you can refuse, but if you’re really willing to do this mission on your own, remember this, I’m proud of you. You have become everything I had hoped for. Even if we aren’t anything special, I’m still happy how far we got.”

Nica wrapped her forepaws around her trainer’s neck. Together or separated, she was going to work as hard as she can. She was powerful after all, the idea of not being useful with all her power was unimaginable. Even if she could never accomplish half as much as her hero, an opportunity to protect an entire country was like the most precious treasure. When she’ll return, she will finally be able to raise her head in pride.

Nica opened her eyes and pushed to a sitting position, overflowing with energy. Did she sleep one night or an entire week she couldn’t tell but what she felt was indescribable. As if changing from a dry flower into a well-watered tree, or as if her body was tore apart, only to put together better than before. Even after recovering from her training when she pushed herself to near-death didn’t made her feel so revitalized.

A lot still weighed on her heart, the pain of betrayal where ponies she tried to protect hurt her, or the vision of her friends and even kind Fluttershy being mean to her, but it balanced itself thanks to her success. Due to her efforts, she played a big role in saving a nation, nearly crushed by the obstacles before her. Losing her memories and ending up at Darkrai’s mercy wasn’t part of the plan, but despite her drawback, she pulled through.

After a round of stretching, she noticed the blanket… most likely made by the Apple family, as well as a basket filled with apples, a few plates with sweets, muffins and cupcakes and a few best-wishes notes on the table.

She picked up a note and read aloud, <Stay awesome, and seriously, get an ego boost. You’re cool, maybe even cooler than me, so don’t even dare to think of yourself as worthless, got it? Your cool friend, Rainbow Dash.>

<I just wanted to say that… I understand you. I was under Twilight’s care from my birth and I tried to make her proud. I always aspired to be the best assistant I could be, to be helpful. I can see a similar desire in you, but way stronger. Know that you did incredibly well at it. As a fellow aspiring assistant, I admire you. Get better, Spike.>

<I must admit, taking care of you was a great experience and I learned a lot about your species and this other world you come from. If not for you, Darkrai would have his way. I wish you a fast recovery and I apologize if my treatment was an offense to you in any way, Twilight Sparkle. PS: I am looking forward to our cooperation in the near future. If you ever wish to learn anything about magic, just ask. >

<Dear Nica, thank you for keeping my family safe. I’m in your debt, Applejack. Get better, honorable family member> Nica picked another note, reading it aloud. <Thank you for saving me and Winona, I hope we can play once you’re better and that my blanket kept you warm. Stay healthy, Apple Bloom.>

Nica felt tears sliding down her face. All pain and mental trauma she experienced… worth it… if only to read the grateful words of a single filly. Not that the Apples weren’t grateful to her before, but there was a difference hearing it while feeling as if her body was going to shut down at any moment, and reading it while recovered.

She picked up three more notes. <We did it, I mean, you did it…> she blinked, trying to read the unrecognizable words written in obvious haste and excitement. <Helping feels so great, am I right? And I hope in your case that despite all the hardship you faced, it was worth it in the end. As for me, I loved being helpful and I’m sad I couldn’t keep your from harm. Cheers, and keep looking forward to more wing-hugs and belly rubs in the near future, Gabby.” Nica chuckled, her griffon friend truly was a familiar spirit.

<You always tried so hard to make us happy and were a really playful, energetic cutie. I’m really happy being your friend and I really, really don’t want to see you sad. Just say a word, and I’ll bake you whatever sweets and cakes you want. Your bestest friend, Pinkie Pie.>

With a growing smile and warming heart, she read the last note. <Hello there, Nica… it’s me, Starlight. First, I would like to apologize. If I didn’t listen to you and leave you in Cloudsdale, ponies there wouldn’t have hurt you as they did. Ever since we became friends and you chose to stay in the castle with me rather than with Fluttershy, I hoped we could work together, but again and again something kept us separated. I just want to say that I’m sorry for not being there for you as often as I should, but I’m here for you if you need me. I wish you peaceful recovery. PS: If not for you, Darkrai would start a war against Equestria and enslave us, certainly an achievement to be proud of. Cheer up, hero.>

Nica took a few quick breaths before nuzzling each and every note. She leaped from the bed and trotted on her two feet, no longer feeling pain with each step, only to stop upon noticing Pinkie Pie standing in the middle of the hallway.

“Nica, you’re awake!”

Nica smiled widely and ran at Pinkie, who grabbed her in mid-air with one foreleg and dashed towards the throne room, pushing her inside. The noise of an explosion put her on guard as she raised her tail defensively, only for confetti to fall onto her back and face. “Achoo!” she sneezed, shaking her head before seeing all of her friends inside the room with the rounded map. Get better signs and additional decoration filled the area. The most noticeable however was a massive strawberry cream-covered cake.

In a rush of excitement, Nica balanced herself on her rear feet and jumped, only to push herself from the roof with help of her tail before head slamming into the cake. The cream splashed over every quest as Nica’s head emerged from the cake as she licked her lip. A cheerful laughter filled the room.

Author's Note:

And so this is the final chapter of this very long story.

For those who wanted to see Darkrai suffer for all he did, I appologise, but it isn't something that Nica would want. While she didn't forgive Darkrai, she prefer to end this conflict rather than punish the one who tortured her.

I also said there wouldn't be any more past-dreams, but I was a little mistaken as Darkrai removing memory seal form Nica resulted in her having one final rush of past memories.

The very next week I will upload Epilogue of this story and Prologue + chapter 1 of the sequel. Link to the sequel will be in author notes of the epilogue.

(I hope you all enjoyed this story, as long as it was, and I am looking forward to your comments. As for the sequel, it will once again focus on slice of life element, but I can tell you that Nica will finally be forced to face her humility and her inferiority complex in it and get a big character development as she will share main character spot with the very one she admires so much. I hope despite this story being so long, you'll still be willing to give the sequel a chance).


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